A complete set of the Encyclopaedia Earthiana, my very own walk in closet, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
A family to call your own Where you feel at home from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
A ho 'i a 'e au from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
A ho 'i a 'e au from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
A ho 'i a 'e au from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
A midnight train from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
A name? For me? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
A robin weep from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
According to calculations, black hole will transport us to volcano planet, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Actually, 624, cos you subtract Stitch and... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Add two tablespoons genetic material and... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Agent Wendy Pleakley... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Ah, who cares? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
All you ridiculous 625... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha means hello, but it also means goodbye. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha oe from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha oe from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha oe from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha oe from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha, cousins! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha, e komo mai from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha, e komo mai from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha, e komo mai from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha, e komo mai from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha, e komo mai from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha, Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha... as in goodbye. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Am I to understand that you wish to resign your commission? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Am putting finishing touches... now. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And a piece of a broken surfboard named Steve. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And as I wonder from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And commander of its new flagship the BRB 9000. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And finally fink on Jumba to Galactic Federation. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And galaxy wide fame as the greatest Earth expert ever! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And he brought us all here to get rid of us. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And I also bet that he's never coming back. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And I don't like blue. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And I have them riding in the frontedy front. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And I never want to see you ever again ever either!" from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And name you with your very own name. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And now, to dispose of you three meddling meddlers. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And Pleakley took his space cell phone. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And please, keep Weirdlo and her weirdness from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And put down that gerbil! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And return to Kauai to be the experiments' sole caretaker. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And share bunk bed with bossy one eyed noodle. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And she controls a force of over 600 of Jumba's genetic creations. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And so is the Galactic Armada and planet Turo and maybe the whole galaxy! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And taken to a large public arena, where I shall destroy them all! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And that the aloha you give will always come back to you. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And the aloha you give will always come back to you. It's like a circle. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And washed Paula and Jimmy and Steve away. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And with even greater joy that we once again honour our greatest heroes. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And you can walk on the ceiling. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And you don't have classes either. You're a supervising professor. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And, Stitch, you belong... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Answer it. But none of your not so funny funny business. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Approximately 3 inch diameter weighing 17.2 ounces. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Are still happy in the one place they belong. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Are you with me? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Arrival clearance code approved. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
As captain of the Galactic Armada? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
As far away from me as possible. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
As for Stitch, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
At least that's what Lilo says. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Back in the main drive shaft. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Big Red Battleship! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Bigger smile, Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Black hole dead ahead! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Blitznak! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
BRB. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Bright. Very bright! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But for us, it mostly seems to mean goodbye. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But Gigi says she likes being part of an ohana. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But I'm naming a sandwich after him, the open faced double decker blubber butt. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But if you're ever missing Kauai, you can play this. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But it's just because they don't want me to be sad. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But out there it'll be a dumb old paperweight from another planet. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But Pancake was never lonely again, because he could always remember them. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But popcorn power is good too. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But still wonderful memories. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But that will come back and bite him in the tail someday. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But then one day a big wave splashed over the whole beach from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But to forcibly force you to make a new experiment by force! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But we don't have... Wait a minute! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But what about my future? How am I supposed to pay the bills? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
But you belong out in space, catching bad guys with the Big Red Battleship. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
By disrupting event horizon just before entry. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Captain has arrived in the bay. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Captain on the... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Captain on this... floor. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Captain setting destination coordinates. Zero parsec? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Captain Stitch, our orders are to return the prisoner to Asteroid K 37. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Captain Stitch. The Council has received... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Captain, you're certain you want to engage the H drive in the spaceport? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Cause you know, the aloha spirit you give always comes back to you. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Cobra, I want to call Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Come on by from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Come on by from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Come on by from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Come on by from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Come on, Scrump. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Come, Pleakley. What is in here, bricks? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Concrete, adobe, terra cotta... You name the brick, it's in there. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Could we take a look at that new wardrobe? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Cowabunga! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Cranking up to evil 11. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Creating an army of Leroy clones! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Depends. You have to give aloha to get some back. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Diary of an Incompetent Fish headed Minion: The Idiot Years. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Did you ever see from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Didn't even like my egg salad. "More mayonnaise, less dill weed." from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Does Scrump want some breakfast? It's her favourite, cold pizza. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Don't have to be evil genius to see that. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Don't pay any attention to me. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Don't worry, Dr Hamsterviel, your escape will soon be complete. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Don't you have something to say? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Don't you know what a rhetorical question is? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Dr Hamsterviel's office. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Dr Jacques von Hamsterviel has escaped from prison. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Dr Jacques von Hamsterviel, king, top ruler of the galaxy. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Dr. Jumba Jookiba, we hereby return the confiscated key to your laboratory. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
