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Emerald City 2017 - Season 1 Emerald City is an enchanting and visually stunning television show that first aired in 2017.

Emerald City 2017 - Season 1

Emerald City is an enchanting and visually stunning television show that first aired in 2017. This modern reimagining of the beloved Wizard of Oz franchise takes viewers on a captivating journey through the mystical and dangerous Kingdom of Oz. With its intricate plotlines, remarkable special effects, and talented cast, Emerald City quickly became a hit among fantasy enthusiasts.

Set in a dark and twisted version of Oz, Emerald City follows the adventures of Dorothy Gale, played by Adria Arjona. After being swept away from her mundane life in Kansas by a tornado, Dorothy finds herself in a strange land filled with witches, magic, and political turmoil. Determined to find her way back home, she embarks on a treacherous quest that will forever change the fate of Oz.

The show boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Vincent D'Onofrio as the enigmatic and powerful Wizard of Oz. D'Onofrio's portrayal brings depth and complexity to the character, making the Wizard both fascinating and morally ambiguous. Another standout performance comes from Oliver Jackson-Cohen, who plays the brooding and conflicted Scarecrow. Jackson-Cohen's portrayal perfectly captures the essence of a lost and tortured soul searching for meaning in a chaotic world.

One of the show's strongest attributes is its exceptional visual effects. The world of Oz is beautifully reimagined, with vibrant landscapes, magical creatures, and breathtaking set designs. From the towering walls of Emerald City to the dark and haunting forests, every location feels immersive and meticulously crafted. These visuals, coupled with the show's compelling narrative, create a sense of wonder and intrigue that keeps viewers hooked from the first episode.

The soundtrack of Emerald City also deserves special mention. Composed by Trevor Morris, the music perfectly complements the atmosphere of the show, enhancing both the epic and intimate moments. From haunting melodies that capture the essence of Oz's mystical nature to adrenaline-pumping orchestrations during action sequences, the score adds another layer of depth to the show's overall experience.

Fortunately for fans of Emerald City, the sounds and songs from the series are easily accessible. By visiting the show's official website, users can play and download the captivating soundscapes that have become an integral part of the Emerald City experience. Whether it's the haunting theme song or the triumphant orchestral pieces, these sounds allow fans to relive and immerse themselves in the magical world of Oz at any time.

