A bucket of ice.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
A cigarette first? We smoked through lunch. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
A little party never killed. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
A Mr. Meyer Wolfshiem, my good friend. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
A penniless young man... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
A wonderful pleasure.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
About the future. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Ah! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
All new to me. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
All of it from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
All right. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
All the bright, precious things fade so fast. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
An hour ago so secure... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
And all weekend, every weekend.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
And believed in. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
And I was one of them. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
And into his future. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
And the beauty... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
And there was nothing I could say... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
And wife.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
And without. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Anything at all. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Anything that you want.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Anything. Crops. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
As if he had.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Attended the funeral from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Before us from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Brought around now from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
But educated at Oxford... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
But I've wanted to tell you the whole story for.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
But you know, doctor, I realized... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Chasing this destiny, a 16 year old Gatz ran far, far away. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Chicago on the wire. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Cody: Where's the boat? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Come on, Jordan from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Come on. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Could it all be true? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Crumbling through the powdery air. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy needs you from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy, Daisy, Daisy! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: Ahh. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: Come on, you two. I want.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: I'll show you how it's done. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: It's perfect. From your perfect, irresistible imagination from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: Pammy? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: Stop it. Jay! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: Then telephone.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: There's so much to talk about. Tom: It's just... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: They're so beautiful! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy: You saved my letters. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Daisy's mother: What is this? Jordan: Daisy, please! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Darling... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Do I have to do it myself? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Do they miss me in Chicago? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Do you live on long island too? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Doctor'. So... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Don't you, ''Old Sport''? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Either you're mine or you're not from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Ever received an actual invitation to Gatsby's. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Every allied government gave me a medal from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Famous golfer. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Fine. Thank you. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Fireworks! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
First team, all American. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
For Daisy from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
For I am.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
For you baby. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
From every corner... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
From your own imagination? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby showed skill and ambition from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby: Gentlemen. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby: Nick, keep filming. Nick: All right from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby: Oh, but it is, though from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby: What is? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby: Yes, Europe from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby: You must know the faces.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby: You see.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gatsby: You're gonna hit the shoal! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Get everybody a drink before they fall asleep from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Get off me! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Get some chairs... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Go on! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
God sees everything! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Gone away? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Good night, ''Old Sport'' from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Happy to do it. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Have a little respect! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Have a seat from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Have you got everything you need? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He bought that house to be near her. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He gave her a string of pearls worth $350,000. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He had come such a long way from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He wants you to invite Daisy to tea. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He was... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He will confirm all I have told you... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He'll pay. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He's a madman! Nick: I can't help you! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He's got nothing to do with from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
He's the next heavyweight... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Heiresses comparing inheritances on Gatsby's beach from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Hello, Nicky from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Hello! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Her away from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Her parents are lovely people, ''Old Sport''. We'll be... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Herzog: I beg your pardon from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Hey from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Hey, Jay! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
High school defectors. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Hit another high from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Hm. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
How gorgeous from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Hysteria. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I ain't got time from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I cannot find anyone... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I did love him once, but I loved you too from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I don't trust him from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I expected him to be... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I have no clue how I got home... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I have no further information, monsieur from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I have to work early from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I just lost my temper, that's all. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I know all about you from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I never loved him. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I still haven't met Mr. Gatsby. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I swore I wouldn't tell. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I wanna hear what happens. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I want you.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I was bringing you the coupé from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I was within.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I was.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I wish we could just run away. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'd like to know who he is and what he does. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'd met Gatsby. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'll be looking for her from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'll be the man on the corner... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'll change it. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'll have someone come repair this... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'll put a bet on for you, Jay! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'll send it over tomorrow! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'm certainly glad to see you again. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'm Gatsby. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'm in bonds actually. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'm in the phone book. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I'm pretty cynical about everything from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I've gotten all these things for her, and now she just wants to run away. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
If I ain't your girl. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
If it wasn't for the mist... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
If you don't have a legitimate reason to be in the building... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
In New York. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
In your circus wagon. Gatsby: I don't think... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Is a goddamn lie from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Is everything all right? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Is that so? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Is the question. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
It all comes out there from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
It was Gatsby. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
It'll be all right from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
It's a marvelous idea. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
It's Blue from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
It's decorated with truffles and fine herbs. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
It's perfect. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
It's time to tell tom. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
James Gatz. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Join us for a little... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Jordan Baker... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Jordan: I thought I might see you here from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Jordan: Kind of takes your breath... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Jordan: Old and fat? Nick: Yes from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Jump! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Just as much as you are. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Just the way they were before. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Kissed this girl... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Leave me alone! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Look who's here from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Look, it's my house. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Looking at my tiepin? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Make some room, huh? Make some room back there! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Man 1: Get off me! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Man: Congratulations, Mr. Buchanan! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Man: Your face is familiar from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Me and daddy. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Meyer? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Mr. Carraway. Senator. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Mr. Gatsby, this is Mr. Buchanan from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Mr. Gatsby! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
My sincerest from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Myrtle: He's a greasy... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Myrtle! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Myrtle... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
New York was haunted for me. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
