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Stargate (1994) Stargate, the iconic science fiction film released in 1994, takes viewers on a captivating intergalactic

Stargate (1994)

Stargate, the iconic science fiction film released in 1994, takes viewers on a captivating intergalactic adventure. Directed by Roland Emmerich, the movie features an impressive ensemble cast including Kurt Russell as Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neil, James Spader as Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Alexis Cruz as Skaara. This thrilling tale follows a secret military team as they discover an ancient portal, called the Stargate, that can transport them to different worlds across the universe.

With its imaginative storyline, stunning visual effects, and a mesmerizing score by David Arnold, Stargate has become a beloved classic among sci-fi enthusiasts. From the intense battles on distant planets to the exploration of unknown civilizations, the world-building in this film is truly awe-inspiring. If you're a fan of Stargate, you can relive the excitement by playing and downloading the sounds from this timeless masterpiece. Immerse yourself in the thrilling SFX and enchanting soundtrack, transporting yourself into the captivating universe of Stargate. Indulge in the adventure and discover the wonders that await you beyond the Stargate's threshold.
A point oforigin.
A rebellion or uprising— and the Stargate was buried there.
A rebellion or uprising— and the Stargate was buried there.
Accidentally shot himself. Jesus.
Afternoon, Colonel.
Against all known writing samples from the period, pre and post.
Ah! See? Did I tell ya?
All right, we got a condition red at the gate. Evacuate all personnel.
All right,Jackson. You're on.
All right. All right. That's good. What is that smell?
All right. That's it.
All right. We're goin' back right now. Let's go.
Allergies. [ Blows Nose ]
Along with a shipment ofthat mineral they mine here.
Always happens when I travel.
And funny little line coming out ofthe top.
And I just— I just need to find it. [ Chuckles ]
And inhabiting this human form,
And knowing this, I think, uh, we have to begin to reevaluate...
And materialize in the vacuum of outer space.
And there must be something like that here.
And these people here don't want to die.
And tomorrow he's gonna send it back to Earth,
And when that thing goes off,
And you will.
And, in essence, dial home in order to bring the team back.
And, uh— Look here.
Anyway, we could sure use their help right now. For what?
Apparently his whole species was becoming extinct.
Appeared in the first two dynasties.
Are you gonna be all right?
As salaam alaikum.
As workers for the mines.
Backup storage. Reserve power on.
Barbara Shore. Hi. Hello.
Barometric pressure, temperature and, most importantly, oxygen.
Based on this new information, I don't see how we can do that.
Because he's inviting us to go with him.
Because he's inviting us to go with him.
Because there wasn't any reason to tell you, Kawalsky. You weren't even supposed to be here.
Big, big, big surprise! Yeah?
Both gates must have functioned as a doorway between our worlds.
Buh ni wae! Buh ni wae. Buh ni wae.
But since you don't know how to get us back,
But the outer track is like the cartouche in the center.
But to chart a course, you need...
But, anyway— Uh, okay. All right.
But, uh, once you know the vowels—
Can I borrow this?
Catherine! [ Arabic ]
Chevron five locked in place.
Chevron one is holding. Chevron one is locked in place.
Chevron seven is locked in place.
Chevron six is locked in place.
Chevron two is locked in place. We're at, uh, 35%.
Chicken. Chicken man! You got it.
Clear. No contact.
Colonel O'Neil. I think you owe me an explanation.
Colonel, he's right. I took some readings on what they were mining back there.
Come in. Come in. Feretti, I can't hearyou. Sir, I can't make this out.
Come on in.
Come on, Jackson!
Come on!
Come on. Let's move.
Come, Jackson.
Curious, and without fear, he walked towards the light.
Damn it. Let go of it!
Damn! Come on, Feretti!
Daniel. I'm Daniel.
Dates the Sphinx back to a much earlier period.
Designated by a little pyramid...
Do you have a family?
Do you have a, uh— Oh. Here. Sorry.
Do you have any idea how many possible combinations there are on that thing?
Don't be such a doomsayer, Feretti. Yeah, give it a rest.
Don't you have people who care about you?
Dr. Jackson.
E Excuse me. Uh— What are you doing?