In conclusion, Emerald City is a spellbinding television show that leaves a lasting impression on its viewers. With its talented cast, breathtaking visuals, and captivating storyline, it successfully breathes new life into the beloved Wizard of Oz universe. Whether you're a fan of fantasy or simply appreciate high-quality storytelling, Emerald City is a must-watch. So why not dive into the stunning world of Oz and experience the magic for yourself?
A boy.
A message.
A witch's spells are her own.
Absorb it.
Accept the payment.
An example.
And choose a new mask.
And did she?
And found.
And his daughter.
And I have the power to do it.
And I'll keep the guns.
And I'll tell you.
And if you don't change yourself back into one,
And if you help me, I'll take The Wizard with me.
And it's wrong.
And let us take away any currency he needs to rebuild it.
And no harm will come to you.
And now the Queen will know how grateful I am.
And the first death
And though exposed, it is of my own choosing.
And unseat The Wizard alone.
And what does that feel like?
And what of him?
And your guns.
Are my weapons at the ready?
Are to blame for the end of our kind.
Are you ready, little Queen?
As a boy.
As you once stood united with King Pastoria,
At least look at me!
Be calm! I am sound.
Be magic, riches, or an army, it makes no different.
Be who you were.
Because she was already dead.
Because the one from the West almost did.
Because we are fair,
Before you are sentenced.
Between Glinda and The Wizard.
Both base magics.
But I am.
But I'm not just gonna free Nahara.
But if I help The Wizard,
But Mistress West sold the soul of our world
But Nahara does, doesn't she?
But you have your giants. Use them.
Can't we just, you know, fly to wherever?
Children will be killed.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Currency to protect my family.
Despite how much I tried to help you
Did you make one for this?
Do for her what you did for me.
Do it!
Do it. Do it!
Do you feel her inside you?
Do you have any idea
Do you remember?
Do you understand?
Do you wonder why you're still alive
Don't do this to me.
Don't go.
Don't make me choose.
Dorothy's not an assassin.
Dressed and ready for war!
Emerald City, the throne, that's what you want.
Everything's going to be okay.
Fight with me to rise again.
Fine. What else do we need?
Fix her like you fixed me.
Fix her!
Follow us to Emerald City
For death?
For her own escape,
For joy.
For longing.
For me.
For The Wizard and the man who killed my family.
For the Wizard?
For you.
Frank, you have taken everything else from me.
Frank? Who's that?
Free magic?
Free magic.
Free me...
Go your own way.
He can't be stopped.
He couldn't lose her, and you don't have to either.
He possesses the the Emerald Dagger given by his father.
He would have burnt the Tribal Freelands
He'll destroy everything for those guns.
He's doubled his payment.
He's going to execute her.
He's gonna take me back to where I belong.
Help your sister to her feet.
Her daughter.
Her sons...
Her words were false.
His soldiers will kill you.
How did you do that?
How do you know they'll follow me?
How many masks did you make her?
How they loved me.
How very maternal of you.
I am a Cardinal Witch and you will hear my truth
I am The Wizard of Oz!
I can repair her.
I can't.
I demand an audience with the Queen!
I didn't.
I died and came back to life.
I don't feel any magic.
I don't feel like it.
I don't understand.
I don't want trouble with any of you.
I don't want you dead.
I don't want you dead...
I felt them,
I finally have what I care about most.
I have.
I hope you've chosen wisely.
I I'll make it for you now.
I killed her!
I know every detail.
I know the only reason you have kept me alive
I know your father is no longer around to teach you.
I made her masks to hide a face that never aged.
I might as well put them to good use.
I need you to raise the Eternal Warriors for me.
I never happened to you.
I salvaged what remained.
I saw my family.
I see you're very smart.
I shot her!
I want her to raise the Giants again.
I want Nahara free too.
I want Ojo.
I wanted you to have power.
I watched them murdered by a man wearing the mask of a lion.
I'd send you home if I could, but it's not possible.
I'll make them.
I'll split you in two if you touch me with those.
I'm already dead.
I'm Dorothy Gale. I ripped the sky.
I'm free.
I'm gonna free all of them.
I'm here. I'm here.
I'm not drinking a witch's insides.
I'm nothing but tin, like her.
I'm sorry, Ojo.
I'm the only one left who knows you're a fraud.
I've never felt better.
If anyone comes...
If her soldiers don't turn over the guns,
If I spoke truth.
If the Wizard cannot defend us.
If we fly, Glinda will find out about you.
If you call me any name other than that again...
If you don't put down your weapons.
If you find it more agreeable.
If you kill me,
If you make me kill her,
In certain circles, I was known as the Wicked Witch of the West.
Is because my work has value to you.
It comes for you.
It means "Leader of Oz."
It might be your last.
It must hurt
It proves nothing.
It took magic to raise them, and The Wizard doesn't have any.
It was a secret the King swore me to keep.
It was Mistress East who locked you in the prison.
It was your job to help me.
It will not be done.
It worked.
It's a boy in a dress!
It's a force to be reckoned with.
It's familiar. But lost.
It's going to be okay.
It's okay.
It's the only thing that was ever really mine.
It's the only way to stop the war
Its seeds sown into the fabric of this land.
Jack! Wait!
Jane, she's been shot. You have to do something.
Jane, she's been shot. You have to do something.
Jane! Jane, you have to help!
Just so you can take a piss standing up?
Just the gold.
Kill him!
Kill me.
Last chance to save your life.
Let his kingdom be destroyed this time.
Let me go.
Let them in.
Let us be...
Like what?
Look at me!
Lucas, not like this...
Madame Queen?
Many years ago,
Maybe on the other side...
Mistress East and I, we had a partnership.
Mistress West freed your hides.
More than your apostate of a sister did for us.
Most Merciful and Stern.
My life is worth nothing
My Queen, The Beast is nearly upon us.
My sister...
My soldiers kill yours.
Nahara was sacrifice.
Nahara... is... is she...
Neither we were before we fell into this world, but I did.
Never surrender your weapons!
No one can take that away from you.
No one will follow you.
No, Jack...
No. I was just there.
No. No.
None can question its authenticity.
None here will be intimidated by The Wizard's whore.
Not a captain of an army who's never seen a fight!
Not anymore.
Not for me.
Not for your own pettdulgces.
Not this too. You can't!
Now she will pay for the sins of her sisters,
