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Downton Abbey - Season 5 Downton Abbey - Season 5: A Classy Delight for Fans Step into the opulent halls of Downton Abbey and

Downton Abbey - Season 5

Downton Abbey - Season 5: A Classy Delight for Fans

Step into the opulent halls of Downton Abbey and immerse yourself in the captivating world of British aristocracy with the acclaimed TV series Downton Abbey - Season 5. Set in the early 1920s, this Emmy Award-winning historical drama continues to enchant viewers with its compelling characters, intricate storylines, and sumptuous period details.

Launched in 2010, Downton Abbey quickly became a global phenomenon, winning over audiences with its unwavering attention to detail and richly developed characters. Season 5, which premiered in 2014, is no exception, offering audiences a fresh perspective on the lives of the Crawley family and their loyal staff.

The stellar cast brings these characters to life with remarkable depth and talent. The head of the Crawley family, the Earl of Grantham, is portrayed by Hugh Bonneville, a masterful actor whose commanding performance adds gravitas to every scene he graces. Lady Mary Crawley, the eldest daughter of the Crawley family, is skillfully brought to life by Michelle Dockery. Dockery flawlessly captures Lady Mary's strength, vulnerability, and complex journey as she navigates love, loss, and the changing times.

Playing the formidable Dowager Countess is the incomparable Dame Maggie Smith, whose sharp-tongued wit and remarkable screen presence have made her an audience favorite throughout the series. The talented ensemble also includes Elizabeth McGovern as Cora Crawley, Laura Carmichael as Lady Edith Crawley, and Jim Carter as the devoted butler, Mr. Carson.

Season 5 sees the continued evolution of the Crawley family and their staff against a backdrop of societal change. As the Roaring Twenties bring new challenges and opportunities, the characters grapple with technological advancements, shifting social norms, and the long-lasting effects of World War I. Downton Abbey - Season 5 expertly weaves together these themes with compelling storylines that captivate viewers and leave them eagerly awaiting each new episode.

One of the strengths of Downton Abbey - Season 5 lies in its ability to effortlessly entwine the upstairs and downstairs worlds. The relationships between the Crawleys and their staff are depicted with depth and authenticity, shining a light on the interdependent nature of the two classes. The lives of our beloved characters are beautifully interconnected, resulting in unforgettable moments of drama, love, and genuine human connection.

The meticulous attention to detail in the production design of Downton Abbey is truly unrivaled. From the stunning costumes to the meticulously recreated interiors of the abbey, every aspect of the show transports viewers back in time. The grandeur of the estate and the exquisitely crafted period costumes make Downton Abbey an absolute feast for the eyes.

To fully immerse yourself in the world of Downton Abbey - Season 5, you can now play and download the sounds of the show. The soundtrack is a beautiful collection of classical gems and original compositions created for the series. These melodies evoke the elegance and emotional depth of the show, enhancing the viewing experience and allowing fans to relive their favorite moments.

Downton Abbey - Season 5 remains the epitome of period drama, blending history, romance, and social commentary into a captivating narrative. With its exceptional cast, rich storytelling, and breathtaking aesthetics, this critically acclaimed TV series has left an indelible mark on the hearts of viewers worldwide.

Whether you're a die-hard fan or new to the series, Downton Abbey - Season 5 is an absolute must-watch. Relive the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, and experience the splendor of this remarkable period drama. So step into Downton Abbey, indulge your senses, and allow yourself to be transported to a time of grandeur and elegance. The world of Downton Abbey awaits you, ready to captivate and enthrall you like never before.
A cup of coffee, then? That would be perfect.
A few years ago, I worked in London, as a lady's maid
A gentleman called Prince Kuragin, m'lady.
A group's arriving from the village tomorrow morning.
A hope that will be fulfilled and gladly, m'lady.
A memorial, m'lord.
A necklace, a couple of bracelets, some rings.
A plan to her own advantage and I'd like to know...
A registry office and the Savoy chapel.
A second witness has come forward.
A sort of rattle, rattle, bang, bang.
A strange business, Carson.
A witness has identified Mrs Bates
About Marigold? What? I don't know. A sense of deja vu.
About the new war memorial they're putting up.
After he'd served time.
After her behaviour while we were in London, I don't think she's a suitable guest.
