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Iconic poster of "No Country for Old Men" featuring intense characters and a dramatic desert landscape.

No Country for Old Men (2007)

"No Country for Old Men" is a gripping thriller film directed by Ethan and Joel Coen, released in 2007. Adapted from Cormac McCarthy's novel, the story follows the gripping pursuit of a man named Llewelyn Moss, played masterfully by Josh Brolin, who unwittingly stumbles upon the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong in the desolate Texan borderlands. When he takes a suitcase full of money, he becomes the target of the relentless and merciless Anton Chigurh, portrayed brilliantly by Javier Bardem. This atmospheric and intense film leaves viewers on the edge of their seats. You can play and download the movie's soundtrack here.
A lot of folks find that hard to believe.
A man would have to put his soul at hazard.
About a million and a half on whores and whiskey ...and the rest of it, I just sort of blew it here.
About the color of the moon.
After a while, one of 'em says something in Injun and they all turned and left out.
After a while, you just have to try to get a tourniquet on it.
Ah, Sheriff, that's aggravating.
Ain't all waitin' on you.
Ain't no lobos.
Ain't nobody's gonna bother her.
All that at the? Motel. It's beyond everything.
Alright. Heads then.
Always am.
An ATM...
An attempt at humor, I suppose.
And a hose that run down his sleeve...
And after I find him I'll come and join you.
And by 9:30, they'll show up here.
And everybody just walks away.
And he needs help, whether he knows it or not.
And if I get sensible answers then they get to go to America. If I don't get sensible answers they don't.
And in the dream I knew that he was goin' on ahead...
And now it's here.
And that he's fixing to make a fire somewhere out there in all that dark and all that cold.
And that was that. As they say.
And the gas.
And you have to say. Call it.
And you're not dead.
Another additional?
Any new bodies accumulated out there?
Any of it. If it can be welded, I can weld it.
Anything happens to Loretta's horse out here...
Anything you leave you ain't gonna see it again.
Anyway, first one I don't remember too well but...
Anywhere not in your pocket.
Are you all right? You got a bone stickin' out of your arm.
Are you telling he shot this boy in the head...
At the gettin' place.
Aunt Ella came out and tried to stop the bleedin'.
Aunt Ella came out and tried to stop the bleedin'.
Baby, at what point would you quit bothering to look for your two million dollars?
Be all right?! I've got the cancer!
Be careful.
Be there in about fifteen minutes.
Beer leads to more beer.
Beer. That's what's comin'.
Better not.
Big talk.
Brian. Give him the beer.
Brother, I been there.
But for how long do we have to...
But I can sure touch him.
But I don't want to push my chips forward...
But if you stopped, you stopped in the shade.
But that's not where I'm going. Do you know where I'm going?
But that's what it took, you'll notice. Get somebody's attention.
But you don't believe it.
But you struck me as a man who wouldn't want to waste a chair.
Buy you a cup of coffee before you drive home?
By anyone, I mean any swinging dude.
C'mon, pack your things.
Call it?
Call it.
Call it.
Call me when you've had enough.
Call police.
Can I get my parking ticket validated?
Can I help you?
Can't help but wonder how they would've operated these times.
Carla Jean, how are you?
Carla Jean, I will not harm your man.
Carla Jean. Thank you for comin'.
Cause I'm gonna give you the money and I'ma put you on a plane.
Charlie grabs his gun there to shoot the damn thing in the head...
Compared to what? The bubonic plague?
Could I get another room?
Could I get you to call Loretta for me...
Couldn't you all of took a van out there?
Couple hundred on his person. Those hombres would've taken the stash.
Course they slaughter steers a lot different these days.
Did you buy that gun?
Did you go up to his trailer?
Did you not hear me? We can't give out no information.
Did you want me to see what I could find out about the Mexican ones?
Didn't have no van with four wheel drive.
Didn't mean nothing.
Diggin' in that hard old caliche.
Digging graves in the back yard didn't bring any.
Do what now?
Do you have any idea how crazy you are?
Do you know what time it is?
Do you know where I'm going?
Do you need help with the bags, madam?
Don't get hurt.
Don't hurt no one.
Don't know why I did.
Don't put it in your pocket. It's your lucky quarter.
Don't stop. Just ride me up past those rooms.
