And remember. We care. from RoboCop Soundboard
Anything you say may be used against you. from RoboCop Soundboard
Bitches Leave #get out #leave now from RoboCop Soundboard
But from RoboCop Soundboard
But that don't jerk me off, but people jerk me off and I cuddle. You want to see. from RoboCop Soundboard
Can you fly, Bobby? from RoboCop Soundboard
Can You Fly, Bobby? #kurtwood smith #death scene #can you fly from RoboCop Soundboard
Clarence boddicker. from RoboCop Soundboard
Com. from RoboCop Soundboard
Come on, Sal. Tigers are playing tonight. from RoboCop Soundboard
Come quietly or there will be trouble. from RoboCop Soundboard
Come quietly or there will be trouble. Fuck you. from RoboCop Soundboard
Cops don't like me, so I don't like cops. from RoboCop Soundboard
Dead or alive you're coming with me #robocop #dead or alive #youre coming with me #stop #stop there #under arrest from RoboCop Soundboard
Dead or Alive You're Coming with me. from RoboCop Soundboard
Dick from RoboCop Soundboard
Drop it. from RoboCop Soundboard
ED 209 20 second to comply from RoboCop Soundboard
Excuse me, I have to go somewhere there is a crime happening. from RoboCop Soundboard
Excuse me, I have to go somewhere there is a crime happening. from RoboCop Soundboard
Fart circuit. from RoboCop Soundboard
For a dollar. from RoboCop Soundboard
Fuck you. from RoboCop Soundboard
Go ahead and do it. from RoboCop Soundboard
Goodnight. from RoboCop Soundboard
Ha ha ha! from RoboCop Soundboard
I bet that really pisses you off. from RoboCop Soundboard
I don't have time for this bullshit #no time #bs #pointless #stupid #cut the crap from RoboCop Soundboard
I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I'm just not making myself clear. from RoboCop Soundboard
I don't want to fuck with you, son. from RoboCop Soundboard
I fucking love that guy. from RoboCop Soundboard
I know you. You're dead. We killed you. We killed you. from RoboCop Soundboard
I like it Robocop from RoboCop Soundboard
I like it! from RoboCop Soundboard
I like it! #like it #love it #cool #awesome #sounds good #perfect #reaction from RoboCop Soundboard
I present to you.. from RoboCop Soundboard
I'd Buy that for a Dollar #cheap #sale #value from RoboCop Soundboard
I'd buy that for a dollar. from RoboCop Soundboard
I'll buy that for a dollar. from RoboCop Soundboard
I'm sure you are. from RoboCop Soundboard
I'm very disappointed. from RoboCop Soundboard
Iβd Buy That for a Dollar #bet #deal #value #bixby #sale #bargain #black friday #cyber monday #clearance #dollar menu #cheap #cost #purchase from RoboCop Soundboard
It's. from RoboCop Soundboard
Keep him talking. from RoboCop Soundboard
Modify. Zip this. from RoboCop Soundboard
Murphy. from RoboCop Soundboard
Nice shooting, son. What's your name? Murphy. from RoboCop Soundboard
Nininininininininininininininininini! from RoboCop Soundboard
No, no, no, no, no. from RoboCop Soundboard
No. from RoboCop Soundboard
OK, punzo. from RoboCop Soundboard
OK. from RoboCop Soundboard
Protect the innocent. from RoboCop Soundboard
Put down your weapon. You have 14 seconds to comply. from RoboCop Soundboard
Put down your weapons. You have 20 seconds to comply. from RoboCop Soundboard
Risa malos de robocop from RoboCop Soundboard
Risa malos de robocop 2 from RoboCop Soundboard
Risa viejo de la tele robocop from RoboCop Soundboard
Robo excuse me, Robo, any special message for all the kids watching at home? from RoboCop Soundboard
RObocop from RoboCop Soundboard
Robocop from RoboCop Soundboard
Robocop from RoboCop Soundboard
Robocop = Tman from RoboCop Soundboard
Robocop gun sling from RoboCop Soundboard
Robocop gun sling 2 from RoboCop Soundboard
Robocop la concha de tu madre from RoboCop Soundboard
RoboCop Mk11 Scream from RoboCop Soundboard
RoboCop Soundboard Sound from RoboCop Soundboard
RoboCop Soundboard Sound from RoboCop Soundboard
See, I got this problem. Cops don't like me, so I don't like cops. from RoboCop Soundboard
Serve the public trust. from RoboCop Soundboard
Serve the public trust. Protect the innocent. Uphold the law. from RoboCop Soundboard
Sorry, sarge. Fucked up. Forget it, kid. This guy's a serious asshole. from RoboCop Soundboard
Stay out of trouble. from RoboCop Soundboard
Thank you for your cooperation #thanks for cooperating from RoboCop Soundboard
Thank you for your cooperation. Good night. from RoboCop Soundboard
Thank you. from RoboCop Soundboard
That are alive, you are coming with me. from RoboCop Soundboard
That are alive, you're coming with me. from RoboCop Soundboard
This fixes everything. from RoboCop Soundboard
Uphold the law. from RoboCop Soundboard
We killed you! #i thought we killed you #you were dead #i know you #youre dead #back from the dead from RoboCop Soundboard
Well, give the man a hand. from RoboCop Soundboard
Well, what have we here? from RoboCop Soundboard
What is this shit? from RoboCop Soundboard
What the fuck? from RoboCop Soundboard
Where is Clarence bottiger? from RoboCop Soundboard
Where's your partner? Where's your partner? from RoboCop Soundboard
Who are you doing? To dream, searching Lord. from RoboCop Soundboard
Who are you? from RoboCop Soundboard
Who are you? from RoboCop Soundboard
Why don't you let us take over from here and meal? from RoboCop Soundboard
Why you gotta be some kind of? from RoboCop Soundboard
Yes. from RoboCop Soundboard
Yes. I am a cop. from RoboCop Soundboard
You are under arrest. from RoboCop Soundboard
You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. from RoboCop Soundboard
You Cocksucker, I work for Dick Jones from RoboCop Soundboard
You have 20 seconds to comply. from RoboCop Soundboard
You have the right to an attorney. from RoboCop Soundboard
You know how 15 seconds to conquer. from RoboCop Soundboard
You probably don't think I'm a very nice guy. from RoboCop Soundboard
You want to live forever? from RoboCop Soundboard
You'll have 15 seconds. from RoboCop Soundboard
You're gonna be a bad motherfucker. from RoboCop Soundboard
You're gonna be a bad motherfucker. from RoboCop Soundboard
Your move, creep #shot in balls #shot in nuts #your turn from RoboCop Soundboard
Your move, creep. from RoboCop Soundboard
Your move, creep. from RoboCop Soundboard
Γ. from RoboCop Soundboard
Γ. from RoboCop Soundboard
Γ. Γ. from RoboCop Soundboard