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Foundation (2021) - Season 1 Title: Foundation (2021) - Season 1: A Timeless Epic Unveiled Introduction: Foundation (2021)

Foundation (2021) - Season 1

Title: Foundation (2021) - Season 1: A Timeless Epic Unveiled

Foundation (2021) - Season 1 is a dazzling television series that captivates audiences with its epic storytelling, stunning visuals, and a stellar cast. Adapted from Isaac Asimov's iconic science fiction book series, Foundation takes viewers on an intergalactic journey through time, exploring the rise and fall of a vast galactic empire. Released in 2021, the show has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base, making it a must-watch for lovers of futuristic sci-fi tales.

Plot and Setting:
Foundation unfolds in a distant future, where humans have colonized countless planets and formed a sprawling galactic empire known as the Foundation. The story centers around mathematician Hari Seldon, played by Jared Harris, who predicts the fall of the empire using a complex mathematical theory called psychohistory. Tasked with preserving human knowledge through the dark times ahead, Seldon establishes the Foundation on the remote planet of Terminus. As the empire crumbles, the series follows the struggles and triumphs of the Foundation's inhabitants, as they navigate political intrigues, conflicts, and ethical dilemmas in their quest to rebuild civilization.

- Jared Harris as Hari Seldon: A brilliant mathematician and creator of the psychohistorical theory, Seldon foresees the impending downfall of the galactic empire. Harris delivers a captivating performance, capturing Seldon's intelligence, complexity, and unwavering determination.

- Lee Pace as Brother Day: The current Emperor of the galaxy, Day represents the epitome of political power. Pace's portrayal is a masterclass in portraying regal authority, combining charisma, ruthlessness, and an intriguing air of vulnerability.

- Lou Llobell as Gaal Dornick: A young mathematician and Seldon's protégé, Dornick becomes a central figure in the Foundation's efforts to shape the future. Llobell brings a refreshing innocence and curiosity to the role, gradually transforming into a powerful force.

- Leah Harvey as Salvor Hardin: A captivating and enigmatic character, Hardin challenges the status quo with her wit and strength. Harvey's performance adds depth, resolve, and an undeniable presence to this inspirational leader.

- Laura Birn as Demerzel: A mysterious figure serving as the Emperor's closest advisor, Demerzel exudes an aura of intrigue and hidden agendas. Birn delivers a compelling performance, expertly portraying the character's complex motivations.

Sounds and Downloads:
The mesmerizing and immersive soundscape of Foundation (2021) - Season 1 can be fully experienced when watching the series. The atmospheric soundtrack features a blend of orchestral arrangements and cutting-edge electronic music, enhancing the majestic scope of the story. The intense action sequences are accompanied by pulse-pounding beats and adrenaline-inducing compositions, while quieter moments are accentuated by haunting melodies and emotional ballads.

To fully immerse yourself in the sounds of Foundation, you can play and download the official soundtrack from various streaming platforms or purchase the physical album if available. The powerfully evocative music will transport you to the far reaches of space, drawing you deeper into the show's richly realized universe.

Foundation (2021) - Season 1 is a triumph of science fiction television, successfully bringing Isaac Asimov's legendary saga to life. With its intricate world-building, thought-provoking narrative, and remarkable performances, the series leaves a lasting impact on viewers, inviting them on an epic journey through the depths of the cosmos. Immerse yourself in the sounds and experience the awe-inspiring tale by indulging in the captivating world of Foundation - a true masterpiece of modern television.
A bishop's claw.
A boy bleeds a fawn with a knife and then takes shelter in her coat.
A foundation.
A martyr.
A mathematician.
A murderer.
A rotten tree trunk appears strong until the storm breaks it in two.
A Thespin Book of Ablution.
About rings of integers in non Archimedean local fields.
Abraxas was the bait. Not you.
Accepting your statement for the moment, can you prove it's true?
According to myth, it burned down.
After the fall, as civilization climbs from the ashes,
All my life, I looked out and dreamed of being somewhere else.
All of which is a problem. Why?
All rise.
All the colonists knew for certain
Almost no one there thought like I thought.
