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Fear of a Black Hat (1994) "Fear of a Black Hat" is a hilarious mockumentary film released in 1994, directed by Rusty

Fear of a Black Hat (1994)

"Fear of a Black Hat" is a hilarious mockumentary film released in 1994, directed by Rusty Cundieff and starring Larry B. Scott, Mark Christopher Lawrence, and Rusty Cundieff himself. The film parodies the rise and struggles of a fictional rap group called NWH (N*ggaz With Hats) as they navigate the music industry. With clever satire and witty commentary, it hilariously dissects the stereotypes and challenges faced by black artists in the rap genre.

The movie Fear of a Black Hat showcases the talents of its cast, who brilliantly portray the band members MC Tasty Taste, Ice Cold, and Tone Def. With its catchy soundtrack and cleverly crafted lyrics, the film not only entertains but also offers a thought-provoking insight into the social issues surrounding the representation of black artists in mainstream media. Immerse yourself in the sounds of NWH's rebellious music and download or play these sounds here.
A Another, S System, S Started.
A bonus question. How many people in The Funky Four?
A brother was minding his own business. I got some shit for their ass...
A bunch of Ice wannabes.
A couple more motherfuckers.
A gangsta's life ain't fun
A gangsta's life ain't fun
A gangsta's life ain't fun
A ho fucks everybody.
A little more hip movement.
A lot is made of that, but it's really no big deal.
A lot of people been coming down on us...
A misogynist is a person that hates women.
A ****a dead from exposure to the sun Victims of hostile elements
A punk motherfucker if I ever saw one. You'd have kicked his ass.
A whole bunch of white motherfuckers?
About these punk ass cab drivers.
Ain't gonna be too many more hos in this motherfucker. Fuck this.
Ain't no waitin' or hesitatin' Just hype riff baitin'
Ain't nothin' wrong with me a man can't fix.
All I'm saying is he's getting all the props...
All right, come on. Let's go! I ain't havin' it.
All right, hurry up.
All right, put your hands where we can see them.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. I'm outtie.
All right. Looking good.
All the time and then they wrote a song about it.
All the way from Slauson and Crenshaw...
Am I right?
An anagram, you know what I am saying?
An he wastes no time pointin' to his fake badge
And a bigger room.
And bend it over like that. Bring it back up like that.
And big butt women in tiny bikinis are necessary.
And big butt women in tiny bikinis...
And can fuck for hours.
And everything.
And get this cleared up as you deserve what Ice is getting...
And Ho Ho Ho's, a Christmas release that featured the group singing:
And I did not want this stuff to get out of hand...
And I got the winning team, and I am large. I am larger than large.
And I kill by will with skillful thrills
And I notice you've hooked up with Tasty.
And I see you got a little source behind you we might be able to use.
And I take care of everything from here, all right?
And I thought we could just kick it to the curb for a couple minutes, okay?
And I told you not to have him hanging out with these knotty haired gangsters.
And I'll team him up with Chaka, because Chaka wants to be a rapper.
And I'll tell you what, we're just like Evian around here.
And I'm kind of following the group around.
And if you've noticed, I ain't said shit for a couple minutes now.
And it ain't too late for you, either.
And it's like, you get tired of it.
And kick that N.W.H. Thing to the curb for a minute and find my own flavor.
And let me hear you say, Freaks in the house.
And listen to this, Yo, motherfucker. Drop it!
And N.W.H.
And nightstick that can make a ****a hemorrhage
And no one's gonna get hurt, how about that?
And now N. W.H.
And now this: Guerrillas in the Midst.
And now, get up off your ass!
And on top of that, nine points.
And one, and two, and three.
And our relatives, if we just started having white managers from now on.
And shit be over with.
And spin that shit around.
And strikin' like a cobra at the foot of your bed
And Suck My Dick.
And that's me with the jackhammer. So you know what's going on.
And that's what the whole riots was all about.
And the album, Fear of a Black Hat, that's going to be bigger than Wild Thing.