E ke onaona noho i ka liko from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Embarrass Jumba, steal from Jumba, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Ending with disgrace, arrest and imprisonment, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Especially Lilo and Captain Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Everybody sing from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Everybody, say aloha! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Everything little boy Jumba ever dreamed of having in evil genius laboratory! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Excellent! I'm on my way. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Excellent! I'm starving! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Finally, Lilo Pelekai, you shall become our first Earth ambassador from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Finally! It is an evil dream come true. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Flazookie and cartridge clamp. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
For the last picture in my book, a group shot. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
For turning evil experiments from bad to good. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
For you, I wouldn't create piece of dry toast! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
From now on, I'm lookin' out for old number 625. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Galactic Alliance Community College? Yes! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Galaxy Defence Industries, where DNA stands for "Do Not Ask." from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Galaxy Defence Industries. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Gantu schmantu. Who needs him? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Gantu turned from bad to good. Hey, where is Gantu? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Gantu! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Gantu? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Gantu's the only one who'd call, and I ain't answerin'. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Gee, nobody's ever made me a sandwich. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Gladly. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Go, little monster! Go, go, go! Save us, save us, from the black hole! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Goodbye, dust bunnies. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Goodbye, laundry! Goodbye, dirty dishes! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Graduating together from Evil Genius U? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Granted. And finally, Jumba and Pleakley. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Guess that answers that. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Have a nice day. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hawaiian folksy folk music is tied into synapse matrix. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He is now! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He is shutting down like a car wash in a rainstorm. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He jumps in the water, makes awesome waves. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He looks just like you. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He made friends with a shell named Paula and an empty can of soda named Jimmy from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He sounds too blue to fly from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He was lonely. So he went to the beach to make friends. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He went in through the air manifold. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He would have programmed shutoff switch into original Leroy. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He's an outer space pilot in a Big Red Battleship and fighting bad guys. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He's got plenty of company. That idiot scientist and one eyed noodley thing. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He's not in control of... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He's not wearing it. That's not Stitch! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He's on the aloha team now. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He's so beautiful in his ugly nastiness. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
He's still in backety back. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hear that lonesome whippoorwill from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hello, this is Cobra Bubbles. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hey, this looks like Pleakley's rock, with a bite out of it. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hey, what do you want? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hey, you want I should fix a picnic lunch for the trip? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hey! Wait up! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hide! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
How can we ever repay you? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hyperdrive activated... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I am not beach ball light. I am hamster light! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I am now off to Earth to eliminate those pesky experiments! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I am strong! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I bet it came to take you know who back to planet Weirdlo. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I brought you a little surprise. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I brought you something. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I could cry from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I could ride in the backety back. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I don't? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I funding them with my shady business deals. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I guessed the one place I belonged was with my blubber butt buddy Gantu. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I had a nightmare. I had to take a test on spaghetti, but I studied rigatoni. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I have cleverly programmed this vehicle from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I have taken over the Galactic Alliance using my army of clones named Leroy. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I heard Hamsterviel is taking over the galaxy from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I heard you were opening up the old shop. So I am thinking... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I just wanted to make up. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I kept it hidden in a sock for three years. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I know! But Jumba and Pleakley's ship is gone, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I lai la ua i la from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I lai la ua i la from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I lai la ua i la from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I lai la ua i la from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I mean I just happen to be in your quadrant, so I thought, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I mean, Reuben, as my galley officer. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I need you to fix Lilo's skirt for hula class. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I said, are you with me? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I see I have found you recollecting misty musical recollections. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I shall call you... Spike! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I shall proceed with the next phase of my oh so clever plan: from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I think that went very well, don't you? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I told Scrump that, but she gets feelings sometimes. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I used to do it with Stitch, but you can help me instead. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I want to finish my logbook. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I want to order a new version of 626. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I was late for class. I was naked, fell off a cliff... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I wasn't pretending to be a professor of Earth Studies, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I won't ask what's in it. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I wonder what they got in store for us. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I... I mean, I am fully reformed. Out on parole. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'd get down and gloat in your faces, but I can't get out this chair. Gantu! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'd like to request experiment 625... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'd like to sing a song that's probably the saddest song I've ever heard. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'll keep it with me always. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'll miss you too. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm a little out of practice. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm calculating our odds of victory at... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm done doing all that weird stuff now. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm estimating 23 percent aloha is lost in giving process. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm forgetting. No Pleakley, just Jumba. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm gonna fix this ship, fly to planet Turo and warn the Grand Councilwoman. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm off to work. Oh, Pleakley. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm so lonesome from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm so lonesome I could cry from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm so lonesome I could cry from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm so lonesome I could cry from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm sorry. He's in a meeting. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm telling Officer Kaihiko. Come on, Gigi. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm unable to come to the phone right now. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm with you, sister, but first we gotta put this servo unit from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I've got a huge corner office, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I've got it! I shall name you... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I've gotta have the van back to the college by 6:00. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I've grown fond of your egg salad. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I've perfected evil genius boom boom liquid for saliva of new experiment. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
If Jumba was real evil genius, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
If Leroy is hearing Aloha Oe, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
If you wanted to, you could have all of his powers. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
If you were a student at GACC you'd care cos it would be on the final exam. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
If you were attending GACC, I'd move you to the head of the class. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Impact with black hole: 30 seconds. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Impact with black hole: one minute. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
In fact, I bet that's why your dog ran away, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Incoming call from... E arth, sir. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Interesting theory but scientifically impossible. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Into the best spaceship shaped sandwich shop on the island. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is not! You're a weirdo! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is requiring small projectile from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is that the Stitch to which you are referring to? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is there anything else I can get for you? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is this a bad time? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is this your final decision? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is truly evil! Making Jumba pretend to be mean to Pleakley. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is whining low from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It ain't our problem. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It crash landed in my backyard. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It has taken Leroy a paltry few hours to succeed from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It is with great joy that I return to the Galactic Council, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It must be the little Earth girl. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It will also be the maiden voyage of... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It'll never work. Stitch will stop you. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's got a picture of every experiment, in the one place they belong. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's just that, well... I just miss you so much! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's Ku Tiki, the god of strength. Promise to never take it off? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's Lilo, right? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's my favourite Elvis record. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's OK. We're just having a nightmare. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's rounds time, Scrump. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's working! Aloha totally rocks! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba and Pleakley? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba is finally understanding ohana is more important. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba makes genius experiments, not fast food. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba must energise genetic experiments with primitive Earth popcorn maker. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba would like to return to Earth as well. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba, a little evil genius help here. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba, sound! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba, what was your old lab like? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba, you belong back in your real evil genius laboratory. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba's evil scientist laboratory is just as I left it! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Just finish my experiment. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Just like I dreamed of since before I could walk on three legs. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Kauai. Yeah. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Lecture? You don't give lectures. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Lenlu, stop playing with your antenna. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Leroy, destroy him! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Leroy! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Leroy! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Leroy? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Let's see. How about Patty? Short for patty melt. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Lights up a purple sky from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Like everything else in this dump. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Lilo, are you OK? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Lilo, I'm home. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Lilo! I told you you can't stay out after sunset. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Lilo's rock! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Little closer to Nani, David. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Look out! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Look, you're number 625. The closest one to Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Make him with extra destructive capabilities but easy on the fluffy. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Maybe everybody wants to go back? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Maybe I'll drop by. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Maybe we could work together again. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Miss Grand Councilwoman! Stitch is in trouble! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
My cannon! And you! How did you escape my imprisoning? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
My current location: classified. Estimated return time: classified. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
My genius plan is unfolding perfectly. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
My head. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
My Leroy will be defeated by no thing or no one, not even... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
My Leroy will easily dupe her tiny little brain. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
My students are sure to find them fascinating. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
My years of devotion and hard work, and this is how I'm rewarded? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Nai nai nai nai from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Name: Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Nani says aloha means "hello" and "goodbye," from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Nani says that letting you go shows aloha spirit, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Never mind. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
