Ah. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
And by all means, take your time. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
And I have a wicked one. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
And I'll put you on diaper detail, and I promise I won't make it easy for you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
And I've got on soil myself. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
And no Pickles. Ohh God help you if I find Pickles. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
And when you do finally get around to it, I'll be the one covered in flies with the belly that protrudes halfway to bloody Boston. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
And you probably nagging blunderbuss. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Andrew Lloyd Webber. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Answer me, damn it. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Anyway, that's not it. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Are you happy now? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Are you trying to give me a bloody heart attack? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Blast. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Bring me the Wall Street Journal. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
But your children's children will know that you fell for a noble cause. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Cold. Cold. OK, OK, I'm fine. I'm fine. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Come to my mouth. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Damn it to push spewing blood gutted hell. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Damn the broccoli. Damn you and damn the right brother. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Damn you, Tommy Tutone. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Damn. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Damn. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Darling, why are we told letting ourselves like this? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Did you call that engineer at Lockheed yet? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Do me a favour, sweetheart. The next time you're out shopping, why don't you splurge on a tin of solid white albacore? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Does this not disgust you? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Don't toy with me Ernie. I've already dispatched with Mr. Hooper. I've got 6 armed men stationed outside Big Bird's Nest. And As for Linda, well, it's rather difficult for a deaf woman to hear on a... from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Fine, I'll defend myself and the hell with all of you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
For God's sake, I'm already shooting at a fifth grade level. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
For the love of God, shake me, shake me like a British nanny. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Fred. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Gives me something linen to throw on before I call child services. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Go to hell with you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
God damn it to the bowels of bloody hell. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
God, you people understand every language except English. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Good news, I've decided not to kill you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Griffin. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ha ha, that's so funny I forgot to laugh. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ha, ha, ha. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ha, ha, ha. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Hello, I'm Stewie. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Hello, mother. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Hello, operator. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Hello. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Hi. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
How dare you disobey me? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
How dare you reduce my finely human thespian styling? So me and mother guthries. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
How dare you sully my good name by spreading your slanderous filth. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
How dare you? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Huh. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I admit we've got our problems like in a couple, but true love conquers all. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I am your new master and I order you to go. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I can't hear you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I don't think you've got the g****s. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I have misbehaved. I've been a border little monkey. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I just plain don't like you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I love crack. I'm absolutely cuckoo for crack. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I order you to kill me at once. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I picked this up on dateline from that yummy exoskeleton, Maria Shriver. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I see him I just thought about all day like a bigger child on the streets of Calcutta. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I see. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I see. Am I to spend the entire day wallowing around with my own feces? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I want pancakes. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I'll not stand idly by while you abrogate my plans. You shall rue this day. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I'll use these facilities when I'm damn well ready. Until then, you should continue to sanitize Microverse and be damned grateful for the opportunity. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I'm a dirty, foul little boy. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I'm absolutely cuckoo for crack. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I'm Chris. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I'm on to you. Ohh, yes. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I'm sure you have something to say to that. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
I've got an army today is that I must get to Nicaragua and require a window seat and an in flight Happy meal and no Pickles. Ohh God help you if I find Pickles. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Imbecile. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ioffer you the opportunity to join me in glorious battle. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Is there something you need to tell me? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Janet. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Just look at their butt. That is a tight butt. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Lewis. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
[email protected] . from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Lost. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Mama dog is scary. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Mine is Lois Must die [email protected] . from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No useless, everyone of you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No useless, everyone of you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No, damn you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No, it's no use. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No, please. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No. Enough of this. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
No. Take a good look, fat man. And while you're at it, take pictures so I'll have something to bring to court, you wretched, filthy pervert. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Now I will not be forgetting those averages. No. No. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Now put me down, you probably naggy and blunderbuss. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Now the hell, I'm a woman. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Now who's with me? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh God. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh I'm sorry, is this better? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh very good fat man. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh, aren't you the one in charge? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh, that is a violent, odious lie. How dare you fill my head with such loathsome propaganda. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh, that's better than sex. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh, that's right. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh, yes, yes. Ohh yes, yes. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh, you truly are beautiful, you know that? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Ohh, you're so observant, aren't you? Are you a detective? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
OK, OK, I've got it. I've got. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Pancakes. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Perhaps if you laid on your back with your ankles behind your ears, that would ring a few bells. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Play wheels on the bus and get the hell out of my sight. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Prove it. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Put me through to the Pentagon. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Rogers. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Scream 3 from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
See what you made me do. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Shut up. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Shut up. Just I I don't want to hear it. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Silence, you contemptible shrew. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Silence. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Silence. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Silent silence. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Stewart Gilligan Griffin runs from nothing. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Stewart, Gilligan, Griffin. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Stop mocking me. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Stuart Griffin. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Thank you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
That is a tight butt. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
That's the best you can come up with. You dull with the termagant. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
The devil you talking about? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
The mind control device is nearing completion. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
The only way you'll get me to talk is through slow, painful torture. And I don't think you've got the g****s. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
The outrageous I have suffered today will not be soon forgotten. Now I will not be forgetting those outrages. No, no. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
The wretched, filthy pervert. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
There are some amongst you whose motor skills are not yet developed. Sadly, you will be used as decoys. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
This is what you call dolled up. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Time to be bad. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
To all the children fall in love with you. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Trying to watch The History Channel here. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Victory is mine. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
We can stay in touch, can we? Ohh, what's your e-mail? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
We're perfect for each other. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Well then, I shall sit here until one of us expires and you've got a good forty years on me, woman. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Well, sugar, the bigger it just closed. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Well, the fat Man made a funny. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What are they paying you? I'll double it. I'll give you whatever you want. Money. Women. Men. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What did you just say? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What do you mean our credit card was declined? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What do you think of this music? Television. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What have they done to me? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What the hell do you think you're doing? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What the hell is this? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What's the? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
What's your story? Get lost on the way to the morgue? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Where? from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Who am I getting dizzy? Ohh, fight it, Stewie. Do not go gentle into that good night to quote Bob Dylan. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2
Who for God's sake. from Stewie Griffin Sounds: Family Guy - Seasons 1 and 2