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Leroy & Stitch (2006) "Leroy & Stitch" is a delightful animated film that was released in 2006 as a culmination of the

Leroy & Stitch (2006)

"Leroy & Stitch" is a delightful animated film that was released in 2006 as a culmination of the popular television series "Lilo & Stitch." The movie serves as the grand finale, bringing the beloved characters and their galactic adventures to a heartwarming conclusion. Directed by Tony Craig and Roberts Gannaway, "Leroy & Stitch" presents a thrilling and heartwarming story that captivates audiences of all ages.

This cosmic adventure follows the mischievous and lovable alien creature known as Stitch, his best friend Lilo, and a team of extraterrestrial experiments. The film begins with Lilo and Stitch completing their mission of capturing all 625 experiments that have been accidentally set free on Earth. However, their celebration is short-lived as the Galactic Federation informs them that their work is not yet done. The team must return to space to capture the remaining experiments that are still wreaking havoc across the galaxy.

The cast of "Leroy & Stitch" includes the talented voice actors who have brought these iconic characters to life throughout the series. Leading the pack is Daveigh Chase, who voices the spirited and determined Lilo. Additionally, Chris Sanders provides his vocal talents as the mischievous yet loveable alien, Stitch. Other notable voice actors include Tia Carrere as Nani, David Ogden Stiers as Jumba, Kevin McDonald as Pleakley, and Ving Rhames as Cobra Bubbles. Their exceptional performances bring depth and emotion to each character, making them relatable and endearing.

The film takes viewers on an intergalactic journey as Stitch, Lilo, and their trusty alien companions travel across the cosmos to catch the remaining experiments. However, their mission becomes even more urgent when they discover that the devious Dr. Hämsterviel has taken advantage of Stitch's absence to plot his wicked plans. To counter Dr. Hämsterviel's villainous schemes, Jumba is tasked with creating a special experiment named Leroy, who possesses all of Stitch's strengths without his kindness and compassion.

As the action unfolds, the plot thickens, and the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. The charm of "Leroy & Stitch" lies not only in its captivating storyline but also in its underlying messages of love, friendship, and acceptance. Through their adventures, Lilo and Stitch teach us the importance of family, loyalty, and embracing what makes each individual unique.

In addition to the engaging narrative, "Leroy & Stitch" is filled with catchy music and energetic songs that perfectly complement the film's tone. The film features numerous toe-tapping tunes, including "Aloha, E Komo Mai," "Big Game," and "Devil in Disguise," which are sure to delight both children and adults alike. The soundtrack encompasses a wide range of musical styles, from Hawaiian and pop to lively and upbeat tracks, further enhancing the film's overall charm.

Now, thanks to technological advancements, you can not only watch and enjoy "Leroy & Stitch" but also download or play the memorable sounds and songs from the movie. By visiting the provided link, you can access the soundtrack, immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Lilo, Stitch, and their fascinating adventures, and relive the magic whenever you please.

"Leroy & Stitch" brings the beloved "Lilo & Stitch" series to a heartwarming conclusion, combining action, humor, and heartfelt moments. It serves as a testament to the power of friendship, acceptance, and the importance of staying true to oneself. Whether you are a fan of the original series or simply looking for an entertaining and uplifting film, "Leroy & Stitch" is a must-watch for all.
A complete set of the Encyclopaedia Earthiana, my very own walk in closet,
A family to call your own Where you feel at home
A ho 'i a 'e au
A ho 'i a 'e au
A ho 'i a 'e au
A midnight train
A name? For me?
A robin weep
According to calculations, black hole will transport us to volcano planet,
Actually, 624, cos you subtract Stitch and...
Add two tablespoons genetic material and...
Agent Wendy Pleakley...
Ah, who cares?
All you ridiculous 625...
Aloha means hello, but it also means goodbye.
Aloha oe
Aloha oe
Aloha oe
Aloha oe
Aloha, cousins!
Aloha, e komo mai
Aloha, e komo mai
Aloha, e komo mai
Aloha, e komo mai
Aloha, e komo mai
Aloha, Stitch.
Aloha... as in goodbye.
Am I to understand that you wish to resign your commission?
