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Tiger King () - Season 1 "Tiger King" is not a movie or a song, but a documentary series that was released in 2020. The

Tiger King () - Season 1

"Tiger King" is not a movie or a song, but a documentary series that was released in 2020. The show became an instant phenomenon, captivating audiences around the world with its outrageous characters and unbelievable twists and turns. It follows the story of Joe Exotic, a self-proclaimed tiger enthusiast and the owner of a private zoo in Wynnewood, Oklahoma, as well as his rival Carole Baskin, the CEO of Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, Florida.

The cast of "Tiger King" includes a wild ensemble of real-life characters, each with their own unique quirks and motivations. At the center of the story is Joe Exotic, whose real name is Joseph Maldonado-Passage. Joe is an eccentric and flamboyant figure, known for his outlandish style and larger-than-life persona. He is a beloved figure among his loyal fan base and is deeply involved in the world of big cat breeding and tiger conservation. Joe's story takes an unexpected turn when he is charged with a murder-for-hire plot against Carole Baskin and ends up serving time in federal prison.

Carole Baskin, Joe Exotic's arch-nemesis, is another key character in the series. She heads Big Cat Rescue, an organization that aims to protect and rescue big cats from abusive and unsafe conditions. Carole is an outspoken critic of private zoos and captive breeding, and her contentious relationship with Joe Exotic forms one of the central dramas of the show. However, her own past and questionable practices come under scrutiny throughout the series as well.

Other notable characters in "Tiger King" include Bhagavan "Doc" Antle, the owner of Myrtle Beach Safari, who is known for his harem of women and controversial methods of training animals. Jeff Lowe, a businessman who takes over Joe Exotic's zoo and becomes entangled in his legal troubles, also plays a significant role. Additionally, the series introduces us to a range of employees, friends, and acquaintances of Joe Exotic, each adding a layer of complexity to the already chaotic story.

The success of "Tiger King" can be attributed not only to its eclectic cast of characters but also to its exploration of the larger issues surrounding big cat captivity in the United States. It delves into the exploitative practices and questionable ethics of both private zoos and wildlife sanctuaries, raising important questions about the welfare of the animals involved. Furthermore, the series exposes the greed, ego, and personal vendettas that drive these individuals to pursue their respective enterprises.

If you're intrigued by the captivating world of "Tiger King," you can enjoy the sounds and music associated with the show. From the catchy country tunes of Joe Exotic himself to the captivating background score, the music helps immerse viewers in the chaotic and unconventional world of these big cat enthusiasts. You can easily play and download these sounds here.

In summary, "Tiger King" is a sensational and highly addictive documentary series that took the world by storm in 2020. With its bizarre characters and shocking revelations, it offers a compelling insight into the world of big cat enthusiasts and challenges the viewer to consider the ethical implications of keeping these majestic animals in captivity.
A guy I lived with since I was a teenager.
A hundred rounds of .223.
A man of few words.
A notorious reptile dealer in South Florida.
A tiger needs 400 square miles of territory in the wild.
A two toed sloth, a black panther...
About how Joe's breeding and he's bad and all this.
About why cats need to be protected."
Absolutely. Okay?
Actually, they scare me.
Against People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
Aim... Fire.
All right, so I am Dr.Β Bhagavan Antle.
All right, so, we're gonna make sure everybody standing up
All right, yesterday on my day off
All you gotta do is go to
And a drunk semi driver hit him.
And as our online audience grew and our supporter base grew,
And be with the King of Misfits, who reigned over them.
And Carole Baskin...
And carting them to malls all throughout the Midwest.
And convince the malls to not allow him to exploit cubs.
And donate his organs,
And email them, text 'em, call 'em, send the media out there, everything.
And especially Carole Baskin
And explain to them why this was bad.
And has them love him back.
And he brought home all the baby lions and baby monkeys
And he claims he's with PETA.
And he made it 40 miles.
And he thinks coming out here is a wee bit of a drag.
