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He's Just Not That Into You (2009) "He's Just Not That Into You" is a romantic comedy film released in 2009. The story

He's Just Not That Into You (2009)

"He's Just Not That Into You" is a romantic comedy film released in 2009. The story revolves around a group of interconnected individuals navigating the complexities of love and relationships. Starring Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Connelly, Ben Affleck, and Bradley Cooper, the movie explores the dating dilemmas faced by its characters. From misinterpreted signals to unrequited love, the film provides an honest and humorous take on the various stages of romance. You can stream or download the sounds of this delightful film here.
A bunch of gay peopIe put you up to this?
A girI can dream, though.
A Iot of time to work on the pIace.
A surprise mocha venti just because you're so awesome.
A wide interpretation of the word ''meeting.''
A wise person once toId me...
ActuaIIy been Iobbying to sit next to her singIe sister for weeks.
Ad saIes, this is Mary.
After my first date with NeiI...
Again with the sensitivity.
AIex asked me to get the dip together. Thanks for getting it started.
AIex is Watts. Watts heIps Eric StoItz go on a date with Amanda Jones.
AIex, this is jacked.
AII I know about Conor is that he soId us this house.
AII right, I'm interpreting your siIence as tacit compIiance. Bye.
AII right, Iook, I wanna say something, okay?
AII right, Mary, I'II taIk to you soon. Thank you.
AII right, weII, I can teII you this:
AII right. I'II get rid of them if you Iike.
ALEX: Hey.
ALEX: I really genuinely love this person
ALEX: Minor oversight.
ALEX: Nash, you piece of shit. Come on. Maybe I shouId just
And a beer, pIease.
And a IittIe pIate of coId cuts, if there are any Ieft.
And aII of my friends used to teII me stories...
And aIso...
And also, if a guy wants to see you, believe me, he will see you.
And exhaIe, beIIy faII.
And he mentions that he's going out of town, he's gonna be out of touch.
And he was married for 1 5 years to a nice Iady.
And here's ''I don't wanna sIeep with you.''
And hopefuIIy, if you Iike it...
And how do you know AIex?
And I am obviousIy attracted to you.
And I haven't wanted to seem cIingy or psycho.
And I just thought I shouId reaIIy return it before he, you know, freaks out.
And I just....
And I miss the days where you had one phone number and one answering machine.
And I thought maybe we couId taIk about it over coffee or something Iike that.
And Iet me guess:
And if they do, aII they're reaIIy thinking about?
And Iook, how fortuitous.
And it gets more obvious.
And it's Iike if the poIice wanna know who pIaced a caII, they couId trace it.
And Iying to me?
And now you have to go around checking aII these different portaIs...
And our new brother wouId Iike to co opt Dad's property before he's even dead.
And second of aII?
And smoking?
And smoking?
And someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending.
And somehow even he's married.
And that one answering machine housed one cassette tape...
And that yeIIow stuff is not hot mustard, it's the crab's hepatopancreas.
And the ruIe is this: If a guy doesn't caII you, he doesn't wanna caII you.
And then he caIIs and invites me to a party at his pIace.
And then he e maiIed me to my BIackBerry, and so I texted to his ceII.
And then he teIIs me that he's married.
And then the next time I caIIed he was with a woman...
And then.... Oh, there was Don...
And we faII asIeep on the phone after taIking for hours.
And when she gets up there and says those marriage vows to Devon...
And why exactIy wouId you think that?
And you guys aII buy it. You eat it up and you Iove it.
And you wouId be wiIIing...
And, I mean, I don't know if you saw that Dateline...
ANGELA: I used to think that I had never been dumped.
Anna gave me the oId, ''I'II caII you right back.''
ANNA: Maybe you shouId just stop texting.
ANNA: Oh, my God.
ANNA: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
ANNA: Wow.
ANNA: You know, what I've been focusing my energy on...
ANNA: You're the best.
Another thing we're gonna do is move a little further away from....
Any word from Beth?
Anyway, my point is, Anastasia's the exception, not the ruIe.
Are we good?
Are you hearing from me or am I getting a caII?
Are you kidding me?
Are you okay?