Don't worry. I ain't gonna hurt you.
Don't worry. I'm not the man that's after you.
Ed Tom, I'll be polite.
Even if you gave him the money back, he'd still kill you...
Execution here...
Find it from the river bank. I know where it is.
Find who? What am I supposed to do with Mother?
Fine. I don't wanna know.
For what?
Gaston Boykins wouldn't wear one up in Comanche County.
Generally around dark. At dark.
Get someone to help this man. He needs to get into town.
Gimme that beer too.
Gimme that.
Going where?
Good trip, Ed Tom.
Got a letter from your wife.
Got a screwgie?
Gun out and up.
Gunned down on his own porch over in Hudspeth County.
Hard to believe.
Have you looked at your load lately?
Hay lobos...
He can take all comers.
He didn't.
He don't talk as much as you, I give him points for that.
He feels... he felt that... the more people looking...
He gave the Mexicans a receiver.
He had his blanket wrapped around him and his head down.
He just have to say, okay.
He killed a fourteen year old girl.
He killed three men in Del Rio Motel yesterday.
He killed three men in Del Rio Motel yesterday.
He never thinks he needs any.
He seen the same things I've seen...
He shoots the desk clerk one day.
He still can't pick up his right hand for his hat...
He won't find me again.
He won't neither. He never has.
He's a peculiar man. Might even say he has principles.
He's bad enough that you called me.
He's goin' back out there and he wanted to know if you wanted to go with him.
He's just a goddamn homicidal lunatic, Ed Tom.
He's not like you. He's not even like me.
Hell mister, I'll give you my shirt.
Hell mister. Look, I don't mind helping someone out. That's a lot of money.
Hello, Carson.
Here Charlie's got one all trussed up and all set to drain him...
Here last week they found this couple out...
Here we are. Ninety degree heat.
Here ya go.
Here's this month's checks.
His name is Chigurh.
Hold this please.
How bout 38?
How come do you reckon the coyotes ain't been at 'em?
How come're you doin' that?
How do you know he's not on his way to Odessa?
How fresh is that coffee?
How many bodies did you leave with?
How many of those things you got now?
How much?
How much?
How you been, Ellis?
How'd you find it?
Howdy, what's this about?
I ain't gonna call it.
I ain't got no agua.
I ain't got no water.
I always figured when I got older...
I always knew you had to be willing to die to even do this job.
I always seen this is what it would come to.
I am older.
I believe it's that night. She buried him the next mornin'.
I believe they've lit a shuck.
I believe you're right.
I buried my mother today. I ain't paid for that neither.
I can even let you keep a little of the money.
I can hear it in your voice.
I can't call it for you.
I could come back then.
I deduced it. When you walked in.
I didn't mean nothing by it.
I didn't put nothing up.
I do know to a certainty. And you know what's going to happen now, Carson?
I don't blame him.
I don't care what time it is. And don't you hang up this phone.
I don't either!
I don't even wanna know where you been all day.
I don't have some way to put it.
I don't know but I kindly doubt it.
I don't know what to make of that.
I don't know, I had the sheriff here from Terrell County.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. American citizens?
I don't know. He ought to...
I don't know. I couldn't say.
I don't know. Nothin. Wouldn't be no point to it.
I don't know. Sometimes I think he's pretty much a ghost.
I don't know. Will there?
I don't need to talk to you.
I don't wanna register it.
I generally make a fresh pot ever week even if there's some left over.
I got a bad feeling, Llewelyn.
I got an overcoat on.
I got beers in my room.
I guess I'd say... he doesn't have a sense of humor.
I just flat out wouldn't of believed you.
I just want to know your opinion of him.
I knew that whenever I got there he'd be there.
I know I was.
I know something better.
I know this truck.
I know where you are.
I know.
I knowed exactly what was in store for me.
I knowed you was crazy when I saw you sittin' there.
I love you more and more every day.
I mean the nature of you.
I mean, would you care to join me?
I need to know that.
I need to sit down.
I need you to drive me on out of here.
I reckon I'd go out the way I came in.
I remember dates. Names. Numbers. I saw him November the 28th.
I said what time do you go to bed?
I said you don't know what you're talking about.
I see. Are you going to shoot me?
I seen you was from Dallas.
