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The Devil's Advocate Title: The Devil's Advocate - Unleashing Sinister Temptations The Devil's Advocate, released in 1997, is

The Devil's Advocate

Title: The Devil's Advocate - Unleashing Sinister Temptations

The Devil's Advocate, released in 1997, is a gripping supernatural thriller that delves into the inner workings of temptation, morality, and the seductive allure of power. Directed by Taylor Hackford, this compelling film stars Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino, and Charlize Theron in unforgettable performances.

Set in the gritty streets of New York City, The Devil's Advocate introduces us to Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves), a talented young attorney who never loses a case. His unwavering ethics and drive for justice seem unstoppable until he is approached by John Milton (Al Pacino), the charismatic head of a powerful law firm. Delighted by Kevin's extraordinary skills, Milton recruits him into his firm, promising him wealth, success, and limitless desires.

As Kevin becomes enthralled by the allure of wealth and power, cracks begin to reveal themselves in this Faustian bargain. His morals are tested as he defends morally corrupt clients and witnesses the depths to which both his colleagues and the firm's clients will go to achieve their desires. Meanwhile, Kevin's wife, Mary Ann (Charlize Theron), spirals into a world of paranoia and self-destruction, uncovering secrets that threaten to consume them both.

Al Pacino delivers a tour-de-force performance as the enigmatic John Milton, seducing the audience with his charm, devilish wit, and terrifying presence. Keanu Reeves expertly portrays the vulnerable Kevin Lomax, torn between his integrity and the seductive power that Milton promises. Charlize Theron delivers a haunting portrayal of a woman on the edge, caught in a web of deceit and manipulation.

With its dark and atmospheric cinematography and thought-provoking script, The Devil's Advocate presents a moral labyrinth that questions the true nature of evil and the lengths one is willing to go to achieve success. Its evocative soundtrack, featuring haunting melodies and powerful scores, adds depth and intensity to the film.

If you wish to immerse yourself in the gripping world of The Devil's Advocate, you can now play and download its captivating sounds here. Indulge in the sinister whispers, spine-chilling musical cues, and memorable dialogues that echo throughout the film, further highlighting the themes of temptation and the timeless battle between good and evil.

Whether you're a fan of supernatural thrillers, searching for thought-provoking cinema, or simply curious about the enigmatic world of The Devil's Advocate, this film is an unforgettable journey that will leave you pondering the true nature of the human soul and the price we are willing to pay for our desires.

Play and download the sounds of The Devil's Advocate here and experience the captivating tale of moral ambiguity and temptation that will keep you enthralled until the haunting finale.
A cooler green.
A gun? In here?
A huge hog beast you didn't like!
A lawyer with a crisis of conscience? You gotta be kidding. It's huge.
A little late in the game to buy out now.
A long time ago
A lump sum payment, regardless of the verdict, in the amount of...
A man's career...
A new place.
A no man's land...
A smile from a jury.
A story about a math teacher...
A woman's shoulders are the frontlines of her mystique.
About what?
Actually, we were hoping to retain your services.
Ah, Christ, Eddie. Jesus.
Ah, Harry, if you keep thinking small, we'll never make any money on you, heh.
Alex Cullen has just been charged with murdering his wife...
Alex, just calm down and listen, okay?
Alex, you know how this town works.
Alexander Cullen in a Manhattan triple murder with, excuse me, Kevin?
Alice Lomax.
ALICE: Somebody! Help!
ALL [SINGING]: Romans 16:19 says!
All expenses, first class travel and lodging, you and your wife.
All hail.
All of it, Kevin!
All of it!
All of these things.
All of us have them. You use it. You embrace it. And then you move on.
All right, Mr. Lomax, you may present your case.
All right, wait a minute.
All right?
All right.
All rise.
All she wanted was love.
All the way to New York just to pick a jury, huh?
All what?
All you gotta do...
ALL: Amen.
Already swimming with the sharks.
Always, Jean.
Am I right?
Ambassador Charles Gagano.
And 4?
And after you had told them what he had done to you...
And Cullen. Knowing he was guilty.
And for that it is a time of rejoicing.
And Gizelle.
And God...
And he did it at home...
And he did it...
And he told me:
And he wants me to save him. Only this time, I can't.
And her neck...
And I haven't talked to anyone...
And I just got my teeth kicked in on the front page, so I gotta run.