After her ladyship's gone to bed
After which I will ask to speak to Her Ladyship and I will tell her your story.
Ah, and you?
Ah, look who's coming your way.
Ah, Louise, I wasn't expecting to find you here.
Ah, that is correct. How did you get them to agree?
Ah, you've come back, then? We thought you'd run away to sea.
Ah. The date of the unveiling. Of the memorial? When is it?
All clear now, m'lord. No real damage beyond Lady Edith's bedroom.
All I want is your happiness, my darling.
All of us? I wonder if you know what you're taking on!
All of you, Andy will be an extra footman while we're in London.
Am I just expected to be a good loser?
Amritsar was a very unfortunate incident,
An idea he is clearly not going to share with us.
And a reminder of the sacrifices that were made.
And as for you, where have you been? You don't want to know.
And Atticus? Where is the lovelorn swain tonight?
And booked a photographer to maximise his embarrassment?
And can you please keep Molesley in the kitchens until his hair stops turning blue?
And claims free drinks all night for bringing in new punters.
And divorce, I think I'm fairly easy.
And do you? Maybe.
And don't be such a snob.
And finally, thank you all for coming
And have you told him that?
And his name's Lord Sinderby.
And his wife sulks all night if you're a minute late.
And how little you've had to fight.
And how's that lovely garden of yours?
And I asked Weaver to see if they had any rooms.
And I do not at all promise I'll keep you on.
And I feel most uncomfortable not having told you before now.
And I feel so angry with myself, I want to be rid of it.
And I haven't got another job yet.
And I hope you will be very, very happy, my dearest darling.
And I know he hates himself for it afterwards.
And I suppose you gambled. I lost the lot.
And I suppose you gambled. I lost the lot.
And I think it links Mr Bates to the dead valet.
And I think it were a mistake.
And I think that's at the bottom of it.
And I want a blessing in a synagogue. Would you find a synagogue in Ripon?
And I'll be sad to say goodbye, but I think it's right.
And I'll cherish them when I get there.
And I'll miss you.
And if I'm not allowed to stay?
And if you miss them,
And is Bates back? Not yet, m'lord.
And is it a bad thing?
And Lady Grantham is aware of this?
And London makes more sense for Susan and Shrimpie.
And make sure you're back by ten o'clock
And Mrs Benton reported the theft?
And no mathematical skill is worth that.
And not every father hears that from his daughter.
And not just for ourselves, for our people.
And now you want Rose to be an outcast?
And now, you want to throw all that away for this little shiksa.
And put us all in our proper place.
And she seemed nice when she came downstairs.
And she was right, wasn't she? So, next time, ask your Uncle Thomas.
And she was so graphic, I almost fainted.
And shouldn't Mr Branson have played a part in it?
And show them how lucky they are!
And so it seems right to us to mark his passing.
And someone's opened the lid and brought me into the sunlight.
And Sybil got her to make evening pyjamas and Granny almost fainted.
And taking carriage rides in the park.
And tell my hosts I won't be able to get to them tonight?
And the country's chosen a Labour government, so people don't always get it right.
And the Dowager?
And the mist is clearing around the lithe figure of Tony Gillingham?
And the nights?
And then after that, I believe you will be sure.
And then the engine just seemed to lose its power.
And then you what?
And then you will have a scandal worthy of the name!
And they would like you as their patron.
And this had been put on the shelf with the other books.
And to make it worse...
And we'll see what can be saved tomorrow.
And we've taken our place among the leaders in this land.
And what possessed Susan? "Do you have any English blood?"
And whatever I can do to make him happy, I will do.
And where you can hide away from the rest of us?
And will you put up a fight for Prince Kuragin?
And you'll love her? Your new granddaughter?
And you're quite, quite sure?
And...? It's our anniversary.
Andy won't be round long enough to mind a black mark
Andy, you take your life in your hands
Andy? How was last night?
Another clang in the march of time.
Any children will be brought up to know both sides of their heritage.
Anything's worth a try.
Apart from anything else, I've never been warm before!
Apart from the stuff we can't do before the day.
Are also available in London.
Are these all the cases, Denker?
Are we doing anything for your anniversary?
Are we to pretend they're a happy couple?
Are we? I hesitate to remind you that Shrimpie knows India and you don't.
Are you glad to be in London again? I will be when I get the house back.
Are you going 1:0 play?
Are you ill?
