Main Content
1. ambience#1 (sack race amb.wav)
2. ambience#10 (balloon pop.wav)
3. ambience#11 (applause medium 02.wav)
4. ambience#12 (cheer 01.wav)
5. ambience#13 (applause small 02.wav)
6. ambience#14 (room tone 01.wav)
7. ambience#15 (cheer 05.wav)
8. ambience#16 (reaction 03.wav)
9. ambience#17 (water balloon amb.wav)
10. ambience#18 (reaction 07.wav)
11. ambience#19 (applause medium 01.wav)
12. ambience#2 (reaction 09.wav)
13. ambience#20 (cheer 02.wav)
14. ambience#21 (reaction 04.wav)
15. ambience#22 (reaction 08.wav)
16. ambience#23 (room amb 01.wav)
17. ambience#24 (ui ambience.wav)
18. ambience#25 (kids talking amb 01.wav)
19. ambience#26 (cheer 03.wav)
20. ambience#27 (reaction 05.wav)
21. ambience#28 (reaction 01.wav)
22. ambience#3 (Birds.wav)
23. ambience#4 (kids party.wav)
24. ambience#5 (applause small 01.wav)
25. ambience#6 (cheer 04.wav)
26. ambience#7 (reaction 02.wav)
27. ambience#8 (kids amb 01.wav)
28. ambience#9 (reaction 06.wav)
29. balloon pop#1 (pop 3pt.wav)
30. balloon pop#2 (balloon pop.wav)
31. balloon pop#3 (pop 10pt.wav)
32. Bigs2Trailer
33. bug catcher#1 (bug 11.wav)
34. bug catcher#10 (bug 12.wav)
35. bug catcher#11 (bug 16.wav)
36. bug catcher#12 (net swish player4.wav)
37. bug catcher#13 (bug get player3.wav)
38. bug catcher#14 (bug 01.wav)
39. bug catcher#15 (bug 05.wav)
40. bug catcher#16 (bug 09.wav)
41. bug catcher#17 (bug 13.wav)
42. bug catcher#18 (bug 17.wav)
43. bug catcher#19 (net swish player3.wav)
44. bug catcher#2 (bug 03.wav)
45. bug catcher#20 (bug get player2.wav)
46. bug catcher#21 (bug 02.wav)
47. bug catcher#22 (bug 10.wav)
48. bug catcher#23 (bug 06.wav)
49. bug catcher#24 (bug 14.wav)
50. bug catcher#25 (bug 18.wav)
51. bug catcher#26 (net swish player2.wav)
52. bug catcher#27 (bug 20.wav)
53. bug catcher#28 (bug get player1.wav)
54. bug catcher#3 (bug 15.wav)
55. bug catcher#4 (bug 07.wav)
56. bug catcher#5 (bug 19.wav)
57. bug catcher#6 (net swish player1.wav)
58. bug catcher#7 (bug get player4.wav)
59. bug catcher#8 (bug 04.wav)
60. bug catcher#9 (bug 08.wav)
61. cake drop#1 (Cake Release 05.wav)
62. cake drop#10 (Cake Release 06.wav)
63. cake drop#2 (Cake Plop 04.wav)
64. cake drop#3 (Cake Plop 02.wav)
65. cake drop#4 (Cake Plop 03.wav)
66. cake drop#5 (Cake Plop 01.wav)
67. cake drop#6 (Cake Release 02.wav)
68. cake drop#7 (Cake Release 01.wav)
69. cake drop#8 (Cake Release 04.wav)
70. cake drop#9 (Cake Release 03.wav)
71. candle blow#1 (sparlker popup 02.wav)
72. candle blow#10 (bellows close 02.wav)
73. candle blow#2 (sparklers 01.wav)
74. candle blow#3 (sparlker popup 03.wav)
75. candle blow#4 (bellows close 03.wav)
76. candle blow#5 (bellows close 01.wav)
77. candle blow#6 (fire light 01.wav)
78. candle blow#7 (star slide 01.wav)
79. candle blow#8 (sparlker popup 01.wav)
80. candle blow#9 (bellows close 04.wav)
81. CarnivalTrailer
82. dialogue 2#1 (3.wav)
83. dialogue 2#10 (7.wav)
84. dialogue 2#11 (13.wav)
85. dialogue 2#12 (2.wav)
86. dialogue 2#13 (9.wav)
87. dialogue 2#14 (11.wav)
88. dialogue 2#15 (4.wav)
89. dialogue 2#2 (5.wav)
90. dialogue 2#3 (1.wav)
91. dialogue 2#4 (14.wav)
92. dialogue 2#5 (6.wav)
93. dialogue 2#6 (12.wav)
94. dialogue 2#7 (15.wav)
95. dialogue 2#8 (8.wav)
96. dialogue 2#9 (10.wav)
97. dialogue#1 (blowout welcome vo.wav)
98. dialogue#10 (reveal 11C.wav)
99. dialogue#100 (CandleBallExpressions 2.wav)
100. dialogue#101 (scribble gp 4.wav)
101. dialogue#102 (HotPotatoExpressions 1.wav)
102. dialogue#103 (GameResults WinnerB 3.wav)
103. dialogue#104 (reveal 3C.wav)
104. dialogue#105 (pinata gp 2.wav)
105. dialogue#106 (red green gp 4 2.wav)
106. dialogue#107 (hatmixer gp 1.wav)
107. dialogue#108 (reveal 0B.wav)
108. dialogue#109 (lazergremlins gp 2.wav)
109. dialogue#11 (rockclimber gp 1.wav)
110. dialogue#110 (CakeStackerExpressions 1.wav)
111. dialogue#111 (duncanB.wav)
112. dialogue#112 (red green welcome vo 2.wav)
113. dialogue#113 (sex select.wav)
114. dialogue#114 (vo 1.wav)
115. dialogue#115 (reveal 5A.wav)
116. dialogue#116 (Player4 readyB.wav)
