A call came in just as I was leaving a meeting.. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
A little dusty, dusty. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
A mangy dog walked up beside her. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
A men's watch. You know, I like it with a leather band. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
A private jet. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
A try's a try, right? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
A yellow ribbon means something. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
A yellow ribbon, that means a memoriam. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
About not being able to say Jesus or celebrate his birth. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Actually, I do. I'm on my way. I'll talk to you later. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Actually, in a town like yours. So your timing may be perfect. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Actually, Lacey's a vegetarian. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Actually, we kind of have a problem. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Actually, you sure in the hell do. And the Jolly Green Giant too. Ho ho ho. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
African American, Buddy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
After you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ain't got no eraser either. No cause... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ain't no cab comin'. You gonna be sitting out here freezin'. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ain't no chalk. Y'all ain't got no chalk? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ain't nobody gonna mail me no check. I didn't mail my work up in here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ain't nobody got time for that. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ain't that right? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All black folk don't necessarily know each other. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All I'm saying is this. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All I'm saying is this... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All I'm saying, Son, if she don't eat meat... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All my stuff is illegal. I don't like driving through Georgia. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right now. We gotta get outta here. Come on. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right then. Let's do this. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right, honey. If you find a ride, I'll go up there with you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right, I'm going to write my name on the board... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right, people! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right! That's enough! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right? Now, I grew poinsetters for this. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right. Get up. Get up. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right. I'll be outside if y'all need me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right. I'll see you tomorrow. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right. Keep going. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right. Well, I will work on it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All right. Well, what we gonna do is... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
All righty. You go right ahead. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Always taught him to look at a woman's heart. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Amen. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And a little more open minds and open hearts. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And all the kids are really sad. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And as principal, I have to draw the line. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And as she sat there, she had that baby... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And as she sat there, she went into laborer. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And as she started laboring... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And as she was there... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And ask them for some of those really nice big, big girl drawers... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And capture the rapture, if you know what I mean. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And Conner was not in that dream. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And everybody gonna wonder what happened to you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And everybody's mad at me because of the sponsor... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And he loves me, and he treats me oh so well. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And he still lives here, that Tanner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And he was in love with her. She said, Joe. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And he would blindfold me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And hide they Santa Claus, 'cause it's crazy around here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And how was I supposed to know that? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I asked Miss Madea to keep an eye on you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I don't know what the hell gonna... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I don't like the way you spoke to me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I know you could have gone anywhere in the country... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I told her, You better get the hell on out the way. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I work at one of the finest department stores... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I'll take the Greyhound bus. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I'm going to have a baby ist. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I'm helping the kids prepare songs for the Christmas Jubilee. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And I'm sure I can pull in... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And if I laugh too hard, I squirt pee. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And if you can stand him, you're welcome to him, right? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And Joe said, Really? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And Maysie's sitting in the editing room right now cussing... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And now I am getting very upset! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And now I have to leave. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And now the children of McCoy School, featuring Bailey McCoy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And over there across the hall. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And plant it in the backyard. Get her a ribbon. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And she said you were drivin' to Alabama to see Lacey! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And that baby came next to that mangy dog. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And that dog said, What's wrong with you? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And that way all the passersby can enjoy it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And that you defend him in front of those other kids, so thank you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And the Bible say in second Deuteronomo... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And the farm needs a lot of work. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And the holiness is come upon me... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And the songs for the Jubilee should be about everything but Christ. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And then I would have to search about... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And then when you're done doin' her, you keep doin' her again... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And then when you're done doin' her, you keep doin' her again... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And they went on 'cause they was expecting the holy child. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And this has all been under the direction of their current teacher... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And this is Christmas, Tanner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And this is Madea, her great aunt on my daddy's side. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And this is my daddy, Buddy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And this is the first time I've done something that I want. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And we have a budget crisis. So it's just too busy right now, Mom. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And went up the bayou for the Swamp Manor to get hitched. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And what's that supposed to mean? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And when you kiss your little baby from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And you are a gem in God's ring. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And you better find something else to plant. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And you call me out of the blue because you need my help. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And you can't be gentle. You got to pull them nipples. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And you don't drive. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And you don't have no man up there to protect you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And you watch your front talk, Tanner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And your mama has been bitter with white people ever since. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And your parents are on their way. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And your singing. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And your uncle DeWayne done got me some white lightning. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