And he wanted her gone.
And he would go off on his internet show.
And here's this story about this trashy little roadside zoo.
And how much to care.
And how old is she?
And I had a bad time struggling with it.
And I know that I'm gonna see this through to the end.
And I learned how big my heart was.
And I might be one of them people.
And I picked upΒ an Oklahoma newspaper one day
And I saw the incredible power
And I tell everyone this is like the Ritz Carlton of animal sanctuaries,
And I want to say nine out of ten shows
And I was like, "Man! I never done this shit before!
And I've always felt a certain affinity toward them.
And it just exploded with snakes.
And it was me!
And it was standing there under the streetlight.
And it's like, "Oh! That's amazing to have that kind of range
And Joe supplied tigers to be used during the show.
And keep in mind, in the rain forest, there's no escalators. All right?
And lose everything I have for things that other people did.
And my neighbor was the manager of Lion Country Safari.
And nobody's gonna take 'em from me.
And now look at me! I'm doing tiger shows!
And one by one,
And one night I drove my car off a bridge.
And our community gets its share of crime, drug use,Β burglaries, domestic assaults.
And prohibit exhibitors from allowing the public to have contact with them.
And promise not to come to his funeral.
And report what mall they were going to next.
And she put up billboards, and she made this 911 animal abuse site.
And so my friends were two imaginary white cats.
And so we're so happy to see all you guys.
And speaking of incredible animals,
And spent five years in braces.
And stuff at night to bottle feed.
And take my rights away from me as long as I am not breaking the law.
And taking pictures and stuff like that.
And that speed!"
And that's Carole Baskin down at Big Cat Rescue.
And that's private playtime with a baby tiger.
And that's when the GW Exotic Animal Foundation was born, in his memory.
And that's where my attraction to exotic animals really started in.
And the cubs played themselves.
And the rare species fund.
And then that day...
And then there's Joe.
And there was times that we were doing 20, 30, 40 grand.
And there's 28 songs and 16 music videos.
And they didn't even know it.
And they don't want to share their lions.
And they fall in love with this baby tiger,
And they stalk every move you make.
And they were a family.
And this is my second album, Starstruck.
And this is the Tiger King gift shop, where I have all of my stuff.
And this is Thunder and Lightning!
And trying to discredit him,
And we have had people try to get on that park.
And we warned him twice.
And we're shipping her two of these!
And we've been targeting Joe Exotic for many, many years.
And when they get to be that age, they can take a finger off.
And when those places implode and somebody does something crazy,
And where he was in the country with these cubs
And you get really ugly and you don't have any friends.
And you have 15 minutes of their undivided attention to say,
And you try and come into this facility,
And you're outside working in the weather elements,
Animals just wasn't enough, okay?
Antle is much more sophisticated, much smarter.
Are you gettin' this?
As far as being able to market the zoo and make money at the zoo.
At all.
At seeing that amazing stuff up close and uncaged.
At the Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal ParkΒ is a ticket for you,
At the mall.
At the same time, there's almost no government regulation
B h a g a v a n. Antle, A n t l e. Dr. Bhagavan Antle.
Baby tigers, cheetahs, leopards, everybody out there.
Because drugs will make your teeth fall out,
Because I made it lookΒ  like a real TV show.
Because then you'll get it.
Because you're killing this little baby tiger's...
Before this is over with,
Before you bring me down...
Believe it or not, this was a completely empty field.
Besides protect yourself.
Black Mamba was a jaguar, Oakie was an ocelot,
But I couldn't keep their attention, okay?
But I've never experienced anything like Joe Exotic.
But Joe always found a way to make money.
But the animal rights people,
But the big cat people are back stabbing...
But the reason that we have cats in cages
But then there's Joe Exotic.
But they're all half out there, man. They're crazy.
But what a hunk.
By a man who kept them in his backyard.
By helping us get laid.
Carole Baskin is so influential.
Carole Baskin is supported by the help of PETA
Carole Baskin, yup,
Carole is, I would have to say, a hero of mine.