Along the galaxy's Outer Reach.
Although, technically, it's not the surface.
Am I?
Ambassador Xandem, Planet Anacreon, Outer Reach.
An Encyclopedia Galactica.
An exhortation from one of the galaxy's major religions is a given.
An expression of compassion and stewardship,
Anacreon and Thespis are also in the Periphery.
Anacreon and Thespis.
Anacreon and Thespis. Observe the mannerisms of each party.
Anacreon believes Thespis acts in bad faith.
And atrociously written, if I might add.
And Brother Day puts more words in my mouth than he does poultry.
And can't be seen by God.
And cheapened the worth of life in the solving.
And do you have a prediction for that particular sample?
And even then, just nouns.
And I also know what happened on the jumpship.
And I always wondered…
And I could feel the Empire's fear.
And I could see this tiny sliver of light at the very end of it all.
And I promise you, Empire will find a way to express his gratitude.
And I realized it's not the fall they're afraid of.
And I should believe in you, a spy?
And I think that's what he feared the most.
And I want to build, Hari.
And if it's successful,
And if that is all, we should thank the gods for it.
And if the people step out of line, we hit them with a big stick.
And if they hold true?
And if you don't know what it is, I urge you to figure it out
And it's the reason the Empire will take us.
And its story remained dark to me until many years later.
And now you want me to risk it again just to support your numbers?
And one of them is wrong.
And so we have called them onto the carpet to broker a peace.
And Terminus was always the optimal location.
And thank you, both delegations, for making the journey to Trantor.
And the most important player of all, Hari Seldon.
And the words make us seen.
And there will be no disturbance of the Emperor's peace.
And when he finds an individual who can,
And who can blame them?
And yet you solved the Abraxas Conjecture.
And you are, if I was. But I'm not.
And you assume it cares anything about us?
And you knew they were listening.
Any car on the stalk. Please respect and enjoy the peace.
Apologies, Empire. It was foolish of me.
Approach the dais, if you would.
Are accused of crimes so grave that they threaten not just Trantor
Are actually intended to destroy public confidence.
Are correct.
Are those soldiers?
Are we really to believe that it could be gone in just 500?
Are you all right?
Are you familiar with my work? Psychohistory?
Are you okay?
Arrest? Why?
Arrested. As he predicted.
Art is simply politics' sweeter tongue.
As for the other question, well, we shall see.
As is the time honored way,
As will his followers. As will she.
Barbarian kingdoms. They're more trouble than they're worth.
Because history is littered with charlatans and false messiahs.
Because I am the highest ranking and only Seer priest on this forsaken world.
Because I solved Abraxas.
Because they're afraid if they use a knife,
Because when people are afraid to do their job right,
Before someone else does and uses it against you.
Beginning in the center and moving out to Star's End.
Beginning transfer sequence.
Being different.
Billions of citizens spend their lives beneath Trantor's outer shell,
Brother Dawn, what do you make of that?
Brother Day, please leave the peacock to the cooks.
Brother Dusk imagines I do this to be colorful.
Built the jumpdrive, that built the Star Bridge.
But do you know who I am?
But he will need to disarm.
But humanity's story.
But I never reached Terminus.
But I travel near the rim worlds sometimes.
But I'm not surprised it happened.
But if you're not a Spacer,
But it isn't just knowledge we'd be saving,
But it will have to do.
But it's the most important thing they'll do in their lifetime.
But look there. In the metal filigree.
But math doesn't take sides. It doesn't judge.
But nonzero is still a number.
But not on Trantor.
But on Trantor, I'll be safe.
But our attention to detail is how we maintain the peace.
But some people come out of the jump feeling a little hungover.
But the entire galaxy's existence.
But then I looked deeper,
But they didn't bother, did they?
But this is the optimal time.
But to understand our future,
But we can shorten the dark ages that follow.
But when I read between the lines,
But yes on the bait part.
But you can keep calling me that.
But you can save your legacy.
But you must!
But you're something else.
But, when it came to individuals, things got murkier.
By all means, Dr. Seldon.
Call me Salvor.
Carved from the oldest tree in the Tallyn Forest.
