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The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland "The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland" is a classic animated film that was

The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland

"The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland" is a classic animated film that was released in 1987. It takes viewers on a delightful journey into the magical world of Wonderland, as the lovable Care Bears embark on another heartwarming adventure.

In this enchanting film, the Care Bears team up with Alice from Lewis Carroll's famous tale, "Alice in Wonderland." Together, they navigate through this whimsical realm, filled with peculiar characters and fantastical landscapes. With their colorful fur and signature belly badges that represent their unique powers, the Care Bears strive to spread love and happiness wherever they go.

The movie features a talented voice cast that brings these beloved characters to life. Some of the notable members of the cast include:

1. Bob Dermer as Grumpy Bear: With his perpetual frown and blue fur, Grumpy Bear stands out as a voice of reason amidst all the wonder and madness of Wonderland.

2. Billie Mae Richards as Bedtime Bear: This soothing character, adorned with a crescent moon on his belly, is known for his ability to bring peaceful dreams to those around him.

3. Luba Goy as Love-a-lot Bear: This pink bear, with a heart-shaped belly badge, spreads love and affection wherever she goes, reminding everyone of the power of compassion.

4. Eva Almos as Tenderheart Bear: The brave and caring leader of the Care Bears, Tenderheart Bear is always there to lend a helping paw and ensure harmony among his fellow bears.

As viewers journey through Wonderland, they encounter iconic characters from the original story, such as the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts. Each meeting brings a unique challenge, and the Care Bears must rely on their friendship and teamwork to solve puzzles and spread love to all they encounter.

With its vivid animation and catchy songs, "The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland" is an entertaining and heartwarming film that continues to captivate audiences of all ages. The movie's delightful soundtrack, featuring cheery tunes and insightful lyrics, adds an extra layer of charm to the story. If you wish to experience the whimsical soundscape of this film, you can easily play and download the soundtrack here.