And then going back for the matching end tables.
And then I turn him upside down...
And then you wake up with disease, motherfuckers.
And then, the shit underneath.
And they are going to wring their drawers out! On stage!
And they released Guerrillas in the Midst. Uncut.
And they'll drop your ass like a bad bean pie if you fuck up, too.
And this here is for big motherfuckers.
And this is it: Our first few managers was black.
And this is Parsley, Sage, Rosemary N' Thyme.
And this is what we're going to try tonight.
And to reinforce that message, we have some very special guests today.
And us standing over them. Right, Friesch?
And we can all make some money.
And we tryin' to get a foot up in that motherfucker.
And we want you big butt women and brothers to get up and dance!
And wear a pager on my jeans?
And what about this concept of a video...
And what didn't happen was that we didn't get paid.
And what you are about to see is a documentary on the rap group N.W. H...
And when I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes.
And when we speak about complexion...
And why is he the only one doing a movie?
And why T isn't getting any interviews.
And why T isn't getting the same hype you're getting.
And you feel bad, and then they put you through some more shit.
And you feel just like FYM.
And you got the kids next door, you really do.
And you.
And you're being pushed into the background.
And, in fact, they was our cousins, you know.
Another S society, Y year.
Another way to pay the bills I'm the boy wonder, god of thunder
Are we cool on this, brothers?
Are you begging for more stage time?
Are you planning a follow up to this book?
As the political voice of today's urban youth...
Ass, booty, yo bitch, Bush is a dickhead...
Back in Cincinnati.
Back in the Ho Life Again, Ho Down...
Back when I was bangin' like you wouldn't believe.
Bald, buried and beaten into a pre dug track
Because a lot of our managers are white. But there's a very good reason for that.
Because I grew up in the 'hood. I was raised by a black family.
Because I love you girl
Because it was two or three sizes too small, so you put it on, right away you angry.
Because my parents abandoned me. So I can relate to you.
Because she ganking you!
Because they take you out of that generic N bullshit...
Because this is going to be some other shit.
Because this is my pooky right here. It ain't even a thing.
Because we are all one race on this planet
Because we are still N.W.H., okay?
Because when you take that bus...
Because you're telling the truth and the white man...
Been out three months now.
Before I have to get out of this bed and fuck both y'all up.
Before this gets out of hand, just let me say this.
Before you were thought about.
Besides all that I'm straight out the neighborhood
Besides that, we let people know we ain't with the violence...
Besides, that was four letters and it didn't really fit here that well.
Besides, you the same ****a that shot one of our managers.
Besides, you the same ****a that shot one of our managers.
Big butt women in tiny bikinis...
Block headed punk motherfucker. I hate him!
Booty juice comes right from the source
Booty Juice...
Both of you, put your hands up!
Boy, I'm telling you, you brothers are going to be large!
Boy, it ain't too late for you to straighten up.
Boys and girls, I think we've all seen enough of that video.
Bragging about their neighborhood as the toughest.
Brand new from the Tasty, a.k.a. Tasty Taste.
Break a leg, fellas.
Breakin' through the concrete Tired of livin' in an occupied state
Bring your right foot over, next to your left foot.
Brothers got to move to get that ass
Busted caps and breathed the truth
Bustin' mad funky beats so phat that y'all can't help but blow up.
But a black man gets no justice
But all right!
But anyhow, the thing is, you want that sucker nice and greased for you to...
But check this out, here.
But I can't this time. To put this album out the way it is...
But I do say P U S S Y in the song because I set it up like that.
But I got some suspicions about it.
But I know better. He was just chilling.
But I love it when it's drippin'
But I sing black...
But I tell you what, you try carrying a leather sofa...
But I'm a mocha colored motherfucker, so that didn't really work.
But I'm with you. You my baby.
But I've heard that your last five managers were killed, also by gunfire.
But if he even begins to act ill, I'm through with his ass.
But if you ask me, he's treating both of y'all like bunch of fools.
