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James Bond: For Your Eyes Only (1981) "For Your Eyes Only" is a thrilling James Bond movie released in 1981. Agent 007,

James Bond: For Your Eyes Only (1981)

"For Your Eyes Only" is a thrilling James Bond movie released in 1981. Agent 007, portrayed by Roger Moore, is entangled in a dangerous mission to recover a communication device capable of controlling submarines. Directed by John Glen, this action-packed film features Carole Bouquet as Bond's love interest, Melina Havelock, and Topol as Milos Columbo, a helpful ally. Dive into the heart-pounding adventures and download the captivating sounds of this iconic Bond film here. Don't miss out on the excitement!
A high security line to the satellite.
A moonlight swim.
A very sick joke.
A Walther PPK...
About my poor Lisl.
After our last meeting, I am asking myself...
After that, he took a different path.
After they pay, I will give them the transmitter.
Afternoon. How's it looking topside?
Again. Hurry.
Against my country and yours.
Ah, yes, I wanted to come back here and start work on the temple again.
Ahh. The sharks have them. Make port.
Air would be useless at this depth. We need a mixture of oxygen and helium.
All I can say is don't grow up any more.
All I can tell you is it's something of vital interest to both our countries.
All right, but if I can't make it...
All right, keep your hair on.
All right...
Allow me.
Always avenge their loved ones.
Am I right?
An excellent choice. I'll have the same.
An oxygen helium mix will give us eight minutes. We'll have to work fast.
And a whiskey.
And have you?
And her coach, Jacoba Brink, once a world class skater herself.
And I'll program the information.
And now, Erich Kriegler...
And one woman.
And probably headed to Moscow or Havana by now.
And the countess?
And the minister's arrived here with the chief of staff...
And the West German police. You've told me so already five times.
And to eat?
And wants to see you immediately.
Aperitif, please?
Apostis, take that.
Are you going back to your father's ship?
As I deal with everyone who betrays me.
As you wish. Take my car. I'll play a little chemin.
Ask the chauffeur to come back for me.
At page two, paragraph four of my report, sir...
ATAC to St. Cyril's.
Aw, leave him.
Beautiful day. Just bringing the nets in.
Before he could send in his report, he and his wife were killed...
Before it's sent to England.
Before setting out on revenge, you first dig two graves.
Between you and the owner of this.
Bibi wants to know if you would escort her, Mr. Bond.
Bibi, you know I have to work this afternoon.
Bind that wound. We don't want blood in the water yet.
Blue. A little grayer.
Bond, are you there?
Bravo, Bunky.
But be prepared to dig those two graves.
But I don't think your Uncle Ari would approve.
But I must warn you, stopping Columbo will be difficult.
But I must warn you, stopping Columbo will be difficult.
But I'll tell you...
But innocent in the ways of the world.
But no heroin.
But not at St. Moritz.
But the end cannot be far away.
But we are perfectly safe.
But you won't need to read between the lines
But you're in training.
But you're too old for me. I'm splitting.
By a Cuban hit man, Hector Gonzales.
By ring main circuit through anti handling charger.
By strangling his psychiatrist.
By tomorrow, we'll be good friends.
Can I stop now? I'm pooped.
Can see me through the night
Careful, James. It's 5,000 years old.
Cigarettes, pistachio nuts...
Columbo's right hand.
Come on, George. Let's go.
Come on, let's go watch him shoot.
Come on, quickly.
Come on.
Come, Bibi, another half hour of practice.
Come, Bibi, another half hour of practice.
Coming along very nicely, thank you, sir.
Conserve your gas supply. Speak only when necessary.
Courage is no match for an unfriendly shoe, Countess.
Cover the door!
Daily log.
Decode of Russian satellite data, sir, on British and American ship positions.
Denis and I look forward to meeting you.
Destruct ATAC system.
Did he leave any notes? They could help us.
Did you find the man who hired Gonzales?
Diving bell?
Does this discourage you?
Does this discourage you?
Don't concern yourself with the pilot.
Don't thank me, Mr. Bond. Your courage and resourcefulness...
Don't they have showers at the ice rink?
Don't worry.
Don't you ever come up for air?
Don't you like me?
Down you go.
Down you go. Go on.
Drop it.
Expensive mistress. She sometimes shills for the house.
Farewell, Mr. Bond, but not good bye.
Father and he were pals for 30 years. He repeats everything.
Fifty more.
Find some different way.
Fish for supper again.