Carole wants to be the last man standing.
Carole would now and then put up something online
Champlaine was a Canada lynx.
Check out today.
Come here, love me! Come here, love me!
Cub breeder/petting operation
Definitely gets taken down.
Diving into that crystal clear pool...
Do the dance! [humming]
Do they need to be refrigerated? You know, 'cause they
Do you have a sense of bonding with them, or do you have a Ooh.
Do you know why animals die in cages?
Does it feel good to stand on my stage
Doesn't matter where you are in the country.
Don't own big, dangerous, exotic animals 'cause it's a time bomb.
Dr. Doolittle, Mighty Joe Young...
Dynamite. [laughs]
Either on a regular basis or periodically,
Even if it's a train wreck, you can't help but look.
Everybody has a story.
Everybody that's owned one, it's always been a bad, bad ending.
Follow Katrina. We're gonna introduce you to your first dangerous animal.
For a full line of Tiger King Skincare,
For a number of his followers.
For an enormous amount of money.
For me to go down to the reservation every dayΒ and play with them.
For murder for hire.
For people to have an interactive, up close,
For probably a decade or longer before I got there.
For us to do our worldwide conservation work.
Fourteen of us in a cab of a semi, that's a little cramped
From Ace Ventura, Jungle Book,
From that point on, it was, uh... it's been nonstop,
From the start of the day to the end of the day, he filmed everything.
From the time that they're a few weeks old
From the time that they're four weeks old
Gets your turn to come down here and love on this baby tiger
Go ahead and open the gates and go see some cats.
Go to the front door and I'll go open it and say, "Hi. How you doing? Come in."
Had been deliberately set loose.
Happy birthday, Carole.
Have you got a tiger in a zoo in a cage? Yeah.
Have youΒ had your photo taken?
Having animals in my life.
He can draw out people to oppose him.
He could control every aspect of it.
He got to meet my animals like no one else had ever done.
He had a 12 year old kid kind of showing him how to do stuff.
He had problems with PETA coming onto the park
He has hate for Carole Baskin. Nasty hate.
He knew that I could make him famous.
He made me shake his hand in front of my mom
He never had more than 80 people watching the thing live.
He sent several of us up there to see his facilities,
He showed me love
He was like a mythical character,
He was moving my sister from Dallas to Florida
He was pretty much the star of his own show.
He would use animals in it.
He's a completely insane, gay, gun toting, drug addict fanatic.
He's doing this, he's saying that."
He's fearless.
He's gonna get nasty with me. [laughs]
Hello, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to
Here I am in costume
Here I am long ago on The Late Show with David Letterman.
Hi, I'm Carole Baskin and I'm the founder and CEO of Big Cat Rescue.
Hi, it's Eric Goode. How are you?
Hold it against your breast.
How are you gonna keep him from running downtown and going to 7 Eleven?
Howard and Carole hired me at the beginning of 2011
I am popular,
I am so well known as big cat guy around the world,
I am the director of the Myrtle Beach Safari
I broke my back...
I can almost promise you some of you will be urinated on.
I can assure you're going to get closer to tigers and lions here
I consider that bitch to beΒ one of the biggest terrorists
I don't know,
I don't remember a time where it wasn't everything I was doing,
I don't watch news on television unless there's a cat involved.
I go by Joe Exotic
I got a big mouth and a television station.
I got two more tigers.
I grew up a professional cowboy in a family of professional cowboys.
I guess at the beginning somewhere.
I had a national reputation.
I had no idea it would consume five years of my life
I have 227.
I have been building this incredible preserve
I have defended myself since 2006
I have my first two albums that I did.
I have my name and his name on a bullet.
I helped in a show down in Norman, Oklahoma.
I just called her a plain out hypocrite.
I kept to myself. I did my own thing.
I know that they have a heart and a soul and a mind.
I live, eat, and breathe ending the captivity of wild cats.
I love you so much!
