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The X-Files - Season 1 The X-Files - Season 1, an iconic television series created by Chris Carter, captivated audiences when

The X-Files - Season 1

The X-Files - Season 1, an iconic television series created by Chris Carter, captivated audiences when it first aired in 1993. This science fiction, horror, and mystery series quickly became a cult classic for its unique blend of supernatural phenomena, government conspiracies, and thrilling investigations.

The show revolves around FBI special agents Fox Mulder, played by David Duchovny, and Dana Scully, portrayed by Gillian Anderson. Mulder is a firm believer in the existence of extraterrestrial life and paranormal activities, while Scully approaches the cases with skepticism, using her scientific background to seek rational explanations. This dynamic duo delves deep into a multitude of bizarre and intriguing cases known as the "X-Files."

The X-Files - Season 1 features a captivating ensemble cast, including Mitch Pileggi as their no-nonsense boss, Assistant Director Walter Skinner, and William B. Davis as the mysterious and enigmatic Cigarette Smoking Man.

If you are a fan of the show or simply curious about its iconic sounds, look no further. You can now play and download these captivating audio experiences right here. Immerse yourself in the eerie soundtrack and relive the spine-chilling moments of The X-Files - Season 1.
A boy in a coma for the last fouryears
A certain
A grey, metallic implant forming...
A lot ofpeople out here just looking around.
A man in D.C. warned me to stay away from this case.
A military U.F.O.?
A spacecraft's capabilities.
A week from Friday.
About the occult and...
About what happens?
Actually, I'm looking forward to working with you.
After escaping the hospital.
After graduating high school
Against the car! Hands on the car! Do it!
Agent Dana Scully.
Agent Mulder what are his thoughts?
Agent Mulder believes we are not alone.
Agent Mulder.
Aircraft can't maneuver like that.
All around it andjunk like that.
All my friends.
All ofthem died in or near the woods.
All we have is this.
Along with your observations on the validity ofthe work.
Am I missing something here?
An animal bite, electrocution.
An investigation.
And a full genetic work up.
And a presence in the room.
And a responsibility to protect its secrets?
And another oneyou purchased today, in a roadside diner.
And barricaded himselfin his home.
And buried in the X Files until I dug it up last week.
And desiccation.
And do whateveryou damn please, don'tyou?
And he sprinkled Tetrameal D all over his food.
And he would have told you that's exactlywhat he saw.
And I can't seem to get a long distance line.
And I got to know what they're protecting.
And I was going to serve 'em lunch.
And I'm thankful for that.
And ignore them.
And it still doesn't explain to me
And it was 9:03.
And it would make us appear pretty stupid
And neither does the technology to fy the aircraft we saw last night.
And now they treat us like strangers
And putyour hands on the wheel where I can see them.
And reported it as a kidnapping.
And run a comparison before we do anything.
And she said Peggy O'Dell was dead.
And something took control over it.
And step out ofthe car.
And that man knows something about it?
And that maybe causes some kind ofgenetic mutation
And that's what I'm going to write in my field report.
And that's when I came across the X Files.
And the force summoned Theresa Nemman's body
And the marks are from some kind oftests
And then he would shake like he was having a seizure.
And then I think...
And then the light came.
And then we'll get out ofhere.
And there it was... just hovering.
And they do volunteer for theirjobs.
And they returned Colonel Budahas as a decoy.
And this is as close as l've ever gotten to it.
And watch the air show.
And you found something they didn't?
Andmayhavesufferedsevere stress relatedtrauma
Anyone about any ofit.
Anything more than when we got here
Aren'tyou even curious?
Areyou familiar with an agent named Fox Mulder?
Areyou familiarwith the so called X Files?
Areyou saying I missed something in those kids' exams?
Areyou sure?
Areyou there, Mulder?
Areyou treating any ofthese kids now?
Around 9:00?
As a communication device.
As a place where I could distinguish myself.
As a plausibility?
As fast as we can.
As I said, I can provideyou with information
As soon as we're in position, we'll be on a count offive.
As we're about to make our descent...
At 8:00 a.m.
At first, it looked
Autopsy shows nothing. Zip.
Barring further authorizedinquiry...
Beats me.