But it also serves as a tracer of styles and values.
But it's true that you guys are the only group...
But making little babies sell your product...
But not really. I mean...
But nothing deliberate.
But on my next joint, I ain't talkin' about nothin' except for doing something...
But seeing as how our manager got tapped on tonight, I think...
But such is life, I got a new group, Peaches and Cream.
But that's another story.
But the cut you did not mention that's dope, sister...
But the record company, they dogged us out.
But the white man wants to clog it up, keep it closed.
But they never see Y O U and me
But this is gonna be a two volume set because I've got a lot of shit to say.
But this song is called Come Pet The P.U.S.S. Y.
But what I'm trying to tell you guys is either you do it our way...
But when you start talking about the real deal, everyone starts bugging.
But you might wanna take it further than that.
But you might wanna take it further than that.
But, rest assured, the words, phrases and images...
By putting out our music in our videos.
Calm down before somebody gets hurt.
Can I let go of the door now?
Can't you guys just dance around like Hammer?
Careful, the ladies especially like this one.
Check it out. Let me turn on the Booty Juice display.
Check this out. Check out the new gear.
Check this out. ****a stands for:
Check this out. This is Jike Spingleton...
Cheryl! Please.
Class of '87. See? Bow tie, checkered pants.
Come and pet the pussy
Come and pet the pussy Hey, hey, hey
Come and pet the pussy Hey, hey, hey
Come and pet the pussy! Hey, hey, hey
Come on, get up!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on. I'm with that.
Come Pet The P.U.S.S. Y.
Come Pet The P.U.S.S. Y. Yeah.
Controversial and never released Kill Whitey album.
Cool. Just go on over there.
Could you excuse your lady, man?
Count your fucking ends the next time you get that motherfucker back.
Cup your hand, cover up
Cup your hand, cover up
Currently on his own with New Human Formantics...
Cut! And print! That shit was the bomb!
Damn skippy.
Damn this ****a. She's playin' his ass.
Did he pass on what I told him before you came out?
Did I say ****as?
Do I look like a paranoid person?
Do I look like the kind of person who could kill...
Do not be calling my choreography no Solid Gold shit. Okay?
Do not call them ****as. Just these three.
Do you have a problem with me?
Do you have a problem with me?
Do you know the caliber of all these guns?
Don't be calling her a bitch, man!
Don't be doing this shit no more.
Don't call my mama a bitch!
Don't get smart, I'm looking for an excuse.
Don't let 'em tell you this stuff ain't going out of the 'hood.
Don't listen to him, okay? He is tired, honey, okay?
Don't say it's okay that's oral masturbation
Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.
Don't tell me.
Don't try that. You been talking that mess since I met you five months ago...
Don't turn around. Face that way. Just work it like that.
Don't turn the camera off. I've got something to say.
Don't want you all saying what you're saying.
Don't wear a toupee 'cause that's assimilation
Don't worry.
Don't worry. We'll be right back.
Don't you think this song is a little extreme?
Doug, we out, let's go.
Down there, I've got his feet coming out of the shirt armpit holes...
Down to Pico or Venice or somethin' like that...
Drive a fly ride and the hos just pile in
Embraced that motherfucker?
Especially if you walk a block or two.
Even Planters ain't got no nuts like these My peanuts!
Even with three ****as. Plus you got to go through all that smoke.
Everybody, take five. Take a little rest. Get some Coke.
Everyone's bugging pushed sales of the Fear of a Black Hat album...
Exactly. So what we're saying is, we don't front.
Exactly. The best thing, if you think you're the kind of motherfucker...
Excuse me, but I think the whole point here was to uplift the children and...
Excuse me, what is this?
Excusez moi.
Exposed to the rays without no shields they left us
Extreme Use Of Force. Now, see, that is Ice's ass, right?
Fear of a Black Hat went platinum.
First, he was turned down by a cabby on Broadway.
Followed by The Jam Boys, then followed by N.W.H.
Followed by Vanilla Sherbet, then Yo Highness.