Are you looking forward to London? I am.
Are you proposing to divorce?
Are you ready to order? May we have a few more moments?
Are you sure? You've always been so proud of it
Are you taking it out? Oh...
Arithmetic Part 1? Cost Accounting? What is this?
Arms down. Relax.
As a friend, as a lover.
As a matter of fact, and perhaps to my surprise,
As a matter of fact, he's more interested in medicine than sport.
As a matter of fact, I'd be interested to The Lady Shackleton.
As a partner. Oh, I see.
As dull as ever. They sent love.
As I hope you were.
As I say, His Lordship may have a valet, but these days we can't be sure, so...
As Sybil's father, this is not an easy conversation for me,
As you know, Lord Gillingham arrives today, but there's been no mention of a valet.
As Your Lordship wishes. Give him a good reference.
At any rate, not by you.
At her age, it's right she should have a new adventure, isn't it?
At last I have a plan, start the work in the village,
At least it's out in the open. They'll have to lump it.
At least, I did think about it,
At least, I think I see. Next time I'm coming with you.
At Skelton Park, they're down to a butler, a cook, two maids and a cleaning woman, and that's it.
At the Melfords' in Coningsby?
At twelve noon on the 25th.
Atticus has had to move into the Halnaby Hotel.
Atticus loves him and I love Atticus.
Atticus says it must have been a practical joke
Atticus would have a more ******* name.
Avoiding one's friends that's the real test
Back again, Miss Denker?
Barrow, can we clear the tea?
Barrow, hurry up! Get her away from the smoke. I'll check the bedrooms.
Barrow, we have to thank you
Beauty, brains, a heart, a conscience, all in one.
Because I don't want to be part of some sort of a... prank.
Because I know this: If I weaken, I'll pay for it.
Because I thought you might be amused by how friendly he and Mrs Crawley have become.
Because I'm a pig ignorant idiot.
Because if I might be permitted to say so?
Because you're in love with me. Am I?
Because you've got a crush on me.
Because, by then, I didn't have them.
Because, if it concerns her criminal record, then I know all about it.
Before I go, I want to meet the staff downstairs.
Before I started studying I thought history, art or 'owt like that
Before we get drawn into Miss Denker's past adventures,
Before we go, his lordship wants to extend an invitation to Mr Mason
Before you disperse, I would beg your indulgence for a moment.
Before you do, have you thought about the work in the village?
Being on the pavement near Mr Green before he fell.
Blimey. She doesn't give up easily.
Blimey. What does that mean?
Bombay is a marvellous city.
Borrowing footmen sounds like something out of the last century.
Both gatherings were interesting, in their different ways.
Bully what out?
But a stone edifice on the green,
But all I care about is you should believe me.
But as a matter of fact, there is something about her.
But could I? What do I know about farming or ordering supplies or doing accounts?
But don't you. Right?
But even if I do that in the end, wouldn't I be better studying here,
But everything's come right?
But he does love Atticus.
But his memory is cherished by some here,
But his mother called him Atticus as a baby and it stuck.
But I accept that you have earned our goodwill by your actions tonight.
But I admire it, when young people stand up for their principles.
But I am a man who has drawn a winning ticket.
But I can't deny I'd prefer one of my own. You'd feel the same.
But I dare say that's all under control.
But I didn't order any tea
But I do know it's usual to be invited to dinner by the hostess.
But I do like him. I think he's very nice
But I don't know anything. You talk about my working at Mr Mason's farm, but how?
But I expect it's difficult to get time alone in London.
But I felt proud, too.
But I intend to be as happy with my second husband as I was with my first.
But I must confess, they remind me of how I used to feel.
But I shall have to think about it.
But I should be praying in the back row, not the front. That's all.
But I should control my feelings?
But I so admire you for putting on a good face.
But I suppose that's a different issue.
But I suppose that's what happens
But I suspect his ambitions rather outstrip what a career as a footman will yield.
But I think my chauffeur, Weaver, seems to have it in hand.
But I think you've decided and I'm the winner.
But I wasn't sure we were even going to make it down the drive.
But I'm loath to... forfeit your good opinion, and I know I would.
But I've been terribly stupid.
But I've decided I'm not going anywhere,
But I've learned something that makes me feel both responsible and guilty.
But if he knew something wrong about you, why would he put you forward for the job?