Escaped from a dying world, looking for a way to extend his own life.
Every other major architectural structure at the time...
Everybody, back inside. Come on! Just take what you can carry!
Everything we've come to accept about—
Everything you own are in those two bags.
Except there's only six symbols in the cartouche.
Excuse me, Colonel O'Neil. We're from General West's office.
Excuse me. This information has become classified.
Find it? What— What do you mean, find it?
For all time.
Foster parents.
Freeman! Freeman!
Freeze and enhance.
From now on, no information is to be passed on to nonmilitary personnel...
Get back into the pyramid!
Get back. Move it.
Get over here.
Get that door! [ Alien Language ]
Give my regards to King Tut, asshole.
Go where? [ Chuckles ]
Good boy.
Guess the word dweeb doesn't mean anything to you guys, does it?
Guy's a mess.
He appointed himself ruler.
He came to a world rich with life,
He didn't want the people to remember the truth.
He realized within a human body he had a chance for a new life.
He used the Stargate to bring thousands of people here to this planet...
He wears glasses, so he can see.
He wears this jacket. He's got long hair.
He's full of shit.
He's got, like, long hair that comes down— No. No.
He's leaving. Turn it off.
He's right.
Hello. Hi. [ Chuckles ]
Help me!
Here, Colonel.
Here. [ Alien Language ]
Hey, hey, hey, don't—
Hey, Jackson. I don't think we should eat any food here.
Hey. [ Grunts ]
Hey. Hi.
Hi. Hi.
Hi. Okay.
His body decaying and weak, he couldn't prevent his own demise.
Hmm? [ Screams ]
Hmm? It's okay.
Hmm? It's okay. It's okay. See?
Hold on. Feretti, I've got 'em! Come on!
How about you?
How can you be so sure?
How'd he get like that?
Huh? To do what?
Humans. [ Chuckles ]
I It has mass. It It could be a moon or a large asteroid.
I can decipher the symbols on the Stargate, but I need an order of alignment.
I can't make it out. It sounds familiar— a bit like Berber.
I can't make it work without the seventh symbol.
I can't.
I don't have any idea who built them. I mean, that—
I don't know. They might consider that an insult.
I don't want to die.
I found it with Stargate when I was a child.
I got everything here but sunblock.
I had a family.
I have something foryou.
I knew it.
I knew they'd have it written down someplace.
I mean, I I've been able to show a fully developed writing system...
I mean, it hasn't been a living, spoken language in more than 1,000 years.
I mean, like the rest oftheir culture, it's evolved completely independently,
I mean, look at this. It says, uh, A traveler from distant stars...
I mean, there's bound to be more structures here...
I mean, we all know new geological evidence...
I mean, we really we really need to look around more.
I mean, you'vejust been evicted from your apartment. Your grants have run out.
I want all you people back through the Stargate within the hour.
I wanted to I'm very I'm very happy.
I was gonna stay behind alone and blow up the Stargate, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
I was told I had complete autonomy.
I will.
I— I'm gonna go now.
I— I'm gonna need more time.
I'd like you to meet General West.
I'll be damned.
I'll be seeing you around,
I'll be taking over from now on.
I'll go with them. I'll go. I'll be fine.
I'll intercept that bomb before he can send it through.
I'm clean. I'm— I'm— Oh.
I'm Colonel Jack O'Neil from General West's office.
I'm gonna be all right.
I'm gonna stay here and make sure this goes off.
I'm gonna take a look around.
I'm never gonna get paid.
I'm sorry. All right?
I've exhausted all reference material in comparing the symbols in the cartouche...
I've got details on.
I've I've never seen anything like this. [ Chuckles ]
If anybody has anything to say, now's the time to say it.
If I found any, blow up the Stargate.
Inside the pyramid, the most incredible structure ever erected,
Is there a lunch or something that— that everybody
Isn't there something you should be doing right now,
It comes over his eyes. He wears glasses and—
It has brought me luck.
It says, As the frightened villagers ran,
It seems like writing is forbidden to them.
It was in front of us the whole time.
It wears off in a minute.
It's It's okay.
It's a bomb, isn't it? That's what you were looking for.
It's a shame you're in such a hurry to.
