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A Few Good Men (1992) "A Few Good Men" is a critically acclaimed film released in 1992. Directed by Rob Reiner, it features

A Few Good Men (1992)

"A Few Good Men" is a critically acclaimed film released in 1992. Directed by Rob Reiner, it features an outstanding ensemble cast including Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, and Kevin Bacon. This intense courtroom drama revolves around two US Marines accused of murdering a fellow Marine. As Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee (Cruise) investigates the truth, he clashes with Colonel Nathan Jessup (Nicholson), a decorated commander who seems to be hiding crucial information. The movie delves into themes of honor, loyalty, and the fight for justice. To immerse yourself in the compelling sounds of "A Few Good Men," you can conveniently play and download them here.
A big wall separating the good guys from the bad guys.
A Code Red was ordered by my platoon commander...
A crime? What crime did he commit?
A few minutes later, a chemical reaction called lactic acidosis...
A ground crew kid won't remember a flight that landed four weeks ago.
A highly decorated Marine officer...
A Lance Corporal Harold Dawson and a Private Louden Downey
A lesson he learned after the Curtis Bell incident, right?
A little over a year.
A Marine corporal named Dawson illegally fires a round from his weapon...
A Marine falls out of line, it's up to the men in his unit to get him on track.
A moment ago you said that you ordered Lieutenant Kendrick...
About a briefing?
About being Marines.
About five minutes after the meeting broke, sir. About 1620.
About how far by Jeep?
About ten or fifteen minutes, sir.
After all, it's peacetime.
After being subpoenaed to Washington, you made three calls.
After Dawson and Downey's arrest on the night of the sixth...
After six months, we'll be dishonorably discharged, right, sir?
After that we can all hook up for lunch.
Ah, what the hell. I'll see you tomorrow.
Airmen Cecil O'Malley and Anthony Rodriguez
All right, what about this Commander Galloway?
All right. Everybody take the night off.
All right. Here's the story.
All right. Let's go. Let's get two.
All right. Let's move.
All right. That's all I have. Thanks very much for your time.
All rise.
All rise.
All rise.
All rise.
All rise.
All rise.
All rise.
All the paperwork's in order.
All those having business with this general court martial...
All you did was weaken a country today, Kaffee.
Always, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew Markinson...
An argument that didn't work for the Nazis at Nuremburg.
An ingested poison of some kind.
And a lieutenant with four letters of commendation.
And a track record for plea bargaining get assigned a murder case?
And a week's worth of paperwork.
And after that, I'm gonna file against pretrial confinement.
And ask that it be stricken from the record.
And at present Colonel Markinson is dead. Is that right?
And because he exercised his own set of values...
And conduct unbecoming a United States Marine.
And dazzle you with official sounding terms...
And fired a bullet into his mouth.
And folded neatly in his footlocker.
And for Defense Counsel Kaffee...
And get him off as fast as you can.
And he hadn't called a soul...
And he hadn't packed a thing.
And he was pronounced dead at 0037.
And here at the Washington Navy Yard it doesn't mean a whole lot more.
And how long have you been out of law school?
And I don't believe it.
And I followed it.
And I have 23 Marines who aren't accused of murder...
And I will not dishonor myself, my unit or the Corps...
And I would remind you that youíre now questioning a Marine officer...
And I wouldn't be doing my job if I allowed Dawson and Downey...
And I'd forgotten to use the resin like we were taught.
And if it happens to go on without my knowledge, so be it.
And if itís about ten or fifteen minutes by Jeep, I'm guessing...
And if that has consequences, then I'll accept them.
And if the M.T.D. is denied, I'll file a motion...
And if youíve gained a certain respect for me over the last three weeks...
And in the end, we see eye to eye on the best way to run a Marine Corps unit.
And it was that condition, and not some mysterious poison, that caused the accelerated chemical reaction?
And it worked too, 'cause I ain't never dropped my weapon since.
And it would appear he can't run from here to there...
And it's the exact same story you're gonna hear from Private Downey.
And landed at Andrews Air Force Base at 2:00 a. m.?
And lead him right where he's dying to go.
And Lieutenant Kendrick into your office.
