A bear! from Brave (2012)
A bear! from Brave (2012)
A cake? from Brave (2012)
A day I can change my fate. from Brave (2012)
A day where anything can happen. from Brave (2012)
A little to the left. That's good. A wee bit to the left. That's good. from Brave (2012)
A princess does not chortle. from Brave (2012)
A princess does not raise her voice. from Brave (2012)
A princess must be knowledgeable about her kingdom. from Brave (2012)
A princess should not have weapons in my opinion. from Brave (2012)
A real bear. Forever! from Brave (2012)
A spell that would change his fate. from Brave (2012)
A throne room. from Brave (2012)
A wisp. from Brave (2012)
Afraid to muss your pretty hair? from Brave (2012)
All right, that's fine. That's just fine. from Brave (2012)
All right. from Brave (2012)
All right. from Brave (2012)
And above all, a princess strives for... Well, perfection. from Brave (2012)
And chaos and ruin... from Brave (2012)
And did he get what he was after? from Brave (2012)
And drank from the Fire Falls. from Brave (2012)
And find love in our own time. from Brave (2012)
And he gave me this for a spell. from Brave (2012)
And held off the advance. from Brave (2012)
And how are you going to pay for that, sweetie? from Brave (2012)
And I'll be shooting for my own hand. from Brave (2012)
And is roaming the wilds waiting his chance of revenge. from Brave (2012)
And it lives to this day. from Brave (2012)
And it lives to this day. from Brave (2012)
And keep a sharp eye. from Brave (2012)
And may the lucky arrow find its target. from Brave (2012)
And mend our bond. from Brave (2012)
And no more fighting. from Brave (2012)
And now let's see. What have we here? from Brave (2012)
And put this whole kerfuffle to rest? from Brave (2012)
And so, there is the matter of my betrothal. from Brave (2012)
And struck down a whole attacking fleet. from Brave (2012)
And such lovely flowing locks. from Brave (2012)
And thank you for shopping at the Crafty Carver. from Brave (2012)
And then, out of nowhere, the biggest bear you've ever seen! from Brave (2012)
And thou shalt know of mine! from Brave (2012)
And thus compete for the hand of the Princess of Dun Broch. from Brave (2012)
And we all know how Lord Dingwall broke the enemy line. from Brave (2012)
And we don't hide under bridges, you grumpy old troll. from Brave (2012)
And what exactly are we after... from Brave (2012)
And when he grew old he divided the kingdom among his four sons, from Brave (2012)
And with his bare hands vanquished 2,000 foes. from Brave (2012)
And with his own sword, Stab Blooder, from Brave (2012)
And with the other he held his mighty sword from Brave (2012)
And you made him your king. from Brave (2012)
And you... You feel the same way? from Brave (2012)
And you're a beast. from Brave (2012)
And, loose! from Brave (2012)
And, Lord Macintosh, from Brave (2012)
And“. from Brave (2012)
Angus! from Brave (2012)
Angus! from Brave (2012)
Another one of your entertainments to bore us to death! from Brave (2012)
Archery! Archery. from Brave (2012)
Are you sure you know what you're doing? from Brave (2012)
As I ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset. from Brave (2012)
At least you hit the target, son. from Brave (2012)
Ave, aye! from Brave (2012)
Aye, and I'll never forget it. from Brave (2012)
Aye, but it's true. from Brave (2012)
Aye, Robin, Jolly Robin, and thou shalt know of mine. from Brave (2012)
Aye, they're coming. from Brave (2012)
Aye, we've got you now! from Brave (2012)
Aye, you do. You mutter, lass, when somethings troubling you. from Brave (2012)
Aye, you do. You mutter, lass, when somethings troubling you. from Brave (2012)
Aye. You heard her, lads. from Brave (2012)
Bear! from Brave (2012)
Bear! from Brave (2012)
Boy! from Brave (2012)
Boys, you are excused. from Brave (2012)
Boys! from Brave (2012)
Boys! from Brave (2012)
Boys? from Brave (2012)
Break tradition. from Brave (2012)
Breakfast. from Brave (2012)
But are you willing to pay the price your freedom will cost? from Brave (2012)
But every once in a while, from Brave (2012)
But how did this... from Brave (2012)
But how do we get you through there and up to the tapestry from Brave (2012)
But I know better. from Brave (2012)
But I've been selfish. from Brave (2012)
But in them, our bond was struck. from Brave (2012)