Because all the evidence to the contrary
Because ofwhatyou've seen.
Been on hold with the base director ofcommunications.
Being shot from the ground, refecting offthe clouds.
Better than you expected, or better than you hoped?
Betyou remember the Super Bowl of'68, huh?
Billy Miles?
Billy Miles.
Billy needs me close.
Billy said he was sorry
Billy: I would wait for their orders.
Billy: The light. They said it would be okay.
Billy's experiencing what we call a waking coma.
Billywants me to read now.
Bob developed this rash under his arms.
Bob would get so angry, he'd...
Brakes, steering, everything.
Bringing the F.B.l. to my house.
Budahas was removed and hospitalized
Budahas: Whoisitnow?
Buried in the city cemetery in Ray's grave?
But Bob was always a patriot first.
But he couldn't produce any evidence
But he said never to tell
But here it is again
But I saw the F.B.l.
But I think it's some kind ofStarWars cybertac
But I was fascinated.
But ifl wanted to talk to one ofthose U.F.O. nuts
But it's gone.
But it's not like he didn't get to come home.
But maybe what you can explain to me
But only so long as it's in my best interest.
But ran in front ofthat truck.
But someone has been blocking my attempts to get at it.
But the F.B.l.'s most unwanted.
But then everything just went crazy.
But those reports were signed by a different medical examiner
But to say that they've been riding around in flying saucers is crazy Mulder
But when you're the wife ofa test pilot
Butjust hear me out.
By accident?
By flying theseaircraft isalsoinconclusive.
By reputation.
By the timeyou hear them, they're already gone.
Called the Yellow Base where they're supposed to store all this stuff.
Calm down.
Can I talkwith you?
Can we turn her over?
Care and discretion are now imperative.
Catch you outside.
Certainly in Billy Miles' case.
Colonel Budahas, doyou mind ifl askyou your birth date?
Colonel Budahas, you're a pilot, isn't that right?
Come inside.
Come on in.
Come on, honey.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come with us.
Confirms homologous, but possibly mutated,
Connections in Congress.
Conventional wisdom. This Oregon female
Corpse is in advanced stages ofdecay
Could you point that fash away from me?
Cruise right over Saddam's house. He'd be like, what?
Daddy, please, let'sjust go home.
Damn it, Mulder, cut the crap.
Damn it! The X rays and pictures!
Dana Scully's senior thesis.
Described by Billy Miles
Detective Miles and I won't let anything happen toyou.
Did he ever talk about his work?
Did we tell him about the land mines andjunk?
Did you ever stop to think
Did you hearwhat I said?
Did you read it?
Did you read the cause ofdeath?
Did you say Kissel?
Did you treat any ofthese kids with hypnosis?
Distinguishing features include large ocular cavities
Do they look anything like this?
Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?
Do you know what this could mean?
Doctor: Get an orderly!
Doctor: No one will hurtyou.
Doctor: Peggy?
Does he like it when you read to him?
Does this have something to do with an X File?
Doesn't mean I'm going to believe theywere U.F.O.s.
Doesn't the government have a right
Don't be afraid, Billy.
Don't. it's like... ten miles.
Don'tjeopardize the future ofyour own efforts.
Down on the ground.
Down to my last five, ifyou're interested.
Doyou have a better explanation?
Doyou have a theory?
Doyou have the marks, Theresa?
Doyou remember whatyou were watching?
Doyou rememberwhat you were doing last night
Doyou think maybe we could see him?
Dr. Nemman's been hiding medical evidence
Dr. Scully, can you l.D. these marks?
Dug up these graves?
Ellens Air Base isn't even on my map.
Enjoyed the local salmon
Eventually, I went off to school in England.
Ever hear ofsomething called the Aurora Project?
Ever since the summerwe graduated.
Every day is like Halloween.
Everything you've seen here is equal to the protection we give it.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. My phone's not working.
Excuse me. No.
Excuse me. That's my house.
Exposure. His body was found in the woods
F 1 5 Eagle, pulling about four G's.
Fapping theirwings.
Figure out what that little thing is?
For a minute there, I thought it was going to land
For applying behavioral models to criminal cases.
For clinical schizophrenia.
For some defense department surveillance project.
