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Tropic Thunder (2008) Tropic Thunder is a hilarious action comedy film released in 2008. Directed by Ben Stiller, the movie

Tropic Thunder (2008)

Tropic Thunder is a hilarious action comedy film released in 2008. Directed by Ben Stiller, the movie revolves around a group of self-absorbed actors who find themselves caught in a real war-like situation while shooting a Vietnam War movie. Stiller himself stars alongside an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, Jay Baruchel, and Brandon T. Jackson. The film cleverly satirizes Hollywood and its egotistical actors, bringing barrels of laughs as these clueless actors stumble through a dangerous jungle, mistaking it all for a well-played method acting challenge. Tropic Thunder is a must-watch for its sharp wit, brilliant performances, and over-the-top action sequences. You can enjoy and download the sounds from this entertaining masterpiece here.
A G5 airplane?
A Hanoi high five.
A hooker. All right, you killed a hooker.
A panda?
A prop head when I see one.
A sweet, cuddly,
A white dwarf heading for a black hole.
Acting like you some one man GPS!
Action Jackson can't cry. That's what's going down.
Actually, the claim alone would net us more than the movie would lose.
Ain't no Criss Angel Mindfreak,
Ain't nothing but a thang.
Ain't right.
All ants in your pants, sucking my left nut to get a TiVo scrap
All right, fellas, we're gonna make camp, rest up!
All right, game over. Come on, mate. Come on.
All right, hold up. Chino?
All right, lead's going in. Give her some cover.
All right, man. Hey, how's the TiVo working out?
All right, POW camp, scene 67.
All right, that is a real satellite phone, bro.
All right, that's enough of this insubordination!
All right, that's lunch. Coming back to the same scene afterwards,
All right, who said that? It's not funny.
All right, you get some of those little video type cameras.
All right, you happy now? Can we do the scene?
All right?
All right.
All right. All right.
All right. Give me your hooks.
All right. That's enough.
All right. We're having a…
All the smoke bombs, charges, explosives, detonators you got.
Alpa and I's already wearing earth mama's natural night camo.
Alpa Chino got that pussy control
Alpa Chino!
Alpa Chino's Booty Sweat.
Alpa, do you have any Booty Sweat?
Alpa, if you untie me, I will literally suck your dick right now.
Also in the mix is Booty Sweat hocking hip hop hyphenate Alpa Chino.
Amanda? Come on, dude.
An elite force of the U.S. army
And believe me, gentlemen, it will be glorious.
And claims to know what dude he is…
And Cliffhanger. Cliffhanger's incredible.
And cut!
And get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you.
And get me Tugg's Tropic Thunder contract.
And get you back on the monkey bars, right?
And go!
And he is dying to tell you why he's apparently wiped his ass
And he was a goddamn war hero. You know any retarded war heroes?
And here's a little message from my Uncle Sam.
And I think he's getting cold feet.
And I think I can spot
And I will be shooting as well, from unseen vantage points,
And I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you.
And instead we did this.
And it doesn't look good.
And liberate the POW camp,
And lots of money.
And maybe some crab apples for dessert, now, you hear? Hell, yeah!
And me tickling the ivories.
And Meatball's dago ass bought the six by three farm.
And Meatball's dago ass bought the six by three farm.
And MTV Movie Award Best Kiss winner Tobey Maguire.
And no one gets to go home till we get the shots.
And no one saw it coming three more times!
And now that's added a balance, and the audience can connect.
And rehearsal.
And screaming for their mammies.
And serving up in this whirly bird.
And Simple Jack is the only movie we possess.
And the camera wasn't even rolling.
And the good news.
And the men respect you, 'cause you went to boot camp
And the Oscar goes to…
And then Rambo II, he got all shredded up?
And there's a role in there for you if you come over and untie me.
And they gave it to Crocodile Dundee.
And to be condemned was to die,
And Viet Congs rigged for us along the way.
And we trained actors, motherfucker.
And who here is the key grip? You? You.
And you are not going to fail me.
And you can, no matter what, you can't fucking untie me until it is done,
And you don't need to explain to me why you need TiVo
And you saved Tugg Speedman's career.
And you're asking if I'm serious?
And… you! You can't do what I do.
Another agency?