I mean, his whole deal is about just wanting
I mean, it's a huge list of features that we made.
I mean, there was times that we may have made ten grand
I moved to Yogaville in Buckingham, Virginia.
I promised him that he would just not be a statistic...
I put our names on our bullets right here.
I really believe in life that you can only be good at one thing.
I started building this in 1999.
I started immersing myself in that life
I started showing him some of the magic that I did.
I think it would be fair to say that Carole is the Mother Teresa of cats.
I think it's a great look.
I think that we can't...
I took it to a new level
I was on kind of the end of my ropes.
I was with Joe from 2003 to 2014,
I went to Florida to do my therapy...
I went to schools and I talked to them about drugs and alcohol.
I went to the G.W. Zoo.
I went to work every day prepared to die in a tiger cage.
I would be the biggest liar if I said no.
I would get a little cut out postcard like this,Β addressed to me...
I would need 30 cows a day.
I'd like to welcome you
I'd never been a person that had friends,
I'd shoot you before I shot my cat.
I'll pay these people whatever they want
I'm actually allergic to cats,
I'm going to try and get some good shots.
I'm gonna shut down everybody.
I'm Joe Exotic and this is Sarge.
I'm kind of embarrassed to say it, but when I got here,
I'm not gonna be accused and go to prison,
I'm sure y'all got a story to tell.
I'm the mayor, the prosecutor, the cop, and the executioner.
I've always had cats in my life,
I've been doing this 20 years. Never even been bit.
I've been the cover of Hollywood Magazine twice.
I've got my big black panther there, Shadow.
I've learned from them, and they do therapy for me.
If anything went bad,
If anything went wrong, it was gonna happen.
If I go in there dressed head to toe in cat prints,
If I was to feed nothing but cows,
If that happens, we have t shirts in the gift shop
If there's one thing I know for sure
If they're born and raised here.
If you have dry, cracked hands, great product for men and women.
If you watch us often, you know one of our reporters, Rick Kirkham, is nuts.
If you're an animal rights person,
If you're not fuckin' exploiting animals at that point,
If you're taking photos and stuff,
In 1997,
In all of their power and glory.
In my opinion, it's the best education tool.
In order to drink out of a
In over 16 years, it's grown into this.
In the back of this guy's van was a snow leopard.
In the exotic animal world right now.
In this country.
Interaction, playtimes, photos.
Into what I do.
Is Doc Antle.
Is leading to the unbelievable number of these cats in captivity.
Is that we are fixing the problem,
Is there, like an emotional connection between you and these cats?
Is to provide them a safe place to live until they die.
Is walk down the fence line here.
Is worrying about them hurting a family member to get to me.
It all began when I was investigating
It got pretty ugly.
It is a ticking time bomb if somebody thinks
It is financially draining to fight this woman.
It is my belief...
It is the way he took care of them that made it take place.
It just drives more and more and more breeding
It was 100 degrees outside.
It was a crazy beginning.
It was a place where all these misfits could come together
It was all part of Carole Baskin's plan when
It was just a... hate.
It was me and the cat.
It was the one place he could shine.
It will destroy private zoos across America.
It'd be great if you would use the hashtag "BigCatRescue,"
It's a minimum of $10,000 a year to feed each tiger.
It's a real life tornado, and there ain't nothin' you can do
It's a very powerful statement because I have poured my entire life
It's almost a uniform.
It's always easy to find my luggage when I get off the plane.
It's coming to the Valley View Mall.
It's going to be a small Waco.
It's not that having lions and tigers is bad unto itself.
It's okay.
It's one thing that I can fix if I can just stay focused on that.
It's that big cats don't belong in cages.
Jamotti! Jamotti, my sexy tiger!
Jay brought us out into the forefront of people,
Joe Exotic was someone that makes good TV, makes good news.
Joe is a very paranoid person.
Joe started bashing her. She started bashing him.
Joe was one of the top contenders on it.
