All finished with this area? You got all the puzzle pieces. Now let's get out of here before there's an alien invasion or something. Happy to be finally leaving this place. I always get sand in my ... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Alright, looks like you got a handle on this. I'm gonna take a break and go play some serious Sam. Yeah, that was a shameless plug. This is me not giving it tooth. It's an awesome game and I hear t... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
And once again, you're just proven how stupid you really are. I can't stand watching you fail this badly. Go try another puzzle. You can come back to this one later. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
And the monkey continues to dance. I gotta admit, I honestly didn't expect you to make it this far. I suppose you're expecting an explanation. Tough luck. I'm bored. There's a bunch of doorways wit... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Another one. Great. Took you long enough you think you could speed things up a bit. I haven't got all day here. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Attention player, you have reached the edge of the map. There is nothing out here. Do not attempt to break the map. Do not attempt to slip through the cracks. Do not attempt to glitch the program. ... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Behold, child, you are risen. Nah, that's not really my style. Dance monkey, you don't even know why you're here, do you? Tell you what. If you can find my temple, I might let you know what's going... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Bill Owens is that like a boss and you didn't even have to do any gladiatorial combat. You may think you're smart, but if you want to impress me, you need to face off in the arena against Ragnar th... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Check out the big brain on the dancing monkey. Nice work. You collected all the pieces in this area. Don't let it go to your head. You're smarter than I gave you credit for, but smart don't mean no... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Check out the laser splitting box jumping puzzle solving bad boy over here. Yeah, you. Who else would I be talking to? Ain't nobody else around here. Kinda easy to be a tough guy when you don't hav... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Choose something that we can write on your tooth. No poop jokes, please. Not like that last guy. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Come closer your bananas on the other side. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Congratulations, you won the game. Just a SEC. Let me find that end movie. I know it's around here somewhere. Nope. No. That's not it. Where the hell is that video file? Ohh, look here. Somebody ma... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Did you join Milton's fan club? I warned you. Now I'll just keep sending you a jammer. Enlargement spam. Well, it's your mess. You clean it up. You can still get eternal life if you solve enough pu... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Do what I say and you get eternal life. Don't and you get machine gun. Your choice. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Don't you get it, man? What are you trying to do? You're blowing the whole thing up. That's it. No more puzzles. No more challenges. You're gonna sacrifice everything here because what? Because you... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Don't you get it? We're both video game characters. If you go up there, it's game over, man. Game over. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Dude. Dude, take a break. You're messing with forces you don't understand. I mean, I don't understand them either, but what I do understand is that the game will end if you keep going. Do you reall... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Everyone, and I mean everyone, is the same. We're all scared and insecure creatures. Sometimes we mask that with boasting, but deep down we all want to make some kind of human connection. We all ha... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Finally, you got all the pieces that you need. Now make your way to the temple. It's the big room with the. I'll bloody hell you'll know it when you get there. Move along now. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Game over, man. Game over. Now get out of my sight, you damn crazy monkey. Weren't your banana. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Good job, kiddo. You collected enough Tetris pieces to unlock the Gates of eternity. You remember where those are, right? Big glowy doors? Yeah, go there now. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Had to get rid of that guy. Wouldn't want anyone thinking we were sharing assets between games or anything. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Have you been on that blasted computer again? What is it with you kids today in your social media and your instant messaging? Why don't you go outside and play, get some fresh air, solve some puzzl... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Having a hard time figuring this one out. Yeah, you're stupid. It's starting to show. Maybe you should go try another push. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
He's just a dude inside a computer inside a simulation. He can't be that hard to kill. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Hey, what do you think you're doing? Maybe your tiny monkey brain didn't get the hint earlier. Don't climb the friggin tower. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Hey. Where did you go? Did you find the invisibility ring? I thought that was in a different game. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Holy rolled up casseroles. You actually did it. You went into the tower. Ohh the stones on this guy. I'm actually starting to like you, but you really shouldn't have gone there. You might want to c... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
How many games are in your library that you've left unfinished? Do you give up when things get hard? You put things away when they no longer amuse you. I guess that's the point of games amusement. ... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
I can't find you. Where are you, monkey? This is a puzzle game, not hide and seek. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
I'm glad you finally shut that guy up. Those questions, man. They just really drive me nuts, and he never gives you any decent answers to pick from either. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
If you get stuck in a puzzle, which I'm sure you will, these altars can help you, but you have to unlock them first. Good luck with that. It's like an inception of puzzles. You have to solve the pu... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
If you keep going, you'll screw up the whole game. I'll kick you out. You're not gonna come back. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
If you want to double your play time, go on, try and get those pesky little stars. I'll stand here and watch. Wake me up when you get one. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
In this world, you're alone. There's nobody out there to help you, nobody to share your struggles with. You know it up in your face, each challenge with nobody but yourself to blame for your failur... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Is this what you want? Really, you want the game to end? Don't you still have things to unlock and explore? Are you really ready for this all to be over? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
It was supposed to end like this, but I guess even serious Sam wants to live forever. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
