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Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi is a sci-fi fantasy film

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi is a sci-fi fantasy film released in 1983, and it is the sixth installment in the iconic Star Wars franchise. Directed by Richard Marquand, the film continues the epic battle between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. This time, the Rebel forces, led by heroes Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), and Han Solo (Harrison Ford), embark on a daring mission to rescue Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt.

As the story progresses, the Rebel Alliance faces their biggest challenge yet: the construction of a second Death Star, a moon-sized battle station equipped to crush the Rebellion once and for all. With the help of intrepid Ewoks, the Rebels launch a desperate attack, culminating in an epic battle between the light and dark sides of the Force.

Experience the thrilling sounds of lightsabers clashing, starships zooming, and the iconic score composed by John Williams. Play and download these unforgettable sounds here. May the Force be with you.
A certain point of view?
A chunoh ayo ahtot.
A Jedi knight?
A Jedi's strength flows from the Force.
A little higher! Just a little higher!
A new definition of pain and suffering...
A small rebel force...
A strike team will land on the moon...
About a great many things.
Admiral Ackbar, please.
Admiral, we have enemy ships in Sector 47.
Admiral, we're in position.
Against those Stardestroyers.
Ah ah ah!
Ah ah ha!
Ah ha ha ha ha!
Ah ha ha ha ha!
Ah ha ha ha!
Ah ha ha ha!
Ah ha ha!
Ah ha ha!
Ah, good. New acquisitions.
Ah, yes. A JediĂ­s weapon.
All craft prepare to retreat.
All craft, prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark.
All fighters accounted for.
All groups assume attack coordinates.
All right, move it!
All right, Wedge, go for the power regulator on the north tower.
All right. Easy, easy. Hold me, Chewie.
All right. I understand.
All right. You want something to eat?
All set.
All wings report in.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Although he denies it, I believe there may be more of them...
Although the weapon systems on this Death Star...
An entire legion of my best troops awaits them.
Anakin was a good friend.
And attempt to knock out the main reactor.
And became Darth Vader.
And bring his companions to me.
And cast into the Pit of Carkoon...
And confront him you will.
And could never have.
And disintegrated him.
And don't forget the droids.
And enable us to avoid any unpleasant confrontation.
And get us out of here. Oh, my!
And he is most displeased...
And he's still frozen in carbonite.
And I do suggest you take it.
And I found this.
And I found this.
And I think you'll fill in nicely.
And landed on Endor.
And now I sense you wish to continue...
And take him back up to His Excellency's main audience chamber.
And take your father's place at my side.
And that your anger with Solo...
And the time for our attack has come.
And then you will bring him before me.
And unfortunate.
And using a secret imperial code...
And we might just take a few of them with us.
And when he does...
And will gladly pay you...
And you said it was pretty here.
And you will be rewarded.
And you'll be forced to kill me.
And young Skywalker will be one of us.
And your friends on the Endor moon...
And your journey towards the dark side...
And, if we're not careful, us, too.
Ar grr arr.
Are not yet operational.
Are not yet operational...
Are now...
Are to give it only to Jabba himself.
Are you all right?
Are you not?
Arf! Arf!
Arf! Arf!
As a token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift...
As will your friends.
As you are slowly digested over 1,000 years.
As you can see, my young apprentice...
As you wish, my lord. Carry on.
As you wish.
Ask me again sometime.
At a banquet in my honor.
At last! Master Luke's come to rescue me.
At point blank range!
At that close range, we won't last long...
At the Battle of Tanaab.
Ataka bu Jabba now.
Ay sota vanlocha.
Ay tuta mishka Jabba du Hutt?
Because he's holding a thermal detonator!
Because... there is good in him.
Both are hardworking and will serve you well.
Break off the attack!
Bring her to me.
Bring those two down here.
Bury your feelings deep down, Luke.
But beware...
But don't look like you're trying to keep your distance.
But he asks the impossible.
But I have no sister.
But I need your help.
But I warn you not to underestimate my powers.
But I was amazed how strongly the Force was with him.
But it appears you are to be the main course...
But most important of all...
But not that strong.
But now you're Bantha fodder.
But should any of you wish to beg for mercy...
But should any of you wish to beg for mercy...
But these are my friends.
But they could be made to serve the emperor.
But this place is dangerous.