Anybody else care to give away our position to Charlie?
Anyway, me and the campers from the uncool camp
Are the mechanisms that trigger human emotion.
Are we gonna blow this tree line or what?
Are you fucking kidding me? I'm giving you gold.
Are you gonna talk Vietnamese to those dudes?
Are you okay, Jeff?
Are you really going to abandon this movie?
Are you seeing that?
Are you still crazy? We gotta get Candisky to the chopper!
Are you still dating Jennifer Love Hewitt?
As far as an Andrew Dice Clay vehicle goes, it's pretty decent.
As far as the whole like, man against nature type of movies go,
Ask and you shall receive.
At Alpha Delta two four eight niner, over.
At which point Four Leaf will get himself captured,
At which point we will chopper you home!
At which point you will rescue him,
Back in '98, I did a low budget titty comedy for Skinemax.
Bait, I need bait.
Be here till Chinese New Year waiting for my man to cry.
Because they had one good part in it for a black man
Before I snap your dick off and jam it into your ass?
Big dick playa.
Big dick, baby.
Bingo! Move out.
Bitch whore! Fucking hate you!
Blow some sense into these young men.
Boom! End of story. They hook up the TiVo yet?
Booty Sweat and Bust A Nut bars available at concessions now.
Booty Sweat.
Bring it on, Cockburn!
Bungle in the jungle.
But are we cool?
But he charmed the pants off Nixon, and he won a Ping Pong competition.
But I am dealing with a bunch of primadonnas!
But I have lost an appendage in the line of duty.
But I have lost an appendage in the line of duty.
But I might be your biggest fan. Yeah.
But I think Damien's gonna get some great shit out of us.
But I think Renny Harlin's a tremendous filmmaker
But I want you to know something.
But I will rip your tits off if you don't get me those theaters.
But I'm doing five shows a day for a standing room only crowd.
But I've done a lot more effects driven event films than you. Okay?
But if you think you can poach my client…
But seriously, a nutless monkey could do your job.
But Simple Jack thought he was smart,
But stay alert.
But that's not gonna happen.
But the real heavyweight on the set
But there's no way we make it over that ridge before sundown.
But this head movie makes my eyes rain.
But, you know, Sony, every PlayStation 3 has a Blu ray in it.
By playing other dudes?
Calm down. Here's what you're gonna do.
Can I be tied to another post? Okay.
Can I tell you that I'm sorry
Can we call him back? I've got to have a cast meeting.
Cancel it.
Captain Simple Jack.
Cell phones!
Chalk Three's taking fire. Guns right, guns right.
Chill! All right? Just chill it.
Clowns! Tugg Speedman, he can't cry! He can't cry!
Cody! We gotta go!
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on!
Come on, dude. You more shredded than a julienne salad, man.
Come on, fellas, we really need to go.
Come on, get down, get down!
Come on, good. You want to keep going?
Come on, Leaf, let's boogie!
Come on, let's bag and tag the bastard and get back to the hotel.
Come on, let's get, let's go! Come on, elevator up, up!
Come on, let's go.
Come on, man.
Come on, men. Let's get home.
Come on, Sarge. Stop jiving. Four Leaf is there.
Come on, what are you guys doing? Let's get out of here!
Come on, you damn dirty heathens!
Come on!
Come on! Come on! Come on! Let's go! Let's go!
Come on! Get in the chopper!
Come on. Six motherfucking VMAs, baby.
Count toothpicks, cheat at cards. Autistic, sure. Not retarded.
Cover me, you limp dick fuckups!
Cover me!
Crazy's better than nothing.
Crisis meeting? What does that mean, exactly?
Currently generates $2 million a year
D Rod, D Rod, this is Puddingface. How are we coming on that hotplate?
D'ang Kwook River.
Daggomit, Blamtucky, I ain't re programming a VCR.
Damien, cut!
Damien, we're go for explosion.
Damien, we're go for explosion.
Damien, we're go for explosion.
Damien, what's the dealy, dude?
Damn it. F.L. Tayback lies to me and the whole goddamn U.S. of A.
Damn! I thought the movie was bad.
Dang. Short bus is taking some real hits.
David Blaine trapdoor horseshit jumping off here!
Delivery on five. I repeat, delivery on five.