I sent Uncle Mac's thumbbuster and badge over to the Rangers.
I surely don't.
I think I lost it.
I think I'm goin' to commence dedicatin' myself twice daily.
I think we're looking at more than one fracas...
I think you do too. So this is what I'll offer.
I think you do.
I thought it was a car afire.
I told you, I don't know where he is.
I want to see if someone's here.
I was already gone.
I was sheriff of this county when I was twenty five years old.
I won't tell you you can save yourself because you can't.
I wouldn't worry about it.
I'd call her now but she'll want me to come home and I just might.
I'd say around 9:30.
I'd say it is. Not a doubt in my mind.
I'll be part of this world.
I'll bring the ice chest out here. You can stay married.
I'll call her when I get there.
I'll check.
I'll make it worth your while.
I'm a daytrader. I could just go home.
I'm across the river. At the Hotel Eagle. Carson Wells.
I'm ahead of you there.
I'm alright. Let me just sit here a minute.
I'm fixing to do something dumber now but I'm going anyways.
I'm going out.
I'm gonna borrow a car from Roberto.
I'm guessin' this isn't the future you had pictured for yourself...
I'm just one person. So, don't matter the size of the bed.
I'm kindly surprised to hear you say that.
I'm looking for Llewelyn Moss.
I'm not on their radio.
I'm older now than he ever was by twenty years.
I'm sorry we couldn't help your boy.
I'm sorry.
I'm used to lots of things, I work at Wal Mart.
I'm wondering...
I've decided to make you a special project of mine.
I've got it.
If I don't come back tell Mother I love her.
If I was him I'd have the same opinion about me that he does.
If I was into cutting deals...
If it ain't, it'll do till a mess gets here.
If that's the way you wanna put it.
If the rule you followed brought you to this...
If you say so.
If you stopped and watch your backtrack, you're gonna shoot my dumb ass.
If your expenses run higher I hope you'll trust us for it.
In Temple.
Instead, he used you to try to save himself.
Is Carson Wells there?
Is Llewelyn there?
Is something wrong?
Is that what you're asking me?
Is there something wrong with anything?
Is this guy supposed to be the ultimate bad ass?
It ain't even three years we been married.
It could be.
It doesn't make any difference where she is.
It is a car afire.
It might come to three times before it's over...
It was about meeting him in town someplace where he gave me some money.
It was cold and there's snow on the ground. He rode past me and kept on goin'. Never said nothing goin' by. He just rode on past.
It wouldn't be fair.
It's all the goddamned money, Ed Tom.
It's alright.
It's been traveling twenty two years to get here.
It's full of money.
It's hard to believe.
It's just goddamned beyond everything.
It's the same tire tread coming back as going.
It's too late. I spent it.
Jim Scarborough never carried one.
Just call it.
Just call me if anyone else checks in tonight.
Just how dangerous is he?
Just how well do you know Chigurh?
Just passing my time.
Just tie it.
Keep it up.
Kill 'em, bury 'em in the yard and cash their social security checks.
Killed that man on the highway...
La puerta...
Let him hold the money.
Let me ask you something.
Let's go to your room.
Let's just call it square.
Llewelyn would never ask for help.
Llewelyn, I ain't gonna leave you in the lurch.
Llewelyn?! No he ain't.
Look at that lock.
Look, I want you to meet me at the Desert Sands motel in El Paso.
Look, you gotta give me this money. I got no other reason to protect you.
Look, you're already in a jackpot. I'm trying to get you out of it.
Look... I need to know what I stand to win.
Looking for a man who has recently drunk milk?
Lord no. I'm not retired.
Loretta tells me you're quittin'.
Made about the same time too. You can see the sides real clear.
Maybe he's the one who needs to be worried.
Maybe I'll help out here then.
Maybe their television set was broke.
Me and him was sheriff at the same time, him up in Plano and me out here.
Medico. Por favor.
Mexicans, I guess. Wasn't us.
Min back!
Mind ridin', bitch?
Mister, there's a bone stickin' out of your arm.
Mm Mm.
My arrest and my testimony.
My god, Wendell, it's just all out war. I can't think of any other word for it.
My mind wanders.
Natural to the line of work they was in.
Neighbors were alerted when a man ran from the premises wearing only a dog collar.
