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Inside Man

Inside Man

Inside Man is a gripping and intense thriller film directed by Spike Lee. Released in 2006, the movie keeps audiences on the edge of their seats with its clever plot twists, outstanding performances from a stellar cast, and excellent direction.

The cast of Inside Man features some of Hollywood's finest actors, each bringing their unique talents to the screen. Denzel Washington, known for his charismatic presence and remarkable performances, plays Detective Keith Frazier. Washington's portrayal of a dedicated and determined detective struggling to negotiate a tense hostage situation is both captivating and powerful.

Sharing the screen with Washington is the legendary actor Clive Owen, who plays the enigmatic and intelligent bank robber Dalton Russell. Owen's performance is mesmerizing as he crafts Russell as a sly and unpredictable antagonist, keeping both characters and viewers guessing throughout the film.

Jodie Foster joins the cast as Madeleine White, a mysterious and powerful woman who is hired by the bank's founder to protect a significant secret. Foster delivers a stellar performance, showcasing her ability to command attention and embody complex characters with ease.

The dynamic supporting cast features talented actors, including Christopher Plummer as Arthur Case, the bank's founder, and Willem Dafoe as Captain John Darius, a senior police officer. Additionally, Chiwetel Ejiofor shines as Detective Bill Mitchell, Frazier's partner, providing a solid balance to Washington's character.

Spike Lee's direction is masterful as he weaves together a multifaceted narrative. The story centers around the seemingly straightforward bank heist planned by Russell but gradually grows more intricate with each passing moment. Lee's visual style and attention to detail enhance the tension and create a sense of unease throughout the film.

The screenplay, written by Russell Gewirtz, combines suspenseful action with clever dialogue and unexpected twists. Gewirtz's script keeps viewers guessing, constantly challenging their expectations and assumptions. The film's pacing is methodical, giving ample time for character development and building suspense.

One of the strengths of Inside Man is its ability to explore deeper themes beyond a typical heist film. Spike Lee delves into issues of race, privilege, and power, touching on the societal inequalities that exist even within a high-stakes hostage situation. These underlying themes add depth and complexity to an already exciting and thrilling story.

With its intense plot, stellar performances, and thought-provoking themes, Inside Man captivates audiences from start to finish. It is a must-watch for fans of gripping thrillers and those who enjoy intricate storytelling. Released in 2006, the film is a testament to the talent of its cast and crew, earning critical acclaim and commercial success.

If you're interested in experiencing the thrilling soundscape of Inside Man, you can play and download the soundtrack or score here. Immerse yourself in the tension and excitement of the film with its captivating musical compositions that enhance every moment. Whether you're a fan of the movie or simply appreciate great sound design, this is an excellent opportunity to enjoy and relive the electrifying ambiance of Inside Man.

So, gather your popcorn, dim the lights, and prepare for a gripping journey as Inside Man takes you on an exhilarating ride you won't soon forget.

A bit. What do you need?
A certain young lady who's helping you with the Triborough Bridge project?
A heart condition.
A hostage would identify them as being one of the good guys.
A very large withdrawal from this bank.
According to these records, it doesn't exist.
Again, same problem. Plus, he was a fucking idiot.
All bank employees, raise your hands!
All clear, Sarge.
All clear. E.S.U. on the stairs. Line it up!
All I know is that they called each other a variation of Steve.
All right, everybody, relax. Calm down. Calm down.
All right, good job.
All right, guys, as soon as we pull up, I want everybody out.
All right, here's where we stand.
All right, I'm sorry, baby. You okay?
All right, just get him on the bus. Get him on the bus.
All right, listen, let's get these people up.
All right, look, just tell me what it is you really want and I'll get it for you.
All right, well, I need to keep an eye on it.
All right, well, thanks for lunch.
All right! Everybody out!
All right. Are we ready with the listening devices?
All right. Big Willie and the twins for you when I get home.