And listen up, 'cause I really mean this.
And make me nervous.
And maybe he didn't have any friends.
And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives!
And now he can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
And now he's telling tales about a fence line shooting.
And now I'm thinking, Colonel Markinson...
And now I'm thinking, Colonel Markinson...
And now we'll never know, will we, Mr. McGuire?
And now you're just treading water for three years in the JAG Corps.
And of course you have proof of that!
And on Wednesday at 0600, you'll catch a transport down to Cuba for the day...
And platoon leader Lieutenant Kendrick.
And Private First Class Louden Downey.
And reported to the N.I.S. on a member of our platoon.
And rounding third is Cal Ripken...
And seven men and two women whom you've never met...
And shipping him off to another assignment...
And specifically told them to give him a Code Red.
And testify for the record that they were given an order.
And that despite any desire they might have to seek retribution...
And that the nature of the acidosis strongly suggests poison.
And the executive officer, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Markinson.
And the hits just keep on coming.
And the rag was pushed too far down, is it possible that my cells...
And the third call was to my sister Elizabeth.
And the truth is this
And the Twins' streak is over.
And the witness be excused with the court's deepest apologies.
And then questions the manner in which I provide it!
And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns.
And to ask for your help.
And was pronounced dead at 37 minutes past midnight.
And we found it in the Corps.
And we pulled the tape off and there was blood all down his face, sir.
And we'll talk about the training of young William?
And we'll use small words, 'cause he gets rattled if he doesn't understand.
And what did you find?
And what happened then?
And what happened then?
And which orders might, say, be morally questionable?
And why? Because he couldn't run very fast!
And with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy.
And you are ordered to be dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps.
And you know what? I don't give a shit.
And you tell him that you want to have new counsel assigned.
And you want me to go to the prosecutor...
And you're gonna spend a year going blind on paperwork...
And you're gonna spend the next three months going blind on paperwork...
And you're under arrest, you son of a bitch.
And your orders are always followed...
Another lawyer wonít be good enough. They need you.
Answer the captain's question!
Answers still have to come much faster.
Any attempt to prove otherwise is futile 'cause it just ain't true.
Any chance he forgot about it?
Any chance Lieutenant Kendrick ignored the order?
Any chance Lieutenant Kendrick left your office and said, "The old man is wrong"?
Any questions?
Anyway, he also said that Jessupís lying about the transportation off the base.
Are gonna end up owing their lives to you.
Are trained professionals.
Are we clear?
Are you aware you're under subpoena?
Are you drunk?
Are you Markinson?
Are you planning on doing any investigating...
Are you really gonna let this happen to him because of a code, Harold?
As far as Downey was concerned, it was an order from Kendrick.
Asked him to put his life in yours?
Asking for a transfer.
At 3:00, the doctor wasnít able to determine the cause of death.
At Boston Mercy Hospital.
At ease.
At no time was his health in danger.
At which time, the defense will call its first witness.
At your request, Lieutenant Kendrick, I can have the record reflect...
Attending physician says the rag was treated with some kind of toxin.
B misdemeanor, 20 days in the brig.
Backup, whatever.
Be home in six months.
Because a 90 year old man misread the Delaware insurance code. "
Because a signalman second class bought and smoked a dime bag of oregano.
Because he had committed a crime.
Because he made a decision about the welfare of a Marine...
Because he's written letters to everybody but Santa Claus...
Because their attorney had predetermined the path of least resistance.
Because they did their job.
Because you learned he'd been sneaking food to Private Bell?
Been requested by Division.
Before you go getting yourself into trouble tomorrow, you should know...
Being late for platoon or company meetings.
Better believe it.
Between you or your father to represent me in this case...
Both in the human body and on a fabric.
Bring her back in.
Brought on by acute lactic acidosis...
But a familiarity with the inner workings of the military.
But all we have is the testimony of two people accused of murder.
But he is dead because he had no code.
But he's an awfully good officer.
But here's the thing and there's really know way of getting around this
But I believe I was right, sir. I believe I did my job...
But I won't say that I'm guilty, sir.
But I've been promoted up through the chain...