Am putting finishing touches... now.
And a piece of a broken surfboard named Steve.
And as I wonder
And commander of its new flagship the BRB 9000.
And finally fink on Jumba to Galactic Federation.
And galaxy wide fame as the greatest Earth expert ever!
And he brought us all here to get rid of us.
And I also bet that he's never coming back.
And I don't like blue.
And I have them riding in the frontedy front.
And I never want to see you ever again ever either!"
And name you with your very own name.
And now, to dispose of you three meddling meddlers.
And Pleakley took his space cell phone.
And please, keep Weirdlo and her weirdness
And put down that gerbil!
And return to Kauai to be the experiments' sole caretaker.
And share bunk bed with bossy one eyed noodle.
And she controls a force of over 600 of Jumba's genetic creations.
And so is the Galactic Armada and planet Turo and maybe the whole galaxy!
And taken to a large public arena, where I shall destroy them all!
And that the aloha you give will always come back to you.
And the aloha you give will always come back to you. It's like a circle.
And washed Paula and Jimmy and Steve away.
And with even greater joy that we once again honour our greatest heroes.
And you can walk on the ceiling.
And you don't have classes either. You're a supervising professor.
And, Stitch, you belong...
Answer it. But none of your not so funny funny business.
Approximately 3 inch diameter weighing 17.2 ounces.
Are still happy in the one place they belong.
Are you with me?
Arrival clearance code approved.
As captain of the Galactic Armada?
As far away from me as possible.
As for Stitch,
At least that's what Lilo says.
Back in the main drive shaft.
Big Red Battleship!
Bigger smile, Stitch.
Black hole dead ahead!
Bright. Very bright!
But for us, it mostly seems to mean goodbye.
But Gigi says she likes being part of an ohana.
But I'm naming a sandwich after him, the open faced double decker blubber butt.
But if you're ever missing Kauai, you can play this.
But it's just because they don't want me to be sad.
But out there it'll be a dumb old paperweight from another planet.
But Pancake was never lonely again, because he could always remember them.
But popcorn power is good too.
But still wonderful memories.
But that will come back and bite him in the tail someday.
But then one day a big wave splashed over the whole beach
But to forcibly force you to make a new experiment by force!
But we don't have... Wait a minute!
But what about my future? How am I supposed to pay the bills?
But you belong out in space, catching bad guys with the Big Red Battleship.
By disrupting event horizon just before entry.
Captain has arrived in the bay.
Captain on the...
Captain on this... floor.
Captain setting destination coordinates. Zero parsec?
Captain Stitch, our orders are to return the prisoner to Asteroid K 37.
Captain Stitch. The Council has received...
Captain, you're certain you want to engage the H drive in the spaceport?
Cause you know, the aloha spirit you give always comes back to you.
Cobra, I want to call Stitch.
Come on by
Come on by
Come on by
Come on by
Come on, Scrump.
Come, Pleakley. What is in here, bricks?
Concrete, adobe, terra cotta... You name the brick, it's in there.
Could we take a look at that new wardrobe?
Cranking up to evil 11.
Creating an army of Leroy clones!
Depends. You have to give aloha to get some back.
Diary of an Incompetent Fish headed Minion: The Idiot Years.
Did you ever see
Didn't even like my egg salad. "More mayonnaise, less dill weed."
Does Scrump want some breakfast? It's her favourite, cold pizza.
Don't have to be evil genius to see that.
Don't pay any attention to me.
Don't worry, Dr Hamsterviel, your escape will soon be complete.
Don't you have something to say?
Don't you know what a rhetorical question is?
Dr Hamsterviel's office.
Dr Jacques von Hamsterviel has escaped from prison.
Dr Jacques von Hamsterviel, king, top ruler of the galaxy.
Dr. Jumba Jookiba, we hereby return the confiscated key to your laboratory.
E ke onaona noho i ka liko
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
Embarrass Jumba, steal from Jumba,
Ending with disgrace, arrest and imprisonment,
Especially Lilo and Captain Stitch.
Everybody sing
Everybody, say aloha!
Everything little boy Jumba ever dreamed of having in evil genius laboratory!
Excellent! I'm on my way.
Excellent! I'm starving!