For the treatment ofhis condition.
For U.F.O. sightings, alien abduction reports.
Found in subject's nasal cavity.
Four months ago, Budahas experienced a psychotic episode
From a boywho claims he was given orders
From some alien force
From the beginning.
From the exhumed body.
Functionally, his brain waves are fat.
Generally thought of as the best analyst
Get a few drinks in them, you'd think it was them up there
Get an orderly! Nobody's going to hurtyou.
Get in the car, Mulder.
Get in the car!
Get in your car and leave
Get in your car and leave!
Get on that walkie talkie and find out where Mulder is.
Given the distances needed
Go, go!
Going on fouryears now.
Going to takeyou whereyou'll be safe, Theresa.
Good day.
Good night.
Good thing we still kept that appointment.
Guess not.
Guy obviously needed a longervacation.
Has anyone ever offered to explain what caused this?
Has developed a consuming devotion
Haveyou ever heard ofthis happening to anyone else?
He and Peggywere involved in an automobile accident.
He blinks and I know about it.
He didn't get to say good bye.
He didn't give me his name and my phone was being tapped.
He had a nickname at the academy:
He lied on the autopsy reports.
He pleaded to be locked up
He seemed to suffer from some kind ofpost traumatic stress.
He spent time in a state mental hospital.
He thinks he can protect me, but I don't think he can.
He took loyalty to his country as an oath
He wants to protect me.
He was in the woods.
He'll getyou cleaned up.
He's an Oxford educated psychologist
He's going to kill her.
He's neverwashed out ofanything in his life.
He's taken me through deep hypnosis.
Hello? Hello?
Her husband came home last night.
Her inquiries have gone unanswered.
Here comes another one.
Here. l've called all the numbers about 1 ,000 times.
Hey, aren'tyou guys coming?
Hey, don't go past the edge ofthe tall weeds.
Hi. Areyou the F.B.l. agents?
Hi. I gotyour message.
Hi. I wasjust looking foryou.
Hold it. Hold it right there!
Honey... who are these people?
How aboutyou?
How did I get here?
How did it happen?
How did she get there?
How did you come to work for the F.B.l.?
How did you know she would have the marks?
How does a 20 year old die ofexposure
How doyou know about mywork?
How doyou know?
How long areyou going to let it happen?
How long has it been happening?
How so?
How soon can we get started?
How would I support the family?
How's your chemistry?
However, does not account for small, unidentified object
I adviseyou to drop the case.
I believe they have to do with unexplained phenomena.
I came back, got recruited by the Bureau.
I can recall a bright light outside
I can't
I can't do that.
I can't remember.
I can't say
I can't substantiate it, no.
I did see something...
I did. I liked it.
I do have ajob ofmy own to do.
I don't believe this.
I don't care whatyou think.
I don't care whoyou are.
I don't get it, Mulder.
I don't know how I get out there.
I don't know whoyou people thinkyou are.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. Lucky guess?
I don't know. Maybe nothing.
I don't think it was those kids
I don't think she wants to leave.
I don't thinkyou're ready forwhat I think.
I got something to showyou.
I got this hotshot pilot friend
I gotyou. Right.
I guess you changed his bedpan last night.
I have plenty oftheories
I have the same doubts you do.
I haven't gone so far as to draw any conclusion about what l've seen.
I just want my husband back.
I just want to say
I kept it in my pocket.
I knew that he worked on top secret projects word gets around
I knocked, but I saw the doorwas open.
I know. Let's go.
I looked at mywatch just before the fash
I made a note ofit when I saw the body.
I need to sit down.
I oversaw his treatment for over a year
I ran a lab test on it.
I read all the cases I could get my hands on. Hundreds ofthem.
I read everything I could about paranormal phenomenon
I removed it
I said down on the ground.
I said hands against the car.
I said start the car!
I see no evidence
I started noticing it about twoyears ago.
I talked to the D.A.'s Office in Raymond County, Oregon.
I think after his psychotic episode Colonel Budahas became a security risk.
I think I know who did it.
I think I know who killed Karen Swenson.
I think it was us.
I think men like Colonel Budahas are incapable
I think so.
I think so.
I think something's going on out here.
I think that fits the description prettywell.