But it's my feeling that if this case is handled in the same...
But on May 18, I'd fallen back about 20 or 30 yards...
But on this most recent report of June 9 he received a rating of below average.
But since I can't, all I can do is help you.
But then he dismissed the platoon and we all went to our rooms.
But we fix it, and move on to Markinson.
But you did order the barracks restriction, didnít you?
But you just said that you didn't make it back to the barracks until 1645.
By everyone. By Dawson, by Galloway.
C misdemeanor, 15 days restricted duty.
Call your witness.
Called specifically to refute testimony offered under direct examination.
Can Dawson determine on his own which orders he's going to follow?
Can he?
Can you explain that?
Captain Ross?
Captain West, this is Lieutenant Commander Galloway.
Captain, I'd like to request that it be me who's the attorney
Captain, I'd like to request...
Caused his lungs to begin bleeding.
Certainly, sir.
Charged with your son's death will be concluded...
Chief of Internal Medicine at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Hospital...
Code Red they're common and accepted in Guantanamo Bay.
Colonel Jessup doesn't need to appear in court to confirm that information.
Colonel Jessup, did you order the Code Red?
Colonel Jessup, do you understand these rights as I have just read them?
Colonel Jessup, if itís not too much trouble...
Colonel Jessup, would you raise your right hand please, sir?
Colonel Jessup, you have the right to remain silent.
Colonel Julius Alexander Randolph is presiding.
Colonel Markinson's gone U.A. unauthorized absence.
Colonel Nathan R. Jessup and the Lord our God.
Colonel, I do have to ask you a couple of questions about September 6.
Colonel, I think it would be better to hold this discussion in private.
Colonel, the 6:00 a. m. flight was the first one off the base?
Colonel, the practice of Code Reds is still condoned by officers
Colonel, we have the transfer order that you and Markinson co signed...
Colonel, you gave Lieutenant Kendrick an order at this meeting, right?
Come in, please. Have a seat.
Come on, now. It was definitely a word.
Commander Galloway, why donít you get yourself a cup of coffee?
Commander Stone is an internist, not a criminologist.
Commander, from what I understand, if this thing goes to court...
Commander, I believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Commander, I'd like to talk to Lance Corporal Dawson alone for a minute.
Commander, is it possible for a person to have an affliction
Commander, is it possible?
Commander, Lieutenant Kaffee is generally...
Commander, we're gonna have the defendants moved up here in the morning.
Considered the best litigator in our office.
Corporal Barnes, I'm a Marine.
Corporal Barnes, name some reasons why a Marine would receive a Code Red.
Corporal Barnes...
Corporal Carl Edward Hammaker, Marine Barracks...
Corporal Hammaker, were you in Dawson and Downey's barracks...
Corporal will take you by personnel on your way out to the flight line...
Corporal, did Lieutenant Kendrick leave a standing order at that meeting?
Corporal, were you present at a meeting that Lieutenant Kendrick held...
Corporal, would you turn to the page in this book...
Counterintelligence. Markinson's gone. There is no Markinson.
Damn thing could get messy.
Daniel Alistair Kaffee, born June 8, 1964...
Daniel Kaffee. I was told to me with, uh
Danny is an awfully talented lawyer.
Danny, be sure and ask nicely.
Danny, I'd like you to meet Ginny Miller, Louden's aunt.
Danny, it was a setback, and I'm sorry.
Danny, take the 12 years. It's a gift.
Dave, Sherby doesn't think the Navy hangs people from yardarms anymore.
Dave, you seem distraught.
Dawson and another member of his squad...
Dawson and Downey will have their day in court, but with another lawyer.
Dawson brought a hungry guy some food. What crime did he commit?
Dawson received two marks of exceptional...
Dawson wouldn't allow it.
Dawson wouldn't allow it.
Dawson, Downey your clients.
Dawson's family's been contacted.
Dawson's gonna go to jail just to spite me.
Dear sir...
Defense calls Colonel Nathan Jessup.
Defense didn't have the opportunity to depose this witness.
Defense will be calling Airmen Cecil O'Malley and Anthony Rodriguez.
