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C.H.U.D. (1984) C.H.U.D. (1984) is a cult classic horror film that takes audiences on a thrilling journey into the sewers

C.H.U.D. (1984)

C.H.U.D. (1984) is a cult classic horror film that takes audiences on a thrilling journey into the sewers of New York City. Directed by Douglas Cheek, this suspenseful flick explores the terrifying existence of Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers, hence the acronym C.H.U.D.

The movie introduces us to a diverse and talented cast, including John Heard as George Cooper, Daniel Stern as A.J. Shepherd, and Christopher Curry as Captain Bosch. John Heard's portrayal of George Cooper, a diligent photographer investigating the disappearance of the city's homeless population, is both convincing and relatable. Daniel Stern effortlessly brings humor to the film as A.J. Shepherd, a homeless soup kitchen operator who joins George on his mission. Christopher Curry, as Captain Bosch, delivers a compelling performance as a determined police captain trying to solve the mystery behind the C.H.U.D. encounters.

Set in the gritty streets of New York City, C.H.U.D. explores the dark and dangerous underworld that exists beneath the city's surface. As George and A.J. delve deeper into their investigation, they uncover a secret government cover-up that resulted in the creation of these mutated creatures. Shadows and suspense create an eerie atmosphere, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the movie.

The horror elements in C.H.U.D. are enhanced by the remarkable sound design. The echoes of footsteps in the desolate tunnels, the grotesque noises emitted by the C.H.U.D., and the piercing screams of their victims all contribute to an immersive experience. Sound designer Alan Howarth skillfully crafted an auditory landscape that amplifies the film's unsettling atmosphere, heightening the terror for viewers.

If you're intrigued by the bone-chilling sounds of C.H.U.D., you're in luck! You can now play and download these sounds to transport yourself to the haunting world of the film. Immerse yourself in the echoes of the sewer tunnels, the growls of the C.H.U.D., and the screams of their victims with just a few clicks.

C.H.U.D.'s impact on the horror genre cannot be understated. It has become a beloved favorite among horror enthusiasts, praised for its unique take on a classic monster tale. The film's success led to various sequels, including C.H.U.D. II: Bud the C.H.U.D. (1989), which expanded the universe and introduced new horrifying creatures.

Not only did C.H.U.D. captivate audiences with its thrilling narrative and terrifying creatures, but it also shed light on important social issues. The film highlighted the struggles faced by the homeless population in New York City and drew attention to their often-overlooked existence. By intertwining these themes with horror, C.H.U.D. offered a thought-provoking and socially conscious viewing experience.

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey into the depths of horror, explore the world of C.H.U.D. (1984) and uncover the terrifying secret lurking beneath the streets of New York City. Brace yourself for pulse-pounding suspense, bone-chilling creatures, and a haunting soundscape that will leave you breathless.

Don't wait! Play and download the sounds of C.H.U.D. now and experience a terrifying adventure like never before. Enter the world of the C.H.U.D. and let your imagination run wild in the dark and eerie tunnels beneath the city streets.
A bag lady tried to steal a gun.
A C.H.U.D. Alright?
A Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller.
A young girl saw something.
A.J. Shepherd.
About 100 yards down that tunnel to the right,
About the EPA probe.
About three weeks ago, the Environmental Protection Agency encountered,
Ah ha, Who? Important people?
All by yourself?
All of 'em?
All right, Bosch. What're you gonna tell 'em?
All right, Derek, you made your point.
All right, I'll take it.
All right, Vickie, do you remember me, George Cooper?
All right. What we got here?
All the undergrounders are looking for weapons now, man.
All these people are dead because of you, Wilson.
All you want 'em to do is clean up their mess, before anybody finds out what's really, going on down there.
Alright, Captain.
Alright, men. Fan out and form a solid line across the tunnel.
Alright, you do that.
Alright. Let's go.
An alarming number of disappearances in my precinct.
An award winning pictorial essay on derelicts who hang out in the sewers.
And Our baby.
