A "go" picture! A "go" picture! from Bowfinger (1999)
A big local hit in South Dakota. What are some of your favorite TV shows? from Bowfinger (1999)
A hit. A hit. from Bowfinger (1999)
A lot of guys must look like Kit. from Bowfinger (1999)
A tennis playing alien fighter. from Bowfinger (1999)
Action! from Bowfinger (1999)
Action! from Bowfinger (1999)
Action! from Bowfinger (1999)
Action. from Bowfinger (1999)
Actors have no work ethic these days. from Bowfinger (1999)
Admittedly, I could get away with 44, 41, maybe 38. from Bowfinger (1999)
Afrim would be in charge of that. from Bowfinger (1999)
Afrim, we gotta get a crew, from Bowfinger (1999)
Afrim? Afrim? from Bowfinger (1999)
Afrim? It's Bowfinger. Great script. from Bowfinger (1999)
Ah, aliens! from Bowfinger (1999)
Ah, Daisy, my sweetness. from Bowfinger (1999)
Aliens in the raindrops. Chubby rain. At the end of this movie... from Bowfinger (1999)
Aliens? from Bowfinger (1999)
All I know is I have feelings that make me need you. from Bowfinger (1999)
All I really need is a shot of Kit saying, "Gotcha, suckas"... from Bowfinger (1999)
All right, all right. from Bowfinger (1999)
All right, let's get Carol out of her trailer... from Bowfinger (1999)
All right, people, are we almost ready? from Bowfinger (1999)
All right! All right. from Bowfinger (1999)
All right. from Bowfinger (1999)
All right. from Bowfinger (1999)
All right. If you want the responsibility, fine. from Bowfinger (1999)
Although technically, it's not such a good ending for Kit... from Bowfinger (1999)
Always in the pants. from Bowfinger (1999)
Am I stupid! from Bowfinger (1999)
Am I trying for you or not trying? from Bowfinger (1999)
And a couple of close ups. from Bowfinger (1999)
And a man is going to walk up... from Bowfinger (1999)
And aliens, sex and umbrellas. from Bowfinger (1999)
And are you in the union? from Bowfinger (1999)
And at that moment, we... from Bowfinger (1999)
And by we I mean me... will be important. from Bowfinger (1999)
And casually toss a couple of FedExes on my desk. from Bowfinger (1999)
And cut! Okay, outside. from Bowfinger (1999)
And did a year at the National in London. from Bowfinger (1999)
And eight of his last ten films have been hits, from Bowfinger (1999)
And he said... from Bowfinger (1999)
And he's in our movie, and we don't have to pay him. from Bowfinger (1999)
And how did we get this screenplay? Because Afrim here... from Bowfinger (1999)
And I attend the Film Du Cinema... from Bowfinger (1999)
And I could trust you more. from Bowfinger (1999)
And I said, "So, what do you think? from Bowfinger (1999)
And I wanna get the best damn crew we can afford. from Bowfinger (1999)
And I want to know what asshole's gonna direct. from Bowfinger (1999)
And if it's in character and for the scene, and if it's not just a body that... from Bowfinger (1999)
And if it's not just about nudity, but it's artistic and says something about reality, from Bowfinger (1999)
And Jackie Chan and Van Damme. from Bowfinger (1999)
And Kit hasn't called in. from Bowfinger (1999)
And mine is the wrong color. from Bowfinger (1999)
And now you are dead! from Bowfinger (1999)
And now, you're looking at enough to get us started. from Bowfinger (1999)
And one day, it is going to stop here... from Bowfinger (1999)
And possibly make that family film he's about to do, just pff ff! from Bowfinger (1999)
And roll sound. from Bowfinger (1999)
And shoot the other side of this masterpiece. from Bowfinger (1999)
And that he would not prevent the added scenes of yours from being shot. from Bowfinger (1999)
And that's what's so great about working with you guys. from Bowfinger (1999)
And then givin' them to Arnold or Stallone. from Bowfinger (1999)
And they're speaking in Jupiterian or Venutian or something. from Bowfinger (1999)
And tried to open up the aperture so we can give him a rim light. from Bowfinger (1999)
And Van Damme and Jackie Chan. Tell 'em the spear chucker said hello! from Bowfinger (1999)
And we still have this one last scene, the big ending, from Bowfinger (1999)
And what did this alien want from you? from Bowfinger (1999)
And what is it we don't do under any circumstances? from Bowfinger (1999)
And you don't understand what they're saying. from Bowfinger (1999)
And you got yourself a "go" picture, Bobby. from Bowfinger (1999)
And, bingo... we've got a movie. from Bowfinger (1999)
And, he doesn't want to see the camera. from Bowfinger (1999)
And, if this movie gets made, I'm giving you my van. from Bowfinger (1999)
And, of course, there'll be a lot of people watching. from Bowfinger (1999)
And... action! from Bowfinger (1999)
And... action! from Bowfinger (1999)
And... action. from Bowfinger (1999)
And... cut! from Bowfinger (1999)
And... cut! from Bowfinger (1999)
And... cut! from Bowfinger (1999)
And... cut. from Bowfinger (1999)
And... Kit looked at me, from Bowfinger (1999)
Another one takes its place! from Bowfinger (1999)
Anybody want a Frostee Freeze? from Bowfinger (1999)
Are sometimes actually being followed. from Bowfinger (1999)
Are you interested in doing this movie?" from Bowfinger (1999)
Are you kid... I love to do that. from Bowfinger (1999)
As I stand here before you today, from Bowfinger (1999)
As much as possible. from Bowfinger (1999)
At first I was nervous about us having sex, from Bowfinger (1999)
Awesome! from Bowfinger (1999)
Awesome. Awesome. from Bowfinger (1999)
Back to Daisy. from Bowfinger (1999)
Bad line? from Bowfinger (1999)
Bastard! from Bowfinger (1999)
Bastard! Bastard! from Bowfinger (1999)
Be here tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. from Bowfinger (1999)
Because even if Kit Ramsey's interested, we might not want Kit Ramsey. from Bowfinger (1999)
Because he doesn't know he's in the movie. from Bowfinger (1999)
Because in this scene Daisy's gonna take off her blouse. from Bowfinger (1999)
Because it could sort of stop his money flow... from Bowfinger (1999)
