A child? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
A wood fired boiler providing us with hot water. The first step towards civilisation. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Absolutely. l was going to propose a toast from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Across the Atlantic. Eating dinner and watching the fucking Simpsons! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Actually, l did have a can of Tango somewhere. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Agreed. l think we'd better do this quick. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
All right, l'll go and hit the floods, take a butcher's. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
All right. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
All the death. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
All this shit. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Almost. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
An infection. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And anyway, it isn't true what Dad said. You need us just the same as we need you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And eventually he'll tell me how long the lnfected take to starve to death. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And has he? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And his daughter. From four doors down. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And l got up on top of this kiosk. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And l know l'd be dead already if l hadn't met you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And l mean, sure. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And lastly, meet Mailer. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And Mr Burns says ''We all know what you think, Smithers.'' from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And no shooter. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And that was my favourite joke in The Simpsons. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And that's when the exodus started. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And the rest of the world is continuing as fucking normal. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And we'll live happy ever after, eh? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And we'll never be safe in the cities. The soldiers could keep us safe. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And we've been lacing the ground with tripwires and land mines. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
And you're gonna be next. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Are you and Selena...? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Are you trying to kill me? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
As far back as l care to remember, people killing people. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
As l said before, it's here. Though it may not be quite what you imagined. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
As l said before, it's here. Though it may not be quite what you imagined. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Because it was happening in small villages, market towns. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Because women mean a future. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Bingo! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Bloody hell. Must've needed a hell of a prescription for that lot. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Brake, brake! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But don't worry. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But if we're attacked in the middle of the night, we won't even care. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But it vanishes so quick you wouldn't believe. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But l can't let them go. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But l thought he was biting you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But this is where it's telling us to go. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But this omelette will do just as well. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But we're here chained to a fucking radiator because the OC has gone insane! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But with other people... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But you had to. Otherwise he'd have killed you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
But... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
By the time they tried to evacuate the cities, it was already too late. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Calls for a celebration, l'd say. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Can l, Dad? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Can'tjust take any crap. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Cease fire! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Cheeky monkey! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Cheers. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Clear the bodies off the lawn. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Climb over more people. So l did that. l climbed. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Col! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on up! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on, Babe Ruth. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on, Frank. Let her live a little. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on, Jim, breathe! Fucking breathe! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on, lads. Let's leave the room. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on, move! Get up! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on, sweetheart. Say hello. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on, then! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Come on. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Cos you got me to protect you now. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Crowd was surging. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Dad, are you all right? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Dad! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Dad? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Davis? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Decaffeinated coffee... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Do you have any clothes here? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Do you have any Tango? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Do you hear that? Hey, hey, do you hear that? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Do you think he saw us this time? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Do you want us to find a cure and save the world orjust fall in love and fuck? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Doesn't feel safe, does it? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Don't be fighting. Will you put that back? Put it back. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Don't fucking leave me! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Don't take anything that needs to be cooked, OK? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Don't worry. l feel fine. Really. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Don'tjust stand there, you soppy cunt! Get after them! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Down the corridor. Flat 157. Move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Drink? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Drink? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Drop it! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Easy, tiger. You don't wanna go picking a fight with me, son. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Easy. Brake! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Eat. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Either we do this now or we're walking. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
ETA, 15. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Except pump you full of painkillers and give you more sugar. As for sugar, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Farm crops, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Father, are you OK? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Father? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Find anything? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Forget the jack, Hannah. There's no time. Just lift, everyone. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Frank, stop the cab. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Frank! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Frank? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Frank? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Frank... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Fuck it! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Fuck it! Get up! Get after him! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Fuck you! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Fucking do it! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Fucking hell! He bounced! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Fucking hell. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Fucking hell. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get comfortable. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get him off me! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get him off me! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get in. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get it off! Help me! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get out of it! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get out of it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get rid of it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get that cleaned off. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get up, you cunt! Fucking move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get up! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Give me a drink of that, will ya? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Go fucking where?! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Go in. Go in! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Go to the master bedroom, pick out a wide selection. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Go. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Goodbye, you fuckers! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Goodnight, Jim. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Got infected two days ago. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Grab hold! One, two, three, lift! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Great. Creme de menthe. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hannah is what Frank says she is. Tough, strong, and she'll cope just like l'll cope. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hannah, it's OK! He's not infected. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hannah! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hannah? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hannah? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hannah? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hannah? Hannah! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hannah... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hasn't rained in ten days. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hat. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Have to empty it each morning. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Have you met our New Age sergeant? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He said he was going to kill himself because there was no future. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He says ''No, it's not a lion. lt's a giraffe''. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He was full of plans. Have you got any plans, Jim? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He went over the wall. We thought he'd be dead. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He's completely humourless. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He's dead. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He's one of the people you're talking about. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He's over the wall. He's got no vehicle. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He's still waiting for Marks and Spencer's to reopen. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He's telling me he'll never bake bread. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
He's telling me he's futureless. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hear what? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello, Jim. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello! Hello! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello? Hello! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hello. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Here you are. l'll swap you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hey, don't do that. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hey, hey, hey, hey. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hey, Selena... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
High perimeter wall which helps. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Him too. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
His face... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hmm. lrradiated. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hold on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Hope it's chips, it's chips from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
How about right now? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
How could it cross the mountains and the rivers? lt can be stopped. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
How could lnfection cross the oceans? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
How'd you get to sleep? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
If you can hear this, you're not alone. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
It evaporates, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jim, Mailer. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jim, we're not going to be able to stay here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jim! Jim, he's infected! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jim? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jim. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jones, did you notice while cooking that these eggs were off? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jones, our resident tin opener. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Just chuck it over the balcony. No mod cons here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Just imagine, just think about it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Just so you know where you stand, if it happens to you, l'll do it in a heartbeat. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Just so you know, l don't take cheques or credit cards. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Just there. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Keep away from the body! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Keep away! Keep away! Keep away! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Keep going! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Keeping him alive? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L ain't never seen that in my life! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L can feel them. And... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L can, like, taste the vitamin C. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L can't believe it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L can't sleep. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L can't tell you how badly we need someone with a little flair in the kitchen. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L can't wait. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L didn't know he was infected. He knew. l could see it in his face. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L didn't need a prescription. l qualified as a chemist. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L don't feel sleepy. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L don't suppose you can cook, can you? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L don't think so, sweetheart. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L don't think they are coming back. l think they've been killed. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L don't understand, Dad. Did they leave? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L don't want to eat. l want to bury my dad. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L got a headache. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L hate you! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L haven't got any bullets. l haven't got any fucking bullets! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L heard something. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L know it isn't much but, well, cheers. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L know who you are. l know what you think... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L looked down and l was standing on all these people. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L mean, thank you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L moved us from the blockade, l set the radio broadcasting and l promised them women. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L promised them women. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L remember my dad had all this cash, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L remember the ground was soft. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L repeat, one male, two female. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L think they're good people. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L think they're having an effect. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L think we're safe enough. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L think you can eat that raw. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L thought the salt might cover the taste, sir. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L thought we'd be OK with the water from the other flats. Cisterns and tanks. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L want her to be OK. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L want to give you a chance. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L was kissing her. Are you stoned? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L was thinking l was wrong. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L was wrong when l said staying alive is as good as it gets. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L wouldn't. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L'll start working on them, then. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L'm a bicycle courier. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L'm gonna enjoy this. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L'm gonna get some sleep. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L'm hallucinating or l'm... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L'm Major Henry West. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L'm Mark. This is Selena. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L'm not gonna let you keep them here! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L've got some bad news. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