Five days ago, our spy ship, St. Georges was sunk...
Follow me.
For just such an occasion.
For salvage work at depths of over 300 feet.
For some reason, the lever wasn't pulled.
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only, darling.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
From a description given to them by Melina, Sir Havelock's daughter.
Get in... Ooh!
Get out!
Get the door.
Get to the sub. I'll stall him.
Get your men out of here.
Give us a kiss, give us a kiss.
Give us a kiss. Give us a kiss.
Go back to the sub.
Go back to the Triaina and wait.
Go backwards. Forwards. Quickly.
Go outside and check the guards.
Good afternoon, Mr. Bond.
Goodbye, Countess.
Had no head for heights.
Hair: Fine, light brown.
Have the resources to mount a salvage operation?
Have we begun a salvage operation, Minister?
He doesn't smoke, he only eats health foods and he won't even talk to girls.
He escaped from Namur Prison...
He has important connections. You cannot just arrest him.
He has important connections. You cannot just arrest him.
He has worked for drug syndicates in Marseilles and Hong Kong.
He helped us out last year on a smuggling operation.
He is a secret partner in this casino.
He made several surveys in Neptune.
He saw a diving bell here.
He thought it important enough to risk his life.
He wants me out of the way.
He will do nothing in his own place.
He'll do anything for me, and I'll do anything for you.
He's all right.
He's been convicted of several...
He's here, isn't he?
He's in shipping, insurance, oil exploration.
He's the one with the powerful connections.
Heaven only knows to which one Kristatos took the ATAC.
Hello, Q. Smithers, how's the arm?
Hey, Erich!
Him? He thinks I'm still a virgin.
Hold these.
Hold tight.
Hold tight.
How about building up a little more muscle tone by putting on your clothes?
How can I help?
How did you know I was here?
How did you know where Gonzales was?
How grateful?
I adore grateful men.
I am the Countess Lisl Von Schlaf.
I beg your pardon.
I can't imagine.
I could eat you up alive.
I didn't send it.
I didn't think it would end like this.
I disregard these jibes about our equipment, 007.
I don't expect you to understand.
I don't follow.
I don't suppose you find it funny in the field.
I have a reliable Greek contact here, an Anglophile.
I have the necessary equipment.
I have to go shopping for the crew. Come with me, we can talk.
I haven't had the courage to go into his study since.
I hope he was dining alone.
I intend to enjoy it to the full.
I know a well informed person to contact about that, Q.
I know Columbo runs heroin to be refined here...
I know what you want.
I love a drive in the country, don't you?
I must go.
I never go back on a deal.
I prefer the Theotaki Aspro.
I presume London has briefed you.
I quite agree, sir.
I radio telephoned the Triaina, and they told me you were coming ashore.
I reckon we're almost there, Q, apart from glasses.
I see you managed to get the Lotus back together again.
I smuggle, yes. I smuggle gold, diamonds...
I think we're having a little trouble with the line, madam.
I think you may need that.
I think you're wonderful, Bibi...
I took the scenic route.
I trust you had a pleasant... fright.
I wanted to call you personally to say how pleased...
I was lucky to find you. You left Crete so suddenly.
I will deliver it and return with the money.
I will speak to you any way I please. Sit down.
I wish you luck, my friend.
I won't need you anymore tonight.
I would laugh if my heart was not so heavy...
I would think that a lady in your position...
I'd be most grateful.
I'll be your audience.
I'll buy you a delicatessen in stainless steel.
I'll find another one.
I'll get it, Denis.
I'll give the crew shore leave except for the mate and two others.
I'll give you a nut. Here you are. Go on.
I'll have the prawns, salad and Bourdetto.
I'll instruct Ferrara, our man in northern Italy, to contact you there.
I'll leave you to lock up. Let me out, will you?
I'll pick them up later.
I'll wait till tomorrow.
I'm a good judge of men.
I'm a night person. I have champagne and oysters in the fridge.
I'm afraid we're being out horsepowered.
I'm afraid we've lost our electronic surveillance ship, the St. Georges.
I'm here, Mr. Bond of the British Secret Service.
I'm meeting a man tonight at the casino who may give us a lead.
I'm trying.
I'm working on it.
I'm writing a novel about Greek smugglers. Know any?
I've looked forward to this moment, Mr. Bond.
I've seen Miss Brink skate.
I've set it up. He is waiting for us at the Olympic ice rink.
If I don't report in by morning...
If I get any more information, I will call Ferrara.