Because it's the woman who's entered, the woman who's violated. from Bowfinger (1999)
Because last night I read a screenplay... from Bowfinger (1999)
Being alone, by myself, in a chamber... from Bowfinger (1999)
Betsy, come here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Betsy, it's now or never. from Bowfinger (1999)
Big fan. And I gave him the script, and he looked through the script. from Bowfinger (1999)
Big meeting, 10:00 a.m. Please? from Bowfinger (1999)
Black dude play a slave role, get his ass whipped, he gets the nomination. from Bowfinger (1999)
Bobby Bowfinger has given me a chance, and I'm going to take it." from Bowfinger (1999)
Boss, what you want me to do with this stuff? from Bowfinger (1999)
Bowfinger International Pictures. from Bowfinger (1999)
Bowfinger International Pictures. from Bowfinger (1999)
Bravo! from Bowfinger (1999)
Bueno trabajo, guys. Good work. Good work. from Bowfinger (1999)
But doesn't that seem a little dangerous, though? from Bowfinger (1999)
But I don't have any cash on me. from Bowfinger (1999)
But I knew no one was going to give me that. from Bowfinger (1999)
But I worry about our age difference. from Bowfinger (1999)
But if they don't pay to audition, it could be dangerous. from Bowfinger (1999)
But it gets too... from Bowfinger (1999)
But it's so traditional to actually meet the person you're working with. from Bowfinger (1999)
But movies cost millions of dollars to make. from Bowfinger (1999)
But now I think it's a good idea as long as we do it in a professional manner, from Bowfinger (1999)
But now I'm enjoying it because you made the aliens come alive. from Bowfinger (1999)
But right now we need that scene, Carol. from Bowfinger (1999)
But thanks for askin'. from Bowfinger (1999)
But we can only take cash. from Bowfinger (1999)
But we're desperate. from Bowfinger (1999)
But when you hit 50, they don't hire you anymore. from Bowfinger (1999)
But you must never show it to the Laker Girls. from Bowfinger (1999)
But you want to save the planet, and... action. from Bowfinger (1999)
But you're offering yourself to him in order to save the planet. from Bowfinger (1999)
But, I'm looking at him and I'm thinking, I don't need him. from Bowfinger (1999)
But... Who told you? from Bowfinger (1999)
C.I.A. operative, Todd Delmonico, from Bowfinger (1999)
Call your brother, find out when he's leaving his house and where he's going. from Bowfinger (1999)
Can I talk to you for a second? from Bowfinger (1999)
Can you believe this? from Bowfinger (1999)
Can you see over there? from Bowfinger (1999)
Carol, what do you think? from Bowfinger (1999)
Cash? Every movie costs $2,184.00. from Bowfinger (1999)
Ching haya shaka lay, suckas! from Bowfinger (1999)
Cinema nouveau. from Bowfinger (1999)
Coffee, napkins, stationery, find out when my brother's leaving. from Bowfinger (1999)
Come here. Come here, come here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Come here. Come here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Come inside. I'm glad you're here. Come in here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Come on, Daisy, go. from Bowfinger (1999)
Come on, Jiff! from Bowfinger (1999)
Come on, say it! from Bowfinger (1999)
Come on, say it. from Bowfinger (1999)
Come on. from Bowfinger (1999)
Come on. We're gonna shoot scene 35! from Bowfinger (1999)
Come on. Work, baby, work. from Bowfinger (1999)
Come with me! from Bowfinger (1999)
Congratulations! That was so good! from Bowfinger (1999)
Could you call us? from Bowfinger (1999)
Could you seat me next to Jerry Renfro? Thank you. from Bowfinger (1999)
Currently, I'm packing fries at the Burger King on Douglas. from Bowfinger (1999)
Cut to the stairwell. from Bowfinger (1999)
Cut! from Bowfinger (1999)
Cut! from Bowfinger (1999)
Cut! Let's move the camera. from Bowfinger (1999)
Daisy agreed to this? from Bowfinger (1999)
Daisy, good. Can I talk to you about the scene? from Bowfinger (1999)
Damn it, Hal! I'm the biggest black action star in the world! from Bowfinger (1999)
Darling, I respect Kit's way of working. from Bowfinger (1999)
Darling. from Bowfinger (1999)
Dave, can you get me a Mercedes tomorrow? from Bowfinger (1999)
Dave, I'm 49 years old. from Bowfinger (1999)
Deferment ten percent of the nut. from Bowfinger (1999)
Did you ever think about acting? from Bowfinger (1999)
Did you hear him? He's an innocent. from Bowfinger (1999)
Did you hear what he's doin'? from Bowfinger (1999)
Did you know Tom Cruise had no idea he was in that vampire movie till two years later? from Bowfinger (1999)
Do I have "it"? from Bowfinger (1999)
Do I have "it"? from Bowfinger (1999)
Do you have any experience in motion pictures? from Bowfinger (1999)
Do you people have a permit to film here today? from Bowfinger (1999)
Do you think you can keep it together? from Bowfinger (1999)
Do you wanna relax first? Do you wanna shoot? from Bowfinger (1999)
Does that take more than a week? from Bowfinger (1999)
Doesn't that affect you in your heart somehow? from Bowfinger (1999)
Don't act dumb. Where's the plutonium? from Bowfinger (1999)
Don't bring that shit over here! Put that down! from Bowfinger (1999)
Drop that shit! from Bowfinger (1999)
Drove his '53 Buick to meet Keith Kincaid. from Bowfinger (1999)
Every day I get an offer on this thing. It's the only one in L.A. from Bowfinger (1999)
Every day it delivers important papers to people all over the world. from Bowfinger (1999)
Every now and then I hear a voice. from Bowfinger (1999)
Every word they say, every gesture you're interested in. from Bowfinger (1999)
Everybody, this is Farrah. Farrah and I met at the premiere. from Bowfinger (1999)
Everything's just as it seems. from Bowfinger (1999)
Exactly. from Bowfinger (1999)
Except he won't know he's in it. from Bowfinger (1999)
Except what? from Bowfinger (1999)
Excuse me, my darling. from Bowfinger (1999)