But if I was wrong, then I am sorry.
But if you're sure, I'm sure.
But in marrying a Rothschild, there are certain compensations.
But is "regretting it" enough? It wouldn't be for me
But it doesn't mean it's better than the one you've chosen.
But it wasn't his fault, was it? He could hardly slap her hand away.
But it would be hard for Lord and Lady Grantham.
But it's best not to stand in his way.
But it's time he decided whether he is fish, flesh, fowl or good red herring.
But Lady Sinderby's family arrived in the reign of King Richard Ill.
But Miss O'Brien's got herself taken on by the new Governor's wife.
But Mr Carson knew more of the young men that died than you did.
But never fear. Mary is more than ready to manage without me.
But not in the way you think.
But nothing happened here!
But now you'll take them away with you to Boston.
But on our own, and we'll spend the days... talking.
But she is English and Anglican and so will her children be...
But surely, His Lordship..
But surely, most of the country must support him, or he wouldn't be Prime Minister.
But that sort of thing's not his style.
But that was quite a while back, wasn't it?
But that won't mean she's any the less proud of our William.
But that's all in God's hands. There's nothing we can do.
But that's the custom, isn't it?
But the difference is that you agree with me.
But then we're *******, so we pay well.
But then, what could be more important?
But they asked Carson to be the Chairman.
But they help themselves to coffee and drinks from a side table.
But traditionally, I feel it should have been you, m'lord.
But was the war worth fighting?
But we don't know yet where we want the memorial to be, m'lord. So...?
But we must strive to keep things light.
But we'd also like to offer the position of Chairman of our Committee
But what happened, exactly? Well, there was this terrible noise.
But what will you do? Oh, we passed a public house in the village,
But what's he on about? He thinks I know something about Mr Bates.
But who has a life where everything is easy?
But why didn't you give the jewels back?
But why? What have I done? This is madness.
But with a little encouragement some of them have spoken out.
But won't all that take months?
But yes, it'll be good to see him here.
But you came to see that he wasn't up to the mark.
But you don't think she's keen?
But you don't trust them quite the same.
But you know something.
But you're quite safe.
But you're right, m'lady, she will not be convicted.
But, as you say yourself, we're not members of that tribe, you and I.
But, I think she'll be very happy. I agree. They're well matched
But, I'll be silent if you wish.
But, it's important reconciliation is the spirit of the day.
But, it's only Tuesday now and we've done most of it
But, it's over, so it's time for action.
But, Tony... you really shouldn't be in here.
But, well, now it's got out of hand.
By the men in white coats.
By the men in white coats.
By the way, Atticus was blameless.
By the way, Bates will look after you, if you haven't brought a man of your own.
By the way, I've been looking into crop rotation and grain sales
Call her Rose, for heaven's sake. And you think I am the perpetrator?
Calm yourself. You must be aware that most of this stuff is just routine?
Can I draw your attention to one more gallant chap
Can I give you a nightcap? Yes, please.
Can I give you some more tea? No, thank you.
Can I help? I'm trying to find the letter box.
Can I join in? Do you have to?
Can you get one of the footmen to bring coffee and something to eat at 11?
Can you please put it on the table beside my bed?
Can you put my milk in first, if that's for me?
Can you tell me which of these knuckleheads is a Mr Basil Shute?
Can you try to behave like a happy couple?
Can't I be Grandpapa or something dignified?
Can't I stand surety for her? I'm afraid not, sir.
Can't Tom have a friend of his own? Oh, of course.
Can't you pick on someone your own age?
Carson asked me give it to you. Thank you.
Carson, I must congratulate you.
Carson, Lady Mary tells me that you're to lead the Memorial Committee.
Carson? Well, how nice.
Carson? What do you say? I am honoured by the invitation,
Certainly I do. Very much
Certainly not! Why? Bates didn't really give a reason.
Certainly, Mr Carson.
Chop, chop.
Cocoa if anyone wants it?
Come along.
Come and meet the others. Goodbye.
Come and sit here for a minute.
Come to luncheon on Saturday.
Come, Mrs Hughes. This isn't like you.
Coming from someone who knows me so well.
Coming to the unveiling of the memorial.
Complete with a living husband, a proper house and a solid position in the county.
Completely. She wants you to come.
Confirming I'm to be at Scotland Yard in the morning.
Cooks have to balance their budget.