New destination coordinates denied. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Next time send flowers. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Nice cape. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Nice doggie. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No captain, just Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No kiddin'? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No mala hini ohana from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No mala hini ohana from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No mala hini ohana from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No mala hini ohana from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No prison can contain me! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No way! Once a weirdo, always a weirdo. That's what my dad used to say. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No, this time I will send my new trusted henchman, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No! Not coming by. Never coming by! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No! That one was not... Get me down! Get me down! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No! That was a rhetorical question. You don't answer it! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No? But don't you miss your Aunt Pleakley? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No. Stitch is in trouble, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Not at all! I was just brushing my tongues! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Not enough mayonnaise and too much dill weed. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Not happening. Not happening. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Not my original Leroy! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Nothing but a pain in the patookie anyhow. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Nothing. I like it. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Now that I have Leroy, you are no longer needed. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Now that I have proven Leroy to be an invincible fighting machine... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Now that we're done catching experiments, we can do whatever we want. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Now will you get me down from this chair? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Now, Jumba, I will explain this only once and oh, so patiently. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Of a falling star from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Of course. But you will have to wait for my first lecture, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh, cos you're gonna need from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh, good idea. More evil is good. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh, Lilo. You're showing so much aloha spirit letting them go. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh, right. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh, yeah, it's me. I'm Fluffy. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh, yeah, right. I'm wishing to go back to stinky water planet from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh, you mean that weakling 626? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh! Big Red... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Oh. Well, then, in my first class you can always... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Ohana from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
OK, everybody, this is it. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
On Earth, with Lilo. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Once there was a rooster named Pancake. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Once we're through this airlock, it's clear sailing to the spaceport. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
One fond embrace from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
One fond embrace from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
One fond embrace from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
One of those intergalactic communicator thingies if you want to contact him. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Only if you answer this extra credit question correctly. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Or perhaps device to stop evil genius talking to self. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Or Pita Pita Sandwich Eata. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Or... Monte? Like a Monte Cristo? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Our first business together? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Out of my way! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Pancake was sad that his friends were gone. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Peanut butter and jelly? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Perhaps I will mimic the little Earth girl from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Perhaps other side is less depressing. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Pleakley, lights. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Pleakley, you belong at Galactic Alliance Community College from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Pleakley! Come look! Pleak... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Prepare for hyperspace to planet Turo, where I and my army of Leroys... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Primitive Earth science. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Quiet, class. Quiet! Plooka, spit out that gum! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Quiet, Yuki! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Quit picking your nose. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Remember the old days? You creating experiments, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Reuben, there's a fake Stitch driving the Big Red Battleship. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Reuben. I like that. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Run! Run! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Scale model of Big Red Battleship. Impressive. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Scrump and I are getting used to the way things used to be. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Scrump, have I ever told you the story of the Lonely Rooster? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Security command, release portal 7. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
See, his problem is he's got no aloha spirit. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
See? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Seek out and capture Dr Hamsterviel. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
She has been demoted. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
She thinks something's wrong from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
She's not hungry. She's worried about Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Shut up! I am naming the naming here. I'll think of it. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Silly Jumba. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Sir, I must point out a weak spot in your plan. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
So I've been trying to get in touch with Stitch. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
So make him resplendent red to match my cape, and make him to go! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
So many wonderful memories of evil experimentation, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
So much new evil to be done. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
So, does this give me official "cousin" status? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
So, we're taking the old two man shuttle, huh? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
So, you're gonna help me fix the videophone? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Specifically, grain based flakes immersed in bovine gland extract. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
State of art genetic accelerator. Endless uburnium energy supply. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Stitch can take care of himself. He's indestructible, remember? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Stitch has found one place he truly belongs. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Stitch wants to come back to Kauai. Right, Stitch? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Stitch! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Stitch? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Stitch? Sti... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Sure. Why not? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Teaching Earth stuff to aliens. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Thank you, sir. I won't fail you this time. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That being the case, Mr Gantu, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That gerbil treats you like a pile of blitznak. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That means he's lost from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That's all I want too. To go home with my ohana. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That's him, all right. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That's the Grand Councilwoman's job. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That's the warden's gerbil, you nearsighted fish stick! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That's why I'm giving you this rock. Here it's just a dumb old paperweight, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