L've got the wheel. You're on the jack. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lesson two. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Let them in, Hannah. Let them inside. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Let's go, let's go, let's go! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Let's go! Let's go! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Let's shop. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lf it's a recording, the soldiers who made it could be dead. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lf l never see another chocolate bar again, it'll be too soon. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lf you don't wanna get hurt, keep your mouth shut and don't move. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lf you look at the whole life of the planet, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lf you want her to slow down, you'll have to say. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lf you want us to get changed, you have to leave the room. OK? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lift, lift! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Like a carpet. People who had fallen and... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Like a family. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Listen, it's late. We're gonna turn in. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Listen, sweetheart, you ain't gonna be needing this any more. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Listen, you sick bastard, we're taking your torture victims with us. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Listen. Listen. lt's not all fucked. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Ln a way. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Ln there. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lnfected with what? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Look, l have to find them. They live in Deptford. l can walk it. OK? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Look, we're grateful, OK? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Looking down, you couldn't tell which faces were infected and which weren't. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Ls that the way it works? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt ain't funny. l got loads of cooking to do, you fucking Doris! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt doesn't really mean anything to Frank and Hannah because... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt might be your brother, your sister or your oldest friend. lt makes no difference. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt sounded like a Claymore to me. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt started as rioting, and right from the beginning you knew this was different. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt was a virus. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt was in the street outside. lt was coming through your windows. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt was OK for them and it was OK for us. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt was the blood. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's all fucked. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's coming! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's fine. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's getting late. We'd better stay here for the night. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's gonna be OK. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's Jones! lt's Jones! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's just polite. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's just you and me now, darlin'. But don't worry, l'll get you out of here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's nice. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Lt's really fucking obviously a shit idea! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mailer, Jim. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mark? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mick, l fucking got one! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mitchell managed to knock him out cold and we got a chain round his neck. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mitchell, l swear to God it's gonna end badly for you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mm. You stole my thought. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mmmm, the raisins are so moist. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
More lnfected will be coming. They always do. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Move your fucking arse! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Move! Move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Move! Move! Move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Move. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
My apologies. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
My... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Needing rain so badly. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Night night. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No fire crews to put it out. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No one could run. All you could do was climb. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No one ever comes back. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No TV, no radio, no electricity. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No, l mean, yeah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No, look... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No, there's no government, no police, no army. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No! You're not going to keep them here! You've got to let them go! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No. No, no, no. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No. See, this is a really shit idea. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Not in fucking England! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Not only will we be able to get to sleep from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Not you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Nothin'. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Nothing. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Now it's all just fucked. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Now l do need a break. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Of course there's a government! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh no, they're in. Move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh no. We're fucked. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh, don't do that. Come on, come on, come on. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh, God... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh, great. Valium. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh, Jesus. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh, my God. Soldiers. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh, shouldn't have done that. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
OK, Hannah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
OK, Jim? OK. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
OK, Jim. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
OK, we're done here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
OK. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Or die here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Or see a film that hasn't already been shot. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Our spiritual guru. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Out. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Outside like this. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Parents and my sister, we went to Paddington Station, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
People killing people. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Pepsi or Lilt? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Plans are pointless. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Please, Selena! Please! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Please! For fuck's sake! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Please? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Probably need us more than we need them. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Put the kettle on. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Quarantine? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Quiet! That's an lnfected. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Rage. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Raise livestock. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Relax. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Right now TVs are playing and planes are flying from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Right, get him! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Right. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Run him over! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Salvation is here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Saw it on TV once, but l can't make it work. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Secondary to protection, our real job is to rebuild. Start again. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Security, we have a break in. Get the... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena didn't seem to have any trouble. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena! Hannah! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena! Help! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena! Selena! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena's right. You should be grateful. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Sergeant Farrell! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