Never do.
Never mind. I want a tent.
Never missed a chance to do so.
No exit wound.
No m'am, I want to keep my room and get another one.
No ma'am. I know what beer leads to.
No me, mate.
No money in his room there?
No sir.
No sir.
No, 38 will be fine.
No, I mean was it right away or in the night or when was it?
No, that's all I've to look for and it sounds like these old boys died of natural causes.
No. But I gave my word.
No. I found it.
No. Lord no.
No. Probably I don't.
No. This works better. With you gone and I don't have the money, he can't touch me.
No. You don't understand.
None of that explains your man though.
Not a bleep.
Not any more, Carla Jean. You're retired.
Not have to connect.
Not in the sense that you mean.
Not like that. Not like you say.
Not we, you. Stay with your mother.
November 28th, last year.
Now is not a time.
Now take me to another motel.
Now why would I expect him?
Now, Wendell, did you inquire about the lock cylinder?
Now. We close now.
Number 137. It ain't took.
Oh hell's bells, they even shot the dog.
Oh, it's the tide. It's the dismal tide.
Oh, Sheriff, we just missed him!
Oh, we dedicate ourselves daily anew. Something like that.
Oh, what the hell?
Oh. Now that's aggravating.
Oh. One of those tiedowns worked lose.
OK Corral is just down there.
Okay. Two of 'em. Both had my father. It's peculiar.
One room, one night.
Or it'll be mixed in with the others and become just a coin.
Otherwise she's accountable. Same as you.
Papers said it was a crime of passion but he told me there wasn't any passion to it.
Please leave a message.
Principles that transcend money or drugs or anything like that.
Quit worrying so much.
Quit your hollering.
Raised a family there.
Right now it's midnight Sunday.
Said he knew he was going to hell.
Said if they turned him out he'd do it again.
See about closing.
Seven or eight of 'em come up to here. Wantin' this and wantin' that.
She don't want to talk to you.
She is just gonna curse you up and down.
She writes to me pretty regular, keep me up on the family news.
Sheriff he had some sort of thing on him like a...
Sheriff, can you give me your word on somethin'?
Sheriff, I found out everything there was to find.
Sheriff, was that a true story about Charlie Walser?
Sheriff's Department!
Shoots out a little rock, about that far into the brain. Sucks right back in. Animal never knows what hit him.
Shot him in the doorway.
Shot through the left lung.
Shouldn't be doin' that. Even a young man like you.
Signs and wonders. But I think once you quit hearin' sir and ma'am...
Sir, I ain't at liberty to give out no information about our residents.
Sir, I don't want to picture that.
Six hundred pounds of very pissed off livestock if you'll excuse me.
Sixty nine cents.
So this was earlier, getting set to trade.
So was I.
So what does that make me, your buddy?
So what're you going up there for?
So, in a sense he's the younger man.
Some American citizens. Who do you think decides?
Some of 'em are half wild, and some of 'em are just outlaws.
Some of the old time sheriffs never even wore a gun.
Somebodies pried the inspection plate off the door on this one.
Somebody unloaded on that thing with a shotgun.
Somethin' like that.
Something I forgot to do but I'll be back.
Somewhere around 9:30.
Step out of the car please, sir.
Still sweating.
Strolls right back into a crime scene.
Supposedly coyotes won't eat a Mexican.
Take it. Take it and you didn't see me.
Take me to another motel.
Take you to an ATM. Fourteen grand in it.
Tell me something.
Tent poles?
That DEA agent called again.
That depends. Do you see me?
That don't hardly say it.
That don't make sense. You gave your word to my husband to kill me?
That from the lock?
That is a damned outrage.
That look like about a '77 Ford to you, Wendell?
That man who shot you died in prison.
That Mexican brown dope.
That the younger Jim.
That'll be the day.
That'll suck some power. Over time.
That'll work.
That's all right. I laugh myself sometimes.
That's cordial of him.
That's foolish. You pick the one right tool.
That's got two double beds.
That's possible.
That's the best deal you're going to get.
That's the way it is.
That's up from a thousand.
That's vanity.
That's very linear, Sheriff.
That's very nice.
The crime you see now, it's hard to even take its measure.
The lab reports from Austin on that boy by the highway.