And a six year old kid who thinks she saw a monster.
And as to any connection with the underground, preposterous.
And close the door.
And find out where we're going. Come on in, dear.
And he took me down where these people used to live, underground.
And I can't find the people that I got to take pictures of. They're
And I, and I believe that these murders,
And I'd like to have someone come check it out.
And left my things in the basement? My, my jewelry?
And Mr. A.J.
And put out an A P B on Flora Bosch.
And read all about his involvement in the N R C cover up.
And tell him if he's not there, he can pick up the afternoon papers
And that's the only thing that's
And that's where we found this Geiger counter.
And the place is crawling, but the officials won't talk.
And the sewer mains. Forget about subway grating.
And what are we shooting, a centerfold?
And what are you wearing in this perfume ad?
And you are dead!
And you dump it right here under the streets of our city.
And you, sir, are a liar!
Anything else?
Are somehow connected to the probe that's going on underneath the streets of this city at this very moment.
Are you crazy, Bosch?
Are you crazy? Nothing could possibly survive in
Are you crazy? You'll blow up the whole city!
Are you interested in an alternative?
Are you kidding? I accused the goddamn Commissioner of a cover up.
Are you leaving little breadcrumbs behind so we can find our way out of here?
Are you saying that a gas explosion caused the wreck of this diner?
Are you the one who found it? Where is it?
Are you upset because I'm posing nude?
Art. Art, I'm sorry to wake you, I'm sorry to wake you.
As you all know,
Be a nice place for a kid, growing up.
Because he reported 12 people missing.
Because today I'm gonna shoot Lauren.
Before any cars come, nothing's coming, remember that?
Beg your pardon?
But I can't waste any more time on this.
But I got undergrounders here, people who live underground.
But I'm sending a team armed with flame throwers right down there with them.
But let me tell you what happened.
But so far there has been no official confirmation as to exactly what happened here.
But they sure were insistent on knowing who I was, who I talked to, where I'd been.
But this thing went as high as it could go.
But you guys wouldn't be interested.
But you said you'd be here two hours ago. Was that a joke? Please tell me.
Can't you see he's wounded?
Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller.
Check this out.
Chief O'Brien, Captain Bosch, and uh
Come on, Bosch, you've got men out all over the city. Who's gonna get hurt?
Come on, Come on! Come on!
Come on, don't make me do this, I've been up all night.
Come on, let's forget about this and stay here.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Come on, let's go.
Come on. Get up! Get up! He's trying to kill us.
Contamination hazard urban disposal?
Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.
Cooper, you son of a bitch! I'm in jail! I only get one phone call.
Cooper! Cooper back!
Crosby and Spring.
Damn it.
Did you get it?
Didn't somebody get a court order restraining you from doing it?
Didn't you know that?
Divert some of the gas mains back into those tunnels.
Do you go to movies together? Is she your steady date?
Do you have anything else?
Do you know what that means?
Do you know which box my jewelry case is in?
Do you remember that story that leaked out about us wanting to, uh,
Do you want me to have a kid?
Do you?
Does that help you any?
Don't be scared. Where are you goin', man?
Don't hurt him.
Don't take any chances. First sign of trouble, get the hell outta there.
Don't tell me the N R C doesn't know about that.
Don't you hurt him.
Dr. Bremner called this afternoon, it's official.
Dr. Bremner wanted to know if I was interested in, umm,
Easy, Bosch. Easy.
Everything looks clear. We're movin' out.
Fishy, fishy.
For one thing, I have reason to believe, that a number of these people have been murdered.
Forget it, Bosch. I lost him.
Forget this!
Frankly, I can't decide whether to talk to him or tail him.
From the police department, no less.
Gas could drive those things up here.
Gentlemen, may I present Mr. Wilson of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
George and Lauren aren't in right now, but if you want to, leave a message when you hear the beep.
George Cooper, prominent fashion photographer. Nobody knows me.
George Cooper, suddenly just chucks it all, and drops out of sight.
George Cooper. I don't know him, but I've seen him around.