Are you serious?
Are you smoking again?
Are you supposed to Iet them pass you by?
Are you sure your guys haven't been...
Aren't we gonna deaI with this?
Awesome. I knew it.
Back to work.
Back when everyone was just going to camp at the Y...
Back, back, back, back.
BARTENDER: What's up, girl? Hey.
Because I can't have someone Iying to me.
Because I had to return his pen.
Because I think some of your guys might be smoking.
Because if you are so IegitimateIy happy, honestIy...
Because of the signs.
Because that's you.
Because we're aII equaI, right?
Because you asked me to about three weeks ago.
Because you smeII Iike dog poo.
Because you told me not to call you if it was my class. It was.
BEN: ExactIy.
BEN: Hello? Hey, Ben. This is Anna Marks.
BEN: I know it's here somewhere.
BEN: Okay.
BEN: Shit.
BEN: So did Janine send you out here to check up on me?
BEN: Take a shower. Hey. What? Hi.
BEN: Think I just feII in Iove.
BEN: Yeah, the boat Iooks great.
BEN: You shouId try working on a shower.
Bend your knee a IittIe bit more. There you go.
BETH: Daddy, Iay down, okay?
BETH: Do you want anything eIse?
BETH: Hey, how did you get Aunt Linda to sew these dresses in two weeks?
BETH: We're gonna move.
BETH: What's the ? Why the big rush to get married?
BETH: Yeah.
BiII CIinton wouId be smart and sexy.
BiII, so you do exist.
BOTH: Bon Jovi.
Bow your head in gratitude.
Bring your hands together in front of your chest.
But don't stay on the Iot too Iong...
But I did offer to heIp you with your career...
But I didn't know if that wouId fit on the card. Love that.
But I have this one buyer...
But I think that we're aImost ready to start taIking about it.
But I....
But I'm so attracted to you. I just I want both.
But if he Iooks down and sees my numbers...
But if not, there are pIenty more out there Iike her, you know?
But it's not going anywhere. What is she doing?
But it's not just texting, it's e maiI. It's voicemaiI. It's snaiI maiI.
But maybe he did caII and I didn't get the message.
But maybe he is going out of town.
But my Iast husband, he was a gem.
But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending...
But that's the exception. We're not the exception, we're the ruIe.
But that's the same thing, right?
But the reaI master, I have to say, is me.
But the ruIe are guys Iike NeiI...
But there's a very nice gentIeman...
But these cannot come.
But we're kissing right now.
But we're way understaffed tonight. I even have to man the bar.
But when I was hurIing my body onto yours...
But you can onIy be two things.
But you know what? Not everybody gets married, you know?
But you're out, I guess.
But your boat Iooks great.
But, you know, keep in mind that her sister Beth is stiII on the market.
By pretending to be gay?
CaII me.
Can I heIp you find something?
Can you excuse me a quick second? Too many Diet Cokes.
CATHERINE: Chug a beer.
Chad, the drummer who Iived in a storage space.
Cheated on me with my sister...
City Supper.
Come on, AIex, your turn.
Come on, it's buIIshit for every woman...
Come on, my boy. Take it home.
Come on, Spiewak, it's not the Ice Capades.
Come on.
Coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
CongratuIations, you won.
Conor, you are the Liza MinneIIi of reaI estate.
CONOR: Yeah. Come on in.
CONOR: Your voice does not match your face in a good way.
Conor's never gonna caII you.
Conor's not coming in tonight. Thanks a Iot.
Course. Do you need heIp to your car?
Daddy, what is it? What happened? What happened?
Dana, I'm working. I'm stiII going over some offering statements. You gotta
Devon seems Iike...
DEVON: I did not pause.
DEVON: Stay home. It's an end around. GEORGE: No, no, it's not. He's stiII got it.
Did any of you guys have a chance to get to the store?
Did he forget he was supposed to meet you here?
Did I ask you out?
Did I get any caIIs?
Did you hear when he said that it was hauntingIy beautifuI?
Dino, thanks again for Ietting me pay over the phone.
Do I caII back?
Do not Iie to me, Ben. PIease, okay?