And... be good for your new teacher. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Angro... Angrola Saxons... Saxophonists. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ankle biting... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Any unison when they sang unison. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Anything you want, my son. Anything. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Anytime you see somebody with a yellow ribbon on the tree, Eileen... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Anyway, could you get my bags, farmhand, please? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Anyway, she took a little job there in some little, small school, you know. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Anyway, there was Mary... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Apparently you don't know her as well as you think. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Are you okay? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ask the man to bring the groceries in. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
At least a hundred grand for your school and its event. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
At least she didn't have another heart attack. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
At my age, I can't get no rain nowhere. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
At the science of it, not so much the farming. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Babe, I wish you wouldn't have done that. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Baby, you know you got asthma. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Bailey is always telling me how good you are to him... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Bailey, do you know? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Bailey, you are so special. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Bailey? Okay. Well, go on. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Because of the storms this summer, so we have to make them up, from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Because that could lead to cancer. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Beelzebub! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Been out on the road a lot. Long haul truck driver. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Believe me, he can't help it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Between my mother and my job and... It's just all a bit much. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Between that and the drought... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Blessed. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Blood red. We're all the same inside. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Bougie ass store nowhere. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Boy, did you see what I just went through in town? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Boy, I tell you what, Son, she's way prettier... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Boy, it'll put some hair on your chest, I'll guarantee ya. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Boy, this is something else, isn't it? It's freezing. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Boy, you got to get a low car here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Buddy and I, when we were young, he would... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Buddy, stop. Don't start so early. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Budget cuts, budget cuts. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But anyway, you know she got tons of offers down here in Atlanta. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But before I get my damn purse, I'm gonna get money out this register. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But Conner, he's got him a new strain of corn that takes less water. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But don't you worry. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But I just kind of feel a little guilty about the way he turned out. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But I'll be back for the event. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But it's all right. Y'all just dating. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But now the lingerie don't work, honey. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But she didn't want to, so what can you do? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But she had cancer. My uncle Bayrod. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But they kept going to all these hotels, and wouldn't none of 'em let them in. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But they've also agreed to release... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But this bring back memories, child. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But this is downright wrong... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But this'un, you done good on this'un. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But we'll get a defibrillator. She'll be all right. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
But we'll make do. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Bye, Miss Mandela. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Call me Kim or Mama. Just don't call me late for dinner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Came flowing out like the River Jordan and that was it. It was all over. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Can you give me some time to tell her? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Can you stop talking about my mother now? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Can't do that until we have a contract. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Caught? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Child, me and children don't get along. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Child, that Powerball is going up. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Child, these nipples so tough, you need a mammogram. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Child, this is just what it's... Yep, that bring back memories. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Christmas is about giving back, and with all the world watching... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Christmas is five days away. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Christmas is the time of year... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come in the house and get to know us. We're good folks. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come in the house. You're out here freezing. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come in. It is cold. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on back here. Ain't nobody going nowhere. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on in the house! You know what? That's fine. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on inside. You'll freeze to death. Ain't no cab coming. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on, fellas. Geez. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on. Sit down. Take a load off. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on. That guy had it comin', and everybody knows it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come on. Walk with me. You're late again. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come, my dear. I knew that. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Come. Let me help you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Conner just stands there and doesn't say anything back to this woman. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Conner, I'm sorry. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Conner, it's gonna break her heart. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Conner, where are you going? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Conner! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Conner? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Conner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Cora asked me for some money for some dolls named Starz. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Dad, stop it. Come on. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Daddy, not the bear hug! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Daddy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Dating? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Dead. Lord have mercy, that's going to kill her. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Did I tell you I take blood pressure medicine that makes me have to pee? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Did these people come when you bought this land? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Did you hear the one about the stray bullet that killed the redneck... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Did you hear the one about the two rabbis and the black dude? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Did you know from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Didn't you know that my mother had a heart attack last year? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Disease carrying... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Do it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Do not look at me like that. You don't understand. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Do you know Oprah? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Do you think we should leave? I think we should maybe leave. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Do you understand? It is Christmas. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Do you understand? Now, what can I help you with? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't act like you... Don't act like this. Now, calm the hell down. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't answer that. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't be flirting with me in front of your wife. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't be pushing on me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't blame that on me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't get behind her. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't get your hopes up listening to Eileen. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't light a match. Don't get her next to an open flame. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't listen to her. You two are gonna be together again. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't look at me like that. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't sit by me. You are so dirty. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't worry about these people in here trying to make you feel bad. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't you ever pick on somebody just 'cause you can. Do you understand? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't you ever, ever say a word to my wife again. You understand me? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't you ever... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't you go nowhere. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Don't you know what that means? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Drive! Hell, they're KKK! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eating her food, and they're acting like they own the place. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, here. This a... Child, please. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, I... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, stop meddling with that girl. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, tell him we've been shopping at Tifton's for over 15 years. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, we've had a lot of complaints about your friend. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, what you doin'? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, you come in on three. You don't say, One, two, and come in. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, you gonna get your pressure up. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, you need to stop right now, honey. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen, you oughta be ashamed... Child, that's some straight up bull... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Eileen! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Every generation sees a little less division... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Every light on the dashboard say... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Everybody in the USA knows what a memoriam is... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Everybody just got put out. They went to the Motel 6. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Everybody just got put out. They went to the Motel 6. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Everything don't lead to cancer, Eileen. Lord, help her. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ex boyfriend. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Excuse me? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Excuse me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Excuse me. Excuse me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Excuse me. Good morning, y'all. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Feeling a little light headed. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Five milligrams of Don't choke that ho. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Flatline. Just... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Folks around here don't take too kindly to politicians not keeping their word. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
For me, of course. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
For sponsoring this Christmas celebration. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
For telling the story about the rabbis and the black dude? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Forgive my husband. He is just a horse's ass and a half. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Freeze all the hell you want. You done lost your damn mind! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
From the time he was born until the time he died on Earth. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Get off my mother in law, you son of a bitch! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Get out my way! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Get out of here and let us handle it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Get out of here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Get out of my way. I'm trying to go to the break room. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Get out on that plow. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Get out the way! What the hell goin' on? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Get the directions here. I got me to pee. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Gets it from his old man. Runs in the genes. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Girl, I don't know why I let you talk me into comin' and doin' this job. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Girl, please. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Girl, what the coroner doing here? Who done died? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Give this child the gift of being able to do whatever she want to do. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Glee? Mama, is this true? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go ahead and laugh. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go ahead and laugh. This is awful. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go ahead. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go on over there. Pull over there, ask these people directions. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go on. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go on. Go on. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go play them numbers, and bring me a bunch of scratch offs. Yeah. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go take a cold shower and get off of me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go take a cold shower and get off of me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go throw some milk on that thing. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Go! Drive! Drive, Olive Oil, drive! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Gone, like that, if you ever have a problem with... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Gonna have possum stew... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Good job, boys. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Good morning, Miss Mandela. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Good night. She looked like old Tyler Perry. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Good show. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Good to see you. Good to see you. All right, all right. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Good, because I've been attacked enough today. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Good, it's about damn time. I get out of... Give me my check. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Good. She was such a tramp. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Got all these animals. This is a nice room. I'll stay in here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Got her master's and up and moved to Alabama of all places. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Got it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Got there, doctor say it's gas. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Got to the doctor, she was clutching her heart and the pearls. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Gotta get these poinsetters sold. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Guess I'll have to talk to 'em now 'cause they're here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Has walked where angels trod from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Have put together a little presentation for us all... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Have you ever thought maybe she just don't want to see you, Eileen? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Have you heard? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Have you two eaten? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Having to choose between going on with Jubilee or getting sued... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He ain't a dwarf. I mean, shoot, he'd take a dwarf. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He also told me you want him to sing at the Christmas Jubilee? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He always stayed with his mom and his grandparents here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He called me back. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He came through the Virgin... piΓ±a colada. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He can learn something in school. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He can't get any better. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He don't know. He's always dirty. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He has to help his daddy at night, so he doesn't get much time to study. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He is right, and you know it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He just, well... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He left your mama for a white woman when you was two... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He really is a good man. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He really should go to a gifted school with a fine arts department. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He shut his eyeballs. That's ugly. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He still lives here, that Tanner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He thinks he can get us $100,000 in sponsorship money. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He told me what you did for him. So... thank you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He was born to the Virgin Mary... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He was so nasty. And then he got me fired. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He was wearing the sheet when I went in the room. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He what sittin' there willy whilin'. Ask him. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He'll put you down. Where are my manners? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He's coming down tomorrow with the contract. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He's got a lot of work to do here, that's if he makes it at all. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He's in the Ku Klux Klan. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He's just been so troubled... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He's just pretending, just saying nothin' to this woman. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
He's still got it. I knew you got it in you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Heard about the sponsorship? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Heavens no. Why would she... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hell, I hope so. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hell, I'm stuck in the mud. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hell, this ain't mud! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hello, Bucktussle. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hello? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hello? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hello? Hey, I need y'all to go get me some scratch offs. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hello. Hello. Now, y'all got to go back to the Stepford children. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Help! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Help. Help. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Her boyfriend? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Here you are, Miss Murphy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Here, let me take this, Daddy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hey there. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hey there. I was getting ready to go... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hey, hey! Look at you! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hey, I'm glad y'all did elope. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hey, pull up, It was high school. Am I forgiven? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hey, Son, see this? This ain't fat. This is all foreskin. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hey, we were just talking about you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hey. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hi, Conner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hi. I'm Lacey Williams, Bailey's teacher. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
High school. Non factor, trust me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hilton. Shut the door. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hilton. Shut the door. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hold on a second, Bailey. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hold on, 'cause somebody's screaming at me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hold on, Eileen. Y'all need to let all this go. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hold on. Hold on. I heard somebody say, Go. Oh, Lord. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Honey, I don't buy Cora nothing for Christmas. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Honey, I know. It stinks. I get it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Honey, I told you... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Honey, we taught all of our children... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hot chocolate does wonders. It's delicious. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hot dog, it's cold out here. It's all right. It's all right then. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
How are ya? How ya doing? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
How can I go to the bathroom at night with all that in front the door? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
How do we talk about Christmas without talking about Jesus? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
How soon can you get here? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
How you doin'? We are lost. He trying to find direction. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hurry! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Hush up, Dragon Lady. Hush the hell up. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I ain't bought her nothing since she was seven years old. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I ain't goin' nowhere. Hell, I just drove up here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I ain't goin' to no church. The devil is a lie. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I ain't had nothing like this on since I was on that pole. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I always knew he was smart. I didn't know he was that smart. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am a Christian, and this is some bull... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am Conner's mama. Please call me Mrs. Williams. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am Eileen, her mother. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am not in the mood for your foolishness. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am not insulting. I am telling you the truth. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am so proud of the kids. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am so sorry. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am sorry, Conner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am thou ist with the child ist. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I am... I'm Conner's mom. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I bet this house run them in the double figures. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I brought some decorations from Atlanta... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I brought you some spices from your Aunt Tutu's garden. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can ask your Aunt Madea to come with me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can deal with a lot of things. They know it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can get somebody to drive up there with me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can give you a few pointers if you want to. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can hear you. You right here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can only imagine if you could just stay awake in class. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can't believe you married her and dumped me. That's what you get. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can't just turn them around. You have to figure this one out. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can't move. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can't pretend to be somebody. I'm not an actress. I'm not Reba. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I can't wait until you taste the dinner... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I could French braid his. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I could use your help with it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I couldn't afford it. She just wanted them Starz. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I did it for me. Not for you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I did it. It's Christmas, damn it! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I did you a favor here, and this will ruin me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I didn't ask you. I asked Bailey. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I didn't have my glasses on! I couldn't see! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I didn't have my glasses on. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I didn't know if I should look for you or watch the food. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I didn't know it was from Sheldon Construction Company. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I didn't let her near our food. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I didn't say a word. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I didn't say anything. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I do too. She likes to hang. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't care. That don't matter at all that y'all Anglo Saxophonists. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't eat food from the KKK. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't give a damn who calling who. Somebody gonna give me my money. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't hear from you in six years... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't jump to conclusions. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't know about you wearing the lingeries. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't know much about music. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't know what apparels is. A pears. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't know, Buddy. I don't think I can deal with this. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't know. She only said two words to me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't know. We're divorced. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't like it. It's wrong. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't like this. Go knock on the door. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't like you all talking about me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't like you being up here with him by yourself. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't need none of them. Not one of them. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't need to be here in this stuck up ass... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't need to be up in there with y'all! Go to hell! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't think there's gonna be a Christmas Jubilee this year. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't wanna die. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't wanna talk about it. We don't make those kind of jokes, okay? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I don't want you to go. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I feel I'm getting ready to maybe catch a case. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I get a little drizzle, but them quarters hurt. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I go to the bathroom, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 12 times a night... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I got a candy apple. Where y'all went? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I got a friend of mine to get us a sponsorship for it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I got my purse here. This is $150. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I got pregnant. Meat Loaf was playing Dashboard Light. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I got you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I got you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I gotta take you where you working. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I gotta tell you, I got rid of mine. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I graded another one of Bailey's homework assignments... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I grew up in the country. Ain't nobody in here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I had a full figure and curves and all that stuff. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I had such a crazy, crazy ass dream last night. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I had that once too. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I have a meeting down the hall... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I have prepared for you for Christmas. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I have to go to a meeting down the hall with Ms. Porter... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I have to protect my interests, that's all. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I haven't seen where she works, where she live. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I hitched a ride with Oliver. Surprise! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I hope it's not the lazy one, 'cause that one always look closed. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I just got done telling Madea... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I just stopped by to talk to you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I just wanna tell you all how sorry I am. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I just wanted to give my daughter a proper wedding. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I just woke up late. I'll be here on time. I promise. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I knew it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I knew she knew that. Let me ask you this. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I knocked the hell out of her. You know what happened? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know damn well you hear me calling you. Eileen! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know he can. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know it. I got that feeling. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know my mother. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know that look in your eye. Don't go jumpin' to no conclusion. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know the answer. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know this school is not the best, but it is all we got. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know what I saw. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know what's the best for Bailey, and that's keeping this place running. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know you don't like people 'cause of the way they look. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know you knew the answer. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know, it's just I'm just getting settled in... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know, Mama. I know he was murdered by a white man, but... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know. All right? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know. I'm sorry. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know. It's gonna roll at the end of the movie. All right. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know. Mom, are you crying? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I know. What are we gonna do? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I like her. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I like tofu farters. God bless you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I look like the whole damn red light district. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I love well behaved children. That's wonderful. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I love you, and I'm sorry... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I love you. I'm proud of us. I don't care who knows. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I love your daughter, Miss Murphy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I made a mistake... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I made you some pipin' hot chocolate. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I mean it, Conner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I mean, come on now. Come on, honey. I'm trying to help y'all. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I mean, he growed with... He growed with Conner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I mean, he used to get beat up a lot in school, bullied. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I mean, I have to break it to her gently. She's been very sick. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I mean, that's really all I want for him. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I mean, you have a beautiful Christmas tree... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I need a bathroom. Is there a bathroom here somewhere? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I need a dictionary to keep up with you sometime, honey. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I need some help! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I need to introduce myself, but where are my manners? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I never. I would never shoot little Bambi sipping water in a pond. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I plant corn. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I raised you right. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I ran down here. I ran for my life! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I rushed home. How's my mother? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I said you was in here with the beast of the southern wild. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I saw the Klan today. That ain't the Klan. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I see it on your face. Yeah! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I see the way you look at her, the way she look at you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I should have told my mom from the beginning. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I slopped them, and I've been trying to get milk for Eileen. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I studied agriculture at New York State. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I studied agriculture at New York State. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I tell you what, it broke my heart to be gone so much... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I think I left my bag in... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I think I'll go with the children. Praise God. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I think it would look really pretty right here by the window... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I think the tree... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I think we should be happy and proud... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I thought it was unison, and a cappollo. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I thought maybe you'd come down to Louisiana... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I told them to hide the kids, hide they wife... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I told you not to buy this farm. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I tried. I asked her if I could help her cook. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I tried. That woman is stubborn. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I understand. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I understand. I like to cook alone myself sometimes too. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I want some grandbabies. What you waiting on? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I want that tree. I want my daddy's tree. What about our son? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I want to thank you all for coming out to the Christmas Jubilee. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I want you to sing the lead solo at the Christmas Jubilee. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I wanted this to be a big surprise! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I was down at the feed store. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I was exchanging my goodies back in the day. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I was just teaching these children a lesson on Jesus... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I was sitting up there, and I kept hitting my head on that steering wheel. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I was so upset when I heard you two eloped. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I wasn't offended. Hell, I got a pistol. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I will drive over tomorrow. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I will not step foot back in that house! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I will not step into that house of lies. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I will show you how to leave damn quietly. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I would beat the hell out of him. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I would like to see us have another chance. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I would suggest you walk across the street to Target... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'd also like to thank Sheldon Construction Company... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'd like to see that, 'cause you don't drive. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll behave. Like a bull in a rodeo. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll come down with a contract, you get your people to sign... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll do one it one more time. Ready? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll go to hell and back to get away from her. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll have him pay my rent, car note and everything else. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll never let anything happen to her. I promise. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll see you all tomorrow. Do your homework. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll see you tomorrow. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll see you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll show him how to do it when he come out of that laboratory thing. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll show him how to do it when he come out of that laboratory thing. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you Bye, from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'll tell you who he is. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm a truck driver. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm Conner. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm fabulous. I'm gone with the wind fabulous. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm fine right here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm from the old school. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm getting ready to choke her. Hold on. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm glad I went to church and to Sunday school. Okay. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm glad you done what you did, Son. I'm proud of you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm going in. You wanna sit out here and freeze, sit your ass out here... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna get your mama. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna go down there. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna go in here and use the bathroom. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna have to wipe with an ice sc****r tonight. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna open the door. Y'all need fresh air up in here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna ride with him. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna sleep with one eye open tonight. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna start talking about all your wrinkly, saggy parts. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna take something else. I'm gonna take this dress. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna take this room. Let me go straighten up a little. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna talk to the mayor tomorrow. Promise. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna tell y'all a story. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm gonna tell y'all another story. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm here. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm in here. Do yourself a favor. Do the right thing. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm joshing you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm just kiddin'. I still like to go to the bowling alley every now and then. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm just kiddin'. She got a nice rack. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm not gonna be able to come home this year. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm not gonna come in here and listen to this. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm not putting my tush over no bush. I don't know what's wrong with you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm not talkin' about your mother. I'm just statin' the obvious. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm not trying to attack you or her. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm out on the road a lot, you know, and... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm so happy you all came back here to take care of it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry I wanted to get you fired. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. Conner needs my help, Mama. I gotta go. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. He's crazy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. I can't do that. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. I do... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to get hurt. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. Say what you're saying to the children. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. That's awful. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sorry. Watch your class? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sure he's still very upset. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm sure. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm talking about you and Lacey. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm telling you. Let me explain something to you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm trying to reach my daughter, Lacey. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm trying to save you some embarrassment. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm very upset. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I'm with you, Lacey. I don't like it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I've already talked to him about this, but have at it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I've been worried about you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I've done everything she wanted. Always. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I've never let my mother down my entire life. Okay? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I've seen a mosquito so daggone big... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
