A Hennessy Paradis, please. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
A lousy $40,000 a year? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
About 50 kilos of heroin. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
About 50 kilos of heroin. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Actually, $285,000. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Actually, that's the 993 Carrera. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Actually, there are only seven of these for sale in the U.S. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Afraid of a little pain? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
After midnight. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
After that, I'm yours. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All by your motherfucking self. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All right, ladies? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All right. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All right. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All right. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All right. I'll tell you what. You're back. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All right. That's funny. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All units stay off bridge... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All units, stay off the bridge, as per Secret Service. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
All you had to do was ask. You'd get much better results. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Alpha one to Alpha six. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Although you can get that on the remote control. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And also what his connection is with a guy called Shaun Rollins. Can you? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And ask yourself the question: from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And criminals all swearing they're altar boys. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And cutting their freaking head off? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And dried under these lamps. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And he did great. Lucky bastard cashed out just before the bubble burst. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And he's black. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And I must say, I do not disagree. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And I not only peed the bed, I shit the bed. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And I still do. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And I want to know every move you make out there... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And I've got to tell you something. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And now, as your boss, you're fired. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And the rest of you, I want you to dig down deep... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And then her dog. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And then I went: "Wait a minute. What did I do?" from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And these are for you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
And you're the star of a few of these as well. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Answer the question, Boyd. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Anything you want. He's the ultimate concierge. A tough bastard, too. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Anything. You need me to go undercover? I'm like a chameleon. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Are you deaf or something? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Are you listening? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Are you positive? What proof do you have? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Around $5 million. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Around here, there's no such thing as heroes. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
As you can see, we kept our end. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
As your friend, you don't follow orders. You're unmanageable. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Astroglide. Lesbian porn. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Baby, can I have a Hennessy Paradis? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Back to the left. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Be back in an hour. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Beautiful woman. Stuck by me through a lot of shit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Because I'm black, you say I got to do a B and E? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Because I'm that close to locking you up with your brother. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Because of cops like you... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Because of cops like you... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Because of work related stress... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Before you even get into all that... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Best I can do is 50 percent. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Blow this. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Bobby, what the hell is this? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Boss. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Boyd is such a bad ass. He could easily win a tough men competition. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Boyd, you okay? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Boyd? Shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Boyd. What are you doing here? Whose case did you screw up this time? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Boyd's a cop! He's a cop! He gets to do this shit all the time! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Boyd's trying to steal my bust, George. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Bring me something solid. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Bring the truck in! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Bruce, get it out of the way. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But he can't touch it until he's 25. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But I am worried about your discipline problem. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But I just have one request. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But I promise. I'll make it up to you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But I'm here now. So let's talk. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But not this time. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But one of our dudes worked for the IrS, and can computer dissect anybody. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But they get out of control and you don't say, "That hurts." from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But unfortunately, I can't do that. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But why would I want you dead? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But Woods bench presses damn near 300 pounds. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But you got to be careful, because when you're doing it... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But you keep running back. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
But you're walking the beat. And I'm not letting you out without a leash. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
By the way, Mr. Boyd... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Came up empty. Guy's clean, like a little too clean. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Can I get you guys in this area over here? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Can I help you? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Can we start over? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Can you do a story on me? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Can you not hear me? Could you turn the music down, please? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Can you run a check for it? All I have is a name, Latrell. Black male. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Can't be cool when you got a big ass shit stain. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Can't help me at all. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Cat wasn't dead. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Christ, Orin. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Close the door, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Close the door, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on, dog. Pull me through. Shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on, get up. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on, guys! That was great! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on, let me go. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on, let's go. Move. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on! Grab the gun! Let's roll! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on. Group hug. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come on. Group hug. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Come to papa. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Commander's got a grip on things. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Cool. Just give me my shit, bro. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Cop who came in to break it up, who was that? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Could you turn it off, please? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Could you turn the music off, please? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Damn it! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Damn! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Dang! Now you talking. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Daniels! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Darren was 16 years old. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Deal wasn't for half. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Did I casually flip him the bird? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Did you bring anybody? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Did you guys see that? Can you believe this shit? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Do me at 30. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Do whatever you got to do to make sure that you safe in there. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Do you like to be called a black man? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Do you like to be called an African American? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Do you? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Doesn't anybody sleep anymore? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Dogs can't even smell it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Don't give me that look. I've been on the force too long. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Don't go anywhere. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Don't knock baseball. That's un American. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Don't mind him. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Don't move! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Don't screw this one up. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Don't worry. I've got them. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Driver's license, birth certificate, credit cards. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Either we call backup, or get out of here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Electrified. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Escaped so many traps, should be wearing a cape. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Even things up. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Every night, same routine. I get a towel... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Every time I try to get rid of you, you appeal to the union... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Everybody goes through it. Welcome to the one five. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Everybody's tearing the tops off their desks. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Extract the heroin later. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Fall asleep during the action. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Far as I can remember, it was clean. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Faster you get rid of dirty cops, the better for all of us. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Faster, dog! Yeah! Faster! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Feels good, don't it? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Fifty kilos of heroin stolen. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Fine. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Five O. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
For all people in the U.S., ages 10 to 34. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
For those of you just tuning in, my name is Henry Wayne, and I'm a rageaholic. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Frank. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Frederick's Cleaners. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Freeze! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Freeze! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Fuck do you mean, you don't know? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Fuck me! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Fuck, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Fucker. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Fucking right. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
FYI, next week I'm doing a show on violent twins. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
George, meet your new partner here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get in here. Come on, everybody. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get out of my way! Move! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get out of the way! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get out of the way! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get the car! Let's go! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get the fuck off.... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get the fuck out of here, man. Is that the new 993 Turbo? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get up to him! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Get us out of here! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Give him the keys. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Give him the keys. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Give him twenty five. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Give me my money! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Give me the baby, honey. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Give me your keys. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Go around! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Go easy on the first time. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Go for it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Go! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Go. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Goddamn it! Secret Service only! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Good evening, Commander. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Good job, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Good memory. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Good thing Strutt came in... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Got a 14 month old boy. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Got a permit for this? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Got anything in your pocket? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Half damp. On one side, warm water. Half dry on the other. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Half. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Half's better than nothing. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hands in the air. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Happy to help you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Have a drink, motherfucker. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Have a seat. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Have I ever lied to you? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He about to turn your ass into sashimi. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He claims the heroin was planted, but the cops made the charges stick. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He could defeat you with his mind. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He get.... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He has a trust fund set up in his name for millions... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He owns a club called The Static. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He paid a lot too. He's got everything. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He probably home, smoking a joint. He can hear me. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He was a police officer down south, spent a year undercover in the KKK. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He would never have to put a finger on you, and have you psyched out. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He's a bully. Been in four shootings. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He's a glory hound. We've seen this kind before. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He's a good man, a fair man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He's a Neanderthal. He keeps popping up all over the place. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He's even got a voter's registration card. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He's here. Bring the truck around back. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He's not one of ours. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
He's Shaun Rollins' brother. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Head is fine. It's my pride that's still hurting. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Heard a lot about you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Heard about that scuffle. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Height, I'd say about 5'10"? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hell, no! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hell, yeah. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Henry Wayne. Detroit A.M. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Her dog gets so freaked out... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Her head too big for that little body. Then the eye started to droop. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, Boyd. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, Clark. What's going on? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, everyone. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, George. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, George. Which one are you? Starsky or Hutch? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, guys. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, guys. You need some love. Come on. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, how you doing? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, look who's here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, my bike! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, no, don't go! Don't leave! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, you know, Montini? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, you, Boyd. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey, you! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hey. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hold on! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hold up. Now, listen. Nobody's trying to fuck anybody here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Homies! I'm your man! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hooking a brother up. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Hopefully, that'll get him out. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How about a big hand for T.K. Johnson. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How about hooking a brother up then? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How are you doing? Come sit down. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How can a guy with no record make so much money dealing heroin? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How much did they take? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How much did they take? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How much? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How much? $200,000? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How was that? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How you holding up? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How? From who? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How'd you get that intel? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