New York's dumping ground halfway between west egg and the city... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: A caravanserai... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: A German spy? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: And I mean everyone.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: By the time.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: Did you get an invitation? People aren't... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: Gatsby looked, in that moment... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: He sailed the yacht out of danger... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: His smile was one of those... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: Ho! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: It's like an amusement park. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: May I have this dance? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: Nick Carraway. Catherine: Come on... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: None of us... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: Oh, Europe. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: The grass looks fine, if that's what you mean from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: The whole thing's incredible from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: There had been music from my neighbor's.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: Well... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick: What was in the letter? Jordan: I don't know. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Night, 'Old Sport' from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No one must know that Daisy was driving from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No, no, no from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No, no, no, I don't make any judgment. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No, no. He's a gambler from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No, she does, though. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No, thanks. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No! Hey! Wilson! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
No. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nobody from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Not for a while. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Not really. No from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Not today, it's so beautiful. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Notions. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Now made me sick from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Of a small town, you understand? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Of course not. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Of police and photographers and tabloid reporters. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Oh, I would like to be out... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Oh, it's splendid. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Oh, yeah. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Oh. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
On alcohol had backfired... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
One afternoon, off the coast of lake superior... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
One of your old Oxford pals? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Perhaps you know that lady... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Philadelphia on the phone. Yes from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Photo of you. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Playing at? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Please from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Policeman 2: Please. Stand back. Please from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Pull over! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Right here, right now from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Right here, right now ls all we got from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Saw were piles of dead. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Shall we? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Shall we? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
She just needs time to think. She's going to call in the morning from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
She might have the decency not to telephone at dinnertime. Don't you think? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Slow down. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Smoking two cigarettes! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
So he can happen to pass by. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
So we gonna dance. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
So when are you gonna.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Something you dominate. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Sun is getting colder.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Sure from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Sweet baby from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Take care of you from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Talks and eats and everything? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tell me what happened. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tell Walter chase he keeps his mouth shut.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That call. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That city... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That Daisy will call too from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That he could hardly fail to grasp it. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That later. Head waiter: Highballs, Mr from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That you haven't called. Hey.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That's right, Mr. Gatsby. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
The doors. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
The green light from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
The mind of God. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
The valley of ashes was a grotesque place. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
The way he looked at her is the way... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
The whole city packed into automobiles. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Then she turned out the light, so... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Then write about it. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
They bought up drugstores. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
They pinned everything on Gatsby. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
They're a rotten crowd. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
They're absolutely in mourning from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
They're all people Wolfshiem wanted to do something for. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
They're so intimate. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Things went from bad to worse from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
This is better than the Yale club. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
This kaleidoscopic... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
This way! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
To get roaring.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom was God knows where... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom, wait. Wait a second, would you? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom: Good. Wilson'll have a little business at last from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom: I hate that word "hulking." from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom: Listen, she was in the wrong, running out on the road from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom: Mr. Gatsby... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom: Mrs. Wilson, Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom: Oh, that's all from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom: Wilson! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Tom: You must think I'm pretty dumb, don't you? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Torn! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Towards death from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Trips around the world. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Two more of his parties. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Uneasy feeling.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Until we drop from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wait all day. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wait up with me from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wait! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Warmth flowed from her. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
We stayed there two days and two nights. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
We were just talking about other people's wives. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
We're all different from you from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
We're going to lunch. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
We're going up in that hydroplane tomorrow. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Well, goodbye. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Well, I I'd from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Well, I've just been glancing.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Well, Mr. Gatsby? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
What a circus from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
What are you doing? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
What is... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
When I first made the pleasure of.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
When you take her to tea. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Where have you been? The car's waiting. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Where'd you meet him? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
While he waited.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
While you wait? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Whiskey. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Who owns the yellow car? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Why not let her alone, ''Old Sport''? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Will have control of things. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wilson: A dollar from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wilson: Don't you lie to me! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wilson: God sees everything. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wilson: Mr. Buchanan. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wilson: You don't have to tell me what kind of car it was from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wilson! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Wilson! I just got here from New York from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
With more pomp and circumstance than louisville had ever seen. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Would change his destiny... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Yes! Yes. We... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Yes. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You can if you want. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You know why we left.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You look so cool from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You mean about the party? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You see, 'Old Sport', I'm going to make a very big request of you today. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You see, after we left New York, she was very nervous from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You see, I didn't realize until the other night that... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You see, I happen to run a little business on the side. A sort of sideline. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You see, you've got her all excited now, don't you.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You see... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You shut up! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You wait here. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You want a soda? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You're making me feel uncivilized... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You're under arrest! Ha ha ha! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You're wrong from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Zurich, helsinki... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
$1.20. Tom: You can have the car. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
A lovely clock. Yes. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
everything all right? Yes. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Hands off! Officer: Out! Out you go! from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
I am, though! Tom: No, no, no from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Mr. Slagle is here. Not now. Not now from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Nick, please. Nick: It's all rather... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Please forgive me. I've had... It's quite all right. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That's the commissioner. Waiter 1: Mr. Gatsby... from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
That's why I came over. Daisy: It's about the Butler's nose. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Write about it? Yes from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Yeah from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
Yes. Really? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You got no right to speak her name! I'll speak her name whenever from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
You know, the evil German king? Really? from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
"Jordan". He threw all those parties.. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
[Car approaches] from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
[Crowd cheers & applauds] from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
[Daisy cries] from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
[Daisy giggles] from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
[indistinct chattering] from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
[Jazz music playing] from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
[Singing] Hundred, hundred, hundred dollar bills. from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard
[Whimpers] from The Great Gatsby (2013) Soundboard