Did you make this whole goddamn thing up?
Did you need another revenue stream?
Didn't anyone read the script? This is the ambush!
Didn't your dog have, like, leukemia or something
Die in the jungle, alone, for some money and a G5?
Diet Coke!
Dieter, these jets are about to crest this ridge line.
Do not re gift.
Do you copy?
Do you want to die?
Does he wanna come with us?
Don't count him out! That bastard's got luck tattooed to his ass!
Don't dawdle now!
Don't do it! Don't touch that gun!
Don't ignore me!
Don't judge me!
Don't listen to me! Anything I fucking say is a lie!
Don't look now, you got some real tears going.
Don't move, Matchbox, or I will shoot you.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna put them on again.
Don't you get it?
Don't you get it? He's messing with our heads.
Don't you get it? I already am home.
Don't you get it? I already am home.
Donny! What's up, man?
Driving Miss Daisy, first studio gig.
Driving Miss Daisy, first studio gig.
Dude, dude, what the hell is going on here? Where are we?
Dude, I hope you're not pissed.
Dude, I'm trying to… I got your back, man.
Dude, were you even in the fucking service?
Dude, you all right?
Dustin Hoffman, Rain Man, looked retarded, act retarded, not retarded.
Eight Oscars, $400 million
Enough from the peanut gallery! Into the water, ladies!
Erika, get me a VitaminWater!
Especially knowing how the Academy is about that shit.
Eventually, and I'm talking way, way down the road,
Everybody knows you never go full retard.
Everybody's obviously a little bushed from all this humping.
Everyone, please shut up.
Fake shit!
Fats! Run your motherfucking ass over there,
Fear makes him a man.
Financed by hotheaded mega mogul Les Grossman,
First thing I'm doing is paying my two bucks
First, take a big step back and literally fuck your own face!
Five time Academy Award winner Kirk Lazarus
Floyd, this is lead. Right echelon approach from RP to LZ, acknowledge.
Floyd, Wall Eye airborne. Welcome aboard.
For 50 million, you will get him back.
For 400 years,
For any offense I might've caused, man?
For fuck's sake, that is unacceptable.
For your information, my revenue stream
Four Leaf is still outside the perimeter, Sarge!
Four Leaf, since you're the staff sergeant,
Fresh from his most recent arrest for heroin, glue and crack possession,
From a heavily guarded NVA Prison Camp.
From Fox Searchlight,
From now on, my fist is gonna be so far up your shithole
From Rick.
Fuck it. We'll deal with him later.
Fuck you, Charlie!
Fuck you.
Fuck your do rag. Fuck your do rag.
Fuck, okay. Thank you, Les. Thank you. You have a good night…
Fucking boats, airplanes, UFOs and shit, they all just vanish!
Fucking hell!
Funny, huh?
Gentlemen, I've got good news and bad news.
Get down, fool!
Get down! Get down! Get down!
Get down. Get down! Get down! Chow Yun Fat, get the hell down!
Get it over here, buddy. Let's do this.
Get on that horn and get some firepower, boy!
Get out, you wriggly worms!
Get out, you wriggly worms!
Get over here!
Get that fucking food…
Get the fuck down. That's a whole different dude altogether.
Get them away from their helpers and ass licking assistants.
Get those boys back to the bird, pronto!
Get your hands on some bleach,
Getting our turn at bat.
GI Joe can't cry, don't matter 'cause you ain't got the camera turned on anyway.
Give me the flame thrower. You gotta start the chopper.
Go fuck yourself!
Go get your guys! Get them to the chopper!
Go to town, man! Go to town!
Go, go, go! Get out of the chopper!
Go! He's a lost cause, mate! Get out of here!
God damn it! Okay. Where'd he go?
God damn it! We lost! We fucking super lost, man!
God, and to think I believed in you!
Goddamn shit picking cock!
Good gosh.
Good job, turd. You killed the director.
Goodbye, Mama!
Got a big job coming up next year.
Got to pick up sticks against another man?
Gotta hold on!
Great. Let me get this down.
Guys! Hey, guys!
Hadn't hooked it up? No TiVo?
Hats off for going there,
He ain't playing God. He's being judged by him.
He die, he probably die a coochless motherfucker.