And I prepared, at Mr. Milton's request, an overview of the Moyez case.
And I think I wanted him to, but then I just...
And I'm sure it wasn't easy.
And I've even been to China And I've seen the Great Wall
And I've seen the Taj Mahal
And it is to that Father that he now returns.
And maybe, just maybe, if we kill ourselves...
And Moyez. The direction you took.
And now that you've got this big case, it's just only gonna get worse.
And say what?
And she can take that during the day?
And the black thing, you being black...
And the God of Peace Will soon crush Satan
And the God of Peace Will soon crush Satan
And the light of a single lamp shall shine in thee no more.
And the single most important provable fact of this proceeding...
And then it hits home.
And then there's you.
And then we talked.
And these women. My God, I mean, I'm seeing things for Christ's sake.
And they'll never see him coming.
And we talked for hours.
And what happened to Babylon?
And when all that evidence is laid before you...
And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, what is he doing?
And woe betide the creature who steps into his garden.
And yet one thing more:
And your wife, she had a good time?
And, Mr. Cullen...
And, of course, Mr. Milton has the tower.
And, uh, this is about what?
ANDREA: Get another bottle of chardonnay for Mrs. Barzoon and Mrs. Heath.
ANDREA: Right away.
Another one of these, please.
Answer the question.
Any chance, Your Honor, for a short recess?
Anybody want a drink?
Are we negotiating?
Are we negotiating?
Are you all right, Kevin?
Are you alone?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you really this good?
Are you serious?
Are you shitting me?
As the air thickens, the water sours...
As your attorney, I'm advising you to keep the fuck away from me.
Assistant District Attorney Arnold Merto.
At any point during this three hour marathon...
At night, I'd go to sleep, I'd see that light on...
Aw, don't be too hard on yourself, Kevin. You wanted something more.
Aw, listen to yourself, Kevin. "We've gotta talk about this."
Awfully hot in that courtroom, wasn't it?
Babs Coleman.
Babs is from Georgia Tech. It's your neck of the woods.
Baby, I gotta take this.
Baby, there is no blood.
Baby, what are you doing?
Back to work. This is not a break.
BAILIFF: All rise.
BAILIFF: Raise your right hand.
Baptist Endeavor Youth Crusade, 1966.
BARBARA: He told me to sit in the chair beside his desk.
BARBARA: No. Mr. Gettys asked me to stay after class.
BARBARA: Not with me.
Barzoon always overstates things.
Barzoon was coming in, Kevin. He was going to testify.
BARZOON: George, remember, no shredding in the building trash.
BARZOON: He's right, Alex.
BARZOON: Nope. No bedroom.
Bashir Toabal, Energy Law.
Be excellent in what is good
Be innocent of evil
Be the little guy.
Because as long as you're boning Melissa, you're not home killing your wife.
Because I know that's what you're gonna say.
Because I need to know and understand exactly...
Because the law, my boy, puts us into everything.
Because you're my father?
Because you're so fucking good.
Because, I mean, your timing, it's superb.
Behold, I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.
Behold, I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.
Behold, I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.
Believe me.
Believes in human frailty...
Best jogging in New York. Mount Sinai Hospital is up the street.
Bet you like to be on top.
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, is that it?
Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate.
Bliss any way you want it.
Blood money.
Both of you.
Bravo! Bravo!
Bright young lights. Heh.
Bring them up to my place. Do it quietly.
But first I want you to find Heath and Eddie Barzoon.
But guess what? There's no one there.
But I assumed you knew that.
But I can no longer represent my client.
But I have to volunteer.
But I'm no puppeteer, Kevin.
But may I make a suggestion?
But right now, this moment...
But this isn't a popularity contest.
But why?
But you just kept on winning...
Bye, Larry.
Call her.
Call him. Talk to him. See what they have to say.
Call me Dad.
Can I ask you a question, then?
Can I have the car stop at my ex husband's?
Can you hear that?
Can you sleep at night?
Can you summon your talent at will?
Careful, hon.
Caribbean green.
Chapter one.
Child of God.
Christabella Andrioli, International Trade and Customs...
Come here.
Come on, Mary Ann. Let's check out Yoshi's.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Consider the source, son.
Cullen fucking set me up. Melissa, the whole thing.
CULLEN: Alessandra. LOMAX: Alex.