If Locque's in Cortina, we'll find him.
If there were someone with her.
If we could identify that someone...
If you care to look again...
In Albania, okay?
In the Greek underworld, he in known as the Dove.
In the Ionian Sea.
In the next Olympics.
Indeed, I don't.
Is this the one you mean?
Isn't he beautiful?
Isolate him and apply the necessary pressure...
It can be operated only from the shed.
It is Kristatos you want, not me.
It is time for your rubdown.
It must not be let out of your sight.
It said you found the man and to meet you here today.
It seems as though Bibi has a new sponsor.
It should be safe to go to the airport now.
It suggests that there is a chance of obtaining...
It usually is. Thank you.
It was an amusing performance...
It was my parents they killed, not yours. Let me out. Driver, stop!
It would be bad for my reputation.
It would render our entire Polaris fleet useless.
It's all shorthand.
J.I.M. Diving equipment...
James, help!
James, you're jealous.
Just tell me where he is.
Just tell me where he is.
King's Medal.
Kristatos killed your father...
Kristatos. How can I help?
Last year's East European champion.
Leave their legs free.
Let me find out what I can here, then I'll come straight to Corfu.
Let me know when the helicopter arrives.
Let the girl go.
Let us drink to that.
Let's go.
Let's go.
License to kill.
Lips fuller.
Lisl, an Austrian.
Lisl, come back!
Locque works for him, not for me.
Lucky night.
Main destruct timer...
Male Caucasian, late thirties.
May I call you tomorrow, Countess?
May I drive you home?
May I suggest a white wine from my home place?
Maybe I'm an open book
Me nightie's slipping.
Meanwhile, if there is anything I can do for you...
Melina, look at me.
Milos Columbo. His name came up in connection...
Minister, Chief of Staff.
Mm hmm. Oops.
More important than my parents?
Mr. Bond on the line, Prime Minister.
Mr. Bond, Mr. Bond, I'm so glad I caught you.
Mr. Bond, Mr. Ferrara, Bibi Dahl...
Mr. Bond, you have what the Greeks call tha'ros.
Mr. Bond!
Mr. Bond! Mr. Bond!
My country awarded him the King's Medal.
My father loved the view from here.
My God, Jack. How deep is the water there?
My name is Bond.
My pleasure. I leave for Corfu soon.
My protege. A sure winner...
My real home's always been the Triaina, the Greek islands...
My watch.
No courage?
No, I don't think so.
No, Melina, that's not the answer.
No, no, mouth wider. Good.
No, no. I'm staying.
No, thank you. I'll take a taxi.
Nor mine. Where are we going?
Not deep enough, I'm afraid.
Not only my people, but the entire Greek police will be down on you...
Not that low.
Nothing would please me more.
Now describe the person you wish to identify...
Now I'm breakin' free
Now reported working for Greek smugglers.
Now, assuming that that was for Havelock's murder...
Now, Gonzales is at a villa near Madrid.
Now, if that transmitter were to fall into the wrong hands...
Now, Melina, please trust me.
Now, once we get a composite of the man...
Of course. What else can you tell me about my rival for your affections?
Of the Surety, Interpol, CIA, the Mossad.
Oh, by the way, we haven't been properly introduced, Melina.
Oh, definitely. He runs a fleet of intercoastal freighters in the Aegean.
Oh, haven't you forgotten something?
Oh, that'll come in handy.
Oh. Well, as M's away...
Okay. Let's go.
Olympic has a flight at 11:00.
Once we were like brothers. Now he hates me.
One of the porters is a fan.
Only bad weather would delay him.
Only for you
Only for you
Only for you
Only for you
Only half? Where's your courage, Bunky?
Only if she works harder.
Only if they'd had the chance to set the explosive timer.
Only Kristatos would make an abandoned monastery his personal retreat.
Operation Undertow. The information's all here.
Or be killed.
Or the ATAC.
Our own submarines could be ordered to attack our own cities.
Our plans are changed. We are going to live in Cuba for a few months.
Out of my way, James.
Ouzo for me, please.
Particularly brutal murders.
Please, James, we're going back to Greece soon.
Put me down! Put me down!
Really, have you no respect for the dead?
Right. I'll try and get a match.
Santos' drug store.
Send them in.
Send them to the funeral, will you?
Seriously, you may have a job finding one.
Shall we?
She bets with other people's money.
She was equipped with ATAC.
She'll have our guts for garters.
She's completely absorbed in her skating...
Shocking news, Minister.