Follows me around like a magnet Eyes on my ass like a two bit faggot
For any savings and loans fraud.
For certain, because I got a lot more to say.
For instance, with the song Kill Whitey.
For singing the female lead vocal track on the Ice Plant single...
For the simple fact that you're with me.
Four hundred years and it ain't enough Suckers still trying to take our stuff
Freeze, Rico!
Fresh from the battle but not fatigued
Friesch, we need a bigger room.
From being in all the heat, they was too tired to rebel against their masters.
From the barrage of rhymes I'm droppin'
From the nation's savings and loans.
Fuck gangster bitches wearing gangster clothes
Fuck my ass, man!
Fuck the security guards
Fuck this. Fuck them, man.
Fuck Y'all Motherfuckers.
Fuck Y'all Motherfuckers.
Fuck y'all!
Fuck you.
Fucking $3.35 an hour, minimum wage.
Full of sin. All the freaks was all out their minds.
Gainin' more juice by the others I'm killin'
Genie in a bottle looking motherfucker.
Get a decent job, you can buy a car.
Get a real job, you can get a real car.
Get in check You just a chump minimum wage ho
Get into position. You need to relax. You all uptight. Rapper and all that.
Get ready to shake your booty.
Get that before I kick your ass, you going to ruin our rep.
Get this shit over here. Let's move on.
Get up in your top shelf clothes Cold fuckin' top shelf hos
Get up. We've got to talk. This is important.
Get with the facts as I chart the stats cold kick the hats
Get your hands on the car, funny man.
Go out and do the new one, Put Your Mouth Where Your Manhole Is.
Go pick up some bitches. Smoke a big, fat blunt.
God, my dick!
Gonna have him rap like that, walk around on his hands.
Gonna hit you so hard you scream
Gonna send an Acme rents punk cop straight to heaven
Gonna, Get, Ass.
Good morning.
Got a little bit of power so you want to act the fool
Got the sunshine coming in and everything. What's up?
Grab it! You gotta grab it! Grab it!
Grab it! You gotta grab it! Grab it!
Grab your shit, cover up...
Grab your stuff
Granny says kick your black ass
Granny says kick your black ass I am going to kick your black ass
Guerrillas in the Midst made N. W.H. Rap superstars.
Guerrillas in the midst of a race riot
Guerrillas in the Midst. Man, that is going to be crazy large!
Guys, what's the deal with the hats?
Hang on a second. What exactly? How many cops on the pile?
Hang on one second. Guys, John Ligget. I'll just wrap up this call.
Happening! They are...
Has also stirred the contempt of many community organizations...
Has run into some trouble in New York City.
Hats offer enclosure from deadly exposure of sucker imposers
Hats? What do you mean? Did you check the truck?
Have a good show tonight. Gonna knock 'em dead?
Have a surprise hit with their latest single, Guerrillas in the Midst.
Have them dry roasted or vacuum packed
Have you ever seen Charles in Charge, the TV show?
He better stop disrespecting me.
He gonna knock Kris Kross out the box because he gonna be upside down.
He got a gun. Shit, he got a gun.
He got cuffs, some mace and a gat on his hip
He got to get dressed. Why don't you step out...
He makes a move but Ice Cold don't trip
He probably ran a little over schedule on that movie.
He was 6'4 before he got capped!
He was Italian. He was one of them olive complected motherfuckers.
He was on the Glee Club. My man was on the yearbook staff.
He was the yearbook editor.
He'll rip you off, he'll take your money, make you work for free.
He's dead on the ground when I let the trigger go
He's trying to get more time. They only gave me seven.
Hell, yeah, I'm gonna make you, ****a.
Hello, guys. Sorry we're late.
Here come the bullshit
Here you go, my European brother.
Here's his registration, okay?
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, I ain't got nothing!
Hey! I said, forefinger, Mr. Fun.
Hold that. I am taking this shit off.
Hold up!
Homeboy, I dropped the M.C.
