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All About Eve All About Eve is a timeless American film released in 1950, directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Starring a

All About Eve

All About Eve is a timeless American film released in 1950, directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Starring a remarkable cast including Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, Celeste Holm, and Marilyn Monroe, this iconic movie tells a captivating story that transcends the bounds of time.

Set in the glamorous world of Broadway theater, All About Eve revolves around the cunning and ambitious Eve Harrington, brilliantly portrayed by Anne Baxter. Eve manages to infiltrate the lives of the theater elite, particularly Margo Channing, a celebrated actress played by the indomitable Bette Davis. Margo takes Eve under her wing, unaware of the young woman's ulterior motives.

As the plot unfolds, Eve's true colors begin to emerge. She uses her innocent facade to manipulate Margo's friends, lovers, and even the influential theater critic, Addison DeWitt. George Sanders brings Addison DeWitt to life with his suave and enigmatic portrayal of the conniving critic. His charisma is unmatched as he weaves in and out of the lives of those whose reputations hang in the balance.

Celeste Holm's character, Karen Richards, serves as the bridge between the two generations of actresses. Karen is initially fascinated by Eve's seemingly harmless charm but becomes increasingly suspicious of her motives. Connecting her husband, Lloyd Richards, to the theater world, Karen becomes a crucial element in unraveling Eve's web of deceit.

One of the most memorable and influential aspects of All About Eve is its depiction of the complexities of female relationships. It delves deep into the competitive nature that often arises when talented women are pitted against each other. The film explores themes of ambition, aging, and the sacrifices individuals make to achieve success in a highly competitive industry. Bette Davis gives a powerhouse performance as Margo Channing, highlighting the struggles faced by older women who fear being replaced by younger, more promising talents.

All About Eve remains relevant today due to its insightful exploration of fame, manipulation, and the dark side of ambition. The movie's themes continue to resonate with audiences, making it a classic that still draws admiration and praise from both critics and viewers alike.

The soundtrack of All About Eve plays a crucial role in enhancing the film's atmosphere and emotional impact. Composed by Alfred Newman, the music effortlessly complements the tension, drama, and intrigue present in every scene. Newman's score captures the essence of the characters' inner turmoil, amplifying their emotions for the audience to experience.

Lucky for us, this timeless soundtrack is now available to play and download. The haunting melodies and dramatic orchestrations beautifully transport listeners into the world of Broadway's elite, allowing them to immerse themselves in the story of All About Eve from the comfort of their own homes.

Whether you're a fan of classic cinema, a lover of powerful and complex performances, or simply interested in exploring the darker aspects of human nature, All About Eve is a must-watch film. Its themes and characters transcend time, leaving an indelible mark on the world of cinema. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and get ready to be enthralled by a timeless tale of ambition, betrayal, and the pursuit of fame.

Don't miss this golden opportunity to play and download the All About Eve soundtrack. Let the music guide you through the gripping narrative, and experience the magic that has captivated audiences for over half a century. Enjoy!
A beautiful and an intelligent woman, and a great actress.
A graduate of the Copacabana School of Dramatic Art.
A great actress and a great woman...
A great actress at the peak of her career. You have every reason for happiness.
A lamb loose in our big, stone jungle.
A martini, very dry, please.
A mass of music and fire.
A matter of opinion, granted.
A part in a play.
A revolutionary approach to the theater.
A simple exchange of favors.
A situation pregnant with possibilities, and all you can think of is "go to sleep".
About Eve.
About how you live, what kind of clothes you wear...
Acted out all sorts of things. What they were isn't important.
Addison knows how Margo happened to miss that performance...
Addison told her how superbly Eve had read the part.
Addison, come in for a minute, will you?
After all you've said. Don't you know that part was written for Margo?
After all, it was no more than a harmless joke...
After all, you didn't personally drain the gasoline tank yourself.
After the other day, I regarded it as simply a promise fulfilled.
After you change, if you're not busy elsewhere, we could have supper.
Ah! Feeling better, my dear?
Ah... Eve.
All about Eve, in fact.
All of us invited that afternoon...
All playwrights should be dead for 300 years!
All ready.
All right!
All the religions in the world rolled into one...
All this hysteria because of an impulsive excited kid...
Almost four.
Also a contempt for humanity, an inability to love and be loved.
Also rodeos, carnivals, ballets...
Also, the boot would land where it would do the most good for all concerned.
Although I am going to Hollywood next week to make a film...
Am I going to lose you, Bill? Am I?