Did anyone see you call the ambulance?
Did he ever, prior to the night of September 6, receive a Code Red?
Did I ever tell you I wrote a paper about your father in college?
Did that make you mad? You can tell the truth, Corporal.
Did you Did she put you up to this?
Did you ever actually hear Lieutenant Kendrick order a Code Red?
Did you meet with Dr. Stone between 3:00 and 5:00?
Did you order Dawson and two other men to make sure that Private Bell...
Did you order the Code Red?
Died 1985.
Director of operations of National Security Council.
Disciplining their own wasn't to be condoned by officers.
Division will give me a lot of room on this one...
Do it, Harold. Six months.
Do what I'm telling you, you'll be home in six months.
Do you have any idea how many planes take off and land every day?
Do you have any other questions for me, counselor?
Do you have some sort of jurisdiction here that I should know about?
Do you like seafood? I know a good seafood place.
Do you really think that's the same as two teenage Marines...
Do you recall why Dawson was given such a poor grade on this report?
Do you recognize those number, sir?
Do you remember the order of questions? Are you sure?
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you give this general court martial...
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give in this court martial...
Do you think they knew it was an illegal order?
Docket number 411275VR 5.
Doctor, is this your signature?
Doctor, was there any sign of external damage?
Does Aunt Ginny have a barn? We could hold the trial there.
Does he ever talk?
Does the defense wish to enter a plea?
Doing various administrative things.
Don't call me son.
Don't ever question my orders in front of another officer.
Don't forget to wear the whites. Very hot down there.
Don't get the president just yet.
Don't go for it.
Don't I feel like the fuckin' asshole.
Don't look now, Danny, but youíre making an argument.
Don't lump me in with them just because we wear the same uniform.
Don't paint a flattering picture of Marine Corps life at Guantanamo Bay?
Don't say "Sir" like I just asked you if you cleaned the latrine.
Don't wear that perfume in court. Wrecks my concentration.
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about the doctor. This trial starts Monday.
Don't worry. I'm not gonna make a motion for separation.
Downey wasnít in his room.
Downey worships you.
Dr. Stone, in your expert, professional opinion...
Dr. Stone, what is lactic acidosis?
Dr. Stone, you've held a medical license for 17 years.
Drew a nickel plated pistol from his holster...
During a routine medical exam?
Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!
Even his senator. He wanted to be transferred off the base.
Even though he's got me by the balls out here, Danny knows...
Every American sentry post has a Cuban counterpart, called "mirrors. "
Every time we gotta go someplace to fight, you fellas always give us a ride.
Excuse me. I didn't dismiss you.
Executing a routine order they never believed would result in harm?
Fast food, slick ass, Persian bazaar manner...
Fellas, you hear what I just said?
Fifteen days.
Finally, he wrote to the Naval Investigative Service...
Fine. If he wants to jump off a cliff, that's his business.
Five hours too late, as it turned out.
Five minutes after this meeting?
Flash a badge...
Folks down there said a black girl couldn't go to an all white school.
Follow the advice of the galactically stupid?"
For a little over a year now.
For both Guantanamo Bay and Andrews Air Force Base.
For my part, I've done as much as I can to bring the truth to light.
For September 6, and these are 14 letters...
Forget it. Don't answer that. It doesn't matter.
Former Navy judge advocate and attorney general of the United States.
Forward march!
From 4,000 Cubans that are trained to kill him.
From the commander in chief of the Atlantic fleet...
Garden variety. Typical. What's basic Code Red?
Gentlemen! You better get somewhere fast with this, Lieutenant.
Ginny Miller. His aunt on his mother's side.
Go right in, Commander. They're expecting you.
Go straight up Pennsylvania Avenue.
God forbid our clients decide to plead not guilty...
Going down rocky unstable hill.
Going on nine months now.
Good call, Sam.
Good grammar there.
Good. Jessup told Kendrick to order the Code Red. Kendrick did.
Got into full dress uniform, stood in the middle of that room...
Got off on the wrong foot. What do you say? Friends?
Grave danger?
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and you're given an order...
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Hal, is this Washington, D.C.?
Hang on.
