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Top Gun (1986) Soundboard

Top Gun (1986) Soundboard

Top Gun (1986) is an iconic American action drama film directed by Tony Scott. Starring Tom Cruise as Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, this movie takes us on a thrill ride through the adrenaline-fueled world of Navy fighter pilots.

Set in the elite Naval Fighter Weapons School, known as Top Gun, Maverick is a talented but reckless pilot always pushing the limits. Alongside his best friend and co-pilot, Goose (Anthony Edwards), they navigate the dangerous skies of their training exercises, vying for the coveted title of Top Gun.

The cast of Top Gun also includes Kelly McGillis as Charlie, a beautiful astrophysicist who catches Maverick's eye, and Val Kilmer as the equally skilled but arrogant rival pilot, Iceman. With their intense dogfights, exhilarating aerial stunts, and potent mix of camaraderie and rivalry, the movie has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide.

Top Gun is renowned for its groundbreaking aerial sequences, offering an unmatched cinematic experience. The high-flying action, combined with a pulsating soundtrack, propelled this film to legendary status. The soundtrack features iconic songs like "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins, "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin, and "Playing with the Boys" by Kenny Loggins, which add an extra layer of excitement and emotion to the story.

If you're a fan of these unforgettable tunes, you can find and download the Top Gun soundtrack by following the link provided. There, you can relive the unforgettable moments of this movie through its incredible music.

As we follow Maverick's journey, we witness his inner struggle to balance his desire for greatness with his fear of losing those he cares about. This gripping narrative, paired with remarkable performances by the talented cast, brings the characters to life and leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

Top Gun proved to be a massive success upon its release in 1986, grossing over $356 million worldwide. It also earned an Academy Award for Best Original Song for "Take My Breath Away," as well as nominations for Best Film Editing and Best Sound.

Beyond its commercial success, Top Gun became a cultural phenomenon, launching Tom Cruise's career into the stratosphere and inspiring a new generation of young pilots. Its influence on pop culture is still felt today, with references and homages in numerous films, TV shows, and songs.

Whether you're an aviation enthusiast, a lover of action films, or simply enjoy a good coming-of-age story, Top Gun is a must-watch classic. With its thrilling aerial battles, captivating characters, and an unforgettable soundtrack, this movie continues to entertain and inspire audiences over three decades after its release.

So, if you're looking for an electrifying cinematic experience, why not take a trip back to 1986 and soar into the wild blue yonder with Top Gun? You can play and download the sounds of this legendary film by visiting the link provided and reliving the adrenaline rush whenever you like. Get ready for an epic journey and let the Maverick inside you take flight!

A good pilot is compelled to always evaluate what's happened so he can apply what he's learned
A rescue operation is to begin within the hour your mission is to give air support to that rescue
A rolling reversal would work well in that situation
Actually I came in here to save you from making a big mistake with that older guy really so I could go on to a bigger one with a young guy like yourself
Admiral's daughter
Air speed 300 go get him mav
Air speed is still increasing
Aircraft one performs a split s
All right freeze frame
All right gentlemen we have a hop to take
All right talk to me goose
All right thank you carole i'm gonna go embarrass myself with goose for a while
All right what's their position a hundred and eighty miles at bearing 010 sir
All right you got a bogey at 2 o'clock low maverick
All right, Jester, I'll give you a run for your money here.
All right! all right! all right all right
All right! yes!
Altitude 8000 7000
An old friend
And although we're not at war we must always act as though we are at war
And broke a major rule of engagement
And I just don't want anyone to know that i've fallen for you
And if you don't give me a call i'll fly with you
And it doesn't bleed energy below 300 knots like the mig 28
And let's not bullshit maverick your family name ain't the best in the navy
And maverick you back them up with merlin on ready five yes sir
And second
And the second
And then I thought about it
And they have the option to come back here to be top gun instructors
And you asshole you're lucky to be here thank you sir
And you you always go home with the hot women
Any of you boys seen an aircraft carrier around here
Approaching 110 miles sir
Are we supposed to have visitors today negative sir
Are you a good pilot
At what range no about two meters it was actually about one and a half I think it was one and a half
Baby baby I get down on my knees for you
Banking left banking left
Better to retire and save your aircraft than push a bad position
Bingo maverick's dead you're out of there kid shit
Bingo! wash that sucker yeah!
