A car hit him. We need an ambulance. from The Nice Guys (2016)
A few people got hurt. from The Nice Guys (2016)
A guy burned up. It happens. from The Nice Guys (2016)
A guy without his balls. from The Nice Guys (2016)
A second instalment? from The Nice Guys (2016)
A Yoo hoo? from The Nice Guys (2016)
About this good most of the time. from The Nice Guys (2016)
According to her, her mother's single handedly from The Nice Guys (2016)
After I have a look at Sleeping Beauty. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Air. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Alive and well, Misty Mountains. from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right, all right, just back up a little bit. from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right, Mr. March. You have a good day, okay? from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right, so then your solution was you make a porn film. from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right, we got a plan. from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right, which one of you cock and balls wants to make 20 bucks, huh? from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right, you know, everybody, in the corner. Come on. (YELPS) from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right. from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right. from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right. from The Nice Guys (2016)
All right. Well... from The Nice Guys (2016)
All the bees are riding around in cars these days. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Already she's got herself a winner. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Also, I hope you didn't forget that you're supposed to be working today. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia, Misty, Dean, Shattuck, all dead. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
AMELIA: Hurry. I need my keys. from The Nice Guys (2016)
AMELIA: I don't know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
AMELIA: I need my keys. I need my car. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia! Run! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia? The old lady saw Amelia? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia's boyfriend, Dean. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Amelia's gonna be very happy that you got the message so quickly. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And 10 minutes later the point is that there's two ways to look at something. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And Amelia splits and takes the film. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And don't take it easy on me just 'cause I'm your father. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And goes where? from The Nice Guys (2016)
And I reached for whatever came in a gallon and cost a buck fifty. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And I thought that you said you found her. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And if I'm not there to take care of it, from The Nice Guys (2016)
And it's over. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And nothing ever works out, is that what you're trying to say? from The Nice Guys (2016)
And now, back to America's favorite family, The Waltons. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And once it was out there, once it was in theaters, from The Nice Guys (2016)
And right then the guy dies. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And see if we can squeeze a second instalment out of her. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And she asks me to find her niece, Misty Mountains. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And she gave that copy to Misty. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And Sid Shattuck? from The Nice Guys (2016)
And that top number is today's date but reversed like the European way, from The Nice Guys (2016)
And that'll be the cops. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And the idea was that we were gonna, you know, from The Nice Guys (2016)
And the reality was we were getting our message out there. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And the wardrobe matches perfectly. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And then a few days later I walk in on them from The Nice Guys (2016)
And then former president, Richard Nixon, appears before him from The Nice Guys (2016)
And then he's gonna come for you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And then my pals in the force said reach for the brass ring, from The Nice Guys (2016)
And then my wife died, from The Nice Guys (2016)
And they come across this car accident, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
And they still should if they changed them. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And they're all doing anal and stuff. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And this is... It's not my only reason, but it is a principle reason. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And what does this have to do with the birds? from The Nice Guys (2016)
And when it's over, the only thing that's changed from The Nice Guys (2016)
And yeah, yeah, my statement contained nudity. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And you are? from The Nice Guys (2016)
And you are... Wait, I know you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And you know why I wouldn't tell you? from The Nice Guys (2016)
And you? from The Nice Guys (2016)
And, Mr. Paulsen, glad to have you here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And, uh, yeah, it cost the guy his life and his life's work. from The Nice Guys (2016)
And? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Answers to the call of the wild. (SIGHS) from The Nice Guys (2016)
Any chance she, uh, paid with a credit card? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Anyway, Nixon gets out, runs over to check on the guy, from The Nice Guys (2016)
Anyway, she's here. You should come over. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Anyways, I should probably get back to my book. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Are you a bad person? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Are you kidding? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Are you okay? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Are you the one who's been asking about Amelia? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Aren't they lucky? from The Nice Guys (2016)
As long as you get the results. from The Nice Guys (2016)
At least you're drinking again. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Bang! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Bang! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Bart has a plain towel. from The Nice Guys (2016)
BARTENDER: Yeah, I think I remember her. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Because she thinks her mother's going to have her killed. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Because she's the head of the Justice Department. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Because? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Because? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Become a P.I. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Bend a few rules maybe, from The Nice Guys (2016)
Big difference. But don't worry. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Big party. Mucky mucks. Loads of press. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Bingo. Yeah. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Boy, that Omar Sharif sure runs fast. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Bullshit's right. She's dead and then she's alive. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Burbank Airport. Western flight D. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Burbank Airport. Western flight D. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Burbank included. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But Dad, you know, he's got his nose thing, from The Nice Guys (2016)