117. dialogue#117 (sackrace gp 1.wav)
118. dialogue#118 (PinataExpressions 2.wav)
119. dialogue#119 (MusicManiaExpressions 4.wav)
120. dialogue#12 (RedLightExpressions 2.wav)
121. dialogue#120 (reveal 8B.wav)
122. dialogue#121 (bugcatcher vo.wav)
123. dialogue#122 (CandleBallExpressions 1.wav)
124. dialogue#123 (GameResults WinnerC 3.wav)
125. dialogue#124 (copycat vo.wav)
126. dialogue#125 (balloonpop gp 3.wav)
127. dialogue#126 (GameResults WinnerD G.wav)
128. dialogue#127 (SlingshotExpressions 3.wav)
129. dialogue#128 (BugCatcherExpressions 1.wav)
130. dialogue#129 (balloonpop vo.wav)
131. dialogue#13 (BlowoutExpressions 2.wav)
132. dialogue#130 (lazergremlins gp 1.wav)
133. dialogue#131 (MusicalChairsExpressions 2.wav)
134. dialogue#132 (duncanI.wav)
135. dialogue#133 (PlayerReadyCustom 2.wav)
136. dialogue#134 (PresentFrenzyExpressions 3.wav)
137. dialogue#135 (rockclimber welcome vo.wav)
138. dialogue#136 (GameResults WinnerE G.wav)
139. dialogue#137 (waterballoon welcome vo.wav)
140. dialogue#138 (cakestacker welcome vo.wav)
141. dialogue#139 (RedLight Intro.wav)
142. dialogue#14 (presentfrenzy gp 3.wav)
143. dialogue#140 (GameResults WinnerD 2.wav)
144. dialogue#141 (pinata welcome vo 2.wav)
145. dialogue#142 (reveal 11A.wav)
146. dialogue#143 (reveal 0A.wav)
147. dialogue#144 (pinata vo 2.wav)
148. dialogue#145 (sackrace vo.wav)
149. dialogue#146 (bugcatcher gp 1.wav)
150. dialogue#147 (pinthetail welcome vo.wav)
151. dialogue#148 (hamster vo 2.wav)
152. dialogue#149 (reveal 8A.wav)
153. dialogue#15 (red green gp 2.wav)
154. dialogue#150 (ScribbleExpressions 2.wav)
155. dialogue#151 (age girl vo.wav)
156. dialogue#152 (GameResults WinnerA 3.wav)
157. dialogue#153 (ok 2.wav)
158. dialogue#154 (Player1 readyB.wav)
159. dialogue#155 (GameResults WinnerB G.wav)
160. dialogue#156 (player ready custom play.wav)
161. dialogue#157 (reveal 15C.wav)
162. dialogue#158 (HatMixExpressions 2.wav)
163. dialogue#159 (Player1 ready.wav)
164. dialogue#16 (PresentFrenzyExpressions 2.wav)
165. dialogue#160 (sackrace welcome vo.wav)
166. dialogue#161 (reveal 6C.wav)
167. dialogue#162 (pinata gp 6.wav)
168. dialogue#163 (MusicalChairs Intro.wav)
169. dialogue#164 (hatmixer gp 5.wav)
170. dialogue#165 (reveal 7B.wav)
171. dialogue#166 (hotpotato vo.wav)
172. dialogue#167 (bugcatcher gp 4.wav)
173. dialogue#168 (reveal 12B.wav)
174. dialogue#169 (reveal 14A.wav)
175. dialogue#17 (reveal 15E.wav)
176. dialogue#170 (scribble gp 1.wav)
177. dialogue#171 (name entry girl.wav)
178. dialogue#172 (GameResults WinnerB 2.wav)
179. dialogue#173 (CopyCat Intro.wav)
180. dialogue#174 (player ready quick play.wav)
181. dialogue#175 (balloonpop gp 6.wav)
182. dialogue#176 (pinata gp 1.wav)
183. dialogue#177 (EveryonesReady vo 3.wav)
184. dialogue#178 (hatmixer gp 2.wav)
185. dialogue#179 (vo go.wav)
186. dialogue#18 (custom setup.wav)
187. dialogue#180 (lazergremlins gp 5.wav)
188. dialogue#181 (RoShamboExpressions 3.wav)
189. dialogue#182 (MusicManiaExpressions 1.wav)
190. dialogue#183 (GameResults WinnerC 2.wav)
191. dialogue#184 (reveal 2B.wav)
192. dialogue#185 (freeplay setup.wav)
193. dialogue#186 (balloonpop gp 4.wav)
194. dialogue#187 (SlingshotExpressions 2.wav)
195. dialogue#188 (reveal 7A.wav)
196. dialogue#189 (RoShamboExpressions 4.wav)
197. dialogue#19 (HatMixExpressions 4.wav)
198. dialogue#190 (duncanH.wav)
199. dialogue#191 (presentfrenzy gp 5.wav)
200. dialogue#192 (reveal 5C.wav)
201. dialogue#193 (GameResults WinnerA G.wav)
202. dialogue#194 (ok 6.wav)
203. dialogue#195 (reveal 10C.wav)
204. dialogue#196 (age boy vo.wav)
205. dialogue#197 (DonkeyStart vo.wav)
206. dialogue#198 (GameResults WinnerD 1.wav)
207. dialogue#199 (SlingshotExpressions 1.wav)
208. dialogue#2 (shapeshifter welcome vo.wav)
209. dialogue#20 (Player2 ready.wav)
210. dialogue#200 (reveal 11B.wav)
211. dialogue#201 (hatmixer gp 9.wav)
212. dialogue#202 (red green vo.wav)
213. dialogue#203 (RockClimberExpressions 1.wav)
214. dialogue#204 (randomavatar vo.wav)