Blinds please
Bogeys like fireflies all over the sky
Bogies like fireflies all over the sky
Bogies' air speed 650 we're a little close together let's take a wider split
Both catapults are broken we can't launch any aircraft yet sir
Break left! i'm hit! i'm hit! we're coming apart! I can't control it! hold on! zero for twenty! we're going down!
Break now jester
Break right!
Bring it back hard right help me engage
Bullshit ten minutes this thing will be over in two minutes get on it!
Bullshit you can be mine
Bullshit. You can be mine.
But at that speed, it's too fast. It's a little bit too aggressive.
But he'd have flown anyway without you
But I held something back
But I wasn't gonna leave without saying goodbye
But if I reversed on a hard cross I could immediately go to guns on them
But if the government trusts me maybe you could
But it's like every time we go up there it's like you're flying against a ghost
But not her she just sit up there alone just listening hours just listening
But please understand I still have a job to do
But she's lost that loving feeling she's lost
But there will be others you can count on it
But who the hell knows it's all classified
But you better listen to her because the pentagon listens to her about your proficiency
But you can be my wingman anytime.
But you remember one thing you screw up just this much you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of hong kong
By the end of vietnam that ratio was back up to 12 to 1
Can I get you a drink or anything else like that no thank you
Charlie jump in here anytime
Come around come around that's it that's it
Come in
Come off high right ice i'm in
Come on baby
Come on baby come on baby
Come on bring it right
Come on brother sing with the family
Come on buddy pull up pull up cougar
Come on come on come on
Come on come on come on keep coming keep coming!
Come on come on jesus christ
Come on god damn it
Come on he told me all about the time you went ballistic with penny benjamin
Come on ice get the hell out of there
Come on ice get the hell out of there!
Come on jester let's see if I can give you a run for your money here
Come on kid come on get in there engage
Come on kid hang in there
Come on let's get back in the game maverick! come on! get in there maverick!
Come on lock up baby lock up baby lock up I got him locked bingo
Come on mav a bet's a bet
Come on mav do some of that pilot shit
Come on mav four to seven let's get them those guys are animals
Come on mav keep coming
Come on mav let's get in there! come on mav!
Come on mav we're getting low on gas let's land this sucker
Come on we can take them
Come on we got to help ice
Come on we've seen this before
Come on where you guys going you walking away we won we won
Come on, baby.
Come on, goddamn it.
Come on! maverick! what the hell are you doing
Come on. Jesus Christ, Ice. Take the shot. Get the hell out of there.
Coming in ice coming in
Coming in ice i'm coming in
Commander mike metcalf callsign viper
Communicating keeping up foreign relations I was you know giving him the bird you know the finger
Congratulations on top gun thank you
Congratulations thank you
Congratulations thank you sir
Congratulations thanks mav
Contact multiple bogies 165
Cougar and merlin and maverick and goose
Cougar he's got missile lock on us get away from this guy
Cougar i'm gonna go head to head with him
Cougar it is time to land let's do it
Cougar this is maverick
Cougar was doing just fine uh huh
Cougar we got to land this thing we are way low on gas you understand me
Cougar we're running low on gas we got to get out of here cougar
Cougar you hear that
Cougar you're well below glide path three quarters of a mile call the ball
Cougar you've got mig one i'm going after mig two
Cougar your tail is clear mig one's bugged out
Cougar, come on!
Cougar, we've got to land this thing. We are way low on gas.
Crash and burn huh mav
Crashed and burned on the first one it wasn't pretty
Damn it
Damn it I missed!
Damn this kid's good
Dead ahead now 8 miles
Did he well that's great
Do not fire until fired upon
Doesn't he ever embarrass you goose hell no
Don't let him go keep on him mav keep on him
Don't screw around with me maverick
Don't tease me
Don't worry goose don't worry
Don't you leave me maverick
During korea the navy kill ratio was 12 to 1 we shot down 12 of their jets for every one of ours during vietnam that ratio fell to 3 to 1
Easy cougar
Easy cougar just a walk in the park buddy
Easy, Cougar. Just a walk in the park, buddy.
Eight hundred knots dead ahead now 8 miles
Either obey them or you're history is that clear
Eject! eject! eject!
Engine one is out
Engine two is out!
Even though the other side denies the incident
Even though the other side denies the incident, congratulations.