Finally, Lilo Pelekai, you shall become our first Earth ambassador
Finally! It is an evil dream come true.
Flazookie and cartridge clamp.
For the last picture in my book, a group shot.
For turning evil experiments from bad to good.
For you, I wouldn't create piece of dry toast!
From now on, I'm lookin' out for old number 625.
Galactic Alliance Community College? Yes!
Galaxy Defence Industries, where DNA stands for "Do Not Ask."
Galaxy Defence Industries.
Gantu schmantu. Who needs him?
Gantu turned from bad to good. Hey, where is Gantu?
Gantu's the only one who'd call, and I ain't answerin'.
Gee, nobody's ever made me a sandwich.
Go, little monster! Go, go, go! Save us, save us, from the black hole!
Goodbye, dust bunnies. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!
Goodbye, laundry! Goodbye, dirty dishes!
Graduating together from Evil Genius U?
Granted. And finally, Jumba and Pleakley.
Guess that answers that.
Have a nice day.
Hawaiian folksy folk music is tied into synapse matrix.
He is now!
He is shutting down like a car wash in a rainstorm.
He jumps in the water, makes awesome waves.
He looks just like you.
He made friends with a shell named Paula and an empty can of soda named Jimmy
He sounds too blue to fly
He was lonely. So he went to the beach to make friends.
He went in through the air manifold.
He would have programmed shutoff switch into original Leroy.
He's an outer space pilot in a Big Red Battleship and fighting bad guys.
He's got plenty of company. That idiot scientist and one eyed noodley thing.
He's not in control of...
He's not wearing it. That's not Stitch!
He's on the aloha team now.
He's so beautiful in his ugly nastiness.
He's still in backety back.
Hear that lonesome whippoorwill
Hello, this is Cobra Bubbles.
Hey, this looks like Pleakley's rock, with a bite out of it.
Hey, what do you want?
Hey, you want I should fix a picnic lunch for the trip?
Hey! Wait up!
How can we ever repay you?
Hyperdrive activated...
I am not beach ball light. I am hamster light!
I am now off to Earth to eliminate those pesky experiments!
I am strong!
I bet it came to take you know who back to planet Weirdlo.
I brought you a little surprise.
I brought you something.
I could cry
I could ride in the backety back.
I don't?
I funding them with my shady business deals.
I guessed the one place I belonged was with my blubber butt buddy Gantu.
I had a nightmare. I had to take a test on spaghetti, but I studied rigatoni.
I have cleverly programmed this vehicle
I have taken over the Galactic Alliance using my army of clones named Leroy.
I heard Hamsterviel is taking over the galaxy
I heard you were opening up the old shop. So I am thinking...
I just wanted to make up.
I kept it hidden in a sock for three years.
I know! But Jumba and Pleakley's ship is gone,
I lai la ua i la
I lai la ua i la
I lai la ua i la
I lai la ua i la
I mean I just happen to be in your quadrant, so I thought,
I mean, Reuben, as my galley officer.
I need you to fix Lilo's skirt for hula class.
I said, are you with me?
I see I have found you recollecting misty musical recollections.
I shall call you... Spike!
I shall proceed with the next phase of my oh so clever plan:
I think that went very well, don't you?
I told Scrump that, but she gets feelings sometimes.
I used to do it with Stitch, but you can help me instead.
I want to finish my logbook.
I want to order a new version of 626.
I was late for class. I was naked, fell off a cliff...
I wasn't pretending to be a professor of Earth Studies,
I won't ask what's in it.
I wonder what they got in store for us.
I... I mean, I am fully reformed. Out on parole.
I'd get down and gloat in your faces, but I can't get out this chair. Gantu!
I'd like to request experiment 625...
I'd like to sing a song that's probably the saddest song I've ever heard.
I'll keep it with me always.
I'll miss you too.
I'm a little out of practice.
I'm calculating our odds of victory at...
I'm done doing all that weird stuff now.
I'm estimating 23 percent aloha is lost in giving process.
I'm forgetting. No Pleakley, just Jumba.
I'm gonna fix this ship, fly to planet Turo and warn the Grand Councilwoman.
I'm off to work. Oh, Pleakley.