But he's got money for pot and he drives a nice car. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But I only have the name and description for the one. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But I wanna know if I can trust you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But I'll call you, you know, when we make the drop. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But if you got trouble with someone, from The Nice Guys (2016)
But interesting. Good to know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But it's all right for you to fail your daughter? from The Nice Guys (2016)
But it's one of those bags. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But it's worth it, from The Nice Guys (2016)
But my mom, she's gonna say that's not enough. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But nobody believes me. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But there's no film, not anymore. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But this is actually a really serious matter. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But we're gonna bring down the people who did it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But what did you do? from The Nice Guys (2016)
But you get paid. from The Nice Guys (2016)
But, no, it was here. The desk was here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
By now he's heard of you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
By the way, I'm supposed to meet someone here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Bye. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Cadillac have brought their new El Dorado. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Can I go see my daughter now? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Can I take this? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Can you stay at one of your friends? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Combining velour, leather, wood paneling and an improved... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Come and see it, folks. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Come on, fish. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Come on, let's go down and see your dad. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Come on! Come down here! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Come on. Are you serious? Are you fucking serious? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Come with me. Come on, baby. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Consider it done. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Could try for an investigator's license. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Cover me. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Dad barely ever comes here. He feels guilty, I guess. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Dad, there's like whores here and stuff. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Dad, what are you doing? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Dead one. Porn star. Misty something. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Dean was a filmmaker. Um... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Detroit had her killed. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Did you actually witness him getting into the elevator? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Did you fall down the hill? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Did you get a name? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Did you kill him? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Did you move it? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Did you see a girl about 5'8, dark hair, named Amelia? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Did you see the TV? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Didn't I see you crawling round a vacant lot a couple of blocks over? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Didn't you hear me the first time? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Dinner? (LAUGHING) from The Nice Guys (2016)
Distributors. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do I know you? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do you by any chance know a girl named Amelia? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do you even really know Amelia, Chet? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do you have a clue what just happened? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do you know that that suitcase that you gave us, somebody switched it out? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do you know who they were? Do you know who sent them? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do you mind if I have an apple? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do you wanna see my dick? Unbelievable. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Do you want her to see you like this? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Does Tally have one of... Shall we have hers as well? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Does this mean... Does this mean that my niece is dead? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Don't even look at her, man. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Don't fucking move. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Don't get upset. I'm not here to hurt you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Don't really put a fork in me. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Don't say, and stuff. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Don't stay up too late, all right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Don't... Don't... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Done. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Dr. Malek, would you like a cookie? Just baked them. from The Nice Guys (2016)
DR. MALEK: Thank you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Dr. Malek. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Drank bourbon martinis. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Drink? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Drive the fucking car! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Equanimity. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Even... No, even if this Amelia girl isn't my niece, she might know something. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Evening. What can I get you? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Ever since your little visit the other day, this little baby's gonna stay right here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Every airport has an overflight curfew from 10:00 to 6:00, from The Nice Guys (2016)
Every car can do this. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Everybody worked on this Amelia flick, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Excuse me? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Experimental films, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fags! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fat fucking chance. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fine. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fine. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fine. from The Nice Guys (2016)
First of all, I wanna say thank you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
For, uh, that car that we crashed. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Forget about it, all right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fred. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fred's his name. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Free drinks. What do you have? from The Nice Guys (2016)
From last year, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck those guys. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck you, man. We're dead! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck you! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck you. Come on, $600? That's fucking robbery. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck, fuck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck! Motherfucker, my fucking hand! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fuck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fucking Chet. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fucking damn it. Forget it. You know what? Turn around. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Fucking fascists! (GASPS) from The Nice Guys (2016)