All right. I'm on it. I'm on it.
All right. Now get the bunker up.
All the bank records for safe deposit boxes at your bank.
All the trains that pass through Grand Central Station in a year,
And a bank, and about a million spectators, and I can't see shit inside there,
And account for what I did here,
And depriving us of any kind of way of controlling ourselves.
And do me a favour, huh? Watch where you park next time, okay?
And don't forget about your 1:00 with Chancellor Joel Klein.
And get some fucking body bags.
And he's offering to help you.
And he's too fucking stupid to amount to anything. Even as a criminal.
And how many robbers police are dealing with.
And I find out that it's the launch codes for a nuclear missile,
And I tried the State Department. That takes a month.
And I would like to stay here for a while. And I won't disturb you.
And I'll try and watch what I say in the future.
And I've been trying to buy it back ever since.
And if they're exposed?
And it's still unclear on any possible injuries.
And let you get control of this crime scene, okay?
And let's not forget the possibility of hostages being killed.
And make me believe that you understand everything we talked about.
And no business with your uncle?
And one of the gunmen opens the door, sticks a. 357 in my face,
And problem solved.
And second, I didn't do it, all right?
And since when is your job more important than your career?
And that was basically it.
And that's all in place.
And the 11:00 and 12:00...
And the sooner this situation ends, the happier I'll be.
And then he tried to wash away his guilt.
And then I just remember one of them
And then there's the ring.
And there's no immediate threat.
And therein, as the Bard would tell us,
And therein, as the Bard would tell us,
And they called you what?
And they do.
And they don't take a nickel, right?
And they're fuelling your jet right now as we speak.
And they're gonna come after us like that?
And to distinguish right from left, also.
And to enjoy all that it has to offer.
And we should use rubber bullets. Take head shots. Put their lights out.
And we will remain here on the scene as this all unfolds.
And we'll have enough money to buy a bigger place and then, you know...
And we'll pay you a lot of money.
And we're having our annual fundraiser next month.
And what might that be?
And when the war came along, the ring and everything else they owned
And when they can't, well, they don't call me.
And you don't remember anything else?
And you lose points if someone jacks your ride or shoots you.
And you start becoming my solution, the better off you'll be.
And you're not a cop.
And, you know, they'd like to do it tonight.
Another one had a couple of priors, G.L.A. mostly.
Any call about a bank gets routed straight to us.
Any more?
Any other proposals?
Anybody gets in our way gets a bullet in the brain.
Anybody who's ever watched a decent action movie would.
Anyone else here smarter than me?
Anything else you want to share with us?
Anything in particular you think we should know?
Are of great value to me.
Are you implying that I had anything to do with it?
Are you such a person or have I been misinformed?
Arthur Case? You sure?
As an insurance policy to keep you from seeking revenge.
As far as I'm concerned, you still work here,
As for the "why, " beyond the obvious financial motivation,
As for the "why," beyond the obvious financial motivation,
As soon as we get this thing cleared up, we'll cut you loose, all right?
At first glance, everything looked fine,
At least until we make contact.
At my July 4th parties in Southampton.
Attempted robbery. Liquor store.
Baby, I'm fighting for my life over here.
Baby, I'm worried about you. You coming home?
Back away from that counter! Get your hand away from that button!
Back off or I shoot! I said back off!
Back up, sir! Back up! You!
Back up! Go around, around the corner.
Banging his sister. Then she tries to bring it all back on me.
Bank employees, this side! Everyone else, over there!
Bank robbery. Hostage situation. 20 Exchange Place.
Because I can.
Because I can.
Because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself.
Because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself.
Because I don't want to be distracted by you, that's why.
Because if my guys got to shoot it out with those fucking savages...
Because if you get it wrong, your headstone will read,
Because it's been like over a year now. Yeah.
Because they pulled a gun in my face...
Beg your pardon?
Believe me, if I need to, I can change your entire programme.
Believe me. This is the only situation where I'd ask you to do this.