Among so many quiet qualities.
And as for being fifth rate...
And Bill, especially Bill. She did that too.
And cut that out right now.
And don't let anybody try to muscle in.
And I could take care of everything here and meet you at the gate with the ticket...
And I shot my mouth off.
And I thought it might be best if I skipped rehearsals from then on.
And I want him to want me.
And I'll never forget you for making it possible.
And I'll never forget you, Eve.
And I'm fed up with both the young lady and her qualities!
And if I can't tell them apart, how can he?
And in the last analysis, nothing's any good unless you can...
And it was a night to remember, that night.
And Karen mentioned, of course, that Margo expects to play the part?
And Mr. Sampson. What's he like?
And never before has this award gone to anyone younger than its recipient tonight.
And no brighter light has ever dazzled the eye than Eve Harrington.
And no reason why she shouldn't be told about it... in time.
And one without whose great play and faith in me...
And she gave the performance of her life.
And suddenly you're not saying what you mean, but what he means.
And that even a fifth rate vaudevillian should understand and respect.
And that memorable night when Margo first dazzled you from the stage...
And the man or woman who accepts those terms can't be ordinary...
And the man who invented the steam engine, he was watching a teakettle.
And then a childish routine about not knowing Eve was her understudy.
And then, one night, Margo Channing came to play in Remembrance...
And there was a little theater group there, like a drop of rain on the desert.
And there were theaters in San Francisco.
And this getting into a jealous froth because I spent ten minutes with a stage struck kid.
And this is my dear friend and companion, Miss Birdie Coonan.
And those cheques for the income tax man.
And we who are about to die salute you.
And what a happy coincidence that several representatives...
And what is that? Besides something spelled out in light bulbs, I mean.
And what's left will be... what?
And when was this unholy alliance joined?
And who remembered it? Who was there on the dot at 12 midnight?
And why not?
And you pose as a playwright.
And you realize and you agree how completely you belong to me?
And you, I take it, are the Paderewski who plays his concerto on me, the piano?
And, believe it or not, if there's anything I can do...
And, further, that I regard it as bestowed upon me only in part.
Answer my question. Weren't you paid to get out of town?
Any time you want, starting with tonight's performance.
Are you proud of me, Bill?
Are you that sure of tomorrow?
Are you threatening me with legal action, Mr. Fabian?
Arrives here for an audition when everyone knows I will be here...
Arthur Miller? Sherwood? Beaumont and Fletcher?
As a matter of fact, I sent him a telegram myself.
As a matter of fact, you're looking at it.
As a nonprofessional, I think it's an excellent idea. Excuse me.
As always with women who try to find out things, she told more than she learnt.
As if my mind was outside of my body and couldn't control what I did or said.
As it happens, there are particular aspects of my life...
As of this moment, you're six years old.
As you see, I kept my promise, too.
As young as they want, you mean.
At any rate, I felt terribly guilty and ashamed of myself...
At anything or anyone else, but never at me!
At best, let's say I've been oversensitive to...
Autograph fiends! They're not people. Little beasts that run around in packs like coyotes.
Back to the Copacabana.
Be proud of yourself. You've got a right to be.
Because after tonight you will belong to me.
Being a woman.
Being an actor, he will go on speaking for some time.
Being here with Miss Channing has been a... I just can't say.
Being violently ill to her tummy.
Belong? To you?
Besides a temperament, which consists mostly of swooping about on a broomstick...
Besides, it went out with Mrs. Fiske.
Bill didn't come at all.
Bill Sampson? He's... he's a director.
Bill stuck it out. Lloyd seemed happy.
Bill, oddly enough, refused to direct the play at first... with Eve in it.
Bill! Have I gone crazy, Bill?
Bill's 32. He looks 32.
Bill's here, baby.
Bill's in love with Margo Channing. He's fought with her, worked with her, loved her.
Bill's welcome home birthday party... a night to go down in history.
Brilliant, vivid, something made of music and fire.
But "the evil that men do..." How does that go, groom?
But don't you find it, apart from everything else, don't you find it expensive?
But due to some uncontrollable drive, you permit the slightest action of a kid...
But Eddie wasn't there.
But Eve, Margo. Let me tell you about Eve.
But Hollywood. You mustn't stay out there.
But how? The answer was buzzing around me like a fly.
But I do know the part so well, and every bit of the staging...
But I let it go. Screaming and calling names is one thing...
But I will not have you sharpen them on me, or on Eve.