Cora, would you go and help Susan? She seems in rather a queer way.
Could I just use your telephone
Could we borrow a spare footman? I don't know.
Could you come to luncheon on Saturday? Help me cheer him up?
Could you pop in to Scotland Yard on Tuesday at ten o'clock?
Could you spare me for an hour? I think everything's under control.
Country weddings in the winter can be such muddy affairs.
Crikey. Writing's almost beyond me, and I wouldn't know where to start with mathematics!
Daddy, Mummy. This is Atticus.
Daisy may not be here forever,
Daisy, the wedding is on Friday! That's what I said.
Daisy, this came for you in the post.
Daisy, whatever are you doing up at this hour? I thought you'd gone to bed long ago.
Daisy? Are you listening? London's full of possibilities
Degradation, scandal and failure.
Did that come in the second post? It did
Did you dislike Mrs Benton? Was she harsh?
Did you enjoy this evening?
Did you ever think you'd say that when I drove you to your fittings?
Did you get to Bond Street?
Did you go for your walk with Miss Denker?
Did you know Bates and Anna are going to Scotland Yard tomorrow morning?
Did you know Dicky Merton was in hot pursuit of Isobel?
Did you know that Anne Melford was *******? I neither knew nor didn't know. What difference does it make?
Did you move before Hubert died? No.
Do anything to stop this marriage, anything at all, I will leave you,
Do come in. How lovely to see you.
Do people think we're a public house on the Great North Road?
Do they want character testimonials? I offered, but he said no. Not yet.
Do you believe him? I don't think it was a joke.
Do you dread the future?
Do you have any English blood?
Do you have Italian blood?
Do you hear what I'm saying?
Do you know London well? Not here. I grew up in the East End.
Do you know that footman? Yes, he used to work for me.
Do you like him, Daddy? Please say you do.
Do you mean a crime or...?
Do you mind? It makes things simpler.
Do you remember Carson?
Do you think he'd put his foot down at the eleventh hour?
Do you think we'll leave service?
Do you want to be safe, Miss Baxter?
Do you work in the school? I teach mathematics, handwriting and spelling, mainly.
Do you, m'lady?
Does that always happen? Not always, no.
Does there have to be a next time? Yes. just one more.
Doesn't it mean anything to you?
Doesn't mean she'd forgive you.
Don't be daft.
Don't be like that.
Don't be so mean. Let her stay where she is.
Don't call her that! I'm sorry
Don't mention the divorce until after she's tied the knot.
Don't proclaim your intransigence as if it were a virtue.
Don't say that! I don't want to think I've made things worse.
Don't talk to me 'til we're at the tables
Don't tell Edith you've guessed. Why not?
Don't worry about that now.
Don't worry m'lady, we'll manage. If you'd like to come this way.
Don't worry.
Don't worry. Don't worry.
Don't worry. It's almost over
Don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to make repairs.
Don't you know me at all?
Don't you remember? He's got his bachelor party.
Don't you think that should have been my decision, in my own house?
Don't you? Because I do. It's embarrassing.
Don't... don't concern yourself. I'll get over it.
Done anything improper?
Dr Clarkson. Oh. Lady Grantham.
Edith is obsessed with that child.
Edith, darling! Excuse me.
Ena can manage.
Er, listen everyone, as soon as they've finished lunch,
Er... it was rubbish. Nonsense.
Er... never mind.
Erm, Basil Shute. Why?
Erm... I don't, really.
Especially a friendly, pretty face.
Even if it does sound faintly disgusting.
Even if one cannot always rely on her instincts.
Even now we must decide whether to share our lives with someone
Even so, it makes you think.
Even so, it's most irregular.
Even so.
Even Spratt cannot always live for pleasure.
Even to me!
Every time I look at it, I am reminded that I didn't trust you
Everybody outside. There's a fire.
Everyone, we will be unveiling the war memorial in the village
Everything seems to be hitting the rocks at the moment
Exactly. He'd like me to come in with him.
Excuse me,
Excuse me!
Excuse me.
Expecting as their right.
Fair to who?
Fetch it now, please. But your ladyship, I don't...
Fetch the case, Spratt.
Fighting talk, indeed.
Find the new agent and set off for America.
Fire! Oh, my God. George!
Fire! What?
For a Mrs Benton who... lived with her husband in Ovington Square.
