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Gemini Man Gemini Man is an action-packed science fiction film released in 2019. Directed by Ang Lee, this mind-bending movie

Gemini Man

Gemini Man is an action-packed science fiction film released in 2019. Directed by Ang Lee, this mind-bending movie takes audiences on a thrilling journey filled with adrenaline-pumping moments and awe-inspiring visual effects. The film stars Will Smith in dual roles as elite assassin Henry Brogan and a younger clone of himself, known as Junior. Additionally, the talented cast includes Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Danny Zakarweski, a fellow operative, and Clive Owen as Clay Varris, the head of a top-secret government agency.

As the story unfolds, audiences are captivated by the intense battles between Brogan and his clone, showcasing cutting-edge CGI technology and mesmerizing action sequences. The duality of Smith's performances truly shines as he portrays both the seasoned veteran and the youthful version of himself.

If you want to get fully immersed in the thrilling soundscape of Gemini Man, you can play and download the original soundtrack online. With its mesmerizing score and powerful sound effects, it's the perfect way to relive the excitement of this action-packed cinematic adventure.
A Doctor? Lawyer?
A friend.
A lot of guys can shoot, Dell.
A path to mass produciton.
A perfect version of you?
A real soldier doesn't doubt, right?
A toast.
About 12 years old, he moved you up to deer.
About to squeeze the trigger.
Adios mother fucker.
Affirmative, keep me posting, Clay.
After he left the military, he started Gemini and tried to hire us.
Agency does a lot of business with them.
Agent Zakarweski is not a part of this.
All 3 came back identical.
All as good as you.
All of 'em studs.
All the boats have dupe keys in the office, right?
All units, go back, immediately!
All you'd really need is a surrogate mother and a DNA sample.
Alright, 4.
Alright, I'll see you at 7.
Alright, look.
Alright, two rooms will be fine.
Alright, well.
Also not my call, she's working for the Inspector General, not me.
Always believed
Amazing work.
An atrocities.
And all the things this job gives you the excuse not to be.
And at that moment, the world makes perfect sense.
And even when it does, it attacks you with nightmares.
And for the record.
And get rid of your phone. Now.
And happy retirement.
And he didn't know about your fear of...
And he knew one day I was gonna get old and then you'd step in.
And I always hated it.
And I believed that.
And I have not killed you
And I know that it's telling you that something about the job
And I love you.
And I think every time she looked at me, she just saw him.
And I'd actually like to make some of those mistakes myself.
And if they get a clean shot at their target through an appartment window
And Junior?
And look what we created.
And mackerel.
And me, by Gemini.
And never really trying at anything mean you deserve it?
And not that it matters, but his sparrow shot in Virginia
And now you have met the fruits of their labor.
And of all the people in the world to come after me why would he send you?
And pretty big on serving our country.
And stop for your decaf soy latte with an extra shot by 6:42.
And the face?
And the lab guys,
And the rest of those men went down in Savannah.
And then had to man up and raise me.
And then I drowned.
And then overcome it.
And then there's the doubts.
And this wasn't even a mistake.
And those are the worst.
And we checked, there are no more clones.
And why was I sent to kill him?
And you believed him?
And you bring him off.
And you don't let him go.
And you going to tell me that's better?
And you gonna break something inside of yourself.
And you're just a weapon.
And you're still asleep.
And you're the only one.
Any luck?
Any of these ring a true?
Anybody tell you why they wanted him dead?
Anyway, sorry.
Apparently, you got pretty good credit.
Are the missile.
Are we shipping to the same place?
Are you DIA?
Are you familiar with the quartz chamber at the catacombs?
Are you gonna call those goons off now?
Are you sure about this?
Are you sure?
Are you with Brogan?
Armor's weak at the joints. Eyes and neck are the kill shots.
As if I were...
As in, same person.
As long as I was alive somehow,
As much as any father ever loved any kid.
As the terrorists that we're trying to kill.
As they say in your country.
Back off!
Bad habits. I don't trust people easily.
Baron and I served under Verris in the Marines:
Baron tour is here to pick up Brogan.
Beats a bunker in Mogadishu.
Beautiful little girl.
Because I'm the best.
Because I'm your favorite experiment?
Because what if somebody actually saw who you are?
Because you did let them try to kill me.
Because you said he was a Russian terrorist.
Because you were a warrior.
Bee venom.