He does, does he?
He doesn't look too good.
He getting down now.
He needs me. I have to go back to him.
He's got a real serious problem.
He's making a fucking sweater back here.
He's my son. He's my boy!
He's on tilt status.
He's reaching out. We're 10,000 miles away.
He's the head of the studio.
He's trying to get us to act good, save the movie.
He's way out on a limb with this character,
Hell yeah, get it. Get it, Cornbread.
Hell, no, I didn't pee on that girl.
Hell, yeah, do it. V.C. Soldiers doing the hip hop bunny hop, Damien.
Hell, yeah!
Hell, yeah.
Hello, Mr Mantis. You're beautiful.
Hello? Yo, yo, Donny!
Here comes another. There we go. Now what?
Here they come!
Here we go again.
Here we go.
Here's my motherfucking farm!
Hey, can you help me out, man? I'm looking for this guy.
Hey, Damien, cut!
Hey, Damien! We got our war faces on!
Hey, did you get the gift basket I sent?
Hey, fellas! It's hot! We're tired! It stinks!
Hey, guys, I'm good. I made it through. You can untie me now.
Hey, hey, Alpa.
Hey, how you doing, Jeff?
Hey, I don't want to come off as weird or anything,
Hey, it was an accident, man.
Hey, Leaf!
Hey, Les, I understand if you're angry,
Hey, Linc.
Hey, man, you know how in Rambo I, he was big but a little puffy
Hey, man.
Hey, man.
Hey, Radar? Evans?
Hey, Tuggernuts, I've got you on speakerphone.
Hey, what's going on? For real, my butt is hurting!
Hey, yo, you know what? Speak English. I don't speak that stuff.
Hey, you guys. Anybody got some bug spray?
Hey! Hey, you!
Hey! I want you to know something.
Hey! You wanna get on the train here, or do you wanna ruin another take?
Hey. I didn't mean to show you up back there.
Hey. Look, I know you're a big fan, and that's great…
Hey. You see that Access Hollywood piece?
Hilarious! Hilarious!
Hit that director in the face, really fucking hard.
Hit the plunger
Hold my hands,
Hold on, Four Leaf!
Hold these men off, now!
Hold up now, Jeff.
Holding a cute, cuddly panda from Cutesville.
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Horrible. Lazarus started crying.
How about I send you a hobo's dick cheese?
How about it?
How about we all get back to work?
How about you, man?
How do we cover him?
How long are we gonna be gone, anyways?
How many more sleeps before she wakes up again?
How the hell do you know Chinese?
How's it going with that map, chief?
How's the adoption thing coming, buddy?
Hump it up, gentlemen! Single formation.
I ain't never been worth a nothing in this life,
I almost blinded Jamie Lee Curtis on Freaky Friday, okay?
I always wanted to, but I guess I just never had the courage to ask.
I am not
I am talking scorched earth, motherfucker!
I am the set.
I am your brother.
I bet I could collar up some of them greens.
I call on my fellow Americans to come together…
I can give y'all a diversion.
I can still see you.
I can tell it's gonna be a good experience.
I can't feel my legs.
I can't feel my legs.
I can't. I don't know the whole…
I could do it.
I could shoot the whole thing guerrilla style. Gritty, dirty.
I couldn't have done it without you, Slolom.
I did it, I did it!
I didn't tell you, but Fatties: Fart Three is coming down the pike,
I don't believe you people.
I don't have any more jellybeans.
I don't know Chinese but it sounds like your improvising is for shit.
I don't know if Four Leaf would say that… Four Leaf?
I don't know what it's called.
I don't know why we don't have…
I don't know, but you need to tell them.
I don't read the script, script reads me.
I don't really gotta piss. I'm trying to talk at you, man.
I don't think so.
I feel like all the good ones are gone.
I fucking hate movies.
I get down there near the mother lode, I am done. I'm jonesing bad, man.
I go high, you go low.
I got an idea. This might be a little crazy.
I got an itchy trigger finger here, and I'm ready to blow some shit up.
I got an itchy trigger finger here, and I'm ready to blow some shit up.
I got enough shit here to light this place up like it's the Fourth of fucking July.
I got it. Got it.
I got something to say.
I got this.
I got this.
I gotta get back to the hotel, for real!