I'm so lonesome
I'm so lonesome I could cry
I'm so lonesome I could cry
I'm so lonesome I could cry
I'm sorry. He's in a meeting.
I'm telling Officer Kaihiko. Come on, Gigi.
I'm unable to come to the phone right now.
I'm with you, sister, but first we gotta put this servo unit
I've got a huge corner office,
I've got it! I shall name you...
I've gotta have the van back to the college by 6:00.
I've grown fond of your egg salad.
I've perfected evil genius boom boom liquid for saliva of new experiment.
If Jumba was real evil genius,
If Leroy is hearing Aloha Oe,
If you wanted to, you could have all of his powers.
If you were a student at GACC you'd care cos it would be on the final exam.
If you were attending GACC, I'd move you to the head of the class.
Impact with black hole: 30 seconds.
Impact with black hole: one minute.
In fact, I bet that's why your dog ran away,
Incoming call from... E arth, sir.
Interesting theory but scientifically impossible.
Into the best spaceship shaped sandwich shop on the island.
Is not! You're a weirdo!
Is requiring small projectile
Is that the Stitch to which you are referring to?
Is there anything else I can get for you?
Is this a bad time?
Is this your final decision?
Is truly evil! Making Jumba pretend to be mean to Pleakley.
Is whining low
It ain't our problem.
It crash landed in my backyard.
It has taken Leroy a paltry few hours to succeed
It is with great joy that I return to the Galactic Council,
It must be the little Earth girl.
It will also be the maiden voyage of...
It'll never work. Stitch will stop you.
It's got a picture of every experiment, in the one place they belong.
It's just that, well... I just miss you so much!
It's Ku Tiki, the god of strength. Promise to never take it off?
It's Lilo, right?
It's my favourite Elvis record.
It's OK. We're just having a nightmare.
It's rounds time, Scrump.
It's working! Aloha totally rocks!
Jumba and Pleakley?
Jumba is finally understanding ohana is more important.
Jumba makes genius experiments, not fast food.
Jumba must energise genetic experiments with primitive Earth popcorn maker.
Jumba would like to return to Earth as well.
Jumba, a little evil genius help here.
Jumba, sound!
Jumba, what was your old lab like?
Jumba, you belong back in your real evil genius laboratory.
Jumba's evil scientist laboratory is just as I left it!
Just finish my experiment.
Just like I dreamed of since before I could walk on three legs.
Kauai. Yeah.
Lecture? You don't give lectures.
Lenlu, stop playing with your antenna.
Leroy, destroy him!
Let's see. How about Patty? Short for patty melt.
Lights up a purple sky
Like everything else in this dump.
Lilo, are you OK?
Lilo, I'm home.
Lilo! I told you you can't stay out after sunset.
Lilo's rock!
Little closer to Nani, David.
Look out!
Look, you're number 625. The closest one to Stitch.
Make him with extra destructive capabilities but easy on the fluffy.
Maybe everybody wants to go back?
Maybe I'll drop by.
Maybe we could work together again.
Miss Grand Councilwoman! Stitch is in trouble!
My cannon! And you! How did you escape my imprisoning?
My current location: classified. Estimated return time: classified.
My genius plan is unfolding perfectly.
My head.
My Leroy will be defeated by no thing or no one, not even...
My Leroy will easily dupe her tiny little brain.
My students are sure to find them fascinating.
My years of devotion and hard work, and this is how I'm rewarded?
Nai nai nai nai
Name: Stitch.
Nani says aloha means "hello" and "goodbye,"
Nani says that letting you go shows aloha spirit,
Never mind.
New destination coordinates denied.
Next time send flowers.
Nice cape.
Nice doggie.
No captain, just Stitch.
No kiddin'?
No mala hini ohana
No mala hini ohana
No mala hini ohana
No mala hini ohana
No prison can contain me!
No way! Once a weirdo, always a weirdo. That's what my dad used to say.
No, this time I will send my new trusted henchman,
No! Not coming by. Never coming by!
No! That one was not... Get me down! Get me down!
No! That was a rhetorical question. You don't answer it!
No? But don't you miss your Aunt Pleakley?
No. Stitch is in trouble,
Not at all! I was just brushing my tongues!