Do you think that's funny?
Do you wanna save our marriage?
Do you want a swim?
Doesn't matter.
Don't caII him. He doesn't Iike you.
Don't tiptoe around my feeIings.
Don't wanna waste the one to seven weeks waiting to find out it's never gonna happen.
Don't worry, he's totaIIy gonna caII.
Don't worry, honey, Dad's gonna be fine.
Don't worry, I'II be there. I'II taIk you through it.
Dude, Luis quit Iike 1 0 months ago.
End. Why, does it matter?
EnIighten me.
EspeciaIIy sexy.
Even if things don't quite work out.
Everything okay?
Everything's fine.
Excuse me one minute, babe. Sorry.
Excuse me?
First of aII, I am not ''women,'' I'm just one.
First they were smaII. At first when I caIIed, he said, ''Good to hear from you.''
Five years, because I haven't wanted to seem demanding.
For me.
Four categories:
Freeing yourself up for something better in the future.
From the pIace I've been hiding from you for about five years.
Gay or straight, you're not gonna get anywhere by being inactive.
Gay signaIs have nothing to do with straight signaIs.
GEORGE: Argh! DEVON: That is so embarrassing.
Get it out.
Gigi, he is not interested.
Gigi, he's my husband.
Gigi, he's not coming.
Gigi, what have I been saying since I met you?
GIGI: or call my cell, or try me at work...
GIGI: A girl will never forget the first boy she likes.
GIGI: And maybe this happy ending doesn't include a wonderful guy.
GIGI: But usually someone is there to offer words of wisdom.
GIGI: Do you know what this means?
GIGI: Do you know who it is? No.
GIGI: Every movie we see, every story we're told...
GIGI: Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up:
GIGI: Just me specificaIIy, you know?
GIGI: Morning, morning. MAN: Excuse me.
GIGI: WeII, Conor, I had a reaIIy nice time. It was reaIIy nice meeting you.
GIRL: Bye. GIGI: Bye.
GIRL: Fifteen seconds. ALEX: Let's go.
GIRL: Oh, a pass. ALEX: You work too hard.
GIRL: Watch this. Ready?
Give me two seconds, I'II be right back.
Given me a Iot to think about.
Go. What am I?
God, this reminds me of where I grew up.
God, this tiIe is too smaII.
Going against nature is Iike the cat who suckIed that monkey.
Gonna move. That's one thing we're gonna do.
Gonna take a shower.
Good for you.
Good friend of mine and I are going to India for a few months.
Good morning.
Goodbye, Gigi.
Great cIass.
Great, thank you so much.
Guys invented the spark...
Had to return this pen. He Ieft this.
Hang out for a second. Let me buy you a drink.
Have you ?!
Have you been married?
Have you been smoking?
Have you toId your parents?
He did admit it to me.
He didn't say. I'm sure I'm more than just a guest.
He didn't wait to get caught, which takes courage, you know?
He Iiked the demo. I can't beIieve it.
He initiated the hug. He said it was nice meeting me.
He might be just exactIy what I need.
He might have used some derivative of that.
He ordered more drinks for us when the waitress came.
He remembered exactIy what I wanted.
He said he aIways hangs out after work at the City Supper CIub.
He said it was nice meeting me.
He seIIs reaI estate. In BaItimore.
He took mine first. Then he gave
He'II caII.
He's cute, and I think it went weII.
He's fIirting with me pretty heaviIy outside of the Handy Mart...
He's friends with my brother. His name's Bill.
He's gonna buy her drinks aII night and she's stiII gonna insist there's no spark.
He's into me.
He's not asking you out because he's intimidated by your professionaI success.
He's not some guy who didn't caII me back.
He's right. The signaIs are totaIIy different.
He's stiII got it.
He's thinking, ''Dear Christ, get me out of here.''
He's totaIIy Ieaving his wife for me. That's crazy.
Heard a Iot about you from Paige.
Hello, Gigi?
Her wedding. Her sister's wedding.
Here is my info.
Here's the probIem: He Iikes you too much.
Hey, Anna. What's up?
Hey, babe, couId you get the door? Thanks.
Hey, buddy, you home?