I gotta get cracking on my costume.
I gotta take a fucking 12 pound shit!
I gotta take a fucking 12 pound shit!
I guess so.
I have no idea.
I hope y'all like hamburger meat.
I just did the work.
I just know the sound it makes when it lies.
I just know the sound it makes when it takes a mars life.
I just wanted to throw another shrimp on your barbie.
I killed a panda.
I killed one, Rick.
I know a place where a man's worth is measured
I know it sounds weird, but I have a connection with them.
I know Speedman got everyone convinced we out here
I know we can do great things together.
I know what dude I am!
I know who I am!
I know who you are.
I know you want the goodies.
I know, but I don't have to tell you.
I know, it's just you said that he called it a crisis meeting. So…
I know, you're the only one who auditioned,
I love that pussy dripping down to the floor, oh, no
I love that pussy, hell, yeah, hell, yeah
I mean, are we in a crisis?
I mean, I brushed my teeth retarded,
I mean, I fought for that in your contract.
I mean, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, Tugg. You are a huge star, all right?
I mean, that's probably not even her real name.
I mean, this is Theater 101, but, you know, he's had a tough road.
I memorized every single monologue
I need an answer, Boomer!
I need fast movers on my Yankee Smoke, copy?
I need some dudes up here who speak American, God damn it!
I need to know if we're ready to go.
I need to wear his stomach skin like a unitard.
I put my story in your limp Brit hands,
I rather rot in your V.C. Jail!
I rigged the whole tree line, and this is here.
I see moss on both sides of that tree.
I see you. I see you. I see you.
I take it y'all are doing the Wet Offensive from the book.
I think I might be nobody.
I think I'm just gonna hang back here for the mission.
I think what Tugg means is…
I think you've got a fine brain, Jack.
I told you, for the last time, I love the pussy!
I want the rubber one that the prop guy gave me.
I was a saucier in San Antone.
I was pulling it back and you just came in too…
I was really hoping I'd get laid when this movie came out,
I was talking to whoever was listening to me.
I was wrong! Blow the bridge! Blow the fucking bridge!
I will fuck you up!
I wrote the book as a tribute! I'm a patriot!
I'd do it myself but I'm kind of goddamn busy!
I'll always be a screw up. No one'll ever respect me.
I'll cradle the balls, stroke the shaft,
I'll never bend to your will! You scum! You scum!
I'll never know.
I'll take care of these yahoos!
I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.
I'm a lead farmer, motherfucker!
I'm a rooster illusion.
I'm betting he's got more of these battles
I'm cold, Linc.
I'm finally better. I'm finally better. Untie me.”
I'm from London. I direct plays.
I'm going potty. You want to hold my dick?
I'm going to call you Half Squat.
I'm going to Grossman's office, I'm playing the card.
I'm going to, β€œExterior, rain forest, dusk.
I'm gonna bite his hide. I need…
I'm gonna go shoot a video, right?
I'm gonna have V.C. Soldiers in the video
I'm gonna let them squirt if we're a go!
I'm gonna level with you, bro. I don't need to pee. I need to talk to you.
I'm gonna put on this thing. Don't move.
I'm gonna say, β€œHey, man, I'm cool. It's cool.
I'm gonna tag you back. You better believe that, baby.
I'm gonna try to find Speedman in the main building.
I'm guessing right about now you couldn't find a Dixie coonskin
I'm just fucking with you, Kangaroo Jack!
I'm just like a little boy, playing with his dick when he's nervous.
I'm just saying that to have been nominated would have been nice.
I'm not joking around, I'm nauseous.
I'm not that… I mean, that's what I'm going for, but you know…
I'm really having a good time.
I'm so excited, you know what I'm saying, about doing Tropic Thunder.
I'm sorry a dingo ate your baby.
I'm sorry, Damien?
I'm sorry, man. I did not mean that. She's not.
I'm sorry. Could we cut?
I'm standing here with Les Grossman,
I'm staring at a frog, I'm trying to feel…
I'm stuck with mine.
I'm talking about something special. Big difference.
I'm the director. He's… I need to speak to my actor.
I'm thinking there could be a Teen Choice Award in it for you.
I'm tired, I want to go home.
I'm trying to agree with you. The point is they did something.