Every encounter is gonna be much more difficult
Everybody liked him
Except you did forget the wine oh sorry
Excuse me lieutenant ls there something wrong
Excuse me may I please
Excuse me miss
Excuse me sir yes this is not personal but with regard to maverick is he the best backup that l know what's on your mind kazansky just get on it
Excuse me something I should know about
Excuse me, sir. This is not personal.
Fire or clear!
First one dies you die too
First place iceman second place maverick just two points behind
First you've acquired enough points to show up tomorrow and graduate with your top gun class
Five more seconds
Flies by the seat of his pants completely unpredictable
Follow me
For five weeks you're gonna fly against the best fighter pilots in the world
Freeze there please
Gentlemen good luck gentlemen thank you sir thank you
Gentlemen I hate to break up the party before it really gets out of hand but there is work to be done
Gentlemen this is bull's eye
Gentlemen this is hop 19
Gentlemen this is the real thing this is what you've been trained for
Gentlemen this is your first hop
Gentlemen this school is about combat
Gentlemen you are the top one percent of all naval aviators
Gentlemen you had a hell of a first day
Get a bearing on hollywood and wolfman and launch the rescue helicopter immediately
Get a bearing on Hollywood and Wolfman. Launch the rescue helicopter.
Get control mav! get control!
Get him on deck as soon as possible he's got to be low on fuel
Get him up flying soon
Get him up flying, soon.
Get in there maverick! he won't last down there alone! get in the fight for christ's sake! maverick! maverick!
Get in there maverick! you can't leave him!
Get out of here
Get out of there hollywood! get out of there goddamn it!
Get your butts above the hard deck and return to base
Get your butts above the hard deck and return to base immediately
Ghost rider take angels ten left 30
Ghost rider this is strike
Ghost rider you are instructed to land land immediately
Go fetch him. Doesn't he ever embarrass you?
God buttnose!
God damn it
God damn it maverick
God damn it maverick!
God damn it mustang this is ghost rider one one seven this bogey's all over me
God damn it this bogey's all over me
God damn it! maverick's disengaging! I knew it! shit!
God damn that guy
God damn you maverick
God he loved flying with you maverick
God help us
God I want him back
God, he loved flying with you, Maverick.
Goddamn son of a bitch
Goddamn that guy
Good morning gentlemen the temperature's 110 degrees
Good recovery mav
Good tone i'm taking a shot fire!
Good tone i've got good tone i've got tone! i've got tone! firing!
Goodness gracious great balls of fire
Goodness gracious great balls of fire (2)
Goodness gracious great balls of fire (3)
Goose cougar's in trouble
Goose even you could get laid in a place like this
Goose find viper he's out there somewhere
Goose hollywood's okay I want viper
Goose i'm losing control i'm losing control I can't control it it won't recover shit
Goose i've had about enough of this shit
Goose is dead I know
Goose she's lost it
Goose there they are right below us
Goose there's viper 3 o'clock low
Goose where's he going
Goose you see a trailer negative merlin
Goose you're gonna have to punch us out I can't reach the ejection handle eject i'm trying! i'm trying!
Goose you're such a dickhead
Goose! goose!
Got them dead ahead 15 miles air speed is 600 knots
Gotta be hard on the guy though you know
Great balls of fire
Great balls of fire.
Great he's probably saying holy shit it's maverick and goose
Great mav real slick
Great that would be very very comfortable yeah it could be
Great then I won't have to worry about you making your living as a singer
Guess you guys are lucky and famous no you mean notorious
Gutsiest move I ever saw man
Hard deck my ass
He and I were like brothers in flight school
He can't get back in the saddle won't engage
He disappeared in an f 4 november 5th 1965
He flies ice cold. No mistakes.
He got you didn't he yeah
He has a chance to bug out right here
He is 100 percent prime time in love with you
He overshot!
He overshot! he overshot!
He proceeded below the hard deck. We were below for just a few seconds.
He saw me move in for the kill
He tells me about all of them maverick uh huh
He then proceeded below the hard deck
He was a good man still is a good man
He was a natural heroic son of a bitch that one
He was my rio my responsibility
He'd have hated it but he would've done it
He's coming around he's coming around on our tail
He's coming right at us
He's drifting to the left
He's firing!
He's firing! break left! break left!
He's firing! break right!