But it's my life' it's... from Brave (2012)
But she's the princess. from Brave (2012)
But the oldest prince wanted to rule the land for himself. from Brave (2012)
But there are some who are led. from Brave (2012)
But we can't just run away from who we are. from Brave (2012)
But we haven't had dessert yet. from Brave (2012)
But when invaders threatened us from the sea, from Brave (2012)
But you shall have your answer. from Brave (2012)
By feats of strength or arms in the games. from Brave (2012)
By the second sunrise, your spell will be permanent, from Brave (2012)
Cake. from Brave (2012)
Call off the gathering. Would that kill them? from Brave (2012)
Can I shoot an arrow? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? from Brave (2012)
Changed his fate.“. from Brave (2012)
Clan Dingwall. from Brave (2012)
Clan MacGuffin! from Brave (2012)
Clan Macintosh. from Brave (2012)
Clean. from Brave (2012)
Close the gate! from Brave (2012)
Come on out. from Brave (2012)
Come on, Angus. from Brave (2012)
Come on, lads! from Brave (2012)
Come on, Mum. Quick. from Brave (2012)
Come on, you sorry bunch of galoots! from Brave (2012)
Come on, you! from Brave (2012)
Come on! Shoot, boy! from Brave (2012)
Come on. from Brave (2012)
Come out, wisps. Come on out. from Brave (2012)
Come out! from Brave (2012)
Come taste my blade, you manky bear. from Brave (2012)
Count your stars, lass. It almost had you. Are you hurt? from Brave (2012)
Crivens, you're fierce. from Brave (2012)
Curse this dress! from Brave (2012)
Dad! from Brave (2012)
Dear? from Brave (2012)
Delivery. Sign here, sign here. from Brave (2012)
Did you hear that? from Brave (2012)
Did you hear that? from Brave (2012)
Did you say something about from Brave (2012)
Dingwalll from Brave (2012)
Do you ever bother to ask what I want? No. from Brave (2012)
Does not stuff her gob! from Brave (2012)
Does she think we're just going to happen upon the witch's cottage? from Brave (2012)
Doesn't make sense. It cannot open doors. from Brave (2012)
Don't just play with your haggis. from Brave (2012)
Don't just stare at me. Do something! from Brave (2012)
Done! from Brave (2012)
Done! from Brave (2012)
Down you go, you scoundrel. from Brave (2012)
Draw all the way back now to your cheek. That's right. from Brave (2012)
Easy on the eyes. Tight pants. from Brave (2012)
Elinor, dear, you'll never guess who just solved our little suitor problem. from Brave (2012)
Elinor, look! from Brave (2012)
Elinor! from Brave (2012)
Elinor! from Brave (2012)
Elinor! from Brave (2012)
Elinor! from Brave (2012)
Elinor? Are you all right, dear? from Brave (2012)
Enunciate. You must be understood from anywhere in the room, from Brave (2012)
Every carving and one spell. from Brave (2012)
Everyone to the cellar! from Brave (2012)
Everything is half off. from Brave (2012)
Expect delivery of your purchase within a fortnight. from Brave (2012)
Eyes all over the place. from Brave (2012)
Fate be changed, from Brave (2012)
Fate be changed, from Brave (2012)
Fate be changed. from Brave (2012)
Fate be changed... Mend the bond. What does that mean? from Brave (2012)
Feast your eyes! from Brave (2012)
Fergus, no weapons on the table. from Brave (2012)
Fergus? from Brave (2012)
Fergus? from Brave (2012)
Fergus. from Brave (2012)
Find those by the creek, did you? from Brave (2012)
Fine, then. Seems for once we agree. from Brave (2012)
Fine. Don't come out now that my mum's watching. from Brave (2012)
Fine. I'm fine. from Brave (2012)
Fire Falls? from Brave (2012)
Firstborn descendant of Clan Dun Broch. from Brave (2012)
Follow me. from Brave (2012)
Follow our hearts from Brave (2012)
For all your. from Brave (2012)
For gobbling up my I69. from Brave (2012)
For goodness' sakes, Maudie, would you get a grip? from Brave (2012)
Four. from Brave (2012)
From the Lords Macintosh, MacGuffin and Dingwall. from Brave (2012)
From the top. from Brave (2012)
Get off me! from Brave (2012)
Get out of here! from Brave (2012)
Get the key. from Brave (2012)
Give us our own say in choosing our fate. from Brave (2012)
Go about avenging your leg. from Brave (2012)
Go on and help yourself to anything you want, as a reward. from Brave (2012)
Go on. from Brave (2012)
Goggly old hag. from Brave (2012)
Good day to you. We'll expect your declarations of war in the morning. from Brave (2012)