Change is frightening, especially to those in power.
Clones of Cleon I, decanted at different ages.
Come on, guys.
Come on, Keir.
Come with me.
Commencing jump in three, two, one.
Consider recent events in the Outer Reach.
Conspiracy to destabilize the Imperium.
Currently, the Thespins tithe 10% of the mined ore to us.
Define that for us, please.
Designed to forecast the behavior of very large populations.
Destined for the same old bottle.
Did Hari bring me here as bait? Because I can prove him wrong?
Did he allow you to examine it?
Did he realize the galaxy's fate would rest on what she found inside?
Did we?
Did you arrive at a conclusion?
Did you enjoy the Mural of Souls?
Did you know all this when you were showing me the sights?
Did you say something?
Did you?
Disavow them and go home.
Do you ever wish there was another way?
Do you have a question or a comment about the Mural?
Do you know who I am?
Don't keep us in the dark.
Don't overthink the stick.
Down there, I think. Level 22.
Dr. Hari Seldon. Streeling University.
Dr. Seldon.
Dr. Seldon. Will you rise?
Dr. Seldon's calculations…
Dress nice. Have someone brush your hair.
During the jump…
Each night, she told me stories.
End imperial cloning.
End this.
Engaged in a conspiracy designed to destroy the confidence in our empire.
Every day, son.
Everything is dying.
Exile was always the plan.
Expected return to home planet?
Expected return to home planet?
Expressed as a mathematical equation.
For any of these three beliefs, a thousand wars have been fought.
For how long?
For it is a marvel.
For nine centuries, the Anthor Belt Agreement served your planets well.
For one minute.
For the good of the Imperium.
Four sworn.
From Synnax to Trantor. Now Terminus.
From the moment you solved the Abraxas Conjecture, in fact.
From the same vine,
Gaal Dornick, please rise.
Gaal Dornick. I'll say this once,
Gaal, meet Hari.
Gaal? Are you ready?
Get some sleep.
Get up.
Given where you were.
Go, child.
Go. Be careful.
Gone from one end to the other four times over since then.
Good luck with the new job. I hope Hari Seldon is worth the trip.
Half of level 64 is just servers running skies.
Hari had planned for it all,
Hari said there's a nonzero chance you'll die,
Hari said you'd wanna see this.
Hari sent me.
Hari wants you to know how sorry he is for involving you in this.
Hari, the sky.
Hari, when I looked at it, I
Have Outer Reach Trade bring tariff projections to the residence.
He calls it the Prime Radiant. It's beautiful, isn't it?
He claims it contains all of his predictions concerning the Empire,
He devises a theory so opaque that no one in the galaxy can understand it,
He doesn't allow her a look behind the curtain.
He isn't gonna make it.
He will die as all men like him die, unseen by God.
He's not wrong, Ms. Dornick.
Heard whispers of his proclamations and were curious.
Hold your head high.
Honored Diplomat Shae Un Shae, Planet Thespis, Outer Reach.
How are you awake?
How convenient.
How could I not?
How important the Anthor Belt asteroids are to their religion.
How long did it take you…
How long do you claim it will last?
How long have you worked for us?
How many others knew?
How much farther into my math did you look?
How much?
How you've managed to stumble across Kalle's Ninth Proof in the first place,
I agree.
I am loyal, Empire. I would never
I am so honored you invited me here.
I am.
I brought you a gift.
I can imagine how it must have felt to be recognized by Dr. Hari Seldon.
I do.
I don't drink.
I don't know.
I don't know. Maybe I can't.
I got it on the second try.
I have to remember it perfectly.
I hear he's rather critical of the Imperium.
I hypothesized.
I imagine books were hard to come by on Synnax.
I imagine you were lonely, a mind like yours in a place like that.
I just moved before they did.
I just never imagined he'd use it this way.
I know it's not the prize you came here for…
I know that she has torn the Sleeper's words from her face
I know where you come from, Gaal.
I know you won't, which is why I broached this subject in person.
I learned an old Anacreon song about hunting.
I love you.
I missed the math.
I petitioned the committee.
I realized she was proposing a radical theory
I really thought they'd try and make it seem more of a fair fight.