He's going for the hard deck let's get down there first and nail him mav
He's going vertical so am i
He's gonna fire he's gonna fire!
He's got a radar lock on us!
He's got missile lock on me do I have permission to fire
He's probably saying, "Holy shit, it's Maverick and Goose."
He's still back there he's closing in on us he's closing fast
He's still coming around! he's gonna get behind us!
He's too close for missiles goose i'm switching to guns
Hell no man we got our butts kicked
Hello pete mitchell
Hello we will be dealing with f 5s and a 4s as our mig simulators
Here's our chance it's a big one goose
Hey goose you big stud!
Hey hey hey don't worry i'll take care of this
Hey hey slider
Hey man we could've had him hey we could've had him man!
Hey maverick yeah
Hey mother goose how's it going good tom this is pete mitchell tom kazansky
Hey where the hell are you going
Hi it's wolfman
Hi! daddy!
Higher! higher! higher damn it!
His f 4 was hit he was wounded but he could've made it back he stayed in it saved three planes before he bought it
His fitness report says it all he's a wild card
Ho I see them tallyho right 2 o'clock i'm in i'm in
Ho! holy shit!
Hollywood my bogey's still locked up
Hollywood we're losing viper let's just stay on jester
Hollywood wolfman yes sir
Hollywood yes sir
Hollywood you're looking good i'm going after viper
Hollywood you've got the lead i'll cover you
Holy shit
Holy shit it's viper viper's up here great
Holy shit there's two of them
Holy shit we're head to head I can't believe we're doing this
Holy shit. We're head to head.
How come I never heard that before
How does it feel to be on the front page of every newspaper in the english speaking world
How long have you two been doing this act oh I don't know since puberty right puberty
How long it'll take ten minutes
How my little angel goose goes home early for church
How you doing i'm all right
How's that lieutenant
However the mig 28 does have a problem with its inverted flight tanks it won't do a negative g pushover
I can hold my own
I can see it's dangerous for you
I can see it's dangerous for you. But if the government trusts me...
I can't believe you said that that was a secret no
I can't get him off my tail!
I can't get the angle i'm too close for missiles i'm switching to guns
I can't get the angle. I'm too close. I'm switching to guns.
I can't hear you
I can't leave ice
I can't shoot this son of a bitch let's see if we can have a little fun with him
I didn't tell her that yes you did yes you did
I don't know but it's looking good so far
I don't know I just don't know
I don't know i'll tell you tomorrow but it's looking good so far
I don't know it just it just doesn't seem fair for you I mean
I don't know what happened up there but I was so scared
I don't know what the hell went wrong
I feel the need the need for speed the need for speed
I flew with your old man vf 51 the oriskany
I got a family to think about I can't afford to blow this
I got a good lock firing
I got him I got him he's on our tail coming hard
I got him I got him here comes a shot
I got him mav one mig passing between us
I got him! I got him! he's right on us! he's between our tails!
I got him. He's on our tail.
I got so sick of it
I got some things I got to take care of
I got to be straight with you mav
I got to do something here I still can't believe it
I got to give you your dream shot i'm gonna send you up against the best
I got to send somebody from this squadron to miramar
I got two migs dead ahead
I got you now
I guess I kind of figured with your security clearance you'd know more about him than I do
I had the shot there was no danger so I took it
I hate it when she does that shit
I have to send you up against the best. You characters are going to Top Gun
I heard that about you you like to work alone
I heard the best of the best were gonna be back here so
I heard you got that job in washington congratulations thanks
I know but you were tempted to ask me out for dinner no no
I like that in a pilot
I lost him goose
I lost him i'm looking i'm looking
I lost him in the sun
I love that song
I love that song. That's a new approach. How long have you been doing this act?
I mean first the mig and then you guys slide into cougar's spot
I need another 20 seconds then i've got it
I really enjoyed that mav thanks a lot
I said to hollywood where'd he go hollywood just said where'd who go
I see some real genius in your flying maverick but I can't say that in there
I see some real genius in your flying, but I can't say that in there
I see them I see them i'm gonna take them down the left side
I still got him he's still back there
I think maybe it was my fault
I thought of being an instructor sir
I thought you know charlie he's a smart guy
I thought, "You know, he's a smart guy."
I told her how tough it is here
I told her that you didn't even have a woman here oh really you know what she said said oh he probably doesn't have one he's got eight
I want some butts!