Farrah's one of the most powerful lesbians in Hollywood. from Bowfinger (1999)
Find me a script as a retarded slave, then I get the Oscar. from Bowfinger (1999)
Find out when my brother's leaving his house next, and where he's going. from Bowfinger (1999)
First of all, thank you for coming. from Bowfinger (1999)
For L.A. Style magazine of you wearing the clothes. from Bowfinger (1999)
Freddy, don't play around, man. from Bowfinger (1999)
Freddy! from Bowfinger (1999)
Freddy's about to have his guts replaced with alien hardware! from Bowfinger (1999)
Freddy's about to have his guts replaced with alien hardware. from Bowfinger (1999)
From the star system Neon! from Bowfinger (1999)
G... G... from Bowfinger (1999)
Get coffee for everybody, a really complicated order. from Bowfinger (1999)
Get in the car. from Bowfinger (1999)
Get me Kit. Get me Kit right now. from Bowfinger (1999)
Get my door just as fast as you get Tom Hanks's! from Bowfinger (1999)
Get out! from Bowfinger (1999)
Gets so tiring going out. I thought we'd eat here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Go get my checkbook. from Bowfinger (1999)
Go, go, go, Freddy! from Bowfinger (1999)
Go! Cue the pyrotechnics. from Bowfinger (1999)
Good bye. from Bowfinger (1999)
Good girl! Come here, come here. What a good girl. from Bowfinger (1999)
Good job, Dave. Great work. from Bowfinger (1999)
Good to see you again, brother. from Bowfinger (1999)
Good, listen. This is a very difficult scene for Kit. from Bowfinger (1999)
Good. You are first in line for the script, Kit. from Bowfinger (1999)
Got a surprise for you. Kit? Kit? I'm losing you... from Bowfinger (1999)
Got this all worked out, I think. from Bowfinger (1999)
Gotcha, suckas! from Bowfinger (1999)
Great script. from Bowfinger (1999)
Great work, Jiff. from Bowfinger (1999)
Guess what? We got an errand we want you to do. from Bowfinger (1999)
Guess what. We just closed Kit's deal. from Bowfinger (1999)
Ha! He likes my script! from Bowfinger (1999)
Happy Premise Number One: There are no aliens. from Bowfinger (1999)
Happy Premise Number One. from Bowfinger (1999)
Happy Premise Number Three: Even though I feel like I might ignite, from Bowfinger (1999)
Happy Premise Number Three. from Bowfinger (1999)
Happy Premise Number Two: from Bowfinger (1999)
Happy Premise Number Two. from Bowfinger (1999)
Has Renfro left yet? from Bowfinger (1999)
Have you ever had a shiatsu massage? from Bowfinger (1999)
He annoys me anyway. from Bowfinger (1999)
He didn't even come home for last Christmas, man. from Bowfinger (1999)
He hands me this... this masterpiece. from Bowfinger (1999)
He is probably not gonna want to get in that car with you. from Bowfinger (1999)
He may not be a professional, but I am. from Bowfinger (1999)
He runs away from the aliens, he runs toward the aliens. from Bowfinger (1999)
He says it concerns Kit Ramsey. from Bowfinger (1999)
He told us how much he loved us. from Bowfinger (1999)
He wants to impress you with his acting, and he needs his total concentration. from Bowfinger (1999)
He'll probably really resist because of his character. from Bowfinger (1999)
He's coming in here! from Bowfinger (1999)
He's crankin' 'em out, back to back. from Bowfinger (1999)
He's embroidering for you. from Bowfinger (1999)
He's in the grotto. from Bowfinger (1999)
He's leaving his house at 4:45 to go to MindHead. from Bowfinger (1999)
He's not like other Kennedys. Look at him! He's different! from Bowfinger (1999)
He's one of the most famous faces in the world. from Bowfinger (1999)
He's so good. Do you love Smashing Pumpkins? from Bowfinger (1999)
He's so into his character, that if he sees the camera, from Bowfinger (1999)
He's the screenwriter. from Bowfinger (1999)
Heavenly Father! Heavenly Father! from Bowfinger (1999)
Heavenly God! Heavenly God! Heavenly God! from Bowfinger (1999)
Hello? from Bowfinger (1999)
Hello? from Bowfinger (1999)
Hello. from Bowfinger (1999)
Here's your mark. These marks are a little small. Will you be okay... from Bowfinger (1999)
Here's your wardrobe. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, Cliff. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, Dave, did you wash my car? Workin' on it. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, Freddy? from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, good to see you. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, Jack, just takin' her out for a wash. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, Jerry, how are you? Bobby Bowfinger, Bowfinger Films. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, Laker Girls. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, Tony, how are you? from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, yo! Over here, man. I got the car running. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey, you guys! from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey! from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey! Shit! from Bowfinger (1999)
Hey. Hi, Kit. How are you? from Bowfinger (1999)
Hi, Bill, we're here! from Bowfinger (1999)
Hi, how are you? from Bowfinger (1999)
Hi, Jiff. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hi, sweetie. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hi, this is Cherisse from AT&T. from Bowfinger (1999)
His fear is so real. It's like it's actually happening. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hit the lights! They're coming up the drive. from Bowfinger (1999)
Hold on! from Bowfinger (1999)
Hold up, hold up, hold up. Serve. from Bowfinger (1999)
Holy shit! from Bowfinger (1999)
How do I say this? I have an offer to go to Edmonton to do Cats. from Bowfinger (1999)
How do you mean? from Bowfinger (1999)
How may I direct your call? What is it? from Bowfinger (1999)
How will you earn your money?" from Bowfinger (1999)
How you gonna make the movie with Kit Ramsey? He said no. from Bowfinger (1999)
