A Around the leaf? L I don't think we can do that. from A Bug's Life (1998)
A bird that we can operate from the inside, which would then be hoisted above our anthill... from A Bug's Life (1998)
A bonfire that is starring me from A Bug's Life (1998)
A direct hit! from A Bug's Life (1998)
A little presentation in honour of our guests. from A Bug's Life (1998)
A seed. I need... I need a seed. Ahh... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Actually, it wasn't even my idea. It was Axle and Loco's! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Again, uh, thank you all, very, very much. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ah, guys, I've been lookin' all over for ya! Flaming Death is a huge hit! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ah, here, here. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Aha! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Aimed directly at the flypaper are Tuck and Roll... from A Bug's Life (1998)
All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and... from A Bug's Life (1998)
All right, clown. Get up and fight like a girl. from A Bug's Life (1998)
All right, girls. Let's move your little keisters outta here now. from A Bug's Life (1998)
All right, listen! The princess doesn't have time for this! from A Bug's Life (1998)
All right, that's it! Out! Out! Everybody out! from A Bug's Life (1998)
All right. from A Bug's Life (1998)
All right. Get movin'! Get goin'. Move your abdomens, now! from A Bug's Life (1998)
All right. Now it's gettin' mushy. We're outta here! Hy aah! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Am... Am I in this shot? You can... You can see me, right? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Amazing! This is too good to be true! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And as a tribute to Miss Francis, we've changed our bandannas! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And forever rid us of Hopper and his gang! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And he's accompanied by savage insects! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And his lovely assistant, Gypsy! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And I have you bugs to thank for it. So... thank you! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And I heard a grasshopper say that when they're finished... from A Bug's Life (1998)
And I'm a flower with nothing interesting to say. A bee! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And I'm scared, okay? I'm not goin' anywhere near, okay? from A Bug's Life (1998)
And if it wasn't for you, Francis would have never gotten in touch with his feminine side. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And like an idiot, I believed you. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And now, insectus... from A Bug's Life (1998)
And only to the enterprising from A Bug's Life (1998)
And people will point and say, Look! There goes the spawn of Flik, the loser! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And that's how my 12th husband died. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And the grasshoppers leave! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And then everything will be better. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And then we do it all over again! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And then you dive bombed into the bush! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And they really should not be disturbed now. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And they're gonna make me rich! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And this is a thought. And it was mine. Why go back to Ant Island at all? I mean, you don't even like grain. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And this time, don't come back. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And to you, Princess Atta. You have given us so much. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And year after year, they somehow manage... from A Bug's Life (1998)
And you know it, don't you? from A Bug's Life (1998)
And you, sir, are not a failure! from A Bug's Life (1998)
And, uh, quit beatin' the boys up. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And, uh, thank you for findin' 'em, Flik. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And, uh, thank you for findin' 'em, Flik. from A Bug's Life (1998)
And... action. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ants don't serve grasshoppers. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Aphie and I are very impressed. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Applause... I'm in heaven! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Are you kidding? Do you know what this is? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Are you saying I'm stupid? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Are you saying I'm stupid? Oh! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Are you sure it's not up there? from A Bug's Life (1998)
As far as I can tell from A Bug's Life (1998)
As far as I can tell from A Bug's Life (1998)
As you ascend the dung beetle to the unknown... from A Bug's Life (1998)
At least we could try. Oh, l I could... I could travel to the city! I could search there! from A Bug's Life (1998)
At the rate these leaves are dropping, we're gonna need a miracle. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Auf Wiedersehen! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Autographs? from A Bug's Life (1998)
B.Y.O.B.? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ba ba all gone! Baby wants pie! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Back to Sherwood Forest! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Battle stations, everyone. This is not a drill! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Because it was you, Princess Atta. You believed in me, from A Bug's Life (1998)
Because we spend all summer harvesting for the offering. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Because we're stayin' here! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Believe me It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
Bird! It's a bird! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Blend... blend in. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Blueberries, dismissed! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Boy, are those grasshoppers in for a big surprise! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Boy, he runs fast for a little guy. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Boy, these folks are sure hard up for entertainment. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Boys and girls of all ages... from A Bug's Life (1998)
But I am flying! And from way up here, you all look like little ants! from A Bug's Life (1998)
But if you could just do me a little favour before you leave. from A Bug's Life (1998)
But l I was just afraid that... from A Bug's Life (1998)
But let's just pretend for a minute that it's a seed, all right? We'll just use our imaginations. from A Bug's Life (1998)
But now I'm a black widow widow. from A Bug's Life (1998)
But that's just because, well, you're not a tree yet. from A Bug's Life (1998)
But the bird! The The The bird will work. from A Bug's Life (1998)
But then, Princess Atta... boy, is she one in a million... from A Bug's Life (1998)