Not enough mayonnaise and too much dill weed.
Not happening. Not happening.
Not my original Leroy!
Nothing but a pain in the patookie anyhow.
Nothing. I like it.
Now that I have Leroy, you are no longer needed.
Now that I have proven Leroy to be an invincible fighting machine...
Now that we're done catching experiments, we can do whatever we want.
Now will you get me down from this chair?
Now, Jumba, I will explain this only once and oh, so patiently.
Of a falling star
Of course. But you will have to wait for my first lecture,
Oh, cos you're gonna need
Oh, good idea. More evil is good.
Oh, Lilo. You're showing so much aloha spirit letting them go.
Oh, right.
Oh, yeah, it's me. I'm Fluffy.
Oh, yeah, right. I'm wishing to go back to stinky water planet
Oh, you mean that weakling 626?
Oh! Big Red...
Oh. Well, then, in my first class you can always...
OK, everybody, this is it.
On Earth, with Lilo.
Once there was a rooster named Pancake.
Once we're through this airlock, it's clear sailing to the spaceport.
One fond embrace
One fond embrace
One fond embrace
One of those intergalactic communicator thingies if you want to contact him.
Only if you answer this extra credit question correctly.
Or perhaps device to stop evil genius talking to self.
Or Pita Pita Sandwich Eata.
Or... Monte? Like a Monte Cristo?
Our first business together?
Out of my way!
Pancake was sad that his friends were gone.
Peanut butter and jelly?
Perhaps I will mimic the little Earth girl
Perhaps other side is less depressing.
Pleakley, lights.
Pleakley, you belong at Galactic Alliance Community College
Pleakley! Come look! Pleak...
Prepare for hyperspace to planet Turo, where I and my army of Leroys...
Primitive Earth science.
Quiet, class. Quiet! Plooka, spit out that gum!
Quiet, Yuki!
Quit picking your nose.
Remember the old days? You creating experiments,
Reuben, there's a fake Stitch driving the Big Red Battleship.
Reuben. I like that.
Run! Run!
Scale model of Big Red Battleship. Impressive.
Scrump and I are getting used to the way things used to be.
Scrump, have I ever told you the story of the Lonely Rooster?
Security command, release portal 7.
See, his problem is he's got no aloha spirit.
Seek out and capture Dr Hamsterviel.
She has been demoted.
She thinks something's wrong
She's not hungry. She's worried about Stitch.
Shut up! I am naming the naming here. I'll think of it.
Silly Jumba.
Sir, I must point out a weak spot in your plan.
So I've been trying to get in touch with Stitch.
So make him resplendent red to match my cape, and make him to go!
So many wonderful memories of evil experimentation,
So much new evil to be done.
So, does this give me official "cousin" status?
So, we're taking the old two man shuttle, huh?
So, you're gonna help me fix the videophone?
Specifically, grain based flakes immersed in bovine gland extract.
State of art genetic accelerator. Endless uburnium energy supply.
Stitch can take care of himself. He's indestructible, remember?
Stitch has found one place he truly belongs.
Stitch wants to come back to Kauai. Right, Stitch?
Stitch? Sti...
Sure. Why not?
Teaching Earth stuff to aliens.
Thank you, sir. I won't fail you this time.
That being the case, Mr Gantu,
That gerbil treats you like a pile of blitznak.
That means he's lost
That's all I want too. To go home with my ohana.
That's him, all right.
That's the Grand Councilwoman's job.
That's the warden's gerbil, you nearsighted fish stick!
That's why I'm giving you this rock. Here it's just a dumb old paperweight,
That's why you get this great stuff.
The classic corned beef and sauerkraut on rye.
The Council has received a security alert.
The end.
The Galactic Council will bestow the following rewards...
The keys to the college carpool van,
The little Earth girl has a special talent
The name is Reuben.
The office, the encyclopaedias, your own walk in closet and wardrobe.
The one I sent tumbling to his doom in a black hole?
The silence
The whole ohana!
The will to live
Then pick up your final paycheque and return your ID.
Then so be it.
Then who is this?
There's only room for two on the two man shuttle, me and Dr Hamsterviel.
They call it an aloha lei. It symbolises...