George, I can't afford to miss this deadline. It's not just the money, it's my credibility.
George, look out!
George, this is Derek. I am having a nervous breakdown.
George, this is really important so I'm asking you as a personal favor,
George, you wanna blow this job for me?
Get him out of there.
Get out.
Get those flame throwers working.
Get up.
Go ahead, go scream your fool head off.
Go on.
Go on.
Go on. Go on!
God, you don't have a clue, do you, Sherlock?
God. Get up!
Gog and Magog.
Gone. Prints of Victor's leg are gone.
Good to see you. You'll have to put on one of these suits before we go in.
Granted, that doesn't necessarily implicate you, sir.
Great, great!
Guns and knives. I told you to be careful.
Have a nice day.
Have you found the bag lady yet? Have you found her brother?
Have you seen enough? Is this enough for you?
Hays, get on the stolen car ring.
He is a madman.
He needs it. He says he needs it, he needs it.
He said, Tell Bosch, he's got the Reverend on the video, in the N R C control room.
He shot an article on the people down there. I have a copy of it right here.
He's gonna help us.
Hello, Murphy? This is George Cooper.
Help! No!
Here you go.
Here you go.
Here, hold this.
Here, take this bag.
Here's a close up of it.
Here's a picture of a bite, taken out of his leg.
Hey, all right! Come on.
Hey, Bosch, can't get enough, huh?
Hey, Bosch! What's happening?
Hey, Bosch! Who are you callin'?
Hey, Captain, this is Sanderson.
Hey, I put in a call, a missing persons complaint. I get a police captain coming down here twice, in one day.
Hey, Jackson, they finally let you off the desk, huh?
Hey, let me show you some of the stuff I found.
Hey, look, Val, man. You gotta get outta here. Get out of here, man. It's dangerous.
Hey, thank you. Come on.
Hey, that's breaking and entering.
Hey, this is your friend from the magazine, isn't it?
Hey, Val!
Hey, Val!
Hey! Mayday! Mayday! Look, hey, we're trapped down here.
Hey! What the hell's going on here?
Hey. Whoa.
Hi, are you the people who are subletting Morton's studio?
Hi, Derek, it's good to hear your voice.
Hi, you've reached the new residence of ah, George Cooper and Lauren Daniels.
Holy shit, man! Holy shit! This is Look at this!
Holy shit!
Holy shit.
Honey, have you been in my dark room, have you been in here?
Honey, I want to go into this phone booth and, We'll have to wake Uncle Art.
How are you gonna cover up killing a cop, huh?
How do I know you didn't give us anything?
How do you know that?
How do you know there aren't more of those things down there?
How does this tie in with the people that are missing?
Huh? You like?
I always know when that probe's going on. My customers start gettin' jumpy.
I am upset because these people are using your body and draping it with the carcass of some helpless,
I bet you heard it before too.
I called up the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
I can wait as long as you can.
I can't afford the publicity.
I can't be held responsible for everything that washes up in the sewer.
I can't tie up the whole force just because some guy decided to, walk out on his wife.
I can't write a word, until you give me the pictures.
I cannot do anything today! Why?
I did a story about some people who happen to live in the sewer.
I didn't call up your precinct so they would send you down here
I don't believe it. Look at all this shit.
I don't believe it. You're not going to tell me if you want me to have a kid?
I don't ever remember agreeing to this. You know what I'm saying?
I don't get, I don't get you, brother.
I don't have your pictures. The police have your pictures.
I don't know if you remember, but,
I don't know where they are!
I don't know why you two couldn't just live in a big cardboard box like everybody else.
I don't know, because I don't know what was in those photographs.
I don't know, Derek. What do bums do on their day off?
I don't know!
I don't know. But I can't let that story get out.
I don't know. I'm sitting here, trying to think,
I don't need no bandages. I need a gun.
I don't take orders from you!
I don't wanna bore you with crime statistics, but, uh,
I don't want to talk about it now, I'm in too good a mood. I might agree to anything.