Hot stuff makes it burn coming out
Hotter than a Mexican jumping bean
How am I sound saying shit like that? I just bust a cap in their ass...
How can we complain when we don't fight back?
How can you listen to that and think...
How could a little ****a be so mean
How did that happen?
How is that ill shit gonna look?
How long you been on welfare?
How many celebrities have you been out with?
How many times you think they want to hear you do Come Pet The P.U.S.S. Y.?
How was them ****as living, you know?
How you going to be a hardcore OG gangster editing a yearbook?
How'll we work it out if he treats you like a second class citizen?
However, in an effort to maintain accuracy and journalistic integrity...
I ain't afraid of you. Go.
I ain't got my bitch in the motherfucker. Tone, if he had a bitch...
I ain't wanna fuck with that.
I ain't with that! Don't touch me!
I am giving you more time than you need already.
I am going to move you guys to another label, called Innergroove Records.
I am taking my shit off, too.
I began this project as a thesis for my doctorate in sociology.
I bet everyone knows what I am talking about
I can work with that.
I can't have you pull a knife and fuck up my good jacket.
I caught up with the group again on the road.
I deal the pain to those who keep me in chains
I didn't even think you would be that low.
I don't have to listen to this bitch...
I don't keep it loaded. See, it's empty.
I don't know, 14?
I don't know, but you better look out.
I don't know, man. I mean, we in different creative spaces.
I don't know. I can't speak for your butt, personally...
I don't mean ****a in the way a lot of people mean ****a.
I don't trust that Marty the manager either.
I don't wanna do that shit. I'll tell you what, I was wrong on that.
I don't want you around here no more, because that's when your luck will run out.
I even got a brother over here drawing the stuff, courtroom style.
I got a bottle of syrup that looks like you.
I got a lot of coffee and donuts in me, don't push me!
I got a whole thing going on here, check this out.
I got all your old tracks.
I got Booty Juice...
I got it, they want it believe it, they'll steal it
I got it.
I got my cousin doing my shit, now.
I got nothing. I told you I got nothing, man.
I got this camera crew, y'all, and I got all these people here.
I got this camera crew, y'all, and I got all these people here.
I got your back, you know, whatever. We got too much history and whatnot.
I gotta be able to stay in touch with everything I gotta stay in touch with.
I guess y'all have to face it. You ****as is over.
I guess you have to really know what you're doing to use one.
I had the hat before you did and the glasses before you did.
I had to get that pressed myself, then I sold it out the trunk of my car.
I heard you had been, like, hither and thither.
I just might.
I just want to show you this. This is some Wile E. Coyote Acme shit.
I keep the bullets hidden. I certainly don't plan on ever using it.
I knew you was low...
I know this might not be the right time to mention this...
I know we shouldn't be acting like this with you all laid out.
I last for millenniums You are going to feel the stress
I like 'em round, and I like 'em easy
I like it when it shakes in the pants so loose
I like it when the girls step on the floor
I make gangster money 'cause I'm gangster bold
I mean there are those girls, honey, who are straight up skeezers...
I mean this motherfucker was short, nearsighted, angry...
I mean, back in the days when there was slaves and stuff...
I mean, has someone came up and just...
I mean, he's as upset about this as you are.
I mean, it gets real ridiculous when people try to bite your style.
I mean, it stirs things up too much. It screams violence.
I mean, just look at you three brothers. Just look at you. Together.
I mean, not even a babushka.
I mean, that's a bit too much.
I mean, that's my boy. I gotta look out for him.
I mean, the lyrics here:
I mean, this is better than those auto focus cameras.
I mean, we have all kinds of hats.
I mean, when you rolling with this, would you be paranoid?
I mean, you know, given a reason. But not on a humbug.
I meant pussies.
I need my bullets.
I need one of you all to grab that bedpan and stick it up underneath my ass.
I needed what I needed when I needed it.
I notice you have three pagers.
I personally don't like most of them motherfuckers.
I put the pants over his head. That's his head sticking out of the crotch.