She's lost her dad, Jim. That's how she is. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Shh. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Shh... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Shouldn't have done that. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Shut up, Jones! Stay here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Shut up. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So if the infection wipes us all out, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So this is your place? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So we have to try and get there. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So we're gonna drive into the tunnel full of fucking smashed cars... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So who are you? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So you can all have a shower. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So you heard our broadcast? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So you're crashing. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So, um... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So, what have we here? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Something might happen to me. Hannah'd be alone. l couldn't risk it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Somewhere in the crowd there were lnfected. lt spread fast. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Sorry... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Sound carries in this flat. Me and Hannah do need you more than you need us. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Starting the world again when the rest of the world hasn't even stopped. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Stay away from him! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Stay here and put the dresses on. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Stay where you are. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Stop talking. lt's a long way up. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Stop... Stop! You've no idea! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Sure. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Survival. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Takes out the fire but leaves in the warmth. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Tell me, Farrell, exactly why did you join the army in the first place? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Thank you. Thank you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
That is a return to normality. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
That was longer than a heartbeat. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
That's what they're doing a few hundred miles away, across the Channel, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The answer to lnfection is here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The army blockades were overrun. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The belly of the house. The heart. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The chimps are infected. They're highly contagious. They've been given an inhibitor. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The fire drove hundreds of lnfected out of Manchester. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The gates are locked! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The giraffe falls over. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The infection was everywhere. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The kitchen. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The lady of the house has an extensive wardrobe from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The man goes to leave and the barman says ''Oi! You can't leave that lying there.'' from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The rest of you, go with him. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The surrounding area's teeming with them. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The way things are, we might need two or three days to get up there. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The whole of Manchester, the whole city. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The world's worst place to get a flat. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Then get them and get dressed. We have to leave now. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Then get to it. Jones, Bedford, go with him. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Then l saw my dad. Not my mum or my sister. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Then l wake up today in hospital. l wake up and l'm... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Then we should take the indirect route. The one in daylight and not underground. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Then we'll find a nice little fucking place somewhere. Just you and me. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Then you're gonna wind up getting yourself killed. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
There are others like you. There are other survivors. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
There is no answer! lt's already done all the damage it can! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
There isn't a lot we can do about that from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
There was something in the blood. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
There. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
There's always a government. They're in a bunker or a plane... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They died peacefully. You should be grateful. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They quarantined us. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They're all empty. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They're dead. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They're dead. Like Selena's. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They're doing just fine. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They're locked. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They're running from the lnfected. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
They've been a long time. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Think! Actually think about it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
This is great. Just great. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
This is it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
This is my daughter Hannah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
This is what l've seen in the four weeks since lnfection. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Those pills, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Three, two, one, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Time to go. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Tinned ham, tinned peas, tinned beans and... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Top cupboard. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Turns stagnant. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Um... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Um.... that's what you were thinking. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Vehicles. We should check the vehicles. There has to be something. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Very spruce. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Wait for me, please! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Wait up, Selena! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Wait! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Was it? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We are soldiers and we are armed. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We didn't hear anything more after that. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We don't have any cheeseburgers. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We don't have time to get back to the shop before dark. We should stay here tonight. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We fight off the lnfected or we wait until they starve to death and then what? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We get in the car and we go! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We have a spare room. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We have to get out of here. Come on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We hope it's chips, it's chips from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We need each other. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We'll all go and find your dead parents together, OK? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We'll all go and find your dead parents together, OK? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We'll have eggs again. Once everything's back to normal. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We're fucked! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We're gonna be OK. lt's not all fucked. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We're gonna eat these, Hannah, OK? Come on. Eat these. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We're gonna get out of here. Stay with it, Hannah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We're very grateful for your protection but if we're gonna stay here... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We've got enough food, Jim. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We've got Mum's creme de menthe. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Well, she's got her dad and he's got his daughter. So... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Well, we've got beds with clean sheets and a boiler that produces hot water. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What a fucking disappointment. l saw those eggs, l thought it was Christmas. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What are you gonna do if they don't come back? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What did you say? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What do nine men do except wait to die themselves? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What do you mean? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What do you want, a fucking sweetie? Keep shooting, you cunt! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What is it about tower blocks and shopping trolleys? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What the fuck you gonna do now? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What would you do with a diseased little island? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What you doing?! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What? What is it? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What's that? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What's up? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
When Hannah had her dad it was OK. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Where are you going? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Where are you? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Where's your family? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Which is what l saw in the four weeks before lnfection, the four weeks before that... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Which she certainly has no use for. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Which to my mind puts us in a state of normality now. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Who have you killed? You wouldn't be alive now if you hadn't killed somebody. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Whoa, whoa, relax! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Why don't you all sit down and... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Would you be the officer if Henry was dead? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yeah, all right. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yeah, l'm fine, sweetheart. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yeah, yeah, clear. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yeah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yeah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yes, sir. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yes. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You can be with us. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You can keep it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You can set up a plastic sheet to catch dew and condensation. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You can't do this! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You didn't need a doctor to tell you that. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You heard. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You know why? Because it's obviously a shit idea. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You know, Man has only been around for a few blinks of an eye. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You look like you need one. Please. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You looked all right in this, you know. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You muppet! Look at him, eh? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You must eat, Hannah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You must find us. Please! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You need to leave me alone with Hannah. OK? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You OK in there, Jim? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You see, l'm gonna have the black one. And l'm gonna make her squirm. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You think l don't get it, but l do get it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You two should get on like a house on fire. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You two, in there! Move! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You wanna get your hands on a really big chopper, you just come and see me. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You were hoping for a full brigade. An army base with helicopters and a field hospital. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You wouldn't want to mow the lawn, but if they get in, we hear them. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You'd never think it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You'll go and come back, yeah? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You'll have to use the bucket. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You'll have to wait and see from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You'll let him stick me? Like a fucking dog? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You'll never read a book that hasn't already been written, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You're a big softie, Frank. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You're from the hospital. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You're quite safe here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You're the first uninfected person we've seen in six days. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You've got no fat on you and all you've had to eat is sugar. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yours will be dead too. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
27 miles northeast of Manchester. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
27 miles northeast of Manchester. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
42nd blockade. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Farrell) So you're gonna stick me? (Jones) Shoot 'em! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Hannah and Selena laughing) Peaty aftertaste. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Jim) Did you have a fry up? (Frank) We'll stop at a pub on the way. Door! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(man) Nice one, Doris! Omelette! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Selena) Don't look at them! Don't look! (Jim) l can see them! They're coming! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Anyone... l understand! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Are you a doctor? He's not a doctor. He's a patient. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Because if they slowed you down... l'd leave them behind. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Can you see him? Through there! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Clear. Clear. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Covered everything. Who are those people? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Dad! Keep away! Keep away! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Dad? Keep away from me! Keep away from me! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Defend these stairs with your fucking life! Hannah! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Did l miss breakfast? (Selena) You'll sleep through anything. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Find anything, Jim? No! Let's get outta here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Frank, drive! Move it, Frank! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get in the car! Come on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Get the tyre on, Hannah! l'm trying. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Give her half of one. All right. We're on. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Good people? Yeah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
How was it? Fine. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jesus Christ! (Hannah screaming) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jim, kill him! Jim! Dad! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jim, wait! No time! Come on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Jones, move it! l can see him! l can see him! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Just feel lucky to have found you. You were lucky. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Just like you'll cope. l don't want her to have to fucking cope. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
l can pop these, no problem. So get to it! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
l can't hear anything! l told you, l heard it! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
l don't like this. l think we should go. No! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
l said shut up! Hannah... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
l thought girls liked dressing up. Expensive dresses. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
l'll shoot them! No, you won't. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
l've got to explain something. Shut up. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
lf there's anyone... l understand. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Listen, right. The OC wants... He wants us to dress up nice. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