I found a, uh, mangled, dog hanging in my basement
I got some bandages.
I gotta develop some photographs and get them over to Derek's. I gotta.
I gotta go. I roped him into doing a fashion shoot.
I guess, this is your meeting.
I hate to think of our kids growing up here. It's scary.
I heard you the first time.
I just got a, very strange phone call from some N R C guy, he said it was urgent.
I just wanna know what is goin' on here!
I just want to know if you know any of these people.
I know that people live underground. So what?
I know the only way to find out is for us to go down there.
I know your work.
I mean, I have to be down
I mean, these guys are not holding their breath, waiting for a story about a bunch of subterranean bums.
I run the soup kitchen.
I said nothing, Murphy.
I said, I can't let you do that.
I saw it on TV.
I saw our monster.
I see something, there in the flames!
I think I see something moving up ahead in the tunnel.
I think it is. Look both ways.
I think it's time you and I had a little talk, Mr. Cooper.
I think she was.
I think we outta get this cleaned up, maybe put a new bandage on it, maybe get you to a hospital.
I thought that was settled. We sell your father's house, we get a place of our own.
I told him I'd let him know.
I told you there was something going on.
I told you, I didn't want any more of this bullshit.
I used to be a nuclear physicist.
I want ever manhole sealed off in a 10 block radius. Right?
I want my photographs back. I think we ought to have a little talk.
I want new photographs for a new article.
I was just thinking.
I went to this man's soup kitchen last night.
I will if I have to.
I'd like to laugh too.
I'll meet you on the northbound side of Chambers Street station in about half hour.
I'll support whatever decision you make. But I think that it's gotta be your decision.
I'll take my pictures somewhere else.
I'm about to interrogate a bag lady we just nabbed on a charge of petty theft.
I'm aware of some alleged disappearances.
I'm busy, Wilson.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
I'm gonna get all dirty.
I'm here.
I'm here. I'm at that place where your guys got killed.
I'm merely saying that a situation exists that's made it necessary for us to,
I'm not a reporter, I don't wanna have anything to do with the press.
I'm not gonna flood the whole city, only, uh, a section of Soho.
I'm not saying that. And it would be imprudent to speculate on that at this point.
I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
I'm sorry, okay? I forgot what all wondrous fun this was for me.
I'm standing in front of what appears to be the scene of a massacre.
I'm the model. George is the photographer.
I'm thinking about everything, you know, that I never thought about doing,
I'm through playing games. Either you tell me what C.H.U.D. stands for, or I'm going to the newspapers.
I've been asking for it all my life.
I've been down there, you know?
I've been looking all over for these people. I can't find 'em.
I've gone ahead and written the copy without you. When you give me the pictures, I'll fudge it to fit them.
I've got to go along with Bosch now, Wilson. The people have to be warned.
I've ordered my men to prep the city gas lines.
I've recently been ordered to ignore what amounts to, uh
If I have to make it an order, I'll make it an order.
If I said that I wanted to have it, would you want to have it?
If it isn't saying hello, I don't care what it is.
If it's fair to bring a child into the world who's gonna have a zombie father that won't talk to anybody.
If there are any more incidents, we'll ah,
If this guy doesn't have somethin' solid, I'm through.
If Victor wants a gun, I want a gun.
If we stop the subways, we'll kill every power line under the city.
If you do that, every paper in town will be onto it.
In fact, at the present time, no one even will confirm, that anyone was killed.
In the meantime, we can't move the stuff.
Is anybody there? Get Captain Bosch!
Is everybody getting scared?
Is that all we got from Lafayette Street?
Is that what you're going to tell the papers? What, that you're afraid of monsters?
Is this it?
Is this what it's gonna be all day? All tits and ass, ass and tits, sell some perfume. That what it's gonna be?
Is this why I was invited to this meeting?
It couldn't happen again. I'm sending my men back to work.
It doesn't make any sense. No witnesses, no bodies, just blood.
It doesn't matter. You don't care about them. You're doing this for me.