I want somebody's butt I want it now i've had it
I was afraid that everyone in that tacts trailer would see right through me
I will fire when I am goddamn good and ready! you got that
I would love to be able to warn you off about maverick but I just love him to death
I'd like to bust your butt but I can't I got another problem here
I'd like to help I know it's difficult
I'll be here if you need me okay
I'll be there in 30 seconds
I'll get a visual id cougar you hook him
I'll i'll have what he's having hemlock is it ice water
I'll see you later you can count on it
I'm an instructor at this school I see 20 new hotshots every eight weeks
I'm bringing him in closer merlin
I'm charlotte blackwood
I'm getting a little low on fuel so we're heading home
I'm getting low on fuel, so we're heading home.
I'm glad we got that straight
I'm going after them i'm bringing it around to the left
I'm going after them. I'm bringing it around to the left.
I'm going for it i'm going for the shot right now
I'm going for missile lock
I'm gonna be honest with you
I'm gonna break high and right see if he's really alone
I'm gonna hit the brakes he'll fly right by
I'm gonna hit the brakes he'll fly right by (2)
I'm gonna need a beer to put these flames out yo!
I'm gonna take a shower
I'm here to help
I'm hit! i'm hit!
I'm just wondering who's the best
I'm maneuvering for a shot
I'm maverick maverick did your mother not like you or something
I'm moving in i've got the shot
I'm not leaving my wingman
I'm off shit!
I'm on his tail i'm on his tail i'm going for it
I'm on his tail. I'm going for the shot right now
I'm on my way
I'm on your left side a little low
I'm pinned forward goose I can't reach the ejection handle
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for being direct
I'm sorry I hate it when it does that i'm sorry excuse me
I'm sorry I was late
I'm sorry you're sorry come on
I'm telling you i'd be happy to find a girl who'd talk dirty to me
I'm trying for this big promotion at work and if I get it i'm not gonna be here much longer
I've got a great polaroid of it he's right there it must be one and a half it was a nice picture
I've got him inbound bogey heading 270
I've got my eye on the northern bogey
I've got radar lock
I've got to be at work very early in the morning
I've got you now!
I've never seen that approach
Ice come off high right i'm in
Ice fire or clear
Ice i've got your mig dead ahead i've got him dead ahead
Ice is in trouble!
Ice is right below us he's got a mig on his tail
Ice on the count of three break hard right three two one break right!
Ice slider yo
Ice take the shot
Ice that bogey's still behind you
Ice watch out there's a mig to your right he's firing!
Ice we got a problem here
Ice yes sir
Iceman what's your position 090 at 180 miles
If they break 150 miles launch the alert five aircraft yes sir
If you don't mind i'm i'm gonna just take a quick shower while you're finishing up here
If you witness a hostile act you will return fire
In case some of you wonder who the best is they're up here on this plaque on the wall
In my squadron in vietnam we lost eight of 18 aircraft ten men
Increase power some more power!
Is that right
Is that right that is right
Is that why you fly the way you do trying to prove something
Is that why you're always second best up there
Is this your idea of fun mav
It looks like you need another shower right
It makes me nervous
It seems to me you've got it all figured out yeah
It takes a lot more than just fancy flying
It was a long cruise was it sailor it was too long
It's all yours charlie thank you
It's coupling up mav! we're out of control this is not good! this is not good!
It's mr iceman to you
It's not good it it doesn't look good
It's okay both engines are functioning we're okay
It's only been a few days
It's the mig the mig
It's your option lieutenant all yours
Jamie come on
Jeez I crack myself up
Jester's dead jester's dead yee haw!
Jesus christ
Jesus christ (2)
Jesus christ! and you think i'm reckless!
Jesus this guy's good
Just a walk in the park kazansky
Just one more game that evens it up
Just remember when it's over out there we're all on the same team
Just wanna serve my country be the best fighter pilot in the navy sir!
Just wears you down you get bored frustrated do something stupid and he's got you
Keep sending him up
Keeping up foreign relations.
Launch maverick on alert five
Launch the alert fighters
Let's do it mav
Let's go home viper has the lead
Let's go okay ice yeah
Let's go! go!