CULLEN: How do you know that?
CULLEN: I don't know.
CULLEN: I have maintained my innocence all along, now you see proof.
CULLEN: I'll see you next week. MAN: That's it, I'm sorry.
CULLEN: Look at this.
CULLEN: Why do we have to keep going? LOMAX: Because it needs to be clear.
Cut the shit, Dad. Why lawyers? Why the law?
Damn straight.
Definitely my favorite sin.
Depends on the view.
DeSoto and Dibalista, Panama.
Diana Barzoon. Eddie's wife.
Did somebody hurt you?
Did you just hear that?
Did you know there are more students in law school...
Did you like the green?
Do it. See what happens.
Do you have room for one more?
Do you have this view?
Do you have this view?
Do you mean the possibility of leaving this case has never entered your mind?
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth...
Do you think, as a juror...
Do you want to see it? Here. I'll fucking show you.
Does my babysitter have to testify?
Doesn't Diana look fabulous?
Doesn't work like that.
Don't be such a fucking chump.
Don't do this, Kevin. Please take me home.
Don't get too cocky, my boy. No matter how good you are...
Don't let him scare you, eh?
Don't tease me.
Don't tell me.
Donald Trump was supposed to be here, but he had a business emergency.
DOORMAN: Feeney, it's him.
Downtown, I mean.
Dr. Robert, I'm telling you...
Dr. Robert.
Dump him.
Early release for time served. Heh.
Eddie Barzoon, Managing Director...
Eddie Barzoon.
Eddie Barzoon...
Eddie's got himself in trouble again.
Eighth grade teacher?
Either you put a stop to this happy horseshit or I walk.
Enjoy your lunch.
Esteemed colleague. Benevolent citizen.
Every dog gets his day.
Every meal, there he was at my ear and I was...
Every now and then, she gets one right.
Every one of them is getting ready to fistfuck God's ex planet...
Everyone will understand. I'll understand.
Everything on beam?
Exactly, Your Honor.
Excelsior Securities, who's handling that?
Except one.
Excuse me, ma'am. Did I leave my boots under your bed?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. This is important.
Face it, you started looking to better deal her the minute you got here.
Fact is, you'll never know anyway.
Fallen, fallen, is Babylon.
Feel real?
Feel them.
Fiber optically connect the world to every eager impulse.
Fill me in. Did Cullen's assistant admit to the affair?
Finish the story.
Finish the story.
Follow the money all the way to the top.
For God's sake, man...
Forget about him.
Forget about him. We can leave here.
Free will, it is a bitch.
Free will, right? Heh.
Free will. It's like butterfly wings.
Freedom, baby...
Fresh in from Paris.
From New York?
From your terrace, do you have this view?
Fuck off.
Fuck you!
GARRETY: I'll make sure Melissa gets down to the car.
GARRETY: She attacked me. Huh?
GARRETY: Sure. Come on, Kevin.
GARRETY: What do you think?
Get Dr. Job in here now!
Get my message?
Get out before I cut your throat. Fuck that.
Get out!
Get some! You wanna lose? You are on!
Get the discovery package over here, right now.
Give it over. Give me the gun.
Give me a quote.
Give me your watch.
Go ahead. That's the ultimate test. Come on.
Go figure it, a guy like Moyez...
Go get them, man.
Go on.
Go to bed. I have no idea.
God likes to watch.
God will crush him Underneath your feet
God will crush him Underneath your feet
God, how do you handle it?
God, no, Kevin.
God, who is our refuge and our strength.
God, who is that very present help...
God. Where are you?
God's special creature?
Goddamn it, what did you do to my wife?
Goddamn you!
Good afternoon. I'm looking for Philippe Moyez.
Good evening.
Good luck.
Good morning, Caprice.
Good morning, Mr. Heath.
Good night.
Got me! Yes! Wow!
Got the park right across the street, and the reservoir.
Gotta go with your gut.
Grab your coat. The night is young. We're going to the Garden. Ringside.
Grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar green...
Great building.
Guatemala, Sudan, Cyprus...
Ha, ha. So fill in the rƩsumƩ for me. Tell me, uh, your father, what does he do?
Ha! Remember the Weaver Commission investigation?
Ha! You're dreaming.
Ha. God's creature, right?
Had to close out someday.
Had to close out someday.
Half sister, to be exact.
Hang on.