It had better be good.
It lit up like a god damn Christmas tree!
It's a buck dancer's choice, my friend.
It's a goof, it's a joke.
It's a little strange.
It's a perfume ad, remember?
It's a regular labyrinth of tunnels and caves.
It's a routine inspection of the subways and sewers. It happens every year. How do you know about it?
It's a scary world up there.
It's a typical equipment malfunction. It doesn't mean a thing.
It's at 10:00, Alderson Studios, we're booked, you're shooting.
It's dead.
It's gonna shut, Val.
It's got to be Wilson. But what the hell's the N R C gotta do with all this!
It's hot down there, Commissioner.
It's jammed.
It's not for me, it's for Victor.
It's okay. It's alright.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. Okay.
It's really rare to find someone who prefers fame.
It's still down in the basement.
It's usually over in a week, right?
Just between you and me, they're not going down.
Just give me any pictures. I don't care what they are. What do you say?
Just never get it.
Just wait a minute, hon. Stay there.
Just wanted to do something relevant.
Justin, dinner!
Keep your eye on that flame.
Kirby isn't a homicide, he's a missing person.
Lauren Daniels, this is Dr. Bremner's office. Please call when you get a chance.
Lauren, do you, do you wanna have a kid?
Light. Light. Ah!
Like something hot was moving down there.
Like, weird.
Listen, Murphy, I'm really busy.
Little field mouse to sell some worthless perfume which probably smells like sheep shit!
Long hair, carrying a paper bag, he just left. Follow him. High priority.
Look, Bosch, I understand how you feel. But like it or not, we're gonna do this my way.
Look, everybody wants to be rich and famous. But given the choice, most people prefer to be rich.
Look, George, I know you're there. You're just not answering the phone.
Look, George, I'm trying to maintain my sense of humor.
Look, in my cellar I got a hole broken through the wall.
Look, it's not fair! It's your body, it's your career, all that stuff.
Look, just get to the point, Shepherd. What's this about missing persons?
Look, the sky's falling. The sky's gonna shut.
Look, what is this all about? What the hell do you wanna do with me? An interview or something?
Looks like they lost their appetite.
Lots of quaint, old aldermen and ancient farmers.
Man, come on!
May I have your attention? This is an emergency!
Maybe the press would like to hear about this. Hey, you guys!
Maybe you have some glib explanation for that!
Mean, ugly fucker that comes around here.
Millbrook's a nice town.
Move it!
Move it! Police! Move it!
Mr. Wilson.
Murphy. Freelance reporter.
My God, it's his wife! Shit!
My husband's down there. Who's in charge?
My men are doing an autopsy right now. They'll come up with a dozen ways to kill those things.
My people here. You wanna hear this or not?
My wife is dead because of you, you son of a bitch!
My work is here.
N R C. You know what this is?
Nice shot!
Nice shot.
No, I can't use the adds from the old
No, I gotta cook dinner.
No, I'm not upset because your posing nude, Lauren. Posing nude comes with the territory.
No, there's nothing going on, but
No. How do I know you didn't take something.
No. One guy, Val.
Nonsense, Bosch.
Nonsense, Bosch. Look,
Not No.
Not any good ones.
Not bad. Not bad, Bosch.
Not today either. I can't help you today.
Nothing for you today, Murph.
Nothing going on. Same old shit, Murphy.
Nothing, huh? Sounds interesting.
Nothing, huh? You know, you cops will never learn.
Now forget about the water mains, concentrate on the gas mains,
Now give me that. Where do you think you are, high school? That's a classified government file.
Now give me the keys. I'm gonna get those men out of there.
Now I'm not prepared to, uh, concede the existence of any monster.
Now remember, those trucks are rigged to explode on impact from below, so watch the potholes.
Now, Bosch,
Now, do you wanna talk about this? Or should I go discuss this with the newspapers?
Now, file Kirby under missing persons and get on with it.
Now, listen, pal.
Now, this is it. We have to go right through here.
Now, what kind of scam you're running here?