215. dialogue#205 (shapeshifter gp 4.wav)
216. dialogue#206 (presentfrenzy welcome vo.wav)
217. dialogue#207 (reveal 13A.wav)
218. dialogue#208 (GameResults WinnerA 2.wav)
219. dialogue#209 (reveal 2A.wav)
220. dialogue#21 (reveal 10A.wav)
221. dialogue#210 (scribble gp 5.wav)
222. dialogue#211 (Player4 ready.wav)
223. dialogue#212 (cakestacker vo.wav)
224. dialogue#213 (lazergremlins welcome vo.wav)
225. dialogue#214 (reveal 15D.wav)
226. dialogue#215 (HatMixExpressions 1.wav)
227. dialogue#216 (musicmadness welcome vo.wav)
228. dialogue#217 (pinata gp 5.wav)
229. dialogue#218 (LazerGremlinExpressions 2.wav)
230. dialogue#219 (Player3 ready.wav)
231. dialogue#22 (CopyCatExpressions 2.wav)
232. dialogue#220 (roshambo vo.wav)
233. dialogue#221 (hatmixer gp 6.wav)
234. dialogue#222 (reveal 0C.wav)
235. dialogue#223 (duncanA.wav)
236. dialogue#224 (reveal 1B.wav)
237. dialogue#225 (vo 2.wav)
238. dialogue#226 (sackrace gp 2.wav)
239. dialogue#227 (reveal 8C.wav)
240. dialogue#228 (Donkeyendgame 1.wav)
241. dialogue#229 (themeselect.wav)
242. dialogue#23 (Player3 readyB.wav)
243. dialogue#230 (reveal 14B.wav)
244. dialogue#231 (pinata vo.wav)
245. dialogue#232 (scribble gp 2.wav)
246. dialogue#233 (HotPotatoExpressions 3.wav)
247. dialogue#234 (reveal 9B.wav)
248. dialogue#235 (GameResults WinnerB 1.wav)
249. dialogue#236 (hatmixer welcome vo.wav)
250. dialogue#237 (rockclimber gp 3.wav)
251. dialogue#238 (BugCatcherExpressions 2.wav)
252. dialogue#239 (pinata welcome vo.wav)
253. dialogue#24 (reveal 3A.wav)
254. dialogue#240 (EveryonesReady vo 2.wav)
255. dialogue#241 (Candleball intro.wav)
256. dialogue#242 (mainmenu idle vo.wav)
257. dialogue#243 (lazergremlins gp 4.wav)
258. dialogue#244 (MusicalChairsExpressions 3.wav)
259. dialogue#245 (CakeStackerExpressions 3.wav)
260. dialogue#246 (duncanD.wav)
261. dialogue#247 (presentfrenzy gp 1.wav)
262. dialogue#248 (PlayerReadyCustom 1.wav)
263. dialogue#249 (musicalchairs vo.wav)
264. dialogue#25 (blowout gp 2.wav)
265. dialogue#250 (guesswhat welcome vo.wav)
266. dialogue#251 (hotpotato gp 2.wav)
267. dialogue#252 (MusicManiaExpressions 2.wav)
268. dialogue#253 (GameResults WinnerC 1.wav)
269. dialogue#254 (waterballoon gp 1.wav)
270. dialogue#255 (blowout welcome vo 2.wav)
271. dialogue#256 (balloonpop gp 1.wav)
272. dialogue#257 (LazerGremlinExpressions 1.wav)
273. dialogue#258 (reveal 1A.wav)
274. dialogue#259 (cakestacker gp 2.wav)
275. dialogue#26 (LazerGremlinExpressions 3.wav)
276. dialogue#260 (BlowoutExpressions 3.wav)
277. dialogue#261 (presentfrenzy gp 4.wav)
278. dialogue#262 (red green gp 3.wav)
279. dialogue#263 (PlayerReadyCustom 4.wav)
280. dialogue#264 (ScribbleExpressions 1.wav)
281. dialogue#265 (ok 3.wav)
282. dialogue#266 (reveal 9A.wav)
283. dialogue#267 (reveal 15H.wav)
284. dialogue#268 (CopyCatExpressions 1.wav)
285. dialogue#269 (waterballoon gp 2.wav)
286. dialogue#27 (hatmixer gp 7.wav)
287. dialogue#270 (musicalchairs welcome vo.wav)
288. dialogue#271 (blowout gp 3.wav)
289. dialogue#272 (reveal 7C.wav)
290. dialogue#273 (shapeshifter gp 1.wav)
291. dialogue#274 (pinthetail vo.wav)
292. dialogue#275 (bugcatcher gp 3.wav)
293. dialogue#276 (duncan win A.wav)
294. dialogue#277 (lazergremlins gp 6.wav)
295. dialogue#278 (reveal 4B.wav)
296. dialogue#279 (guesswhat welcome vo 2.wav)
297. dialogue#28 (reveal 1C.wav)
298. dialogue#280 (PinataExpressions 1.wav)
299. dialogue#281 (reveal 12C.wav)
300. dialogue#282 (hotpotato gp 1.wav)
301. dialogue#283 (reveal 13B.wav)
302. dialogue#284 (GameResults WinnerA 1.wav)
303. dialogue#285 (ok 4.wav)
304. dialogue#286 (numremote vo.wav)
305. dialogue#287 (randomC.wav)
306. dialogue#288 (reveal 15A.wav)
307. dialogue#289 (waterballoon welcome vo 2.wav)
308. dialogue#29 (bugcatcher gp 2.wav)
309. dialogue#290 (pinata gp 4.wav)
310. dialogue#291 (numremote idle.wav)
311. dialogue#292 (hatmixer gp 3.wav)
312. dialogue#293 (SackRaceExpressions 1.wav)
313. dialogue#294 (startparty vo save.wav)