"The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland" is a heartfelt and enchanting tale that encourages kindness and acceptance. It reminds us all of the importance of friendship, love, and spreading positivity in a world that often seems chaotic. So, gather your loved ones and embark on this delightful adventure with the Care Bears, as they bring their unique brand of sunshine to the magical world of Wonderland.
A bad about that
A Bandstand
A little picture of a quick reminder.
A mad about that
A real princess
A sign post
Absolutely The Book of Mormon.
All characters well water
All I have Alice is you.
All of Wonderland is waiting to see the princess crown.
All over the world I got asked for boys hats for girls.
All over the world.
Alone, and so why don't you leave Wonderland alone, but you don't understand my dear Wonderland to me.
Amazing, you look exactly like her.
And I'm well, I'm just me.
And other words I was just in deep trouble.
And see that she and her friends never reach hot Palace.
And that's the truth wicked good care of you.
And the fake we traded places.
And then the brand Nubians
And we don't want that do we?
Any kind of record in the others whisper?
Are all tangled up you must have been trapped for days.
Are any of the things a real princesses supposed to be you are if you think you are a lie Tender Hearts, right besides you never know what you can do until you try and that's the truth.
Are little red robot?
Are we ever going to get across all this crap?
Are we going to do gender heart?
Are you don't have no questions?
Baby unicorn deer
Bad Abba walking
Bad about dads
Bad about that
BB dance the way your hard palate
Beth number one
Black porn
Both of you ring Alice to me.
Break the law.
But I use the well water to help that unicorn a true princess doesn't need water lumbering flowers to the sleeping Garden.
But I'll try to do everything that is to know about being a princess everything from tee to croquet.
But it was nice being a princess for a little while. Just remember I was
But it's amazing how I had can change your style.
By now and thank
Call William Stanley.
Can drinking tea and Plainfield KB?
Can I help you?
Care Bears
Caterpillar tell you to stay off the checkerboard.
Cheshire Cat at all this time you coming all this way you getting far too close to stop and get a grip on this rock and get a grip on yourself.
Cheshire Cat who else?
Circle V
Come back here Mister light.
Come back to me come back to work.
Come on princess Shawn how it's done.
Come on.
Coming from over there.
Could use a little help here.
Could you possibly tell us how to get to the Queen of Hearts Palace place up North for left right left?
Cuz everybody's crazy here in Wonderland.
Did you two will get the girl Taylor Ready to Love?
Do I look rough this morning?
Do not let anyone see her tell me and I'll find a tournament.
Do they want a second helping huh?
Do you know?
Do you like cats?
Do you think for a single moment that are selling fighting playing little girl like you?
Does she look a little bit like someone you know that she looks like you young and Spa?
Doing again looking for a rabbit hole rabbit hole under land looking for breakfast first right now.
Doing great Allen things to my friendly Flamingo do it.
Don't believe.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
Edina do you think if I wished hard enough?
Everything is on us q but I could change a thing or two about Wonderland.
Everything is turned around someone needs to send it be wonderful if Wonderland wear underneath a metal Dome.
Feel like throwing someone in the well and making a wish.
Free all right, who are you and what do you want?
Game over
Gitchi Gitchi Gitchi Goo
Golden Spike and flashy with the big green eyes, who knows that all I can put you wise.
Goodbye Mountain took great courage to bring in spring water to qualities that a princess must have not so fast.
Goodbye, princess.
Got it.
Grumpy me alone with my tummy tickle.
Guess who found the Mad Hatter's next time?
Happy as can be.
Has anybody seen his girl.
Has anybody seen this girl?
Have you seen this face girl.
He looks just like the girl we've been searching for my name is Alice.
He wants to beat a king someday, but I can see the Mad Hatter.
He was supposed to find the princess.
He'd almost finished the Tesla to heart.
He's acting like a captain.
He's trying to help he wants to set that princess free you got to be.
Heart Palace, he will stop at nothing to stop us from stopping him from becoming King.
Hello, it's been a long day.
Her name is Alice.
Here for a little while.
Here, it's not much a pretty flower for a pretty girl a small token of our thanks.
Hey, I know her where can I find her that house right over there?
Hey, will you to slow down?
Ho ho ho.
How about this one or this one?
How old is everyone? Okay, and
How to be like WC I just slipped this song in the magic leave.
How to upload YouTube videos
How'd I do pretty as can be to drink tea and play croquet before the court?
However you drink floor.
I actually climb goodbye Mountain.
I am here.
I can hardly believe my eyes.
I can't keep up with you.
I can't wait until this is all over and I can go home and just be me again.
I could be just like the power girl in the polka dot pirate.
I could eat anything.
I could never do that.
I do look beautiful.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't mean to be a bother but
I don't think we're going to find anything.
I don't trust those two.
I don't understand driving.
I give you the princess of Wonderland.
I got a pretty good idea.
I got faster boys or girls.