Sit down. That I leave to him...
Slow down. Would you mind telling me what the devil you're doing in Cortina?
Smugglers? How would I know any smugglers?
So far we have managed to locate...
So have you, Mr. Columbo.
So he wouldn't find the St. Georges before he did.
So I think I see the answer.
So is your accent, Countess.
So much in me that's new
Some sort of emergency.
St. Cyril's, where we used to hide from the Germans.
St. Cyril's. I'll arrange the pickup.
Standard issue, British Secret Service.
Standing by, sir.
Such a remarkable opportunity.
Take a deep breath.
Take him away.
Take the low road.
Tell me more about your boyfriend, Erich Kriegler.
Thank you for your time, Mr. Kristatos.
Thank you, 007. Right.
Thank you, Mr. Bond.
Thank you, Sharon.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. Excuse me.
That sounds like a dismissal.
That was his last entry.
That way.
That you're a spy. To find out more about you.
That's a laugh. Everybody knows it builds up muscle tone.
That's a very good idea. Thank you.
That's detente, comrade.
That's for Miss Brink to decide.
That's for you, and pistachios for Max.
That's him. That's our man.
That's it.
That's it. Let's get out of here.
That's it. You have it. Now, nose.
That's putting it mildly, 007.
That's the least of his offenses. Drugs, white slavery, contract murder.
That's the pits! I'm supposed to be skating in Oslo, in Innsbruck.
That's why you're here. Driver, stop! Go back!
The ATAC transmitter.
The Chinese have a saying:
The day she wins the gold medal...
The destruct timer's set at one minute.
The fantasy you freed in me
The Havelocks? I'm sorry.
The Italian Secret Service think that he is, at this moment, in Cortina.
The less people that know, the better.
The love I know you need in me
The man we want is Emile Leopold Locque...
The marine archaeologist, to secretly locate the wreck.
The nights are never cold
The passions that collide in me
The snow this year is better at Innsbruck.
The St. Georges was off the Albanian coast.
The station, please.
The suspected British spy ship which we have been monitoring.
The telegram, the motorcycles back there. They prove it.
The transmitter with a thermite charge.
The voice of the KGB. Our agreement was that I designate the meeting place.
Then against the Communists.
Then nothing.
Then there's still a glimmer of hope.
There's Erich Kriegler.
They say he's a defector from East Germany.
They'll make appetizing bait.
Think twice, 007. It's a long way down.
This 3 D Visual Identigraph is still in the experimental stage.
Three days later, he sighted a wreck in the same area.
Through a detective agency. What were you doing there?
To find out who hired him.
To order our submarines to launch ballistic missiles.
To tell you the truth...
Try and close the CO2.
Try not to think about it now.
Turkey, North Africa... wherever my father's work took us.
Turn around. We go again.
Turn. Run them down.
Uncle Ari, will you take me to the biathlon?
Uses an ultra low frequency coded transmitter...
Very reliable.
Wait here.
Watch it.
We all are that your mission was a success, thank you.
We all want that.
We are leaving him. He mustn't know until we're gone.
We can find a match by patching into the photographic files...
We can try Bond now.
We can't be sure for certain. We know it was in this vicinity.
We fought together in the Greek resistance...
We had a routine message at 1600 hours yesterday...
We have a visitor below.
We ignore each other, but I wanted you to see him.
We sighted floating debris this morning.
We will take the ATAC to St. Cyril's.
We'd like some information.
We'll double whatever you're getting.
We'll go together to his warehouse...
We'll have a drink at the finish.
We'll have to tell the prime minister Operation Undertow is dead in the water.
We'll help you if you help us.
We'll turn him over to the Greek police.
We're not dead yet.
Welcome home, Melina, my darling.
Well, Bibi, I'm afraid I have to leave you.
Well, gentlemen, how can I help you?
Well, I know too much about him.
Well, I was going to get around to that.
Well, I'm exceedingly flattered, Bibi...
Well, really, Mr. Bond.
Well, you look like a gentleman.
What a drag. I want to win the gold medal.
What about the rest of you?
What are you doing here, 007?
What do you think, Luigi? Does this Dove Columbo...
What does Kristatos gain by setting you up?
What exactly did Columbo whisper to you?
What have you done to Brink?
What took you so long?
When he is not too busy working for Russia...
When you're ready to leave, you can take my car.
Where are the guards?
Where did the St. Georges sink?
Where does your father keep his daily log?
Where the hell did that come from?