Joe was taking tiger cubs, stick 'em in a semi,
Joe wasn't doing magic.
John's a strong, silent type.
Joining us is the founder and director of TIGERS.
Just hammer 'em.
Let me show and tell the whole thing.
Let's see your foot, sexy lion!
Living out in the middle of Bumfuck, Oklahoma.
Loaded, ready to roll
Look at me! Awesome.
Look at that big smile. There you go. Show them claws.
Look at the fangs on that!
Look at the pictures there.
Makes a connection between them and the wild world,
Man, if he ever had an enemy in his life, it was Carole Baskin.
Man! Go back, go back!
Me and my wife were here Sunday.
Meeting him in person definitely solidified that.
Metal furniture, that sort of thing.
Mine have three inch teeth, and they weigh 400 pounds.
More like this?
Most of the staff was unique
Most of us are not ruthless.
My brother, he's an angel now.
My grandfather guru who
My name is Joe Exotic
My real name is Joe Schreibvogel.
Mystical Magic of the Endangered Show.
No, freeball it.
No, freeball it.
No, I want you up front with a still camera.
No? Keep coming, keep coming.
Nobody is gonna walk in here and freely shut me down
Now look at me, how young I am there on Letterman.
Now these big teeth also make it
Now, stop.
Of a lot of interaction with amazing domestic and wild animals.
Of big cats as exotic pets
Of presenting the animals without barriers,
Of private possession, which I believe
Of the big cat debate belongs to this man.
Of these cats who will never live free.
Of these magnificent animals.
Oh yeah, this is how endangered species can save themselves,
Oh, just investigating some animal rights issues
Oh, little girl.
Oh, shit!
Oh. Wow.
Okay, go ahead
On sites like Tinder and OKCupid apparently.
On the internet. Worldwide. Every night at six o'clock.
One baboon, three mountain lions and 18 tigers.
One of the most popular adventures here
One of the things that keeps me awake at night is the park.
One thing you're forgetting out there, you animal rights people,
Opening their hearts and their wallets,
Or, "A guy down there that has a tiger."
Our hearts go out to these brave agents who died today in the line of duty.
Our mission is to ban the private possession
Part detective work to try to track down Joe
People just go crazy over 'em because they're all in animal print.
People like Joe Exotic,
People remember,Β "Oh, that's the person that's gonna be all over my case
People who really love animals are rarely ruthless
People, every day, they're like...
Petted and loved on, you know?
Picture of Joe with the word evil on it.
Pieces of shit.
Playing Marvelous Bhagavan, the magic man.
Pretty cool. Come on in.
Properly managed wildlife can become a great tool for wildlife education, like…
Pushing Ohio lawmakers to author a new bill
Reach for America's favorite skincare products:
Restricting private ownership of exotic pets.
See ya Monday night, right here!
Seventy nine years.
She's an awesome advocate for cats
She's saving the very best part for last 'cause they love the turkey necks.
Shoutout to Exotic Joe.
So 11 years.
So he needed extra security.
So I don't read the newspaper,
So I took animals.
So it was definitely a big loss for us.
So known of being this guy that is in love with big cats
So make sure ya'll get me some promo pictures in there.
So my entire house is like, you know, tile floors, no curtains,
So that he can take down larger prey than you would expect.
So then I started adding magic.
So there's no cage that's going to be sufficient.
So we can do the same in his place.
So you can find us there.
So you set a baby tiger in a family's lap
So you're spending...
So, I had a real issue dealing with that,
So, I'm sure
So, to me, it was just a feud.
So, when I signed the papers to shut his life support machine off
Sometimes as many as five or six thousand emails.
Suckin' on your heartstrings about shit on the internet
Taking advantage of exotic animals to make money.
Than there are in the wild throughout the world.
Than you would anywhere in the world. Matter of fact, you're gonna get so close
That a cow or a deer gets hit on the highway.
That ain't even true!
That anyone would be glad to eat themselves.