How's your head? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I always tell women this: from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I always wanted to do that. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I always wanted to do that. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I am your friend, but also your boss. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I believe you two have already met. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I can only take so much of this shit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I can send somebody to get it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I chased that little bastard everywhere... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't even know this guy. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't get in trouble. Clean up, everything's nice. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't get it. T shirts? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't have rage. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't know about that. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't know how, but they managed to get $5 million worth of shit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't know what you talking about. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't know who we can trust. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't know. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't need social security, asshole. I need police security. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't see anything. Where is she? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I don't. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I figured I'd be the one to show it to them, over the Internet. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I fought in Vietnam. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I got a date tonight! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I got everything on the street covered. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I got his address from a crooked car dealer we investigated. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I got one. Babe Ruth. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I got something for you, Mrs. Johnson. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I got that motherfucker. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I got you covered. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I grew up in this area, man. Now look at it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I guess I picked the wrong precinct. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I guess the grill was optional. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I had to go to the men's room anyway. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I have something solid. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I haven't worn one of these in years. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I hope you'll consider my four year plan to get guns off the streets. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I just got a shitload of product for our next deal. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I just got to see how high up this shit goes. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I just need a couple more days to work some shit out. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I just want to make a toast. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I keep my promises. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I know it say it right there. Come on, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I know it's always something, and I shouldn't lose my cool. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I know my rights, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I know what you used to do. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I know. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I like color. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I like it too. Very little. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I like my nipple to be nibbled on and bit and pulled. I like a little pain. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I like that. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I like that. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I like to be called T.K., baby. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I like to cruise once or twice, let the people know we're out here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I made my father a promise before he died. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I mean, what, do you prefer ofay... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I mean, you know, you're like a legend, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I need backup. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I need major weight. I need it yesterday. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I need to know how much time I'm looking at. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I need to see the log book for the last couple of nights. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I need your help and your support. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I never could have thrown a German Shepherd out the window. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I never liked small Oprah because her head is too big. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I pulled your record before I came over here, too. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I really don't want to see any more of this. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I said, I want to see asses shaking! Damn! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I suggest you get started on the paperwork. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I think maybe you should go home and call her tomorrow. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I think we need to take them down now. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I think you are, Leon. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I thought you said you had this animal on a leash. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I thought you was smarter than this. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I told you, I don't tolerate lone wolf behavior. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I understand if you don't believe me. You said you wanted to clean up the streets. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I used to read about you in some new caper every week. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I want this. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I want to know what your relationship is with him. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I want you to put this on. You'll need all the protection you can get. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I warned her not to buy a frigging poodle. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I was at Krispy Kreme, picking up a twelve pack. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I was driving by and I heard the call. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I was in college. I woke and thought: "What did my roommate do?" from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I was in there. The cops shot me. I got shot 16 times. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I was thinking about putting you on a desk. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I wipe, then I take a lot of toilet paper and dip it in water.... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I wish I had a cat. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I wish you would have called the point detective. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I won a chugging contest before I quit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I won't let you ruin this. My brother's ass is on the line. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I won't wait. They tried to kill me. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I won't, because I've seen you when you're angry. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'd have brought you in a long time ago. This is business. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'd love to... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'd say so. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'll get some men. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'll get Strutt. Take care of Montini. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'll get that drink for you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'll need a car. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'll see what I can dig up. Why'd you come to me? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'll take care of him. But what were you thinking, showing up here? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm a cop. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm a happy guy. You see this face? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm a political prisoner here, man! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm a ticking time bomb, and I'm ready to implode. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm Alan Morris, and if there's anything I could help you with, I'm your dog. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm fine. You can move on. Other people want to say something. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm going to be on TV. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm joking. I got your grill downstairs. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm just covering my ass. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm just fucking with you. No hard feelings about the other night. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm kind of looking for a fresh face next. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm listening. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm living in a safe house on Southgate, if anyone wants to reach me. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm not gonna pay strippers to beat me up anymore. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm not talking to you! Mr. Vice President, get in here! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm one of the good guys. Come here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm really not impressed, to tell you the truth. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm so sorry to interrupt you but... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm sorry, sir. I got to do this. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm sorry. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm sorry. Our policy is no test drives. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm the janitor. My daughter, Maria, is in the office. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I'm your host... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I've been sitting there.... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I've got community activists swearing we treat everybody like criminals... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I've not peed the bed since I quit drinking. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I've seen mental wards saner than this place. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
I've signed up for your shame and impotence class. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
If all you come down here to do is work out your mouth... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
If I were you, I'd be grabbing for every lifeline tossed out. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
If not, then we do have a big problem. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
If that doesn't work, we'll post the video on our website. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
If you have a real problem, get Viagra. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
If you Puffy. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
If you stay here, they might kill you, too, so go back to class. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
If you want to feel the heat, you got to have the meat. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Illegal handguns ending up in the hands of our children. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
In the great city of Detroit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Incriminating shit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Instead of reading off statistics that you might not already know... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Is he a friend of yours? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Is it meth? Is it coke? What is it? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Is Tawana backstage? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Is that the money? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It also looks like you're kicking a lot of big ass there. How many guys? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It better suck and fuck me for $285,000, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It is not a toy. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It might be something. If it's big, it's really big. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It was heroin. Thought you knew that. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It'll double your money easily. Quickest quarter mil you'll ever make. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It'll double your money easily. Quickest quarter mil you'll ever make. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's a pleasure for me to be here on such a beautiful day... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's been 30 days since I've been pinched, punched, scalded or stabbed. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's crazy. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's like the guy was born yesterday, and that makes me nervous. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's me, George. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's my only problem. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's not true what they say. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's okay. I'm on the job. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's okay. Just give us five minutes. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's our operation. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
It's policy. Sorry. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Jesus! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Junior, having a tough time? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Just because I own a bar don't mean I'm Isaac from The Love Boat. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Just checking on my old lady. Keeping tabs on her. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Just get it off! Just get it off! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Just giving Officer Boyd here a preview of the playback from security. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Just in case. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Just some shit bird who thinks he got away clean. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Just take some deep breaths, in and out. How do you feel? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Keep it back. Sorry, people, you'll have to stand back. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Keep them against the wall. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Kill him. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Knock off the shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Know what I'm saying? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Know what, man? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm honored to introduce my new co host. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Ladies and gentlemen... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Ladies, would you let me talk to my friend for a minute? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Last time I checked, this was the men's locker room. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Later. You know that exposÈ you did on the Mob a few years ago? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Laying my life on the line, and for what? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Leon's also a gazillionaire. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let me hold that for you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let me show you around. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let's do it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let's get it straight. I run this show! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let's just say my instincts tell me something's not quite right. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let's move it! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let's see if you have this shit when you get back out here! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let's solve my problem. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Let's start with something simple, like who is Latrell Walker? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Like the saying goes: from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Linda, I'm a changed man with a lot of problems... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Listen to this. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Listen, don't worry about Montini. Shit happens. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Look at Rockefeller here. What is it? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Look out! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Look out! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Look, can you turn the music off, please! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Look, if I wanted to bust you, man... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Looked like E.T. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Looks like we have a problem. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Make sure he gets the commission. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Making a mistake picking you up for work. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Man, this shit hurts! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Maria? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Maybe I made a mistake. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Maybe I was never an altar boy, but the point is... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Maybe that was your cover. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Maybe you should move on. Breaks our concentration. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Maybe you're just hiding a wire under your shirt. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Might turn this place around after all. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Montini always pays attention to detail when he types those things up. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Montini, Useldinger... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Montini. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
More solid. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Move! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Move. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Mr. Boyd? I believe that you were sent to us... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Mr. Vice President, sir? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Mrs. Johnson got a fat ass. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Mrs. Johnson was shaking her ass. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Mrs. Johnson! Shake your ass, baby. Shake it! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Mrs. Johnson. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