But we'll have no part of it. from A Bug's Life (1998)
But you know, uh, they have a... they have a lot to get done, with the battle looming and all. from A Bug's Life (1998)
But you won't! from A Bug's Life (1998)
But, Hopper, we ran out of time! from A Bug's Life (1998)
But, you know, it's really not our place. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Bye bye, birdie! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Bye, now. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Bye! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Can we hold the work, please? People! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Candy corn! Here. Here. Let me help you to finish it. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Circus bugs? How can you be circus bugs? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Come on, boys! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Come on, come on. Hurry! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Come on, everyone. You know your jobs! Let's go, go, go, go! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Come on, Francis. You're making the maggots cry. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Come on, wings, fly. Fly! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Come on! We've gotta hide! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Come on. Keep movin', keep movin'! Good. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Coming. Coming. Tuck, Roll, let's get moving, guys. We're up next. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Could you ex... pl... Could you excuse... Uh, could you excuse me, please? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Cut! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Da da da da da da da from A Bug's Life (1998)
Delightful lads. You were saying, Flik? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Didn't you hear Hopper? After the ants pick all the food... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Dim don't wanna go. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Dim is right, my boy. You have rekindled... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Dim! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Do I look stupid to you? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Do it, Princess. How low can you go from A Bug's Life (1998)
Do not panic. Do not panic! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Do you understand me? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Does anybody else wanna stay? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Does the magic fortune cookie go from A Bug's Life (1998)
Don't Don't let it get me! Don't let it get me! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Don't tell 'em I said that. Boy, that's all I'd need, another royal blunder like that. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Don't worry, Flik. The circus life isn't so bad. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Don't worry! The colony is in good hands! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Don't ya think I know a rock when I see a rock? I've spent a lot of time around rocks! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Dot, Reed, Daisy, Grub? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Dot, you're a young queen ant, and your wings are too little to be... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Dot, you're flying! What are you doing here? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Dot! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Especially after that rescue... it was very brave. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Everyone... the whole colony. Nobody really believes I can do this job. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Everyone's involvement to make this plan a reality. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Everything that made that giant tree... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Exactly! Bigger bugs! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Excuse me, pardon me. Pardon me, excuse me. Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Excuse me, Your Highness. Need I remind you of Flik's tunnel within a tunnel project? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Excuse me? Could we get the warriors' autographs? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Fired by a flea... how humiliating! from A Bug's Life (1998)
First of all, I'd like to thank the warriors for helping us in our fight... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flaming death! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik, after much deliberation, we have decided to grant you your request. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik, no! What are you doing? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik, please? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik, wait! Wait! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik, what do you have to say for yourself? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik! Flik! Flik! You're back! I knew you could do it! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik! Flik! Help us! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik! He did it! He did it! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik! Ooh, I knew it! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Flik! Over here! Flik! Flik! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Food to the offering stone and into the anthill. Now let's go! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Forget everything I ever told you. All right, Dot? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Forget it, Dot. That loser's never coming back. from A Bug's Life (1998)
From the most mysterious regions of uncharted Asia... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Get back in line and pick grain like everybody else! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Get back! Get back! Get back, you horrible beast! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Get down, roly boys! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Get me outta here! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Get off the stage, you old hack! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Get the food to the offering stone, then into the anthill. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Get to your posts! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Go, go, go, go! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Go, go, go! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Good day to you, sir. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Good job, everybody! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Grasshoppers are coming! We've been forced to prepare all this food. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Great. One success. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Greetings and salutations! Ooh boppa doo and how do you do? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Guys, go shade someone else for a while. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Guys, order another round... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Gypsy, come. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hail, the bugs! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Happy landings, Hopper! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hardly there from A Bug's Life (1998)