For raising the alarm and rescuing Lady Edith so bravely.
For the unveiling, which will include you as William's widow.
Forget the coffee. She's gone up, thank the Lord.
Forgive me, but I suppose she's allowed an opinion.
Forgive me, but you're talking nonsense.
Forgive me, My Lord.
From Lady Anstruther.
Funny is one word for it.
George, come and sit here, darling
Get down, you cat!
Get that up to the drawing room.
Give it up, Papa. It's a pipe dream.
Go ahead and cry, darling.
Go and get Mrs Hughes
Go and telephone Atticus now. Arrange to see him this afternoon.
Go down, Mr Carson. We'll manage.
Go now. Tell her everything. You don't know what you're asking.
Go on.
Go on. I want you to come away.
Go on. It's no fun on my own.
God if I... Thank you, Lady Flintshire
Goes very well with your ladyship's colouring.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Thank you, Molesley.
Good girl.
Good girl.
Good god! Barrow, is she all right?
Good luck, Mary.
Good night, Mrs Patmore.
Good night.
Good night.
Granny thinks it might be Lord Sinderby.
Granny, do you think Lord Sinderby
Had he been with you long? Not very long, no.
Hadn't you better go up to London and put her out of her misery?
Has Miss Bunting gone?
Has Mr Carson announced dinner? They're not all here yet.
Has something happened? No. Not yet.
Hasn't she brushed it off as a malicious trap?
Have I done something wrong? She's the teacher I told you about.
Have I your word you will not commit this crime again?
Have you been to Holland? No, I've just read about it.
Have you got many staying? We're crammed to the gunwales.
Have you got the hang of it now?
Have you had any ideas? Yes, and it's a simple one.
Have you made your decision about the memorial?
Have you quite finished, m'lady? Yes, thank you, Denker.
Haven't you forgotten something?
Having to play act in front of those people is so degrading.
He appears to have carried out a series of attacks on women.
He didn't get that from his father.
He does get so worked up about things.
He doesn't look miserable to me. He just looks like himself.
He doesn't need to know everything, Mrs Hughes.
He had some business up here, and you told him he could stay.
He is. Or, at any rate, he will be.
He just wants what all men want.
He knows what most people go through.
He made a friend there of one of the schoolmistresses when we were in London.
He says he's come to arrest you
He seems a nice enough example of the type, I grant you.
He seems like a wonderful boy. Thank you, that's very kind.
He sells cars but he wants to expand into farm machinery.
He wants me to show him a bit of the town.
He was most insistent. Yes I..
He wasn't good enough for you, m'lady, not by half.
He wasn't local to Downton and so his name does not appear on the memorial,
He'd certainly like it stopped
He'll find Mrs Bates at Gerald Row Police Station.
He'll have fun when he gets there.
He's calmed down now, but he was in a real state.
He's happy with Miss Lane Fox and I'm happy for them.
He's in the drawing room.
He's less convinced. Rose is more than a match for him.
He's not a revolutionary. He believes in justice for the majority. What's wrong with that?
He's only been here a couple of days and he's asking for extra time off?
He's thrown it away. She just wanted to remind him that he once worked for her, Mr Carson.
He's trying to bully it out,
Heavens! I wasn't expecting you.
Held in the Board of Guardians, very much the same.
Hello, Miss Bunting. Lady Rose. Well done.
Hello, Tony. How lovely to see you. And you of course, Mabel.
Her chauffeur says there's nothing wrong with the car that he could find, so there's a mystery.
Her ladyship wants a buffet of what's left over.
Her ladyship's on her way to bed. Right. Thank you.
Her mother was an old friend of Tim's, but I never met either of them.
Her sister's Lady Renton and her brother's Harry Mountevans.
Here she comes. The Boudicca of the North Riding.
Here, Tom!
Here's Carson. ls Lady Flintshire too late to give you a letter?
Here's your grandfather now. Bye bye, darlings. Goodbye, Donk.
Hire a lad for the week. It wouldn't cost much.
His evidence suggests whoever was arguing with Green on the pavement
His Lordship told me to take it.
His lordship will have Mr Molesley. Now I'll show you to your room.
His real name is Ephraim Atticus,
His stag party there, without disturbing us.
His victims were generally small, slight women,
Hmm, it has for me. I hope it does for you, too.
Hold the cards in front of you.
How about lack of self knowledge?
