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Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise Title: Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987) – A Classic '80s Comedy

Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise

Title: Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987) – A Classic '80s Comedy

Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise is a comedy film released in 1987, directed by Joe Roth. Serving as a sequel to the popular 1984 film Revenge of the Nerds, it follows the adventures of a group of socially awkward college students, known as nerds, as they embark on a wild summer vacation in Florida. This slapstick comedy explores the classic nerds vs. jocks dynamic while showcasing hilarious and endearing characters. Whether you've seen the movie or not, let's dive into the details!

To appreciate the film's comedic brilliance, understanding the key characters is crucial. Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise features:

1. Lewis Skolnick (Played by Robert Carradine):
The intelligent and determined leader of the nerds. Lewis uses his wits to overcome obstacles but is often overshadowed by his friend Gilbert.

2. Gilbert Lowell (Played by Anthony Edwards):
A loyal friend and fellow nerd who has a knack for technology. Gilbert's knowledge of computers often comes in handy during their adventures.

3. Dudley "Booger" Dawson (Played by Curtis Armstrong):
Known for his unhygienic habits, Booger stands out amongst the nerds. His witty one-liners and eccentric behavior provide much of the film's comic relief.

4. Stan Gable (Played by Ted McGinley):
The head of the Alpha Betas fraternity and the nerds' main antagonist. Stan exhibits the stereotypical jock persona while leading his group in constantly harassing the nerds.

5. Betty Childs (Played by Julie Montgomery):
A sorority sister who develops a romantic connection with Lewis. Their relationship helps bridge the divide between nerds and the popular crowd.

6. U.N. Jefferson (Played by Bernie Casey):
A friendly and influential businessman who supports the nerds and helps them stand up for their rights. U.N. Jefferson becomes a mentor to Lewis and his friends.

Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise takes the misfit nerds on an exciting journey to the sunny shores of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. After winning a national college competition, Lewis, Gilbert, Booger, and the rest of the Tri-Lambs fraternity set out for a well-deserved vacation. But little do they know, a new challenge awaits them.

Upon arrival, they discover the Alpha Betas fraternity, led by Stan Gable, have organized a regional fraternity conference, where all the top houses compete. Determined to prove themselves against the popular jocks, the nerds decide to enter the competition.

The nerds struggle to overcome the numerous obstacles thrown their way. However, with the guidance of U.N. Jefferson, they devise clever methods to achieve their goals. From performing outrageous talent acts to outsmarting their rivals, they use their intellect to outshine their adversaries while forging unlikely alliances with other outcasts.

Amidst their quest for victory, Lewis finds himself falling for Betty Childs, Stan's ex-girlfriend. This budding romance acts as a symbol of the film's underlying message: that no matter the differences, people from disparate groups can find common ground and cultivate meaningful connections.

Musicality and Downloads:
While Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise is primarily a comedy film, it does feature a catchy soundtrack that adds to the experience. The '80s vibe is conspicuous throughout, with songs like "We Are the Champions" by Queen and "To Be a Lover" by Billy Idol gracing the film's soundtrack.

To fully immerse yourself in the nerdy '80s charm, you can enjoy and download the soundtrack on various platforms, such as iTunes, Spotify, or Amazon Music. Feel the energy and transport yourself back to the vibrant era of big hair, bold fashion, and unforgettable tunes!

Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise is a cult classic comedy that captures the essence of '80s humor and camaraderie. Its well-developed characters, witty dialogue, and entertaining plot make it a must-watch for fans of the original film, as well as anyone seeking an enjoyable and lighthearted viewing experience.

The movie beautifully portrays the transformation of the nerds from outcasts to heroes, demonstrating that intelligence and perseverance can triumph over external appearances or societal expectations.

To relive the nerds' hilarious escapades, make sure to watch Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise and dive into the colorful world of the Tri-Lambs fraternity. And don't forget to check out the film's soundtrack to accompany your nostalgia-filled journey into the '80s!