That's why you get this great stuff. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The classic corned beef and sauerkraut on rye. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The Council has received a security alert. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The end. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The Galactic Council will bestow the following rewards... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The keys to the college carpool van, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The little Earth girl has a special talent from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The name is Reuben. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The office, the encyclopaedias, your own walk in closet and wardrobe. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The one I sent tumbling to his doom in a black hole? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The silence from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The whole ohana! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The will to live from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Then pick up your final paycheque and return your ID. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Then so be it. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Then who is this? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
There's only room for two on the two man shuttle, me and Dr Hamsterviel. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
They call it an aloha lei. It symbolises... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
They were good friends and had fun playing together. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
They'll be OK without me, right? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
They're letting us land. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
This is a very special necklace. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
This is all so perfect. A test for my new creation. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
This is bad. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
This is clearly a job for my most trusted henchman. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
This is my last chance to redeem myself. If I succeed, my future is secured. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
This is your first mission as captain of the Galactic Armada. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
This makes her a credible threat to your Leroy army. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Though it looks like her spirit's kind of broken. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
To annoy experiment. Is making him more evil, yes? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
To assure my galactic dominance, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
To recognise the completion of their task, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Today the Galactic Council assembles to honour Lilo and Stitch, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Turned them from bad to good, and found each a place where it can belong. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Uh, that was a rhetorical question. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Uh, was that a rhetorical question? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Uh, you sure that's gonna work? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Until we meet again from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Until we meet again from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Until we meet again from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Until we meet again from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Until we meet again from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Very well, then. You leave me no choice from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Very well. Then the little girl's experiments must be captured from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Wait a minute. My tiki necklace. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Wait! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Wait! Jumba is evil genius! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Wait! You're not supposed to... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Wanna play dolls? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Was "I don't miss you at all from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
We hereby offer you the chair of Earth Studies at the GACC. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
We just check to make sure that all Stitch's cousins from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
We'll find a place where you belong from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
We've got to get back to Earth and save the cousins. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Welcome, cousins from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Welcome, cousins from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Welcome, cousins from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Welcome, cousins from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Welcome, students, to Earthiana 101. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, he's certainly enthusiastic. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, how will we all fit? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, I think it means... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, I'm not gonna wait around to get digested. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, then, I surely don't need a non teaching teaching job. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, what about this one? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, why not write your memoirs? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, you're going to be late by about... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What about creating our first experiment? You remember Shrink? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What about my future? How am I supposed to pay the bills? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What did you call me? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What do you mean "complete"? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What do you want to do, Stitch? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What I meant when I said "I miss you so much and can I visit?" from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What is so ha ha funny? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What is the progress? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What should I do with the girl and 625? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What you forget is that I have my own army, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What? It is a genius name. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What'd you do with your dog? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What's gonna happen to us? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Whatever! Lock cannon on target! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
When leaves began to die? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Where did the native Hawaiian hula dance originate? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Where to begin? Antiaircraft lollipops? Permanently stinky bedroom slippers? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Where we will be painfully vaporized! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Where you are from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
While you took three years to fail. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Who else? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Who have successfully captured all 625 of Jumba's genetic experiments, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Who knew carpool vans had such sophisticated weapon systems? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Who you talking to? Stop that. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Why are we setting a course for Turo? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Why are you no longer on asteroid of inescapable prison? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Why are you playing that annoyingly folksy folk music? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Why not just call it 627? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Why not make sandwiches? It's all you're good at. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Why, yes. You could give me a great big pinch to wake me up! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
With destination coordinates 12 21 9 7 9. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
With old lab back, evil possibilities are infinite! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
With the aid of former Captain Gantu, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Without the reserve engines, this ship is stupid and useless. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Would I? I mean, yes, Your Eminence. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Would take years just to create design. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Would you be interested in resuming your position from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Yeah, sing it, cousin. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Yeah. Lilo wasn't in class today. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Yes, please. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Yes. I noticed the little Earth girl never captured you. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You are hereby offered a commission as captain of the Galactic Armada from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You are right. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You aren't the only one with a team, you know. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You can't run the galaxy. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You did the right thing. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You didn't open the cell. I did. I'm breaking you two out of here. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You have already failed me 625 times. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You haven't even broken me out of my cell! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You hear that, Jumba? We're gonna get prizes. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You in bed already? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You just have to stop making sandwiches and start making something of yourself. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You know, aloha is one of those Earth concepts I never did understand. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You know, full ohana rights? All that aloha stuff? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You know, the microwave oven was invented by Dr Percy Spencer. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You know, turns out I'm pretty strong. I could maybe open this. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You mean Jumba and Pleakley and Stitch aren't coming home? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You never did understand the meaning of aloha, did you? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You still got me, your faithful sandwich making pal. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You would? But what about your lab? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You'd be amazed. Pickle juice is a great conductor. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You're gonna miss my egg salad! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You're not the captain! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You're right. I couldn't hold on to a single one of those experiments. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You've actually been to Earth? You must tell me everything. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Zero. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