Get down here! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Get in. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Get paid twice. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Get them. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Get... No! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Give me a second. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Giving the world luxury redefined. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Glass eye? from The Nice Guys (2016)
God damn it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
God, have you been living under a rock? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Goodbye. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Gosh. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Got a cool ad, though. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Got in the elevator right before you guys came in. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Gotta act like you're onto something, like you've been working hard. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Guys, listen. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Had Mademoiselle Blanche been in England before? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hallelujah. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hatrack. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hatrack. Look at that. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Have a couple of cold ones on me? from The Nice Guys (2016)
He accepted her betrayal with equanimity. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He didn't make it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He is supposed to be looking for my niece. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He just wanted to come along. I don't know why. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He kicks a few cases my way. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He likes my dad a lot, too. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He told me this one chick was his sister, right, from The Nice Guys (2016)
He'll stop doing it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's gone missing. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's gone. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's gone. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's got a point there, Bumble. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's inside resting. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's lying there on the ground, staring up at the sky, near death, from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's not responsive. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's not showing it to me. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's on The Waltons. from The Nice Guys (2016)
He's probably still got it stashed somewhere. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Healy, stop! You don't have to kill him! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Healy, there's no one here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Healy! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Healy! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Healy. Healy! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hello? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hello? Please! Hurry, hurry. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hello. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Her aunt goes to her house to clean out the place, and lo and behold, from The Nice Guys (2016)
Her boyfriend died, like, really died, like, three days ago. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Here. You wanna use that? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, aren't you that diner guy? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, can we go one more game before... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, can you ask this guy to behave like a professional? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, Chet? Chet? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, he'll give you $20 if you answer. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, hey, hey. No. Don't touch that. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, hey. Oh, no! Hey! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, hotshot, come on in here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, I shelled out 400 bucks for a detective. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, kid. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, kid. Kid. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, man. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, pal, what can I do you for? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, that's where I know you from, right? The TV. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, uh... Sorry. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey, you know, something's actually bugging me. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey. (WHISTLES SLOWLY) from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey. Hey, Chet. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey. Why didn't you watch my movie? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hey. You want another drink? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hi. from The Nice Guys (2016)
High profile case for you, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hitler only had one ball. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hmm. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hmm. Memory gets a little foggy, you know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Holland March home? from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: (CLEARS THROAT) Look, if Amelia doesn't show, we still got Shattuck, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: And sometimes... Sometimes, from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: And we already got our first case. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Are you nervous at all? from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Deal. Great. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Get down. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Good point. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: He makes a strong argument, though. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: I fucked up. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: I love it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: I wish I wished for things, man. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: I work in a cesspool. Sex. More sex. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Look, I'm not saying it's easy. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Oh, fuck it. Maybe they're right. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Oh, God. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Oh, would you just... from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Savage Sid, the porn king. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: So let me get this straight. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: The Western Hotel. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Who is it? from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: Yeah, we don't have friends. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: You have reached March Investigations. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLAND: You know, I have neighbors. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Holly, go and see if you can flag somebody down. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Holly, go to Janet's this time. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Holly, what are you doing? Are you crazy? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Holly, what's the name of the guy on The Waltons that plays John Boy? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Holly, you can come in now. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLY: Get away from me! from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLY: Guys, look. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLY: I know how you do that. from The Nice Guys (2016)