Harvester, salute! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Harvester. Why, we harvested the same way ever since I was a pupa. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Have you been playing all summer? You think this is a game? from A Bug's Life (1998)
He just knew that he'd come through from A Bug's Life (1998)
He's a stick, stupid. You hit bugs with him. from A Bug's Life (1998)
He's gonna squish the queen to remind 'em who's boss. from A Bug's Life (1998)
He's quite the motivational speaker, isn't he? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hello, girls! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hello, kids! Ready to make some grasshoppers cry? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Help me! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Help! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Help! Help! Get me out! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Help! I'm stuck! Pull me down! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Here I come! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Here I go. For the colony, and for oppressed ants everywhere! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Here ya go, slick. Enjoy. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Here! I've got it! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, bartender! Bloody Mary, O positive. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, buggy! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, come back here! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, cutie! Wanna pollinate with a real bug? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, everybody! Hey! I'm back! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, fellas. Beautiful mornin', huh? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, Flik! Flik! Wait up! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, guys! Hey ey! Look Iook Iook who's here with me! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, hey, hey, hey. We really thought Flik's idea was gonna work. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, hey, hey. Ease up, all right? Come on. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, how you guys doin'? Some party, huh? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, I said no salt! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, I think I found something. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, I'm a compassionate insect. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, let's go. We got a schedule to keep. Come on. Let's go. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, like the one that nearly ate you, you remember? You remember? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, look who's playing lookout again... little Speck! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, Princess Dot! Wait up! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, waiter! I'm in my soup! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, who ordered the poo poo platter? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey, who ordered the poo poo platter? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey! Hey, wait for me! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey! Wait, wait! Okay, I'll pay ya! I'll pay ya! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hey. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hmm. Oh, I know, I know. I could lather up a bunch of spit. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hoisted above the anthill and hidden high in the tree. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hold on, Mr Ant. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Honey, relax. You should be proud of yourself. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hopper is not going to find out. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hopper moved into the anthill, and his gang's eating everything! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hopper won't accept this! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hopper. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hopper's gonna squish my mom! from A Bug's Life (1998)
How dare you! from A Bug's Life (1998)
How dare you! You, sir, are the charlatan in this scenario... from A Bug's Life (1998)
How our fortunes ebb and flow from A Bug's Life (1998)
How would you like to be the queen's official aide to the warrior bugs? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Huh? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Huh? Aah, no, no, no, no, no! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Hurry! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I am a cute little bumblebee! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I am sorry. A magician never reveals his secrets. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I am the great P.T. Flea! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I call upon the ancient Szechwan spirits... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I can't believe the troupe is breaking up. We've always been together. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I can't help it! It's so beautiful! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I cannot work like this. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I didn't mean for things to go so wrong. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I die! Die! Die! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I don't know, maybe it'll keep me dry in the rain. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I don't want to hear another word out of you while we're on this island. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I especially didn't want to make you look bad, Princess. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I feel 70 again! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I give you a second chance, and this is all I get? from A Bug's Life (1998)
I give you the Chinese Cabinet... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I gotcha, I gotcha! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I guess you got a lot of other anthills to check into, so, bye! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I have been in outhouses that didn't stink that bad. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I have no fear! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I have no... How did they do that? I have no idea where she went. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I hold in my hand the match... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I know it's not our tradition to do things differently... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I know, I know. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I mean, house trained. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I mean, if you don't mind, I'll just, I'll just... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I never thought I'd see the day when an ant would put himself... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I only got 24 hours to live, and I ain't gonna waste it here. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I promise to start thinkin' about payin' ya. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I really do think I should be part of this meeting. Flik! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I represent a colony of of ants, from A Bug's Life (1998)