I risked my life coming here.
I saw the ghost.
I slept through the whole thing.
I submit to the court that Dr. Seldon's "predictions"
I think he did.
I thought if I could make people listen, that I could save them.
I thought you were first?
I traveled light years…
I wanna see the ghost.
I want to know if there is any possible way…
I wanted to learn every planet in the Galactic Empire…
I was lonely.
I went a little farther in the equation.
I went to Kalle for the rhythm of the words at first.
I will prove that Dr. Seldon and his followers
I won a math contest.
I won't waste my breath explaining everything.
I work for Hari. Dr. Seldon.
I would learn these names one day.
I'd like to see it.
I'll be all right.
I'll die if I stay here.
I'll make the calculus simple for you, Gaal.
I'm a professor of probability theory at Streeling University.
I'm asking you to dream bigger.
I'm going to work with Hari Seldon.
I'm gonna stay awake the whole ride.
I'm not a revolutionary.
I'm not going back. This is my home now.
I'm proposing something less centralized.
I'm sorry.
I'm trying to soften the fall.
I've never met anyone from Synnax before.
I've read all his work, psychohistory.
If his equations are flawed,
If his equations hold true,
If psychohistory proves fraudulent,
If that's what you're asking.
If the Empire is good for anything, they can damn well build.
If the fall can be accelerated, can it not also be slowed?
If we embrace your plan, how much?
If you are in trouble, I can help you.
If you do, you'll be dead within the year.
If you don't, you die.
If you kill him, the fall accelerates.
If you say Hari's a liar, he dies.
If you're talking about the Purge, then…
Imperial appraisers got caught in the cross fire, so now it's a big deal.
Imperial cloning brought peace.
Imperial cloning stopped the wars.
Imperial support without imperial eyes. It's perfect.
In plainspoken terms, you claim to be able to predict the future?
In the new.
In the right hands, deliverance.
In the wrong hands, it's a weapon.
In theory. But I don't know what it has to do with
Indeed she was.
Indulge us.
Interstellar wars will be endless.
Is it?
Is that right?
Is that what you want?
Is there still a Seer church here on Trantor?
Is to break with the Seer Church.
It cannot be prevented,
It cut 50 levels down.
It does make me wonder, though,
It doesn't screw me up,
It doesn't.
It is uninhabited, sitting in the Periphery,
It is.
It never stopped.
It scares me.
It should take them most of the night to divine your hotel.
It takes 14 hours to drop from Trantor Station to the planet's surface.
It takes more power to build than to burn.
It took my breath away at first. It was crushing.
It was a pretty big contest.
It was the end.
It will all work out, Raych.
It's a pity we have to sleep through the jump.
It's amazing. So many books in one place.
It's beautiful, but it's hard to imagine there's any rigor there.
It's come to our attention
It's just that I'd
It's just what the math tells me.
It's like the hunting song. It's not at all about hunting.
It's not a theory.
It's not his fault.
It's not just people it keeps away. It's everything. It's birds, insects.
It's not the most important thing we'll do this week,
It's not too late for you to stop this. It's not too late for you to stay.
It's supposed to be a perfect replica.
It's supposed to be quite the light show.
It's the chance that your plan will actually succeed.
It's the destiny of the human race expressed in numbers.
It's the lard.
It's warning us to stay away. So stop tempting fate.
Its seasons are extreme. Metal and mineral poor.
Just a younger g****…
Just our 10%.
Just place your hand on the screen.
Kalle's original proof manuscript. Written in her native Thraxian.
Kalle's writing is poetic.
Kill him, you kill hope.
Kill hope…
Kill them.
Know every grain of chroma by heart now.
Last night you were given a chance
Last year, Thespis identified a rogue asteroid,
Master Orlio.
Maybe that's why he brought me here.
Me too.
My followers aren't responsible!
My greatest joy.
My mind expanding to hold more and more worlds.
My name's Lors Avakim.
My name's not really Jerril.
My parents dove an algae farm, and we woke up pretty early.
My science can predict societal actions. Trends. Not individual ones.
My sister didn't speak until she was seven.