Berk, play that over the speaker for me. Excuse me.
Between being stuck in a tiny cell and being in prison.
Between being stuck in a tiny cell and being in prison.
Brian, you think you can recognise him in any of these pictures?
Bringing the bunker up.
Bulgarian, maybe.
Buses, Kojak, parked outside.
But for now, we got to deal with this situation.
But has turned into this hostage situation.
But he is no different than half the Fortune 500.
But I don't need you to be in my corner, Mr Mayor.
But I have to help bin Laden's nephew buy a co op on Park Avenue.
But I just fast tracked his career a little and he's under control.
But I would not get too comfortable in here if I were you.
But I would rather wind up an old bigot than a handsome young corpse.
But I'll tell you right now that the language is 100%% Albanian.
But I'm just trying to keep them away from us.
But I'm trying to stay away from bars, if you know what I mean.
But if you tell me that it's a bunch of old baseball cards
But if you're going down on this one, I can't go with you.
But in my experience, people like you have people working for them
But inevitably,
But it doesn't seem like you've pushed him into a corner.
But it's not worth much if you can't face yourself in the mirror.
But no, thanks.
But so far nothing.
But the Nazis paid too well.
But there is a vast difference
But there was one safe deposit box that had no records.
But there's a vast difference
But unless they swam out through the toilets,
But we like to leave it clear in case a hostage is able to get through,
But with that. 357 sticking in my face, I can't really be sure. I'm sorry.
But you and this mystery man, you have an understanding?
But you got to understand this.
But you may have bitten off more than you can chew.
But you're gonna have to excuse us for now, okay?
By the way you handled that business.
Bye, Big Daddy.
Call Operations. See if they can get a Russian translator over here ASAP.
Call the Albanian Consulate. See if they can get somebody over here
Calm the fuck down!
Came out of nowhere. I didn't see him.
Can I get you to do that today?
Can I have a glass of water?
Can I pick you up in front of your office building in five minutes?
Can I trust that you will keep what you've learnt
Can you come over to the other side?
Can you get that for me? I guess it is, isn't it?
Can you listen to this and tell us what they're saying?
Can you lower your voice just a little bit, please?
Can't hide quality like that.
Cap, come to the ladies' room.
Cap, we got something else in the storage room.
Captain, I'm telling you, this thing is a mess.
Captain, this thing stinks to high hell. I mean, somebody did something here.
Careful, Detective Frazier. My bite's much worse than my bark.
Cartier ring.
Case closed, you know what I mean?
Cease fire!
Cease fire! Cease fire!
Cease fire! Cease fire!
Cell phones are monitored and we can jam the air whenever you say.
Cell phones.
Cellblock or the graveyard?
Central, give me an 85.
Central. Give me an 85.
Check it out.
Check them. Make sure they ain't got no weapons on them and shit.
Check this out. They forgot to rob the joint.
Check with either one of the hostages.
Christmas came early for you this year.
Clear, Sarge.
Clearly, he has a very low opinion of you.
Clearly, they must have been satisfied.
Collins, you got this?
Collins! Grab a uniform, make a quick count of that money in there, all right?
Come on in.
Come on, baby.
Come on, boobs, let's go.
Come on, don't bullshit a bullshitter.
Come on, guys, guys! Over this way. Over this way.
Come on, honey. The handcuffs are getting cold.
Come on, let's get going with these people off that line over there.
Come on, let's go. Come on, boobs.
Come on, shut up. Relax.
Come on, sweetheart. Let's go. Let's go.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. You're not that stupid.
Could you give us the names of the bank robbers, maybe?
Could you show us, please?
Cut and diverted into M.C.C. We're the only ones they're gonna call.
Darius is calling the shots on this. That's it.
Darius, don't make a move!
Depends. How many carats?
Despite whatever you may think?
Detective Grossman is away on vacation,
Detective, I was born in Queens.
Detective, they're gonna storm that bank without you? It's not right.