I said, where is she? from A Bug's Life (1998)
I summon the voice of Confucius... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I think I'll go check on the bird. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I wanna thank all of you for giving us back... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I was talking to Mother. You're not the queen yet, Atta. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I will be branded with this mistake for the rest of my life. My children's children will walk down the street... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'll volunteer. I'd be very happy to volunteer. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm a royal ant, and I can't even fly yet. I'm too little. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm finished! Finally, I'm a beautiful butterfly! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm going to snap. I'm going to snap. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm gonna be rich, rich, rich I'm gonna be rich, rich, rich from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm gonna be the richest flea in the land from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm in need of your assis... Oh, let's just cut to the chase. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm lookin' for a bunch of circus performers. Have you seen 'em? from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm lost! Where's the line? from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm okay! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm serious! Oh, stop the camera! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm so sorry, kids. I wish you could come along, too. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm sorry, l I was... I was really just trying... from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm sorry. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm sorry. I got it. No, no, no. Just do it again. I'm fine. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. C Can we cut? from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Is the camera broke? from A Bug's Life (1998)
I'm the only stick with eyeballs! from A Bug's Life (1998)
I've been workin' out. Feel my wing. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I've seen these ants do great things. from A Bug's Life (1998)
I've told everyone you'll be stationed deep in the command bunker. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ideas are very dangerous things. from A Bug's Life (1998)
If Hopper finds out what we almost did... from A Bug's Life (1998)
If it was up there, would I be coming down here... from A Bug's Life (1998)
If there's any way I can make it up to you... Hey! I know! from A Bug's Life (1998)
If we give up any more, we'll starve. from A Bug's Life (1998)
If you knew I'd gotten circus bugs... from A Bug's Life (1998)
If you went, you'd be on that silly search for weeks. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ingrates! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Is already contained inside this tiny little seed. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Is that grain dip fresh or what? Okay. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Isn't it a bit surprising from A Bug's Life (1998)
Isn't that right, Aphie? Oh, you're such a cute little aphid. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It just went away. What do I do? What do I do? from A Bug's Life (1998)
It seems to me that you ants are forgetting your place. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It seems we've been booked for an extended engagement. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It stings! Stop acting! from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's all tangled up. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's just that l I don't think I'm comin' across. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's like they're all watching me... from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's not a lot, but it's our life. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's not my fault she's so stressed out. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's okay, Your Highness. Gaps happen. We just lost a few inches, that's all. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's payback time, Blueberry style. from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's the time of your life from A Bug's Life (1998)
It's you who need us. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Jiminy H. Cricket! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Just get behind me, girls. It'll be okay. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Just what exactly is going on? I would like to speak with the so called warriors. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Justice is my sword and truth shall be my quiver! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Knock them dead! from A Bug's Life (1998)
L I don't know. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Manto the Magnificent... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home from A Bug's Life (1998)
Last year he played the lead in Picnic. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Leading to a sheet of flypaper dowsed in lighter fluid! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Leave her alone, Hopper. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Leave her alone! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Leave the island? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Let this be a lesson to all you ants. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Let's face it: We stink. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Let's face it. The colony is right. I just make things worse. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Let's get out of here! Go! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Let's just think about the logic, shall we? Let's just think about it for a second. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Lieutenant Gypsy reporting for duty. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Like us all he started small from A Bug's Life (1998)
Listen, if you don't keep your end of the bargain, then I can't guarantee your safety. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Look, I've been goin' from anthill to anthill. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Look! I'm a beautiful butterfly! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Looks like you did something right for once, Princess. from A Bug's Life (1998)
M M Maa jor... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Making all stops to the septic tank, including standing water... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Maybe he'll saw her in half. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Mayday, Mayday. We're losin' the job. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Me thinketh it's not working! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Mein wings! Oh, they're beautiful! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Mmm, boysenberry. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Mom! Where are you? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Mother, Flik is up to something. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Mother, it's not enough. What do we do? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Mr Early Bird! How about a nice, tasty worm on a stick? from A Bug's Life (1998)