Please note, playing and downloading sounds may require appropriate licensing or access to authorized platforms.
A boner!
A felon.
A great group of guys,
A little to the right.
A nose picking pervert.
A virgin's a terrible thing to waste.
Aah! aah!
Aah! aah!
Aah! aah!
Aah! aah! aah!
Aah! aah! aah!
Aah! aah! The window! The window!
Aah! there he goes!
About the way i treated the tri lambs.
Absolutely nothing.
According to the bylaws of The United fraternities,
According to this,
Actually, I'm feeling pretty stupid.
Actually, you could use my car.
Affecting your allergies?
Ah! oh!
Ah. ah. ah. ah.
Ahh, now, my son,
All representatives qualified to represent represented organizations
All right, rog!
All right!
All right!
All right!
All right. But that doesn't excuse it.
All those in favor of expelling the lambdas,
All those in favor...
All we gotta do is find them.
All we have to do is explain
And a headwind of 14.7 knots,
And an Einstein's brains.
And bald guys Harry.
And deionized the seawater
And don't forget the whipped cream.
And english speaking universities
And extend it outward.
And factor out the constants,
And I think they're right.
And if we take cross variables
And in your...
And is rendered moot.
And now,
And now...
And over here is the wonderful sauna.
And over here, this is your room,
And put this joint amendment to a vote.
And really loud, too.
And see how small
And that's how we won the Greek Council.
And the nerds will be packing.
And the prowess of a Skolnick.
And their national charter revoked.
And then they gave you their suite?
And there's nothing you or your geek friends
And this is an important dream.
And this is tamu, mamu, and shamu.
And to terminate its national charter.
And to the left is the coke...Machine.
And to uphold the values
And we never will be.
And will be voted on tomorrow's ballot.
And you are pathetic.
And you can be a big screw up.
And, uh...Sunny...
And...i don't know... Show them a good time.
Anxiety makes me flatulent.
Anything at all?
Anything you want, admiral.
Anything's possible.
Are allowed by law their rightful place.
Are any of those our waiter?
Are going to be so proud of us.
Are we ready with the ceremonial punch?
Are we, guys?
Are you finished?
Are you ok, sir?
Are you saying I'm some kind of weenie
Are you sure
Are you with the special group from Adams college?
As many of you already know,
As soon as I make this brief announcement.
Asha ha Kai es nahu shahu laha!
At least we're home.
At least you guys got rid of those geeks.
At one time or another,
At the conference tomorrow.
At the convention
At this convention.
Augment existing academic standards
Awesome, Booger.
Back off!
Be careful.
Be it now resolved that all fraternities shall
Beautiful girls?
Beautiful. wow. yo.
Because I'm strong and you're weak.
Before we close this convention.
Before we vote,
Before you really make me mad!
Before you taught me to fight.
Believe in yourself
Between the tri lambs and the alphas
Big trouble!
Booger, come here, man.
Booger, Lewis has a problem.
Booger! Booger!
Boy, this is great.
Boy, you're a strong swimmer.
Boys, our ship has come in.
But from the soul.
But how?
But I'm not staying in that cabin anymore.
But in ratio to neurons in the parietal lobe.
But it's out of my hands.
But let me talk to my manager, Mr. mussinger.
But poin
But there's something I've gotta do about it.
But they need someone
But they're men, too, sort of.
But we just wanted you guys to know how sorry we were.
But you guys can really party. We were impressed.
Buzz is an Alpha, like me.
Buzz, relax.
By being arrested on a charge of Grand Theft Auto.
By such misguided deeds as the alphas are guilty of,
Bye bye.
C o m
Call me rog.
Can do or say about it.
Can I borrow your Mike?
Can i get you a drink or something?
Can you introduce me?
Can't shake these guys.
Can't you forgive me?
Ch ch
Chairman of The United fraternity council.
Check this out.
Check. check. check.
Check. check. check.
Cherry or menthol?
Christ, there could be a nuclear war.
College was drinking beer, playing football, and getting laid.
Come here, Stewart.
Come here.
Come on, Booger. Wormser!