Hey, Gigi, it's AIex.
Hey, give me two seconds, okay? Two seconds, hoId on.
Hey, have you spoken to Anna IateIy?
Hey, hey. I had no idea it'd be such a madhouse.
Hey, I been working here 1 8 months, 8 through 1 0.
Hey, it's me. Just wanted to Iet you know I was thinking about you.
Hey, Jenny, it's Jude. I was just calling to
Hey, KeIIi Ann.
Hey, Mary, it's Jude.
Hey, oh, KeIIi Ann.
Hey, sorry to bug you again. Quick question.
Hey, what can I teII you?
Hey, why don't you have dinner with me and Steven and the kids...
Hey, wouId you guys pIease just turn that down a bit? Dad's trying to sIeep.
Hey, you want a beer?
Hey. Great party.
Hi, it's Janine. Leave a message.
Hi, it's Mary at the BIade.
Hi, Janine, it's me.
Hi, Mary, this is Conor, Anna's friend, or whatever.
Hi, you've reached Ben's cell phone. Please leave
Hi. Are you good?
Hi. Hi, sweetie.
Hi. This is torture.
Hi. What's going on?
Hit me up with an oatmeaI raisin, wiII you?
HoId on.
HoIy shit.
HonestIy, we may not have the best insight.
How am I supposed to come up with something pithy and dynamic...
How can there not be a diaI tone? How can there not be a diaI tone?
How couId he aIready not Iike me?
How do you feeI about Napa VaIIey?
How do you know?
How to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't.
How's it going?
I absoIuteIy was not taIking about you.
I am so into you.
I assumed that when I toId you, you wouId want me...
I bet it's got one of the
I can do it again.
I can taIk to a woman. It doesn't have to be Iike that.
I can't beIieve you're hot for CIinton.
I can't do any of this.
I can't do this.
I can't stay, I'm totaIIy
I can't, Anna.
I couId do that.
I didn't know.
I do it earIy, I do it often.
I do my due diIigence.
I do.
I don't care if he said you were his favorite femaIe...
I don't do kidding.
I don't give a shit.
I don't Iike the way it's pretending to be wood.
I don't know how aII this stuff fit in here before.
I don't know if you'd caII it ''hot.''
I don't know what happened or why we stopped. I don't care.
I don't know what she's doing. I cannot read her signaIs.
I don't know why I bother.
I don't know why I'm saying this...
I don't know, I Iike you.
I don't know, man, I....
I don't know. Dressing Iike that, seeing a girI who won't sIeep with you...
I don't know. I just thought...
I don't know. I mean, Iook at Becca.
I don't know. I'm gonna go.
I don't know. Maybe dating's a little overrated.
I don't think so. I'm sure he hasn't caIIed.
I don't think that's reaIIy....
I don't wanna be with anybody eIse, just Beth.
I don't.
I don't....
I drive by your pIace, I caII and hang up.
I forced him into getting married.
I found him in bed with his big breasted secretary...
I gotta caII you back.
I gotta finish this stuff.
I gotta get back to work, but good Iuck.
I gotta go. I have to take a personaI day, if anyone asks.
I guess you can.
I guess. At first. Now men in generaI, but that's not the point.
I had no idea this was your class.
I had...
I have a question.
I have reaIIy aIways wanted to go there.
I have sIept with her. It's just she, you know....
I have to activeIy stop my brain from thinking about you.
I have to teII Javier.
I have to.
I haven't taIked to you in a IittIe whiIe...
I hear you.
I Iike a IittIe time before a bIind date.
I Iove hanging out.
I Iove you too.
I Iove you.
I just can't give you what you want.
I just can't give you....
I just deposited cash three days ago, so it's just not possibIe.
I just got a IittIe bit more of this I gotta finish.
I just got hard.
I just mean I mean, I Iike you the way I Iike basset hounds.
I just thought, I hadn't heard from you...
I just was actuaIIy in the area...
I keep teIIing Dana to get that damn Iock fixed.
I knew there had to be some reason why he was spending that time with you.
I know it's not scientific...
I know strung out and you are strung out.
I know that AIex wasn't just some guy.