My eye! Help me! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Nature has a certain order. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Nice and juicy, succulent... from A Bug's Life (1998)
No matter what happens, stay down! from A Bug's Life (1998)
No more picking individual kernels. You can just cut down the entire stalk! from A Bug's Life (1998)
No no no no, wait! This was not supposed to happen. from A Bug's Life (1998)
No way we can make double quota before Hopper comes. from A Bug's Life (1998)
No, Harry, no! Don't look at the light! from A Bug's Life (1998)
No, no, no. No, l I can explain. from A Bug's Life (1998)
No, no, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. from A Bug's Life (1998)
No, no, no. You're staying with me, Your Highness. from A Bug's Life (1998)
No, no. Just stay in there, Your Majesty. from A Bug's Life (1998)
No, no. Thumper, down. Let her go. from A Bug's Life (1998)
No, not yet. But we'll be ready for 'em. from A Bug's Life (1998)
No, there's no circus around here. So, l... from A Bug's Life (1998)
No! from A Bug's Life (1998)
No! No, no, no, no, no! Oh, oh! from A Bug's Life (1998)
No! No! from A Bug's Life (1998)
No! No! No, no, no, no! from A Bug's Life (1998)
No! Put me down! Ow! from A Bug's Life (1998)
No? Then get back in line. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Not another word. I don't know what you're concocting in that little ant brain of yours... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Not good enough, you say? Well, what if they were all... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Not one ant sleeps until we get every scrap of food... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Not right now, Rosie. L I'm making a speech. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Not so tough now, are you? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Not until my wings grow in. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Not, of course, that you would need a telescope to see that. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Now it's going to take... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Now, Dot, be nice to your sister. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Now, I truly believe that these bugs are the answer to our... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Now, let me tell you how things are supposed to work. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Of Metamorphosis! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh yeah? Well... Hmm. You know what? He's right. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, aren't they adorable! Ooh, they're cute! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, dear. Put that thing in my car. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, excuse me, Flik. Can I talk to you just for a second? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, great ones! I have been scouting for bugs with your exact talents! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, I see. Under new management. So it's your fault. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, it'll be fine. It's the same, year after year. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, look at the beautiful colours of the blood. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, look at this. Look at this. This is great. Look. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, look. She's a natural mother. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, my. There's quite a gap, Mr Soil. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, no, seriously, I got berry juice in my eye! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, no! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, no! No, no, no! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, no! They've finished collecting the food. We've got to get the queen now. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, of course. I'm sorry. Go ahead. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Did I ruin the take? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, oh, oh, this is perfect. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, sure, I'd like to take credit for all of this, but, well, that wouldn't be right. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, thank you, Princess. Thank you so much for this chance. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, wind's died down. They'll be here soon. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh, yes. Princess Atta, the poor dear. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh! Oh, this! This is my new idea for harvesting grain. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh! The bird went... and it just missed you! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh? Yet again it is up to me to rescue the performance. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh. I'm really, really sorry. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Oh... oh, oh, you know, all right, fine. Yeah, okay. Just go. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ohh, I g... Oh, my eye! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ohh. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay, Atta. Now what do we do? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay, I'll tell 'im. Boy, I should talk to you guys more often. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay, just... just... just get in there. Go! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay, lower, lower... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay, now you're gonna cry, right? You're gonna cry. See if I care. Go ahead and cry. Go ahead. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay, show me one thing I've done right. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay! Everyone out! Hurry! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Okay. That's everyone. from A Bug's Life (1998)
On this island! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Once again, our reputation precedes us. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Once she's safe, we move on Gypsy's signal. from A Bug's Life (1998)
One ant! from A Bug's Life (1998)