Good day, Princess. from Brave (2012)
Good Majesty, I present my eldest son, from Brave (2012)
Good morning. from Brave (2012)
Goodbye! All the best! Fair wind to your sails! from Brave (2012)
Happy birthday, my wee darling! from Brave (2012)
He followed his own path and the kingdom fell from Brave (2012)
He's like a hound with that nose of his. from Brave (2012)
Here we go. Another hunt through the castle. from Brave (2012)
Hey! from Brave (2012)
Hey! from Brave (2012)
His face scarred with one dead eye. from Brave (2012)
His hide littered with the weapons of fallen warriors. from Brave (2012)
Honestly, Merida, I don't know why you're reaming this way. from Brave (2012)
How about this conversation starter? It's made of yew wood. from Brave (2012)
How do we know that this isn't some trick? from Brave (2012)
How do you feel about the marriage now? from Brave (2012)
How do you feel? from Brave (2012)
How do you know you don't like it if you won't try it? from Brave (2012)
How do you know you don't like it, from Brave (2012)
Hubert, Harris, help Hamish. from Brave (2012)
Hungry, aren't we? from Brave (2012)
I am completely out of stock at this time. from Brave (2012)
I became a sister to three new brothers. from Brave (2012)
I bet he wishes he was tossing cabers. from Brave (2012)
I blame you. Stubbornness. from Brave (2012)
I can never get away with anything. from Brave (2012)
I can't believe it. I found it. from Brave (2012)
I can't do this. from Brave (2012)
I can't move. from Brave (2012)
I choose archery. from Brave (2012)
I climbed the Crone's Tooth, from Brave (2012)
I did not pick her out. It was your idea. from Brave (2012)
I didn't know what to think. Look at your dress. from Brave (2012)
I didn't know where you'd gone or when you'd come back. from Brave (2012)
I didn't start it. It was... from Brave (2012)
I don't know what to do. from Brave (2012)
I don't understand. I... from Brave (2012)
I don't understand... from Brave (2012)
I don't want my life to be over. from Brave (2012)
I don't want to get married. from Brave (2012)
I dream about the perfect way to make this devil die. from Brave (2012)
I drew my sword and... from Brave (2012)
I have been in conference with the Queen. from Brave (2012)
I have one thing to say. from Brave (2012)
I have... from Brave (2012)
I just want you back. from Brave (2012)
I just wanted her to change you. from Brave (2012)
I knew it! from Brave (2012)
I know, I know! from Brave (2012)
I look fine, woman! Leave me be! from Brave (2012)
I made it. For you. Special. from Brave (2012)
I mean, like you were a bear on the inside. from Brave (2012)
I present my only son from Brave (2012)
I propped it open with a stick. from Brave (2012)
I say, the wee Dingwall has a fighting chance. from Brave (2012)
I should know. I'm a... Whittier. from Brave (2012)
I suppose a princess just does what she's told? from Brave (2012)
I swear, Angus, this isn't going to happen. from Brave (2012)
I take it the talk didn't go too well, then? from Brave (2012)
I think I could make you understand if you would just... from Brave (2012)
I think you'd see, if you could just... from Brave (2012)
I tore a great rift in our kingdom. from Brave (2012)
I understand this must all seem unfair. from Brave (2012)
I want a spell to change my mum. from Brave (2012)
I want my freedom! from Brave (2012)
I want to announce the arrival of the lords... from Brave (2012)
I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind from Brave (2012)
I want you back, Mummy. from Brave (2012)
I was aiming at you, you big tumshie. from Brave (2012)
I was standing right here and the wisp appeared right there. from Brave (2012)
I won't go through with it. You can't make me. from Brave (2012)
I... from Brave (2012)
I'd rather die than be like you! from Brave (2012)
I'll always be right here. from Brave (2012)
I'll finish what I guddled in the first place. from Brave (2012)
I'll hunt you, then I'll skin you, hang your noggin on a peg... from Brave (2012)
I'll make you a deal for this rare prize. from Brave (2012)
I'll not let you kill my mother. from Brave (2012)
I'm coming to get you. from Brave (2012)
I'm doing all the pulling here. from Brave (2012)
I'm fine, Mum. Just fine. from Brave (2012)
I'm going to eat you. Lam. from Brave (2012)