Before we begin, I must confess.
Before we go any further, I'm going to need you to strip.
Before you try to kill me again, consider this.
Believe me, I keep track.
Besides, he wants me.
Bio terrorist.
Blessed with great gifts to defend the weak.
Blow up his lab.
Boilermaker is a cop drink. You got cops in your family?
Both of us.
Both of you to come back.
Bowl of cereals hungry?
Boy, you better hope you look like me in 30 years.
Breathe, Henry.
But 1% sucks, doesn't it?
But Americans, it hurts your feelings.
But can I ask you something?
But Dormov wanted soldiers to be stronger, smarter.
But he couldn't stop the noise.
But he's our best shot in getting to Verris.
But I absolutely will if I have to.
But I didn't.
But I was aiming at his head.
But I was an orphan, right?
But I'm certain I'll find a big ol' fold on Henry Brogan.
But I'm going to shoot you.
But I'm sure you don't either.
But she thought that diplomatic approach made more sense.
But still alive?
But still you get tired,
But sub optimital as a soldier.
But terrified to let anybody near you.
But the reason you are here
But the younger, less mature version, maybe.
But what if he tries gas?
But you gonna tell me.
But you never seen me notice so we just keep going.
But you suffer from insomnia, your mind never lets you sleep.
But, that doesn't mean I want to see you drink yourself to death.
By himself.
By the time I left, I had medals on the chest.
Cab was a smart move.
Call this burner.
Can I buy you a drink?
Can I talk to him?
Can you take us to him?
Can't do this.
Car number 6, we are moving.
Catch you later.
Cause I know Mr. Verris very well.
Caution is kept me alive.
Civilian in play.
Civilian would've told me to piss off.
Clay Junior.
Clay Verris takes me out on this boat for 5 miles.
Clay Verris, I need your units to stand down.
Clay Verris.
Clay's little experiment was incomplete.
Clayton Verris is playing God with DNA.
Cloning program is history.
Come here.
Come on man, I'll be fine.
Come on, I know a good place for lunch.
Come on, just think. Does that make any sense to you?
Come on, listen.
Come on!
Come on!
Coming and getting me in Georgia when you could've just run for your life.
Confirmed. Clear, code green.
Congrats on a promotion.
Contained? Henry Brogan?
Copy that.
Could have been yours.
Could I borrow your phone for 5 minutes
Dally the Sheep was cloned in '96.
Dance Instructors of America.
Danielle Zakarweski.
Danny, Baron.
Danny, meet the Baron.
Darkness neutralizes his biggest strength, enclosed court favors you, right?
Decaf soy latte, an extra shot for Janet?
Deep down it's like...
Defence Clandestine Services.
Delete it.
Did he have something to do with Gemini?
Did Patterson send you to surveil me?
Did they show you a picture of me?
Did you deserve it?
Did you ever have a kid?
Did you get a look at his face?
Did you notice anything funny about him?
Didn't love being stuck on a tin can with couple of hundreds sailors, though.
Do it.
Do not go home, do not go to your girl's house.
Do not use ATM. Go somewhere where nobody knows you.
Do they understand the rules of engagement, or, just...
Do you have a burn bag?
Do you have an asset in place?
Do you know how that made me feel?
Do you know how to light one of those?
Do you trust me?
Do you understand that?
Do you want to go to your bosses?
Do you?
Doctors or scientists, not...
Does being angry and stupid
Does he do this at home?
Does this person have a name?
Don't doubt, Junior.
Don't even think about sending anybody else.
Don't hate it
Don't move.
Don't shoot him!
Don't shoot him!
Don't shoot me.
Don't you "yeah, yeah" me, young man.
Don't you feel pain?
Don't you think your country deserves
Dormov got scared, reached out to me.
Dormov, the guy that you had me popped on the train.
Dragging your ass around the track every morning like I do.
Drop it!
Drop it! I will shoot you!
Dumped me at a fire station.
Dying to be in a relationship and connect,
Embraced it.
Enjoy your latte.
Epinephrine antihistamine.
Especially anybody from the DIA.
Even know when my birthday was?
Ever since I was about 12 years old.
Every night you stand in front of your huge living room window,
Every trigger I've ever pulled.
Everybody back to one.
Everybody hates cilantro.
Everything and everybody you've ever known.
Everything that we worked for is at stake thanks to your failures.
Except I was smart enough to move 1500 miles away.