That Carole Baskin
That cat's two or three hundred pounds and they're calling us saying,
That cub petting is abuse, okay.
That die in the feed lots
That Doc createdΒ while working
That if my office ever had to take some action out there,
That is cat print.
That is devoted entirely to caring for big cats.
That is how bad this has gotten.
That is how bad this has gotten.
That jumped on this little boy and bit him on the leg.
That lady that profits over 1.5 million dollars
That led me along to be able to have a quality life
That might be happening.
That mountain lion is sticking his head through a hole in the fence
That people who are against people having relationships with animals, period,
That really is Bubbles and I as kids together.
That says, "I got peed on by a tiger."
That set me on this journey to really understand what is going on
That stand off near Waco began as a federal raid
That the people of the world would know who he is.
That there could be dangerous wild animals living right next door to them
That was really the point I realized, you know,
That we're abusing animals.
That we're abusing tigers and running us all out of business.
That will probably push our legislation forward.
That would pay the bills for the winter sometimes.
That you will stop breathing.
That's a brand new shirt, now quit it!
That's a pretty powerful statement.
That's enough to kill everybody in this room three, four times over.
That's his deal right now.
That's it.
That's what I thought was really cool about the zoo.
That's when he decided to change his name to Joe Exotic.
The animal rights activists,
The animal rights people like to bitch at you
The best seller out of this gift shop is actually Tiger King underwear line.
The Big Cat Public Safety Act would end the ownership
The Big Cat Safety Act, if passed,
The game wardens and the highway patrol call us any time
The most notorious...
The only difference between my pet and your pet is
The president of the Humane Society called this place,Β and I quote:
The price goes up according to how many people are coming on.
The tiger selfie is a growing trend
The toenails you gotta watch because they rip your face.
The very first image that my parents had of me in the cradle,
The world's biggest cat coming on there,
Their soul dies.
Then you'll say, "Jesus fucking Christ! Why are you in jail?"
There are crazy people out there who want to see me dead.
There are enough ignorant people out there
There are more captive tigers in the US today
There are so many strange twists in that story.
There can be only one, and it has to be her.
There is a very emotional connection between me and these cats. Extreme.
There, I've got every animal rights person all in one row.
There's a guy that has a lion,"
There's a war in America that's being fought
There's always a gun at his side.
There's people that are opposite of what Joe believes in.
There's people that paid 625, 655 for their tours today.
These animals have a life to live now. A happy life to live.
These are rarer than the clouded leopard.
These malls started refusing to have him back.
These tickets sold out really fast,
They are always trying to upset me on social media.
They are creating the problem.
They just feel very strongly that these are mine
They keep sayin' I can't have these tigers.
They leave with a whole different attitude.
They want the lion's share,
They were both, you know,
They would research it, find the owners of the mall
They're gonna walk in here and take my animals away.
This gradually got up to thousands of emails.
This guy has been videotaping.
This is Bengali, an old circus tiger.
This is Joseph the lion, and he came from a facility in Ohio...
This is my first album, I Saw A Tiger,
This is my little girl, Bubbles!
This is my little town.
This is our third time. Second this week.
This is Swami Satchidananda,
This is the thing you don't want when you have tigers, folks.
This is what you're going to be greeted with.
This was our oldest cat.
Those people are fucking insane, man.
Three of us wear firearms.
Three quarters of a million feeding your tigers?
Three thirty nine is the start price, right?
Three, two, one.
Tiger King Skincare.
Tiger King Super Skin Rejuvenating Cream.
To basically try to track Joe
To create for you an amazing animal adventure.
To do proper care.
To just wanting to tear your face off, and they could do it like that,
To live in luxurious cages?
To murder Carole Baskin.
To the Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park.
To the point that they've actually made me a target now.
To the time that they're 16 weeks old,
Today we have a Siberian Tiger, an Indochinese Tiger,
Today we're gonna take those same techniques
Uncaged experience with wildlife.
Underestimate how dangerous some of these people are.