My sources ran a check on Shaun also, and he's set for life financially. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Need some extra cash, he can get you a security gig. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Never heard of him. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
New partner? You mean the two of us? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Next thing you know, Latrell's back in town. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Next time you see a cop blow a whistle, pay attention. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Nice color. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Nice friends you got, Boyd. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Nice inconspicuous car you got there. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Nice place you got here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Nice to meet you, George. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
******, I got your bitch. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No cops on the bridge. We can't tell who's who. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No Detroit P.D., Secret Service only. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No luck. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No mentioning the latest homicide or gang shooting. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No risky exposure, no trail back to us. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No warrants, no accidents, no parking tickets. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, I don't know, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, I think I'll stay here. Right, pard? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, I'm just trying to quit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, I'm persistent. I ran a check on this guy. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, I'm sorry. It's our policy. You can't start up the car. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, it's to make you die. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, no, but.... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, no. The guy's a computer wiz. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
No, thanks. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Nobody. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Nobody's forgotten about you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Nobody's telling me nothing. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
None of this Lone Ranger stuff that I keep hearing about. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Normal investigation wouldn't have uncovered this... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Not as far as I can throw her ass. And she a big bitch. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Not bad. I'll see you on campus. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Not yet. I want to catch all these guys at once. Stick it to them. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Not you! Not him! None of you! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Now handle it! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Now it's your turn. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Now move. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Now, can you zoom in right there? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Now, Leon Rollins and Latrell Walker are the same person. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Officer Boyd. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Officers need help. Motorcade's under attack! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Oh, my God. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Oh, shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Oh, shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Oh, yeah. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Okay, dog, go right. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Okay? So why don't you just stand up... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Okay? That's why we're here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Okay. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Okay. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Okay. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Once pulled a rabid Doberman off this boy and killed it with his bare hands. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Or did I fantasize about running them off the road... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Or do you prefer cracker? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Or that gunshot wounds are the second leading cause of death... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Orin? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Out of all the people around you, how'd you know who you could trust? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Photo I.D. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Pick you up at midnight. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Pig. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Piper Tech. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Police have a bad image everywhere. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Pop the hood, man. I want to see what $285,000 look like. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Probably right. I'm going to head up. You get wind of anything, let me know. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Prove it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Push it through! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Put the briefcase down. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Put them on the glass. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Question for you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Rather than lose him, they framed Shaun. I got to get him out of jail. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Ready to meet the wizard? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Really, Henry. Right after group and everything. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Redneck? Which one do you like? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Relax, man. I just need a favor. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Relax. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Relax. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Repeat: They are dressed as cops! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Right in the middle of the living room. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Right on time. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Said I'd never heard of him. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Same guy from the other night. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Same old clichÈ. I guess she got tired of all those sleepless nights. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Satisfied? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Save some for me. Remember, puff, puff, pass. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Say hello to my sumo n****. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Says in here he visited you a number of times. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Screw Linda. Come on back in. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Screw that, man! You kill those bastards! They tried to pop us! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
See you around, partner. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
See you making friends fast. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
See, a lot of people talk about police corruption, but no one ever sees it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
See? My man got taste. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shake him off! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shaun also has another brother, Leon. Or so I thought. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shaun Rollins. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shaun. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shaun. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit, man! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit, someone's having a big party tonight. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! Come on, man. Quit treating me like I'm Tupac. It's my hand! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! Goddamn! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! I can't swim. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! I could get some ass from the twins in this, dog. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! I'm fucking up my Versace shit! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! I'm hit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit! It got 8 cylinders? They kick out 600 horsepower, right? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shit. By the end of the night, you just might.... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shoot him! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Shoot him! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sign in. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sit down before you fall down. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sit down, man. Can't afford to get pulled over. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sit down! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sitting behind my desk in my office at my club... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Six months ago, there was a bust. A kid named Shaun Rollins. Remember? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Six. Nothing much. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Slow motion. You know, the system. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Slowly getting a handle on it though. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Smack my mama on her ass! That's Henry Wayne! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
So before we do any more business... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