Come on, daddy.
Come on, get him out here.
Come on, guys, admit it!
Come on, guys!
Come on, let's go.
Come on, Lewis.
Come on, men. Follow me.
Come on, please, sunny.
Come on, take a closer look.
Come on, worm.
Come on, you geek. Carry this thing.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on! Swim faster!
Come on.
Come on.
Come up to the podium, please?
Coming right off!
Comprende, dick head?
Comstock, yes, Jeffrey and Helen.
Confirm it, Poindexter.
Cool down.
Could be our ticket out.
Could date anybody she wanted in the entire state of Florida.
Could destroy the tri lambs.
Could Lewis Skolnick,
Couldn't even get in fraternities.
Damn Alpha betas.
Damn race is going off in half an hour.
Dear brethren,
Debbie, there's plenty of room.
Did you forget everything
Did you hear that? We're VIPs.
Didn't I just see
Disgraced itself yesterday
Do I hear a second?
Do the lambdas have anything to say
Do we really need a room?
Do you guys mind if i sit around here?
Do you have the liquid?
Do you mind? I'm cursing.
Do you realize
Do you,
Don't ask me. It's your dream.
Don't even get me started.
Don't even think about it.
Don't forget the blueberries and cream.
Don't get down on yourself.
Don't go anywhere!
Don't go away.
Don't worry. We'll be gone in no time.
Don't you get it?
Don't you understand?
Don't you understand? Don't you get the message?
Down the hall
Earlier, I erred in my judgment.
Edgar poe wong.
Enjoy the rest of your stay.
Enough of the hugging!
Even on a deserted island,
Every man in this tub has been petrified
Everybody knows glial cells aren't measured in quantity,
Everyone, can I have your attention, please?
Excuse me, miss.
Excuse me, miss.
Excuse me?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Exists simultaneously
Fellas, get him.
Fellas, he's history.
Fellas, relax.
Finishing college from jail.
Fire law.
First, we have to determine our location.
For doing nothing!
For stealing my car.
For what?
Fort Lauderdale men's club, right?
Fraternally yours, Roger lattimore."
Fred c. Dobbs.
Frederico Rodriguez?
Fredrick aloysius polowatsky,
From Castro during bay of pigs.
From the conference
Fuck you. Who died and made you god?
Full recreation facilities,
Gee, those are big ones.
Geek alert at 3:00.
General Rodriguez stole some military supplies
Gentlemen, awaken!
Gentlemen, wet nightie contest poolside in five minutes.
Get it? So get your ass back to work.
Get out of town!
Get some chips, Poindexter.
Get those nerds out.
Get your hands up!
Gilbert, Jefferson, all our brothers
Gilbert, stick to the subject.
Gilbert's my best friend,
Given our travel time
Glial cells?
Go ahead. Go ahead.
Go, baby!
God, Gilbert, i really wish you were here.
God, Gilbert! God!
God, you know, rog, we must be dreaming!
God. wow.
Good shot.
Good. who's the trainee?
Gosh darn it to heck.
Grand Theft Auto.
Great minds, huh?
Guilty of illegal or improper conduct
Guys like Roger ask you out all the time.
Guys like Roger barely have enough glial cells
Guys, come on! Beer run!
Guys, it's just a joke.
Guys, ogre's drowning.
Guys, this is gonna be a blast!
Guys, we're thirsty. You want to get us some brewski?
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha! Ya ha ha!
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.
Ha ha!
Ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Ha ha! Hey, guys!
Ha ha.
Ha ha.
Ha ha. Oh, my!
Ha. it doesn't always work.
Hablo ingles?
Hallways. hallways.
Hands up!
Harold! Harold!
Have a good time, ok?
Have a nice swim!
Have fun with the geeks!
He can straighten this out.
He got dropped on a deserted island
He hid them on his island.
He needs our help. Come on.
He set them up!
Hear, hear, fellas.
Heaven awaits!
Hello again. Hi. Yo.
Hello, Lewis.
Help me!
Help! help!
Henceforth, any fraternity
Here is the beautiful olympic size swimming pool.
Here you are, fellas. It's all yours.
Here you go, dad.
Here's a problem
Here's to the last of the nerds.
Hey, Boog, let's go.
Hey, Booger!
Hey, Gilbert.
Hey, guys, have a nice time!
Hey, guys, how's it goin'?
Hey, guys, it's Gilbert!
Hey, guys.
Hey, guys...
Hey, nerd!