Hasn't Mr. Gettys had to talk to you repeatedly about your behavior?
Have other teachers asked you to stay after class?
Have we been treating you well?
Have you ever had a party at your house, Barbara...
Have you ever heard of a game called "Special Places"?
Have you ever played the game "Special Places"?
Have you guys seen Kevin anywhere?
Haven't I given enough?
He ain't going to talk to you now. Eight o'clock tomorrow morning.
He did this to me!
He did this to me.
He fucked me.
He gives man...
He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does he do?
He had the body of a 10 year old girl in the trunk of his car.
He has entered...
He just kept on with his hand.
He just wouldn't stop.
He killed a goat.
He killed those people.
He let himself in. You need to know that.
He looks like a brother with an attitude, but I see a man with a gun under his bed.
He polishes those shoes every night. He makes his own clothes.
He probably eats a thousand pancakes for breakfast."
He promised I'd get to the bus on time if I'd help him do something.
He said he was testing to see if I had any special feelings...
He set me up.
He talked to me.
He wants to see if I'll plea bargain. It's a test, right?
He was going running.
He was in court in my presence all afternoon!
He was running, if you can believe it.
He, uh...
He'll take away that fear.
He's a business client.
He's a prankster.
He's a sadist!
He's a tightass!
He's a winner, Alex.
He's always been there.
He's an absentee landlord!
He's been a destructive force in the lives of his stepchildren.
He's been a terrible husband to all three of his wives.
He's cheated the city, his partners...
He's dead. He was killed.
He's going to change tempo, attitude, tone of voice.
He's going to come out with questions you never thought of just to screw you up.
He's gonna set this whole thing free.
He's got a lot of fingers in a lot of pies.
He's laughing his sick fucking ass off!
He's not sure. He thinks it could be some kind of hormonal imbalance.
He's paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties and fines.
He's the boss.
He's the senior partner at the...
He's your father.
HEATH: At least they got the scumbags who did it.
HEATH: Be careful. I don't have a map. I don't want you to get lost.
HEATH: Glad you could stick around. LOMAX: It's your dime.
HEATH: I need to warn you about one thing.
HEATH: Not bad, huh?
HEATH: So, what do you think? You can change the furniture if you like.
HEATH: They call this part of Fifth Avenue, Carnegie Hill.
Heh, different when you're looking down, isn't it?
Heh, oh, my God.
Heh, yeah.
Heh. Call me in the morning.
Heh. I'm sorry.
Hell, he can smell us.
Help me out.
Here's the deal: If I lose with your jury, you do the explaining.
Hey, baby.
Hey, Marie, do you want to go to the party?
Hey, you were too busy.
Hey, you're my lawyer.
Hey. In two minutes you won't be thinking about Mary Ann ever again.
Hi. No, it's okay. I'm on it. Yeah.
Hmm. How nice for you.
Hmm. Yes, Kevin. He's going to do all right if he...
Ho! Ha!
Holding my breath.
Holy shit.
Horace will be disappointed.
How about that first line of cocaine?
How about the thing you love the most?
How am I going to convince anybody? I'm innocent.
How did he know?
How do you do?
How the fuck does your name get on the firm's charter?
How the hell do you know that?
How you doing, sweetie?
How'd you know? Oh, my goodness.
How's this:
Huge drug cases, murder, everything.
Huh? What are you playing with?
I adjourn this court.
I am in there with two shrinks and three social workers.
I am now.
I am so lonely.
I am, sir.
I asked him to stop, but it was like he couldn't hear.
I began the case with a clear conscience.
I believe you met Christabella.
I call Melissa Black.
I came this morning.
I can relate.
I can, believe me.
I can't do it.
I can't look at myself in the mirror.
I can't put her on the stand.
I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him.
I did it all.
I did. You write beautifully.
I didn't hear him. I swear to you.
I didn't kill anybody.
I didn't make it easy.
I didn't plea out a lot.
I didn't say that.
I didn't want to be the only one.
I don't care if they can hear me.
I don't care!
I don't do that, Kevin!
I don't expect you to like him.
I don't feel right.
I don't know what the other teachers wanted.
I don't know what you're talking about. I sure don't like your tone.
I don't know, I just couldn't stop him.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe he is a whiz kid, but Jesus Christ.
I don't like Alexander Cullen.
I don't like him.
I don't like it here, Kevin.