Hard drive, right field. We're gonna have a tied ballgame.
Harold Dawson and Louden Downey are sitting before you today...
Harold, I think there's a concept you better start warming up to.
Harold, you say, "sir," and I turn around and look for my father.
Has never faced the working end...
Have a seat please, sir.
Have I done something to offend you?
Have I done something wrong?
Have the members reached a verdict?
Have you ever been in a courtroom?
He barely put up a fight.
He can make an entire flight disappear?
He did? That's great! Why didnít you say so?
He didn't, 'cause if he did and hadn't told us...
He doesn't distinguish between the two.
He drowned in his own blood...
He eats breakfast 300 yards away...
He has enough to worry about...
He is dead because he had no honor, and God was watching.
He might even try to cut into a few officers for you.
He never made a move.
He passed away seven years ago, sir.
He said the platoon commander Lieutenant Jonathan Kendrick...
He says, " Let's make a deal. "
He told Kendrick to order the Code Red.
He was asleep in his bed at midnight, and according to you...
He was getting on a plane in six hours.
He was given water and vitamin supplements, and I can assure you...
He was never gonna be transferred off that base.
He wasn't being asked to secure a hill or advance on a beachhead.
He wrote to the fleet commander to the commandant of the Marine Corps.
He'd be violating about 14 articles of the Code of Ethics.
He'll have no evidence, mind you, none, but it's gonna be entertaining.
He'll testify to the forged transfer, and that'll be enough.
He's arguing. He's making an argument. "
He's been in the papers lately. He's expected to be appointed...
He's gonna astonish you with stories of rituals...
He's gonna do whatever you do.
He's gonna try a little misdirection.
He's not about to see his clients go to jail for life...
He's not gonna be able to sidestep you.
He's saying that the guy, the mirror
He's successfully plea bargained 44 cases in nine months.
He's that bad, huh?
Held a meeting with the men and specifically...
Hey, Luther.
Honestly asking the witness to testify as to how my clients felt?
How can you tell?
How did you know where the mess hall was if itís not in this book?
How far is it from Post 39 to the Windward Barracks?
How mad?
How much?
How the hell is your dad, Danny?
How you feeling?
How's the baby, Sam?
I always forget that part.
I apologize. I was angry. I'm sorry about what I said.
I ask you to help me.
I assume we'll find the term Code Red and its definition in that book.
I assume youíve heard of him.
I be the one who that
I beg your pardon?
I beg your pardon?
I believe every word of their story...
I believe I've earned it.
I brought a change of clothes and some personal items.
I brought Downey some comic books he was asking for.
I called Colonel Fitzhughes in Quantico, Virginia.
I called Colonel Fitzhughes in Quantico, Virginia.
I can sew the costumes. Maybe his Uncle Goober can be the judge.
I can't believe they let you wear a uniform.
I did my job. I'd do it again.
I did not see the need to trample on a man's grave.
I do.
I don't believe it.
I don't care if they called the Avon lady. They killed a Marine.
I don't give a shit.
I don't know what any of that means, but it sounds pretty bad.
I don't know what the hell kind of unit you're running here.
I don't know why I'm agreeing to this.
I don't like the whites.
I don't think so.
I don't think your clients murdered anyone.
I don't understand.
I don't understand. Colonel Jessup said he ordered the Code Red.
I don't understand. You're admitting evidence of a flight that never existed.
I don't want money, and I don't want medals.
I eat breakfast 300 yards from 4,000 Cubans who are trained to kill me.
I felt his life might be in danger once word of the letter got out.
I gave her a call like you asked.
I gave it its due attention.
I get paid no matter how much time you spend in jail.
I get sick when I fly because I'm afraid of crashing into a large mountain.
I give orders every day
I got a stack of papers on my desk about a mile high.
I got it on the record.
I got some oregano. I hear that works pretty good.
I got the tower chiefís log from that night. Jessupís telling the truth.
I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom.
I have just one more question before I call Airmen O'Malley and Rodriguez.
I have many men in my charge. I write many reports.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself...
I have no more questions, Your Honor.
I have no responsibilities here whatsoever.
I have to take these men over to personnel for some paperwork.