Until they're about 12 weeks old,
Volumes of the stuff that went wrong there.
Want to destroy me because I am out there in the forefront
Was about the animal rights people and Carole down in Florida.
Was when he made a comment about "this could be another Waco."
We didn't beat tigers at our zoo
We do not discriminate here.
We feed super quality food
We got honey, we got barbecue sauce,
We got undercover video of him using a 20 week old cub
We have 24 hour armed guards,
We have a tiger crisis in this country.
We have feed lots that give us five to seven cows a day...
We have steak sauce, skin cream.
We haven't even offered them for sale yet. These are those real young ones, you know.
We hear it's Carole's birthday next month
We might as well do Letterman real quick.
We might generate 500 emails...
We say no to drugs, that's right.
We started a program where we would contact the malls
We sure got accused of it.
We were going to have a shoot out.
We were gonna shoot each other.
We would like a tiger to do that."
We're gonna film, you know this is my crib here.
We're talking this morning about the upcoming
We're the world's largest accredited sanctuary
We've been in this pissing match over tigers.
We've got, like, eight of 'em in there now.
Well, how about that one?
Well, they're two boys.
What do we say to drugs?
What is a snow leopard doing in the back of this guy's hot van?
What really sets apart Big Cat Rescue from a zoo
What the fuck? Let's go!"
What the hell are you doing?
What they are doing is breeding cats for life in cages.
What we're asking you to do is champion the Big Cat Public Safety Act.
What... keeps me up at night
When federal agents tried to serve a search warrant.
When I first met Joe, I was like a month out of high school.
When I go in to talk with a legislator,
When I really realized Joe was potentially dangerous
When I walked in, I had all this experience
When my father found out,
When we first started out, we were all crammed in a semi.
When you come in at night and you wanna feel good,
Who will then take in that tiger and a year later,
Why would you give to a facility to rescue animals
With 500 pound tigers and everybody envy you?
With Hollywood's top producers and directors
With people keeping big cats in this country.
With saving the cats,
Within a year of becoming sheriff, Joe walks into my office.
Without caging, so that you can really get to see them
You are a good kitty.
You can profit $100,000 on that cub.
You can read plaques too.
You can see how they go from being so sweet
You can see somehow both of us got way bigger over the years.
You could take your picture with this little baby cub.
You don't wear underwear?
You got it. Is that gonna be it or do you need any explosives today?
You know, after the Waco deal, me and Joe made a pact.
You know, getting the mall shows canceled.
You know, I've done a lot of shit in my life,
You know, people only care about saving what affects them.
You know, they're kinda strange,
You know, where he came from."
You know, with the G.W. Zoo and Joe.
You name it.
You wanna lead?
You want me to get down, so you've got this cat?
You would have to write books,
You're doing boat tours, night tours, day tours,Β kid tours, kid camps, weddings.
You're following me again. [laughs]
You're open to the public.
You're so wonderful.
Your whole audience will say, "Oh my god, that guy has a mullet!"
40 to 50 police reports from Joe.
[alligator gurgles] [both laughing]
[applause] Good afternoon, guys!
[chuckles] It seems to be. [Goode] And that works.
[Goode] And this? [Carole] That was a gift.
[gunshots] [tiger snarls]
[lions growling] Come here, you sexy beast!
[man] Not the cats? Not the cats.
[patron] How old are they? Six weeks.
[roars] [man 7] I'll tell you, it's real simple.
[snarls] [man gasps, grunts]
[tiger roaring] Dying doesn't scare me.
[woman] Maybe take it off? Oh, you don't want me to take it off.
And be proud of it. Yeah.
And ready and go. Action.
And this? And This I actually had painted.
And this? And This I actually had painted.
Crazy. [interviewer] What was the beginning?
Do you wear these yourself? I don't wear underwear.
Doing good. Come on in. Good to see you. Thanks.
Good idea. Okay?
Good, good. Right here.
Hey. How you doing, guys?
How do you hold these? This way.
I have sex gel for you and her! Sex gel?