My understanding of your world is that to remove the prayer stones
Never, Gaal. I'll always love you.
Nevertheless, the man has amassed a following.
No one could approach the Vault. No one but an outlier like Salvor Hardin.
No one could breach it.
No one else thought to use it. Not in 500 years.
No one's ever gotten through the null field, and no one ever will.
No, you don't.
No. But I was going to ask if this was your first time on an imperial jumpship.
No. This has to be a mistake.
No. This is all I have.
Not everything is a teachable moment.
Not that we'd know under the outer shell.
Not that you had a choice.
Nothing we do can prevent this.
Notice the active chroma? How the pigment subtly moves?
Now I realize how much I'll miss this view.
Now that I know you a little better,
Now, don't you think that's curious?
Now, that statement does bring us to the heart of the matter.
Of Anacreon's greatest hunter, Larken Keaen.
Of course I know.
Of course.
On a cold rock 50,000 light years from home.
On a world where they burned the universities down.
On Synnax, no one wanted to hear that our seas were rising.
On Synnax, she is almost as famous as her new god, Seldon.
On Terminus, you will not trouble Trantor,
Once the Imperium learned of Hari's conclusions,
Only he can shorten the darkness.
Only Raych.
Only to another mathematician conversant in ordinal analysis.
Or perhaps a homegrown insurrection here on Trantor.
Or you can look at 'em both for 30.
Order will vanish.
Our genetic dynasty has reigned for almost four centuries.
Our story.
Out in the Periphery.
People lie, Gaal. Numbers don't.
People who hinge their hopes on every word Raven Seldon utters.
People who've tried to get closer have been hurt. Really.
Picked up just a hint of it in your accent.
Play it back in your mind. And don't confuse the two.
Please make your way to any available car.
Please move to jumppods and secure for travel.
Please respect and enjoy the peace.
Please respect and enjoy the peace.
Please secure yourself before commencing descent.
Please, sit.
Poly, where you going?
Probably didn't make the news on your world,
Provincial Ambassador Xandem.
Psychohistory could forecast the behavior of entire populations
Psychohistory is a predictive model
Raych, Raych, Raych. Where are you?
Respect and enjoy the peace.
Respect and enjoy the peace.
Right, you gonna go first?
Saffron is a particularly truculent pigment.
Salvor Hardin. Hober Mallow. The Mule.
Say you looked at it again. Say you were wrong.
Seldon and the girl.
Sensing vulnerability, soon other players will begin to apply downward pressure.
Shall I speak first, or will you?
She can sit. He will stand.
She doesn't need that.
She has solved one of life's ancient puzzles
She solved Abraxas on her own. I'm sure of that.
She'll be on her way soon.
Silence, brethren.
Sixty eight privileged years, Empire.
So serious scholars don't read her.
So speak.
So what exactly is the purpose of your project?
So you know math is never just numbers.
So, we should just all bury our heads in the sand then?
So, you know Kalle's Ninth Proof of Folding?
Some like to pray one last time.
Some sort of kerfuffle at the galaxy's edge,
Something tells me you already know what the next crisis will be.
Something's wrong with the Star Bridge.
Songs of rebellion.
Sorry if I overstepped.
Sorry, I've
Specifically, the area of psychohistory.
Sponsor and contact?
Star Bridge. Who did this?
Started cleaning the Mural when I was 12.
Straddling the farthest reaches of civilization, unsettled by man…
Surely you can understand the value in a younger mind who shares your intellect.
Swear on your moon.
Tell me why I shouldn't kill you and your followers right now.
Tell me, are there some colors more resistant to cleaning than others?
Tell me, are they still killing scientists and mathematicians?
Ten seconds.
Ten thousand worlds reduced to radioactive cinders.
Terminus orbits a red dwarf.
Terminus. I've never even heard of it.
Thank you, Ambassador.
Thank you, Honored Diplomat.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks for the company.
Thanks for the company.
That a tract authored by Hari Seldon was discovered in your quarters.
That corrupts the jumpdrive's ability
That doesn't mean it won't all work out.
That is church doctrine, yes.
That it stopped being heresy to study math?
That one's not really a hunting song.