But I'd never known Lloyd to meddle as much with Bill's directing...
But I'm not going to. I'm too mad.
But if I tell you it is, as I just did... were you listening to me?
But if I thought I'd offended her, of all people...
But if you'd only see her... You're her whole life.
But it can't be! We can't be out of gas!
But it isn't basic. It isn't standard. If it were, the theater couldn't survive.
But Lloyd listened to his play as if it had been written by someone else, he said.
But Lloyd said Max's publicity man probably sent out the story.
But me, not Margo Channing.
But not me. My big idea came to me just sitting on a couch.
But not right away. First fight them back, chin up, stout fellow.
But not this time.
But not tonight. I'm forgiving tonight. Even Eve. I forgive Eve.
But ten years from now Margo Channing will have ceased to exist.
But that in itself is probably the reason.
But the other day when Mr. Fabian told Miss Channing...
But the wardrobe women have got one and, next to a tenor...
But then I'd never met Addison DeWitt.
But those who remained cheered loudly, lustily and long for Eve.
But what could she say? That's what fascinates me.
But you can't put her out! I promised!
But you did it. With work and patience, you'll be a good actress...
But you did. More to yourself perhaps, as it turned out, than to anyone else.
But you know that. You probably tell her what to write.
But you must have friends, a home, family?
But you won't or can't tell me.
But you're not a woman.
But you've done so much! What's new?
But, somehow, acting and make believe began to fill up my life more and more.
By your smart dress, I take it your companion is a lady?
Byron couldn't have said it more graciously.
Call me Birdie.
Can't we sit down just for a minute? I've got a lot to say and none of it's easy.
Carefully rehearsed, I have no doubt.
Certainly, Mr. DeWitt.
City Hall, that's for prizefighters and reporters. I see a cathedral, banks of flowers...
Claudia, come here.
Clyde Fitch, though you may not think so, was well before my time!
Come in, Eve.
Come now, as though you were an old lady!
Come on, get up. I'll buy you a drink.
Come on, I'm the host. I got to get home before my guests start stealing the liquor!
Come to the pantry.
Come to think of it, I haven't been very pleasant for weeks. For that, I'm truly sorry.
Cora. Still a girl of 20?
Cos that's what they are. Now go and make him happier.
Cos you've got to stop hurting the two of us by these paranoiac tantrums.
Couldn't go on with the play or anything else until I promised to marry him.
Cut! Print it! What happens in the next reel? Do I get dragged off to the snake pits?
Dear Margo, you were an unforgettable Peter Pan. You must play it again soon.
Dear sentimental, generous, courageous Max Fabian...
Diamond collar, gold sleeves. You know picture people.
Did I say killer? I meant champion. I get my boxing terms mixed.
Did she tell you about the theater and what it meant?
Did you place a call from me to Bill for midnight California time?
Do you expect me to believe that you didn't say any of that? That they were all Addison?
Do you know why I forgive Eve? She left good behind.
Do you wanna know what the theater is? A flea circus. Also opera.
Don't be condescending.
Don't calm down.
Don't cry. Just score it as an incomplete forward pass.
Don't get up. And don't act as if I were the Queen Mother.
Don't get up. And please stop acting as if I were the Queen Mother!
Don't give it a thought. One of destiny's merry pranks.
Don't let me kill the point. Or isn't it a story for grown ups?
Don't pick up that phone. Don't even touch it.
Don't run away, Bill.
Don't underestimate him. You have a powerful friend in Addison.
Don't worry too much about what people think.
Don't worry, Lloyd. I'll play your play.
Don't worry.
Don't you think it's about time it became important?
Donald Duck, Ibsen and The Lone Ranger.
Eddie was in the air force.
Elder statesmen of the theater or cinema...
Especially if you're me between now and tomorrow morning.
Eve became my sister, lawyer, mother, friend, psychiatrist and cop.
Eve did mention the play, but in passing.
Eve Evil, little Miss Evil.
Eve Harrington has never by word, look, thought or suggestion...
Eve Harrington will be among them.
Eve has no intention of going to Hollywood.
Eve was incredibly modest. She insisted that no credit was due her.
Eve would ask Abbott to give her Costello.
Eve would, wouldn't you, Eve?
Eve, dear, this is Addison.
Eve, of course, was superb.
Eve, this is an old friend of Mr. DeWitt's mother
Eve, you mustn't mind Margo too much, even if I do.
Eve? My understudy?
Eve. Eve Harrington.
Eve. Eve, the golden girl. The cover girl.