But why must you confront him?
But you'll die.
But you'll soon learn some respect.
But, Master Luke, what magic? I couldn't possibly.
Can find no trace of Princess Leia.
Cava notayce, my lord.
Center switch!
Ch Chewie!
Chewie and I will take care of this. You stay here.
Chewie and me got into a lot of places...
Chewie, is that you?
Chewie, pull us up.
Chewie, wait!
Chewie, you're hit? Where is it?
Code clearance blue.
Come on, come on!
Come on, General, let's move.
Come on, get up!
Come on, tell me.
Come on. Let's get out of here.
Come on. Sit down.
Come on. We gotta get out of here.
Come with me.
Come, boy.
Command station, this is ST 321.
Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor!
Conduct your search...
Copy, Gold Leader.
Copy, Gold Leader. I'm already on my way out.
Could you tell Luke?
Cut it out!
Day Jabba wonga?
Day wonna wonga?
Deactivate the security shield.
Deactivation of the shield will commence immediately.
Depend greatly on our own point of view.
Do not underestimate the powers of the emperor...
Do not...
Do they have a code clearance?
Do you understand anything they're saying?
Do you understand.
Don't be a fool!
Don't be so sure.
Don't move, Lando.
Don't move!
Don't move!
Don't talk that way.
Don't worry, Master Luke.
Don't worry. My friend's down there.
Don't you?
Draw their fire away from the cruisers.
Earned it I have.
Ee manu machi Vader konyono.
Eee! Ah!
Eee! Ya! Ya! Ya!
Eezai ohkto.
Eh heh. Boo ba daba da!
Es tosit.
Especially for...
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
Father, please!
Fighters coming in!
Fine. Together again, huh?
Fire at will, Commander.
Fit him with a restraining bolt...
For the power of the dark side.
Forever sleep.
Form up. Stay alert.
Free us or die.
Free us or die.
From a certain point of view.
From here, you will witness...
From the dark side.
From the nearby forest moon of Endor.
Gabba nopez Luke Skywalker, Jedi knight.
General Calrissian has volunteered to lead the fighter attack.
General Madine.
General Solo, is your strike team assembled?
General Solo, somebody's coming.
Gently, now.
Get alongside that one!
Get down here! She's wounded!
Get the gun!
Get the gun!
Gift? What gift?
Give in to your anger.
Go for help! Go!
Go get your ride. Take her back to base.
Go out to the command ship and await my orders.
Go, my son.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Good morning.
Good shot, Red 2.
Good work, Commander.
Good. I hate long waits.
Goodness gracious me!
Goodness gracious me!
Got her warmed?
Got it.
Grab it! Almost... You almost got it.
Great, Chewie.
Great. Always thinking with your stomach.
Great. Come on!
Green Group, stick to Holding Sector MV 7.
Green Leader standing by.
Guards, leave us.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Han Solo.
Han will have that shield down.
Han, can you reach my lightsaber?
Han, don't. It'll be all right.
Han! Chewie!
Hands up!
Haonna keenie chetoo toomoo maneta.
Has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately.
Has done so according to my design.
Has gone and done something rather rash.
Has penetrated the shield...
He agrees!
He can feel when I'm near.
He can't even take care of himself...
He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker...
He has something special planned for them.
He never expressed any unhappiness with my work.
He says that our instructions...
He says there's a secret entrance...
He wasn't.
He will come to me?
He will come to you...
He will come to you...
He won't turn me over to the emperor.
He'll get no such pleasure from us!
He'll have that shield down on time.
He's an old friend of mine.
He's come for me.
He's my brother.
He's my father.
He's no Jedi.
He's using an old Jedi mind trick.
Heh heh heh.
Help! Somebody!
Here goes nothing.
Here we go again.
Here's the terminal.
Hey, don't worry.
Hey, it's me.
Hey, Jabba...
Hey, wait!
Hey, what's going on?
Hey, you awake?
Hey! Point that thing someplace else.
Hi, Han, Chewie.
His compassion for you will be his undoing.
His Excellency hopes that you will die honorably.
His High Exaltedness, the great Jabba the Hutt...
Hmmph! I wish I had your confidence.
Ho ho ho ho ho ho!
Ho ho ho ho ho!
Ho ho ho ho ho!
Ho ho ho ho ho!
Ho ho ho!