I sang that song.
I saw the crowd out front. Tonight's show's gonna be phat and all that.
I speak Japanese.
I talked to Be Real Records today.
I think it's going to be called ASMD.
I think that just shows his whole vulnerability.
I think we got a little situation here. Be right back.
I thought all rappers like to say where they're from.
I thought you came to cheer me up.
I turn around and say Yo, get out my face
I wanna know.
I want America to see this. Is that cool for you? Check it out.
I want both of y'all to know that, even though N.W.H. Ain't nothing...
I want my money.
I want N.W.H. On the marquis, we're part of the headlining bill.
I want to be totally raw with you, ****a. 'Cause I ain't afraid of you.
I want to make you mine slap your fat behind
I want to talk to him in private, for just a second.
I want you all to understand something. When I say ****a...
I want you to scratch my itch And be my bitch
I was attracted to N.W.H. Because of...
I was hanging out backstage, and we hooked up.
I was short before you were, wasn't I?
I will kick the ****a's motherfucking ass if I have to!
I will kick the ****a's motherfucking ass if I have to!
I'd like you to listen to something. Tell me if it's really your voice.
I'll bust a cap in anybody who thinks different.
I'll show you my new book I'm working on.
I'll take care of it.
I'll take that whip and whip your ass.
I'll take them hostage!
I'll tell you. You got to straighten up.
I'm a G A N G S T E R like Scarface, bitch, I'm a superstar
I'm a producer. This is somebody I'm getting ready to produce.
I'm almost like a brother.
I'm always getting clocked by some wannabe cop
I'm doing a documentary on language and communication...
I'm down with artistic integrity and all that, but lockup's a bitch.
I'm down with you motherfuckers, I can relate.
I'm down with you motherfuckers. I been listening to you for a long time.
I'm dropping everything.
I'm feeling kind of cocky.
I'm getting punked.
I'm glad y'all could make it down here to the gig.
I'm glad you ****as said that, because...
I'm gonna be sure to get you guys auditions, too, you know.
I'm gonna introduce you to someone.
I'm gonna whip you butt naked. Come on.
I'm in there. Check out the hood.
I'm just a human being
I'm Kurt Loder, still white and reportedly human in New York City.
I'm looking for a new crew. Thought y'all might be interested.
I'm Nina Blackburn.
I'm not sure I ain't still mad enough to try and kill him.
I'm notorious, I live glorious I'm the fly gangster that remains victorious
I'm out of here!
I'm pissed.
I'm ready to blast like a megaton
I'm sorry.
I'm strong
I'm supposed to go do this audition thing with Jack today.
I'm sure these gentlemen aren't responsible...
I'm taking your ass in...
I'm talking beanies, Kangols, fedoras...
I'm the man they call number one Don't try this shit at home
I'm the one who wants to know why T isn't doing a film.
I'm the shit! I'm on your ass. And you know who I'm talking about.
I've been watching him, baby.
I've got something I need to talk to you about.
I've got something to say to John, to Spike, and to Matty.
I've got to part company with you for a second, Ice...
I've known this motherfucker before you were here. All right.
I've seen him with a powpow before. It ain't no big deal.
Ice Berg, Ice Cup, Ice Box.
Ice Cold of N.W.H. Says it's funny no one complained about...
Ice cracks when the T does rock
Ice melts when the T gets hot
Ice says, You can talk about ho's all you want...
Ice Tray, Ice Coffee, Ice Water...
Ice, at that time you had a song out called My Peanuts?
Icy Eat Me, Fuck Ice?
If I remember correctly, he ended up murdered.
If it's all greased up and ready.
If we do another gig and I don't get my motherfuckin' money...
If we don't have hats, then we ****az Without Hats.
If y'all ever need me, I'm there.
If y'all going to go at this, you've got to come clean. Drop your shit.
If you be smiling, motherfuckers think you're a punk.
If you get it back.
If you guys perform the song Grab Your Shit tonight...
If you smile, the woman thinks she got you.