Did they take money? Did you see them take money?
Did you find a dead hostage? Negative.
Did you know they were robbing the bank?
Did you rob the bank?
Do it.
Do it. Shit, you got nothing to lose.
Do me a favour, Sergeant. Just tone down the colour commentary.
Do not make a move! Keep your men back!
Do not move!
Do you know what kind of thin ice I'm on right now
Do you wanna get us all killed?
Does anybody know what language they're speaking? Anybody?
Does this sound like it might be the man you work for?
Doesn't feel right yet, you know what I mean?
Doing business with the Nazis during the Holocaust.
Don't go in the bank without calling us first, all right? Okay?
Don't let anybody get tempted, including you!
Don't move! Don't move!
Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Don't take any chances!
Don't they look suspicious to you?
Door to the left, door to the left.
Down on the floor!
Down the stairs.
Drown it in a lifetime of good deeds and a sea of respectability.
During my training?
During World War ll, there was an American working for a bank in Switzerland.
E.S.U. team, line up!
Easy, be very careful, now. Easy.
Eat this! Eat that! Eat this! Eat that!
Edwin, could you please excuse us for a minute?
Eight and three quarters. Big boy.
Enver Hoxha's dead.
Even if it isn't rigged with explosives, it's still a fucking nightmare.
Even if their alibi was weak,
Even if we considered someone as a possible suspect,
Everybody get down on the fucking floor! Now!
Everybody up the fucking stairs! Move!
Everybody's getting theirs. I'm gonna get mine.
Everybody's saying listen! Nobody's listening!
Everyone, heads up! Let's clear the way!
Except you.
Excuse me, Detectives. This is Arthur Case.
Excuse me!
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Sir?
Fact is, all lies, all evil deeds, they stink.
Fake execution.
Fake guns.
Fake guns. You got to be kidding me.
Fantastic. God damn it.
Female hostages to be searched by female officers only!
Find out if they heard any Russian or Russian accents when they were in there.
Finish your slice. I'll take you back to your father.
First of all, it's Paul. Not Pablo, okay?
First you beat me, and now you want my help.
First, you don't order an assault when no hostages have been killed
For now, we wait.
For reasons which I can't share with you.
For the Joseph Freidkin Memorial Fund for Spinal Cord Research
For throwing us out of whack
Forget about it. What's the story, Captain?
Forget about this dangerous hostage situation.
From Manhattan Trust's central security office, but it'll take a while.
From the Madrugada cheque cashing bust.
From the Madrugada cheque cashing bust.
From what I hear, that would have happened a long time ago
Fuck this shit. Look, they want to shoot me for taking off my mask, they can go ahead.
Fuck you! I didn't kill anybody.
Fucking cocksucker.
Fucking random, my ass. I nearly lost my job...
Get back around the corner! Get back!
Get down on the ground!
Get down.
Get everyone together.
Get in there! Sit down! Put your masks on!
Get off my... That's my turban. Get off. Easy.
Get these people out of here. Come on, open these gates. Back up.
Get those people back! Get them the hell out of here!
Get up.
Get your face on the floor. All right, I'm down! I'm down!
Get your fucking face on the floor!
Get your fucking hands off me!
Get... My turban! Look, fuck, give my turban back!
Give me a bunker up here. I need a bunker up front.
Give me a close up on the second floor window.
Give me a straight answer. What do you think happened?
Give Miss White whatever she needs, or your career is over.
Give them each a sandwich, it's hit or miss.
Go ahead.
Go ahead. Make my day.
Go meshuga.
Go on.
Go! Go! Go!
Good afternoon, sir.
Good morning, Detectives.
Good, good. Good, good, good, good. You did a good job, Sergeant.
Good. Good. What do you have in mind?
Grand Central Terminal is the train station.
Guess what I found?
Gun! Gun! Gun!
Guy shot himself, shot his girlfriend. Thank you.
Hands are tied! Hands are tied.