I have two books at my bedside
I hold here the Marine Outline for Recruit Training.
I just need it for the file.
I just want to show it could've been something other than poison.
I just wasn't sure the witness was aware that two days ago...
I knew your son vaguely, which is to say I knew his name.
I know the law!
I know what I said! I don't have to have it read back to me.
I know what it means. When?
I mean, I guess I'll take it. I'll take it.
I need an answer to my question, sir.
I need to shake him, put him on the defensive...
I need you.
I never had the chance to interview him, so I don't know what he saw.
I never mentioned Kendrick. I don't even know who he is.
I once had my driver's license suspended.
I personally give each man a thorough physical examination.
I promise you Division will assign the right man for the job.
I remember thinking very highly of Private Bell
I represent the United States government without passion or prejudice.
I run my unit how I run my unit.
I said, "Grave danger?" You said, "Is there any other kind?"
I see you convincing them, and I think Dawson and Downey...
I see.
I still think we can win.
I suppose it's way too much to hope...
I tell you I discourage the practice...
I think he wants to say that he made a command decision, and that's the end.
I think he would've liked that an awful lot.
I think he's pissed off that he's got to hide from us.
I think he's pretty much of a weasel myself...
I think Kendrick ordered the Code Red, and so do you.
I think my father wouldíve enjoyed seeing me graduate from law school.
I think she's getting ready to say her first word any day now.
I think that's a mistake, Colonel.
I think youíre an exceptional lawyer.
I thought she might like to have dinner tonight.
I thought this Code Red shit wasn't going on anymore.
I told the men that we had an informer among us...
I understand Captain Ross is planning on calling all the other members...
I understand we had some trouble over the weekend down in Cuba?
I understand you had a meeting with your men that afternoon.
I wanna know what we're going to do about this.
I want to go over the doctor again.
I want to slam dunk this guy.
I want you to acknowledge that the judge advocate has made you aware...
I want you to know that I'm proud neither of what I've done or am doing.
I want you to stand up and make an argument.
I wanted to let him know that I would be in town.
I wanted to let him know that I would be in town.
I wanted to talk to you about Corporal Dawson and Private Downey.
I was a teenager. He spoke at my high school.
I was afraid I wouldn't be able to use the "liar, liar, pants on fire" defense.
I was assigned by Division.
I was brought to the hospital where I was told I just had heat exhaustion.
I was just gonna tell you to wear matching socks tomorrow.
I was just wondering why two guys have been locked up...
I was ordered to give him a Code Red by the platoon commander...
I was thinking it sounded an awful lot like a Code Red.
I was William's executive officer.
I was wondering if How youíd feel about my taking you to dinner tonight?
I wasn't strong enough to stop it.
I watch the court members. They respond to you. They like you.
I wore utilities on the plane.
I would rather you just said thank you and went on your way.
I'd appreciate it if youíd address me as "colonel" or "sir. "
I'd be delighted to hear any suggestions that you might have, sir.
I'd choose you any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
I'd like a copy of the transfer order, sir.
I'd like to admit them as defense exhibits Alpha and Bravo.
I'd like to request a recess in order to confer with my client.
I'd like you to leave the room so we can talk about you behind your back.
I'd say he was about average.
I'll bet he bores the shit out of the neighbors and relatives.
I'll bet he is.
I'll call you back.
I'll do my best.
I'll get the logbook from Andrews.
I'll get them to drop the conspiracy and conduct unbecoming.
I'll have you disbarred.
I'll put on a pot of coffee. We've got a long night's work ahead.
I'll see you around campus. I gotta go arrest Kendrick.
I'll see you in court, counselor.
I'll see you tomorrow morning at the arraignment.
I'll talk to you when I get back.
I'll tell you what. We'll get back to that one in a minute.
I'm a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy...
I'm a Marine stationed at Marine barracks...
I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently...
I'm appalled, sir.
I'm aware of my oath.
I'm being charged with a crime? Is that what this is?
I'm Corporal Barnes. I'm to escort you to the windward side of the base.
I'm Daniel Kaffee. This is Sam Weinberg.