I'm going to gobble her up when I find her. from Brave (2012)
I'm here! from Brave (2012)
I'm naked. from Brave (2012)
I'm not a witch! Too many unsatisfied customers. from Brave (2012)
I'm not doing any of this to hurt you. from Brave (2012)
I'm starving. You hungry too, Angus? from Brave (2012)
I'm sure it went this way. from Brave (2012)
I'm the example. from Brave (2012)
I'm the princess. from Brave (2012)
I've got duties, responsibilities, expectations. from Brave (2012)
If he so much as sees you, you're dead. from Brave (2012)
If he was a wee bit closer... from Brave (2012)
If they can. from Brave (2012)
If we don't hurry, you'll become like Mor'du. from Brave (2012)
If you could just try to see what I do I do out of love. from Brave (2012)
If you'd like the menu in Gaelic, vial two. from Brave (2012)
If you're that red haired lass, vial three. from Brave (2012)
In fact, she might not ever be ready for this, so that's that. from Brave (2012)
In her heart from Brave (2012)
In that story you were telling me? from Brave (2012)
Interesting flavor. from Brave (2012)
Is compassionate... from Brave (2012)
It can't be true! Elinor, answer me, lass! from Brave (2012)
It is customary that the challenge be determined by the princess herself. from Brave (2012)
It must have sprouted wings. from Brave (2012)
It was an alliance forged in bravery and friendship from Brave (2012)
It was my idea in the first place. from Brave (2012)
It was over there a minute ago, the last time I looked at it. from Brave (2012)
It's from Brave (2012)
It's a great day for this kingdom. The curse is broke. from Brave (2012)
It's all right. I'm all right. It's nothing. It's just a little scratch. Mum! from Brave (2012)
It's delicious. from Brave (2012)
It's entirely from your side of the family. from Brave (2012)
It's good enough. from Brave (2012)
It's just a legend. from Brave (2012)
It's Mor'du! from Brave (2012)
It's not just a story, Merida. from Brave (2012)
It's not like anyone's gonna see you. from Brave (2012)
It's not my fault. from Brave (2012)
It's perfect. from Brave (2012)
It's this way! Come on! Hurry! from Brave (2012)
It's time! from Brave (2012)
It's too tight. from Brave (2012)
Just a little bit of this. from Brave (2012)
Just calm down, lass. What is it? from Brave (2012)
Just calm down. from Brave (2012)
Just like your mum. from Brave (2012)
Just take all the time you need to getting yourself right, Mum. from Brave (2012)
Just... from Brave (2012)
Keep both eyes open. from Brave (2012)
Lead me to the witch's cottage. from Brave (2012)
Legends are lessons. from Brave (2012)
Legends are lessons. They ring with truths. from Brave (2012)
Let him return. from Brave (2012)
Let the games begin! from Brave (2012)
Let these lads try and win her heart before they win her hand. from Brave (2012)
Let's just get inside. from Brave (2012)
Li's marriage. It's not the end of the world. from Brave (2012)
Listen! You can't! from Brave (2012)
Listen. from Brave (2012)
Look around. from Brave (2012)
Look inside, from Brave (2012)
Lord MacGuffin, my dad saved your life, from Brave (2012)
M'! Lord! from Brave (2012)
MacGuffin! from Brave (2012)
MacGuffin! from Brave (2012)
MacGuffin! from Brave (2012)
Macintosh! from Brave (2012)
Macintosh! from Brave (2012)
Maudie, honey, come here! It's all right! from Brave (2012)
Maudie! from Brave (2012)
Maudie. from Brave (2012)
Maudie. Maudie! from Brave (2012)
Maybe there's a book of spells. Look around. We'll need more vials. from Brave (2012)
Mend the bond from Brave (2012)
Mend the bond from Brave (2012)
Mend the bond torn by pride. from Brave (2012)
Mend the bond. from Brave (2012)
Mend the bond... from Brave (2012)
Merida, a princess does not place her weapons on the table. from Brave (2012)
Merida, all this work, all the time spent preparing you from Brave (2012)
Merida, Elinor, hurry up. They're leaving. from Brave (2012)
Merida, I forbid it. from Brave (2012)
Merida, stop this! from Brave (2012)
Merida, this is what you've been preparing for your whole life. from Brave (2012)
Merida, you are a princess, from Brave (2012)
Merida! from Brave (2012)
Merida! from Brave (2012)
Merida! from Brave (2012)
Merida! from Brave (2012)
Merida! from Brave (2012)
Merida! from Brave (2012)
Merida! Just take me to my room. from Brave (2012)
Merida. from Brave (2012)