Has belonged to me since before you were born.
Have a seat.
Have them run it and check it for prints.
He could knock out the cameras without no one knowing.
He didn't go through all that just to stick your envelope under his mattress.
He didn't, so now it's mine.
He doesn't bite. Why? He ain't the type.
He gave us a hostage. We'll give him some food.
He gives us deadlines. We stall. Then he gives us more time.
He had a mask.
He knocked out the cameras about 10:00.
He said, "Grand Central Station. "
He should have destroyed this a long time ago.
He thinks there's four perps. Says they came in dressed as painters.
He told everyone else what to do.
He used his position with the Nazis to enrich himself while all around him
He wants a plane. I'm gonna give him a plane.
He was having chest pains. Paramedics have him.
He was kind of tall.
He was playing with a video game.
He was the teller on my line.
He'll only dump on us.
He's crazy.
He's gonna smell like shit. What do you expect after a week?
He's got a device on him there.
He's on 40, he... No, he's still on 47th Street, but it's a much smaller space.
He's smart, isn't he?
He's up to something but it ain't violence.
He's wrong. Who's wrong?
Head bad guy puts a gun to your head and makes you get on your knees.
Help! Help me.
Her lowlife brother, he's got three priors, one for armed robbery.
Her parents couldn't speak English for shit.
Here today confidential?
Here's a hint. It's a trick question.
Here's all you need to know. You walk in unarmed.
Here's what I'm thinking.
Hernandez! Right here.
Hey, Detective, this ain't your day.
Hey, just out of curiosity do you know anything about diamonds?
Hey, mister.
Hey, Officer, there's smoke coming out of there.
Hey, Phil, let that guy through. Come on.
Hey, Sarge.
Hey, yo, you thought you was gonna get away with that shit, didn't you?
Hey! You're not listening.
Hey. Don't worry about it.
Hit you with the tear gas, and come in strong through the glass.
Holed up with an unknown number of hostages.
Holy shit. And you didn't find anybody?
How about orange jumpsuits and shackles?
How do you know they robbed the bank?
How do you know? They could be Al Qaeda.
How do you say "Rikers Island" in Spanish?
How does this game work?
How dumb do these morons have to be to think they're gonna get a plane?
How gracious.
How you doing, Captain?
How you doing?
How you doing?
How'd you like to be on the front page of the New York Times?
How's it going?
I always have time to put on a tux and eat free food for a good cause.
I ask for another one, he says no, then what?
I believe Detective Frazier is looking for some closure?
I bet you can get a cab, though.
I bet. All right, well, look.
I came out here to take a look at the perimeter they laid down.
I can see him. I got a clear shot. Any weapons?
I can't go through security without a "random" selection.
I can't see him from where I'm at.
I could apologise on behalf of the NYPD, but that was not us. We are detectives.
I could bend over and pick up a pencil.
I could have helped them.
I couldn't tell what the guy was talking about. I think he wanted money.
I damn sure ain't got nothing to lose, so shoot me.
I did it for the money.
I didn't have anything to do with that, so...
I didn't know I was in a library. It's a fucking bank.
I didn't know they were robbing the bank until they pulled a gun in my face.
I didn't think so.
I don't just mean him. Any hostage taker.
I don't need this. I need my turban. It's part of my religion.
I don't need your fucking status report, Serpico.
I don't think he's in a rush.
I don't think so.
I don't think you can afford me.
I don't understand why they had to do that.
I don't understand.
I don't want to get caught bluffing this guy.
I don't want you disturbing the other customers.
I don't.
I doubt that.
I gave him every excuse to blow my brains out.
I get a call at 3:15, and there's what? A dead hostage.
I get thrown out of a bank. I'm a hostage. I get harassed.
I go to bed, everything's hunky dory.
I go to the airport.
I got 50 more people in here. You fuck with me again,
I got a court order here to open a safe deposit box.
I got a perp in the bank. Possible hostage situation.