It's an ancient Egyptian dialect.
It's gonna cause an explosion a hundred times more destructive than that bomb alone is capable of.
It's got a harness! It's domesticated!
It's got writing unlike we've ever found before.
It's gotta be here somewhere. Let me see.
It's guiding itself. Can you believe that?
It's not coffin.
It's not door to heaven.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay. Maybe you should go.
It's on the other side ofthe known universe.
It's pretty stupid.
It's the Egyptian sun god.
It's the gate on Earth that poses a threat. That's the one that we have to shut down.
It's the same material as the Stargate.
It's useless! It won't work in this! Freeman, let's go! Let's move!
Jackson has identified the seventh symbol.
Jackson. I think you better take a look at this.
Jackson. The guy who wears thisjacket. He's, uh—
Jackson. You said that was an Egyptian symbol.
Just answer the question.
Just gotta— gotta do—
Kawalsky, we gotta do somethin'.
Kawalsky. Brown.
Kawalsky. Feretti. Let's rock and roll.
Let's do it. Let's get it down.
Let's go.
Looks like we're gonna be here for a while. Okay, sir.
Made out ofa mineral unlike any found on Earth.
Maintain indefinitely.
Maybe you should go. Okay?
Mitch, you wanna bring up the details on the center monitor, please.
Mmm. Thank you.
Monitors up! [ Woman ] Monitors are up.
More interference?
Move out ofthe way.
Mrs. O'Neil, is your husband at home?
Must have used Budge. I don't know why they keep reprinting his books.
My orders were simple.
My report says 10,000.
Nafi. [ Chuckles ]
Natay. Naturu.
Natay. Naturu.
Neat little guys...
Neh jed? Neh jed?
Netjer? Netjer u? Netjer u?
Never mind. Never mind.
Night became day.
Night became day.
No matches whatsoever.
No one should ever have to outlive their own child.
No signal at all?
No, I I— Yes.
No, no, no, no, no, no. It's me. I wanted to— Thank you.
No, no. It's okay. It's okay. It's all right. W— Here.
No, no. Please, no more. Please.
No, uh— I'm, uh—
No, you keep it.
No. How many?
No. No, no, no, no, no, no. [ Gasps ]
No. That symbol isn't anywhere on the device.
No. You don't— You don't have to do that. Please.
Not this trip. Just get back in there and reestablish contact.
Now sealed and buried.
Now, he apparently...
Now, there's— there's two lines of hieroglyphs. The inner track has the classic figures,
Now, these constellations were placed in a unique order, forming a map or an address of sorts.
Now, those coordinates were marked on tablets back on Earth,
Now, uh, something happened— where is it back on Earth—
Now, uh, something happened— where is it back on Earth—
Nuclear missile silo. Now don't worry. It's been completely converted.
O'Neil! Wait! Stop! No! No!
Ofcourse you haven't. No one has.
Oh, hello. Oh, right, General. Right.
Oh, it's— okay. That's good.
Oh, no. It doesn't work that way.
Oh, we each get a tent. That's nice.
Once on the other side, you would have to decipher the markings on their gate...
Or some other traces ofcivilization.
Over there! Come on! Kawalsky!
Plans change.
Please, no more. I'm fine.
Praying beside a pyramid with the sun directly above it.
Professor! [ Arabic ] Salaam, salaam.
Pyramid. See, we came, uh, from the pyramid.
Ra outlawed reading and writing.
Ra? [ Horn Blowing ]
Radio base camp.
Ready? Okay.
Record all information from the Stargate.
Repeat, we have to abandon base camp!
Report. A quarter mile perimeter survey is just about complete, sir.
Right here. Jackson.
Sandstorm comin' this way.
Sealed and buried for all time.
Searched the galaxies, looking for a way to cheat death.
See? Yeah.
Send in the probe.
Set up a camp down here. Organize our supplies.
Seven points to outline a course to a position, and, uh—
Shh, shh, shh, shh. That's a good boy.
Show him.
Show me. You show me.
Shut up.
Shut up. Hmm? [ All Laughing ]
Shut up. Hmm? [ All Laughing ]
Sir? Jackson.
So he traveled or...
So I'm telling you guys, we're not going anywhere.