Merida. from Brave (2012)
Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love? from Brave (2012)
Milords, I am out of sorts at the moment. from Brave (2012)
Mor'du or not, I'll avenge your mother! from Brave (2012)
Mor'du. from Brave (2012)
Mother. Suitors? Marriage? from Brave (2012)
Mum, I know this place. from Brave (2012)
Mum, I know you're scared, from Brave (2012)
Mum, is that you? from Brave (2012)
Mum, no! from Brave (2012)
Mum, we need to get back to the castle. from Brave (2012)
Mum, we've got to hurry. from Brave (2012)
Mum, you can't go out there. from Brave (2012)
Mum! from Brave (2012)
Mum! from Brave (2012)
Mum! from Brave (2012)
Mum! from Brave (2012)
Mum! from Brave (2012)
Mum! Lfsjust my bow. from Brave (2012)
Mum! Wait! from Brave (2012)
Mum! You're back! from Brave (2012)
Mum? from Brave (2012)
Mum? from Brave (2012)
Mum? from Brave (2012)
Mum? from Brave (2012)
Mum? from Brave (2012)
Mum? Not now. from Brave (2012)
Mum? You'll never guess what I did today. from Brave (2012)
Mum. from Brave (2012)
Mum. from Brave (2012)
Mum... from Brave (2012)
Mum... from Brave (2012)
Mum' are you hurt? from Brave (2012)
My brave wee lassie, I'm here. from Brave (2012)
My dad rallied your forces from Brave (2012)
My head's spinning like a top. from Brave (2012)
MY liege! from Brave (2012)
My mother, from Brave (2012)
My whole life is planned out, from Brave (2012)
Myliege? from Brave (2012)
Naked as a wee babby. from Brave (2012)
Needle and thread. Needle and thread. Needle and thread. from Brave (2012)
Needle and thread. Needle and thread. Needle and thread. from Brave (2012)
No lessons, no expectations. from Brave (2012)
No more talk. from Brave (2012)
No, Dad! Don't hurt her! from Brave (2012)
No, no. No! No! from Brave (2012)
No, really, she was just here. from Brave (2012)
No! from Brave (2012)
No. from Brave (2012)
No. from Brave (2012)
No. Mum. from Brave (2012)
No. No! Where'd you go? from Brave (2012)
No. Please, not now. from Brave (2012)
No. She was here. from Brave (2012)
No... from Brave (2012)
None of your sons are fit to marry my daughter. from Brave (2012)
Not if I have any say in it. from Brave (2012)
Not with that Why not from Brave (2012)
Now that's what I call a wee naked babby! from Brave (2012)
Now you've done it. from Brave (2012)
Now, clear out of there, boys. I don't want you to spoil my shot. from Brave (2012)
Now, I have told you, you're not allowed... from Brave (2012)
Now, I'll be back soon. from Brave (2012)
Now, if you'll excuse us. from Brave (2012)
Now, there's a good girl. from Brave (2012)
Now, what do I need? from Brave (2012)
Now, where were we? from Brave (2012)
Now, why don't we go upstairs to the lords from Brave (2012)
Now! from Brave (2012)
Now' that's all done. You've had your go at each other. from Brave (2012)
Nut 'em! Nut 'em! That's the way to... from Brave (2012)
Oats it is, then. from Brave (2012)
Of course, we both know a decision still has to be made. from Brave (2012)
Of wood. from Brave (2012)
Oh, darling, from Brave (2012)
Oh, dear. from Brave (2012)
Oh, Fergus, will you look at your daughter's plate? from Brave (2012)
Oh, Mum, I'm sorry. from Brave (2012)
Oh, my, that's lovely, that is. from Brave (2012)
Oh, no. from Brave (2012)
Oh, no. from Brave (2012)
Okay. Fine. A year. from Brave (2012)
Once there was an ancient kingdom. from Brave (2012)
Once there was an ancient kingdom... from Brave (2012)
One more time. from Brave (2012)
One, from Brave (2012)
One, two... from Brave (2012)
Or holding up bridges. from Brave (2012)
Or ifs all for naught. from Brave (2012)
Our clans were once enemies. from Brave (2012)
Our fate lives within us. from Brave (2012)
Our kingdom is young. from Brave (2012)
Patient, cautious, from Brave (2012)
Perhaps a touch of whimsy to brighten any dank chamber? from Brave (2012)
Places, everyone. Places. from Brave (2012)
Please? Can I? from Brave (2012)
Pour vial one into the cauldron. from Brave (2012)
Preparing for the day I become... from Brave (2012)
Presently. from Brave (2012)
Pretend I'm Merida. Speak to me. from Brave (2012)
Princess or not, learning to fight is essential. from Brave (2012)
Princess, I'm off to the Wickerman Festival in Stomoway from Brave (2012)
Project! from Brave (2012)
Pull! from Brave (2012)
Pull! from Brave (2012)
Quick! This way! from Brave (2012)