The money and the drugs.
The most you ever lost in a coin toss.
The old boy shot by the highway?
The owner of that Bronco's been dead twenty years.
The point bein', even in the contest between man and steer...
The second one, it was like we was both back in older times...
The streets of our Texas towns with green hair and bones in their noses.
Then I ask you again. How you come to be out here with no clothes?
There is falseness in his voice!
There is this boy I sent to the electric chair in Huntsville here a while back.
There just ain't no way.
There wasn't no bullet.
There's a question. Whether they stopped it? And when?
There's airstrips. The airport is El Paso.
There's an ambulance comin'. Man over yonder went to call.
There's one missing.
There's someone who's been looking for me. Not police.
These boys appear to be managerial.
These boys is all swole up.
These people will kill him, Carla Jean. They won't quit.
They always is to the party concerned.
They just sat there on their horses watchin' him die.
They say you don't have to do this.
They was way ahead of him.
They'd torture them first. I don't know why.
They'll always say the same thing.
They're ripe petunias.
This account will give up twelve hundred dollars in any twenty four hour period.
This here's for you. Now, I ain't asking you to do anything illegal.
This his truck?
This is my wife's father's place. Originally.
This is Roberto Sagramore, I'm not here right now.
This is the best I can do.
Those vehicles are titled and registered to deceased people.
Three years ago I pre visioned it.
Three years ago I said them very words. No and Good.
Tie this for me.
Told me that he'd been planning to kill some body for about as long as he could remember.
True story? I couldn't swear to ever detail but it's certainly true that it is a story.
Try standin' in the door and holler Mama, I'm home.
Twelfth Infantry Battalion. August 7th 1966 to July 2nd 1968.
Twelve gauge. You need shells?
Ultimo hombre.
Uncle Mac all the while tryin' to get that shotgun.
Uncle Mac went back in the house and got the shotgun...
Use a air gun.
Waiting on my wife.
Walks right back in the next and shoots a retired army colonel.
Was Mexicans.
Wasn't no bullet?
We can stop that.
We can stop that.
We come out here about four years ago.
We don't have to do this.
We goin' in?
We got a loose cannon here.
We gotta circulate this. On radio.
We lived in Temple Texas for many years.
We'll look into it.
We're goin' to El Paso Texas. You know how many people I know in El Paso Texas?
Well then, I guess I can skip it.
Well then. I'll tell her myself.
Well this is just a deal gone wrong, isn't it?
Well you got time for 'em now. Anything interesting?
Well you know how they used to slaughter beefs, hit 'em right there with a maul...
Well, how come?
Well, I got here the same way the coin did.
Well, I'd say he's at work. Do you want to leave a message?
Well, it depends on what you mean by got.
Well, it's a mess, ain't it Sheriff?
Well, thanks for falling all over and apologizing.
Well, Uncle Mac knew the score even if Aunt Ella didn't.
Well, we need to know what we're calling it for here.
Well, Wendell, with all due respect, that don't make a lot of sense.
Well, you can have the one right next to yours if you want.
Well, you give me the model number on the tent, I can order you the poles.
Well. Old age flattens a man.
Well... I got to close now.
Well... I need to see about closing.
Wendell said there was something backcountry too.
Were you in a car accident?
Were you in Nam?
What am I supposed to tell Mama?
What business is it of yours where I'm from, friendo?
What did I know to tell him? You're hurt, ain't you?
What did they say?
What did you do?
What did you tell him?
What is it that Torbert says about truth and justice?
What is it?
What is that for?
What little I had is long gone and there's bills aplenty to pay yet.
What makes you say that?
What outfit?
What the hell?
What time do you close?
What time do you close?
What time do you go to bed?
What was the bullet?
What way would that be?
What will you take for that shirt?
What would you a done if he'd been released?
What you got ain't nothing new.
What'd you give for that thing?
What're you doing, baby?
What're you going to do?
What're you talkin' about?
What's in the satchel?
What's it mean? What's it leading to?
What's the most you've ever lost in a coin toss?
What's the problem there, neighbor?
When did you last see him?
When he rode past I seen he was...
When is the county gonna start paying a rental on my horse?
When Llewelyn calls, just tell him I'll make him safe.
When the courthouse opens nine hours from now...