So what's the story? Did they find something?
So you think you've solved in 14 days what they couldn't solve in two years?
Someone wants to speak with you.
Start working on the Stargate.
Stay with him. Jackson. Just listen to me. Keep moving.
Stop! Hey!
Tah pah rief?
Tah pah rief. Tah pah—
Tastes [ Clucking ]
Tastes like chicken. It's good. [ Chuckles ]
Tastes like chicken. Tastes like chicken. Good!
Tell Catherine this brought me luck.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. That was great.
That would be great. Yeah. We could turn the thing in the wrong order...
That's it. That's what we're looking for.
That's right,Jackson.
That's why I wanted you, Jack.
That's why we may have to abort.
That's yourjob now.
The Eye of Ra.
The pharaohs ofthe fourth dynasty did not build the Great Pyramid?
The point is not who built them, the point is when they were built.
The point of origin.
There are no writings whatsoever, and— [ Man ] Dr. Jackson.
There you go.
There you go. There you go.
There's no place for these kids to go.
These markings are different. They don't match the symbols on our gate.
These readings tell us it's an atmospheric match.
They must have hidden it here in hopes that one day the gate on Earth could be reopened.
They want me to go with them. Should I stay?
They're not coming back, okay? This is not good. I'm telling you guys.
They're not exactly Special Forces, but they sure were eager tojoin up. [ Chuckles ]
They're simply not there.
This figure 10,000 is ludicrous. I mean, Egyptian culture didn't even exist.
This is as far as we have ever been able to get.
This is the symbol for this planet. That's it.
This is your chance.
This is— [ Chuckles ]
This mineral is clearly the building block ofall his technology.
This project is for naught without a reconnaissance mission.
This side clear.
Those aren't hieroglyphics. Might be some form of hieratic or maybe cuneiform.
Three teams. Let's go. [ Man On Radio ] White team, go.
Tiu. Tiu.
To find a destination within any three dimensional space,
Track down signs ofany possible danger.
Two figures on either side,
Two years?
Uh— Daniel.
Uh, let me grab this.
Uh, names, titles ofowners, lists of offerings.
Uh, wh what device? Um—
Uh, you— Uh—
Um, do I know you?
W We came, uh—
W— Um— Well, I mean, you just— I just had to learn how to pronounce it.
Wait a minute.
Was covered with detailed hieroglyphics.
We don't have that option, do we?
We know, but the sonic and radiocarbon tests are conclusive.
We need six points...
We'll never get anything in this storm. You'll have to wait till it passes.
We'll stay until it's over.
We're dead! Quit talking like that, man.
We're here to inform you that you've been reactivated.
We're looking forJackson.
We're not gonna find any hieroglyphic inscriptions or carved relief.
We're obviously looking at a picture ofthe cover stones.
We've opened a doorway to a world we know nothing about.
Welcome to the well. Hello. Hello.
Well, I assumed the tablets would be here. I mean, right here.
Well, I could do that.
Well, I found some.
Well, it's not that easy. This is a replica ofthe Great Pyramid of Giza.
Well, no— six for the destination.
Well, so, why is the military so interested in 5,000 year old Egyptian tablets?
Well, the translation ofthe inner track is wrong.
Well, this should read, A million years into the sky is Ra, sun god,
Well, we don't want to offend them, now, do we, Daniel?
Well, your bomb is his now.
Were, in fact—
What a rush.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Just cover me.
What do you want? You want some ofthis?
What is it, Colonel?
What is that?
What is that?
What the hell did you say to him? Nothing. [ Scoffs ]
What the hell is that?
What the hell were you thinking?
What— What is this all about?
What? What? ** [ Resumes ]
What'd you come here for?
What's he talkin' about?
What's that all about? I don't know, Feretti.
When is the academic community gonna accept the fact...
Where are we going?
Where he encountered a primitive race.
Where they all goin'?
Where's the seventh symbol? It must have broken.
Why are we going to the Stargate? I can't make it work.
Why are you here? Why did they bring you on this project?
Why don't you tell them about the bomb?
Why wasn't I told ofthis?
With this, he can sustain eternal life.
With... two...
Without my express permission.
