A letter, if you please. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
A. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Ah, not the wedge we were looking for. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
All right, you got $2000, Charlie, what you got? from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
All the vowels are gone. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
And it's a prize puzzle on top of that. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
And it's also a prize puzzle, so wow, a lot going on here. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
And it's turned to star. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
And our first spinner will be. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
And the category is. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Anybody else? from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Before and after. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Choose a letter in the puzzle to pick up that wild card. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Come on, big money. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Congratulations, you've won some prizes and all that cash as well. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Did you say? from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Easy. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Everybody's doing well, but who will go to the bonus round? We'll find out after this. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Good night everybody. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Good start with $1000. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Got the $2000 and they'll be spinning shortly, Charlie. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Great game. Good night, everyone. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Hello. Thank you, Charlie. Thank you very much. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Hi, how you doing? We want to give away money. Right now it's toss up time, our first puzzle of the night. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
I gotta go talk to these folks. See you in a minute. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
I wish we could have given you that $1,000,000 but your winnings are still impressive. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
I'll see you at the end of the show. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
I'm afraid that's incorrect. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
I'm afraid you're going to have to give that $1,000,000 wedge back. Better luck next time. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
I'm sorry you couldn't solve the puzzle successfully. After all the consonants were used. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
I'm sorry, no one solved the puzzle successfully after all the consonants were used. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Is going to spin. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Is making use of their wild card. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
It's a car. Congratulations. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Jackpot. This is your chance. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Jays. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Keep it going. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
L. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Let's look at the stats. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Looks like we have a tie. The two of you will play one last toss up to decide our big winner. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Maybe next time. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Missed out on the jackpot. Sorry. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Movie title. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
No one won the right to go first, so you will. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
No, sorry. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
No. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Nope, sorry. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Ohh out of time. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
OK, Vanna, have a safe trip to the puzzle board. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
OK, you're going to try to solve the puzzle. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Ooh, very nice. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Police say a consonant. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Q. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Remember that you have the wild card. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Remember, you have to guess a letter and solve the puzzle to win the jackpot. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
RTLM E are there any of those out there? Vanna? from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
RTLM E Vanna. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
She got both toss ups. That brings you up to $3000. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Since nobody won the toss up, you'll be starting. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
So was this what you actually wanted to say? from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Solve the puzzle to claim the jackpot. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Solved the last puzzle. Congratulations. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Somebody else want to give it a try? from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Sorry you had to win this round to keep the $1,000,000 wedge. It was just not meant to be. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Sorry you've used all your turns. Game over. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Sorry, you can't take those prizes home now. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Sorry, your time's up. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Spin. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Streaming#836 (PAT TOSS RING from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Taking the safe route with $1000 per letter. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Tell me what vowel you'd like to guess. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Thank you, Charlie. Hi, folks. Thank you very much. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Thanks for playing. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
That bankrupt means you'll lose the $1,000,000 wedge. Sorry. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
There's going to take the $1000 per letter. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
V. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Vowels are worth nothing, but you still have the seconds. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Vowels can really help out, but no money for them. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
We have a House minimum of $1000, so we'll give you that. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
We have to split up now. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
We need a letter. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
We start with you, a letter. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
We'll be back with more wheel of Fortune right after this. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
We've got a solution attempt here. Let's see how it goes. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
We've still got a lot of stuff to give away. We'll spread it all around, come on back. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Welcome back. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Welcome back. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Welcome everybody, to Wheel of Fortune. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
What do you have? from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Will be trying to solve the puzzle. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Wow. Jackpot. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
Yes, there is an. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You also managed to snag the wild card. That'll be useful. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You also want a prize which is now viewable in the extras menu. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You also want to prize use it to dress your avatar in the Avatar creator. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You can stop anytime. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You didn't win at this time. Here's what you would have won. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You ended up in second place, but still with a tidy sum there. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You have to give up your prize. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You have to give up your prizes. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You have turns to try to solve the puzzle. Every time you guess or solve incorrectly, or land on a penalty wedge, you lose a turn. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You've managed to bring the $1,000,000 wedge all this way to the bonus round. Will you get it? Only time will tell. Spin that wheel. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You've unlocked a fantastic new stage. Choose it in the stage select screen to play in this new location. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
You've won the money in your bank and $10,000 good work. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
1. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
3. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
7. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
8. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
65. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
200. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
250. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
2500. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
5000. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)
6000. from Pat Sajak - Wheel of Fortune - Voices (Wii)