Ho ho!
Hold here.
Hold here.
Hold me.
Home 1, this is Gold Leader.
How are we doing?
How could they be jamming us...
How do you know?
How far is it? Ask him.
How many languages do you speak?
Hurry up, will you? I haven't got all day.
I am a Jedi...
I am C 3PO...
I am defenseless.
I am fluent...
I am Luke Skywalker...
I am unarmed.
I assure you, Lord Vader...
I assure you...
I beg your pardon, General Solo, but that just wouldn't be proper.
I can feel it.
I can feel your anger.
I can save him.
I can turn him back to the good side.
I can't do it, Ben.
I can't do it, Ben.
I can't do it, R2.
I can't go on alone.
I can't kill my own father.
I can't see, pal.
I can't see.
I can't tell you.
I could be mistaken.
I didn't know they were looking for somebody...
I do believe they think I am some sort of god.
I do.
I don't get it.
I don't have a command crew for the shuttle.
I don't know.
I don't know. Fly casual.
I don't want anything to get through!
I feel the good in you, the conflict.
I got it!
I got to get you out of here.
I got your promise.
I have a promise to keep...
I have a really bad feeling about this.
I have felt him, my master.
I have foreseen it.
I have it.
I have my orders from the emperor himself.
I have need for you on the master's sail barge...
I have no memory of my mother.
I have to face him.
I have to try.
I hope she's all right.
I hope so, Commander, for your sake.
I just said you were a fair pilot.
I just want to be alone for a little while.
I know that laugh.
I know that you are powerful, mighty Jabba...
I know there is good in you.
I know what she means to you.
I know, Father.
I know.
I know.
I like Captain Solo where he is.
I love you.
I must be allowed to speak.
I must obey my master.
I must speak with Jabba.
I never knew her.
I never knew I had it in me.
I say, over there!
I see them. Wait, Leia!
I see you have constructed a new lightsaber.
I seek an audience with Your Greatness...
I shall enjoy watching you die.
I tell you this station will be operational, as planned.
I think I got it.
I think my eyes are getting better.
I thought she was with you.
I told you they'd do it!
I told you to remain on the command ship.
I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi.
I used to live here, you know.
I was about to clear them.
I was just on my way to pay you back...
I was wrong.
I will deal with them myself.
I will not turn...
I wish I could go with you.
I won't get in the way.
I won't leave you.
I wonder if your feelings on this matter are clear...
I wonder what those Stardestroyers are waiting for.
I wonder who they found to pull that off.
I'd better knock, I suppose.
I'll meet you back at the fleet.
I'll never turn to the dark side.
I'll take good care of her.
I'm afraid he's ever so stubborn about these sort of things.
I'm afraid the deflector shield...
I'm all right, pal.
I'm all right.
I'm endangering the group and our mission here.
I'm endangering the mission.
I'm going in.
I'm here to put you back on schedule.
I'm here.
I'm hit!
I'm looking forward to completing your training.
I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm on it, Gold Leader.
I'm out of it for a little while...
I'm rather embarrassed, General Solo...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure.
I'm surprised they didn't ask you to do it.
I'm taking Captain Solo and his friends.
I'm terribly sorry.
I'm terribly sorry.
I'm trying!
I'm with you, too.
I've accepted the truth...
I've always known.
I've come back to complete the training.
I've felt it.
I've taken care of everything.
If Anakin were to have any offspring...
If Anakin were to have any offspring...
If any attack is to be attempted.
If he can feel your presence...
If I don't make it back...
If I told you half the things I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt...
If that is your destiny.
If they don't know...
If we're coming.
If you will not be turned...
If you will not fight...
If you will not turn to the dark side...
In a vain effort to engage us...
In his belly, you will find...
In over six million forms of communication and can...
In time, you will call me master.
Indeed you are powerful...
Inform the commander...
Intensify forward firepower!
Is on the far side of that landing platform.
Is personally overseeing the final stages...
Is that who you could tell?
It is of no concern.
It is protected by an energy shield...
It is quite safe from your pitiful little band.
It is the name of your true self. You've only forgotten.
It is the only way you can save your friends.
It is too late for me, son.
It is unavoidable.
It is your destiny.
It only takes one to sound the alarm.
It was I who allowed the Alliance...
It won't be easy for you to hear it, but you must.