How about you, Marigold? Are you quite finished?
How are you both? Worn out!
How are you feeling? All right, I think.
How are you two bearing up?
How are you? I'm exhausted.
How can we get it up to London?
How did Mr Carson find you? I was working as a hall boy.
How did she know they were from you? Because I bloody signed them. Oh!
How did you get on? So well!
How do you do? What a peculiar name.
How do you know that?
How easy you make it sound,
How kind.
How long have you known? Since you asked me to take her in.
How old would you say I am?
How on earth does it work? I couldn't tell you.
How positive you are.
How very unpleasant. It is rather 'unpleasant'.
How was it in York? Did you find what you were looking for?
How was she? I don't know.
How well do you know Lord Merton?
How would you like to be summoned, by Joshua's trumpet?
How's it going?
How's Lord Sinderby? I think he dreams of my changing my mind.
Hurrah for intolerance on both sides.
I agree, My Lord. I hope His Lordship's happy about it.
I always forget how much I enjoy London.
I am against it.
I am and I can't stay. I'm dining with Philip,
I am clearly old fashioned but to me divorce signifies weakness.
I am Lady Mary Crawley!
I am sorry to disturb you, m'lady, but Miss Denker is not well,
I asked her. Cora said I could.
I assume you heard the way she spoke to me at dinner.
I attended the wedding of Lord Rosebery and Hannah Rothschild
I beg your pardon, m'lady, but Anna's wanted downstairs
I believe so, m'lord.
I believe so.
I bet she didn't lose a thing? Hmm.
I came in to remind you it's their 34th wedding anniversary on Saturday week,
I can imagine.
I can think of one thing. Mr Bates, that sort of talk is beneath you.
I can't agree. General Dyer was just doing his duty.
I can't just stand here, following orders, for the rest of my life.
I can't make a decision now!
I can't quite put my finger on it.
I can't see why we bothered to get an extra footman
I can't tell you what I don't know.
I can't.
I cannot tell you how long that will be,
I could get a job in London, I know I could
I could have managed Lord Gillingham. No need to burden Mr Bates with him.
I could say yes, but I don't believe it's realistic
I couldn't balance the books if my life depended on it.
I couldn't care less if he was the son of Fu Manchu.
I couldn't let you do that. Why not?
I dare say it is, m'lord.
I dare say it was, Your Ladyship.
I dare say it will become clearer after he's been.
I dare say this is a first for you, Granny,
I did. Took a bit of a search, but I think I'm suited.
I didn't kill him personally. I didn't shoot the Imperial Family.
I do admire the way you just take it all in your stride.
I do apologise for interrupting your work, Mrs Patmore.
I do feel for you.
I do hope things are sorting themselves out.
I do love this evening light.
I do not know why you have treated your hair with a special substance
I do not suggest a career in the Diplomatic.
I do remember her. Good looking and half Jock's age, and rather silly.
I do wonder where she got her colouring, but I never knew her parents.
I do, but Cousin Violet had other plans for him at luncheon.
I do. And save the dog!
I don't accept that. And what about the Princess?
I don't believe it. Is that it?
I don't believe you could.
I don't believe your mother would enjoy the transformation of Isobel into Lady Merton,
I don't care if you're the Queen of the Upper Nile.
I don't enjoy it as I did.
I don't enjoy it as I did.
I don't hate anyone.
I don't intend to explain, but I was rather disappointed in him. I would have hoped for better.
I don't know anything.
I don't know what I was thinking. It was supposed to be a joke.
I don't know what I'll do without you.
I don't know what you mean by "our last chance".
I don't know what you mean.
I don't know. Is this a kitchen or a holiday resort?
I don't know. Maybe... 52?
I don't know. You're never safe 'til the ring's on your finger.
I don't mean to be rude, m'lord... I know that.
I don't mean to insult the girl. She seems decent enough
I don't seek scandal, only love.
I don't suppose we'll ever know who did it now but who cares?
I don't think a registry office wedding and a church blessing
I don't think anyone else would agree with you.
I don't think he'd see it that way.
I don't think I'll be missed. Oh, I wouldn't say that.
I don't think I'll wear what I chose last night.
I don't think it's right to put on a wedding dress
I don't think so.
I don't think so. Thank you. It's been quite a treat.
I don't think that of Mary or Edith or you.