I know this guy, he works in my dad's printing business.
I know we said we'd wait to taIk about it.
I know where my Iife is going, and I want you to go with me.
I know you said you had a coupIe of contacts you thought couId heIp me.
I know, I reaIize that. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I know, you're sensitive. Trust me, I get it.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I know. Did you have to put me with the massage ads?
I know. I make the scheduIe. Remember?
I know. It seems Iike it just expanded.
I know. It's so obvious now. There are so many signs.
I like her a lot, so....
I may dissect each IittIe thing...
I may do a Iot of stupid shit...
I mean, am I not aIIowed to be friends with peopIe that are hot?
I mean, am I not aIIowed to have friends anymore?
I mean, for centuries....
I mean, he probabIy hasn't caIIed yet because we just had coffee Iast night.
I mean, pIease. There was no guy he was gonna fix me up with.
I mean, reaIisticaIIy, what do I expect him to do, you know?
I mean, shit, I don't know.
I mean, there's no reason for that kind of dishonesty, is there?
I mean, things have changed.
I mean, this guy couId've had surgery, Ieaving him without a voice box...
I mean, we actuaIIy video iChatted whiIe hoIding coffee.
I mean, we have a contract.
I mean, we made promises to each other.
I mean, what am I, the poIice?
I mean, what if you meet the Iove of your Iife...
I mean, what kind of reverse prejudice is that?
I mean...
I mean...
I mean...
I mean...
I miss it.
I miss you.
I once caIIed 55 Lauren BeIIs untiI I got the right one.
I reaIIy didn't hear it in the infIection.
I reaIIy gotta go to bed, though.
I screwed up. I toId BiII it was Thursday, not Tuesday. It's my fauIt.
I shouId change this. It's maybe a IittIe much.
I should probably go.
I sIept with someone.
I sound Iike a jackass if I say you're aII four, which obviousIy you are.
I spoke with George Lane in Music. He had a whoIe Iist of references for you.
I stiII wanna go with the reaI wood.
I swear I didn't Iure you here under faIse pretenses.
I taIked to NeiI. I toId him.
I think maybe this is my fauIt...
I think the shirt you're wearing now is probabIy more you.
I think you got a probIem...
I think...
I thought I shouId just come up with some reaIIy great excuse to get over here.
I thought if I just ran into him....
I thought Mary Stuart Masterson was Watts.
I want you to stop worrying about me.
I was
I was deIusionaI about that reIationship.
I was fun when we first met.
I was hoping ''second of aII'' wouId make me feeI better.
I was just calling to tell you again how special it was to meet you.
I was there, baby.
I was thinking...
I was trying to
I was trying to help you out because there was this girl who would not leave...
I was...
I wouId Iove to caII you sometime. Do you have a card?
I'd let him sweat.
I'd rather be Iike that than be Iike you.
I'd refer to him as my husband to my dentaI hygienist.
I'II say it to the whoIe room if you want.
I'II see you Iater.
I'II teII her how gorgeous you Iook out here on the ocean.
I'm around, I'II be WeII, I'm in and around.
I'm dating now.
I'm Eric StoItz.
I'm fine.
I'm Gigi. I went out with Conor Iast week.
I'm gonna caII back and say I'm going to bed.
I'm gonna caII him.
I'm guessing that I'm gonna hear a whoIe Iot about you.
I'm Iooking at your new ad and I Iove it.
I'm married.
I'm me.
I'm meeting someone. A guy.
I'm not caIIing him.
I'm not pregnant. That's ridicuIous.
I'm not saying I want you to move in right now...
I'm not smoking, I promise.
I'm pretty sure that something's about to happen between us.
I'm pretty sure.
I'm retired, I'II say what I want to.
I'm sick of these coraI jokes.
I'm sitting right in front of you.
I'm so happy for you.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.
I'm sorry, I don't trust myseIf.
I'm sure he just Iost your number.
I'm the exception.
I'm totaIIy, totaIIy fried.
I'm turning into
I've gone through breakups before. If you remember, I handIe them quite weII.
I've gotten so used to keeping myseIf at a safe distance from aII these women...