Eve... but more of Eve later.
Eve... I don't think you meant to cause unhappiness.
Eve... I'm fond of Margo, too. But I know Margo. And every now and then...
Eve's disloyalty and ingratitude must be contagious!
Even before the party started, I could smell disaster in the air.
Even if I wanted to, as you say, be less humble, blow my own horn...
Even so... one pretty good performance by an understudy, it'll be forgotten tomorrow.
Every performance? Then am I safe in assuming you like it?
Every performance.
Everything a playwright first thinks of wanting to write about...
Everything is beer.
Everything on its proper shelf, eh, Max? All done up in little ribbons.
Everything wise and witty has long since been said...
Everything's all right now.
Except for a letter a week.
Except that the unreal seemed more real to me...
Farmers were poor in those days. That's what Dad was, a farmer.
Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night.
Fine old theater, the Shubert. Full of tradition.
For an audition for this part we are replacing.
For me to thank you as equals would be presumptuous.
For services rendered beyond... whatever it is of duty, darling.
Frankly, I don't remember.
From me, from Lloyd, from Eve, Bill, Max and so on.
From now on it isn't applause
From the trunks you're packing, you must be going to stay a long time.
From what would I be running?
Full of fire and music and whatnot!
Full of those Bill Sampson touches.
Funny, the things you remember...
Give Eve Harrington a job in your office.
Give Karen more wine.
Good evening, Mr. Richards. Mr. Fabian.
Good morning. Well, what do you think of my elegant new suit?
Good night to you all, and to all, a good night.
Good night, Eve. I hope I see you again soon.
Good night, Margo!
Good night.
Goodbye, darling. Sleep tight.
Goodbye, Margo.
Goodbye, Mr. Sampson.
Got any messages? What do you want me to tell Tyrone Power?
Groom, may I have a wedding present?
Hand me that empty bottle. I may find her.
Happy birthday, darling.
Having covered in tedious detail not only the history of the Sarah Siddons Society...
He can't take his eyes off my legs.
He couldn't sleep, he said. He'd left Karen.
He is the producer of the play which has won for Eve Harrington the Sarah Siddons Award.
He likes a few drinks after we finish, so he sent it up.
He looked it five years ago. He'll look it 20 years from now.
He needed help behind a notions counter.
He never went home.
He was a radio technician.
He woke me up at three o'clock in the morning, banging on my door.
He'll write great plays for me. I'll make them great.
He's going to leave Karen. We're going to be married.
He's in love with you.
He's not my friend. You were my friends.
Heart to heart? Woman to woman?
Heaven help me.
Hello, Mr. Richards. She's upstairs in her room.
Hello. Who are you?
Hello. Will you please call Miss Eve Harrington to the phone?
Her loyalty, efficiency, devotion, warmth and affection, and so young!
Here I am.
Here we go.
Here, take it to the party instead of me.
Hey, Junior!
Hey, wait a minute! You haven't even said it yet!
Hold that coat up.
Honeychild had a point. Lloyd, honey, be a playwright with guts.
Honored members of the Sarah Siddons Society...
How about calling it a night?
How are you making out in Mr. Fabian's office?
How can I repay Lloyd Richards?
How can I repay the many others...
How can you take offense at a kid trying to be like her ideal?
How childish are you gonna get before you stop it?
How could I compete? Everything Lloyd loved about me...
How could I miss her? Every night, every matinee.
How could I?
How did you get the idea of letting Eve read with Miss Caswell?
How fitting that it should pass from my hands to hers.
How I walk, talk, think, act, sleep!
How long does it take?
How nice for Lloyd. How nice for Eve. How nice for everybody.
How nice.
How nice.
How thoughtful of her to call and invite me that afternoon.
How was Miss Caswell?
How you walk, talk, eat, think...
How... was Miss Caswell?
However, during her senior year at Radcliffe, Lloyd Richards lectured on the drama.
However, it is important that you know where you are and why you are here.
I admit I was worried when Max called. I had my doubts.
I admit there's a screwball element in the theater.
I ain't going to drop dead. Not with the heat.
I always deny that you were in Our American Cousin the night Lincoln was shot.
I am a critic and commentator.
I am Addison DeWitt. I'm nobody's fool, least of all yours.
I am an apprentice in the theater...
I am essential to the theater.
I believe I will.
I came as soon as I read that piece of filth. I ran all the way.
I came to tell you that you will not marry Lloyd, or anyone else...
I can get a fresh one... Karen, you're a Gibson girl.