It's nice and tranquil up here. It's kind of like digital heaven. I always found heaven kind of boring. All the interesting people end up in hell anyway. Try not to break anything while you're here... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Jesus Christ Alan, I thought you passed this glitch in beta. Hold on, let me fix this server. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Jesus, who wrote this script? Alas, my brother and the inevitable March towards oblivion continues. The tide of darkness will consume all in its path to the consummation, indeed within the wretched... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Just step into the disintegration beat, I mean. Step into the teleporter. Yeah, it's a teleporter. That's it. No, really, it's a teleporter. I'm just messing with you. Ready to energize, captain. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Just. Just stop trying. This is taking too long. It's almost painful watching you. Try to think. Maybe you should leave this one and try another. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Let me ask you a question you don't have to answer. It's purely rhetorical. How do you define fun? Do you like blowing stuff up? What if there were, say, a video game with no guns, nothing to destr... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Life can be tough. A cold, heartless void. We all spend our lives looking for some kind of deeper meaning on some level. The sick truth is that there's no meaning, no ultimate purpose. That's a bit... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Listen to me for a second. You really want this game to be over, huh? I mean, this is pretty fun, right? I make puzzles, you solve them, I say cool sounding stuff, and we both feel smart. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Look around. All this is just a distraction. It's a pretty distraction, but a distraction nonetheless. What are you hiding from running through this pretty garden, ignoring the beauty that's all ar... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Look at you still here. Still persevering against mindless imaginary obstacles? You're looking for purpose. You seek meaning and reason. You're trying in vain to find rationality in the face of imp... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Look at you, you were a regular puzzle solving monkey. You did great here in this demo, and there's a lot more to come in the full version. Go ahead and pick it up. You can even have a banana when ... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Look, I know you're curious and all, but climbing this tower is a really, really bad idea. I'm starting to like you, honest. And I don't want to see you do something stupid. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Look, just banish him, OK? I'm getting sick of this guy. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Look, look, there ain't no bananas at the top of this tree. All the bananas are back in the garden. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Man, you worked really hard to get here, OK? You can be one of my messengers. It's a great honor. You'll take care of my paperwork and bring me coffee. But Are you sure you're ready for this? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Mr. Smith, Mr. Wesson, glad you could make it. Where do you screaming for the paint? Hasn't even started yet. That's a lot of bull. What are you waiting for? A1 liner? Time to inflict some serious ... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Nothing is ever as it appears on the surface. I guess that's the lesson I want you to take away from all this. You're playing the Talos Principle, a game made by Crow team. You got this add-on pack... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Now where in the hell did that come from? Carry on. Nothing to see here. Move along now. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Ohh hey you can unlock the elevator now. What do you want? A cookie or something? Go on. I hear there's bananas on one of the floors. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Ohh hey you got the thing. I bet you feel real proud of yourself, huh? You made a few lucky guesses. Don't let it go to your head. We've just barely got started. You've still got a long way to go. ... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Ohh hey, one more thing is you're moving around, doing puzzles and checking out the scenery. You might notice a giant tower. I'm supposed to warn you about that? Actually. You should go there. It's... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Ohh man that was hilarious. Do it again. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Ohh now you did it. You're starting to really tick me off. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Ohh, for pity's sake, Egypt again. I freaking hate this place. Come on, Crow team, how about a little originality? How many times have we done Ancient Egypt now? Nothing but dusty old tombs and sand? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Ohh, this is becoming painful to watch. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
OK, now you're about to watch a 42nd long cut scene where nothing exciting happens. Wow. This is one good background music track. I should probably sing along. Damn, I should have learned some Lati... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Our time here is nearing an end. I'm actually kind of proud of. You've come a lot further than most, frankly, you're owning. Don't let it go to your head though. This is just one game amongst thous... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Seriously, stop with the social network. Why do you feel the need to friend everyone who talks back to you? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Shoe Monkey Scurry back down now. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Shut up, Milton. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
The game design document said you climb up here anyway, so there you go. You're being obedient, after all. Still thinking it was your choice? Was it really? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
There are other endings you know. There are a lot easier. How about you try those? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
This area looks kind of familiar. Seems like I've been here once before in fact. You could say this was my second encounter with this area. Seems a lot more hospitable this time. Yes, that was anot... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Those big, impressive doors at the end of the hall, you see those? That is your goal, monkey. Once you collect all the puzzle pieces, you can just step right through and claim your bananas. Infinit... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Too bad there's no finite number of lives in this level, as I am now forced to watch your futile attempts. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Turn off the machine and stop embarrassing us all. Go out. Do something useful. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Two more to go. I'm impressed, not. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Very good. You figured out how to walk. Look around and find the Tetris pieces. Try not to die in the process. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Well, I hope you enjoyed our little game here and the additional voice pack and add-on content. That's it for now. Feel free to play through again. And don't forget to pick up serious Sam 4 coming ... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
What the hell is it with monkeys always wanting to climb stuff? You've been in the tower again, haven't you? Bad monkey, no banana. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
What the hell? I can't find that monkey anywhere. Did he quit the game or something? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Yay, you found all the pieces in this area. Congratulations. Here's your frigging cookie. Can we move on now? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Yeah, no. You haven't unlocked the hint system yet. Try something else. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Yeah, that should do it. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You already got that one Brady act. Pay attention. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You did it, and now I'm gonna reboot you. Seriously, what did you expect? Actual eternal life? I'm the only God around here, kiddo. You're just out flipping the process. Wonder what else spit out n... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You don't really need that one right now. What do you think this is, some kind of freaking game? Just just keep it. You might find a use for it later. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You know, there are a lot of fun things to do all over the place around here. Puzzles to solve, mysteries to find. The tower is really kind of boring by comparison. You don't want to go there. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You know, you really don't have to find all the puzzle pieces right now. You can come back here later. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You see that button next to you that says power on your computer? That would be a good time to just go ahead and press it. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You seem like the sort of person who can't take a hint, so I'll speak plainly. Don't climb the tower. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You solved another puzzle. I get it. I really do. There's a sense of accomplishment when a monkey fits a square peg in a square hole. The banana is imaginary, though. There's no real reward to be f... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You, my friend, have the potential to do great things. I mean that we've already established that every human on the planet is pretty much the same temporary blinks of insecurity, scratching out th... from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
You're stuck, aren't you? And the answer is so friggin obvious too. Why don't you go try another puzzle and come back to this one later? from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)
Yourself. Well. from Serious Sam - The Talos Principle - Voiceovers (PC - Computer)