Let's see if we can scare this guy out of here
Let's see what you've got now jester
Let's take it back to the ship man come on cougar
Lieutenant (2)
Lieutenant I have top secret clearance
Lieutenant lieutenant
Lieutenant mitchell is restored to flight status without further delay
Lieutenant mitchell's record will be cleared of this incident
Lieutenant what were you doing there communicating
Lieutenant why didn't you tell me that you were a famous mig insulter
Lieutenant yeah what no singing
Listen can I ask you a personal question
Listen i've seen all the evidence and it's not your responsibility it's not your fault
Look at this! jesus christ I can take a shot right here!
Look at you you're not gonna be happy unless you're going mach 2 with your hair on fire you know that
Look i'm i'm
Look lieutenant i'd just really like to hear about the mig sometime
Look man I know it's tough for you
Look thank you but if I wanted help really I would have asked for it
Looks like he's a single
Mav come on
Mav don't leave him
Mav mav come on man
Mav we got a little problem up here that mig really screwed him up I don't think he can make it back
Mav you have the number of that truck driving school we saw on tv truck master I think it is I might need that
Mav you must've soloed under a lucky star huh
Mav you want to know who the best is that's him iceman
Maverick and goose
Maverick check the guys to the north! check the guys to the north!
Maverick get down here and get this asshole off me
Maverick get in there for christ's sake!
Maverick goose come in here
Maverick how about some help down here where the hell are you
Maverick how about some help engage goddamn it!
Maverick I flew with his old man
Maverick i'm curious
Maverick it's not your flying it's your attitude
Maverick makes an aggressive vertical move here comes over the top and he defeats the bandit with a missile shot
Maverick move! there's a mig on your tail! there's a mig on your tail!
Maverick sir
Maverick we got a mig coming around on our tail! we got to get out of here!
Maverick we got a mig on our tail
Maverick we're hit! we're hit again!
Maverick would you go fetch him
Maverick you and goose get your butts out of that flight gear and up to viper's office now
Maverick you big stud take me to bed or lose me forever
Maverick you just did an incredibly brave thing
Maverick you'll get your rio when you get to the ship
Maverick you're at three quarters of a mile call the ball
Maverick... It's not your flying, it's your attitude.
Maverick's airborne
Maverick's getting impatient ice come on take the shot
Maverick's reengaging sir
Maverick's supersonic
Maverick's up and ready in alert five good good
Maybe I could learn how to be a truck driver
Maybe no
Mayday mayday mav's in trouble he's in a flat spin he's heading out to sea
Merlin see if he's a single
Merlin you got him
Mig 28s no one's been this close before
Mitchell i'm sorry about goose
Moment of choice
Morning scott morning vince morning wells morning sir hi
Morning sir morning
Mother goose you pussy!
Move it!
Move it!
Move your ass! get up here! i'm engaged with five repeat five i'm in deep shit!
Multiple aircraft multiple bogies
Mustang mustang this is ghost rider 203
Mustang this is maverick mig two is headed home
Mustang this is maverick requesting flyby
Mustang this is voodoo one we are totally defensive
Mustang this is voodoo three
Mustang when you get the chance can you give me a mode four check
My folks loved it I haven't heard this in years
My mother used to call down from her room and have me play this over and over again I got so sick of it
My mother used to call from her room and have me play this over and over
My old man was a great fighter pilot
My options sir
My review of your flight performance in the tacts was right on in my professional opinion
My review of your flight performance was right on
My review of your performance was right on, in my professional opinion.
My wife and kid sir I almost orphaned him today and i've never even seen him
Negative ghost rider the pattern is full
Nice going
No actually we've only done this twice
No apologies
No apologies (2)
No he was man it was a really great move he was inverted
No I actually had had this counter in mind
No I don't date students
No I think I can figure that one out on my own
No it's me laughing dickhead
No it's my callsign
No it's no good it's no good
No it's over it's just over
No no below the hard deck does not count
No no mav this is not a good idea
No no no no there's two o's in goose boys
No problem good luck
No she hasn't yes she has she has not lost that
No sir i'm holding on too tight i've lost the edge i'm sorry sir i'm sorry
No way goose he'd have fired by now he's just trying to piss us off
No way jester you're mine
No way, Jester. You're mine.
No we can we got it
No we did we got jester
No you don't understand
No, she hasn't. She has not lost...
