All aircraft report
Be careful it's a trap
Brace yourselves!
Check your G diffuser system
Do a barrel roll
Don't go dying on me
Don't relax we're not done yet
Get out of my way
Happy you did it
He's quick be careful
Here comes a big one
Hey einstein i'm on your side
Hey leave me alone
Hold still and let me shoot you
Huh what
I got you now
I won't let you get away from me!
I'll check it out
I'll do my best and russ won't have his way with me
I'll go it alone from here
I'm coming
I'm fine, I'm fine
I'm on it
I'm on my way
I've taken a few hits but i'm OK
It's quiet too quiet
It's time for us to go now
Jeez can anyone take care of it
Just shoot it, Fox!
Let me get a piece of that action fox
Let me watch out bogey on your tail
Let's have a little fun
Never give up, trust your instincts
Oh no
OK i've been saved by fox house well
Please quit moving around
Say your prayers and ross
She slow ways what is that
So this is the secret weapon
Somethings wrong with the G diffuser
Sorry to jet but i'm in a hurry
Star Fox 64 Sounds Sound
The barrel roll press Z or R twice
There you go
These guys don't quit
They're on me, I'm getting careless
Things are starting to heat up
This baby can pick temperatures up to nine thousand degrees
This brings back memories of your dad
This is happy all system
This is horrible
Time does show the monkees who's boss
Too late came over pal
Try a somersault
Use bombs wisely
Use the break
What the heck is that
What's the big idea box
Will be here i'm OK
Wow help me
Yeah it's working
Yeah yeah
You wanna pizza me
You'll be sorry punk
You're becoming more like your father