314. dialogue#295 (cakestacker gp 1.wav)
315. dialogue#296 (presentfrenzy vo.wav)
316. dialogue#297 (PinataExpressions 4.wav)
317. dialogue#298 (musicmadness vo.wav)
318. dialogue#299 (hotpotato welcome vo.wav)
319. dialogue#3 (scribble vo.wav)
320. dialogue#30 (PuzzleRacerExpressions 1.wav)
321. dialogue#300 (Donkeyendgame 2.wav)
322. dialogue#301 (reveal 2C.wav)
323. dialogue#302 (musicalchairs gp 1.wav)
324. dialogue#303 (balloonpop gp 5.wav)
325. dialogue#304 (HotPotatoExpressions 2.wav)
326. dialogue#305 (pinthetail gp 1.wav)
327. dialogue#306 (startparty vo nosave.wav)
328. dialogue#307 (reveal 3B.wav)
329. dialogue#308 (hatmixer vo.wav)
330. dialogue#309 (rockclimber gp 2.wav)
331. dialogue#31 (vo 3.wav)
332. dialogue#310 (reveal 4A.wav)
333. dialogue#311 (aftergamesong vo.wav)
334. dialogue#312 (CakeStackerExpressions 2.wav)
335. dialogue#313 (PresentFrenzyExpressions 1.wav)
336. dialogue#32 (hamster vo.wav)
337. dialogue#33 (randomB 2.wav)
338. dialogue#34 (reveal 14C.wav)
339. dialogue#35 (CandleBallExpressions 3.wav)
340. dialogue#36 (ok 1.wav)
341. dialogue#37 (scribble gp 3.wav)
342. dialogue#38 (guesswhat vo.wav)
343. dialogue#39 (reveal 9C.wav)
344. dialogue#4 (lazergremlins vo.wav)
345. dialogue#40 (GameResults WinnerB 4.wav)
346. dialogue#41 (reveal 15B.wav)
347. dialogue#42 (blowout vo.wav)
348. dialogue#43 (rockclimber vo.wav)
349. dialogue#44 (load save.wav)
350. dialogue#45 (reveal 6B.wav)
351. dialogue#46 (blowout gp 1.wav)
352. dialogue#47 (pinata gp 3.wav)
353. dialogue#48 (BugCatcherExpressions 3.wav)
354. dialogue#49 (EveryonesReady vo 1.wav)
355. dialogue#5 (hamster welcome vo.wav)
356. dialogue#50 (hatmixer gp 4.wav)
357. dialogue#51 (SackRaceExpressions 2.wav)
358. dialogue#52 (RockClimberExpressions 2.wav)
359. dialogue#53 (lazergremlins gp 3.wav)
360. dialogue#54 (RoShamboExpressions 1.wav)
361. dialogue#55 (duncanC.wav)
362. dialogue#56 (PuzzleRacerExpressions 2.wav)
363. dialogue#57 (PinataExpressions 3.wav)
364. dialogue#58 (MusicManiaExpressions 3.wav)
365. dialogue#59 (GameResults WinnerC 4.wav)
366. dialogue#6 (name entry guest.wav)
367. dialogue#60 (mainmenu vo.wav)
368. dialogue#61 (DonkeyRoundResults 1.wav)
369. dialogue#62 (randomA.wav)
370. dialogue#63 (balloonpop welcome vo.wav)
371. dialogue#64 (EveryonesReady vo 4.wav)
372. dialogue#65 (MusicalChairsExpressions 1.wav)
373. dialogue#66 (RoShamboExpressions 2.wav)
374. dialogue#67 (duncanF.wav)
375. dialogue#68 (PlayerReadyCustom 3.wav)
376. dialogue#69 (BalloonPopperExpressions 1.wav)
377. dialogue#7 (balloonpop gp 2.wav)
378. dialogue#70 (waterballoon gp 3.wav)
379. dialogue#71 (roshambo welcome vo.wav)
380. dialogue#72 (reveal 6A.wav)
381. dialogue#73 (GameResults WinnerD 3.wav)
382. dialogue#74 (Player2 readyB.wav)
383. dialogue#75 (RedLightExpressions 1.wav)
384. dialogue#76 (hamster welcome vo 2.wav)
385. dialogue#77 (waterballoon vo.wav)
386. dialogue#78 (shapeshifter vo.wav)
387. dialogue#79 (reveal 4C.wav)
388. dialogue#8 (GameResults WinnerD 4.wav)
389. dialogue#80 (name entry.wav)
390. dialogue#81 (BlowoutExpressions 1.wav)
391. dialogue#82 (presentfrenzy gp 2.wav)
392. dialogue#83 (red green gp 1.wav)
393. dialogue#84 (reveal 5B.wav)
394. dialogue#85 (ScribbleExpressions 3.wav)
395. dialogue#86 (reveal 13C.wav)
396. dialogue#87 (GameResults WinnerA 4.wav)
397. dialogue#88 (ok 5.wav)
398. dialogue#89 (reveal 15F.wav)
399. dialogue#9 (SlingshotExpressions 4.wav)
400. dialogue#90 (HatMixExpressions 3.wav)
401. dialogue#91 (reveal 10B.wav)
402. dialogue#92 (GameResults WinnerF G.wav)
403. dialogue#93 (LazerGremlinExpressions 4.wav)
404. dialogue#94 (hatmixer gp 8.wav)
405. dialogue#95 (bugcatcher welcome vo.wav)
406. dialogue#96 (bugcatcher gp 5.wav)
407. dialogue#97 (scribble welcome vo.wav)
408. dialogue#98 (reveal 12A.wav)
409. dialogue#99 (copycat welcome vo.wav)
410. donkey#1 (donkey hee haw 04.wav)
411. donkey#10 (donkey eyeblink 01.wav)
412. donkey#11 (donkey trot 02.wav)
413. donkey#12 (donkey nod 01.wav)
414. donkey#13 (donkey swish 02.wav)