If Your Mama Don't Shut the F * C K Up I'm Going to Shoot the B * T C H.
In a lawsuit filed by Mabel Ann Jackson...
In a wide variety.
In another N.W.H. News, Ice Cold now finds himself embroiled...
In fact, I am so big they call me Dinosaur.
In further N.W.H. News, Tone Def, former spiritual member of N.W. H...
In New York City, apparently, being human isn't enough.
In political terms. On your song Booty Juice...
In the fucking N.W.H. Dressing room.
In the motherfucking place where the creeps and the motherfuckers live.
In the world of rap, N.W.H., also known as ****az With Hats...
Is the cut called I Am Going to Kick Your Boot T.
It ain't hate 'cause we retaliate
It ain't like it was when we was N.W.H.
It ain't that kind of party.
It ain't that kind of party.
It is like a male bonding kind of thing. You know what I mean?
It is over when I leave you for dead
It is the Raider with the Dickhead tour.
It just wouldn't be def!
It really don't matter just put a lid on it
It seems like damn near every time I shop
It shouldn't be The Jam Boys. It should be Special Guest.
It took me a long time to realize that, but I'm not black...
It was your fault. You shouldn't have done that!
It wouldn't be def?
It's a motherfucker.
It's a universal thing, we all flush it down
It's fresh and ain't all pasteurized But I always rise when I tap the thighs
It's going to be hard for us to go out there and perform.
It's just Slammer now. Slammer, that's what it is.
It's kind of heavy. But I figured if I couldn't pick it up, I need to have it.
It's my experience that this type of song causes problems.
It's not like that.
It's not pasteurized, it ain't from concentrate.
It's our civic duty to bang the booty.
It's rough being me, you know what I'm saying?
It's taken care of.
It's taken care of.
It's true they want to take it all So before they rip you ball for ball
It's uplifting for the kids to see that kind of thing.
It's your behind. You got it?
Jam Boys! Fellas.
Just a slob in an ill fittin' suit
Just gonna piss on this motherfucker.
Just in case the tape and stuff runs out and doesn't come up.
Just in time for your boys to drop their new beats.
Just listen to some of these song titles:
Just show the motherfucker the steps.
Just so I could see what it was like for myself, firsthand.
Just step off.
Keep it going, don't try and keep up with me.
Keep your head covered and wear your hat
Kicking out freebies to your friends ain't part of the program.
Kill Whitey.
Last year...
Laverne and Shirley came through here, the Osmond brothers, Mack Davis.
Layers to the security system, it's no problem.
Left, right, left, you're toothless
Left, right, left, you're toothless
Let go of the door, push it with your left foot.
Let me call you right back.
Let me know if we can ever stick a tap into that...
Let me show you something else before we go.
Let me tell you something, these brothers are soft.
Let me tell you something:
Let some shit break out and what you gonna do?
Let's get out there and perform. We don't get paid if we don't perform.
Let's go to sleep.
Let's go, ****a.
Let's go. Come on.
Let's have a good show tonight.
Let's just calm down and work this out.
Let's just calm things down and sort things out.
Let's see. Tasty and I...
Let's start with N.W.H.
Let's talk later. I got somebody here right now.
Like Hammer?
Like I said, you got to be careful.
Like I was saying. I do things on my album that he would never do.
Like Paula Abdul.
Like we got one called A Gangsta's Life Ain't Fun.
Like you might say that ****a stands for: Naturally, Intelligent, Gonna, Get...
Long before y'all motherfuckers.
Look at him, man! Just look at him.
Look at that motherfucking security guard staring at us.
Look at this shit. All hooked up.
Look at this, here. Prep school. Look, my man.
Look at this, I saw this laying over here. The N.W.H. Divider and shit.
Look at this, I'm carrying this little revolver. I'd have an AK.
Look in my eyes and you'll realize these ain't lies
Look who's rolling behind you, man.
Look, I am a white man, that's not the issue here.
