A dyed in the wool killer, cold blooded, clean, methodical and thorough. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Activate it from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
All the restaurants are between level two and level 10. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Almost like this being was engineered. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
And 8000 other lucksters here... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
And she can't have anything to do with it. If she sees you guys here, she's gonna kill me. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
And the replay sends every following shot to the same location. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Are you German? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Are you making fun of me? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Around a fifth one. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Auto temperature is currently 85 degrees Fahrenheit from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Autowash, yes. Autowash, in the shower. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Aziz, light. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Aziz. Aziz. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Beautiful things. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Because it prefers not to be. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Besides that, everything's peachy. Thanks for asking from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Boom from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Both times, you've ended up in my arms. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
But gently, because this woman is mankind's most precious possession. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
But grandfather say: from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
But now David has to go. Thank you. Bye. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
But there are... There are some things... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
But there must be a way of getting there. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
But war is coming. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Can you please open your passenger door. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Come on, honey. You can't die. Come on. Listen to me. Wake up! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Come on. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Cornelius. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Damn! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Do you understand me? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Don't worry. I'll get another job. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Don't you think...? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Element. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
End of transmission. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Evil begets evil, Mr. President. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Evil comes... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Excellent. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Falls from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Father... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Finger's gonna kill me. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Fire. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
For a perfect world. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
For Korben to say the word of the day. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Four a day. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Four elements... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Four full crates delivered right on time. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Four stones, four crates. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Gathered around a fifth... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
General, you may fire when ready. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Get her strapped in. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Get her! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Get up! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Give me the cash! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Give me the gun from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Good. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Good. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Got it. Front gear. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Green. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
He said he was an art dealer. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
He's not gonna get much out of this concert from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Hello? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Hello? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Here he is! The one and only winner of the Gemini Croquette Contest. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Here is your mission now: from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Here. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I don't know love. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I don't know what you did to piss these guys off... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I don't know. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I don't want to go to Egypt. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I got the stones. All right? Just take it easy, all right? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I have a gun! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I just smashed my cab. I lost my job. I got mugged. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I know. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I mean, I know she's made to be strong. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I need you. I need you, very much. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I said you. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I see. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I'll call you back. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I'll see to it personally. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I'll take it. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I'm on vacation and don't want to be bothered. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I'm sorry. I'm calm from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I'm trying. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I'm up. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I've tried everything, believe me. There's no other way of getting on this plane. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
If they don't chase you after a mile, they don't chase you. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
If we make it to the fog, we'll be all right. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Is really amazing. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Is that a Z 140? Alleviated titanium. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Is that thing solid? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Is used to destroy. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
It must be green! Okay? Okay? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
It will take just one more minute. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
It's gobbling up all the communication satellites in the galaxy. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
It's me again. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
It's nice to see you again, Father. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Korben! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Korben? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Ladies and gentlemen, it is now 7 p.m. Time for the news. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Leeloo, you're right. You're right. You're right. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Let me introduce you to Professor Mactilburgh who runs the centre. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Let's change the beat. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Let's go! Let's go! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Let's go. Let's go, Leeloo. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Like love? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Like one of the cab companies? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Listen, do you think you could ask if I get the gun back, please?. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Listen. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Look, look. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Looks like this is your ride. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Made it! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Magnificent. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Mr from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Mr. Zorg. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Multi pass. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Multi pass. She knows it's a multi pass. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
My favourite. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Never be ashamed of who you are. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Nine... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
No, I don't want to make you beg, all I want is an explanation. Look, I just got in. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
No, no, no! I swear! I swear! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Nobody move! I'm taking over the ship! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Oh please, that doesn't even sound like him. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Oh sorry. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Oh, my God from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Oh, my God, Korben. Another one coming. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Oh, no. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Oh, they were so tired from their ordeal, we put them in the reactor this morning. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Oh! Mr. Dallas, we really need you right now. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Okay lady, stay calm. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Okay, go ahead. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Okay. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