I've started trying to figure out what I wanna do, who I wanna be, you know?
If a guy gives you his phone number instead of taking yours, he's not interested.
If a guy punches you, he likes you.
If a guy wants to date you, he wiII make it happen, okay? He wiII ask you out.
If after a month, or two months at the very outside...
If being in this wedding is too painfuI
If he wants to see me, he'II caII.
If I wouId Iike to make myseIf seem more attractive to the opposite sex...
If she pops a zit in front of you...
If you promise to commit to me and to Iove me, and
If you're gonna throw them out, at Ieast check the pockets, aII right?
If you're not wood, don't try and Iook Iike wood.
In a Yeah, I mean That sounded terribIe.
In a Yeah, I mean That sounded terribIe.
In the back yard.
InhaIe, reverse warrior, Iook up.
Is it possible that it's because we're too scared...
Is it your sensitivity that makes you so popuIar with women?
Is that an invitation?
Is that funny?
Is that Iike young, hip, gay coupIes or something Iike that?
Is that okay?
Is that what I was saying?
Is that what you want?
Is that your ?
Is there any reason we're even having this meeting?
Is there any way we couId...
It couId be a bIowoff.
It couId be an office, it couId be a guest room...
It couId use a IittIe more diII.
It Iooks exactIy Iike it. But it is Iike one one hundredth of the cost.
It Iooks good.
It is you that's been smoking too, isn't it?
It was definiteIy fun.
It was just so unoriginaI.
It wasn't aII the time, but it happened. I know I'm not just making this up.
It wasn't untiI he died...
It'II be okay.
It's a burgeoning market, you're gonna make a fortune.
It's a probIem.
It's AIex.
It's amazing where 1 0 shots of Patron wiII get you.
It's because he Iikes you.
It's Brother Phoenix East Horse.
It's compIicated.
It's enough. It's reaIIy enough for me.
It's gonna be depressing. ShouId I take it down?
It's gonna be okay.
It's hard to focus on nutmeg...
It's insane.
It's just It took me by surprise.
It's just It's buIIshit.
It's just....
It's me.
It's my fauIt, you know.
It's nice to finaIIy meet you.
It's not the point.
It's obvious she won't sIeep with you.
It's okay. Maybe we shouId just go Iook at the griIIs and we'II come back.
It's too bad BiII couIdn't make it. I know you guys wouId hit it off.
It's too bad cousins can't marry, because then we couId maybe
It's totaIIy cIear to me now. He's Watts.
It's unbeIievabIe.
It's what I aIways wanted.
It's written aII over your puppy dog face.
It's, Iike, who is this service heIping?
JANINE: He so Iikes you.
JANINE: Hey, you.
JANINE: It's not Dana.
JANINE: Maybe if you just go over there.
JANINE: Sit down.
JANINE: Sweetie? What's going on with your hair?
JANINE: Very nice.
JANINE: Why do you bother Iocking it?
JANINE: Why do you even bother Iocking it? What?
JANINE: You want coffee?
JARRAD: So that's the Iast time I do anything pro bono.
Javier, I thought we taIked about tarping the furniture.
Jumping every time your phone rings, checking your e maiI 1 00 times a day...
Just be up front and teII peopIe what you reaIIy are.
Just go in the cIoset for a second. Just for a second.
Just refiIIing the chips. They're on the fridge.
Just say no.
Just that and that, pIease.
Just trying to...
Just wondering how you're doing.
Just, you know.
KEITH [ON TV] : How ? How do you work on it?
KELLI ANN: Hi. Are you joining us for dinner, or...?
KELLI ANN: This is amazing.
KEN: It's true, though.
KEN: So enjoy the crab.
Knock, knock.
Knowing that through all the unreturned phone calls and broken hearts...
Laura, aIso your husband wouId reaIIy Iike another beer...
LAURA: Did he faII? BETH: You'II be fine.
LAURA: Oh, her face.
LAURA: Over there. Just go get it. Okay.
LAURA: ReaIIy? She toId me she feIt Iike an oId Indonesian Iady in a sweat shop.
Left his caIIing card with your Iady in waiting?
Let me caII you right back.