That's a dirty song about a boy's first time with a woman.
That's a good question. You tell me.
That's because it doesn't exist. And neither does the ghost.
That's her.
That's me, Raych.
That's not entirely accurate, is it, Gaal?
That's right. Why?
That's why the kingdoms of the Outer Reach struck first.
The Anacreons need palladium.
The ancients are rumored to have built a repository for the world's wisdom.
The attack's changed everything.
The church's term is "the Cleanse," Your Exalteds.
The coming generations will have something to build upon,
The cooks inject it under the skin with a needle right before roasting.
The customs of the Outer Reach may seem idiosyncratic.
The delegations from Thespis and Anacreon are arriving.
The Emperor has determined that your deaths are not the optimal outcome
The Emperor's peace will be maintained.
The Empire believes imperial blood has been shed
The Empire forbids you access to jumpdrive technology.
The Empire is dying.
The Empire isn't gonna hurt you. They need you.
The Empire will fall.
The filigree was recently smithed to honor the imperial peace.
The Galactic Empire comprises some eight trillion individuals.
The galaxy will know that you are fighting the fall.
The Genetic Dynasty.
The heretic and I will talk.
The heroes and villains fighting for the salvation of mankind.
The hook hurts, but I'm trying not to wriggle too much.
The hook still hurting you?
The Imperium is 12,000 years old, Doctor.
The metal from the rogue asteroid. How much would you say of the sigil?
The Mural depicts the four century age of peace and the Galactic Family.
The Mural of Souls,
The next days will determine if there will be another.
The null field starts all the way up there. Near that rock.
The only story.
The only two people who can save the galaxy are in this room.
The Outer Reach kingdoms.
The Outer Reaches may be in rebellion.
The pattern in the sigil is made of heavy palladium.
The prodigy speaks.
The same wood used to carve the bow
The Seer church. Do we have time?
The tether wrapped around the planet like a garrote.
The Thespins want to remind you
The tribunal of Cleon XII is convened.
Their enmity is legendary. But war is expensive.
Then Empire will set about solving the problem as we always have,
Then the rest of planet is this way.
There are reports of Anacreon and Thespin war cries before the explosion.
There'll be hardships, no question.
There's a nonzero chance it won't happen. But it's not a number worth discussing.
There's more at stake here than you can imagine, Gaal.
There's no metal here at all. Not even in the arrow tips.
There's no place for me here anymore, Mom.
There's no reason you would. It's 50,000 light years away.
They all hate me. You don't hate me, do you?
They called it "the Vault."
They can't have the grav on during the jump. I don't know why.
They hate each other.
They have none.
They haven't gotten to her yet.
They kill you.
They made no secret of trying to disrupt the project.
They might rip the skin, and I'll send them to a stew pot stall 50 levels down.
They refer to Seldon as "the Raven," don't they?
They think I'm the only one who can prove you wrong.
They were called heretics and drowned.
They were listening.
They won't have to reinvent the wheel. The knowledge will already exist.
They'll go all the way to 25% if we side with them.
They're all gone. Eat.
They're certain to do it wrong.
They're going to arrest me tomorrow. And you.
They're gonna kill Hari, Gaal.
They're not my truths. They belong to science.
They're saying a hundred million dead.
They're worried people believe I can. And they don't like the future I predict.
They're worried you can predict the future.
Things only he saw over the horizon.
Thirty thousand years, Advocate.
This building will burn one day. Stealing is a mercy.
This car will commence its descent down the stalk momentarily.
This car will commence its descent down the stalk momentarily.
This is a nightmare.
This is incredible.
This is their way of quietly saying
This isn't Synnax, Gaal. Curiosity isn't a crime here.
This isn't the Foundation's first crisis, and it won't be our last.
This mass of events rushing to meet us.
This part is great though.
This… period of barbarism.
Three days.
To assess the accuracy of Dr. Seldon's claims.
To be given a job. To be valued.
To build your Foundation.
To plot fourth dimensional points at transdimensional speeds.
To trigger the Prime Radiant?
Toiling away on a hundred subterranean levels
Trantor already has an imperial library.