Now, what the hell is this?
Now, you watch your step, Bosch. Remember, you don't belong here.
O'Brien, you call the Commissioner's office and tell him we're coming there at 12 o'clock sharp.
Of course there aren't any more. It was a freak accident.
Oh come on, Wilson. How many of those things do you think there are?
Oh, and uh,
Oh, Jesus! Would you just chill out? Please?
Oh, my god, what the hell happened to him?
Oh, my god!
Oh, oh. Hey, look at that!
Oh, on second thought, maybe Derek can wait a while.
Oh, shit.
Oh, what art! Oh, my God! I love this profession!
Oh, you and your damn gun! Come on.
Oh. That's a bad word. It went off the okay word list years ago.
Okay, come on.
Okay, Derek.
Okay, Parker, move 'em out.
Okay, that's it. I'm going ahead with the clean up.
Okay, you know what to do.
Okay? Goodbye!
Okay. I'll let you in on it.
Okay. Look at this.
On each side of the throne there are four living creatures filled with eyes in front and behind!
Our deadline on the follow up article is Friday, that's tomorrow.
Pass me on to people. Pass me on to two other droids. Nobody wanted to come up with any explanations to me.
Pigs! Suck a duck!
Please, just pick up the phone and talk to me, okay?
Police. You're still putting out that crap?
Post men on all the street corners within a 10 block radius of Lafayette and Spring. At least two men per corner.
Pull men off other precincts, if you have to. Then cover the subways. At least four men per station.
Puttin' in so much of your time to help me track down a few undergrounders?
Quite often, there's a, uh, surge when you turn those things on,
Radiation level's going up!
Radiation level's going up.
Resurfaces six months later with a,
Reverend? This is Bosch. Do you read me?
Right in this area. I want your team to take the north, yours the south, yours the east, yours the west.
Right man, this is crazy.
Roger. Hang on.
Run down the blotter, and give me everything we've got in the, vicinity of Lafayette Street.
Sanderson, get me Chief O'Brien.
Sanderson, umm,
See if you guys were smart, what you do is you, palm me off a little tidbit of information.
Several missing persons reports from this neighborhood in the last two weeks.
She always wanted to teach.
She doesn't live down here, her brother lives down here. Hey wait, this is him, that's him.
She just went back to college.
She said it was a monster, dragged her grandfather down into the sewers.
She tried to lift my gun. I nabbed her.
She's entitled to one call. Let her make it.
Shh! Shh! Shh!
Shit, man!
Shoot, shoot them.
Since it's been, almost two weeks now.
Since when?
Slightly elevated radiation levels in the Lafayette Street area.
Smart, Derek.
Smells great down here.
So as a precaution, we're going to kill the power to the, subways and close down the stations.
So I could hear your two bit opinion of my life, all right?
So leave it alone.
So that's the people that are missing.
So they're filed under missing persons. Now, if they turn up great, fine. I'm delighted.
So what if he is? We don't want to get involved.
So, anyway, this stuff made me very curious.
So, this year it's been going on for four weeks. It's still going on.
So, what's this all about?
Some of them are street people. They're probably out on the street somewhere,
Somebody help me!
Somebody help me!
Someone's got to stop you and it's gonna have to be me.
Something's going wrong, and it's so bad, nobody wants to talk about it.
Son of a bitch.
Sorry, Bosch. Wilson's in charge.
Soup kitchen!
Start the gas.
Started you know.
Step up the pressure. We've got to have more gas.
Stop it!
Stop the gas! Who's in charge? Who's in charge? They've gotta stop the gas.
Sure, you do.
Sure. There was a big stink about it in the press.
Take the north tunnel. But check it out, first.
Talking about your friends?
Tell him to have someone from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with him.
Tell them that I wanted to return some of their stolen property that I'd found.
Temporarily divert some of the gas lines into the city's sewer system.
Terrific, wonderful, you look great. You look like a million bucks.
Than a potential homicide?
That hooks up with an old sewer system down there.
That is one of the side effects of being pregnant.