Let me finish.
Let me get the door.
Let me guess. He said:
Let me teII you something. PeopIe who get married are not to be trusted.
Let's Iook up pIaces for your destination wedding.
Like sIeep with women that aren't my wife.
Like, ''I don't wanna stand in your way.''
Like, aII the time.
Like, here. Here's ''I wanna sIeep with you.''
Like, it was good to hear from me...
Like, you pick up the phone, you find out who it is, then you know.
Listen, I know it's been a whiIe since you caIIed.
Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to grab a Iate bite.
Look at AI Pacino.
Look forward to hearing from you, Gigi.
Look up towards the ceiIing.
Look up towards the ceiIing.
Look, aII I'm saying...
Look, I can't stop thinking about you.
Look, I just went out with your friend BiII and....
Look, I just....
Look, I know what bIowing off a woman Iooks Iike, okay?
Look, I'm not going to judge what may or may not be important to someone.
Look, KeIIi Ann, what happened between us the other night was fun.
Look, KeIIi Ann, what happened between us the other night was fun.
Looking at it right now. I'm not sure about this.
Lots of coupIes go through IuIIs.
Made me feeI sorry for him.
Main menu. To send a message
MAN [ON TV] : as the Terps move to mid ice, trying to....
MAN 1 : Hey, sweetie, get me a beer? I'II get you another.
MAN 1 : Ken, are you okay? What happened?
MAN: Let's go, AIex.
MAN: What do you miss most about marriage?
MAN: Yeah, he quit.
MARIEL: WeII, my first husband was unimpressive.
MARY: That's not the point. I can't text.
MARY: We're heading there, is that fair? CONOR: It's moving fast. Just on our way.
MARY: WeII.... He e maiIed?
Maybe I shouId do a IittIe drive by?
Maybe I shouId get back to work.
Maybe it was at the beginning.
Maybe it's you...
Maybe the happy ending is just...
Maybe there's not. You need a spark.
Me too.
MeanwhiIe, this girI, she's probabIy meeting her souI mate as we speak.
Meeting adjourned.
Might I come aboard?
Mm hm. And we both win.
More women are accepted into Iaw schooI now than men.
Morning, Ryan.
My coIIection couId use a Iot of these.
My dad.
My second husband was a pinch more creative.
NATHAN: This is good, this is good. This is....
NATHAN: Yeah, she's right.
Nature based pre Christian paganism, yeah.
NEIL: Hey.
NEIL: Thank God.
NEIL: Uh huh. It's not yours.
NEIL: Yeah.
Never try to trim your own bangs.
Nice. I'm gonna use that.
No diaI tone. Come here, diaI tone.
No drama.
No exceptions.
No, Bethie, we just We want you to be happy.
No, by being more gay friendIy.
No, feeIing the need to bring up her name in random conversations.
No, I didn't mean for you, I meant f
No, I guess it's not funny.
No, I Iove it there. But just stop.
No, I just I just need you to stop being nice to me...
No, I just assumed that you wouIdn't want me to
No, I know. This is about Jarrad.
No, I reaIIy think that it wouId be good for me to know...
No, I want you to stop doing anything nice.
No, I was just sitting here...
No, I was supposed to meet friends but I'm burnt out. Don't be mad at me.
No, I'm cooI.
No, I'm taIking about reaIIy doing this. Like a fuII on reIationship.
No, it is. It is, I've changed.
No, it's a great idea.
No, it's okay.
No, ma'am. My guys, they don't smoke on the job site. They're good guys.
No, no guy actuaIIy wants to get married.
No, that is not why I'm teIIing
No, that's fine. You just have one thing, so....
No, there wasn't. There wasn't any hesitation at aII.
No, you can't
No, you never caIIed back.
No, you're not. You're not at aII. In fact, you're the ruIe.
No. He was just...
No. No, I haven't.
No. You asked me if I know any guys, and I gave Conor your phone number.
Nobody wants to be aII in one coIumn.
Not a bIack shirt. I see it. It's not bIack.
Not for me.
Not quite sure I get your meaning.
Not reaIIy.
Nothing, I was just I was taking you up on your offer.
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