One of those circle of life kind of things. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ooh, come to Papa, yeah! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ooh, don't even say that! You know somethin'? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ooh, I'm sorry. I thought he was real. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ooh, no! Come on. I'm askin' ya with my brain. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ooh, ooh. That's good. I got it, J.L. All right. One more for me. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ooh, pretty! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ooh, this is gonna be good! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ooh, yeah, that's good. Oh, that's good. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Our hope, our dignity and our lives. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Our mistress of the high wire, Rosie! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Our pill bugs' only hope of survival is... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Our troupe here guarantees a performance like no other! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ow. My leg! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Party quiets down, I sneak you out the back way and then you're outta here forever. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Pie? He asked for it. Should I give it to him? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Please accept this gift from us bugs... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Please forgive me. I'm sorry! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Please show Rosie the owie. All right, Dim. It's okay. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Please, don't cry. Please. Huh? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Please, ma'am, wake up! Wake up! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Pretend it's a seed, okay? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Pretend... pretend that that's a seed. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Princess Atta! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Princess Atta! What a nice surprise. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Put on this earth to serve us! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Put your trust in the mysteries that are beyond mere mortal comprehension. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Quick! To the clubhouse. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ready! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Really, can y... can you blame me? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Remember Ma! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Right, guys? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Right? Why go back? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Rosie will plummet down to these two posts... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Rosie, whole troupe. On stage! Finale! Now! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Rosie! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Run for your lives! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Say, how many roaches does it take to screw in a lightbulb? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Say, let's pretend this grain is a puny little ant. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Say, why don't you tell our pal, Thud... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Secondly, I would like to thank Flik... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Secured to a web line of exact length... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Set to go off in 15 seconds. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Sh She's learning to take over for me, Hopper. from A Bug's Life (1998)
She... What? from A Bug's Life (1998)
She's entitled to her opinion too. from A Bug's Life (1998)
She's got enough on her plate already, training her daughter. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Since you're gonna be queen, you could use this to oversee production. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Sir? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Slapstick! Get it? from A Bug's Life (1998)
So go, already. from A Bug's Life (1998)
So let's double the order of food. from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So live it well from A Bug's Life (1998)
So So who is the weaker species? from A Bug's Life (1998)
So you can all just try again. from A Bug's Life (1998)
So, bein' a ladybug automatically makes me a girl, is that it, fly boy? Huh? from A Bug's Life (1998)
So, I figured it out. You guys burn me twice a night, I take a day off to heal. from A Bug's Life (1998)
So, is there a Mrs Ant... from A Bug's Life (1998)
So, Princess Atta, what... what do you think? from A Bug's Life (1998)
So, where is it? from A Bug's Life (1998)
So, you see, it was my fault that Hopper's coming back. from A Bug's Life (1998)
So, you'll probably... you'll probably want to get goin'. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Someday I will be a beautiful butterfly... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Someone could get hurt. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Someone's coming! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Sorry, no, no, you see, it's classified in the D.M.Z. Gotta go A.S.A.P. You know, strictly B.Y.O.B. Bye! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Sorry. L... I'm sorry for the way I am. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Sorry. My place is here. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Sorry. Sorry I have to take the warriors away so early... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Spinning a web of safety in less than 15 seconds! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Spring's in the air. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Swish, swish. Clang, clang. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Thank you, thank you! Oh, thank you! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Thank you, thank you. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Thank you. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Thanks again. Bye. Bye bye. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Thanks. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Thanks. You can keep it. I can make another one. from A Bug's Life (1998)
That bird is a guaranteed failure. Just like me. from A Bug's Life (1998)
That I wouldn't kill you, I would kill you. from A Bug's Life (1998)
That if the slightest thing should go wrong... from A Bug's Life (1998)
That was an an an ac ac accident. from A Bug's Life (1998)
That, my friends, is the sound of applause! from A Bug's Life (1998)
That's it. That's it. Good! from A Bug's Life (1998)
That's Major Manny, young cadet. from A Bug's Life (1998)
That's right! We need a miracle! from A Bug's Life (1998)
That's right. from A Bug's Life (1998)
That's very true, Hoppy. I mean, where would the mystery be if we all knew how it was... from A Bug's Life (1998)
That's why we're going back! from A Bug's Life (1998)
The ants pick the food, the ants keep the food... from A Bug's Life (1998)
The bird was my idea. I'm the one you want. from A Bug's Life (1998)
The bird won't work. from A Bug's Life (1998)
The bird! The bird! Look out for the bird! from A Bug's Life (1998)
The cannon will be triggered by Dim, trained to jump at the sound of this bell... from A Bug's Life (1998)
The children... and myself... have quickly put together... from A Bug's Life (1998)
The circus, the circus I love the circus from A Bug's Life (1998)
The long dormant embers of purpose in our lives. from A Bug's Life (1998)
The match that decides whether two bugs live or die this very evening. from A Bug's Life (1998)
The patient needs her rest, you know. Come on. from A Bug's Life (1998)
The pill bug cannonballs! from A Bug's Life (1998)
The South Tunnel Elementary School second grade class... from A Bug's Life (1998)
The streets'll be paved with golden retrievers from A Bug's Life (1998)
The sun grows the food. The ants pick the food. from A Bug's Life (1998)
The vice president of the gang. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Then he grew from A Bug's Life (1998)