How? from Bowfinger (1999)
How's this, boss? from Bowfinger (1999)
I am becoming more and more impressed with Mr. Ramsey's acting style. from Bowfinger (1999)
I can do that. from Bowfinger (1999)
I can see. from Bowfinger (1999)
I can tell you know what you're doing... from Bowfinger (1999)
I can wear contact lenses. That'll help. from Bowfinger (1999)
I can't do it. from Bowfinger (1999)
I can't talk to you right now. from Bowfinger (1999)
I could be lurking behind a bush. from Bowfinger (1999)
I could never, never kiss you." from Bowfinger (1999)
I did it. Me! You know? from Bowfinger (1999)
I did like you said. I got rid of the Sports Channel. from Bowfinger (1999)
I didn't even have to finish my sentence. Twelve days later, from Bowfinger (1999)
I didn't make the system! The system is bigger... from Bowfinger (1999)
I do. from Bowfinger (1999)
I don't know how much of a gift it is. I mean, I am his brother. from Bowfinger (1999)
I don't really see well, but I can see. from Bowfinger (1999)
I don't wanna do it. I just wanna run errands. Heavenly God! from Bowfinger (1999)
I get very comfortable. from Bowfinger (1999)
I got 'em. from Bowfinger (1999)
I got it from point "A" to point "B." I made sure the napkin was in the bag. from Bowfinger (1999)
I got some calls to make. from Bowfinger (1999)
I got that. from Bowfinger (1999)
I gotta get over to my MindHead meeting. from Bowfinger (1999)
I gotta have it back in every night, or it's a felony. Years you'd get. from Bowfinger (1999)
I gotta know where the snow is. from Bowfinger (1999)
I gotta take the camera back. You'll work it out. from Bowfinger (1999)
I have a very important meeting with Jerry Renfro. from Bowfinger (1999)
I have cash, but just not on me, and the banks aren't open. from Bowfinger (1999)
I have eight brothers, four sisters, and no job! I'm screwed! from Bowfinger (1999)
I have something to tell you. Come over here. from Bowfinger (1999)
I have to show it to the Laker Girls. from Bowfinger (1999)
I haven't felt like I have been doing much of anything. from Bowfinger (1999)
I haven't heard voices. I have heard a voice. from Bowfinger (1999)
I just can't do it. from Bowfinger (1999)
I just got off the phone with Kit. He is very excited. from Bowfinger (1999)
I just love the way this guy works. from Bowfinger (1999)
I just saw the poster. from Bowfinger (1999)
I knew I should never have slept with the alien life forms... from Bowfinger (1999)
I know I ain't gonna be treated like Mighty Whitey in this town. from Bowfinger (1999)
I know I'm not supposed to be doing this, but I just want you to know... from Bowfinger (1999)
I know that I'm the one who'll get the coffee. from Bowfinger (1999)
I know things have been a little slow. from Bowfinger (1999)
I know what's going on. from Bowfinger (1999)
I know where Kit Ramsey's going to be this afternoon. from Bowfinger (1999)
I know you want to show it to the Laker Girls, from Bowfinger (1999)
I know! It's Bogey and Bacall. from Bowfinger (1999)
I look like I want some damn Frostee Freeze? from Bowfinger (1999)
I love my new scenes. They're so great. Are they going in? from Bowfinger (1999)
I love what you do. Here's my card. from Bowfinger (1999)
I made sure there was cream, there was sugar in the bag. from Bowfinger (1999)
I may be from Ohio, but I'm not from Ohio. from Bowfinger (1999)
I mean, that is a moment. from Bowfinger (1999)
I mean, we'll have to think about it... for Kit. from Bowfinger (1999)
I need to see the moment where you realize he loves you. from Bowfinger (1999)
I needed love, love so strong, but the alien embryos had already... from Bowfinger (1999)
I probably won't. from Bowfinger (1999)
I promise to never play mind games with your head. from Bowfinger (1999)
I put in 25 years in the theater before coming to Hollywood. from Bowfinger (1999)
I said, "Afrim, if you can write as well as you can add..." from Bowfinger (1999)
I said, "This is more important. from Bowfinger (1999)
I saved it. from Bowfinger (1999)
I saved the world! from Bowfinger (1999)
I saved the world. from Bowfinger (1999)
I say we take action. We sue. Sue! Sue! from Bowfinger (1999)
I scanned in the computer the script to see how many times... from Bowfinger (1999)
I see. from Bowfinger (1999)
I see. from Bowfinger (1999)
I showed my breasts on film. For what? from Bowfinger (1999)
I so understand that. from Bowfinger (1999)
I still don't see why I can't meet the man I'm going to be working with. from Bowfinger (1999)
I suppose Teddy Kennedy ain't one sixteenth black, huh? from Bowfinger (1999)
I talked it over with the man. Says he'll take a check. from Bowfinger (1999)
I think if Daisy had more scenes with Kit, from Bowfinger (1999)
I think it was a beautiful lie. from Bowfinger (1999)
I think we just got our permission. from Bowfinger (1999)
I think... from Bowfinger (1999)
I thought I did. from Bowfinger (1999)
I told him to follow Kit around and get some random shots. from Bowfinger (1999)
I told them, "I'm a screenwriter now." from Bowfinger (1999)
I tracked Kit to MindHead. He could be coming down any time. from Bowfinger (1999)
I wanna see you. from Bowfinger (1999)
I wanna show you something. from Bowfinger (1999)
I wanna tell you something. Being Kit Ramsey's brother, from Bowfinger (1999)
I want you in this movie... and this movie is your movie. from Bowfinger (1999)
I want you to find out when and where Jerry Renfro is having lunch. from Bowfinger (1999)
I want you to meet somebody. from Bowfinger (1999)
I was reading it on the way. Hope you don't mind. from Bowfinger (1999)
I was wondering. from Bowfinger (1999)
I wasn't looking for work, 'cause I thought I was working. from Bowfinger (1999)
I wasn't sure I could be a pod person, from Bowfinger (1999)
I will never abuse your trust. from Bowfinger (1999)
I will see you at the Oscars. from Bowfinger (1999)
I wish once I could work with someone who had honed their craft. from Bowfinger (1999)