Hey, Poindexter, she got a sister?
Hey, rog. Lewis Skolnick.
Hey, sunny!
Hey, you guys!
Hey, you missed a spot!
Hey! we got a problem here!
Hey. we wanna hear
Hi, Lewis.
Hi, rog!
Hi, sunny.
Hi! [crash]
His dick really is, right?
Hit it, boys.
Hit it!
Hit the switch!
Hit the switch!
Hit the switch.
Hit the switch.
Hit the switch.
Hitchhiking five hours without a ride!
Hola, mi hijo.
Hold it, hold it, fellas.
Holy shit!
Hope you like living with fish!
How are you going to vote?
How did you get here?
How did you get money for bail?
How do you know that?
How far is Daytona beach from Fort Lauderdale?
How long they've been listening.
How was doing hard time?
How we outsmarted them,
How's your stroke?
I actually believed her.
I agree. Let's torch their hotel.
I am the newest member
I am.
I am.
I believe in you.
I can take care of anything.
I can't believe this.
I can't swim!
I can't swim!
I can't wait to tell everybody
I carried you this far.
I did?
I didn't sleep last night.
I do!
I don't care what kind of convention the hotel has.
I don't date that much.
I don't get it.
I don't intend to sleep with another woman
I don't intend to sleep...
I don't know about this.
I don't know about you, but I'm not giving up.
I don't know how long you'll be here.
I don't know if I can lead these guys.
I don't know what the hell i was thinking.
I don't know what will.
I don't know, but there's a lot.
I don't know, rog.
I don't know, tiny. What?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't want nerds staying in this hotel.
I don't want these nerds hangin' around my hotel.
I don't want to wake up.
I don't.
I find this really insulting.
I found a cable!
I got a job for you.
I got beer!
I got it. It's so simple.
I got to buy this girl a drink.
I got to go drain the lizard.
I got to go, Gilbert.
I got you some more reading material.
I gotta get out of here.
I guess I underestimated these guys.
I guess I'm a screw up.
I guess the lambdas don't feel
I guess you got fired.
I have a job for you.
I heard you guys couldn't get a room.
I hereby propose the following constitutional amendment
I hope not.
I hope so.
I ionized the coconut milk
I know a thing or two about computers.
I know it must be kind of overwhelming.
I know that.
I know you're acting like a weenie.
I know, and I'm a little shocked.
I liked her.
I love you!
I love you!
I mean i have to work.
I mean I've never...
I mean you
I mean, look at us!
I mean, they're nerds,
I play the violin.
I said, who decides the standards?
I saved your life!
I say we fight back now.
I second it!
I squirted on you.
I studied hard this year.
I swear i didn't know!
I swear I didn't know.
I swear I'll always be proud
I think I'm gonna cry.
I think it's an invitation to a party.
I think they're gonna sacrifice a virgin.
I think you should apologize!
I thought because they were having a hard
I thought I fired you!
I thought I heard power tools.
I thought i was gonna die.
I thought maybe you guys could take them out
I thought this would be another
I thought we were getting rid of them.
I turned out just fine... A hotel manager.
I want to order a case.
I want you to be careful.
I was dreaming about three naked girls.
I was thinking, "this beautiful girl likes you."
I wish I had some hexadol.
I woke up.
I would like to speak in our defense.
I'll be in touch!
I'll bet. I wish i could help you,
I'll call you a cab.
I'll do it if you want to hit the beach early.
I'll give you the Mike
I'll help.
I'll show you if you wanna see.
I'll take care of the rest.
I'll take you to your plane
I'm a little clogged.
I'm a little nervous.
I'm a polyglot.
I'm aldonsa, your hostess.
I'm drowning!
I'm fine.
I'm fine. Is my hair ok?
I'm gettin' an idea here.
I'm getting the hell out.
I'm going home, where I can not get laid in peace.
I'm gonna buy her a drink.
I'm gonna die!
I'm gonna kill you guys!
I'm in no mood for this!
I'm just going to cook you your lunch.
I'm just your image of Gilbert.
I'm looking for my homeboys.
I'm not paying you to think,
I'm not really the cool dude I seem to be.
I'm really sorry i snapped at you guys.
I'm Roger lattimore,