Excuse me, I'm trying to talk to myself over here.
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
Family reunion, very sweet.
Federal authorities have been notified and they en route.
Feeling the call of the sea?
File says you were 4 years in Navy "Fifth Fleet", Bahrain.
First time I've ever made any real friends.
First, tell me what you're doing here.
Fly on the coffin. 21 gun salute.
For getting you into this.
For leaving Baron's appartment, so I wouldn't be a target.
For now, you can hold up to my place at Cartagena.
For what?
For years, we tried to lure him back.
Found something I was really, really good at.
Friends being sent home in a pine box.
From a man who transferred a $1000 into my Featherqueen account
From me.
From the other side.
Fuck you.
Funny coincidence, he was just here.
Gas mask and night vision, very smart.
Gemini will handle this.
Get above of that chair, you will be AMF'ed.
Get down!
Get dressed.
Get dressed. We're taking a ride.
Get off! Get off!
Get out of the way!
Get out of there, now!
Get up. Go.
Ghost with a gun.
Give it to me.
Go ahead.
Go dogs.
Go to the bus station, get a ticket, in cash.
Going to turn him in? They not going to try him.
Good morning.
Good to see you.
Good too, I bet.
Goodbye, Clay.
Got your appliences requested.
Great work in there.
Grow a conscious.
Guess this was supposed to be your birthday or something that.
Guess you really didn't want me to retire.
Guy cracked.
Guy on a motorcycle.
Hands up!
He agreed to sit with us.
He chose me cause there's never been anybody like me,
He deserves better than a missile shot into his car, pop.
He fished me out, pat on my chest.
He has Dormov's contact.
He is very good.
He is you.
He is you.
He just, he looks so much like you. I thought he had to be your son, so I...
He knew every move of mine before I made it.
He knows you lied to him.
He lured Dormov to the west, funded his lab.
He made you
He must be stopped.
He must be terrified.
He owes me.
He told you to lean into your fear.
He told you you were an orphan.
He was a good man.
He was a weapon.
He was born with that too.
He was on his way to Yemen.
He won't be happy, but he won't cross me, he'll fall in line.
He'd be gone.
He'd be remembered as a hero.
He's been lying to you the whole time.
He's gonna pull on that thread until he's pointing a gun at our faces.
He's got a big heart, like you.
He's not going to surrender.
He's one of mine.
He's telling you the truth.
He's the best.
He's the mirror you don't want to look into, Henry.
He's untouchable.
He's your clone.
Head now to Preachers Point?
Helen Jackson Brogan.
Hello, Janet.
Henry Brogan is like any other soldier.
Henry can shoot long distance, but he can't shoot that long.
Henry is DIA, Clay.
Henry, can you breathe?
Henry, has this ever happened to you before?
Henry, Henry, can you breathe?
Henry, I regret my lack of candor, but listen...
Henry, try to breathe.
Henry, we can fix this. I swear, but I need
Henry, why are you retiring?
Henry, you're okay! Thank God!
Henry's just landed there.
Her safety is non negotiable.
Here are the samples.
Here's to the next war
Hey brother.
Hey Danny, I'm Henry.
Hey, drop!
Hey, excuse me.
Hey, hey.
Hey, hey.
Hey, sir.
Hey, Toast.
Hey, where's Jerry?
Hey! Hey!
Hi, this is Jack, I'm sailing.
His name is "$1000 into my Featherquin account".
His place is going to be taken by someone with parents.
Hold the elevator position.
How are you going to see your own tripwire on the way out?
How bad is that?
How could they love you?
How did he start you?
How do I contact with you?
How do you know?
How do you think I know all of that?
How many did you bring?
How many more of me are running around out there?
How many more out there?
How many other times you do this to me, Dell?
How many rounds you got left?
How many times you spiked a file,
How much do you know about him?
How quickly can you get him to Budapest?
How the hell do you always know where we are?
How the hell does he know we're here?
How the hell you know about that?
How's that even possible?
Hunting birds, rabbit?
Husband, father.
I am sure they'd love to hear about our little rogue project.
I am talking about those 3 o'clock in the morning
I am trying to make you a man!
I AMF'ed him in Liège.
I beg you pardon?
I blew that one.
I brush, I floss. I work hard.
I can handle this.
I can see that now.
I can't stop them.
I could have killed you on the roof.
I counted 3.