HOLLY: You don't wanna call too soon. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Holy shit, you got her. from The Nice Guys (2016)
How do you get your hair to... It's magnificent. from The Nice Guys (2016)
How Do You Like My Car, Big Boy? from The Nice Guys (2016)
How do you like my car, Big boy? from The Nice Guys (2016)
How do you wanna do this? from The Nice Guys (2016)
How does that song go? from The Nice Guys (2016)
How long has he been missing? from The Nice Guys (2016)
How stupid do you think I am? from The Nice Guys (2016)
How'd you know my name was Buddy? from The Nice Guys (2016)
However, there are people trying to kill her, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Hurry. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I accept it, all right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
I acted. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I always hated that palm tree. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I believe he's making a connection between you and Adolf Hitler. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I can stay with Jessica, but... from The Nice Guys (2016)
I can't just leave. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I could be persuaded. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I didn't even get paid for it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I didn't imagine it. I saw my Misty alive. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I didn't know it could do that. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I didn't know what time you'd get here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I didn't plan to, I didn't, you know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I didn't say that. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I don't have a job title, I'm not in the Yellow Pages, from The Nice Guys (2016)
I don't know what the fuck it means either. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I don't know. I say we wait a couple of days, call Kuttner from The Nice Guys (2016)
I don't know. I'm gonna ask him. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I don't know. Uh... from The Nice Guys (2016)
I don't think you should be watching this. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I don't wanna get into it right now. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I figure she's trying to skip town. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I forgot her name, but, you know, if you see you, from The Nice Guys (2016)
I found it very useful, actually. Okay, Janet? from The Nice Guys (2016)
I found Sid Shattuck's corpse, didn't I? from The Nice Guys (2016)
I found something hidden in the cabinet. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I found this in Shattuck's office. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I fucked up. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I got a friend, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
I got a gun pointed directly at your daughter's spine. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I got a license to carry, motherfucker. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I got insurance. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I got it in the hallway. I thought it was hot. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I gotta know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I guess I don't understand why we're not celebrating. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I guess it's easy to live in your world, right, where everyone sits in their place. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I guess. More like a nudie film. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I had to question the mermaids. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I hate you! (SIGHING) from The Nice Guys (2016)
I have no idea, Mr. March. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I heard. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I hit nails in halfway and stop. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I just did it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I just wanna ask you a question. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I just wanna know who he did it with and get the pictures. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I know what you're gonna say, but since I'm already here, from The Nice Guys (2016)
I know, but I'm saying deep down. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I know, it's crazy. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I like her. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I like where your head's at, sweetheart. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I look after it for him. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I lost my gun. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I lost my sense of smell. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I love you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I made a discretionary revelation. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I made a film with Dean, my boyfriend. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I made it myself. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I made this. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I mean, after tonight she's probably very scared. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I mean, can't we get to the next... from The Nice Guys (2016)
I mean, I grew up Irish. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I mean, she could die. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I mean, we just got paid. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I need to talk to you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I need you to show us exactly what you saw. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I never should have taken your money in the first place. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I offered to show my dick 'cause I got a big dick. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I only know that Amelia's in danger. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I run the tape through and I think, Okay, maybe there was a girl there. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I said I was tracking the girl that you saw from The Nice Guys (2016)
I said I'd like to speak to Sid personally. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I saw her in her house through the front window as clear as day, from The Nice Guys (2016)
I saw her through the front window. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I think I'm invincible. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I think she did a film with Sid Shattuck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I think she's involved in something shady maybe. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I think they went out through those doors. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I think this is gonna work better, faster, if we split up. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I think you have the wrong house. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I thought that's what you wanted. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I thought you'd wanna chip in for that. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I threw that little girl out the window. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I took that guy out. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I tried to tell you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I understand that you're in town for the big show. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I understand, I get it, it's part of the job. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I used to fly all the time, but now the smog is just disgusting, man. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I wanna help. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I will. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I wish I did. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I work for the Department of Justice. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I would like to help you, but I just don't know anybody called Amelia. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I... There's someone out looking for me. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'd say couldn't do it for less than $5,000. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'll find the girl myself. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'll send the family doctor. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'll take a wire transfer. It's a Union Federal account. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'll take you to her. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'll tell you later. Don't worry about it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm a cowboy. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm a detective and we have a code. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm Amelia's mother. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm an old friend. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm asking after a friend of ours, Amelia. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm dealing with an injury. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm friends with a cop, you know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm gonna need you to drive. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm gonna pull over up here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm here with a representative of the Detroit Auto Manufacturers, Mr. Bergen Paulsen. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm just really tired, you know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm kinda getting the idea that, you know, you might not have much choice. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm no scientist, but that's been my process with corn for years. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm not buying this nice guy act, pal. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm not even looking for Amelia. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm not gonna hurt you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm not saying you don't gotta think on your feet, from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm off the clock. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm sorry, guys. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm sorry. Duck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm sorry. The diner guy? from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm sure I don't know, ma'am. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I'm very sorry about that. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I've been listening to everything you said. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I've got a bad feeling about this. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I've just been really scared, but, um, you make me feel safe. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I've only got $400. from The Nice Guys (2016)
I've seen that jacket, sure, yeah. from The Nice Guys (2016)
If I don't, we won't get to live in such a nice house. from The Nice Guys (2016)
If you wanted to get a story out there, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
If you'll follow me, my boss would like a word. Please. from The Nice Guys (2016)
In a hurry. Thanks, buddy. from The Nice Guys (2016)
In addition to the most distinctive styling, from The Nice Guys (2016)
In Detroit, yeah. Three times. from The Nice Guys (2016)
In other news, a police spokesman says he has not ruled out foul play from The Nice Guys (2016)
In Shattuck's office. from The Nice Guys (2016)
In there. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Is that a fact? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Is that a shirt? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Is that so? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Is that the number you got for Sid Shattuck? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Is that the sun went down twice. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It is a great time. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It scared me kinda. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It was stupid, really. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It was stupid, really. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It was the best day of my life. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It was very slippery up there, okay? from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's a Munich. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's a nice dress. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's all right. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's called, Shut up unless you're me. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's gonna make her smile. That's good. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's here. Just pull over. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's just Fred's never been gone this long before. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's just this pollution is out of control. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's like a hallowed, time honored detective ploy, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's me he for Yoo hoo! Thanks again. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's not common you find such nice people in the world. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's not my nose that grows. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's nuanced. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's okay. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's out there. The film exists. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's probably flat, like apartment. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's right here. On the left. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's Sid Shattuck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's spliced into the middle of it, right in the other film. Go get it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's the killer bees. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's the only thing that makes sense. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's the same situation, just a vastly different point of view. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's very fucking complicated. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's very pretty. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's wardrobe for the film. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's wardrobe for the film. from The Nice Guys (2016)
It's what's in the story. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: $400, that's all. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: Congratulations, buddy. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: Hey, look, one's a mistake. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: I'm not saying I wasn't a little bastard. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: It's just a bunch of cars. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: It's not the sex. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: Shit! from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: So I did something about it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: So what's this? from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: So, Amelia's note. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: So, you know the old lady, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: Sometimes I feel okay about things. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: There's something wrong with kids today. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: We probably shouldn't hit her if we want her to talk to us. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: Yeah, write it down. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: Yeah. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JACKSON: Your left arm. Give me your left arm. This one. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jessica, dial 911. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jessica, I wouldn't do that if I were you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jessica, it's him. He's the guy. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JESSICA: Hold on. Um... from The Nice Guys (2016)