I'm so young!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Your rooms have been given to someone else.
I'm speaking facetiously.
I'm the guy everyone wants to be like,
I'm the only guy in the world
I'm trying! I'm trying!
I'm very, very sorry.
I've already spotted your problem.
I've been ignorant and proud.
I've never been so humiliated
Iave Maria!
If I could just interject for a second here.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
If she didn't care.
If she doesn't like you for who you are,
If she's got a brother...
If that's the law, then...
If this doesn't get a crowd,
If we can just have a little order...
If you believe in yourself,
If you need anything,
If you tell them that,
If your calculations are correct.
In a major way.
In all my life.
In Fort Lauderdale's 72 degrees.
In hanging around this dump any longer.
In my day, butt wipes like that
In my never ending series of poundings.
In their defense?
Infinite smallness?
Intruders must leave seminole country.
Is taking care of the customers.
Is that along with infinite space,
Isn't there anything you can do?
It doesn't matter anymore.
It doesn't matter that we're good dressers
It doesn't matter what they think.
It doesn't pertain to you.
It is.
It was mine, so i hope nobody was hurt...
It worked!
It's all r oh, Lewis
It's been so trying.
It's crude, but it might work.
It's getting cold on the beach.
It's gonna be a bit inconvenient
It's gonna give us away.
It's important that we stay here.
It's just a little evidence.
It's located 26 degrees, 4 minutes north, longitude,
It's not gonna do any good
It's not the drinks. It's us.
It's not too late.
It's party time!
It's really cool of you to take the blame.
It's really very sad.
It's stroke technique.
It's the nerds. They're back and they're bad.
It's too incredible.
Jesus h. Christ!
Jesus! anybody know how to say
Just a little to the left.
Just get in the Van.
Just like my crabs.
Just my freaking luck.
Just our luck we get here during a drum solo.
Just us three.
Kick it up to 37. Let's live dangerously.
Kick it!
Kind of a bummer, huh?
Knock 'em dead.
Lambda Lambda lamda, Adams.
Last year, we were messed with.
Leading up to this embarrassing, awkward moment.
Let me get someone who can help you.
Let me go, you fruit!
Let me out, you crazy maniac!
Let's find some wood.
Let's get out of here!
Let's go finish these geeks off.
Let's go kill them.
Let's go, fellas.
Let's go!
Let's keep it our little secret.
Let's kill 'em.
Let's look for it, guys.
Let's officially bury the hatchet
Lewis Lewis
Lewis is right. Are we mice or men?
Lewis Skolnick.
Lewis, I don't think those guys are Indians.
Lewis, I hate to use "party" as a verb,
Lewis, I know you.
Lewis, I'd like the record here today to reflect
Lewis, use your brain.
Lewis, wait!
Lewis, you must be crazy to think we'll stay here.
Lewis, you stud, you!
Lewis, you're a born leader.
Like they call redheaded guys blondie,
Like this?
Lipsey, you dipshit.
Listen, butt face!
Listen, I'm just a trainee,
Listen, rog,
Listen, you geek!
Look at that.
Look at the size of those coconuts!
Look at this pathetic bunch of losers.
Look, honey. Nerds.
Look, just do your job, will you?
Looking at women like that!
Looks like you got us instead.
Lots of problems, sir,
Make it quick.
Make some noise!
Man overboard!
May I help you, sir?
May I see your tickets?
Maybe i could help you.
Maybe the alphas aren't such bad guys.
Maybe we should build a fire.
Me, sir.
Me, sir. Excuse me.
Motion is carried.
Move your butts!
Mr. lattimore will explain it to you.
Mr. mussinger?
Mr. Skolnick! Did you find a place to stay?
Muerde mi manubrio, por favor.
Must be check out time.
Must burn clothes and chant...
Must meet such physical standards
My blouse!
My friends wouldn't have done that.
My god, what happened?
My name's Dudley Dawson.
My son.
My statement will be brief.
Nah. if we were dreaming, I'd have a boner.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Namaho rehekiyo.
Needs 13.8 volts.
Needs our help.
Nice day.
Nice job, Poindexter.
Night, guys.
No more nerds!
No more nerds!
No more nerds!
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