I got a perp inside with a gun. He claims he's got some hostages in there.
I got a question for you. You get it right, I give you more time.
I got an unknown number of suspects and an unknown number of hostages,
I got it.
I got news for you. Most of the guys up in Sing Sing
I got shot in the fucking chest. That's what I did then.
I got this guy in front of me that thinks I don't see him looking at me.
I got to answer to the Chief of D's.
I got to hand it to you, Pablo.
I got to talk to him about this game.
I got where I am by collecting friends, not enemies.
I guess I should be happy. I might get to put off I.A.B.
I guess it'll have to be.
I guess that's one of the perks.
I had Met tickets tonight. And Pedro's pitching!
I had to listen to all this nonsense in school.
I have a Mr Arthur Case on the phone for you.
I have a small problem which requires someone
I have got hostages.
I have no idea what they're saying,
I hear that.
I hope so. I have to say, I can't help but be sceptical.
I hope so. Tell me about the envelope.
I hope you know what you're doing.
I just need to make sure you're not leaving any bodies behind.
I just need you to look me in the eye
I keep waiting for someone higher up on the food chain to show up and say,
I know this game is a mile over my head, but I'm telling you, if you fuck me over...
I know what he meant.
I know what I did and what I didn't do.
I know what they're talking about. I even know who it is.
I left it in good hands.
I left it in there.
I may have to give out a few.
I mean, going all the way back to 1948.
I mean, I would think that you would want to know who they are.
I mean, it's your bank. You own it. I'm asking you.
I mean, no disrespect to the both of youse
I mean, they made us strip.
I mean, we're the only ones left trying to catch the bad guys
I might be able to help you get what you came for.
I must say
I need all of you to strip down to your underwear.
I never heard of it before.
I never said I speak Albanian.
I not fucking kidding, man.
I promise you, as God is my witness, I'm working on it as hard as I can.
I promise you, I'll find you guys more cases to solve.
I promise you.
I really don't think you have much in the way of alternatives.
I really just thought...
I remember her.
I repeat, possible hostages. 20 Exchange. Manhattan Trust.
I said put your hands on your head and down on your knees now!
I said put your hands on your head and get down on your fucking knees!
I saw a short path to success and I took it.
I say it does, okay?
I say we go after them all, Keith, Michael Corleone style.
I sold my soul.
I stole a nickel from my grandmother's pocketbook once.
I tell you what. My ass is covered, sport.
I tell you where things stand.
I think Mr Case really took that sentiment to heart.
I think so. And he managed to get out of there with that envelope.
I think you sent that woman in there to patch things up.
I thought I was gonna be killed.
I told him that, well, since he hadn't killed anyone,
I told you to shut up! Leave him!
I told you, I've got
I told you, move it! Move it!
I took it.
I turn around and this kid is pointing a. 22 at my chest.
I understand that if you don't get my plane ready,
I used to go up to her and say, "Mama, toh nicklah, toh nicklah. "
I want to snap this guy's neck, I swear to God.
I want you to know, we really appreciate that.
I was breaking up a fight about a half a block from the high school.
I was in a bank and I was locked up for who knows how long.
I was locked up in the room. You saw me gagged when you came in.
I was most impressed
I was out with some friends and they held up a liquor store.
I was stealing from a man who traded his away for a few dollars.
I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone.
I wasn't expecting this.
I will.
I work in the bank!
I would love to talk to you.
I'd prefer that nobody ever touch my safe deposit box.
I'll be outside.
I'll be very quiet right down... Sergeant Collins!
I'll come right to the point.
I'll do as you say! No! Help! Help!
I'll face some difficult questions.
I'll get my gun off before I get my gun off, okay?
I'll give you all the information you want.
I'll give you two of the longest days of your life.
I'll keep that in mind.
I'll tell you what I think happened.
I'll tell you what. Every one of your accusers, man,
I'm a hostage. Stop pushing.