I can imagine. All it needed was a little taking in here and letting out there.
I can't believe my ears!
I can't believe you're making this up.
I can't see that Lloyd's plays have hurt you any.
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
I can't think of anything else to do. I wish I could.
I confide in you and rely on you more than anyone I've ever known.
I could die right now and nobody'd be confused.
I could watch you play that last scene a thousand times, cry every time.
I couldn't be more surprised if she'd said Grant's tomb.
I couldn't get into the girdle in two and a half hours!
I couldn't imagine how they found out about it.
I couldn't. Not possibly. I couldn't go on.
I detest cheap sentiment.
I didn't know Eve was your understudy until this afternoon.
I didn't look. You know I don't pay attention to those things.
I didn't mean just the theater.
I didn't promise Eve anything. I said she'd be fine for the part...
I discussed it very openly. I told her I'd spoken to Lloyd, and that he was interested.
I don't care if I never get home.
I don't enjoy putting it this bluntly.
I don't expect you to be pleasant.
I don't expect you to believe anything...
I don't have to play parts I'm too old for...
I don't intend to be.
I don't know what you mean. But I want to take my nap. It's important...
I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be her understudy.
I don't see why she hasn't given Addison heartburn.
I don't suppose the heater runs if the motor doesn't.
I don't suppose there's a drink left?
I don't think I could be.
I don't think I've done anything to sound off about.
I don't wanna be childish. I'd settle for a few years.
I don't wanna make trouble. All I want is a drink.
I don't want it to come after me.
I doubt very much that you'd like her in The Hairy Ape.
I expected to find this room with a theaterful of people at your feet.
I felt helpless. That helplessness you feel when you have no talent to offer...
I figured I'd stay in San Francisco.
I filled it myself yesterday. Wasn't it full when you drove to Brewster this morning?
I find it odd that Karen isn't here for the opening.
I find these wisecracks increasingly less funny.
I found a job, and his insurance helped.
I found myself going the next night and the next and the next.
I found myself saying things I wasn't even thinking.
I got the idea myself while she was talking about the play.
I guess at this point I'm what the French call "de trop".
I guess I was asleep when you got home.
I guess it started back home. Wisconsin, that is.
I had a time persuading him.
I had it!
I had lunch with Karen not three hours ago.
I had no idea you were even here.
I had to get in to meet Margo. I had to say something, be somebody. Make her like me!
I had to help out.
I hate men!
I have a suggestion. There's really not very much time left.
I have been proud and privileged to have spent my life in the theater...
I have no other world, no other life.
I have not come to New Haven to see the play, discuss your dreams...
I haven't your unyielding good taste.
I hope you mean what you say.
I intend to hold you to it.
I just asked a simple question.
I just don't want Margo to miss her train. As it is, she'll barely make the theater.
I knew it. I sensed it even as I finished dressing for that blasted party.
I know nothing of Lloyd's loves. I leave those to Louisa May Alcott. But I know you.
I know what I'm talking about. They're my plays.
I like the title, Footsteps on the Ceiling.
I love a psychotic.
I love you for some and in spite of others. I haven't let those become too important.
I love you too. Good night, darling.
I love you.
I may have seen better days, but I'm still not to be had for the price of a cocktail.
I mean, you haven't had a minute alone yet.
I might.
I must say, you can certainly tell Mr. Sampson's been gone a month.
I never said it was!
I ran into Eve and she told me you were dressing.
I read George Jean Nathan every week.
I really hate to bother you this way, but the way Eve's been feeling...
I refer to your new and unpregnant understudy, Miss Eve Harrington.
I remember I had a tooth pulled once.
I remember, Addison, crossing you off my guest list. What are you doing here?
I said before it was gonna be my last try, and I meant it.
I said this would be a night to remember, that it would bring me all I ever wanted.
I saw Mr. Richards with her a couple of times. I thought, they being such good friends...
I say your idolatry of Margo started in San Francisco, didn't it?
I seem to be forever thanking you for something, don't I?
I shall go to the party alone. I have no intention of missing it.
I shall never understand the process by which a body with a voice...
I shall propose the toast...
I sneaked in and hid till she'd finished. Then I just looked around.
I start shooting a week from Monday. Zanuck is impatient.
I take it she read well.
I think part of Miss Channing's greatness lies in her ability to pick the best plays.
I think the time has come to shed some of your humility.
I think we'd like very much.
I think you do know.
I thought I'd be panic stricken, want to run away or something.
I thought that one went out with Woollcott! Now listen to this.