I wish you could see what I see. from Bowfinger (1999)
I won't bother you anymore. from Bowfinger (1999)
I would love to just go get some coffee. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'll be right there. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'll never use you. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm a felon. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm at the meeting with Jerry Renfro, and it's going very well. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm currently doing a midnight production of... from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm gettin' ready to whip your ass. You don't be readin' my stuff, all right? from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm getting a little headache. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm here with this fantastic group of people... from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm keeping it together. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm keeping it together. I'm K I T, Kit. I'm keeping it together now. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm learning a lot from him. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm meeting with Kit at his home... By the way, he knew who I was. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm not gonna get into a bidding war with... from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm not gonna have no more gamma beams from Jupiter... from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm not mad. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm number 13 on Premiere's power list. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm so alive! from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm so happy to meet you. This is gonna be great. from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm sorry. I wasn't listening. What? from Bowfinger (1999)
I'm the one that's doing it. I'm the one that got the coffee. from Bowfinger (1999)
I've given myself one week. from Bowfinger (1999)
I've had a few accidents. from Bowfinger (1999)
If Arnold Schwarnzencracker is gettin' to say lines like that, from Bowfinger (1999)
If I don't, you can go anywhere you want. from Bowfinger (1999)
If I go to the store to get some coffee for somebody, from Bowfinger (1999)
If I had more scenes with Kit, from Bowfinger (1999)
If I have to. If it's for the movie, and you really want me to. from Bowfinger (1999)
If I missed a week, I made it up later, from age ten on. from Bowfinger (1999)
If I was in the movie more, then we could be equals, from Bowfinger (1999)
If I'm gonna put $85 million into an avalanche movie, from Bowfinger (1999)
If it goes the way I think it's gonna go, from Bowfinger (1999)
If this goes like I think, I'm making you cameraman. from Bowfinger (1999)
If we're gonna shoot the new scenes. from Bowfinger (1999)
If you don't, we will all become pod people. from Bowfinger (1999)
If you have the illusion the first time. from Bowfinger (1999)
If you'd come back Friday, let us take a picture... from Bowfinger (1999)
In addition to being a major star in this film, from Bowfinger (1999)
In here! from Bowfinger (1999)
In here. In here. from Bowfinger (1999)
In our special celebrity relaxing quarters. from Bowfinger (1999)
In this scene, you're hurting inside. from Bowfinger (1999)
Is a damn fine writer, as well as accountant and part time receptionist. from Bowfinger (1999)
Is definitely under control since you came to understand... from Bowfinger (1999)
Is she amazing? Considering you get her from the pound... from Bowfinger (1999)
Is this where I go to be a star? from Bowfinger (1999)
Isn't that cool? from Bowfinger (1999)
Isn't that good? from Bowfinger (1999)
It breaks his concentration. from Bowfinger (1999)
It could've worked. from Bowfinger (1999)
It feels good to have somebody like you for you, you know? from Bowfinger (1999)
It felt so good today to quit my job. from Bowfinger (1999)
It had rained. But was it normal rain? Or was it Chubby Rain? from Bowfinger (1999)
It is my van. from Bowfinger (1999)
It is? from Bowfinger (1999)
It seems the paranoid... from Bowfinger (1999)
It was like they were living inside of me. from Bowfinger (1999)
It was. I've never done it lying down before. from Bowfinger (1999)
It wasn't because you wanted to raise soybeans. from Bowfinger (1999)
It would pump up the scenes with Slater. from Bowfinger (1999)
It'll cost you $1,000. I'll be here Friday, 4:00. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's a beauty. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's a small role, but I've got to take it. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's a symbol. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's an action movie. All he's gotta do is run. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's an offer to direct a movie in Taiwan starring Kit Ramsey's brother. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's been registered to be used for religious purposes. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's going down! from Bowfinger (1999)
It's great. I feel great. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's horrifying! from Bowfinger (1999)
It's like they can smell 50. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's my imagination, huh? It's all my imagination. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's not funny! from Bowfinger (1999)
It's not Shake... It's not Shake... from Bowfinger (1999)
It's people like you that give MindHead a bad name! from Bowfinger (1999)
It's so hard to make love, to give yourself to a man. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's the dead guy! from Bowfinger (1999)
It's too cerebral. We're trying to make a movie, not a film. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's uh, it's uh, it's uh... It's all good. It's a jiggy baby. from Bowfinger (1999)