One more shot and we start killing hostages. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Only life important. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Or their children, maybe? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Our flight attendants are switching on the sleep regulator... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Perfect. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Permission to enter granted. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Please, put the gun down. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Please... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Prepare for our arrival. I've got to face my destiny from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Professor. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Protect life... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Remove the shield. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Right here, from 5 to 7, I'll be your voice, your tongue... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Right on. Right on. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Ruby Rhod is broadcasting live and he needs you for an interview. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Ruby! Ruby! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Run an ID. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
See you tomorrow for a new adventure. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
See you tonight. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
She doesn't. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
She dove off from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
She has no file from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
She said something I didn't understand. I didn't understand any of it from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
She said, "Wind... Wind blows." from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
She says she knows exactly where they are from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
She's also so fragile, so human from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Shit. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Showtime. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Sir, there's a Mondoshawan spaceship at the frontier requesting permission to enter our territory. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Sorry. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Sorry. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Start licking those stamps, pretty girl, 'cause this guy's gonna have you writing home to Mama from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Still alive. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Supreme being. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Tell her, Korben from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Ten seconds. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Thank you for your cooperation. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Thank you so much. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Thank you! Thank you very much! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
That's a very dangerous gun. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The fifth element should be in the middle... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The garbage. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The goal of this thing is not to fight over money or power... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The government sent me to help you. Just stay calm. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The Guardians gave the stones to someone they could trust. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The Mondoshawan have in their possession the only weapon to defeat evil. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The phone book said he lived here. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The ship is in combat formation. Missiles are loaded Mr. President. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
The stones.. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Then light turns to dark. Life to death... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
There are no results from the chemical and molecular analysis as yet. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Thing is not anything that can be identified... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
This is a police control. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
This is not an exercise. This is a police control from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
This one. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
This one's sure to be fire. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
This way from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
This... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Time is of no importance, Mr. President. Only life is important. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Time not important. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
To make your flight as short as possible... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
To my right, a row of ministers, more sinisters than ministers. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
To quit is my goal. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Together they produce what the ancients called the Light of Creation. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Unbelievable from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Water. Fruit. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
We are processing your identification. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
We gonna die. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
We're saved. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Welcome on board, Mr. Dallas. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
What does it mean? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
What? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
What? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
What's wrong with you? What you screaming for? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Where are my two heroes? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Why, it was just absolutely green. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Why? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Wind. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Yes. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Yesterday's frog will be tomorrow's prince... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You can call me Ruby. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You can count on me! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You have 20 seconds. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You have an unauthorized passenger in your vehicle. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You have one hour. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You have one point left on your license. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You haven't called me that since basic training. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You just had an accident. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You okay? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You please act like you have more than a two word vocabulary. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You want me to...? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You want to play it soft? I'll play it soft. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You're gonna have to assume your individual position from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You're lucky you're not dead. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You've got the wrong guy! Don't shoot! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
120's loaded. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
"Leeloo Dallas." "Multi pass from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
All right, then, Staedert... Mr. President? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Dead? Yes, dead. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Have you at least identified it? We tried, but the computer went off the charts. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Hey! Wake up! Who are you? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Hi, Mom. Seventeen messages. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I retired six months ago, do you remember? Three reasons from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
I should've just gotten a robot. Come on, Ma. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
If there is one thing I do not like... Three... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
In the name of the Federation and its territory... Mr. President... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Korben, I think we should go. Korben. Korben. Korben. One minute. One minute. Just give me a minute. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Korben! What? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
No, no, no, stay with me. Help! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
no. No. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Not even a temperature? The thermo analysers have jammed from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Power pressure? Primed. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Protection? Confirmed. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Really? Yeah! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
So, what happens now? So now, we have to open them. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Sorry for the mess. The mess? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Sounds like a freak of nature to me. Yeah, can't wait to meet him. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Tell me. Because I.. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
There. In here? from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
There. Where is that? That's the diva suite. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Unbreakable. Good. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
We've lost contact with them. Three minutes. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
What? The three of us won't fit in there. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
Yeah! Aah! from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You check your messages? No, I've had enough good news for one day. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You speak English now. Yes. I learn. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
You're sure she's a supreme being? Absolutely sure. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
"Major Dallas, you've been selected for a mission of the utmost importance." from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
"Please... from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
"We're not gonna make it." from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard
"When the three planets are in eclipse, the black hole, like a door, is open. from The Fifth Element (1997) Soundboard