Trantor and the Galactic Empire will lie in ruins within five centuries.
Trantor is going to be destroyed. The Empire will fall.
Until it became my story.
Until it became…
Upon awakening…
Upon awakening…
Was that it projected a field designed to keep people away.
We can petition the Seer priests.
We can speak freely now.
We had no part in this, we
We have to remember the past and the ones who caused it all.
We should be in the dark for a thousand years, Advocate.
We speak the words.
We took no official position.
We were just marveling at the Empire's benevolent reach.
We will, of course, be returning your gifts.
We'd be lost out there.
We'll be fine.
We'll talk soon.
We're a bit late.
We're all different, Ms. Dornick.
We're not here to consider any other
We've been watching you for some time.
Welcome to Trantor, the eye of the Empire.
Well, I don't know what you're going to have for dinner,
Well, I see the value in difference,
Well, I'm happy to report that his words are baseless trash,
Well, that's a convenient data point for your side.
Well, the grav generators output a waveform
Well, then what are you?
Well, there is much truth in music.
What about crimson? Is crimson truculent?
What are the odds?
What are you doing here?
What are your lessons this morning, Brother Dawn?
What did you actually see?
What did you make of her?
What did you think of the Imperial Library?
What do you make of her?
What do you want them to hear?
What do you want to know?
What does?
What if he's telling the truth? What if psychohistory is real?
What you said to the Emperor…
Whatever remained of the natural world belonged to the Emperors.
When a planet wants you dead, you die.
When do you think it's going to tell us what it is, Warden?
When Hari was formulating his plan,
When I looked into the Prime Radiant, I could see the darkness.
When I was a child, I told my mother
When was it, according to church doctrine,
Where I come from, they call those scientists, not politicians.
Where is he?
Which is what?
Which they believe drifted from the area governed by the agreement.
Whoever took the prayer stones out did a great job.
Why are you going to Trantor?
Why did you?
Why do you think that is?
Why is that?
Why let me come all this way just to arrest me?
Why not indeed.
Why stop at one world? Why not save the galaxy?
Will that stop them from arresting me?
Will you state your current position here on Trantor?
With stunning accuracy.
Without a jumpdrive, the journey there
Without ever seeing the sun or the stars.
Without terrifying trillions of people.
Words have a way of fanning into wildfires, Orlio.
Worked on every day by the senior member of the Genetic Dynasty.
Would you say that was a large enough sample to make a prediction?
Wow. Hari Seldon. And you from Synnax.
Xylas used the same phrase you did. "I was lonely."
Yeah. When I'm nervous, I count primes.
Yes, Empire. I have never seen anything like it.
Yes, I couldn't have solved Abraxas without it.
Yes, the barbarian kingdoms will be your neighbors.
Yes. By a few centuries.
Yes. It is. I'm a bit nervous.
You almost look like one of us.
You came here hoping to save your world.
You can be objective about Hari Seldon.
You can find your body and mind taking different trips.
You can't save yourselves…
You claim your plan can reduce the coming darkness.
You don't hear it much at the Core,
You don't know that. And neither does he.
You go first and put your marker past the rock,
You got the record and you're okay.
You hail from the world of Helicon, yes?
You have a moral obligation to expose them.
You have more agency here, Gaal, than you realize.
You haven't seen it.
You hold us responsible.
You knew they'd offer it to me.
You know it well.
You know what I'm asking.
You left Synnax one step ahead of arrest yourself.
You may feel a jolt.
You must have been lonely there.
You offer nothing new.
You said you could prove your theorem to someone conversant in ordinal analysis.
You saw me.
You should believe in the minds that built Trantor,
You should've turned back, like your boy Keir.
You understand, these aren't things I'm anxious to tell people.
You want me to stay?
You were awake.
You were aware.
You weren't.
You will be allowed to refine your work on psychohistory,
You will journey via slow ship.
You wouldn't see the scars if you didn't know to look.
You'll be no less fascinating to your biographers.
You'll co opt it and use it to bolster your regime.
You'll get your chance.
You're exiling us.
You're from Synnax, correct? We should say that.
You're gonna sleep through this. They make sure of it.
You're stretched too thin.
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