It's weird for... To get credit for lookin' like somebody. from Bowfinger (1999)
Jiff, right up here. We're starting here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Jiff! Jiff! from Bowfinger (1999)
Just a poor, stupid brother of some guy that everybody loves. from Bowfinger (1999)
Just a reminder. We no longer need access to your residence... from Bowfinger (1999)
Just do it. Don't think about it. Just do it. from Bowfinger (1999)
Just give me till this afternoon to close the deal. from Bowfinger (1999)
Just keep that. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keep it together. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keep it together. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keep it together. Keep it together. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keep it together. Keep it together. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keep it together. Keep it together. Keep it together. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keep Mr. Weenie in the pants. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keep... it... together. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keeping it together. Keeping it together. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, danger really turns you on! from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, I don't know what's right anymore. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, I love you! from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, keep running since you're the one person... from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, there's only one way out of this. Follow me! from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, you forgot your briefcase. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, you forgot your briefcase. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, you forgot... You're upset. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, you forgot... You're upset. from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith, you know, whenever you kill a pod person, from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith! from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith! Keith! from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith! Keith! from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith! Keith! I love you! from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith! Keith! Keith! from Bowfinger (1999)
Keith. Your name Keith? from Bowfinger (1999)
Kincaid! from Bowfinger (1999)
Kincaid! from Bowfinger (1999)
Kiss you? Now? from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit and his agent will be at the Rodeo Grille tomorrow at 12:45 p.m. from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit feels he's ready to shoot the parking lot scene. from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit has shown his ass in eight of his last ten films, from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit just... from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit Ramsey is doing this movie! from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit Ramsey is the hottest, sexiest action star in the world. from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit Ramsey makes this a go picture. from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit Ramsey said yes? from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit, maybe you should stay with us for a few days... from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit? from Bowfinger (1999)
Kit... from Bowfinger (1999)
Let him speak. from Bowfinger (1999)
Let me in on whatever mission this is that you're doing. from Bowfinger (1999)
Let me just go get ready. from Bowfinger (1999)
Let me love you! My darling baby! from Bowfinger (1999)
Let me see. from Bowfinger (1999)
Let's be risky today. I'm gonna go with this. from Bowfinger (1999)
Let's hit it! from Bowfinger (1999)
Let's say she gets the part. She might want to be paid. from Bowfinger (1999)
Lights! from Bowfinger (1999)
Like this. Roll! Speed! Marker! from Bowfinger (1999)
Listen, go to Starbucks, and I want you to get some coffee. from Bowfinger (1999)
Listen, that plutonium is mine. from Bowfinger (1999)
Look into the sky and say, "Gotcha, suckas!" from Bowfinger (1999)
Lyle, you might have won an Emmy, but that doesn't mean anything here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Make sure Slater has finished painting that car! Come on. Let's go! from Bowfinger (1999)
Making the raindrops chubby. from Bowfinger (1999)
Man, Freddy, that time away really helped calm my ass, you know? from Bowfinger (1999)
Man, I don't know. from Bowfinger (1999)
May I see it, please? from Bowfinger (1999)
Maybe a less solid movie company could take a check, from Bowfinger (1999)
Messin' with my mind. from Bowfinger (1999)
MindHead? from Bowfinger (1999)
Morning, Dave. from Bowfinger (1999)
Mr. Bowfinger, Bob... Can I talk to you about the new scenes? from Bowfinger (1999)
Mr. Bowfinger, I got something to tell you. from Bowfinger (1999)
Mr. Bowfinger. from Bowfinger (1999)
Mr. Ramsey, the store would be happy... from Bowfinger (1999)
Muy Buena. Apocalypse Now. from Bowfinger (1999)
My "Hasta la vista." from Bowfinger (1999)
My darling! Please, Keith! from Bowfinger (1999)
My friends, I have a cousin who's a lawyer. from Bowfinger (1999)
My God, it worked. It looked like Daisy was coming out of the house. from Bowfinger (1999)
My gonads! My gonads! from Bowfinger (1999)
My man! How's Dolores? from Bowfinger (1999)
My wife tried to take it in the divorce. That would have really hurt. from Bowfinger (1999)
Name above the title. We get only one take with Kit. from Bowfinger (1999)
Need you now! from Bowfinger (1999)
Needs to be taken down a peg or two. from Bowfinger (1999)
Neither of which accept American copyright or trademark law. from Bowfinger (1999)