I don't like to micro manage. Find the talent, then delegate.
I don't make things happen.
I don't see a whole lot of pro bono work in your immediate future.
I don't think he's a nice person.
I don't think it's easy anywhere.
I don't want to disturb your party.
I don't want to resent her.
I dreamt about this.
I feel like I'm floating around in that place.
I figured you came down to make sure I didn't fuck this up.
I get one supervised hour a week with my stepdaughter.
I get that on my own.
I give you pleasure.
I got a knife.
I gotta go piss!
I gotta go.
I gotta protect myself.
I gotta take this.
I gotta tell you, Ma, this routine's getting awful tired.
I guess it'll do.
I had a fucking panic attack until Jackie told me where you were.
I happen to know a little bit about kashruth law, Mr. Lomax.
I have a 14 year old stepdaughter...
I have been watching. Couldn't help myself.
I have had nine death threats.
I have keys. I called the cops from the house. I touched the goddamn wall.
I have nothing further.
I have so many names.
I have this whole fucking place to fill!
I have to go, Kevin.
I hear you fine.
I hope you're kidding.
I just, um...
I kept calling the house and getting no answer.
I knew I'd find you here. I'd like you to meet my wife.
I knew it was 6:10 because I heard the weather coming on the news...
I knew the DA was holding out on us.
I know him. He's a difficult man, but he couldn't kill anyone.
I know it.
I know something that'll make you feel better.
I know that now.
I know we have all this money and it's supposed to be fun, but it's not.
I know what they're doing over there. That's right.
I know what you did. You set me up.
I know what you're going through.
I know why this is happening.
I know you.
I know you.
I know you're hungry.
I know you've got talent. I knew that before you got here.
I know.
I leave the case, she gets better and then I hate her for it."
I let her go.
I like it fine. It's beautiful.
I like to be in court.
I live there too.
I love green.
I love it but it's one thing to wear it and another to have it on your walls.
I love you too.
I love you.
I love you.
I miss my church.
I miss you so much.
I need help. I'm busy.
I need this...
I need to be replaced as counsel.
I need to talk to you.
I never got to know my father. He passed away before I was born.
I nursed him through two divorces, a cocaine rehab...
I only set the stage.
I panicked. I was panicked.
I panicked. Is that a crime?
I petitioned Florida for a letter of good conduct.
I play the trumpet too.
I promise.
I quit the case, she gets better...
I rest my case.
I run the Islamic subgroup.
I say spend it all.
I say we ride them as far as we can, and then eat them.
I see a monster.
I see the future...
I shouldn't have left. I knew it.
I spent five years listening to juries deliberate.
I stand corrected.
I sure as hell hope so.
I swear, for his own amusement...
I take the bricks out of the briefcase.
I talked to some old friends in Florida this morning.
I tell you, man...
I think it's fine. But I also think it's traumatic.
I think the right thing.
I thought I was the only one working late.
I thought you said it was important.
I thought you said it was impossible.
I throw these parties twice a year.
I told him I was afraid I'd miss my bus.
I told him if he didn't leave us alone, you'd kick his ass.
I told Kevin the only thing worse than not having a father was having mine.
I told you to take care of your wife.
I told you. Right here.
I trusted you to defend me.
I want a family.
I want Kevin to tell him.
I want one thing from you.
I want to hear you say it.
I want to see both attorneys in my chambers immediately.
I want you loose and pliable this afternoon.
I want you on board, Eddie.
I want you to ask yourself:
I want you to be yourself.
I want you to drop this case.
I want you to meet my new heavyweight, here: Kevin Lomax.
I want you to put Eddie aside. Let me worry about it.
I want you to take over the firm.
I was boning my assistant the night my wife got shot.
I was confused, and he just kept on.
I was here in New York.
I was hoping I'd see you here tonight. And here you are.
I was just telling them the Moyez story.
I was so frightened. I didn't move. I thought if I was just quiet it'd be okay.
I was sure you had a secret.
I was there yesterday.
I was trying to think of something to say, but I couldn't.
I win!
I won't be as long as Mr. Broygo.
I would hate for her to get in trouble.
I wouldn't do that.
I, uh, appreciate the vote of confidence, but maybe Eddie has a point here.
I'd like to move at this time for a verdict of dismissal.
I'd like you to meet Kevin Lomax. Kevin is from Florida.