I thought you knew. She started a week ago.
I told her you wanted Margo to play the part and I would want your approval.
I trust the setting was properly romantic.
I understand she's now the understudy in there.
I want a run of the play contract.
I want my friends back!
I was afraid someone would notice the lights were on, so I turned them off.
I was alone. I couldn't go back without Eddie.
I was an only child. I used to make believe a lot when I was a kid.
I was awful.
I was dreadful, Miss Channing. I have no right to be anyone's understudy, much less yours.
I was sure you'd want to, being his birthday.
I was there. I saw you and heard you through the dressing room door.
I was wondering whether you'd come at all.
I wish I could have gone to Radcliffe, too, but Father wouldn't hear of it.
I wish I did. I wish someone would tell me about me.
I won't be a minute.
I won't forget.
I won't play tonight.
I wouldn't be surprised. Sometimes you frighten me.
I wouldn't think of taking that girl away from you.
I wouldn't want you to marry me just to prove something.
I... I don't know, Bill.
I'd be just another tongue tied fan.
I'd do much more for a part that good.
I'd hoped that you would have taken it for granted that you and I...
I'd like him to be dead.
I'd like that.
I'd love to. Or should I pretend I'm busy?
I'd never known Bill and Lloyd to fight as bitterly and often...
I'd saved my money and vacation time and went to San Francisco to meet him.
I'll be back to claim it... and soon.
I'll get it.
I'll give you some pleasant news.
I'll just take this to the wardrobe mistress.
I'll marry you if it turns out you have no blood at all.
I'll never forget this night as long as I live.
I'll say.
I'll tour a year with this one, anything. Only you do understand, don't you?
I'll wear rompers and come in rolling a hoop, if you like.
I'm about to go into the shower. I won't be able to hear you.
I'm afraid Mr. DeWitt would find me boring before too long.
I'm being rude now, aren't I? Or should I say, ain't I?
I'm going to bed.
I'm going to look up at six o'clock, and there he'll be.
I'm lied to, attacked behind my back...
I'm not even enough for a paragraph.
I'm not interested whether thousands of people think I'm six or 600!
I'm not surprised, after all that humble pie.
I'm nothing but a body with a voice. No mind.
I'm on my way. Is there anything else?
I'm only human, rumors to the contrary, and I'm as curious as the next man.
I'm so happy I can do something for you at long last.
I'm sure that's flattering. There's nothing wrong with it.
I'm sure you mean something, but I don't know what.
I'm sure you must have things to do in the bathroom, Birdie, dear.
I'm sure you underestimate yourself. You always do.
I'm the carbon copy you read when you can't find the original.
I'm the lowest form of celebrity.
I'm trying hard to follow you.
I've acted pretty disgracefully toward her too.
I've been going over our financial position, if you'll pardon the expression.
I've been told off in no uncertain terms, all over town.
I've been wanting you to meet Eve for the longest time.
I've earned my place out of the sun.
I've got a box in the pantry.
I've got something to tell you.
I've listened backstage to people applaud.
I've never seen her backstage, but with so many people loitering about... Well, well.
I've seen you so often. It took every bit of courage I could raise.
If Equity or my lawyer can't or won't do anything about it...
If I haven't, I'll find something till you get normal.
If I play Cora, Addison will never tell what happened, in or out of print.
If I'd known... Some other time. Looking like this!
If it isn't, it's going to be. I can't find the other one.
If my guests do not like it here, I suggest they accompany you to the nursery...
If she can act, she might not be bad.
If we don't blow them, who else will?
If we got married?
If you told him so, he'd give me the part. He said he would.
If you'll excuse me, I'll go and tell Miss Caswell.
Imagine to know every night that different hundreds of people love you.
Imagine how snide and vicious he could get, and still tell nothing but the truth.
In a tin can, cellophane or wrapped in a Navajo blanket, I want you home.
In good conscience, I must give credit where credit is due.
In the ladies' shall we say "lounge"?
In this case, as trustworthy as the world almanac!
In time, she'll be what you are.
Including a casual reference to the part of Cora and your hopes of playing it?
Infants behave the way I do, you know.
Insatiable ambition... and talent.
Instead of waiting until next season to do Footsteps on the Ceiling...
Instead, I can't wait for tonight to come. To come and go.
Is it over or is it just beginning?
Is it possible that you've confused me...
Is it really? I must start wearing a watch! I never have, you know.
Is it sabotage? Have you no human consideration?
Isn't it a lovely room? The Cub Room.