I did what a coward would do.
I didn't feel the shot.
I didn't have to think about that, it was instinct.
I didn't see any.
I do love getting me some bad guys.
I do not want to kill you.
I do.
I don't give a shit how you know anything.
I don't have a father.
I don't know by who.
I don't know that, either.
I don't know why you're so angry, Henry?
I don't know, all I want to do now is
I don't know, it was...
I don't know, probably because science is so wicked boring.
I don't really know anymore.
I don't think so, I don't know.
I don't want to shoot you!
I doubt that.
I going to get some sleep, you too.
I got a message for you, ma'am.
I got emotional, tear fell.
I got him in his neck.
I got lucky.
I had to be sure.
I had to die, and you had to do it.
I had to get the hell out of there.
I hate to break up the party, but
I have admired your work for many years.
I have become this.
I have the trophy asset.
I heard they got big plans.
I hope I'm wrong.
I just can't believe that in 30 years I'm gonna look like
I just not gonna trust a new guy like I trust you.
I just want some peace.
I just want you to be careful.
I just...
I know his taste.
I know just the fellow. Give me a minute.
I know that you have one.
I know that.
I love the name you chose.
I love you, brother.
I love you, son.
I made sure of that.
I mean he can't throw a grenade without killing me too.
I mean you.. you'd really have to love the guy to do that.
I mean...
I mourn his death, like you.
I need to talk to him, Jack.
I need to talk to him.
I need you to get me to Budapest.
I need you to go with Baron some place safe.
I noticed he was very good.
I owe you $23.46.
I read his file.
I see you like to be thorough?
I should have cloned myself.
I swear on my son's life.
I think I know why is he as good as you, Henry.
I think Jack dead.
I thought I've made a mistake that I gave them two samples of the same person.
I thought you were on the roof.
I threw all of that away.
I told you to stay in Colombia and wait for orders.
I tread water for as long as I could.
I trusted you, Dell.
I want to be the one to tell him we're all BFFs now.
I wanted to go in there guns blazing.
I wanted to talk to you.
I was asking too much of you.
I was on the edge of my seat.
I was raised to respect my elders.
I was the one surveilling you.
I was there.
I was, he got a line on me, I had to jump down.
I was... I was impressed.
I watch a lot of Nat Geo.
I will not let you do hints on American soil.
I wish you hadn't.
I wish you luck.
I wonder how many people are buried down here.
I wonder how much you payed the custodian.
I would congratulate you
I would've had a kid.
I'd go with computer science.
I'd have him, right there, and... take the shot
I'll delete it, alright.
I'll delete it.
I'll make it look like a Russian hit.
I'll probably be sent somewhere else tomorrow.
I'll tell my team that Henry's gone rogue.
I'll tie this off.
I'm a big fan, what can I say?
I'm at my kids, goddamn, school!
I'm Danny.
I'm deathly allergic to bees.
I'm finding myself avoiding mirrors lately, so...
I'm fine.
I'm gonna be okay.
I'm gonna take that as a sign.
I'm guessing 19 or 20 years old,
I'm looking at charges, but
I'm not asking your permission.
I'm not you!
I'm not you!
I'm okay.
I'm really sorry, Henry.
I'm sorry, Henry.
I'm sorry, I can't allow that.
I'm sorry, I...
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I'm sorry, partner, but my Aztec doesn't have that kind of voyage.
I'm sorry, what is your name?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm trying to save you!
I'm working my way to grad school.
I've always liked Henry.
I've seen battle.
I've seen soldiers go over the edge because
If even half of what he's saying is true.
If he's that dangerous why don't you send a missile?
If I bury Janet, I can make a deal.
If I gave you a hundred bucks?
If I were you, which I sorta am,
If I'm 6 inches off
If it's inappropriate to do this sort of thing at home.
If something goes wrong duck.
If that's what you mean.
If they could clone a person.
If you knock out all the lights,
If you're okay,
IG called.
In 12 minutes, I'm putting 2 bullets in the back of her head.
In fact, we can race now.
In Panama, Kuwait, Somalia.
In Russia, you call that "Tuesday".
In the middle of Marvin Gaye song,
Is it possible that you could've had kid without knowing it?
Is Marino dead?
Is Patterson running you?
Is she with you?
Is that a good thing?
Is that what you recommend?
Is the guy you sent after me in Cartagena.
Is there more?
