A little fiddling with the records, some rewriting of history. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Actually, I have. A great American. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
All we have now is the slim chance of a job... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
And we did it from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Are you the real guys? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Be calm and know you have the full. power of the White House behind you. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Be glad to. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Better smile, they'll know we're here in ten seconds. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
But since I'm not... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Cleveland? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Closet case. Sad from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Come on down. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Come on, come on, come on. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Come with us from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Could always make it appear he did. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Damn it! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Decaf, you pussy. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Did Taft write Thirty Days to a Slimmer Ass? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Did we get collision coverage? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Did you ever had one of her pizzas? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Don't do that with the liquor. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Don't hide who you really are. Be brave Here. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Don't worry. I can promise this is the last you'll hear about it from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Down and to the left. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Duck! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Excellent work, Caldwell. I'll be in touch. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Excuse us. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Follow your presidents. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Get in! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Get out! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Go, go, go. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
God, this whole thing is crazy. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Good. Secure the room, but do not move in until I get there. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Hail to the Chief, he's the chief and he needs hailing. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Halt. Stop where you are. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Haney had Charlie Reynolds killed, now they're trying to kill us. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Have a pick if you like? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
He isn't here. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
He was a president. He had his four years. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
He won't be a Joint Chief after all. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
He's disappeared. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Headed for Ohio? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Hello, Joe from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Hello, Senator. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Here from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Hey, good buddy! God bless America! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Hi, there. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
His lady called the White House. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Hold it, hold it. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Hold it! Stop right there! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Hold this. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Honey, you're hurting me from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
How about we take a walk? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
How do you do? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
How're you? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
How's it going? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
How's that for honesty? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I always did just enough not to piss anybody off.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I can't figure how a twisted psycho like Tanner end up in the NSA. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I can't say I recall that ever happening before... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I can't think of anything more fitting than to share with you.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I don't like people running faster than I do. It makes me look poky. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I don't need to know. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I don't think we'll make it to Akron from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I gave you a direct order! Shoot! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I guess life in the White House put a strain on your marriage from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I have a tough time keeping track of the Democrats from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I have always believed that dreams are like our children from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I have money. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I have nothing to say. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I have some friends who might help. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I have to keep my hands on the first penis. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I haven't seen any NSA today so I'm guessing we lost them. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I must change my shorts now. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I think he's covering for Haney. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I thought about your offer. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I want to speak to the White House. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I was President of the United States I don't dance with animals from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I was told what you went through from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I will not abort my mission without verification of your authority. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I'll get right on it. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I'll make the announcement. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I'm going to have to stand by my original statement. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I'm pretty sure I'll catch one of you. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I'm trying. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I've always said that our dreams are like our children from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
If you could just step out of the car from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Is there any way someone could have broken in here? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It don't matter none. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It was a lot like his presidency from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It was cream puff with raspberry sauce and, I don't know..... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It was just nice to do something and... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It'd be a great time to talk to him. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's a freedom ring necklace. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's a kick in the balls. Sorry, sweetheart. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's all hay and grass out there. It's the amber waves of grain...' from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's an honor to meet you, son. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's been a delight speaking to you from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's Haney's mess and he's shifting it to me. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's here from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's okay. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
It's so...George Bush. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Jesus! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Jimmy Carter, there's a class act. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Joe Hollis? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Joe, it's me. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Let's do it. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Let's go. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Let's start at the front and move back. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Lf you do this for us... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Look, Tanner. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Looks like a U. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Meet us at the next station. That's where we'll pull them off from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Muskrat Susie from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
My fellow Americans... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
My mother has a commemorative plate with your face on it. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
My nose is clean. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
My parents proved that conclusively. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Name three women in Dc. you didn't bang when you were in office from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Nice to have seen you. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
No problem from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
No, stupid. I know you're supposed to look like. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Oh God, Margaret, come on now. Please. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Oh, man! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Oh, not good. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Okay, let's go. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Okay? I'll be in touch. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
One that cheered him up. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
One! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Picked up a lot of fresh produce at the farmer's market. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Please tell me it's Kramer. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Please... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Possibly we can lay the scandal on him from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