Then help us... don't help us. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Then she's dead. They cry... boo hoo. We go home. End of story. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Then they all might stand up. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Then they had the strength they'd need from A Bug's Life (1998)
Then, right when Hopper and his gang are below... from A Bug's Life (1998)
There goes my magic act! from A Bug's Life (1998)
There she is. from A Bug's Life (1998)
There! from A Bug's Life (1998)
There's a gap in the line. What are we gonna do? from A Bug's Life (1998)
There's just not enough food left on the island! from A Bug's Life (1998)
These guys are the lousiest circus bugs you've ever seen. from A Bug's Life (1998)
They come, they eat, they leave. That's our lot in life. from A Bug's Life (1998)
They talked fancy to me. I got confused! from A Bug's Life (1998)
They're here! from A Bug's Life (1998)
This blue jay... He has him halfway down his throat, okay? And Hopper... Hopper's kickin' and screamin', okay? from A Bug's Life (1998)
This is it, girls. Get ready to roll. from A Bug's Life (1998)
This is it! This is Ant Island! from A Bug's Life (1998)
This is ridiculous. What a disappointment! from A Bug's Life (1998)
This is the fifteenth take. from A Bug's Life (1998)
This rock will be a tree? from A Bug's Life (1998)
This way. from A Bug's Life (1998)
This, my friends, is false advertising. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Those little raisins do grow on ya. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Thrust, parry, lunge! from A Bug's Life (1998)
To infinity and beyond! from A Bug's Life (1998)
To inhabit the body of our volunteer! from A Bug's Life (1998)
To pick food for themselves and you. from A Bug's Life (1998)
To you ants. from A Bug's Life (1998)
To your level, looking for it? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Tough crowd. Yee haw! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Touting your wares as a talent scout... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Transformation! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Transformation! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Transformation. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Transformitus! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Try not to look like a country bug. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Trying to help. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Tweet tweet! Tweet tweet! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Tweet tweet! Tweet tweet! Tweet tweet! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Two days to dig him out. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Uh oh. Towel! I need a towel over here! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Uh uh uh. First rule of leadership: Everything is your fault. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Uh, circumventing the oncoming hordes so they can t****ze... trap them with ease! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Uh, no refunds after the first two minutes. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Uh, yes. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Um, Hopper? Um, l I hate to interrupt, but, um... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Um, if you could squish me, that would be great, because, uh... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Umm... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Up a, up a, up a, up a, up a! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Up, down, up, down. And turn! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Utilizing psychic vibrations... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Vice President Molt. from A Bug's Life (1998)
VoilĂ ! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wait a minute! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wait, wait! No, no! I want to watch this! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wait! No, no! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! You can't go. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Please! Don't go! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Was a bug, little bug from A Bug's Life (1998)
Was concocted by clowns? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Was it yours, Princess? from A Bug's Life (1998)
We are going around the leaf. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We are not about to... Is someone hammering? from A Bug's Life (1998)
We are the grasshoppers! Where's our food? from A Bug's Life (1998)
We are the warriors, here to defend you! from A Bug's Life (1998)
We are trained professionals. Now, stay calm. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We can certainly rally together to build this bird! from A Bug's Life (1998)
We can get rid of Hopper, and no one has to know that I messed up. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We could find bigger bugs to come here and fight... from A Bug's Life (1998)
We could go get helpers. We could! We could leave. Sure. We could go find helpers to help us. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We could leave the island. The river bed's dry right now. We'd just walk right across the river bed. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We drew one of you dying because our teacher said it would be more dramatic. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We go all the way back there and it starts to rain, we might as well be suckin' bug spray. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We got paying customers hatching! from A Bug's Life (1998)
We gotta sweeten the deal. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We have more than enough food. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We may only go round one time from A Bug's Life (1998)
We may only go round one time from A Bug's Life (1998)
We may only go round this one time from A Bug's Life (1998)
We need this time to gather food for ourselves. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We voted you our honorary den mother! from A Bug's Life (1998)
We were invited by Princess Atta... from A Bug's Life (1998)
We'll be back at the end of the season... from A Bug's Life (1998)
We'll launch the bird and scare off the grasshoppers. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We're a lot stronger than you say we are. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We're going to hide all this and pretend it never happened. from A Bug's Life (1998)
We're losin' the audience! You clowns get out there now! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Well, Flik, you really goofed up. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Well, I haven't been that nice to you, and I'm sorry. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Well, if Dim stays he's gonna need me here. He's not fully trained. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Well, my boy, you came through. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Well, Princess! from A Bug's Life (1998)
What did I tell you about trying to fly? from A Bug's Life (1998)
What do you expect? The guy's a tick. from A Bug's Life (1998)
What is that? from A Bug's Life (1998)
What to do from A Bug's Life (1998)
What was I thinking? Going back to Ant Island. from A Bug's Life (1998)
What? Great. from A Bug's Life (1998)