Is we share a common enemy.
Is when you're flat on your belly about to squeeze the trigger.
Is where Verris is.
It doesn't matter what he deserves, he has to die.
It doesn't matter, just run.
It makes me sick!
It means you're alert.
It should be truck here somewhere.
It was a necessary lie.
It was like I was seeing a ghost.
It wasn't me. None of this was me Henry, I swear it.
It's a pitty.
It's always been Junior.
It's been nice surveilling you.
It's coffee time.
It's complicated, but it's doable.
It's fear.
It's got both of us in.
It's like watching the Hindenburg crash into the Titanic.
It's me got full of things I didn't do in my DIA years.
It's my mother's name.
It's not every day you see a guy get his ass kicked on 2 continents
It's not gun time.
It's not like you got someone pregnant
It's shame to waste these gifts the second time around.
It's the only time I'm happy.
It's whole shit's been a little difficult.
It's your darkness, you had to walk through this on your own.
Jack Willis?
Jack's informer Yuri.
Janet Lassiter?
Jerry retired.
Jesus, Henry.
Jesus, the whole point of this thing.
Job is the job, ma'am.
Joined the Core.
Junior, I just want you safe.
Junior, this thing, that you are struggling with, this strangeness.
Just don't let yourself down.
Just fire that. Take command.
Just giving you options. Okay, right this way.
Just have to figure out how.
Just leave the crazy at home, please.
Just like you're doing.
Just outside Atlanta.
Just some guy. I'm on surveliance.
Just to make sure you got it.
Keep it up, you'll be the first person I've ever killed for free.
Kid, I know your inside out and backwards.
Kid, you take one step closer.
Killed 8 ops in a single night and his spotter.
Lean into it.
Leaning towards engineering.
Least I can do for you in...
Less profitable.
Less than perfect.
Let him go!
Let it go.
Let's not pretend otherwise.
Life goes on.
Like a ghost.
Like so many of my encounters, it was short, but sweet.
Look at me, dummy!
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at us!
Look, I just made a lot of mistakes when I was young.
Look, you're burnt.
Loose ends, yes?
Lovely courtyard.
Loving, dedicated, present father?
Made a decision.
Make it look like a Russian op.
Man, meet everybody else, look.
Marine biology.
Maybe a G?
Maybe you should have.
Maybe you're my darkness.
Met Clay Verris there.
Middle aged reprobate and best pilot I've ever known.
Might be the problem.
Minus your teeth.
Modified human DNA.
More of was being asked of them than they could give.
Most guys try flowers or a playlist they think I'll find romantic.
Move! Move!
Mr. Brogan?
Mr. Brogan.
Muds like Henry look born into be collateral damage.
Muscle, discipline.
My dad was FBI.
My man.
My orders are to kill you.
My soul was hurt.
Nah, that's new.
Name 3 buildings on a Darian Campus.
Need to be certain you're not wearing a wire.
Nelson Mandela couldn't kill a man on a moving train from 2 kilometers away.
Never had anybody try to kill me before.
Never, ever. This was the one off.
Next year we'll try Chuck E. Cheese.
Night, Toast.
No one will bother him. Ever.
No vet comes home with PTSD and kills himself.
No war.
No, because I'm your father and you need to listen to me.
No, I want to see your place.
No, I'm good.
No, I'm probably gonna spend the whole time apologising.
No, it's all good.
No, no wife, no kids, no Paris.
No, not exactly.
No, of course not. I would've told you.
No, thanks, my apartment is just right over there.
No, that's not what it was.
No, why?
No, you won't.
No, you...
No! Don't!
No. But you can.
No. You need Gemini.
Nobody's son, or daughter would ever have to die.
None of this shit is necessary!
Not a polite civilian.
Not a single demerit.
Not a soda, not today.
Not close, identical.
Not like I should have.
Not me, that's where the ghosts are.
Not much of a "live and let live" guy, I take it.
Not really, I saw him at the stairs through a dirty mirror.
Not this one.
Not voluntarily.
Nothing I can't handle.
Now I know you're DIA.
Now I'm burnt.
Now let's fight our way out of this thing.
Now thanks to you
Now you have 11 minutes.
Now, I have your agent with me against her will.
Now, if I thought the world needed another me
Now, like me, she is a patriot.
Now? Hell no.
Now. Try again.
Of all the shooters in the world, why would you send me?
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