Right, here we go. from Brave (2012)
Right! from Brave (2012)
Rises early. from Brave (2012)
Ruled by a wise and fair king who was much beloved. from Brave (2012)
Schooling you, giving you everything we never had. from Brave (2012)
She does not doodle. from Brave (2012)
She's in charge of every single day of my life. from Brave (2012)
Show a little decorum. from Brave (2012)
Show some respect! from Brave (2012)
Shush! Give us a turn. from Brave (2012)
Shut ii! from Brave (2012)
So I'll just tell them the wedding's off, then? from Brave (2012)
So what? from Brave (2012)
So... from Brave (2012)
Some never find it. from Brave (2012)
Somethings not right. from Brave (2012)
Sorry. I don't speak bear. from Brave (2012)
Spit it out, Maudie! from Brave (2012)
Stay out of my food, you greedy mongrels. from Brave (2012)
Steady, Hamish. from Brave (2012)
Stitch it up. This'll change you back. from Brave (2012)
Stop in. from Brave (2012)
Stop! from Brave (2012)
Stopping an arrow as you ran to Dingwall's aid. from Brave (2012)
Strength often men. from Brave (2012)
Sure you can. from Brave (2012)
Thank you for visiting. Have a lovely day. from Brave (2012)
That destiny is not our own. from Brave (2012)
That I... from Brave (2012)
That kingdom fell into war from Brave (2012)
That they should be the pillars on which the peace of the land rested. from Brave (2012)
That we be free to... from Brave (2012)
That would set us up for months. from Brave (2012)
That'll change my fate. from Brave (2012)
That'll do. from Brave (2012)
That's a C, dear. from Brave (2012)
That's a nice story. from Brave (2012)
That's attractive. from Brave (2012)
That's beautiful. from Brave (2012)
That's better. from Brave (2012)
That's it. Ta ta. from Brave (2012)
That's my boy. from Brave (2012)
That's my favorite part. from Brave (2012)
That's not all I can do. from Brave (2012)
That's stuffed. from Brave (2012)
That's why the wisps led me here. from Brave (2012)
The clans are coming to present their suitors. from Brave (2012)
The last time I did this was for a prince. from Brave (2012)
The lords are presenting their sons as suitors for your betrothal. from Brave (2012)
The oldest. from Brave (2012)
The one with the princes. from Brave (2012)
The prince became... from Brave (2012)
The princes. Hamish, Hubert and Harris. from Brave (2012)
The Queen and I put the decision to you, my lords. from Brave (2012)
The Queen, feels... from Brave (2012)
The second sunrise. from Brave (2012)
The spell. It's happened before. from Brave (2012)
The story of how my father lost his leg from Brave (2012)
The story of this kingdom is a powerful one. from Brave (2012)
The witch gave us the answer. The tapestry. from Brave (2012)
The witch's cottage... from Brave (2012)
Their responses, no doubt. from Brave (2012)
Then a whole trail of them led me off into the forest. from Brave (2012)
Then chomp! Dad's leg was clean off. from Brave (2012)
Then maybe in a bit you might have something new to say on the marriage. from Brave (2012)
Then our alliance is over! This means war! from Brave (2012)
There he goes! from Brave (2012)
There he goes. from Brave (2012)
There it goes! from Brave (2012)
There it goes! from Brave (2012)
There was a witch and she gave me a spell. It's not Mor'du. from Brave (2012)
There you go. from Brave (2012)
There, there. That's my queen. from Brave (2012)
There's a day when I don't have to be a princess. from Brave (2012)
There's no point in having a go at me. The witch is to blame. from Brave (2012)
They are real. from Brave (2012)
They getaway with murder. from Brave (2012)
They ring with truths. from Brave (2012)
They say only the ancient kings were brave enough to drink the fire. from Brave (2012)
They'll show us the way. from Brave (2012)
They're gonna murder each other. from Brave (2012)
They're nightshade berries. from Brave (2012)
They've all accepted. from Brave (2012)
Think we should lay a trap? from Brave (2012)
This is all my fault. from Brave (2012)
This is one of a kind! from Brave (2012)
This is so unfair! from Brave (2012)
This whole marriage is what you want. from Brave (2012)
This year' each clan will present a suitor from Brave (2012)
Three, from Brave (2012)
To compete in the games for your hand. from Brave (2012)
To speak with a live homunculus... from Brave (2012)