I think there's a huge conspiracy here, Scully.
I think they rewired that man's brain
I think those kids have been abducted.
I thoughtyou only liked those paranormal type cases.
I told you to stay out ofthis.
I took the one on the end there.
I tried. lt was extremely difficult.
I want the car running.
I want the truth.
I want tissue samples, X rays, blood typing, toxicology
I want to come back here.
I want to showyou something.
I wantyou to look at something.
I wantyou to understand what it is you're saying.
I was 1 2 when it happened.
I was in the lobby trying to make a call.
I was paralyzed
I was under the impression thatyou were sent to spy on me.
I was upset at first
I'm afraid they're coming back.
I'm afraid.
I'm Dana Scully.
I'm going for a run.
I'm going to be next.
I'm going to die, aren't l?
I'm here to solve this case.
I'm herejust likeyou to solve this.
I'm not a part ofany agenda.
I'm not at liberty to comment.
I'm not crazy, Scully.
I'm not making this up.
I'm Paul Mossinger. I work for the paper.
I'm scared I might die
I'm selling limited edition prints $20.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. You are..?
I'm Special Agent Mulder from the F.B.l.
I'm telling you this, Scully, becauseyou need to know
I'm with the County Sheriffs Department.
I'm wondering ifwe can do a cursory medical exam
I'm wondering ifyou have any explanation
Ifmy field report read like some tabloid story.
In his nose.
In some kind ofa cult
In South Dakota, and again in Texas.
In the forest.
In the violent crime section.
In thenorthernsky overEllensAir Base
In your report.
Including sacrificing lives and minds ofpilots because what ifthat secret got out?
Into the woods tonight.
Involvingaircraftusing "recoveredU.F. O. "technology
Is not entirely dissuasive.
Is supposedly one ofthe six sites where parts ofthe wreckage were shipped.
Is vagueandinconclusive.
Is why it's Bureau policy
It would be a national scandal.
It would be confirmation of the existence ofextraterrestrial life.
It's plausible there was a sloppy investigation.
Jay Nemman, County Medical Examiner.
Just because I can't explain it
Just gone. Vanished.
Just keep watching. it's unbelievable.
Just like that.
Just seem wholly insupportable.
Karen Swenson.
Keep the car running
Kids today, huh?
L, uh... can be ofhelp toyou.
L... I don't
L'd put the time ofdeath between 8 and 1 2 hours ago.
L'll also tell you that Agent Mulder
L'll buy that girl is suffering
L'll just find myself out in the woods.
L'll talk toyou about it on the fight out, okay?
L've arranged to exhume one ofthe othervictims
L've been able to go into my own repressed memories
L've been allowed to continue is because l've made
L've been assigned to workwith you.
L've been tracking this case
L've been trying to access
L've got a 20. Over.
L've got nothing to say. This is an invasion ofmy privacy.
L've had a certain interest in yourwork.
L've never had the pleasure.
L've never seen anything like it.
L've never seen it, either
L've treated similar cases.
Last month, she contacted the F.B.l.
Last week, it was deprioritized.
Later, dude.
Leave her alone.
Leave this case alone, Agent Mulder.
Let her go.
Let's get a table.
Let's get out ofhere, Mulder
Let's get out ofhere, Mulder, whileyou still have ajob.
Let's get out ofhere.
Let's go home, please!
Let's go home, Theresa.
Let's go. Let's go.
Let'sjust say that I'm in a position to know
Let'sjust say this case has a distinct smell to it.
Lf If that were true
Lfit was natural causes, it's plausible
Lfit's not human, what is it?
Lfshe was murdered
Lfyou can hear me, raiseyour right hand.
Lfyou have any doubt about my qualifications...
Lfyou're making an accusation
Like a garbage dump
Like the others.
Like the Stealth Bomber or this Aurora Project?
Like... Peggy did tonight.
Listen to me, Scully.
Listen, I don't want to talk about it on this line.
Ln most ofmywork
Ln my research l've worked very closelywith a man
Ln the forest.
Logically, I would have to say no.
Lombardi's last game. Why do I have to answer these questions?
Losing any sleep over it.
Ls it a campfire?
Ls it some kind ofsynthetic protein?