I'm getting my second wind. Sit down, both of you.
I'm going to Cuba with you tomorrow.
I'm gonna charge him with possession and being under the influence on duty.
I'm gonna check you into a motel. We are gonna start from the beginning.
I'm gonna get on a plane and go on back to my base.
I'm gonna get you a deal, some kind of immunity with the prosecutor.
I'm gonna give you the 12 years.
I'm gonna go call my wife. I'll see you tonight.
I'm gonna put Jessup on the stand.
I'm gonna rip the eyes out of your head and piss in your dead skull!
I'm implying simply that at present Colonel Markinson is not alive.
I'm just wondering if you still need me.
I'm just wondering if youíve ever heard the term "Code Red. "
I'm lead counsel. This is Sam Weinberg.
I'm Lieutenant Commander Galloway here to see Captain West.
I'm Louden Downey's attorney.
I'm not gonna feel responsible for this. I did everything I could.
I'm not gonna hold his hand on the way. I wanna get him a new lawyer. How?
I'm not Markinson.
I'm not saying this to intimidate you. I'm being your lawyer here.
I'm not through with my examination. Sit down.
I'm pacing myself.
I'm quite certain I've earned it. Take your seat, Colonel.
I'm requesting
I'm sexually aroused, Commander.
I'm sorry I lost your set of steak knives.
I'm sorry to bother you. I should've called first.
I'm sorry. I was expecting someone older.
I'm special counsel for Internal Affairs...
I'm special counsel for Internal Affairs...
I'm sure I don't.
I'm sure it is, sir. They keep that log pretty good.
I'm sure it was lovely for Private Bell.
I'm sure it was.
I'm sure that's the thing to do.
I'm the only friend you've got.
I'm willing to provide you with information about
I'm writing to inform you of my problems with my unit here in Cuba...
I'm your friend, and I don't think your clients belong in jail...
I've asked them to join us. Sit down, please.
I've been so advised.
I've been trying to track down a Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Markinson.
I've done something wrong again, haven't I?
I've fallen out on runs before for several reasons...
I've got medical reports and Chinese food. I say we eat first.
I've heard the term, yes.
If a court decides that what we did was wrong...
If a person had a coronary disorder...
If he had a problem, he should have spoken to me, sir.
If I called the other 478 Marines at Guantanamo Bay to testify...
If I had a coronary condition and a clean rag was placed in my mouth...
If I were Dawson and Downey and I had a choice...
If I were directly involved with the case.
If it please the court, the government calls Mr. R.C. McGuire.
If Lieutenant Kendrick gave an order...
If thatís the situation, that's fine. I won't tell anyone.
If the government is willing to concede that none of them...
If the muscles and other cells of the body burn sugar...
If there was something I could do about that, I would.
If we work at it, we can get Dawson charged with the Kennedy assassination.
If you feel like he's not gonna say it...
If you feel like it's not gonna happen...
If you feel there are any details that I'm missing...
If you like me, I won't make you say it.
If you think you can't get him, yeah.
If you walk away from this now, you've sealed their fate.
Ignored the order?
In about four days, you'll appear as a witness and tell what you know.
In accordance with the commander's directive.
In exchange for a transfer.
In Internal Affairs she can crawl up a lawyer's ass with the best of them.
In light of the defense Lieutenant Kaffee is planning to mount...
In other words, I have no responsibilities here whatsoever.
In short, Captain, I'd like to suggest that...
In the hands of a lesser attorney, that would be a problem.
In the hope that the mere appearance of impropriety will win him points.
In the matter of U.S. v. Dawson and Downey.
In the seventh. San Diego leads. Braves try to comeback.
In this courtroom, his opinion is not considered speculation.
In your barracks room at 1620, am I right?
Instead of oxygen, lactic acid is produced.
Investigation of this incident might embarrass the Security Council guy?
Involuntary manslaughter, two years, they're home in six months.
Is call some witnesses who will talk about implied orders.
Is gonna try and pull off a little magic act here.
Is that correct?
Is that how it works? "Objection overruled. "
Is the barracks C.O., Colonel Nathan Jessup.
Is the colonel's underwear a matter of national security?