I'm trying to put Tiger Balm on this jungle's nuts.
I'm way beyond TiVo.
I've barely even had a girlfriend, and…
I've been a bad, bad boy, Father.
I've moved on.
I've never even heard of your little agency.
I've spent the past two years of my life
If he cries, you cry harder, man.
If I can put that map in your hands, can I count on you?
If I see one more head pop up, it's gonna be bullet Whac A Mole.
If it looks real, chances are it probably is.
If Steve McQueen and them dudes had turned tail and ran?
If the machine breaks down, we break down.
If you guys wanna make it through this thing, you gotta strap me to a tree.
If you wanna save this movie, you will become a unit.
If you want I could give the map a look see.
In 2013, when the Earth's rotation came to a halt…
In a time where to be different was to be condemned,
In a weird way it was almost like I had to sort of fool my mind
In and of itself is a tad rudimentary.
In charitable contributions for my community.
In some countries,
In the ears hanging from his dog tags.
In the next five minutes and see where that takes you.
In the winter of 1969,
In this chickenshit chop chop! ASAFP!
In what's being called the most expensive
Including flatulent star of the popular Fatties franchise, Jeff Portnoy.
Instead of 100 million,
Instead of using them sticks to
Into believing that it wasn't retarded,
Is about to make a difference again.
Is anyone gonna fucking help me get this fucking thing?
Is famous for his total immersion into any role he portrays.
Is five time Academy Award winner Kirk Lazarus.
Is five time Academy Award winner Kirk Lazarus.
Is usually the one that becomes the most successful.
Is your character dyslexic?
It doesn't matter anymore.
It doesn't matter what I do.
It is insane, bro. You are a rock star.
It is not okay, Tugg!
It was a really long trip. I read the in flight magazine.
It's β€œViet Cong.” There's no β€œS.” It's already plural.
It's β€œViet Cong.” There's no β€œS.” It's already plural.
It's a cold, hard world. Shit happens.
It's a little twig man Oscar.
It's a pretty cool sidearm you got there. What is it?
It's a remnant from colonial Indo China. This jungle must be full of them.
It's about Abe Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth when they were both young.
It's absolutely amazing.
It's always the yellow frog that brings them black frog on Fridays, man.
It's beautiful here.
It's been a tough year for Tugg.
It's been there the whole show.
It's cold! It's freezing. I'm fucking cold.
It's considered a compliment.
It's corn syrup, guys. Corn syrup and latex.
It's Fatties: Fart Two, there's no… Hey, you wish you had a Fatties franchise.
It's gonna be tough,
It's gonna have to tiptoe past my wedding ring.
It's good to finally meet you at last, get some face time.
It's good, I love it, great. But I need to…
It's hard to find a girl that can hang with that, you know?
It's just, I feel like we really need to set the example for the other guys.
It's Les Grossman. He throws these words around.
It's like punching the American flag in the face, God damn it.
It's like working with mercury. It's high science, man. It's an art form.
It's Nick Stevens, isn't it? That little fucker.
It's over! He's gone!
It's Sandusky.
It's the Golden Triangle.
It's the world's hard drug superhighway.
It's… It's complicated.
Jeff Portnoy.
Jeff Portnoy.
Jeff, don't!
Jeff, stay away from that animal.
Jeff, we really need to go now!
Jeff, you're just going to have to tough it out.
Jesus Christ, man!
Jesus Christ, Tugg! Man, don't scare me like that!
Jesus, let's go, man!
Jesus, man.
Just five days into shooting. The reason?
Just say no to this, you drug making midget.
Just wait, just wait! Listen! Listen, okay?
Just wish I had a director like this on Jack.
Just… In your own time.
Keep a secret? A camera truck in London just plowed into Judi Dench.
Keep the volume down on that bitching, Flatch Adams.
Keep your head down on the ground!
Kev, whatever the fuck. Come over here.
Kevin. Kevin Sandusky. I play Brooklyn, we've been working together.
Kid, grab the bat! Please! Shit!
Lance? What the fuck did I just hear? Lance?
Land of Silk and Money with Gong Li. Second Globe, third Oscar.
Last I checked, they hadn't hooked it up, though.
Lately his Scorcher films have lost their heat.