Look, I'll do Put Your Manhole Where My Mouth Is and then I'll...
Look, man, let's just do the show.
Look, man, we the also Special Guest on the end of the marquis.
Look, man. I said I'm gonna be back. I'm gonna be back.
Look, normally I would support you guys one hundred percent.
Look, you a little white child, too.
Look! How many times have you been shot?
M.C. Slammer. All the dance moves for your behind.
Make a move and I'll put you under
Make the black grow strong!
Make the change gotta cover my braids
Make your face go...
Man, I ain't gonna even trip, all right?
Man, I got permits for both of them guns, all right?
Man, I told you! I ain't got no dope!
Man, this ain't Romper Room, and I ain't going out with page seven on my head.
Man, we had nothing to do with what happened tonight.
Man, what you doing!
Man, you brothers are going to be large...
Man, you got a big mouth. Nothing, I hear nothing.
Marty, don't worry about it.
Maybe we ought to play it safe for the night.
Maybe you can edit that out.
Maybe you need to ask T why he's putting up with your triflin' ass.
Me and you, we're going to work together.
Most folks do, it ain't even an issue
Motherfucker, see? Take the clip out and everything, on your ass.
Motherfucker, somebody needs to tell you something, man!
Motherfucker, you gonna make me stop disrespecting that bitch?
Motherfuckers be hollering. I'll see you.
My belief was that not only does rap function...
My cousin Ricky endorses me all the time. He works down at the shoe store in the mall.
My dick!
My dick!
My God!
My man here, he ain't even seen no 'hood.
My man used to go to a prep school!
My peanuts come alive when you open that sack
My peanuts exceed all standards
My peanuts!
My penis, big and large
My point is, we can't let the white man tell us how to sell to our market.
My spiritual oneness here tonight. You understand me?
N. W.H. Say fuck the security guards He ain't a cop but he still want to act hard
N. W.H. Say grab your stuff
N. W.H. Say grab your stuff!
N. W.H. Was history.
N.W. H!
N.W. H!
N.W. H? In the house?
N.W.H. I'll do everything he says.
N.W.H. I'll do everything he says.
N.W.H. In the house!
N.W.H. In the house. Vanilla Sherbet. What's up, G!
N.W.H., you on in five.
Naturally, Intelligence, Gonna, Get, Ahead.
Never let him touch your soccer ball.
****a thinks he bigger than the rest of the group.
No N.W. H!
No need to get loud. We can work this out.
No, actually we got to get over to the studio.
No, do you have a problem with me?
No, don't you have something you want to say?
No, I don't feel too cool at all, man.
No, I mean, did you agree with the riots?
No, I think that we all get the message...
No, I think we need to talk about what didn't happen out there.
No, Ice. We're supposed to be finishing the tracks today.
No, just don't shoot until you see the whites, period.
No, just keep that loose. Keep that open like that.
No, man, that's my experience from jail.
No, man. I'm getting tired of this two song per show bullshit.
No, not as individuals. I'm talking about putting N.W.H. Back together again.
No, that shit was a whole big misunderstanding, there.
No, that's not going to solve the problem.
No, they dropped me when I went to jail...
No, this is a good jammy for beginners.
No, we don't necessarily like to say where we're from.
No, you didn't!
No, you didn't.
No, you won't!
No. They got little kids here.
None? Why don't we split the difference? Seven.
Normally I wouldn't be for changing something.
Not so swell events Designed to keep the black irrelevant
Nothing rattles them. They keep things on a calm, even keel kind of level.
Nothing, man. That bitch is a ho.
Nothing, we just chilling.
Now I told you about holding back on me!
Now I'm going to have to bust a cap in somebody's ass.
Now live on stage, N. W.H.
Now stand up, get your ass out of the car.
Now take your left foot and push the car door open.
Now that's fly.
Now this is something from back in my more troubled days.
Now we have rappers. So I've had to add a few extra...
Now you got this motherfucker involved.
Now, first things first. Deal with this shit later.
Now, get your ass on the car.
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