Oh, they're two boys. We have a very open relationship here.
Stop it, you're going to make me cry.Β  I know.
That's his favorite animal. I mean, I hit the lottery,
That's the one that Yup. Yep.
They're so affectionate and fond Are these trying to mate?
Who's this? My brother.
...paid it to Carole Baskin.
'Cause it's dynamic price like an airline ticket.
'cause nobody ever knows how to say it right anyway.
'cause that's what you came here for
'cause you just do an amazing job.
"A ticking time bomb and potentially ten times worse than Zanesville."
"Check out what I just bought."
"Hey, we need a tiger to do this.
"Look, we gotta save the rain forest
"Oh yeah, just down the street,
"Please get this out of my house."
"You must have the most incredible life, to live with 187 big cats."
[Antle] Carole, PETA, those characters want to attack everyone.
[Antle] Fifty acres makes up the preserve here.
[Antle] I made 500 gigantic international movies,
[Antle] I sleep with an AK 47 under my mattress.
[Antle] People become wildly stimulated
[Antle] People in Hollywood, people other places came to me and said,
[Antle] She's ruthless.
[Antle] To see an animal going to chase that high speed lure,
[Antle] We believe these incredible, up close experiences
[Antle] We charge a premium because it costs so much
[Bass] At one point, we used someone to follow Joe
[Bass] It was, you know,
[caller 1] Yeah, there's a lion on Mount Perry Road and Gratiot.
[caller 2] It was heading west in a hurry.
[caller 3] Looks like a jaguar or wolf or something...
[Carole] And when people see that, they want to emulate it.
[Carole] Anybody who poses with an exotic cat is a problem.
[Carole] I believe that there are a number of ticking time bombs out there,
[Carole] Most of what I wear are cat prints.
[Carole] One day I went out to open up the mailbox
[Carole] People who pimp out tiger cubs can only use them
[Carole] There shouldn't have to be a place that rescues big cats from abuse
[Carole] These guys are checking out Max and Mary Anne.
[Carole] To get a little bit of background on Joe,
[Carole] We're headed to Cameron and Zaboo.
[Carole] Wild animals have been brought onto the late night shows
[Carole] Zanesville really woke up the public about the fact
[child crying]
[crowd] Aww!
[dealer] Not if they're acclimated in Florida,
[dealer] See how the snake stresses? That's when the venom shoots out.
[Finlay] He'd put on a magic show, which actually was pretty cool.
[Finlay] They would do cub petting.
[Goode] A guy showed up one day wanting to buy a venomous snake
[Goode] Are these as rare as the clouded leopard?
[Goode] Carole, tell me about this room, 'cause everything has a certain pattern.
[Goode] Carole, you even have cat luggage!
[Goode] Carole, you even have cat luggage!
[Goode] Carole's taking a nap.
[Goode] I like it off.
[Goode] I like that Doc is better at directing than we are.
[Goode] It just blew my mind.
[Goode] No, I like it. I like it!
[Goode] Oh, she's dressed perfectly.
[Goode] What is the cost of admission here?
[Goode] When he was leaving, he said,
[Goode] Where are we headed?
[Goode] Where does your TV show air?
[Goode] Yeah, that's great, thank you.
[Goode] You raised these from babies?
[Goode] You've got how many tigers now?
[GPS] Your destination is ahead on the right.
[handler] Okay, good boy! Good boy!
[Howard] In addition to Joe,
[Howard] Years ago when Carole first started doing this,
[interviewer] Okay, this is good. All right.
[interviewer] When I started this project,
[Joe] At the age of 13, I knew I was gay.
[Joe] Do you know what they threatened me with?
[Joe] For Carole... and all of her friends that are watching out there,
[Joe] Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
[Joe] He's taught me quite a bit
[Joe] Her whole plan is to get her following to believe
[Joe] I can feed a tiger for $3,000 a year.
[Joe] I'm in a cage.
[Joe] Joe Exotic.
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