Never till now. from Bowfinger (1999)
Next time I think I'd like to do it with just two condoms. from Bowfinger (1999)
Next. Who's next? from Bowfinger (1999)
Nice try, Kincaid. from Bowfinger (1999)
Nice work, guys. from Bowfinger (1999)
No matter what is going on, from Bowfinger (1999)
No, I'm Jimmy. from Bowfinger (1999)
No, no. ¡Ándale, ándale! from Bowfinger (1999)
No, we can't find him. from Bowfinger (1999)
No, you should not meet Kit because... from Bowfinger (1999)
No. from Bowfinger (1999)
No. You know why? from Bowfinger (1999)
Not at all, not at all. from Bowfinger (1999)
Not bad seats. Not bad seats at all! from Bowfinger (1999)
Now they try to tell us who's gonna be in our movies. from Bowfinger (1999)
Now what are you seeing? Are you seeing the fireplace? from Bowfinger (1999)
Now, we really need those pencils, buddy. Okay. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, Betsy, you were such a good girl. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, Carol. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, God! Do you know what? I want you to see The Music Man because... from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, gosh, I'm really hoping to get a career running errands. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, hi, honey. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, hi! I came down because I wanted to see them shoot you today. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, I get it. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, Keith! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, my God! It's time! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, my God! They told me you were dead! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, no. We have professional stuntmen doing the driving. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, please. Oh, please don't let me die! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, professional stuntmen. That's how they do it! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, sh... from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, shit! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, shit! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, shit! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, so it's the artistic portion of the film. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, that's odd. We have a permit to shoot here today. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, yeah! from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, yeah. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh, yeah. from Bowfinger (1999)
Oh. I'm gonna schmooze. I'll be right back. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, all right. There's your mark. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, but first, let's do this one more time. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, Dave. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, here it comes. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, here we go. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, listen. I got an errand for you. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, now. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, one scene down. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, that was very good. Let's try it one more time. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, the roof is your next shot. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, this is it. Places, everyone. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay, this is it. We only need one shot. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay! from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay. So, all right. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay. That was nice. from Bowfinger (1999)
Okay. You'll do this? from Bowfinger (1999)
One slipup in your tough, crime filled world and you could die. from Bowfinger (1999)
One slipup in your tough, crime filled world and you could die. from Bowfinger (1999)
One take? from Bowfinger (1999)
Only one thing can stop them now. from Bowfinger (1999)
Only they speak in some secret white language that I can't decode. from Bowfinger (1999)
Or we don't have a movie. from Bowfinger (1999)
Or we tag our film with a shot of Kit wagging his thing at the Laker Girls. from Bowfinger (1999)
Our scenes are the best, but I should have more scenes with Kit. from Bowfinger (1999)
Pan up. from Bowfinger (1999)
Pencils from the store. from Bowfinger (1999)
Permission. from Bowfinger (1999)
Please, one at a time. I can't hear you. from Bowfinger (1999)
Pod people? Run! Run! from Bowfinger (1999)
Put me on hold and you're a dead man. from Bowfinger (1999)
Put the tripod there. All right, ready? from Bowfinger (1999)
Quite a bit of experience. I'm an active renter at Blockbuster, from Bowfinger (1999)
Quite a bit, actually. from Bowfinger (1999)
Read the script. I'm a big time producer with clout. from Bowfinger (1999)
Remember, don't let him see the camera. from Bowfinger (1999)
Right now it's going down. I'm so glad y'all here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Right now, everybody. Come here. from Bowfinger (1999)
Right, right, right. from Bowfinger (1999)
Right, so give her a little room, react normally, be sensitive above all, from Bowfinger (1999)
Right. from Bowfinger (1999)
Robert DeNiro, could not look like Kit Ramsey. from Bowfinger (1999)
Roll her. from Bowfinger (1999)
Said... from Bowfinger (1999)
See if you have a special quality, from Bowfinger (1999)
See that FedEx truck? from Bowfinger (1999)
Seems as though you're doing much better. from Bowfinger (1999)
Send it up to the house for me. from Bowfinger (1999)
She gave me the works, man. She is the most inventive girl. from Bowfinger (1999)
She had "it" maybe! from Bowfinger (1999)