I guess thinking tomorrow.
I guess we do like Captain grumpy Sans.
I had a lot of help from the Care Bears.
I have no choice but to pass my crown on to him.
I haven't text of the Wonderland instant, but I have no proof.
I hear Alex.
I hear you're going to give out now when you getting Sonia.
I knew she could do it.
I know another way in try to make your way to hard palate will meet up with you there.
I know it doesn't matter what I do.
I know some of these cats aren't bad at all.
I know some of these hats aren't bad tolz.
I know you just saying that thanks.
I know.
I look exactly like home Alice.
I love your John and it's been fun working with a Care Bear Clan you help Alice and the Princess and the queen of hearts and my man standing you put the wizard in his place now everything everything i
I mean your majesty.
I really didn't do that much.
I really want to help everyone in Wonderland, but I don't know if I can take the place of a real princess.
I speak ladies and gentlemen.
I think would be minimized in Wonderland with everyone.
I want to help but I don't know.
I was you're perfectly safe in here.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were escorting the princess this very moment.
I'll be right back.
I'll bet he left behind so we can follow him.
I'll check it out.
I'll just one said what's that?
I'll show this little girl what it means to pretend to be a princess.
I'm a quite reserved summer quiet and small mad about that.
I'm all wrong.
I'm glad we came to help not going to help anyone.
I'm hoping you might have a clue.
I'm just not.
I'm mad about that.
I'm not a real princess.
I'm not doing nothing.
I'm not much of a path either.
I'm not sure she special enough.
I'm so hungry.
I'm sorry.
I'm starting to see things.
I'm sure it's around here somewhere maybe over there.
I'm the king of Wands.
I'm the last person in the world that can pretend to be a princess.
If I were you, I would.
If we can you can count on us, let's go finder.
If you don't need you don't need to go down and you just don't wear your high top sneakers sneak and don't forget that you was your head up and don't forget to use your head.
If you really want me to I'm willing to try note.
If you're going to make it through the top the brave Atlantic believe in yourself.
Is anybody seen this girl?
Is the Creed by the book of wonder I queen of Wonderland to hear bypass on my crown my throne and oh, my power is Monarch princess of Wonderland princess prove her right to the throne as I hate this b
Is the wonderful thing you see everybody got its own personality.
Is the wonderful thing you see everyone who got his own personality.
It could be a trick.
It feels good to be me again.
It will ruin my chances of becoming a Wonderland.
It'll be all over the Wizards not going to give up so easily tenderheart.
It's hard to tell what do you mean?
It's impossible a real princess could do it.
It's just I'm just a man for the job.
It's me, Alice.
It's remarkable how much you look like my daughter but still will have to do something about your clothes and your hair with you standing in place of the princess.
It's right through there.
Jim Anthem your back
Lazy clock
Let alone Royal what you want to specialize you proven that by caring enough to come here in the first place.
Let me do it.
Let's get going.
Let's make sure they don't interfere with Allison test.
Letter I got my phone.
Listen to me and listen, I don't care what you have to do, but bring Alice to me tonight.
Little girl
Look, it's the princess Story.
Lots of you got a tender heart.
Maybe the princesses in that cave.
Maybe we should split up and see if you can find the Mad Hatter.
Mister caterpillar.
Mister rabbit I was wondering what exactly does a princess do biju's beaches driving population.
Move... over.
My daughter will be
My mind my mind.
My my my what a pleasant surprise Isn't it?
Naked girls
Nice to have visitors?
No one will get past us.
No time on 301.
No, don't you ever wonder about Wonderland how everything is upside down?
No, no, don't forget to use your head.
Not even a Care Bear can help us with this one?
Not everybody's crazy here in Wonderland dealership crazy you please
Now get some rest have a big day ahead of you.
Now remember you
Now thanks to the Cheshire Cat the others are up to rescue the princess and that girl is almost here.
Now that's using your weight.
Number one if you want me to but you're not me and I'm not.
Obey him
Oh hell no.
Oh hell.
Okay Carpenters.
Okay, everybody rides the map to the right.
Once come back.
Only someone special can make flowers bloom.
Only you can save my
Open Jack'd.
Or is it the princess we're looking for now.
Persian rugs
Picture explains why he's so miserable something like that.
Please help me out of here shoe lunch is right you do how come because that's not my stomach.
Prepare to hit bottom
Puerto Rico
Raptor will be cracking.
Ready for it.
Ready Set
Right cut on your lap.
Send creatures well in the hand Wheel. Color as much as I,
Shall We Begin
She must go into the Wasteland and she must find a way in Spring Water where she must use it to water the sleeping God and then caused it to to Blue to the Wasteland with her.
She was scared stiff a minute ago, but now she started crying again.
She's so young and small this girl.
She's up all over the world.
She's up at is seeing this girl.
Slender Man Needs improving.
So I can't wait to eat with The Gap Band family.
So if you're going to find that princess then split peas group into a few of you get out of do the balance in the last 10 years what to do.