I'm afraid I can't be of any further use to you, Detective.
I'm Detective Frazier. This is Detective Mitchell.
I'm Detective Keith Frazier, Hostage Negotiation Team.
I'm fucking tired of this shit. What happened to my fucking civil rights?
I'm giving you a break, here. Don't make me look like a fool.
I'm gonna need 15 minutes once we get the food.
I'm gonna need a copy of your purchase agreement,
I'm gonna need to come in there and make sure the hostages are okay.
I'm gonna regret this.
I'm gonna walk out of that door when I'm good and ready.
I'm gonna walk out of that door when I'm good and ready.
I'm gonna walk right out the front door. Anything else?
I'm just fine, but thank you for seeing me on such short notice.
I'm just messing with you, sweetheart.
I'm just saying money can't buy love.
I'm learning so much today, you know?
I'm listening. How's the reception?
I'm making Detective First Grade. Things ain't all they appear to be.
I'm no martyr.
I'm not gonna breathe down yours. Bury it.
I'm not gonna call him and ask what I can do for him.
I'm not quite sure I like your tone, Officer.
I'm not talking to anybody without a turban.
I'm on it, I'm on it.
I'm one of the hostages! Careful.
I'm saying that he wants to give us more time. He makes demands.
I'm Shon Gables, with CBS 2 News, outside Manhattan Trust Bank,
I'm so sorry. I must have misunderstood.
I'm sorry, Mr Case.
I'm telling you, I did. I left it at home.
I'm telling you, they thought of everything. Almost.
I'm the bank security guard! Nobody's listening!
I'm thinking three years, four years at the most.
I'm told you haven't seen him in nine years. Is that right?
I've never been to Armenia, Albania. I went surfing in Australia once.
I've told you my name. That's the "who. "
I've told you my name. That's the "who."
If he gives us a tip, I'm keeping it.
If it ain't here, you must've missed something.
If it was easy, it wouldn't square us, would it?
If someday he comes back to blackmail you, well,
If that were true, you wouldn't tell me.
If the show starts, he'll call us. Trust me. I've seen him work.
If this $140,000 doesn't show up somewhere soon,
If this goes down wrong,
If we can get two or three upstairs and take them out?
If you actually got the plane and the pilots, huh?
If you come near the bank, he'll throw out two dead bodies!
If you could attend, it would give us such a boost.
If you did, there'd be no prints on it anyway.
If you don't mind, I'd rather hang around a while,
If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm gonna put my foot up your fat ass!
If you give up now, I can ensure that you'll serve the minimum.
If you got to ask, man, you can't afford it.
If you know what I mean. And here's the bad news,
If you'd been a little bit more diplomatic. But we can certainly discuss it.
If you'd like, I could give you my nephew's number.
If you're not out before the lights come back on,
In a hot tub with six girls named Amber and Tiffany.
In exchange for what? I mean, what, do you want me to do something unethical?
In truth, I have very little to do with him these days.
Innocent or guilty, you're still going down.
Insistent, and yet, strangely detached.
Is she for real? Are you for real?
Is that a fact?
Is that why you held the door open for them?
Is these guys don't have much respect for what we do.
It almost worked, too.
It belonged to the wife of a Parisian banker.
It doesn't add up, Mr Case. It does not add up.
It doesn't, does it? Seems more like he chose the corner.
It is your bank, right?
It seems.
It was 60 years ago. I was young and ambitious.
It was a security guy.
It was just a few minutes.
It was too much to think about at that point.
It wasn't his secretary saying he was on the line?
It wasn't me! I'm not a criminal!
It wasn't too late to surrender and get off with a lighter sentence.
It will not fail.
It would be my pleasure. Is there anything else I can do to...
It's a dangerous situation.
It's a direct line to me.
It's a great plan, but, no, thanks.
It's a tactical nightmare. I know.
It's a tape. You're sure about that?
It's a tiny part of our organisation.
It's a trap. They both weigh the same.