Isn't it awful? I'm about to ask you for another favor...
Isn't it silly? Suddenly I've developed a big, protective feeling toward her.
Isn't it strange, Addison?
Isn't that what they always say?
It affected me strangely.
It can't be. I came here to read with Miss Caswell. I promised Max.
It got less and less dull, until your boss's wife had your boss followed by detectives.
It got so I couldn't tell the real from the unreal.
It has been spared the sensational publicity...
It has everything to do with you having a fight with Bill.
It is here that managers have what are called out of town openings...
It is just as false not to blow your horn at all as it is to blow it too loudly.
It is my last wish to be buried sitting up.
It is not important that you hear what he says.
It is now 5.43. When you ask again a minute from now...
It is the annual banquet and presentation of the highest honor our theater has:
It is unlikely that the windows have been opened since his death.
It isn't important whether you do. We are wearing long underwear.
It isn't the part. It's a great part and a fine play. But not for me anymore.
It just slipped your mind?
It looks much better on you than it did on me.
It may not be your theater, but it's theater for somebody, somewhere.
It means a concentration of desire or ambition and sacrifice...
It might've been 15 years ago. It's my part now.
It must have seemed so new and fresh to you...
It needn't be.
It seemed odd, suddenly, your not being here.
It seemed to me I had known always that it would happen. And here it was.
It seems a lifetime ago.
It seems I can't think of a thing you haven't thought of.
It seems Miss Harrington left her award in the taxi cab. Will you give it to her?
It sounded so fresh, so new, so full of meaning.
It sounds like something out of an old Clyde Fitch play.
It started in San Francisco, didn't it?
It sticks out, it's got spotlights on it and a brass band.
It was a cold weekend, outside and in.
It was a drizzly night. I remember I asked the taxi to wait.
It was just Mom and Dad and me.
It was Karen who first brought me to one whom I'd always idolized...
It was the last week. I went one night.
It was very thoughtful of you, Eve. I appreciate it.
It wasn't a reading, it was a performance.
It wasn't much fun, but it helped at home.
It will stay there always, just for you.
It would all seem perfectly legitimate. And only two people in the world would know.
It would be so much easier for everyone concerned if I were to play Cora.
It'll be a night to remember.
It'll bring me everything I've ever wanted.
It's a new Margo, but she's just as late as the old one.
It's a very famous name, Mr. DeWitt.
It's about time the piano realized it has not written the concerto!
It's Addison from start to finish. It drips with his brand of venom.
It's after one now. You won't get home till all hours.
It's all over.
It's been... I can hardly find the words to say how it's been.
It's friends that count.
It's funny, a woman's career. The things you drop on your way up so you can move faster.
It's gonna be a cozy weekend.
It's good luck before an audition.
It's June now. That was early October.
It's just a feeling. I don't know.
It's just that there's so much bushwa in this ivory greenroom they call the theater...
It's like...
It's nothing of the kind!
It's obvious you're not a woman.
It's on my list of things I'll never understand, like collecting shrunken Indian heads.
It's only for the license. There's a three day wait for blood tests.
It's quite a story. Addison could make quite a thing of it.
It's that Miss Caswell.
It's the latest thing one earring.
It's unnatural to allow a girl in an advanced state of pregnancy...
It's your birthday.
Jeanne Eagels another, Paula Wessely, Hayes. There are others, three or four.
Just a little skid, that's all. This road's like glass.
Just a taxi driver, Miss Harrington.
Just be sure to lock up all blunt instruments and throwable objects.
Just because you can't even work a zipper!
Just being happy? Just stopping all this nonsense about Eve?
Just give him my phone number. I'll tell him myself.
Just huddle in that doorway and wait?
Just incredible!
Just like that, eh?
Just like that.
Just name it.
Just one person, isn't that so?
Just refer all of Miss Eve Harrington's future requests to me.
Just shut up about Eve. That's all I want.
Just something to do till the aisles get cleared.
Just that alone is worth anything.
Just that she'll be happy to do what she can to see that I play it.
Just the four of us. Bill, Margo, you and I.
Just when does an actress decide...
Karen and I were just chatting.
Karen, let me tell you about Eve. She's got everything. A born actress.
Keep your eye on her. Don't let her get lonely. She's a loose lamb in a jungle.
Kids' stuff or not. It doesn't happen every day and I wanna hear it!
Kill the people.
Ladies and gentlemen, for distinguished achievement in the theater...
Leave the door open a bit... so we can talk.