Ls that a positive l.D.?
Ls that possible?
Ls that something you've seen before?
Ls the medical examiner a suspect?
Ls there any reason we can't do those X rays right now?
Ls this whywe came out here, Mulder?
Lsn't it nice to be so highly regarded?
Lt ain't going to happen.
Lt couldn't be that he had a nervous breakdown with a concomitant memory lapse?
Lt fits the profile ofalien abduction.
Lt took me away to the testing place.
Lt tore the family apart.
Lt was all over the ground.
Lt was incredible.
Lt was kind ofheavy.
Lt was never discussed, even before the problems.
Lt was the only evidence not destroyed in the fire.
Lt's 2:00 in the afternoon, Agent Mulder.
Lt's a chimpanzee or something from the ape family
Lt's a syndrome produced by stress.
Lt's a universal invariant.
Lt's all right.
Lt's almost too big to even comprehend.
Lt's called stereotypy.
Lt's crazy.
Lt's happened to my friends too.
Lt's happening again, isn't it?
Lt's like... ( Screeches )
Lt's mammalian.
Lt's not him.
Lt's not myward, not my aisle ofthe produce section.
Lt's organic.
Lt's probably a safe bet Ray Soames never made
Lt's unimportant. I came here to giveyou some valuable advice.
Lt's you who have acted inappropriately.
Ltjust turned 9:1 3.
Ltjust wasn't in his head anymore.
Makes you wonderwhat's in those other two graves.
Mammalian physiology.
Man: Billy, who gave the orders?
Man: Comein.
Man: Excuse me.
Man: I need a couple ofmen out here.
Man: Yeah, I'll bring it over in a minute.
Maybe I can get your medical opinion on this.
Maybe it has something to do with this.
Maybe these guys are fying those planes.
Maybe these guys are the washouts.
Maybe we should run a lab test...
Might we not finally turn to the fantastic
Missing for only seven hours inJuly.
Missing in action from Ellens Air Base.
Mosquito bites.
Mr. Mulder, County Coroner's Office.
Mr. Mulder, they've been here for a long, long time.
Mr. Mulder, why are those likeyourself
Mrs. Budahas has neither seen nor heard from her husband in over four months.
Mrs. Budahas, areyou okay?
Mrs. Budahas: Bob's whole personality it was so unpredictable.
Mrs. Budahas: lt was kind ofembarrassing at first.
Mrs. McClennon
Mulder, areyou suggesting that the military is fying U.F.O.s?
Mulder, come on!
Mulder, did you see their eyes?
Mulder, is thatyou?
Mulder, take a look at this.
Mulder, what are they?!
Mulder, what happened?
Mulder, would you explain to me what's going on?
Mulder: Scully, it's me. I haven't been able to sleep.
Mulder: That's Colonel Robert Budahas.
Mulder: You're kidding. Where?
Mulder! Where areyou going?
My friend said there's land mines
My name is Theresa Nemman.
My parents still think it was an act ofrebellion
My reports are personal and subjective.
My sisterwas eight.
My success allowed me a certain freedom
Named Dr. Heinz Werber.
National security. Now get in your car.
Needle punctures, maybe.
Never. Bunch ofhooey ifyou ask me.
Newfangled hardware, right?
Nine minutes!
No explainable cause ofdeath.
No note, no phone calls, no evidence ofanything.
No one would know. But the test didn't work.
No one would talk about it.
No plate registered under that number?
No sign ofbattery or sexual assault.
No, no, no. I'm sure the other one's bogus too.
No, wait a minute.
No, you're not going to die.
No. And I'm not
No. I did not.
No. No, we've been away.
No. Our friend showed us the hole in the fence about a year ago.
No. Planes built using U.F.O. technology.
No. We've only gone in at night.
No. You're not thinking big enough. lfit were true
Nobody else here's going to do it.
Nobody sees or touches this. Nobody.
Nobody's ever been that far!
Not in this zip code.
Not me.
Nothing else matters to me
Nothing scientific, you mean.
Nothing to offer any hope.
Nothing under ldaho plate CC1 356?
November 21 , 1 948.
Now that's a credential, rewriting Einstein.
Now we find out about the detective.