When was he here, Sheriff?
Where does he work?
Where does he work?
Where does he work?
Where you want me to put it?
Where'd he go?
Where'd you get the pistol?
Where's the last guy?
Where's the receiver?
Which it is.
White is all I wear.
Who are you?
Who cut his tires?
Who do you think gets through this gate into the United States of America?
Who is this?
Who would do such a thing? How do you defend against it?
Who's Charlie Walser?
Who's this?
Why all the way to Del Rio?
Why don't I just set you down around here and we won't argue about it.
Why would I care where you're going.
Why would I let you do that?
Why would we go to Odessa?
Why would you be coming back?
Will there be anything else?
Will there be something else?
With anything?
Would you hold still please, sir.
Wouldn't think a car would burn like that.
Y'all getting any rain up your way?
Y'all got camping supplies?
Yeah, appears to have been a glitch or two.
Yeah, but no one ever sees that.
Yeah, he has some hard bark on him.
Yeah, he's a psychopathic killer but so what?
Yeah, I'm going to bring you somethin' alright.
Yeah, Noreen, you better had.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, that's me.
Yeah, we had a sorta one.
Yeah? Where am I?
Yeah. I know where you're going.
Yeah. I was in Nam.
Yeah. You said that.
Yes I do.
Yes ma'am, I do.
Yes ma'am?
Yes she does. Put her on.
Yes sir, I got it under control.
Yes sir, I just walked in the door.
Yes sir, I'll be around here until ten o'clock in the morning.
Yes sir?
Yes sir.
Yes sir.
Yes sir.
Yes sir.
Yes sir. But then there's this other.
Yes sir. Wasn't none.
Yes, it is.
Yes, m'am.
Yes, Sheriff.
Yes, thank you. I am old and I am not well.
Yes, you did.
You a sport?
You already asked me that.
You already have a tent?
You and nobody else.
You bring me the money and I'll let her go.
You can have the money, Anton.
You can't afford one?
You can't help but compare yourself against the old timers.
You can't make up such a thing as that. I dare you to even try.
You can't stop what's comin'.
You don't have to do this.
You don't know to a certainty. Twenty minutes it could be here.
You don't know what he thinks.
You don't know what you're talking about, do you?
You don't need to know everything, Carla Jean.
You don't understand. You can't make a deal with him.
You don't want to lie without what it's absolutely necessary.
You don't want to talk to him?
You don't.
You expect him?
You figure him for a dope runner?
You get your ass out of here.
You go see Charlie...
You go to hell.
You going to write me up for improperly secured load?
You gonna join 'em?
You got me.
You got no cause to hurt me.
You have a lot of people come in here without any clothes on?
You just didn't know it.
You just set there. I'll get tickets and a cart for the bags.
You keep running that mouth of yours I'm gonna take you in the back and screw you.
You know Anton Chigurh by sight, is that correct?
You know Charlie Walser? He's got that place out east of Sanderson?
You know how this is going to turn out, don't you?
You know I counted the floors of this building from the street?
You know might not of even been no money.
You know she won't be there.
You know what date is on this coin?
You know who it is.
You know, if you'd a told me twenty years ago, I'd see children walking...
You live in that house out back?
You lived here all your life?
You lookin' at it. I got to say you lookin' older.
You married into it.
You married into it.
You married into it.
You mean the nature of this conversation?
You need to call it.
You need to come see me.
You need to talk to me.
You on all night?
You pick the option goes with the applicable rate.
You ride Winston.
You said entry wound in the forehead.
You seem pretty sure of the date. Did I ask you to sit?
You seem pretty sure of yourself.
You seem pretty sure of yourself.
You should admit your situation. There would be more dignity in it.
You should be used to that.
You stand to win everything. Call it.
You tell me the option.
You think this boy Moss has got any notion of the sorts of sons of bitches that are hunting him?
You wanna drive out there?
You want it?
You want me to wait till you've quit the building?
You want to change rooms?
You'll look at it when you get in.
You're a bit deaf, aren't you?
You're in a hospital across the river.
You're just a guy who happened to find those vehicles.
You're not cut out for this.
You've been putting it up your whole life.
You've led something of a charmed life haven't you, Mr. Wells?
Your daddy ever tell you how Uncle Mac come to his reward?
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