I'd love to do it, but if I did...
I'd take Kevin and I don't look back.
I'll back you either way.
I'll bring Melissa down to the car. You better get going.
I'll buy you a drink when I, uh...
I'll have the pharmacy call you right back.
I'll miss you.
I'll never forgive myself.
I'll take her home if you let me.
I'll tell you...
I'm a fan of man!
I'm a friend of Eddie Barzoon.
I'm a humanist.
I'm a lawyer! That's my job. That's what I do.
I'm a little more than that, Kevin.
I'm a surprise, Kevin.
I'm also going to suggest that if you have any other exhibits...
I'm calling the doctor. I'm going to get you some help.
I'm going home.
I'm going to adjourn this trial until 9 a.m. Tomorrow morning.
I'm going to bed.
I'm going to tell you some things during the course of this trial...
I'm going to work. You can do whatever you want.
I'm gonna bust my ass to make sure they hate you.
I'm gonna have to look around.
I'm having a drink.
I'm here about the animals.
I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began.
I'm in a hurry. I need to talk to my wife.
I'm just getting to know the city.
I'm just getting warmed up.
I'm just not drunk enough yet to fall for it.
I'm just tired of sending their business across the street.
I'm just trying to help. It's your walls. Do what you want.
I'm Kevin Lomax. I'm a lawyer.
I'm learning about you.
I'm not crazy.
I'm not going back to Gainesville.
I'm not out 20 minutes, and I'm being followed by the press.
I'm not sure the Florida Bar Association would appreciate it.
I'm peaking, Kevin.
I'm right here.
I'm so ashamed.
I'm sorry, baby.
I'm sorry, Barbara, I was wrong.
I'm taking you off the case.
I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt.
I'm trying to work with you.
I'm upstairs. I'm with Milton, Heath and Barzoon.
I've been there.
I've got a winner here.
I've got some, uh, tough phone calls I've got to...
I've got to nail this fucker down and put it behind me. Just get it done.
I've got to re interview Melissa.
I've had so many disappointments.
I've had some sympathetic juries.
I've nurtured every sensation man has been inspired to have.
I've seen the Pacific Ocean The Statue of Liberty
I've sent Pam downtown to make bail arrangements.
I've wanted you from the moment we met.
I've warned him every step of the way.
I've warned him, Kevin.
If anyone should ask...
If he doesn't come to us, he'll regret it.
If I need to call those other children, I will.
If I want to see Leamon...
If it's a choice, I'll go now.
If they didn't, you were going to tell everyone about this special party.
If you can believe it...
If you never see your husband, have a relationship with his money.
If you want to go home...
If you will, in your own words, tell us exactly what happened...
In addition to our corporate clients we're representing 25 foreign countries:
In case you didn't know, these are the Republicans of New York.
In old Mexico
In the Bible, you lose.
In the dark?
In the event that we all get drunk, let's front load the ceremonial bullshit.
Instant bliss. Bliss on tap. Ha, ha.
Interesting work, but travel intensive.
Is it everything you expected?
Is it your testimony, Ms. Black, that between the hours of 6:10 and 9:40...
Is that it?
Is that what you did on the day in question?
Is there anything else they may have told me about the party?
Is there more to it?
Is this game sexual in nature?
Is your wife a jealous woman, Mr. Lomax?
Isn't everything?
Isn't she lovely?
Isn't that true?
Isn't that why he asked you to stay after class?
It changes everything. Pressure.
It didn't rub off?
It doesn't belong to you.
It goes on and on and on. Milton is into everything.
It has become a dwelling place of demons.
It looks like it's been there for years.
It was a dream.
It was a nice run, Kev.
It was a nice run, Kev.
It was a test! Your test!
It was going to be a nursery...
It was meant to be a joke.
It wasn't the wine, or my hair, or talking to Kathy...
It's a birthday party. We can sing.
It's a disappointment. We have them.
It's a health code case and it's a loser.
It's a little early for Scripture.
It's a little more than that.
It's a murder trial.
It's a partial of a hand on the wall next to the bodies.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
It's a sensitive...
It's a vision.
It's a wonderful opportunity for Kevin.
It's about your hair, that's why I ask.
It's all right, dear. Look.
It's arbor green. What do you think?
It's awesome how far you've come.
It's bad.
It's buy futures, sell futures...
It's certainly not a religious practice performed by everyone.
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