Where's Kristatos? And keep your voice down.
Which houses the basket and the electronic winch.
Why are we in this creepy place?
Why don't you try the identigraph?
Why not come in for a bite?
Why not?
Why not?
Will be the greatest in my life.
Will you come and say good bye to me at the practice rink later?
Will you?
With a smuggling operation last year.
With that in mind, I've already contacted our usual friend in Greece.
With the woman in blue.
Won't take long.
Would get to know many things.
Would get to know many things.
Would you care to join me in some gluhwein?
Would you cash these in for me, please?
Yes, but can I meet him?
Yes, Comrade Secretary. Off Albania.
Yes, well, you can't lose.
You are a disgusting man. How dare you talk to me like that?
You are fading from my picture, Mr. Bond.
You are now flying Remote Control Airways.
You do that, and we'll never find out who or what is behind all this.
You don't have it. I don't have it.
You don't mind if I drive, do you?
You don't tell me what to do.
You have saved us the trouble of disarming it.
You have shot your last bolt, Miss Havelock.
You idiot. Get on to him.
You know something, Bibi? You're fickle.
You know what I'd like?
You know, I will never leave you.
You left this with Ferrara, I believe.
You may have to kill him.
You may have to kill him.
You may have to kill him.
You may need this.
You must find a different way.
You must find a different way.
You were lucky once, but they are onto you now.
You were meant to question Gonzales, not let Miss Havelock perforate him.
You will be joining them.
You will note that I saw someone paying off Gonzales.
You'd better go in. M's on leave...
You'll see what no one else can see
You'll see what no one else can see 'cause now I'm breakin' free
You're English, but I'm half Greek.
You're from the British Narcotics Board.
You're going to pay for it.
You're making a spectacle of yourself.
You're not as fast as you used to be.
You're perspiring, Bunky.
You're so young.
Your best approach is on the right face, away from the building.
Your call from Athens was such a pleasant surprise.
Your father was part of it.
Your father was using the temple as a front.
Your general is late.
Your office called. They're sending a helicopter to pick you up.
Your signal sent Whitehall into shock.
007, are you there?
439 St. Cyril's in Greece.
584 feet.
A little smaller. Uh huh.
A nose, not a banana, Q. I'm sorry.
Aah! Shut him up.
Afternoon, sir. Oh, hello, Mac.
Are we leaving? Not we. You. And now.
Are you all right? I'm fine, really.
Cuba! You can skate without distractions.
Do you know this man? Yes. Locque.
Does this discourage you? Huh?
Don't play with any of the switches. Right.
Every order could be countermanded. Worse.
Ferrara. Bond. James.
Give us a kiss. Max, not now.
Go back to your room! You can go to hell!
He's there. Patch in the prime minister.
How's it going? I've patched through...
I can see why. We came here often.
I don't think... I would feel better...
I promise you. Okay.
I'll be right back. I can hardly wait.
I'll lend a hand if you want. Darling, it's beautiful. Thank you.
I'll see you later. Okay.
I'm staying. So you can put an arrow in his back?
Identigraph, Q. This way.
Is Corfu your home? No.
James is counting on surprise. But we are only five men.
James, I won't make it. We both will.
Just tell me where he is. Over there.
Leave her alone. I will deal with you...
Let me handle this. You? How are you involved?
Manchester? Close.
May I help you? Yes, give me a dozen lilies.
Much harder. Oh, Uncle Ari.
No, James, stay with me. I have an appointment.
Raw opium. An old smuggler's trick.
Right. Eyes.
Stinging in the rain? That's not funny, 007.
Thank you, darling. Hello, Daddy.
Verify and advise Admiralty. Yes, sir.
Well, I hope you have a car. This way.
What business? The man who paid Gonzales.
What should I do with you? You cannot just arrest him.
What the devil's going on here? An unidentified object closing fast.
What's Neptune? Our two man submarine.
Where is this Dove? Somewhere in Greece, I would guess.
Where's Kristatos? He's left with the ATAC.
Where's Kristatos? The other side of the courtyard.
Why should I believe you? I'll prove it to you tonight.
Yeah. Octagonal.
Yes, sir. Get cracking, 007.
Yes? First Sea Lord and Vice Admiral, sir.
You between jobs? Only for a few days.
You can go. I'll lock up. Okay.
You have poisoned her against me! Don't blow your top, Ari.
You look beautiful. Thank you.
Your packages, senorita. Oh, thank you.
Your telegram. What telegram?
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