It's all right. We got a couple of the hostages out. Thanks a lot.
It's Armenian.
It's been a very tense situation for several hours now.
It's Central European. Sort of.
It's Enver Hoxha. It's a tape.
It's exceedingly simple.
It's exceedingly simple.
It's gonna be a long night, though, so don't wait up for me.
It's gonna be okay.
It's got to be the first time in law enforcement history.
It's just gonna take a few more hours.
It's like he blinds the camera with the flashlight.
It's like the other team read the book, too, and they know exactly what we're gonna do.
It's like the thing never happened.
It's not a problem.
It's not Polish. Not Hungarian.
It's part of my religion, to cover my head in respect to God. I'm a Sikh.
It's something really bad, isn't it?
It's the founding bank of your empire. You built it. It's your baby.
It's the last stop for every train.
It's the trains.
It's time for Steve O.
It's unclear how many hostages are inside
It's very valuable and poses no danger whatsoever to anyone.
It's weird, isn't it? It's like nobody else sees it.
It's your choice. You don't want that. I don't want that.
It's your height, your age, and your...
Jesus Christ.
Jesus. Shit.
Just about everyone.
Just give me your name. Just give me your name.
Just let me talk to you! Please, please, listen to me.
Just like he planned.
Just picture them in their underwear.
Just watch. There's a lot of movement in that bank.
Keep it.
Keep moving. To the right.
Keep your head down, fat man! All right!
Keith, every time we have this conversation, it's the same thing.
Keith! Keith! Keith!
Kill them?
Last time I had my johnson pulled that good, it cost me $5.
Last year, up in the 33rd,
Let it go, Detective.
Let me explain.
Let me take the kid.
Let me tell you a story.
Let me tell you how this works. You...
Let's focus on how we can both get what we want, all right?
Let's give him some time. See what he does. Come on.
Let's go, guys. Team in, team in. Let's go.
Let's go, people.
Let's go!
Let's go.
Let's go. Set them up. All right.
Let's go. We're gonna follow that ring.
Let's have it.
Let's just step back and think about this for a second.
Let's just try to keep everybody calm, okay?
Let's keep that over there. Just take a look.
Let's let them wonder what we're doing, okay?
Let's not get into any names.
Let's see what he does.
Lie down, old man! Put your fucking hands down!
Lies the rub.
Lies the rub.
Like my man 50 says, "Get rich or die tryin'."
Listen, I can't work miracles over here. I'm gonna need more time.
Listen, I work at the bank!
Listen, I'm not trying to tell you your jobs, Detectives,
Listen, you pick up the phone anytime you want.
Look at the... Oh, fuck that.
Look, Detective, I didn't mean to give you a hard time back there.
Look, Detective.
Look, I know you put your trust in me and I just...
Look, I'm innocent.
Look, I'm kidding. I mean, I make First Grade when I make First Grade.
Look, shut up. It doesn't matter, anyway.
Look, they left money untouched, Arthur.
Look, this is absurd.
Look, why don't we go across the street to the Killarney Rose, huh?
Looking for this?
Madeleine! How are you?
Make sure they spell my name right, though. That's Frazier with a "z".
Manhattan Trust.
Masks on!
Maybe I should rob a bank.
Maybe we should dress our guys up like a bunch of painters.
Maybe we'll get some conversation if we give them something to group around.
Maybe, but I'm pretty sure we're the only ones moving around down here.
Me rob a bank? No.
Meanwhile, we'll send in some more food.
Meet me at the front door.
Men here. Women here.
Miriam, how long were you there before it began?
Miss White may be able to assist you.
Miss White, I want you to rest assured
Miss White. I think you paid her. What was she doing in there?
More like taking a shower with two guys named Jamal and Jesus,
Most of them can't point to anybody that's guilty of anything.
Move! Move! Move!
Move! Move! Move! I am not! I work at the bank!
Mr Case, how are you? I'm Detective Frazier.