Now, Ellens Air Base, where we're at right now
Now, I know you don't believe that story
Now, I'm only going to say it one more time.
Nurse: Honey, you're going to be fine.
Nurse: Now, we could stand here until the Second Coming
Oblique cranium indicates subject is not human.
Ofa sacrifice, maybe.
Ofdealing with the stress offying that aircraft.
Offer us no answers
Offying experimental aircraft.
Ofintense indiscretion.
Ofsuborbital spycraft over the western U.S.
Oftwo unidentifiedflyingobjects
Ofyourwhereabouts over the past four months.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Oh, he's fine. He's getting much better now.
Oh, man.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, uh, there's this place
Oh, yes!
Oh, yes. Please, come in.
Oh, you know...
Okay, everybody thinks they're, like, U.F.O.s
Okay. This spotyou told me about where you watched the air show, how far is it?
On a warm, summer night in Oregon?
On foot?
On her lower back.
On Peggy?
On the cause, nature or status.
On the phone.
On this Earth not dissuaded by all the evidence to the contrary?
Ona topsecretproject
One ofthem taken almost 50 years ago
One time they dropped these bombs Whoa.
Only that these pilots accepted the risks
Or haven't seen, as seems to be the case.
Or I'll have to arrestyou.
Or I'm going to have every newspaperwriting aboutyour experimental aircraft.
Or something.
Or to Ray's family.
Oregon female, age 21 .
Our boys came out here, spent a week
Our kidnap victim is no longer outstanding.
Out ofa need for security? Security ofwhat?
Out on the back porch. Taking out the garbage.
P.O.W.s have been known to suffer from it.
Paranormal bouquet.
Paul... right?
Peggy O'Dell had been killed.
Peggy O'Dell was bound to a wheelchair
Peggy O'Dell was killed at 9:00.
Peggy O'Dell's watch stopped a couple ofminutes after nine.
Peggy, what areyou doing?
People say it's the military interference, but they say that about everything.
People see what theywant to see.
People that have made U.F.O. sightings.
Pilot: l'd like to ask all passengers to fasten their seat belts
Please stay in...
Please, let me know whatyou find out.
Please, step outofthe car.
Please, step outofthe car.
Possibly an orangutan.
Probably nothing.
Probably roll it out for Desert Storm ll.
Probablywatching TV.
Put the gun down, and we'll talk.
Quiet like a hummingbird.
Quite a lot ofthings things about our government.
Rarely seem to apply.
Ray had an inability to grasp reality.
Ray Soames was a patient ofmine.
Ray Soames was the third victim.
Really, Anita
Right here.
Roger, Redbird. Assume fallback position.
Scully, l
Scully, wake up! You gotta see this.
Scully: Eveniftheycould, why would they?
Scully: How doyou mean?
Scully: Lieutenant ColonelRobert Budahas was returnedtohishome
Scully: Mulder, I checked on that fileyou gave me.
Scully: Visual laboratory inspection ofthe body and X ray analysis
Seal this up right now.
Seems I had a natural aptitude
Seeyou tomorrow morning, Scully, bright and early.
She ran right out in front ofme.
She was running?
She went to school with my son.
She's a sick girl.
She's the fourth person in her graduating class
Shejust disappeared out ofher bed one night.
Show no unidentified marks or tissue samples
Since 1 963, six pilots have been listed
Since it came through the Boise office last month.
So that they could do tests.
So this Budahas thing areyou getting anywhere?
So we thought it was a reaction to the paint stripper
So we're going to the Spud State to investigate a kidnapping.
So what did you make of Uncle Fester?
So who were those guys?
So, what exactlywereyou guys doing in there?
Soames confessed to the first two murders.
Some kind
Some kind ofpronounced psychosis.
Some kind ofselective memory drain.
Somebody named Colonel Kissel will meet with us...
Someone at a higher level ofpower.
Someone trashed the lab and stole the body.
Something happened in that nine minutes.
Something you couldn't show me at work?
Sometimes they come in real low and put on the skidders, right?
Sorry for the runaround. Can I buyyou a drink?
Sorry, nobody down here
Special Agent Dana Scully, F.B.l. Dropyourweapon.
Special Agent Mulder, F.B.l.
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