President Douglas. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
President Kramer. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
President Matthews. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Really? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Remind him these people are from the Netherlands, not nether regions. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Right. Enjoy the ride from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Rumor has it a major scandal is about to blow... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Russell with the tiny penis? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Shoot them! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Shoot to kill! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Shut up. We don't want to piss her off from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Somebody wants us dead, when they find we're not, they'll look for us. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Someone carved it? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Someone's here for you. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Stow it, sailor! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Sweet Jesus. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Thank you from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Thank you, Russ. That's for you. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Thank you. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Thanks. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
That way! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
That'd open a whole new bag of cats from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
That's a Constellation. It was given to me by Gorbachev. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
That's a U.S. government plate. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
That's Presidents Kramer and Douglas. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
The crash site is still secure We just adjust the time of the crash. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
The first... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
The only problem is if I drop this off at CNN Matthews gets thrown out... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Then it might not be so bad from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
There it goes again from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
There you go. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
There, like riding a bike. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
There's only one way that moron was ever going to become.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
They deserve our respect. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
They're coming. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
They're down. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
This is amazing. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
This is going to be fun. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
This is INS One One. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
This'll make him very happy. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Tom and.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Too fast again. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Too little, too late. You'll never catch us. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Try to keep up with me, buster. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Two of America's biggest political rivals are making history from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Utah! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Wait a minute. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Want to compare popularity polls? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We agreed that I would do it from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We better button up the White House. If they get to the president.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We can't get cars through the block. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We fought bravely, but for us the time has come.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We grab them as soon as we can. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We have to ride with you so we can gain a personal perspective... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We have to talk... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We have? Where? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We march in these all the time from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We were told we were going to Camp David to see Haney. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We won't have a long chat. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We've had that buried for years from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
We've sealed off the West Wing. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Well? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Were you in charge to take care of him? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What a lovely surprise from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What about Charlie Reynolds? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What are you looking at? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What do you mean damn near? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What is this? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What the hell...? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What, a penny? Man, you are one cheap son of a bitch. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What? Haney? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What'd I do? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What's up? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What's wrong? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What's your name? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
When did this supposedly happen? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
When I couldn’t sleep, I'd go downstairs and she'd make a dessert from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
When this is over, let's come back and look for my balls from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Where are you? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Who knows this place better than us? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Why? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Will you excuse us a minute? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Will you stop whistling please? I'm trying to sleep over here. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Yeah, maybe in a couple years. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Yes, sir. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Yet to night, in spite of their almost overwhelming distaste for each other.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You can. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You could spit in a petri dish and start a whole civilization from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You get the Oval Office..... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You go hide. I'll count from 100 and then come find you. Okay? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You haven't said anything about my book. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You made the right choice. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You said you wanted to maintain radio silence... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You wait one month then you try again. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You were the leader of the free world. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You've got plenty of options. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Come on! Sure you did! No, no, you just don't get it. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Good to see you. Welcome home, sir. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
I can't Close your eyes. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Let go, please. No I won't. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Screw you. Blow me from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Vodka tonic I'm sure we can swing that. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
What are you doing?! It's the only way we'll get to Haney. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
Would they? Of course, they would from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
You're crazy. It is true! from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...and Carl Witnaur. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...and put aside any feelings of ill will... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...and serious doubts about this man's ability to lead a nation... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...because I feel the goat cheese pizza backing up on me. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...democratic Governor Matt Douglas of Indiana. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...former president and convicted felon Ted Matthews. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...have we heard from Witnaur? from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...hostility.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...I had a thing with the real Douglas, at a Fourth of July do. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...I think I'm going to... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...I’ve realized... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...if the book goes or not... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...in the years ex presidents have had Secret Service protection... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...it is our pleasure to welcome... from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...looking for a confirmation. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...miss you from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...Olympia.. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...on the way to the office tonight. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...that I hope none of us feels from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...the arrangement was made with President Kramer alone. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...the word Olympia circled in red. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...they're still out there with about a three hour head start from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
...which isn't far from Cuyahoga Falls, where my library is from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard
'Morning. from My Fellow Americans (1996) Soundboard