To us. from Brave (2012)
To war, and chaos and ruin. from Brave (2012)
To win the fair maiden they must prove their worth from Brave (2012)
Torn by pride. from Brave (2012)
Torn by pride. from Brave (2012)
Tough as stone. from Brave (2012)
Trust me. It'll do the trick, dearie. from Brave (2012)
Try shutting yours! from Brave (2012)
Try shutting yours! from Brave (2012)
Trying to make me be like you. from Brave (2012)
Unbelievable. from Brave (2012)
Unfair? from Brave (2012)
Unless you remember these words. from Brave (2012)
Use your very own? from Brave (2012)
Vanquished 1,000 foes. from Brave (2012)
Very important. from Brave (2012)
Wait. from Brave (2012)
Wait. A princess should not have weapons, in your opinion. from Brave (2012)
Was carried away by a giant birdy. from Brave (2012)
Watch your blade! You're going to take somebody's arm off! from Brave (2012)
We both have. from Brave (2012)
We have to... from Brave (2012)
We just need needle and thread. from Brave (2012)
We will not stand for any more of this jiggery pokery. from Brave (2012)
We'll son it out tomorrow. from Brave (2012)
We've all heard that tale. Lost kingdom. from Brave (2012)
We've got his track! from Brave (2012)
We've got to get out of the castle. I need your help. from Brave (2012)
We've got to wave them off! Come along! from Brave (2012)
Wee Dingwalll. from Brave (2012)
Wee lamb. from Brave (2012)
Welcome to the Crafty Carver, from Brave (2012)
Well done, lad! Well done. from Brave (2012)
Well, he should. Because it's true. from Brave (2012)
Well, I... from Brave (2012)
Well, I'm not going to be like you. from Brave (2012)
Well, my mother. from Brave (2012)
Well, since you've obviously made up your minds about this, from Brave (2012)
Well, that settles it. from Brave (2012)
Well, that's just grand now, isn't it? from Brave (2012)
Well, you see, I... from Brave (2012)
Well... from Brave (2012)
What are you doing? from Brave (2012)
What are you doing? from Brave (2012)
What are you doing? Dad. The Bear King? from Brave (2012)
What did I do now? from Brave (2012)
What did you see, Maudie? Just spit it out, Maudie. from Brave (2012)
What the... Avert your eyes, lads! from Brave (2012)
What was in that cake? from Brave (2012)
What was that thing about the spell? from Brave (2012)
What would you say? from Brave (2012)
What? from Brave (2012)
What's all this supposed to be? from Brave (2012)
Where are these wisps? from Brave (2012)
Where are you going? from Brave (2012)
Where are you, you little rascal? I'm coming to get you. from Brave (2012)
Where are you? Come out! from Brave (2012)
Where did you get this water'? It has worms. from Brave (2012)
Where is my little birthday girl? from Brave (2012)
Who defended our land from the northern invaders, from Brave (2012)
Who goes there? Who goes there? from Brave (2012)
Who scuttled the Viking longships from Brave (2012)
Who was besieged by 10,000 Romans from Brave (2012)
Who's accepted what, Mother'? from Brave (2012)
Whoa, whoa, whoa. from Brave (2012)
Why did the wisps bring us here? from Brave (2012)
Why do I always get blamed for everything? It's just not fair. from Brave (2012)
Why would the wisps lead me here? from Brave (2012)
With a mighty throw of his spear! from Brave (2012)
With one arm he was steering the ship from Brave (2012)
Wood cannot be imbued with magical properties. from Brave (2012)
Would you just listen to me? from Brave (2012)
Write our own story... from Brave (2012)
Yes, dear. from Brave (2012)
Yes. And made off with an especially attractive mahogany cheese board. from Brave (2012)
Yes. In accordance with our laws, from Brave (2012)
You beauty! from Brave (2012)
You can have my desserts for two... Three weeks. from Brave (2012)
You can just tell the lords the princess is not ready for this. from Brave (2012)
You can see my house from here. from Brave (2012)
You changed! from Brave (2012)
You decide which one of our sons your daughter will marry. from Brave (2012)
You devil. from Brave (2012)
You don't know what you've done! from Brave (2012)
You fought for each other. from Brave (2012)
You holler if you see anything you like. from Brave (2012)
You joined together to defend our lands. from Brave (2012)
You know, some say that will 0' the wisps lead you to your fate. from Brave (2012)
You listen to me! from Brave (2012)