So you see as the wizard has hidden my daughter somewhere to make certain she will miss the coronation tomorrow.
Sorry for the trouble.
Space pirates must be on a planet around here.
Starve before we find that rabbit hole.
Statin side then decide to do this thing, right?
Sun is say goodbye to the night.
Take one trip, hop rabbit by name and what brought me here?
Tender heart.
Thank you being a princess can be very demanding.
Thank you can do it.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks tenderheart.
That is all right.
That's it for the Mad Hatter space helmet.
That's not much of a clue.
That's right.
That's still part of the test make the spring flowers in the sleeping Garden.
The creatures are so crazy in the Wonderland.
The girl was taking your place.
The little girl who lives down the lane
The Mad Hatter cats will get us there yet or drive is crazy on the way.
The princess isn't back yet.
The rapping
The rats if those wretched little puff balls trick everyone into believing that girl is the real princess.
The rest of us will help get Alice to the Palace.
The wizard cannot be crowned king or Wonderland besides the white rabbit has promised me that your friends will have my daughter back before morning.
There's nothing very special about me.
There's only one thing we can do.
There's something strange comes over me anything for you my dad about that.
There's something strange comes over me.
They don't know that it's turned around.
They see you around town with The Gap Band family.
This is the work of the evil witches, which know what you know, he use with the mirror broken and you can't get out.
This way the marriage faster.
Tickling me.
To abandon
Tomorrow she shall become queen of Wonderland.
Traverse Mountain I see her trying to pass the impossible full written test test princess chest.
U Save Wonderland Alice, I thought it was you that made the garden bloom.
Uh, oh.
Venial Drive everything that's wonderful out of Wonderland.
Wanna be like WC I just slipped this song in the magic leave.
We almost didn't get away least you didn't mess it up.
We are running out of time do what take the place of the princess of Wonderland until the real princess comes back.
We don't accept rides from strangers your way.
We don't have much time.
We got the place to play is asking everybody.
We got to dance together got to use our mind.
We have to go and that's the truth.
We sure did Kim dumped the princess in the Jabberwocky.
We'll keep an eye on it all night long right?
We're ready and willing.
We're running out of time.
We've got to find out what's in the others before the wizard does.
Well here I am displaying old Alex.
Well the strangest place you've ever look blue.
Well, I I I couldn't go alone.
Well, it sounds like he's lost.
Well, it's a long story I get this door open, please hurry.
Well, she's not going to get much better and they still haven't got her Fuzzy Friends helper.
Well, tomorrow I will not only prove balance to be an imposter, but I'll see to it that she will never go home again.
What about breakfast?
What about that?
What did you say?
What do we do now?
What do you are the only person in the world that looks exactly like the real princess.
What do you translate pictures?
What I can't hear you.
What is that?
What is the cost?
What this place is beautiful wonderful is places Wonderland hurry.
What time is y'all don't know what to do, don't you?
What we going to do now?
What we got to do something.
What you sow?
What's that only a true princess can pass?
What's that?
What's that?
What's the best MP?
What's the big idea?
What's the matter stand for?
What's the princess test it's a test that only a true princess can pass so it shall be done read?
What's the use there such special people?
What's up?
Whatever you got to cry about your problems are over.
Where do I find the king of Wands?
Who are you know what my brother means anyone call a cab?
Who is this Alice?
Who sang up the last child?
Who was back at the Mad Hatter a friend of mine?
Who were those guys?
Why can't you be the Mad Hatter for once?
Why do rabbits has brought a girl into Wonderland a girl that looks like the princess he thinks he can fool the court into believing that this this ad is the real princess.
Why she's beautiful.
Will Alice you look just like the princess.
Would you like to try this one on?
Wow, it looks like a giant checkerboard.
Yeah, no.
You and your friends might help me find this girl or else or else one or else and evil wizard will take over and everyone there.
You are about to finish what we started.
You are such good friends to me.
You can do it Alex.
You can't give up now Alice Torres Riot Alice.
You don't have to Alice.
You just sleep it off and everybody.
You just sleep it off and you can be anybody that you want to be.
You know, I bet that Jabberwocky is some kind of a giant what makes you say that.
You know, I see that Princess and a lonely room where the Wizards got a locked away and that was one bad dude is in a nasty mood.
You like at?
You look like a bad habit.
You look like a real princess Q your majesty.
You mean Big Red Rock?
You mean big?
You want to know a secret Alice you are as special as you think you are.
You wouldn't know where the princess is what you do because I do she's just around the corner at the Jabberwocky, please be careful.
You you're talking like my main man.
You'll see some combination I have ever seen.
You're helping a g.
You're the Care Bears the rest of close the hair.
Your healthy if you from course, it's me.
Your land is so wonderful.
YouTube make certain she never returns.
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