Would you say then that it might stand to reason that ifthey know one Egyptian symbol—
Wrap this up. Get everybody back inside. Right.
Yeah, how hard can it be?
Yeah, right. Ifit passes.
Yeah. I wonder what could've given them that idea?
Yeah. Then an adverbial— sedjem en ef.
Yeah. Why not? I'm on Planet X, looking for a dweeb who wears green fatigues.
Yes, I'm sure.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Yes. [ Woman Speaking Alien Language ]
Yes. My father found it. 1928.
You all right?
You can bring it back to me.
You can clearly see the gate on the other side.
You can try.
You can't or you won't?
You didn't say a word about finding anything!
You didn't say anything about finding anything.
You got any rounds at all, Feretti? We're all out of ammo!
You had accepted the fact that, no matter what happened, you would not be going home.
You know this symbol? You've seen this symbol?
You know, I was stationed in the Middle East. I've never seen anything like it.
You know, which—
You might need this.
You okay,Jackson?
You said you needed seven points.
You see, ifyou don't turn it on from here, we're screwed, okay?
You sure you wanna do this?
You sure you wanna do this?
You understand this complicates things.
You understand? Yes, sir.
You want me to get us back home, this is our best shot.
You want to prove that your theories are right?
You were all gonna go right back through with Daniel.
You'll have to share them because— I'm sorry, I don't—
You're absolutely right.
You're on the team.
You're the linguist. Try to talk to 'em.
Yourjob here is to realign the Stargate. Can you do that or not?
[ Alien Language ] [ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ] [ Screaming ]
[ All Shouting ] Fearful ofa rebellion here,
[ Beeping ] [ Rumbling ]
[ Chattering ] [ Alien Language ]
[ Computer Beeps ] All right.
[ Crying ] [ Alien Language ]
[ Feretti ] Well, what are we gonna do? Cover me.
[ Grunts ] [ Rumbling ]
[ Laughs ] [ Scoffs ]
[ Mitch ] Override manually. [ Beeping ]
[ Shouts In Alien Language ] [ Groans ]
[ Sizzling ] [ Alien Language ]
[ Sneezes ] Cold?
[ Together ] I've got an idea. [ Beeps ]
[ Whirs ] [ Ticking Continues ]
[ Woman ] Clear inner silo for approach. [ Man On P.A. ] Clear inner silo.
[ Woman On P.A., Indistinct ] I have some stuffto look at.
** [ Music Stops ] What the hell's goin' on?
Ajob. What kind of a job?
Buh ni. Buh ni wae! Buh ni wae?
Catherine, what's going on here? I'm not sure.
Chevron two is holding. [ Computer Voice ] Engage.
Eh? Tastes like chicken.
Here. [ Velcro Rips ]
How much time do we have left? Forty five seconds.
Jackson. Wait for me.
Jackson. It's all right. It's over. [ Coughing ]
Maybe Chadic or Omotic. [ Alien Language ]
Men from Atlantis? Or Martians perhaps? [ Laughing ]
Neh dah. Neh dah. Neh dah.
Right. of Khufu's name within the pyramid.
Sir? You heard me. Send 'em all home.
Tah pah rief? Tah pah rief.
Tah pah rief? What?
Thermal blanket. I don't need that. Talk to him.
This is hot. You know, I can't believe we're stuck here.
Well, his discovery was a fraud. [ Man ] Well, I hope you can prove it.
Well, these are cover stones. Was there a tomb underneath? No, no, no, no.
What are you talkin' about? The seventh symbol.
What's this? Travel plans.
Yeah, yeah. I don't understand. Why don't we just turn the gate back on ourselves?
Yes. Do you think we might be able to speak with him?
You assumed? You're a lying son of a bitch!
[ Alarm Beeping ]
[ Alarm Stops ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ]
[ Alien Language ] [ All Laughing ]
[ Alien Language ] [ Coughing ]
[ Alien Language ] [ Crowd Gasps ]
[ Alien Language ] He's inviting us to go with him.
[ Alien Language ] No, no, no, no.
[ Alien Language ] No, no, no.
[ Alien Language ] Wait. Wait!
[ Alien Language ] Yeah.
[ Alien Language ] Yes, thank you.