That look like anything you've ever seen before?
That way I'd never know the difference.
That's a dead giveaway. Now, I know something's wrong.
That's funny. Did you make that up?
That's it, Murphy. You're on your own as far as I'm concerned.
That's just what I'm gonna to tell 'em, if you don't fill me in!
That's not important.
That's not the point, Derek! The point is I don't want to.
That's right, the case is still under appeal.
That's the man who took your picture.
That's the problem. I know who you are.
That's Victor, yeah.
That's what I thought.
That's where these people live. Ten, twelve of my regulars.
The alternative.
The cops are going nuts trying to figure out why a bag lady wants a hand gun.
The fact that these people are disappearing at the same time that your guys go down.
The guy on the phone got very nervous.
The guy who bailed her out is George Cooper.
The little girl said that she saw a monster!
The media is not gonna wait much longer. We're going to have to make it a statement.
The north tunnel.
The order is preventing us from, uh, moving it out.
The sky.
The sky.
The week after everybody disappeared, I called up the E P A. I asked 'em what was going on.
The, uh
Then it eased right back down to normal,
Then she'd go out and,
Then they're gonna find out who you really are? Now give me the keys, goddamn it!
There are alternatives.
There are people trapped under a manhole.
There are, uh, seven manholes at that intersection. These are the only two that go anywhere. Seal 'em.
There you go, sorry, I can't bring you more.
There's a camera.
There's a ladder to a manhole. Be there. I'll open it.
There's all sorts of shit down there.
There's every indication this once was human. It's dressed in the rags of a Bowery bum.
There's no audio. There is a headset
They come up here for soup every day.
They even start following you.
They have the power to shut the sky!
They have the power to shut the sky.
They must have been dumping this stuff down here for years, right underneath the city!
They said nothing's going on.
They said the probe was over for three weeks, that no one had been down there since.
They still down there?
They're gonna start pumping gas down here to kill those things.
This ain't no disco.
This article doesn't identify, any of the people in these pictures, I thought maybe you could.
This happened at Lafayette and Houston?
This has been really fun, boys.
This is a picture, of a man that saw a monster.
This is it, man.
This is my first chance for national exposure.
This is ridiculous. We're wasting time. Tell them to speed it up.
This is some more of that plastic fashion crap that I told you I didn't want to do anymore?
This is the fourth time the guy's walked out on his wife in the last two weeks.
This is today we're talking about, with the client, Tony and everybody there?
This is Wilson's poison dump!
This is your responsibility, Wilson.
This one's got your name on it.
This shit is toxic waste.
This shit's contaminated.
This should go no further than this room.
This thing detects accumulated radiation, they wear these things in nuclear power plants.
Those are the people that disappeared.
Those clowns, they go down there in their space suits. They scare everybody out of there.
Those things will be looking for a way out. It's too risky.
Tony, give me two more stops on that backlight.
Too risky? Oh, for who? For you?
Transport radioactive materials through Manhattan?
Tuesday. Hey, boss.
Two gas company guys just found it.
Two minutes to air time. Are you ready to go?
Uh oh. What were you just thinking?
Uh, 7 of 6.
Uh, but uh, we got on the subway downtown, but, we're lost, Art. We're
Uh, Chief O'Brien, please. This is Captain Bosch.
Used to stay up half the night.
Val, I understand you used to live underground.
Val. Jesus!
Victor. That's his buddy, Hugo. They're undergrounders.
Wait a minute. You are talking about a photo session that I have today?
Wait a second! There's a camera over there.
Wait, wait. You brought up all your camera stuff,
Wait! Wait, wait. Wait! What is this?
Walk the dog.
Was I drunk?
Wasting my time here.
We can't use gas, it's too dangerous.
We can't wait any longer.
We can't wait any longer. We have to start pumping gas.
We don't have to listen to the lunatic ravings of this paranoid hippie.
We have a kid who's hysterical. She's makin' up a story.
We lose the mayor down there? Or the president?
We need to move the truck to get them out.