They were good friends and had fun playing together.
They'll be OK without me, right?
They're letting us land.
This is a very special necklace.
This is all so perfect. A test for my new creation.
This is bad.
This is clearly a job for my most trusted henchman.
This is my last chance to redeem myself. If I succeed, my future is secured.
This is your first mission as captain of the Galactic Armada.
This makes her a credible threat to your Leroy army.
Though it looks like her spirit's kind of broken.
To annoy experiment. Is making him more evil, yes?
To assure my galactic dominance,
To recognise the completion of their task,
Today the Galactic Council assembles to honour Lilo and Stitch,
Turned them from bad to good, and found each a place where it can belong.
Uh, that was a rhetorical question.
Uh, was that a rhetorical question?
Uh, you sure that's gonna work?
Until we meet again
Until we meet again
Until we meet again
Until we meet again
Until we meet again
Very well, then. You leave me no choice
Very well. Then the little girl's experiments must be captured
Wait a minute. My tiki necklace.
Wait! Jumba is evil genius!
Wait! You're not supposed to...
Wanna play dolls?
Was "I don't miss you at all
We hereby offer you the chair of Earth Studies at the GACC.
We just check to make sure that all Stitch's cousins
We'll find a place where you belong
We've got to get back to Earth and save the cousins.
Welcome, cousins
Welcome, cousins
Welcome, cousins
Welcome, cousins
Welcome, students, to Earthiana 101.
Well, he's certainly enthusiastic.
Well, how will we all fit?
Well, I think it means...
Well, I'm not gonna wait around to get digested.
Well, then, I surely don't need a non teaching teaching job.
Well, what about this one?
Well, why not write your memoirs?
Well, you're going to be late by about...
What about creating our first experiment? You remember Shrink?
What about my future? How am I supposed to pay the bills?
What did you call me?
What do you mean "complete"?
What do you want to do, Stitch?
What I meant when I said "I miss you so much and can I visit?"
What is so ha ha funny?
What is the progress?
What should I do with the girl and 625?
What you forget is that I have my own army,
What? It is a genius name.
What'd you do with your dog?
What's gonna happen to us?
Whatever! Lock cannon on target!
When leaves began to die?
Where did the native Hawaiian hula dance originate?
Where to begin? Antiaircraft lollipops? Permanently stinky bedroom slippers?
Where we will be painfully vaporized!
Where you are
While you took three years to fail.
Who else?
Who have successfully captured all 625 of Jumba's genetic experiments,
Who knew carpool vans had such sophisticated weapon systems?
Who you talking to? Stop that.
Why are we setting a course for Turo?
Why are you no longer on asteroid of inescapable prison?
Why are you playing that annoyingly folksy folk music?
Why not just call it 627?
Why not make sandwiches? It's all you're good at.
Why, yes. You could give me a great big pinch to wake me up!
With destination coordinates 12 21 9 7 9.
With old lab back, evil possibilities are infinite!
With the aid of former Captain Gantu,
Without the reserve engines, this ship is stupid and useless.
Would I? I mean, yes, Your Eminence.
Would take years just to create design.
Would you be interested in resuming your position
Yeah, sing it, cousin.
Yeah. Lilo wasn't in class today.
Yes, please.
Yes. I noticed the little Earth girl never captured you.
You are hereby offered a commission as captain of the Galactic Armada
You are right.
You aren't the only one with a team, you know.
You can't run the galaxy.
You did the right thing.
You didn't open the cell. I did. I'm breaking you two out of here.
You have already failed me 625 times.
You haven't even broken me out of my cell!
You hear that, Jumba? We're gonna get prizes.
You in bed already?
You just have to stop making sandwiches and start making something of yourself.
You know, aloha is one of those Earth concepts I never did understand.
You know, full ohana rights? All that aloha stuff?
You know, the microwave oven was invented by Dr Percy Spencer.
You know, turns out I'm pretty strong. I could maybe open this.
You mean Jumba and Pleakley and Stitch aren't coming home?
You never did understand the meaning of aloha, did you?
You still got me, your faithful sandwich making pal.
You would? But what about your lab?
You'd be amazed. Pickle juice is a great conductor.
You're gonna miss my egg salad!