[ Alien Pilot Speaking Over Loudspeaker ]
[ All Chattering ]
[ All Cheering ]
[ All Cheering ]
[ All Cheering ]
[ All Cheering ]
[ All Clucking ] [ Shouts In Alien Language ]
[ All Coughing ]
[ All Laughing ]
[ All Shouting ]
[ All Shouting ]
[ All Shouting, Whooping ]
[ All Sneeze ]
[ Audience Murmuring ] Look. Look.
[ Beeping ]
[ Beeping ]
[ Beeping ]
[ Beeping ]
[ Beeping ]
[ Beeping ]
[ Beeping Continues ]
[ Beeps ]
[ Beeps ]
[ Beeps ] [ Female Voice ] Cleared.
[ Bird Screeches ]
[ Blows Nose ]
[ Both Speaking Alien Language ]
[ Both Speaking Alien Language ]
[ Brown ] Move it. Move it.
[ Button Hisses ]
[ Camera Shutter Clicks ]
[ Car Engine Starts ]
[ Car Horn Honking ] [ Elevator Bell Dings ]
[ Car Horn Honks ]
[ Cat Meows ]
[ Cat Meows ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Chattering ] [ Wind Blowing ]
[ Chattering ] Ten hut!
[ Chattering In Alien Language ]
[ Chattering In Alien Language ]
[ Chattering In Arabic ]
[ Cheering Stops ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ] I thought you were one ofthe other cleaning—
[ Chuckles ] I'm sorry, I don't have enough ofthose.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah. I think so.
[ Chuckling ]
[ Chuckling ]
[ Chuckling ] Now that's cold.
[ Chuckling ] Okay. That's good.
[ Chuckling ] You scared me.
[ Clears Throat ] Kawalsky? Brown? Do you read?
[ Clears Throat ] Sorry about that— were, in fact, star constellations.
[ Clock Ticking ]
[ Clucking ] [ Alien Language ]
[ Clucks ]
[ Computer Beeping ] General West.
[ Computer Voice ] .332.
[ Computer Voice ] O2 ratio stable. Conditions are similar to inside.
[ Computer Voice ] Quartz, primary element.
[ Computer Voice ] Vector tracking set.
[ Computer Voice, Distorted ]
[ Computers Beeping ]
[ Coughing ]
[ Coughing ]
[ Coughing ] Hey. You okay? You all right?
[ Coughing ] You're wasting the battery.
[ Coughs ]
[ Creature Bleating ]
[ Creature Farts ]
[ Creature Grunting ]
[ Creature Grunting ] What's happening up there?
[ Creature Grunting, Panting ]
[ Creature Lowing ]
[ Creature Lows ]
[ Creature Murmuring ]
[ Creature Murmurs ]
[ Creature Roaring ]
[ Creatures Grunting ]
[ Creatures Grunting ]
[ Crowd Murmuring ]
[ Crowd Murmuring ] [ Mutters ]
[ Device Shuts Off]
[ Distorted ] What— Can you repeat that, sir?
[ Electrical Crackling ]
[ Electrical Humming ]
[ Engine Starts ] His kid died.
[ Engine Stops ]
[ Exhales Deeply ]
[ Explosion ]
[ Feretti ] Coveryou?
[ Gagging ] Stop it.
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps Softly ]
[ Gasps, Whimpers ]
[ Gate Clattering ]
[ Geiger Counter Clicking ]
[ Groans ]
[ Groans ]
[ Groans ]
[ Groans ]
[ Groans ]
[ Groans ] [Jackson Gags ]
[ Growl ] [ Grunts ]
[ Growls ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ] [ Weapon Thuds ]
[ Grunts ] I can't stop it. They got it rigged.
[ Guard Screams ] [ All Cheering ]
[ Guard Speaking Alien Language ]
[ Guard Speaking Alien Language ]
[ Guard Speaks Alien Language ]
[ Guard Speaks Alien Language ]
[ Gurgles, Snorts ]
[ Hatch Closes ]
[ Horn Blowing ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Alien Language ]
[ In Arabic ]
[ In English ] Connect the moons.
[ In English ] Husband?
[ In English ] Yes. Do it slowly.
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