JESSICA: Yeah, I don't know... from The Nice Guys (2016)
JESSICA: Yeah, I know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JESSICA: Yeah, sorry, Mr. March. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jessica. I think she's awake. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jessica's. We've gotta go to work. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jesus Christ, are you kidding? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jesus Christ! One at a time! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jesus Christ. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jesus tap dancing Christ! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jesus! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jesus! from The Nice Guys (2016)
John Boy. Oh, just something that Blueface mentioned, yeah. from The Nice Guys (2016)
John something. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Jonathan has a gay towel. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JUDITH: And I'm doing everything I can to stop it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JUDITH: I need your help. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JUDITH: Okay. from The Nice Guys (2016)
JUDITH: The Vegas mob is trying to spread its porn operation to Hollywood Boulevard. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just chill here, you know. She's gotta come back down. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just drive. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just following orders. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just for a moment I felt useful. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just hang on. We need to help him. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just him and a few agents. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just if you see, let me know and tell me my name. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just in case you're not... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just leave the girl alone. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just say, Dad, there are whores here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just say, They're doing anal. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just shut up! Shut up! Both of you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just take your hands off the wheel, man. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just tell him you have a spiral fracture of the left radius. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just tell them the exact amounts. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Just... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Kind of had their balls removed. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Kind of like experimental kinds of films. Um... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Kuttner paid us. Me. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Last week this old broad comes to me from The Nice Guys (2016)
Let's deal with the fucking rotting corpse. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Let's see what they have brought with them to the pool today. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Like make this experimental film, like an artistic film. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Like that. I hated that. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Lily Glenn. Two N's. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Lily sees it through that window. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Listen, dickweed, that little girl's a minor. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Listen, this isn't a great time. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Little guy, stringy hair. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look at these idiots. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look at this. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look at this. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look away. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look, I'm trying to find Amelia. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look, if you come in here, you beat up on me, you trash the place, from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look, pal, you already got our statements. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look, there's 20 bucks in there, all right? Just take it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look, they got away with it. Big surprise, you know? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look, we got a problem on nine. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look, you gotta stop and think about this, all right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Look... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Love. Grand, isn't it? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Made the newspapers. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mademoiselle Blanche replied politely but with reserve. from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: An incredible 210 brake horsepower. from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: Come on, baby, keep dancing! from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: Hey, there's a line, asshole! from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: Johnny's car! from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: Join us! from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: Oh, fuck! Fuck! from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: Oh, shit. from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: Okay, Holly... from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: You drunk motherfucker, you. from The Nice Guys (2016)
MAN: You know why they call them killer bees, don't you? from The Nice Guys (2016)
March, March, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can. from The Nice Guys (2016)
March! from The Nice Guys (2016)
March! from The Nice Guys (2016)
March! Wake up! from The Nice Guys (2016)
March. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Marriage is buying a house for someone you hate. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Marriage? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Maybe smoking the reefer? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Maybe the goddamn birds can't breathe. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Maybe then I'd feel good in the morning. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Maybe they should get married. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Maybe they're both telling the truth. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Maybe. What's it to you? from The Nice Guys (2016)
MC: Welcome to Los Angeles and the 1978 Pacific Coast Auto Show. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Me, too. (SNIFFS) But I get it now. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Me? No. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mentioned how? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Messenger service. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Michigan works. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Michigan. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Missing? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Misty Mountains? from The Nice Guys (2016)
MISTY: I might be persuaded to change my mind. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mom kept on complaining about a leak in the furnace, from The Nice Guys (2016)
Money again, right? Mammon, that's her god. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Motherfucker! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Motherfucker! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Motherfucker! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Motor City Pride. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mr. Healy, if you kill this man, I will never speak to you again. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mr. Healy, what are you doing? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mr. Healy? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mr. March, I just got a call from Judith. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mr. March. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mr. March... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mrs. Glenn, be reasonable. from The Nice Guys (2016)