It'll take time.
It's a trap!
It's a very long drop!
It's against my programming...
It's all right! I can see a lot better!
It's an older code, sir, but it checks out.
It's going to be rough, pal. I didn't wanna speak for you.
It's not bad.
It's not like that at all.
It's not my fault.
It's only a few guards.
It's over, Commander.
It's you, Leia.
It's your choice...
Izzi kata o mohkti?
Jabba mo botowa tu.
Jabba no tusen di hunka bi.
Jabba offers the sum of 35...
Jabba, I'll pay you triple.
Jedi knight and friend to Captain Solo.
Just a little bit.
Just as I said they wouldn't.
Just images, really. Feelings.
Just relax for a moment.
Just what I always wanted.
Just you deliver Master Luke's message...
Keep on that one! I'll take these two!
Keep your distance, though, Chewie...
Kind... but sad.
Kuja wanki mitby cosa.
Lando Calrissian and poor Chewbacca...
Lando, grab it!
Leave us.
Let go of your hate.
Let me look on you with my own eyes.
Let the hate flow through you.
Let's go back and tell Master Luke.
Let's keep a little optimism here.
Let's see.
Like I'm not gonna see her again.
Like my father before me.
Look as good you will not, hmm?
Look I so old to young eyes?
Look, I want you to take her.
Look, Jabba...
Look, over there! Stop him!
Look. It's a hat.
Lord Vader, this is an unexpected pleasure.
Lord Vader.
Lower it!
Luke, tell me...
Luke, what's wrong?
Luke! Luke!
Luke? Luke's crazy.
Many Bothans died to bring us this information.
Master Luke ahchiminie choodoo.
Master Luke, you're standing on...
Master Luke! R2, R2, quickly!
Master Yoda, you can't die.
Master Yoda...
Master, bargonay tua knight?
May the Force be with us.
Maybe you can help me.
More heavily guarded than this.
Move as close as you can and engage those Stardestroyers...
Move closer!
Move the fleet away from the Death Star.
Much less rescue anybody.
Much like your father's.
My men are working as fast as they can.
My mistake.
My son is with them.
My young apprentice.
Ne Jabba no barta.
Nervrenda bootootoo Tatooine.
Never returned from this awful place.
No bargain.
No more training do you require.
No problem.
No, of course not.
No, wait!
No, wait!
No, you don't.
No! Luke, run away. Far away.
No! No! No!
No! No! No!
No. You're coming with me.
Noht cha!
Not bad for a little furball.
Not yet.
Nothing can stop that now.
Now his failure is complete.
Now I owe you one.
Now lock onto the strongest power source.
Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid.
Now witness the firepower...
Now, don't get jittery, Luke.
Now. On this moon.
O.K. I told you it was going to work.
Obi Wan has taught you well.
Obi Wan was wise to hide her from me.
Obi Wan.
Of course I'm worried. And you should be, too.
Of the construction of this Death Star.
Of the deflector shield.
Of the emperor's new battle station.
Of worm ridden filth...
Oh ah ha ha ha ha!
Oh, I can't bear to watch.
Oh, I told you it was dangerous here!
Oh, Master Luke.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my head!
Oh, my!
Oh, my! Princess Leia!
Oh, my! They'll be captured!
Oh, no! The rancor!
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, no. Chewbacca!
Oh, R2, hurry!
Oh, yes, Master Luke.
Oh! Ah ha ha ha!
Oh! Oh!
Oh! R2!
Oh. Great.
Oh. Well, yes.
Ohh! How horrid!
Ohnt bat chuay dehr attat.
On second thought, let's pass on that.
Once the shield is down...
Once you start down the dark path...
One thing remains...
Only now, at the end...
Only the fighters are attacking.
Oos batata rundi Darth Vader!
Oos nooch Vader.
Open the back door.
Or be destroyed.
Or suffer your father's fate you will.
Or this will be the shortest offensive of all time.
Orbiting the forest moon of Endor.
Our cruisers can't repel firepower of that magnitude.
Our cruisers will create a perimeter...
Over there!
Parts and technical crew for the forest moon.
Pass on what you have learned.
Patience, my friend.
Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them.
Perhaps you refer to the imminent attack...
Please identify.
Pressure steady.
Princess Leia wasay wapa R2.
Proceed with the countdown.
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