A leading member of theJedi Council, is he not? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
A thought? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Aim right above the fuel cells! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Anakin, do you copy? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Anakin, escort the senator back to her home planet of Naboo. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Anakin, my long range transmitter has been knocked out. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Anakin! How many times have I told you... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
And ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her about this matter. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
And I rescued you, remember? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
And Miss Padme. Oh, my. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
And remind them, if they need more troops... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
And smooth. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
And try to guess the names of the birds singing. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
And, personally, I'd like to find out who he is and who he's working for. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Are you having a problem, Master Kenobi? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
As I explained to you earlier... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
As powerful as Master Windu. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
As wise as Master Yoda and... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
At least I think it was Lars. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Blast! This is why I hate flying! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Boba, rood eht so heeck. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
But it's coming from Tatooine. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
But they're vicious, mindless monsters. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Coruscant's too far. R4, can you boost the power? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Creating mistrust are his ways now. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Death I feel. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Die, Jedi dogs! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Do it for me, milady. Please? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Do not assume anything, Obi Wan. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Do you see any way through negotiations... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Do you think it will really come to war? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Fought well you have, my old Padawan. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
He couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
He'll be safe with me. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
He's come to check on our progress. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
He's not on Naboo, R4 from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
He's overly critical. He never listens. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Hello, 3PO. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I am concerned for my Padawan. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I don't think so. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I guess I was wrong. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I have a strong feeling that this bounty hunter... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I haven't worked for a year to defeat the Military Creation Act... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I like two or three... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I love democracy. I love the Republic. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I love y... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I love you. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I love... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I love... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I miss you... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I saw her as clearly as I see you now. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I saw my mother. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I see. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I sold her to a moisture farmer named Lars. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I trust him, but the systems don't show on the archive maps. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I was beginning to wonder if you'd got my message. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I will never join you, Dooku. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I will petition immediately to have you set free. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I will take the designs with me to Coruscant. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I wonder what happened to poor little R2. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I wonder why it didn't show up in the analysis archives. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I'd hoped you would be pleased. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I'm Anakin Skywalker. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I'm looking for a planet described to me by an old friend from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I'm looking for Shmi Skywalker. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I'm so confused. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I'm sorry. Master... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I've been tracking a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I've come to see my mother. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
If Dooku escapes... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
If they do break away... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
If you spent as long practicing your saber techniques as you do your wit... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
In following the passions and the prejudices of the senators. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
In some ways... a lot of ways... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Is central to a Jedi's life. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Is my mother here? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It does not exist. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It has been far too long, Master Kenobi. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It is my experience that senators focus... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It is with great reluctance... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It seems that he is carrying a message from an Obi Wan Kenobi. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It's a clear desa separatists made a pact... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It's a great pity our paths have never crossed before, Obi Wan. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It's all Obi Wan's fault! He's jealous! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It's much closer. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It's not fair! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
It's unthinkable! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Kamino. I'm not familiar with it from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Let the executions begin. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Lies, deceit... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Look over there! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Machines making machines. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Master Yoda, all forward positions are advancing from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
May I present Lama Su... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this mess. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Milady. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
My heart is beating... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
My master will never allow the Republic... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
My neck! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
No tampering with the structure to make it more docile... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
No. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
No. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Not if they feel threatened. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Not like here. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Now, let's check the security. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Now, please, this way. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Oh, we keep him here. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Oh... yes from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Palpatine is a politician. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Perfect. It's settled, then. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Powerful you have become, Dooku from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Retransmit this message to Coruscant. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Scramble code five to Coruscant, care of the old folks' home! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Senator Padme. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Senators, "dellow felagates": from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
She hardly even recognized me, JarJar. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
She is in pain. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
She's forgotten me completely from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Should be easy to find, even for those droids in your archives. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Sifo Dyas. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Sorry, Master. I forgot you don't like flying from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Sorry, milady. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Stay away from power couplings! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Sure. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Surely you can do better from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Taking any order without question. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
That you should never have given me. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
That'll do from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
That's Anakin's tracking signal, all right... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
The dark side clouds everything. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
The data must have been erased. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
The shroud of the dark side has fallen. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
There was no danger at all. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
They are totally obedient... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
They will be much safer there with my master. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
They'll do their job well. I'll guarantee that. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
They're cloners. Damn good ones too. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
They're dead. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
To pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporators. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi Wan. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Uh huh. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Until caught this killer is... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
We could keep it a secret. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
We were both in the Legislative Youth Program. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
We will do exactly as the council has instructed. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
We will not exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
We won't be seeing him again. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
We would swim to that island every day. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Welcome home, Lord Tyranus. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Well, if it works. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Well, then they should be made to. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
What about the senator from Naboo? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
What is she thinking? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Whatever it is, I didn't do it. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Where are you going? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Why not? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Wisdom. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Worthy of recognition in the archives of theJedi order. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Yes, but is my head on straight? from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
You can tell me what this is. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
You have fought gallantly... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
You mentioned growth acceleration. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
You want to go home and rethink your life. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
You would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
You've changed so much. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Your apprentice is the only one who can bring the Force back into balance. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
Your presence is soothing. from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
200,000 units are ready... from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard
I can't leave her! Come to your senses! from Star Wars: Episode II Soundboard