You look absolutely beautiful. from Brave (2012)
You made this for me? from Brave (2012)
You never conjure where you carve. from Brave (2012)
You only have to be brave enough to see it. from Brave (2012)
You saved my dad when you charged in on heavy horse from Brave (2012)
You suppose this could've been the kingdom from Brave (2012)
You walk around telling me what to do, what not to do, from Brave (2012)
You want a fresh one? from Brave (2012)
You want to laugh, huh? from Brave (2012)
You! from Brave (2012)
You... She... Elinor'? from Brave (2012)
You're acting like a child. from Brave (2012)
You're covered with fur. from Brave (2012)
You're never there for me. from Brave (2012)
You're sure if I give this to my mum, from Brave (2012)
You're the queen. from Brave (2012)
You're tired, you don't understand, from Brave (2012)
You're... You're a bear! from Brave (2012)
You've always been there for me. from Brave (2012)
You've never given up on me. from Brave (2012)
Your broom! from Brave (2012)
Your father doesn't believe in magic. from Brave (2012)
Your father has something to discuss with you. from Brave (2012)
Your Majesty, I present my heir and scion, from Brave (2012)
...listen. ... listen. from Brave (2012)
...the presentation of the suitors. ...the presentation of the suitors. from Brave (2012)
A dragon, perhaps. Bear in the castle! from Brave (2012)
and I expect you to act like one. Mum! from Brave (2012)
Archers, to your marks! Aye, archers to your marks. from Brave (2012)
At least we have hair. And all our teeth. from Brave (2012)
Dad! What? I... from Brave (2012)
Dingwalll. Dingwall! from Brave (2012)
Fergus. What? from Brave (2012)
Get back. That's my mother. Are you out of your mind, lass? from Brave (2012)
Get out! Shoo! Get! Be gone with you! I'll buy it all. from Brave (2012)
Give me a hand over here! Put your back into it, Dingwalll from Brave (2012)
Guess who's coming to dinner'? Fergus. from Brave (2012)
I got it! Good arm. from Brave (2012)
I missed. Go and fetch it, then. from Brave (2012)
I saw a wisp. A wisp? from Brave (2012)
I'd never... This is highly irregular. from Brave (2012)
I'll never be like you. No, stop that! from Brave (2012)
I'll not risk losing you, too. No, Dad! Just listen to me. from Brave (2012)
I've been worried sick. You... You were? from Brave (2012)
It was sweeping by itself. That's ridiculous. from Brave (2012)
It's locked. Dingwall was the last up. from Brave (2012)
It's not fair. Merida. from Brave (2012)
Just don't care how I... It'll be fire and sword if it's not set right. from Brave (2012)
Just listen! I am the Queen! from Brave (2012)
Lies! What? I heard that. from Brave (2012)
Macintosh! Macintosh! from Brave (2012)
may be presented as champion. Firstborn? from Brave (2012)
Merida, get back! No! from Brave (2012)
Merida. Mum! from Brave (2012)
Mor'du! Kill it! from Brave (2012)
Mother'? I'm woozy suddenly. from Brave (2012)
Mum! They're off! Come on! from Brave (2012)
My lady. Thank you, Maudie. from Brave (2012)
She just doesn't listen. Come on, now. from Brave (2012)
Speak to her, dear. I do speak to her. from Brave (2012)
Staring is rude. The crow's talking! from Brave (2012)
That's right. Let's see her. Shut it! from Brave (2012)
That's what you are! Merida. from Brave (2012)
This is all for naught. I heard that! from Brave (2012)
This is... A grand idea! from Brave (2012)
We mean no disrespect. I'm sorry, love, I didn't... But... from Brave (2012)
We're leaving now. I saw a wisp. from Brave (2012)
Welcome to the Crafty Carver... What? from Brave (2012)
What about the bear'? Just stay put. from Brave (2012)
What are you doing, lass? It's all right, Dad. from Brave (2012)
What are you playing at? Where is the Queen? from Brave (2012)
What? Aye. Why shouldn't we choose? from Brave (2012)
What? Dad, no! It's not what you think. from Brave (2012)
What? My lady Queen. from Brave (2012)
What? The clans have accepted. from Brave (2012)
What? What was that? Every carving. from Brave (2012)
What... What is that? Different? from Brave (2012)
You don't want it? Yes! I want it. from Brave (2012)
You embarrassed me. I followed the rules. from Brave (2012)
You great... Don't let them lick... from Brave (2012)
You're muttering. I don't mutter. from Brave (2012)
You're talking nonsense! It's the truth! from Brave (2012)