I've seen her shoot a deer once though. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If I put this thing on, you won't be able to get rid of it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If I took the register, I'd be bonded out. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If she like him, she like him. That's all that is. Just hush. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If she want to come in the house, she know how to get in. Leave her alone. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If she wanted to talk to you, she would have called you all the time. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If somebody pull on your testicles, will you give 'em milk? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If this Christmas Jubilee don't happen... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If this Christmas Jubilee don't happen... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If we cut back more, we'll not be able to finish the school year. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If you don't stop that nasty talk. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If you put some Viagra in that tree's water, it'll stay up all year. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If you would have talked to Lacey, you would've found out... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
If you're gonna do it, then you need to do it and keep doin' her... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Ike wasn't gonna put his hands on me. That's all I'm saying. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
In memory of my granddaddy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
In most countries, in most places, to sane thinking people... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
In order to do what you need to be doin'. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Is even more impressive. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Is pretty crazy. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Is that where you two met? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Is there something to... Hold on. I got it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It ain't fair. She's nice to me. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It ain't them people, it's you! Hell, you! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It can be fun. It can be. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It had to be done. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It helps too many people around here make enough money just to stay open. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It is beautiful. This place is stupendous. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It is changing, and that is a good thing. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It was called the Ghost and the Damsel. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It was just awful. It was an awful time. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It was my pleasure. I'm glad I could help. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It was nice of you to call him. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It will help us with the shortfall. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It'll be a little cramped... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's a beautiful day at Tifton's. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's all right. She got a problem, but it's all right. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's all these strange people in this house, that's what it is. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's Christmas now. You need to go down there and buy her a tree. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's Christmas, and I'm takin' what the hell I want up in here! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's gonna be fantastic. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's good. It is good. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's good. Nice flaky crust. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's got 4,785,000 miles on it, and I just changed the oil in it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's hilarious! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's just not right. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's just regular sized kids he got trouble with. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's Lacey. She says she doesn't think she can handle it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's nice, Mama, huh? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's not just the farm. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's only a day and a half of work, and you gonna be making $150. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's such a shame she does not know what kind of person you are. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
It's yellow. It's bright yellow! from A Madea Christmas (2013)
J. Blige, and as Mary was on tour... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Jesus was hanging between two thieves. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Jingle all the way from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Joy to the world and the Lord is come, and happy Easter. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Joy to you and yours. Yes, may I help you? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Just give him a little nudge to the flapjacks there. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Just keep your eyes ahead. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Just sitting down on your ass. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Just think of this as a little extra money for you and Cora. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Just two, three of 'em. Don't spend a lot of money. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Keep going. Help each other out. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Keeping up a lie... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Kid's still beating him up? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Kim, take another room... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Kim. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Kind of lets people walk all over him. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Know? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey hadn't told her mama that we're married. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey said she's gonna tell her on Christmas. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey told me you needed the money right away. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey, come show us this farm. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey, I am so disappointed in you. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey, I don't have to tell you that... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey, thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey, who is this? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey, you do not have a Christmas tree? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey. Your father. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey's ma... She's here? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey's mama is cookin'. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lacey's not coming for Christmas. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Lady, you gonna need a damn doctor if you holler at me again. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Last time I was in Alabama, I was chained to Andy Young and Jesse Jackson. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Last time you went to the doctor, you had a rash. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Leave her alone. If she want to come home, she will come home. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Leave her out there. She is grown, sitting there. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Leave that boy alone. Where else he gonna sit? Sit down, son. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Leave this child alone. She living her life. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Let him figure it out. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Let me call Oliver. How about that? from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Let me get some decorations. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Let me get the eye lines clean... from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Let me make this clear to y'all. from A Madea Christmas (2013)
Let me put these down, and I'll be ready to go to school. from A Madea Christmas (2013)