She had the personality of a zip code in Kansas. from Bowfinger (1999)
She just acts like that, huh? from Bowfinger (1999)
She looked pretty good, like she could act. from Bowfinger (1999)
She wanted to inhale my gonads! from Bowfinger (1999)
She was from the planet Neon! from Bowfinger (1999)
She was good, but she didn't have "it." from Bowfinger (1999)
She was good. from Bowfinger (1999)
She's pure power and speed. Real hot. from Bowfinger (1999)
Sir? This way. from Bowfinger (1999)
Sit! from Bowfinger (1999)
Sit! Come. from Bowfinger (1999)
Slater, this time without the erection. from Bowfinger (1999)
So helpful... Freddy? Where the hell Freddy? from Bowfinger (1999)
So I started putting away one dollar every week of my life. from Bowfinger (1999)
So I wrote more scenes for Daisy and Kit, some hot scenes... from Bowfinger (1999)
So know your jobs. Don't screw up. Come on. Let's go. from Bowfinger (1999)
So we just shoot those with our own actors on our own time. from Bowfinger (1999)
So we need a guy with a fabulous ass, from Bowfinger (1999)
So what do we do? from Bowfinger (1999)
So you have to be very, very persuasive... from Bowfinger (1999)
So, are you from a show business family? from Bowfinger (1999)
Somebody named Cynthia, somebody named Keith. from Bowfinger (1999)
Someone must know where he is. from Bowfinger (1999)
Sometimes it has its fringe benefits. from Bowfinger (1999)
Soon as you're set, start rolling on the stairwell. from Bowfinger (1999)
Sound. from Bowfinger (1999)
Stay with him! Stay with him! from Bowfinger (1999)
Stay with him. from Bowfinger (1999)
Stop it! from Bowfinger (1999)
Stop it! from Bowfinger (1999)
Stop this madness. from Bowfinger (1999)
Strange people are coming up to me on the street... from Bowfinger (1999)
Strangers come up to you, from Bowfinger (1999)
Suck it in. That's good. Now look. from Bowfinger (1999)
Sure. from Bowfinger (1999)
Sure. They're going really fast! from Bowfinger (1999)
Take a look at it. from Bowfinger (1999)
Take me to Terry Stricter! Now! from Bowfinger (1999)
Teddy Kennedy? from Bowfinger (1999)
Tell 'em the title. from Bowfinger (1999)
Tell him you're from the studio. from Bowfinger (1999)
Terry! Hi! I'm Keith Kincaid. from Bowfinger (1999)
Thank you, Daisy. from Bowfinger (1999)
Thank you, Mr. Bowfinger! Thank you! from Bowfinger (1999)
Thank you, Mr. Bowfinger! Thank you! from Bowfinger (1999)
Thank you, Mr. Bowfinger. We used a Pro Mist, from Bowfinger (1999)
Thank you! from Bowfinger (1999)
Thanks for making the trip. Glad to have you aboard. from Bowfinger (1999)
Thanks. from Bowfinger (1999)
That every studio in town is going to want. from Bowfinger (1999)
That he's on a cliff, and that Cliff and cliff are the same. from Bowfinger (1999)
That is the case, although I haven't talked to her. from Bowfinger (1999)
That maybe there's no aliens, nothing like that? from Bowfinger (1999)
That seems kinda hard. from Bowfinger (1999)
That was really helpful to me. from Bowfinger (1999)
That was so great! You were fantastic! from Bowfinger (1999)
That way, Carol. This way. from Bowfinger (1999)
That you were so real in your response to the aliens. from Bowfinger (1999)
That'd be a major boost for me. from Bowfinger (1999)
That's a gift! from Bowfinger (1999)
That's after gross net deduction profit percentage... from Bowfinger (1999)
That's good. Got that briefcase? from Bowfinger (1999)
That's perfectly divisible by three. from Bowfinger (1999)
That's right, I did. from Bowfinger (1999)
That's right. from Bowfinger (1999)
That's the word. Alive! I've never been alive until now. from Bowfinger (1999)
That's this, this office. from Bowfinger (1999)
That's too much for the audience to think about. from Bowfinger (1999)
That's when you get the nominations. from Bowfinger (1999)
That's where you must go to say, "Gotcha, suckas!" from Bowfinger (1999)
The aliens come down to Earth in raindrops. from Bowfinger (1999)
The briefcase is a metaphor for the relationship. from Bowfinger (1999)
The brother of the world's hottest movie star, from Bowfinger (1999)
The Godfather. Dr. Strangelove. from Bowfinger (1999)
The Laker Girls cheerleading squad... from Bowfinger (1999)
The letter "K" appears in the script. from Bowfinger (1999)
The letter "K" appears in this script 1,456 times. from Bowfinger (1999)
The most promising group of young professionals I've ever worked with. from Bowfinger (1999)
The new pages. from Bowfinger (1999)
The no rehearsal, no contact off screen. from Bowfinger (1999)
The story of my life. from Bowfinger (1999)
The stunt drivers were really impressed. from Bowfinger (1999)
The trash is outside. from Bowfinger (1999)
The, uh, famous movie? from Bowfinger (1999)
Then go to a stationery store and pick up pencils. from Bowfinger (1999)
Then I realized it was you that I loved and... from Bowfinger (1999)
Then I studied at the Moscow Arts Theater for two years... from Bowfinger (1999)
Then that would really pump up our scenes. from Bowfinger (1999)
Then you push the guy right over the cliff. from Bowfinger (1999)
There are people who couldn't look like Kit Ramsey if their life depended... from Bowfinger (1999)
There are pod people all over the place! from Bowfinger (1999)
There are six major scenes with Kit. from Bowfinger (1999)
There is no giant foot trying to squash me. from Bowfinger (1999)
There, there, there. from Bowfinger (1999)
There's a guy in there who's vacuuming. from Bowfinger (1999)
There's covert stuff goin' on. Some covert shit I just found out. from Bowfinger (1999)
There's no movie! I can't believe there's no movie! from Bowfinger (1999)
There's not a scratch on it. It's an award winner. from Bowfinger (1999)
There's someone who thinks he should talk to you. from Bowfinger (1999)
There's something he wants to tell you. from Bowfinger (1999)
There's the alien antenna. from Bowfinger (1999)
There's the door. We can't let you audition. from Bowfinger (1999)