415. donkey#14 (donkey hee haw 01.wav)
416. donkey#15 (donkey finder player2a.wav)
417. donkey#16 (donkey eyebrow 01.wav)
418. donkey#17 (donkey trot 03.wav)
419. donkey#18 (donkey hee haw 02.wav)
420. donkey#19 (donkey nod 02.wav)
421. donkey#2 (donkey trot 01.wav)
422. donkey#20 (door swish 01.wav)
423. donkey#21 (donkey finder player4a.wav)
424. donkey#22 (donkey walk.wav)
425. donkey#23 (donkey eyebrow 02.wav)
426. donkey#24 (barn door open.wav)
427. donkey#25 (donkey eyeblink 03.wav)
428. donkey#26 (gallop 01.wav)
429. donkey#27 (donkey hee haw 03.wav)
430. donkey#28 (donkey intro speak 01.wav)
431. donkey#29 (donkey eyebrow 03.wav)
432. donkey#3 (barn door close.wav)
433. donkey#30 (gallop 02.wav)
434. donkey#31 (donkey eyeblink 02.wav)
435. donkey#4 (donkey swish 01.wav)
436. donkey#5 (donkey eyebrow 04.wav)
437. donkey#6 (donkey finder player1.wav)
438. donkey#7 (donkey pin tail 01.wav)
439. donkey#8 (gallop 03.wav)
440. donkey#9 (donkey finder player3a.wav)
441. extra ui (kids whishper.wav)
442. fashion room sfx#1 (floor lift 01.wav)
443. fashion room sfx#10 (doll move 02.wav)
444. fashion room sfx#2 (doll move 03.wav)
445. fashion room sfx#3 (floor slide open 01.wav)
446. fashion room sfx#4 (backdrop roll 01.wav)
447. fashion room sfx#5 (light panel lock02.wav)
448. fashion room sfx#6 (doll move 01.wav)
449. fashion room sfx#7 (bell.wav)
450. fashion room sfx#8 (light panel lock.wav)
451. fashion room sfx#9 (tablecloth slide 01.wav)
452. French - ambience#1 (sack race amb.wav)
453. French - ambience#10 (balloon pop.wav)
454. French - ambience#11 (applause medium 02.wav)
455. French - ambience#12 (cheer 01.wav)
456. French - ambience#13 (applause small 02.wav)
457. French - ambience#14 (room tone 01.wav)
458. French - ambience#15 (cheer 05.wav)
459. French - ambience#16 (reaction 03.wav)
460. French - ambience#17 (water balloon amb.wav)
461. French - ambience#18 (reaction 07.wav)
462. French - ambience#19 (applause medium 01.wav)
463. French - ambience#2 (reaction 09.wav)
464. French - ambience#20 (cheer 02.wav)
465. French - ambience#21 (reaction 04.wav)
466. French - ambience#22 (reaction 08.wav)
467. French - ambience#23 (room amb 01.wav)
468. French - ambience#24 (ui ambience.wav)
469. French - ambience#25 (kids talking amb 01.wav)
470. French - ambience#26 (cheer 03.wav)
471. French - ambience#27 (reaction 05.wav)
472. French - ambience#28 (reaction 01.wav)
473. French - ambience#3 (Birds.wav)
474. French - ambience#4 (kids party.wav)
475. French - ambience#5 (applause small 01.wav)
476. French - ambience#6 (cheer 04.wav)
477. French - ambience#7 (reaction 02.wav)
478. French - ambience#8 (kids amb 01.wav)
479. French - ambience#9 (reaction 06.wav)
480. French - balloon pop#1 (pop 3pt.wav)
481. French - balloon pop#2 (balloon pop.wav)
482. French - balloon pop#3 (pop 10pt.wav)
483. French - bug catcher#1 (bug 11.wav)
484. French - bug catcher#10 (bug 12.wav)
485. French - bug catcher#11 (bug 16.wav)
486. French - bug catcher#12 (net swish player4.wav)
487. French - bug catcher#13 (bug get player3.wav)
488. French - bug catcher#14 (bug 01.wav)
489. French - bug catcher#15 (bug 05.wav)
490. French - bug catcher#16 (bug 09.wav)
491. French - bug catcher#17 (bug 13.wav)
492. French - bug catcher#18 (bug 17.wav)
493. French - bug catcher#19 (net swish player3.wav)
494. French - bug catcher#2 (bug 03.wav)
495. French - bug catcher#20 (bug get player2.wav)
496. French - bug catcher#21 (bug 02.wav)
497. French - bug catcher#22 (bug 10.wav)
498. French - bug catcher#23 (bug 06.wav)
499. French - bug catcher#24 (bug 14.wav)
500. French - bug catcher#25 (bug 18.wav)
501. French - bug catcher#26 (net swish player2.wav)
502. French - bug catcher#27 (bug 20.wav)
503. French - bug catcher#28 (bug get player1.wav)
504. French - bug catcher#3 (bug 15.wav)
505. French - bug catcher#4 (bug 07.wav)
506. French - bug catcher#5 (bug 19.wav)
507. French - bug catcher#6 (net swish player1.wav)