We turned it on, it was still working, and it began to surge.
We were standing still.
We will spare you the agony of a cute, little message, however, if you'd like to leave one, wait for the beep.
We'll seal off every tunnel in the area,
We'll turn those mains back on.
We're all here right now because, I can't do that anymore.
We're as concerned about those disappearances as you are. But there's no evidence of murder.
We're at the first intersection.
We're gonna bamboozle these guys for big bucks and go home.
We're having a kid.
We're not goin' anywhere, and I'm not showin' you anything, unless you gimme my pictures back.
Well Very well put, very well put.
Well for starters, I'll tell them there's more than leaky canisters down there.
Well I know what C.H.U.D. stands for. Cannibalistic, my ass!
Well if we're gonna have a kid, where are we gonna live?
Well, I got this, uh, missing persons report.
Well, I'll, I'll show you one.
Well, if you know that, then you know there's nothing I can do about it.
Well, if you need anything, I'm Francine. This is Justin.
Well, is there something going on?
Well, let's see.
Well, look, Captain,
Well, wait a, wait a minute.
Well, we gotta get in there, somehow.
Well, where's this radioactivity coming from?
Well, you want to see 'em?
Were we making love?
Whaddya, afraid people are gonna get wind of your filthy little project, huh!
What about all the stuff we found down there?
What about the disappearances?
What about the people down in the sewer?
What about the subways? What about the power lines?
What are you shushing me for? They know it! They made it! They know what's in it and what it takes to sell it!
What are you trying to hide?
What do we need this guy for, anyway?
What do you wanna do?
What do you want a gun for, Victor?
What does it stand for?
What I'm saying is, this isn't the safest place to be.
What is that?
What makes you think it's a story?
What the hell are you doing with a gun?
What the hell are you talking about? Who are you?
What the hell do you think you're doing? We've already started the gas.
What the hell is this?
What the hell was that?
What the hell! Why is everybody so afraid?
What ugly fuckers?
What was that?
What, are you kidding? She says some monster came out of the sewer and ate her grandfather.
What? God, that guy is a madman!
What? Really?
What? Why didn't you tell me?
What'd they say?
What'd you say?
What's going on, Bosch?
What's going on?
Where the hell did he get a knife like that?
Where'd you learn to cook like this?
Which way?
Who are you?
Who has the keys to the truck parked at the corner of Washington and Dekalb Street?
Who is this man?
Whoa, what style, what content!
Whose idea was this anyway? What genius came up with this concept to sell this perfume today?
Why are you putting makeup on your ass?
Why do you want to know them? What's the motivation here, Captain?
Why don't you ask the photographer?
Why don't you let us take you home?
Why not? I don't believe this, I just I don't believe you!
Why would the police take my photographs?
Why would they lie about it?
Why you'll cover for 'em as long as it's convenient for you, but you don't really care about that.
Why? So you can get your name in the papers?
Wilson here.
Wilson is toying with the idea of flooding the sewers with gas.
Wilson! Wilson!
Wilson? Wilson!
Wonder if that's the guy I busted five years ago.
Would you come here a minute?
Wrong number left a message?
Ya think I wanna talk to some goddamn fucking machine?
Yeah but I was thinking why, sell one place to live in, just to get another?
Yeah, admittedly, the guy's a little wacky, but suppose for an instant that he's right?
Yeah, all of 'em, but it's just my underground people, you understand that?
Yeah, as a matter of fact.
Yeah, but it's in the suburbs.
Yeah, I don't know what I'm gonna say.
Yeah, I got you.
Yeah, I mean, let's just start at the beginning alright. Now why the hell does Victor need a gun?
Yeah, I'll be there, I'll be there! Listen, I gotta tell you something, man.
Yeah, it's not surprising what with nothing going on, I mean.
Yeah, meantime we just sit around on our thumbs, right?
Yeah, police?
Yeah, we're improvising.
Yeah, well, umm
Yeah, what'd you turn up on the others?
Yeah, why not? I mean, you've killed everybody here.
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