What? How? He wasn't supposed to actually find someone! from A Bug's Life (1998)
What? Quit shoving! from A Bug's Life (1998)
What's going on in there? from A Bug's Life (1998)
When the last leaf falls. from A Bug's Life (1998)
When the time came he knew from A Bug's Life (1998)
When they find out, I'm as good as dead. from A Bug's Life (1998)
When you first brought them here, I thought you'd hired a bunch of clowns. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Where are they? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Where are you going? They're just ants! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Where do you get the gall to do this to me? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Where do you think you're going? Get over there! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Where's Dot? Has anyone seen Dot? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Where's my food? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Where's the food? Huh? from A Bug's Life (1998)
While we keep harvesting to meet Hopper's demands. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Who vanquished our grasshopper enemies of old. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Who will come to save us poor ants? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Who would care from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoa oh. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoa whoa whoa! Hey! Whoa whoa whoa! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoa, Flik, honey. We are not about to fight grasshoppers, okay? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoa, whoa, whoa there. Steady, girls. That's it. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoa! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoa! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoa! Burn 'im again! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoo hoo! Look at me! I'm barefootin'! Whoo hoo! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whoo whee! Ya hoo! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Whose idea was this? Huh? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Why go back to Ant Island at all? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Why, when your grasshopper friends get here, we are gonna... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Will you look at this colony? Will you just look at this colony? from A Bug's Life (1998)
With weak constitutions leave the arena... from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wow! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wow! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wow! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wow! It kinda does, doesn't it? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wow! The city! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wow. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wow. Manny's gettin' good. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wow. Ohh! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Wrong! It is, in fact, a telescope. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Ya did? from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yeah, I know. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yeah, you're right! It's just one ant! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yeah! Give 'im pie! Give 'im pie! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yeah! Whoa oh! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yes, Mr Flea. Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Right away, sir. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yes! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yes! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yo, bugito, dos granitos, pronto! from A Bug's Life (1998)
Yo! Two Black Flags over here! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You ants have a nice summer. Let's ride! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You ants stay back! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You are mindless, soil shoving losers... from A Bug's Life (1998)
You can explain the details on the way. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You can't! I mean, they are in the middle of a top secret meeting right now... from A Bug's Life (1998)
You got a lot of spunk, kid, but no one's gonna help a bunch of ants. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You gotta try this, man! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You have got to help me. Give me some time. I'll come up with a plan. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You have to go back. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You just have to give yourself some time. You're still a seed. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You just keep pretending you're warriors. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You just lost. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You leave him alone. He knows what he's doing. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You let one ant stand up to us... from A Bug's Life (1998)
You lied to the colony! You lied to me! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You lied, Flik. You lied to her. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You listen to me, my boy. I've made a living out of being a failure. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You little termites! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You may only go round one time from A Bug's Life (1998)
You mean to tell me that our entire defensive strategy... from A Bug's Life (1998)
You might not feel like you can do much now... from A Bug's Life (1998)
You piece of dirt! No, I'm wrong. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You said nothin' about killin' grasshoppers, pal. You lied to us! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You see, I've been thinkin', okay, which is somethin' that I do, you know, bein' vice president and all. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You wanna help us fill this thing? Then get rid of that machine... from A Bug's Life (1998)
You want her? Go ahead. Take her. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You were... You were gonna squish the queen. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You'll be gone before the grasshoppers ever arrive. It'll be easy. Here's what we do. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're a walking stick. It's funny! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're doing great! There you go. There you go! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're fired! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're lower than dirt. You're an ant! from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're makin' a lot of sense. I mean, why take the risk? from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're not the queen. You don't smell like the queen. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're right. I didn't think it was such a good idea myself. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're wrong but sweet. from A Bug's Life (1998)
You're wrong, Hopper. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Your Highness, I can't count when you hover like that. from A Bug's Life (1998)
Your instincts on that boy were right on the money. from A Bug's Life (1998)