508. French - bug catcher#7 (bug get player4.wav)
509. French - bug catcher#8 (bug 04.wav)
510. French - bug catcher#9 (bug 08.wav)
511. French - cake drop#1 (Cake Release 05.wav)
512. French - cake drop#10 (Cake Release 06.wav)
513. French - cake drop#2 (Cake Plop 04.wav)
514. French - cake drop#3 (Cake Plop 02.wav)
515. French - cake drop#4 (Cake Plop 03.wav)
516. French - cake drop#5 (Cake Plop 01.wav)
517. French - cake drop#6 (Cake Release 02.wav)
518. French - cake drop#7 (Cake Release 01.wav)
519. French - cake drop#8 (Cake Release 04.wav)
520. French - cake drop#9 (Cake Release 03.wav)
521. French - candle blow#1 (sparlker popup 02.wav)
522. French - candle blow#10 (bellows close 02.wav)
523. French - candle blow#2 (sparklers 01.wav)
524. French - candle blow#3 (sparlker popup 03.wav)
525. French - candle blow#4 (bellows close 03.wav)
526. French - candle blow#5 (bellows close 01.wav)
527. French - candle blow#6 (fire light 01.wav)
528. French - candle blow#7 (star slide 01.wav)
529. French - candle blow#8 (sparlker popup 01.wav)
530. French - candle blow#9 (bellows close 04.wav)
531. French - dialogue#1 (blowout welcome vo.wav)
532. French - dialogue#10 (reveal 11C.wav)
533. French - dialogue#100 (CandleBallExpressions 2.wav)
534. French - dialogue#101 (scribble gp 4.wav)
535. French - dialogue#102 (HotPotatoExpressions 1.wav)
536. French - dialogue#103 (GameResults WinnerB 3.wav)
537. French - dialogue#104 (reveal 3C.wav)
538. French - dialogue#105 (pinata gp 2.wav)
539. French - dialogue#106 (red green gp 4 2.wav)
540. French - dialogue#107 (hatmixer gp 1.wav)
541. French - dialogue#108 (reveal 0B.wav)
542. French - dialogue#109 (lazergremlins gp 2.wav)
543. French - dialogue#11 (rockclimber gp 1.wav)
544. French - dialogue#110 (CakeStackerExpressions 1.wav)
545. French - dialogue#111 (duncanB.wav)
546. French - dialogue#112 (red green welcome vo 2.wav)
547. French - dialogue#113 (sex select.wav)
548. French - dialogue#114 (vo 1.wav)
549. French - dialogue#115 (reveal 5A.wav)
550. French - dialogue#116 (Player4 readyB.wav)
551. French - dialogue#117 (sackrace gp 1.wav)
552. French - dialogue#118 (PinataExpressions 2.wav)
553. French - dialogue#119 (MusicManiaExpressions 4.wav)
554. French - dialogue#12 (RedLightExpressions 2.wav)
555. French - dialogue#120 (reveal 8B.wav)
556. French - dialogue#121 (bugcatcher vo.wav)
557. French - dialogue#122 (CandleBallExpressions 1.wav)
558. French - dialogue#123 (GameResults WinnerC 3.wav)
559. French - dialogue#124 (copycat vo.wav)
560. French - dialogue#125 (balloonpop gp 3.wav)
561. French - dialogue#126 (GameResults WinnerD G.wav)
562. French - dialogue#127 (SlingshotExpressions 3.wav)
563. French - dialogue#128 (BugCatcherExpressions 1.wav)
564. French - dialogue#129 (balloonpop vo.wav)
565. French - dialogue#13 (BlowoutExpressions 2.wav)
566. French - dialogue#130 (lazergremlins gp 1.wav)
567. French - dialogue#131 (MusicalChairsExpressions 2.wav)
568. French - dialogue#132 (duncanI.wav)
569. French - dialogue#133 (PlayerReadyCustom 2.wav)
570. French - dialogue#134 (PresentFrenzyExpressions 3.wav)
571. French - dialogue#135 (rockclimber welcome vo.wav)
572. French - dialogue#136 (GameResults WinnerE G.wav)
573. French - dialogue#137 (waterballoon welcome vo.wav)
574. French - dialogue#138 (cakestacker welcome vo.wav)
575. French - dialogue#139 (RedLight Intro.wav)
576. French - dialogue#14 (presentfrenzy gp 3.wav)
577. French - dialogue#140 (GameResults WinnerD 2.wav)
578. French - dialogue#141 (pinata welcome vo 2.wav)
579. French - dialogue#142 (reveal 11A.wav)
580. French - dialogue#143 (reveal 0A.wav)
581. French - dialogue#144 (pinata vo 2.wav)
582. French - dialogue#145 (sackrace vo.wav)
583. French - dialogue#146 (bugcatcher gp 1.wav)
584. French - dialogue#147 (pinthetail welcome vo.wav)
585. French - dialogue#148 (hamster vo 2.wav)
586. French - dialogue#149 (reveal 8A.wav)
587. French - dialogue#15 (red green gp 2.wav)
588. French - dialogue#150 (ScribbleExpressions 2.wav)