So did I, Strutt. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
So I had your brother pulled from County. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
So I'd like to proudly acknowledge our very own hero, Orin Boyd. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
So we got a twelve block stretch. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
So we'll see a lot of each other. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
So you can go blind masturbating actually, like the old saying. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
So, why am I here? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Some Michigan militant group. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Something that will broaden your horizons. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sometimes, on duty, he doesn't wear his gun. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sorry, the bridge is closed until the V.P. gets across. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sorry. I can't make that tonight. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Start the car. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Started up a dot com out of Virginia called $9.99 Dot Com. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Stay down. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Stay out of our class. We got people in there with real problems. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Step on it. We got him. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Stop it! Mr. Boyd, stop hitting that man! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Straight losing it, dog. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Straight up, I would have done the same thing. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Strutt? What the hell are you talking about? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Strutt. Sergeant Lewis Strutt. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Strutt's selling the heroin he stole from Piper Tech. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Supposed to teach you not to piss your life away... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sure enough! Five O. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Sure, T. We still on for tonight? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
T, get us something to drink. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
T, the keys. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Take a look at this. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Take a look in my back pocket, cop. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Take it on a test drive. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Take the man's keys. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Tastes like candy. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Tell them I'm your partner. They won't let me through! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Thank you, everybody. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Thank you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Thanks a lot. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Thanks a lot. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Thanks a lot. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Thanks for making a difference. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Thanks, partner. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That could've been any one of your children. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That damn machine ate my quarters again. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That don't surprise me. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That I'd always be my brother's keeper. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That is none of your business. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That it? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That last year, more preschoolers died from guns than police officers... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That many. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That would be Latrell Walker. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That yellow Hummer. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's 6 cylinders, 475 horsepower. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's bullshit, Mr. Boyd. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's for you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's it. Squeeze it on. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's okay. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's real clever. You know? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's super, Henry. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's the hood. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's the trunk. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
That's why he was visiting him. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
The bad guys are out there. Not in here. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
The cheapest car we have here is $75,000. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
The cops swear you all know everything, man. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
The greatest athlete without a doubt was Muhammad Ali. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
The hell with that! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
The point is, cops don't uphold the law by breaking it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
The Secret Service gave a direct order not to storm that bridge! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Then I'll be reading about you. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Then we can walk it on foot. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
There you go, Joe! Kick his ass. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
There you go. Hey, baby. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
There! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
There's a very serious issue spiraling out of control in this country. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
These T shirts are dipped in a heroin solution... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They keep large quantities of narcotics here at Piper Tech's main vault. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They need to get that for women. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They never spoke. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They raised it, too. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They said you're coming. I'm George Clark. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They think I'm a buyer from the West Coast looking to score major weight. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They want you to suffer bad for that stupid stunt you pulled. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They want you to suffer, Mr. Boyd. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
They're my people, and if they're not buying, they're walking. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Think I'm a plant? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Think of the promotion you're gonna get. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is a happy face. You all... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is a little camera that can be hidden everywhere and can see everything. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is business. I just got a shitload of product for our next deal. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is funny to you? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is my operation. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is our stuff. We have cameras hidden in everything. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is Strutt, ready for pickup. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is Trish, my guardian angel. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is what I'm talking about. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This is your big fucking plan? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This isn't the Hall of Records. Check records downtown. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This shit is bullshit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This to make me talk? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This was taken a few minutes ago at the police evidence locker. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
This year alone... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Three complaints filed against you for excessive force. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Thugs turned it into shit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Tickets to the Red Wings, he can make it happen. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Tonight, just happy thoughts. Agreed? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Too late for first impressions. Sit. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Too rich to count the money the old fashioned way? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Turn off the engine! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Turn the music off, please, brother. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Twenty five, my ass! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Two, but they were huge. They were meat packers. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Unless you decide you'd like to live in this, I suggest that you... from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Unlucky face. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Until I finally cornered him. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Up against the wall. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Wait. Can you rewind that bit? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Wait. Can you rewind that bit? from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Waiting for help to come. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Wake me up when it's over. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Warn the D.P., they are dressed as cops! from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Watch your back. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama
Watches, batteries, purses. You name it. from Exit Wounds (2001) Drama