Let me say only that I am proud and happy...
Let the rest of the world beat their brains out for a buck.
Let's have a minimum of pretending. I shall want to do a column about you.
Let's not get overdramatic.
Life goes where she goes. She's been profiled, covered, revealed, reported...
Lights on dimmers and gypsy violins offstage.
Like a nylon lemon peel.
Like a salted peanut.
Like I just swam the English Channel. Now what?
Like opening out of town, but terrifying. There's nothing you can do.
Like she's studying you.
Like some magic perfume.
Like waves of love coming over the footlights and wrapping you up.
Like you was a play, or a book, or a set of blueprints.
Listen, Junior, and learn.
Little Nell from the country? Been my understudy for a week without me knowing it!
Lloyd always said that in the theater a lifetime was a season and a season a lifetime.
Lloyd and I.
Lloyd and I. There's no telling how far we can go.
Lloyd and Max finally won him over.
Lloyd loves me. I love him.
Lloyd may leave Karen, but he will not leave Karen for you.
Lloyd never got around to asking...
Lloyd Richards, do not consider giving that contemptible little worm the part of Cora!
Lloyd Richards.
Lloyd says it's a publicity release.
Lloyd says Margo compensates for underplaying on stage by overplaying reality.
Lloyd, I want you to be big about this.
Lloyd, I'm not 20 ish. I'm not 30 ish.
Lloyd, we've got to go!
Lloyd, will you promise not to be angry with me?
Lloyd! Please.
Lloyd. I never have any.
Look closely, Eve. It's time you did.
Looks like I'm going to have a fancy party.
Lots of actresses come from Brooklyn. Barbara Stanwyck and Susan Hayward.
Mademoiselle, je vous remercie pour I'invitation.
Madill fix it in the morning.
Mansfield's voice filled this room.
Many happy returns of the day.
Many of the audience understandably preferred to return another time to see Margo.
Many of your guests are wondering when they may be permitted to view the body.
Margo and Bill want us to meet them at the Cub Room tonight after the theater.
Margo and I were having lunch at 21...
Margo Channing in the Cub Room.
Margo Channing is a star of the theater.
Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care... she kept saying.
Margo has to realize what's attractive on stage need not be attractive off.
Margo hasn't done badly by it.
Margo is a great star. A true star.
Margo just doesn't miss performances. If she can walk, crawl or roll, she plays.
Margo never came to rehearsal. Too much to do around the house, she said.
Margo, Bill is all of eight years younger than you.
Margo, I have lived in the theater as a Trappist monk lives in his faith.
Margo, tell me what's behind all this.
Margo, this is Eve Harrington.
Margo, what a wonderful surprise!
Margo, you by any chance haven't got any bicarbonate of soda in the house?
Margo, you haven't got any age.
Margo, you've got to see her. She worships you. It's like something out of a book.
Margo. Margo, I want you to know how sorry I am about this.
Margo's great. She knows it, that's the trouble.
Margo's interview with a reporter from the South.
Max has gone to a lot of trouble. This is going to be an elaborate party and it's for you.
Max is paying for it. He and Lloyd had a terrific row, but Lloyd insisted.
Max, Karen's decided it's time to go.
Max, you sly puss.
Max! Mon vieux!
May I be so bold as to say something?
May I come in?
May we never be farther apart.
Maybe get some younger actress? Someone who'd look the part as well as play it?
Maybe just a little around the edges.
Maybe somebody's name is Butler.
Meanwhile, would you check about the hors d'oeuvres, Eve?
Meet Max Fabian.
Merchandise laying all over the shop.
Minor awards are for such as the writer and director...
Miss Caswell got lucky too late. The audition is over.
Miss Caswell is where I can lend no support, moral or otherwise.
Miss Channing is ageless. Spoken like a press agent.
Miss Channing should be happy to hear that.
Miss Channing, I can't tell you how glad I am that you arrived so late.
Miss Channing?
Miss Harrington knows all about it.
Miss Harrington's resting, Mr. DeWitt. She asked me to see who it is.
Mm hm!
Mm hm.
More than any two people I know, I don't want you and Lloyd to be angry with me.
More than anything in this world, I love Bill. And I want Bill.
More time to relax in the fresh air at a racetrack.
Mr. Sampson's birthday, I couldn't forget that. You'd never forgive me.
Mrs. Richards?
Mrs. Richards?
Mrs. Richards? You won't forget, will you? What we talked about before?
My heart is here in the theater...
My name is Addison DeWitt.
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