589. French - dialogue#151 (age girl vo.wav)
590. French - dialogue#152 (GameResults WinnerA 3.wav)
591. French - dialogue#153 (ok 2.wav)
592. French - dialogue#154 (Player1 readyB.wav)
593. French - dialogue#155 (GameResults WinnerB G.wav)
594. French - dialogue#156 (player ready custom play.wav)
595. French - dialogue#157 (reveal 15C.wav)
596. French - dialogue#158 (HatMixExpressions 2.wav)
597. French - dialogue#159 (Player1 ready.wav)
598. French - dialogue#16 (PresentFrenzyExpressions 2.wav)
599. French - dialogue#160 (sackrace welcome vo.wav)
600. French - dialogue#161 (reveal 6C.wav)
601. French - dialogue#162 (pinata gp 6.wav)
602. French - dialogue#163 (MusicalChairs Intro.wav)
603. French - dialogue#164 (hatmixer gp 5.wav)
604. French - dialogue#165 (reveal 7B.wav)
605. French - dialogue#166 (hotpotato vo.wav)
606. French - dialogue#167 (bugcatcher gp 4.wav)
607. French - dialogue#168 (reveal 12B.wav)
608. French - dialogue#169 (reveal 14A.wav)
609. French - dialogue#17 (reveal 15E.wav)
610. French - dialogue#170 (scribble gp 1.wav)
611. French - dialogue#171 (name entry girl.wav)
612. French - dialogue#172 (GameResults WinnerB 2.wav)
613. French - dialogue#173 (CopyCat Intro.wav)
614. French - dialogue#174 (player ready quick play.wav)
615. French - dialogue#175 (balloonpop gp 6.wav)
616. French - dialogue#176 (pinata gp 1.wav)
617. French - dialogue#177 (EveryonesReady vo 3.wav)
618. French - dialogue#178 (hatmixer gp 2.wav)
619. French - dialogue#179 (vo go.wav)
620. French - dialogue#18 (custom setup.wav)
621. French - dialogue#180 (lazergremlins gp 5.wav)
622. French - dialogue#181 (RoShamboExpressions 3.wav)
623. French - dialogue#182 (MusicManiaExpressions 1.wav)
624. French - dialogue#183 (GameResults WinnerC 2.wav)
625. French - dialogue#184 (reveal 2B.wav)
626. French - dialogue#185 (freeplay setup.wav)
627. French - dialogue#186 (balloonpop gp 4.wav)
628. French - dialogue#187 (SlingshotExpressions 2.wav)
629. French - dialogue#188 (reveal 7A.wav)
630. French - dialogue#189 (RoShamboExpressions 4.wav)
631. French - dialogue#19 (HatMixExpressions 4.wav)
632. French - dialogue#190 (duncanH.wav)
633. French - dialogue#191 (presentfrenzy gp 5.wav)
634. French - dialogue#192 (reveal 5C.wav)
635. French - dialogue#193 (GameResults WinnerA G.wav)
636. French - dialogue#194 (ok 6.wav)
637. French - dialogue#195 (reveal 10C.wav)
638. French - dialogue#196 (age boy vo.wav)
639. French - dialogue#197 (DonkeyStart vo.wav)
640. French - dialogue#198 (GameResults WinnerD 1.wav)
641. French - dialogue#199 (SlingshotExpressions 1.wav)
642. French - dialogue#2 (shapeshifter welcome vo.wav)
643. French - dialogue#20 (Player2 ready.wav)
644. French - dialogue#200 (reveal 11B.wav)
645. French - dialogue#201 (hatmixer gp 9.wav)
646. French - dialogue#202 (red green vo.wav)
647. French - dialogue#203 (RockClimberExpressions 1.wav)
648. French - dialogue#204 (randomavatar vo.wav)
649. French - dialogue#205 (shapeshifter gp 4.wav)
650. French - dialogue#206 (presentfrenzy welcome vo.wav)
651. French - dialogue#207 (reveal 13A.wav)
652. French - dialogue#208 (GameResults WinnerA 2.wav)
653. French - dialogue#209 (reveal 2A.wav)
654. French - dialogue#21 (reveal 10A.wav)
655. French - dialogue#210 (scribble gp 5.wav)
656. French - dialogue#211 (Player4 ready.wav)
657. French - dialogue#212 (cakestacker vo.wav)
658. French - dialogue#213 (lazergremlins welcome vo.wav)
659. French - dialogue#214 (reveal 15D.wav)
660. French - dialogue#215 (HatMixExpressions 1.wav)
661. French - dialogue#216 (musicmadness welcome vo.wav)
662. French - dialogue#217 (pinata gp 5.wav)
663. French - dialogue#218 (LazerGremlinExpressions 2.wav)
664. French - dialogue#219 (Player3 ready.wav)
665. French - dialogue#22 (CopyCatExpressions 2.wav)
666. French - dialogue#220 (roshambo vo.wav)
667. French - dialogue#221 (hatmixer gp 6.wav)
668. French - dialogue#222 (reveal 0C.wav)
669. French - dialogue#223 (duncanA.wav)
670. French - dialogue#224 (reveal 1B.wav)