Now i'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our commanding officer at top gun
Now i'm breaking out four aircraft on the radar not one pair two pair repeat four bogies
Now i'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your ass lieutenant
Now i'm sure you can figure that out
Now on each combat sequence you're gonna meet a different challenge
Now that's not something the state department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map
Now then as most of you know the f 5 doesn't have the thrust to weight ratio that the mig 28 has
Now then this is a perfect example of a textbook maneuver
Now top gun was created to teach a c m air combat maneuvering dog fighting
Now we don't make policy here gentlemen elected officials civilians do that
Now what is it with you
Now you stay in that diamond another three seconds the bogey's gonna blow you out of the sky
Now you'll also be trained and evaluated by a few civilian specialists
Oh good serve good serve
Oh how'd you do
Oh i'll be with you in just a second okay
Oh jesus oh you kill me you really do
Oh my god
Oh no! oh! oh god! oh god! oh god oh
Oh shit
Oh shit!
Oh you don't think I know that
Oh you shut up okay
Oh, God.
Oh! god damn it! that's twice
Okay buddy what's on your mind
Okay fake block stay down we'll just take them okay
Okay gentlemen this is hop 31
Okay I guess it's my turn isn't it all right the bet is $20 $20 right
Okay I see them two a 4s left 10 o'clock level continue left turn
Okay knock it off gentlemen
Okay let's get in there
Okay mav let's turn and burn
Okay sidewinder missile selected
Okay well don't be late again
Okay well why don't you just thank you very much make yourself comfortable because mike will be right down okay great thank you
Okay wood i'm taking the lead let's identify them
Okay wood let's bring it to the right and we'll get a better angle on them
Okay you guys i'm coming in!
Okay you're mine
Okay, sidewinder missile selected. Come on, baby
On each combat sequence you're gonna meet a different challenge.
One mig 12 o'clock high! one mig 12 o'clock high!
One of the most qualified is our tagrep callsign charlie
Or you can quit there'd be no disgrace
Our pilots become dependent upon missiles they had lost some of their dogfighting skills
Penny benjamin
Ready willard and simkin off cats three and four
Ready Willard and Simkin.
Really you sure you sure you're feeling okay with everything oh I feel great
Remaining migs are bugging out
Remember boys no points for second place
Right now I just hope we graduate
Rock 'n' roll
Roger (2)
Roger and i'll clean him and fry him
Roger ball
Roger engaged
Roger I got him contact 20 left at 30 miles nine hundred knots closure
Roger I got the southern guy
Roger i'm on him
Roger i've got radar contact
Roger ice you got the lead
Roger maverick has the ball
Roger that's your bogey
Say you need any help with what you figured it out yet
Scratch four!
Scratch three!
Second, Maverick, two points behind.
Sector two
See you in preflight
Seems to me you've got it all figured out.
She died shortly after him
She has a ph d in astrophysics and she's also a civilian contractor so you do not salute her
Shit (2)
Shit ice I can't get a tone
Shit that was close!
Shit there's jester
Shit we just flew right through his jet wash
Shit what's he doing
Shit! he's gonna get a lock on us!
Shoot maverick! I can't get him off my tail!
Show me the way home honey
Show me the way home, honey.
Show me what you got kid
Sir cougar you should be in sickbay what's on your mind
Sir let go of him you got to let him go sir
Sir! I had commander heatherly in my sights
Sit down
Six we're at six mav
Slider you stink
So he did do it right yeah he did it right
So he did do it right.
So i'm too late you've already left
So lieutenant where exactly were you
So long pete mitchell
So maverick goose tells me you're in love with one of your instructors
So you think I should quit I didn't say that
So you were there I was there
So you're flying with iceman
So you're the one yes ma'am
Some of you have to depart immediately we have a crisis situation
Somebody must know yeah somebody knows everything
Son your ego is writing checks your body can't cash
Sorry goose
Sorry goose but it's time to buzz the tower
Sorry to bother you on a sunday sir but thank you very much for your time
Sorry to hear about cougar
Stand by viper's coming down
Stay with him mav stay with him!
Stay with hollywood mav we're covering his wing
Stay with hollywood mav we're his cover
Stick with me stick with me
Still maneuvering course 090
Strike four!
Take care of just one more game please for me
Take it easy maverick I don't like this shit
Take me to bed or lose me forever
Take the shot kid take the shot
Take the shot! nail him! nail him!
Talk to me goose
Talk to me goose (2)
Talk to me goose (3)
Tell me one thing if you had to go into battle would you want him with you
Ten more seconds then i've got him