MRS. GLENN: I'm telling you, I saw her, Mr. March. from The Nice Guys (2016)
MRS. GLENN: Please stop talking. from The Nice Guys (2016)
MRS. GLENN: There. There. That's the window. from The Nice Guys (2016)
MRS. GLENN: Well, I don't know what to say. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mrs. Glenn. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Mrs. Kuttner, why do you think everyone involved with this film is dying? from The Nice Guys (2016)
MĂĽnchen. Munich. Yeah. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Munich is a city in Germany. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Munich. from The Nice Guys (2016)
My folks, they told me to reach for the stars, from The Nice Guys (2016)
My fucking gun. from The Nice Guys (2016)
My mom found out. from The Nice Guys (2016)
My mom's supposed to be working for the Justice Department, right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
My sister kicked us out. She's having a guy over. from The Nice Guys (2016)
My wife, she used to say I make a living off rumpy pumpy. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Name's Amelia. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Names and dates and everything, everything that my mom was doing, from The Nice Guys (2016)
NARRATOR: Bart, Sarah and Jonathan are spending their leisure day at the city pool. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Never. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Never. from The Nice Guys (2016)
NEWSCASTER: Good morning, Los Angeles. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Nixon! from The Nice Guys (2016)
No animals in the house, sweetheart. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No desk there now. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, different John Boy. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, his name was Sid... Sid Hatrack. Yeah. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, I didn't, Janet. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, I said smart move. Different. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, I... from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, I... (STUTTERS) from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, I'm just looking for my gun. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, I'm not here for that. I told you, I'm a messenger. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, it was Mom and Dad's. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, it was Mom and Dad's. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, it was told to me by a wise old Indian. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, no, no, no. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, she paid me up front, actually, you know. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, there's a couple. Doctor? from The Nice Guys (2016)
No, you haven't. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No! from The Nice Guys (2016)
No! (GRUNTING) from The Nice Guys (2016)
No! No! from The Nice Guys (2016)
No. Anyway, you know, Nixon's driving around one day around San Clemente. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No. It'll take too long. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No. My associate's out looking for him now. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No. No, you just gave her up. from The Nice Guys (2016)
No. Sucker punched your dad. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Nobody wants to see your dick, dude. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Nobody's getting killed at the Burbank Airport Hotel. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Nobody's name is Hatrack. from The Nice Guys (2016)
None of us do. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Nope. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Not a movie. The movie. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Not enough evidence of collusion, you see. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Not especially. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Not especially. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Not me. I got this guy in a local retirement park. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Not often. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Not really, Chet. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Not the fish. Come on. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Nothing changes, just like you said. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now he's gonna kill that private cop and his whole fucking family. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now we just gotta find that fucking Chet before John Boy does. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now we just have to find it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now you're getting the carpet all wet. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now you're getting the carpet all wet. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, ahem, I got one more thing I need to ask you before we're done here. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, did he think that's normal, right, that before they die everybody sees Nixon? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, even if I knew something, I wouldn't tell you, kid. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, I'm very sorry that you didn't get the message. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, tell me, are you willing to find God? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, then, Nurse Holly, how's our patient? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, we can do this the easy way, or we can... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, what was that bonus payment? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now, your buddy, that was the problem, he wasn't reasonable. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Now! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Number 22 12. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Nurse Holly. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Of course I fucking witnessed it. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Of course not. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Of course. from The Nice Guys (2016)
OFFICER: Sir? Sir, are you all right? from The Nice Guys (2016)
OFFICER: What do you want me to do with them? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Officer. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, all right. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, boys, boys. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, don't start that crying shit. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, excuse me. I'm carrying a dead body and I have his schwantz in my face. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, for fuck... from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, fuck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, fuck. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, God. What the fuck? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, hour, tops. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, it just makes sense. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, my God. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, no, that's Jessica. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, no. Shit! from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, right, right. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, shit. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, shit. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, so when's the last time you were on national news? from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, the fire. from The Nice Guys (2016)
Oh, the fire. from The Nice Guys (2016)