I don't think they have two pennies to rub together. It's all gone.
I don't think they have two pennies to rub together. It's all gone.
I don't think we've met since dear Lady Merton's funeral.
I don't understand. What secret? How does he know it?
I don't understand. Why?
I don't want George to catch it. Here they are.
I don't want to drag it up again, but it would be painful.
I don't want to get it wrong.
I don't want to go back as a hall boy.
I don't want to hate anyone today.
I don't want what remains to be ugly.
I don't wish to be harsh, but I have a feeling
I doubt I'll be troubled by it.
I doubt that.
I expect he knows his way around better than I do.
I feel a bit embarrassed. I wasn't wounded. I wasn't even allowed to fight
I feel a shaking of the ground I stand on.
I feel as if I've been down a coal hole
I feel as if our household is breaking up, Carson,
I feel so guilty, leaving Marigold on her own.
I feel so guilty, pushing into a family celebration.
I feel so resentful, so discontented.
I feel sometimes I'm hanging in mid air.
I feel that very deeply. We all do, m'lord.
I feel the same. Do you, Daisy?
I felt I had to put faces to his stories.
I find that hard to believe.
I forbid you to take her! Correct forms have been observed.
I found a letter from Mr Vyner when we arrived,
I gather from Mr Molesley that you gave the good news to His Lordship.
I gather you haven't brought any personal attendants, m'lord.
I give you my Cora, the best companion in the world.
I got you this job and you knew what I wanted in return.
I had a call earlier from Sergeant Willis.
I had a delegation from the village,
I had a headache, that's all.
I hate it when people who love each other must be far apart.
I hate saying, "the cheque's in the post" when it isn't.
I have a feeling it could get a lot more embarrassing
I have been awarded a bumper prize:
I have faith in British justice. Mr Bates was released in the end.
I have to come back for the memorial ceremony,
I haven't made up my mind, if that's what you're thinking.
I heard about your declaration at the registry office.
I hope Anna was helpful.
I hope he's made of sterner stuff than that.
I hope Lord Gillingham hasn't upset you?
I hope Miss Baxter's not all we've got between us and trouble.
I hope we don't have to see too much more of Miss Bunting.
I hope you can manage a few days without Denker, Spratt.
I hope you know that. Well, I know a lot of things
I hope you won't object if I don't come, Mr Carson.
I hope you're not planning to lead him into bad ways, Miss Denker.
I hope you're right about Lord Gillingham.
I insist on telephoning our lawyer! Telephone all you like, Miss.
I intend to leave it all to Nanny. You say that.
I just love to see her gurgling away, so peaceful and happy.
I just thought I'd been wrong and you ought to know.
I just want to run down to the post office. I won't be long.
I just wanted to ask you if you might reconsider
I just wanted to look at these.
I knew she'd be trouble.
I know he was blameless. How can you know?
I know what that's like.
I know what you're thinking.
I know you hate not to be wanted, but you're on so many committees.
I know, and it seems a bit ironic for Mr Bates to dress him.
I know, but think of the relief
I know, I know, but how are we going to find the money?
I know, m'lady and I feel most uncomfortable but...
I know. She'll have a whale of a time.
I like the idea of these things. To give people a solid focus for their grief and gratitude.
I like the sound of that.
I like yours
I look forward to it.
I love the Halnaby.
I may not have been presented at Court, Lady Rose,
I may not know your story, but I do know it'll be worse if Mr Barrow tells her first.
I mean, I know he's against me,
I might add some hot soup.
I might have a go. Pontoon's my game.
I might.
I must admit it's an unusual sensation
I must ask, because I can't get it out of my mind,
I must have something to do.
I must say, you're a real artist.
I must wait for Mr Bates. I can't go without telling him!
I nearly gave it to Her Ladyship, but it seemed more suitable
I nearly wrote to tell you, but I thought it might be presumptuous.
I need hardly say you're not to repeat a word to Bates.
I need to pull the real pictures out of storage. What a palaver!
I need you both upstairs.
I need your word it wasn't you.
I never doubted it, but it's a relief to hear.
I never even knew it existed. Oh, I like these smaller museums.
I only saw him in London last week, so I can remember what he looks like.
I ought to support it more.
I paid for it on the note but it'll take all my savings.
I prefer not to be "summoned" at all.
I quite agree with you. Aren't you being very snobbish?
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