Laugh at that, you bastards!
Lay that shit down!
Lay your ass back down and look at the stars.
Laz, don't let him take me off the yak.
Laz, I'm gonna blow the bridge!
Lazarus is gonna torpedo the movie.
Lazarus underwent a controversial
Leaf, no!
Leaf's about to blow the bridge. Come on!
Les, that's Four Leaf.
Let me get this straight.
Let me go, or…
Let me tell you something, shitbird.
Let me tell you something. A lot of people are disrespecting me.
Let's be friends.
Let's do it. You feel it? You feel me?
Let's do the tea part, okay?
Let's face it.
Let's get out of here!
Let's go freaking Tet here!
Let's move. Come on. Come on. Double time. Gotta go!
Let's move. We only have 16 hours before they wake up.
Let's party!
Letters go one way and the numbers another.
Letting loose this summer.
Like a brother where there was no animosity or…
Like him in Carlito's Way?
Like the dumbest motherfucker that ever lived.
Like, Adventures of Ford Fairlane, you know,
Listen, you cherry fuck,
Living off residuals from a anti herpes medication commercial.
Long as we live, it's you and me, baby.
Look at that, huh?
Look at the cooking vats, the armed guards.
Look, fuckstick, I'm incredibly busy, so why don't you get the hell out of here
Look, he may be able to see me, but I can't see him.
Look, I'm Dave Beckham.
Look, what? I just thought you might like some hot tea
Looks like a heroin processing plant.
Lukemeyer's got popped!
Make sure Damien ain't forgot how to use his talkbox again.
Making Planet of the Apes on YouTube or some shit, but I don't buy it.
Man you totally leaned into that.
Man, I'm thirsty.
Man, that's beauty.
Man, what you coming out in movies for anyway?
Man, you better get your shit straight,
Man. Now I'm tripping.
Maybe I just knew I had to represent,
Me and Cody, we could light up that fucking jungle,
Might as well have some of this Booty Sweat I got back in Danang.
Miss me with that cracker chump jive! We di di mau! We di di mau!
More bad news from the Vietnamese set of Tropic Thunder,
More stupid!
Mother Nature just pissed her pantsuit!
Motown and Brooklyn sneak in via the river.
Motown, get your Detroit jukebox Jheri curl ass
Move it, maggots, move! Move, grunts, move your ass!
Mr Cockburn! Are we cutting, sir?
Much more money now!
Must be an old French mine.
Must drink, so I can throw something up!
My ass!
My ass!
My belly really hurts, you guys!
My farts are fucking more beautiful than…
My friend wants a TiVo, my friend gets a TiVo!
My leader's not quite as cordial.
My son gave this to me.
Never go full retard.
No more frequent flier bitch miles for my boy.
No offense, Kirk, I know you're the big fancy actor here,
No one gets out of here. I saw it on TV.
No, a panda!
No, dickhead, of course I could.
No, don't!
No, I can't let you do that, mate. We gotta go.
No, I can't let you do that, mate. We gotta go.
No, I didn't pee on her, listen, listen, listen, listen. No, no.
No, I don't. I'm a cock of the mouse or something. I don't know.
No, it's about the film.
No, man. Let me take a look at that map right quick.
No, more like what do you need, Les?
No, most likely Myanmar or Laos.
No, no, no. Come on, man. It's not okay.
No, no, no. I wasn't nominated.
No, no, they're in a puddle, mate. See? There's a puddle right there.
No, no. Don't drink that water! That water's like a petri dish!
No, not you, Helen.
No, that was just some tabloid conjecture.
No, that's impossible, man.
No, you can't have any fucking jellybeans.
No! It's simple as pie, man.
No! Like you did before! Say it!
No! No. I'm not cutting! We're still rolling!
No. I mean…
No. No. Mandarin Chinese.
No. See, he didn't. Yeah, I mean, just that's what…
No. We'll hold you for ransom.
No. You missing me, man.
Nobody move or I do the little big guy!
Nor am I Father O'Malley.
North. Man said to head north.
Not bad, Cockburn!
Not bad.
Not one worth keeping, nohow.
Not really.
Not the fucking bull again. Fucking asshole.
Not to get into his thing, but if I'm crying, should Osiris be crying, too?
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