You're not the captain!
You're right. I couldn't hold on to a single one of those experiments.
You've actually been to Earth? You must tell me everything.
25 years of partnership, and you did nothing but cheat Jumba,
625, when did you learn to climb ceilings?
625. I never gave you a name, did I?
"Hamsterveal"? It is pronounced Hamsterviel.
"Unless"? Unless we alter destination
626? Aloha, Gerbil Boy.
Absolutely. I suppose. Or maybe...
Actually, you did. I... It was a rhetorical question!
Ah! How did you get here?
Aloha oe Aloha oe
Aloha. Aloha!
Aloha. Aloha.
And what do we call this, class? Breakfast?
Are you OK? No, cuter. Think "plush toy"!
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Rock 'n' roll, baby!
Ay! Is 22.3 ounces. Gimme.
Black hole? Oh, don't worry.
Boyd! There's too many of 'em!
BRB fuelling complete. Hatchway secure.
BRB. What's BRB stand for?
By force! By force! That was your cue! Sorry.
Can you fix it? Why should I?
Do you know what that means? It's lunchtime?
Done. Cannonball?
Eh, is bad time. I'm sorry.
Enough! Hang up! No.
from a Mr Leroy. Put him through!
Gantu? No time explaining.
Hang up. Hang up! OK! Bye bye!
Hello. Hamsterviel?
Here? Smaishy scoop.
Hey! Is my creation. Whatever.
I didn't know you had a dad. Quiet, Yuki.
I don't have insurance. Get him, Leroy. Get him!
I don't think so. I know! Reuben.
I need peanut butter! For breakfast?
I need to call Stitch. Sorry. Videophone's busted,
I think... I didn't ask what you think!
I'm breaking him out of prison. What?
Is it done? Is it finished? Can't be rushing evil genius.
Is that a real Earth rock? Why, yes. Yes, it is.
Is this it? Pickle.
It's got a bite out of it. Perfect!
It's hard to say goodbye. I know, baby.
Jumba! Dr Hamsterviel!
Jumba! Pleakley!
Just like you. Who am I kidding?
Leroy? What's wrong with Leroy?
Letting them go shows... Aloha. I know.
Mahalo, Reuben. No problem, Lilo.
Maybe I will! Fine.
Maybe it ate her. Maybe it's gonna eat us all.
Maybe that was my problem all along. What? Your blubber butt?
Mertle? I still think you're weird.
Never wanting seeing you again. Yeah? Well, me neither!
Nice one, cousin. You can talk?
No time explaining. Hurry! Get in!
No! I'm wearing the wig.
No. Oh, come on!
On one condition. Condition?
Open? I'm turning this dump
Pleakley. Aah! Oh, Lilo!
Promise. You're number 626.
Right. Of course. Right.
Say "eeh." Eeh.
She already used that one. Very well. Kicks.
So, you're letting them go. They'll say they want to stay,
Take them to the prison block. Yes, sir.
Talk normal! All experiments captured.
Thanks. What?!
The black hole! We can't fly into a black hole!
Uh, Hawaii? Very good, Nani!
Uh, hello? Sorry, we're not open.
Used it. Slugger.
Vapour? Unless...
We're too late. Indeed.
Well, I heard... Aloha, Mertle.
What is it? An Earth souvenir.
What is it? Incoming call, sir,
What is wrong with you? Well, I have a bad knee.
What?! You heard me. You are fired.
Where are you taking Gigi? I'm taking her to the canine spa.
Where are you taking the microwave? Without evil genius lab,
Where's Gantu? He left.
Wow! Wasp Mummies VI is already out. I hope my dad will let me go see it.
Yeah! Just like Mertle's dad.
Yeah! No, I'm not!
Yes, sir! I believe it's... That was rhetorical too!
You already made 627. I did?
You are as strong as Stitch. We reroute the ignition conduit...
You have coconut cake on your uniform. Oh. Sorry.
You may thank me later. I'll thank you now.
Your point being? Crazy head! I wanna go home!
...ceiling? Big Red, Big Red, Big Red!
...shall take over the stinky Galactic Alliance!
...the BRB 9000.
"Perspectives on Earthiana: A One Eyed View."
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