Is the exact same story youíre gonna hear from Lance Corporal Dawson...
Is the government ready to call its first witness?
Is the smear a high ranking Marine officer...
Is there anyone in this command you don't either drink or play ball with?
Is there no book, no manual or pamphlet, no set of orders or regulations...
It arrived at Andrews Air Force Base at a few minutes past 2:00.
It doesn't matter that he didn't hear it firsthand.
It doesn't matter what I believe.
It doesn't matter what they knew. Any decent human being would have refused
It had to be Professor Plum in the library with a candlestick.
It only matters what I can prove.
It was 'cause it was over 100 degrees, and my palms were sweaty...
It was a little funny.
It was oregano, Dave. It was $10 worth of oregano.
It wasn't because of vengeance or hatred.
It wasn't to kill or harm, and it wasn't because they were looking for kicks.
It would have to be a very serious condition.
It's a court martial!
It's a lifetime at exotic Fort Leavenworth.
It's all right, Danny. I know you don't have a good excuse...
It's because it was what they were ordered to do.
It's my recommendation, sir, that Lieutenant Kaffee be reprimanded...
It's not like he hanged himself by his shoelaces...
It's not possible?
It's nothing. It's a hockey season.
It's on its way, and it is now 10 to 10.
It's over.
It's possible.
It's the big white house with the pillars in front.
It's your code.
Jack Ross came to see me today. He offered me the 12 years.
JAG Corps insists that we interview all the relevant witnesses.
Jefferson v. Madison County School District.
Jessup is about to be appointed director of operations for the Security Council.
Jessup was gonna keep him on the base. He said he wanted him trained.
Jessup's statement that the 6:00 a. m. flight was the first available is a lie.
Jesus Christ, Kaffee, you're in the Navy, for crying out loud.
Jo, get in the car. Joanne, please get in the car.
Jo, go do...
Jo, I think
Jo, if you ever speak to a client of mine again without my permission...
Jo, pick up a carton of legal pads, half a dozen boxes of red and black pens.
Jo, talk to doctors. Find out everything there is to know about lactic acidosis.
Jo, we're gonna lose, and we're gonna lose huge.
Joanne, you're coming dangerously close to the textbook definition...
John will take you out and show you what you want to see.
John, go on out there and get those boys down off the fence.
John, that's all. Why don't we meet at the "O" club and have lunch...
John, this man's dad once made a lot of enemies down in your neck of the woods.
Just down in Gitmo
Just flip to the page of the book that discusses Code Reds.
Just laying low till you can get out and get a real job.
Just make a motion tomorrow morning at the arraignment.
Just not crazy about boats.
Just take the night off. Go see your wife, your daughter.
Kaffee will have this done in about four days.
Kaffee, I got people to answer to just like you do. I'm gonna charge him.
Keep your eyes open, your chances of catching it increase by a factor often.
Keeping his barracks in disorder. Falling back on a run.
Kirby racing. He wonít get there.
Lance Corporal Dawson and Private First Class Downey.
Lance Corporal Dawson disobeyed an order.
Lance Corporal Dawson was given a below average rating...
Lance Corporal Dawson's been charged with a number of crimes.
Lance Corporal Dawson's ranking after the school of infantry was perfect.
Lance Corporal Harold W. Dawson, United States Marine Corps...
Lance Corporal's claiming that his mirror was about to fire at him.
Last chance. I'll flip you for it.
Least of all the Harvard mouth in his faggoty white uniform.
Let me say that again.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's hope, for Dawson and Downey, you practice law better than play softball.
Let's pretend for a minute that it would actually matter...
Let's put Jessup on the stand and end this thing!
Let's transfer the whole squad off the base.
Let's transfer the whole Windward Division off the base.
Lieutenant Commander Galloway.
Lieutenant Jonathan James Kendrick.
Lieutenant Kaffee will have a long and prosperous career...
Lieutenant Kaffee, I have to ask you to state your question.
Lieutenant Kaffee, that's not in the book, sir.
Lieutenant Kaffee.
Lieutenant Kendrick came to our room, ma'am.
Lieutenant Kendrick order a Code Red?
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