ln a heartbeat. Yeah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
lnfected with what? To cure, you must first understand. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Look, l didn't... No, it's OK. lt's the truth. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
lt's a long story. (screeching) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
lt's a recording? Yeah, it's a recording. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
lt's only dressing up! No! Selena! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mailer's loose. Hannah! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Maybe they have a cure. Maybe they've got nothing. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Mitchell, first action on. Resecure the perimeter. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No! Now, Jim! Now! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
No. l can't sleep. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Now don't be throwing it. Here, give us some. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Oh, God... Keep your shit together. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Open up! Where's Dad? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Over here! Come on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Please... Believe me, l'm not interested. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Quiet. There's more. Our location is the 42nd blockade, M602, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Report clear! Fucking hell! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Run! Wait! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena! (screams) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Selena. Selena. Good to meet you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Sir... Shh. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
So what do you make of them? Well, they're desperate. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Someone's at the blockade! Jim! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Someone's at the blockade! Jim! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Stay close, Jim. What? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
That what you meant, Bill? Yeah, yeah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
That's an offer, Mitch. Give her some. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
That's Mr Bridges. Were you bitten? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The blood. There was blood on me. lt was on you. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
The only way to find out is to reach them. We could die trying, Frank! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
There's been no broadcasts for weeks. Just listen. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
To new friends. (all) New friends. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Two each. Not for me, thanks. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Wait for me! Come on! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
We have to go. Yeah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Welcome. Jim. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Were you bitten? No. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What are you cooking, Jones? Surprise, sir. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What is he talking about? Get the cages open. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What is it? We have to go. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What the fuck is going on? Just shut up! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What was that? Lightning. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What's the government doing? There's no government. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What's the matter with her? We have to kill her now! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
What's the matter with her? You have to kill her! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Who have you killed? No one. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Why didn't you say something before? l didn't think you'd give a shit. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
Yeah, we did. We must be a disappointment. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You definitely heard it? Yeah! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You don't know nothing. l think Bill's got a point. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You must find us. Salvation is... Now itjust repeats. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You wanna shoot me? l'll kill you! Where's he fucking gone? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You won't. Yes! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You? No. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You're back. Yeah. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
You're not eating? l don't want to eat. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
''There is no lnfection. lt's just people killing people.'' He's insane! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
''We''? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
( ''Frosty the Snowman'") from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(alarm) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(belches) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(car horn) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(cawing) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(cheering) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(coughs) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(distant aircraft) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(engine fails) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Farrell) Come on then, you fucking pansies. Do me first. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Farrell) ls that how you'd let your sergeant go out, Jones? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Farrell) Smithers says ''Women and semen don't mix.'' from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Frank making engine noises) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Frank) Hurry up. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Frank) Let's just get it done. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(gasping and retching) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(groans) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(gunfire) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(gunfire) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Hannah) Do you think they're infected? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Hannah) No... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Hannah) Right, l've done it. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Hannah) Selena! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Hannah) What's wrong? Dad! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Jim) Anybody seen any buns? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Jim) How did you know? How did you know he was infected? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Jim) How is she doing? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Jim) No, no. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Jim) Whoo! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Jones) No, Mitch. Mitch, just use the gat. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(louder) Hello! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(man on radio) Salvation is here. The answer to lnfection is here. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(man) Doris, you twat. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(man) Ladies... from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(man) Over here! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(man) Three survivors. One male, two female. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Mark screams) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(mumbles) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(noises from behind door) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(quietly) Like going on holidays with your aunt! from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(radio) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(radio) Our location is the 42nd blockade, the M602, from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(scrabbling sounds) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screaming) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screaming) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screaming) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screaming) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screaming) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screech) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screech) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screech) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screech) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screeching and wheezing) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(screeching) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Selena) Do you need a break? from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(Selena) lt's clear. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(singing) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(siren) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(sniffs) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(thunder) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(West) The first thing we're going to do is make you look more presentable. from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(wheezing) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi
(woif whistle) from 28 Days Later... (2003) Sci-Fi