Now tell me, what do you feel?
Now that I've got all this witch stuff inside me,
Of your Queen
Oh, you put them down!
Ojo, you deserve to see her again.
One for love.
One for rage.
One for sadness.
Only the King survived.
Only the sick and dying remain.
Or I'll gladly throw you back in prison
Or we can die apart.
Or you die.
Oz is magic.
Ozma is dead.
Ozma was born a girl.
People will be killed, Nahara.
Perhaps this payment
Please don't become that.
Possessions can be lost.
Previously on "Emerald City"...
Prison of the Abject. We can't unlock it.
Ready your weapons!
Shapeshifting and sound waves.
She can't die!
She is just a girl!
She set herself apart from us, denied us our place.
She stands against her sisters.
She stands against those who truly act again the sisterhood.
She tried to love you, Jack, as best she could.
She wants you to get up off your sorry ass and help me.
She was weak, as we all are.
She's standing in the way of survival.
Sit down.
Slaughtered the Royal Family.
So do it.
So help her to her feet.
So is she!
So is she!
So let me give you a lesson in how to negotiate properly.
So our people lived.
So was everyone I cared about when you damned me to live here.
So your parents will go unavenged
Soldier, move away from the gold.
Soldiers of Ev,
Something's happening. I I can't stop it.
Stop Glinda.
Stop him!
Stop me, Dorothy!
Stop me!
Stop me!
Stop me! Dorothy, please, stop me!
Surely I can cast a stupid spell.
Take her life and your heart will be free.
Take it with you.
Taken? Taken by who?
Tell me what you need.
Tell me.
Tell them
Tell them to put down their guns and join us.
Thank you for understanding me.
Thank you.
That I was real!
That was death.
That's what we'll do to The Wizard.
That's why he imprisoned Nahara?
That's why I gave you my sister's powers!
The Beast Forever destroyed this kingdom.
The destruction is coming.
The end.
The Eternal Warriors.
The guns are ours.
The horrible Wizard of Oz!
The one true heir to the throne, Ozma.
The pain... it never stopped.
The people of Ev, they know I've been generous.
The Queen!
The Queen...
The rest of the prisoners, where are they?
The rest, I rebuilt.
The Stone Giants.
The weapons are all the power we need to defend ourselves.
The Wizard and his men have Langwidere.
The Wizard has oppressed the magic that is your birthright...
The Wizard is here?
The Wizard sent her to kill me.
Their magic will unite with ours to end The Wizard for good.
Their power is locked in the Prison of the Abject.
Then go deeper still.
Then let's go.
Then make me the gun.
Then she'll want you for her own.
Then so will I.
Then taste my sister's magic.
Then there will be harm.
Then you get nothing.
They can't!
They were manufactured to outfit my men.
This boy is no Ozma.
This is me!
This is what I've always been.
This is what the magic found.
This is who I really am.
This is why you had me drink East's spells.
This isn't petty! This is me!
This magic can't be tricked.
This... this... This skin...
Those here and gone.
Those weapons that you have!
To cut down The Wizard.
To Emerald City.
To end the one who imprisoned you:
To forget her pain.
To free my wife from the Prison of the Abject.
To have her home.
To have someone else all over me, infecting me?
To have someone else all over me, infecting me?
To keep his secret.
To know that no one will listen.
To look in the mirror and see a stranger staring back?
To stop Glinda permanently.
Try to be worthy.
Turn around
Two witches aren't just going to walk into Emerald City
Unless you stand with me against this man.
Use the gauntlets, please!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
War is good.
We can fight together
We have your gold. We have your guns.
We honor King Pastoria
We no longer need The Wizard of Oz.
We no longer need The Wizard of Oz.
We'll try it your way.
We're done.
Well, that's what she would have said.
West took everyone but the dead and dying.
What am I supposed to do without you?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What do we do?
What do you want from her?
What does she command?
What does that mean?
What happened to the Witches?
What happened?
What imposter do you bring before us?
What is your wish?
What it was like for me
What kind of a name is Ozma?
What would my father have done?
When it was my time.
When these men in this room have killed everyone else around you?
When we first met, you told me the Wizard animated the Giants.
Where are you going?
Where is your Queen?
Where's your Queen?
Why did you lie to me?
Why did you take to a witch who wanted to kill me?
Why don't you try and convince them?
Why would she want me?
Will be the most tragic and unnecessary death
Will help the girl come to her senses.
Without Ozma, there is no Oz.
Without you, there is no army.
Won't be her life that you're begging for.
Yeah, I heard that.
Yeah, I know, I'm trespass. I remember.
Yet you didn't help me when we found Oz.
You all die.
You and your Cardinal sisters
You are the only child of Samuel and Katherine Pastoria.
You are true.
You are true.
You being here... You...
You came here to save Langwidere.
You can't be part of me.
You can't go like that.
You can't go.
You can't, can you?
You can't.
You didn't kill her, Jack.
You don't summon magic.
You even discredited me.
You got your wish.
You have my gold.
You have the powers of a Cardinal Witch.
You have to do something! Please, fix her!
You have to help her!
You have to help her!
You hold the power of my sacred sister,
You just wanted her magic so you could free your sisters.
You let me believe she was real!
You make yourself presentable for your soldiers.
You now stand with his child,
You put your guns down or your Queen is lost!
You should have never been.
You should have never happened.
You take power where you can find it.
You want revenge for your parents.
You want to destroy the Wizard.
You were alive when we found you.
You were born a girl.
You were never kind to me, Jane.
You will hear the charges against you
You will never have your revenge.
You'll bring Nahara to me?
You're a clever girl.
You're a traitor, and you will speak no more.
You're dooming us to repeat the past
You're joking.
You're making an enemy of The Wizard.
You're not supposed to.
You've lost your army to fight Glinda.
Your army of magic.
Your army of Witches.
Your father had many and that's who we'll recruit.
Yours too.
Aim. No!
I killed her, Jane. No.
I'm nobody's whore. You're worse.
Jack... How many?
No! So is she!
No! This body, these parts...
Tear him in two. Oh, grow up.
The Wizard is death. Yes.
This is all my fault. You didn't kill her.
You are Revenge. Answer me.
You are. No, I'm not!
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