25 years of partnership, and you did nothing but cheat Jumba, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
625, when did you learn to climb ceilings? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
625. I never gave you a name, did I? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
"Hamsterveal"? It is pronounced Hamsterviel. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
"Unless"? Unless we alter destination from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
626? Aloha, Gerbil Boy. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Absolutely. I suppose. Or maybe... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Actually, you did. I... It was a rhetorical question! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Ah! How did you get here? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha oe Aloha oe from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha. Aloha! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Aloha. Aloha. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
And what do we call this, class? Breakfast? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Are you OK? No, cuter. Think "plush toy"! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Rock 'n' roll, baby! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Ay! Is 22.3 ounces. Gimme. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Black hole? Oh, don't worry. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Boyd! There's too many of 'em! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
BRB fuelling complete. Hatchway secure. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
BRB. What's BRB stand for? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
By force! By force! That was your cue! Sorry. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Can you fix it? Why should I? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Do you know what that means? It's lunchtime? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Done. Cannonball? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Eh, is bad time. I'm sorry. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Enough! Hang up! No. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
from a Mr Leroy. Put him through! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Gantu? No time explaining. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hang up. Hang up! OK! Bye bye! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hello. Hamsterviel? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Here? Smaishy scoop. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Hey! Is my creation. Whatever. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I didn't know you had a dad. Quiet, Yuki. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I don't have insurance. Get him, Leroy. Get him! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I don't think so. I know! Reuben. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I need peanut butter! For breakfast? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I need to call Stitch. Sorry. Videophone's busted, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I think... I didn't ask what you think! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
I'm breaking him out of prison. What? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is it done? Is it finished? Can't be rushing evil genius. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is that a real Earth rock? Why, yes. Yes, it is. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Is this it? Pickle. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's got a bite out of it. Perfect! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
It's hard to say goodbye. I know, baby. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba! Dr Hamsterviel! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Jumba! Pleakley! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Just like you. Who am I kidding? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Leroy? What's wrong with Leroy? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Letting them go shows... Aloha. I know. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Mahalo, Reuben. No problem, Lilo. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Maybe I will! Fine. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Maybe it ate her. Maybe it's gonna eat us all. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Maybe that was my problem all along. What? Your blubber butt? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Mertle? I still think you're weird. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Never wanting seeing you again. Yeah? Well, me neither! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Nice one, cousin. You can talk? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No time explaining. Hurry! Get in! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No! I'm wearing the wig. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
No. Oh, come on! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
OK. OK? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
On one condition. Condition? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Open? I'm turning this dump from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Pleakley. Aah! Oh, Lilo! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Promise. You're number 626. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Right. Of course. Right. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Say "eeh." Eeh. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
She already used that one. Very well. Kicks. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
So, you're letting them go. They'll say they want to stay, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Take them to the prison block. Yes, sir. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Talk normal! All experiments captured. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Thanks. What?! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
The black hole! We can't fly into a black hole! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Uh, Hawaii? Very good, Nani! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Uh, hello? Sorry, we're not open. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Used it. Slugger. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Vapour? Unless... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
We're too late. Indeed. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Well, I heard... Aloha, Mertle. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What is it? An Earth souvenir. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What is it? Incoming call, sir, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What is wrong with you? Well, I have a bad knee. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
What?! You heard me. You are fired. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Where are you taking Gigi? I'm taking her to the canine spa. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Where are you taking the microwave? Without evil genius lab, from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Where's Gantu? He left. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Wow! Wasp Mummies VI is already out. I hope my dad will let me go see it. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Yeah! Just like Mertle's dad. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Yeah! No, I'm not! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Yes, sir! I believe it's... That was rhetorical too! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You already made 627. I did? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You are as strong as Stitch. We reroute the ignition conduit... from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You have coconut cake on your uniform. Oh. Sorry. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
You may thank me later. I'll thank you now. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Your point being? Crazy head! I wanna go home! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
...ceiling? Big Red, Big Red, Big Red! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
...fireworks? from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
...forever! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
...shall take over the stinky Galactic Alliance! from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
...the BRB 9000. from Leroy & Stitch (2006)
"Perspectives on Earthiana: A One Eyed View." from Leroy & Stitch (2006)