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Home > Wraith King - Dota Soundboard
A Fine Fealty
A Fine Show Of Obedience
A Kings Ascension
A Prince No Longer
A Wondrous Prize
Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ah Scepter
Alert The Heralds Im Back
All Mine
All To Ashes
An Acceptable Show Of Loyalty
Another Paltry Offering
Another Subject For The Wraith King
Armlet Of Mordiggian
As I Will It
As If I Need More Of This But Ill Take It
As You Advise
Assault Cuirass
At My Word
Back Again
Bad Peasant
Be About It
Be Not Timid
Behold My Reach Extends
Behold The Wraith
Behold Your King
Best Death Yet
Black King Bar
Blast It All
Blast You
Blink Dagger
Blink Dagger Surprise
Bow Before Me
Bow To Your King
But But
But But But
But Im The King
By Any Measure
By My Crown
By My Decree
Come At Me I Beg You
Come Lets Be About It
Come Now
Come On And Kill Me
Comes Now The King Of Wraiths
Consider Yourself Quashed
Crown Me Twice Shame On You
Dead Again
Deal With It
Death By Decrees
Death Has No Grip On Me
Death Is My Witch
Did I Give You Permission To Fall
Die Peasant
Dig My Grave And Ill Put You In It
Divine Rapier
Do Your Worst Ill Not Resist
Dont Get Up
Dont Question It Just Let It Roll
Double Damage
Eh Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Eh He He He He
Even A Wraith Must Seek Renewal
Even Wraiths Have Coffers
Every Coin Counts
Execute All My Advisors
Fall Upon Them
First Blood
First Blood Should Go To Your King
Flee While You Can
Flesh And Bone Both Are A Hindrance
For The King
For The Treasury
Force Staff
Fresh From The Grave
Give To Your King
Go To
Good Day Peasant
Good Grief
Good Thing Im Already A Wraith
Guys Guys
Has Any King Ever Had A Shorter Reign
Haste In Everything But Judgment
Heart Of Tarrasque
Heavens Halberd
How Comes A Wraith To Die
I Am A Patient King
I Am Legend
I Am Your Liege
I Claim The Armlet
I Dare You
I Decree You Deceased
I Dont Believe This
I Dont Like Where This Is Going
I Have A Storeroom Full Of These
I Have Dreamed Of This Day
I Left No Heirs
I Merely Release The Wraith Within
I Miss My Bones
I Need Better Counsel
I Now Have All The Sexy
I Rise Again
I Scarce Recall The Kingdom
I Should Have Chosen A Queen
I Walk Among You
I Want It All
Id Empty Every Treasury For This
Ill Be Right Back Wait What
Ill Consider It
Ill Help My Weak And Puny Allies
Ill Make Wraiths Of You All
Ill Not Be So Easily Dispatched
Ill Take That
Ill Take That As A Compliment
Im Always At My Best
Im At Your Fancy
Im Not Ready
Im Your Once And Future Thing
In The Name Of The King
Issue A Proclamation
Its A King Thing
Its Not Time Yet
Its Wraith King Not Rage King
Just Try Me
Keep Your Thoughts To Yourself
Kill Me
Killing Abaddon
Killing Arc Warden
Killing Death Prophet
Killing Doom
Killing Dragon Knight
Killing Earth Spirit
Killing Elder Titan
Killing Ember Spirit
Killing Legion Commander
Killing Oracle
Killing Phoenix
Killing Queen Of Pain
Killing Sand King
Killing Shadow Shaman
Killing Skywrath Mage
Killing Techies
Killing Terrorblade
Killing Troll Warlord
Killing Underlord
Killing Undying
Killing Warlock
Killing Weaver
Killing Winter Wyvern
King Am I Of All The Wraiths
King Me
Kingdom Without A King Just Dom
Long Live The Wraith King
Lord Have Mercy I Think Not
Meeting Chaos Knight
Meeting Death Prophet
Meeting Earth Spirit
Meeting Lifestealer
Meeting Oracle
Meeting Phoenix
Meeting Pudge
Meeting Queen Of Pain
Meeting Sand King
Meeting Terrorblade
Meeting Underlord
Meeting Undying
Meeting Windranger
Mine To Claim
My Kingdom Is In Every Way Improved
My Next Coronation
My Reign In Ruins
My Second Incarnation
My Subjects Will Be Glad To Hear My Voice
My Throne Grows Cold
Nipped That Coup In The Bud
No Bones About It
No Mana
No No No
No Resurrection
No Trouble Beating Me Down Dog
Not Enough Mana
Not Yet
Now For Your Co Conspirators
Now Its Someone Elses Turn To Die
Now Your King Is Balling Out Of Control
Obey Me
Oh Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Oh Ho Ho Ho Ho Ha Ha
Oh No
Oh The Irony Is Rich
Once More With Screaming
Out Of Mana
Poor Timing
Prostrate Yourself
Prostrate Yourself Oh Good You Did
Purer Than Flesh
Put Me Out Of My Misery
Rebirth Is Out Of Reach
Refresher Orb
Shizzy Wizard
So This Is How It Ends
So What If I Swagger
Soon Perhaps Ill Choose A Queen
Still I Rise
Submit To The Wraith Kings Rule
Such Disrespect
Take A Knee Peasant
Thank You Peasant
That Was A Brief Interregnum
That Was My Last Raw Nerve
The Age Of Kings Has Ended
The First Kingdom Seems Like A Fever
The Kingdoms Gone To Hell While I Was Away
The Ossuaries Of The First Regime
The Wraith Can Wait
The Wraith Is Deathless
The Wraith King Reigns Again
The Wraith King Uncrowned
The Wraith Returns
The Wraith War Begins
The Wrath Of A Wraith
There Are Wraiths Among You
Theres Been A Coup
Third Times A Curse
This Is Gonna Hurt
This Is Regicide
This Is Truly The Game Of Kings
This Makes No Sense
This One Is In The Bag
This Will Be A Jewel To My Crown
Three Rs Refresher Rapier And Wraith
Tis I
Tis Not Your Time
Tis The Third Reign Of The Wraith King
Tis Your Honor
Too Soon
Tut Tut
Uh Uh
Uh Uh Uh Uh Ah
Very Nice
Very Well I Accept Your Surrender
Vladmirs Offering
Wah Ha Ha Ha Ha
War Is Torn
Was That Some Sort Of Misguided Tribute
We Are Grateful
We Are In Agreement
Welcome To All My New Subjects
Well Lead As Three Kings
What Are You Afraid Of
What Sort Of King Am I
Whats A King Without His Scepter
Where Once Was Bone
Who Dares Look Upon The Wraith
Who Will Lead My Kingdom Now
Whos Idea Was That
Whos In Charge Here
Wise Counsel
Would It Not Please You To Cut Me Down
Wraith King
Wraith King Bar
Wraiths Your King Is Here
Yeah Heh Heh Hes
You Are In My Presence
You Can Buy A Lot Of Allies With These
You Cant Kill A King Whos Dead
You Come To A Bad End
You Have Done The Kingdom A Service
You Rat
Your Flesh Falls Your Spirit Bows To Me
Your King Incarnates
Your King Moves Of His Own Accord
Your King Requires
Your King Thanks You
Your King Unseen
Your Life Is Spent
Your Once And Future King Is Crowned
Youve Never Known War