671. French - dialogue#225 (vo 2.wav)
672. French - dialogue#226 (sackrace gp 2.wav)
673. French - dialogue#227 (reveal 8C.wav)
674. French - dialogue#228 (Donkeyendgame 1.wav)
675. French - dialogue#229 (themeselect.wav)
676. French - dialogue#23 (Player3 readyB.wav)
677. French - dialogue#230 (reveal 14B.wav)
678. French - dialogue#231 (pinata vo.wav)
679. French - dialogue#232 (scribble gp 2.wav)
680. French - dialogue#233 (HotPotatoExpressions 3.wav)
681. French - dialogue#234 (reveal 9B.wav)
682. French - dialogue#235 (GameResults WinnerB 1.wav)
683. French - dialogue#236 (hatmixer welcome vo.wav)
684. French - dialogue#237 (rockclimber gp 3.wav)
685. French - dialogue#238 (BugCatcherExpressions 2.wav)
686. French - dialogue#239 (pinata welcome vo.wav)
687. French - dialogue#24 (reveal 3A.wav)
688. French - dialogue#240 (EveryonesReady vo 2.wav)
689. French - dialogue#241 (Candleball intro.wav)
690. French - dialogue#242 (mainmenu idle vo.wav)
691. French - dialogue#243 (lazergremlins gp 4.wav)
692. French - dialogue#244 (MusicalChairsExpressions 3.wav)
693. French - dialogue#245 (CakeStackerExpressions 3.wav)
694. French - dialogue#246 (duncanD.wav)
695. French - dialogue#247 (presentfrenzy gp 1.wav)
696. French - dialogue#248 (PlayerReadyCustom 1.wav)
697. French - dialogue#249 (musicalchairs vo.wav)
698. French - dialogue#25 (blowout gp 2.wav)
699. French - dialogue#250 (guesswhat welcome vo.wav)
700. French - dialogue#251 (hotpotato gp 2.wav)
701. French - dialogue#252 (MusicManiaExpressions 2.wav)
702. French - dialogue#253 (GameResults WinnerC 1.wav)
703. French - dialogue#254 (waterballoon gp 1.wav)
704. French - dialogue#255 (blowout welcome vo 2.wav)
705. French - dialogue#256 (balloonpop gp 1.wav)
706. French - dialogue#257 (LazerGremlinExpressions 1.wav)
707. French - dialogue#258 (reveal 1A.wav)
708. French - dialogue#259 (cakestacker gp 2.wav)
709. French - dialogue#26 (LazerGremlinExpressions 3.wav)
710. French - dialogue#260 (BlowoutExpressions 3.wav)
711. French - dialogue#261 (presentfrenzy gp 4.wav)
712. French - dialogue#262 (red green gp 3.wav)
713. French - dialogue#263 (PlayerReadyCustom 4.wav)
714. French - dialogue#264 (ScribbleExpressions 1.wav)
715. French - dialogue#265 (ok 3.wav)
716. French - dialogue#266 (reveal 9A.wav)
717. French - dialogue#267 (reveal 15H.wav)
718. French - dialogue#268 (CopyCatExpressions 1.wav)
719. French - dialogue#269 (waterballoon gp 2.wav)
720. French - dialogue#27 (hatmixer gp 7.wav)
721. French - dialogue#270 (musicalchairs welcome vo.wav)
722. French - dialogue#271 (blowout gp 3.wav)
723. French - dialogue#272 (reveal 7C.wav)
724. French - dialogue#273 (shapeshifter gp 1.wav)
725. French - dialogue#274 (pinthetail vo.wav)
726. French - dialogue#275 (bugcatcher gp 3.wav)
727. French - dialogue#276 (duncan win A.wav)
728. French - dialogue#277 (lazergremlins gp 6.wav)
729. French - dialogue#278 (reveal 4B.wav)
730. French - dialogue#279 (guesswhat welcome vo 2.wav)
731. French - dialogue#28 (reveal 1C.wav)
732. French - dialogue#280 (PinataExpressions 1.wav)
733. French - dialogue#281 (reveal 12C.wav)
734. French - dialogue#282 (hotpotato gp 1.wav)
735. French - dialogue#283 (reveal 13B.wav)
736. French - dialogue#284 (GameResults WinnerA 1.wav)
737. French - dialogue#285 (ok 4.wav)
738. French - dialogue#286 (numremote vo.wav)
739. French - dialogue#287 (randomC.wav)
740. French - dialogue#288 (reveal 15A.wav)
741. French - dialogue#289 (waterballoon welcome vo 2.wav)
742. French - dialogue#29 (bugcatcher gp 2.wav)
743. French - dialogue#290 (pinata gp 4.wav)
744. French - dialogue#291 (numremote idle.wav)
745. French - dialogue#292 (hatmixer gp 3.wav)
746. French - dialogue#293 (SackRaceExpressions 1.wav)
747. French - dialogue#294 (startparty vo save.wav)
748. French - dialogue#295 (cakestacker gp 1.wav)
749. French - dialogue#296 (presentfrenzy vo.wav)
750. French - dialogue#297 (PinataExpressions 4.wav)
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