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All for the taking. Hey Boo, can you help me with my digging? Can you help me get my wife? I'm stuck from the pine. Can you help me with my nuts? I thought we were going to mark the perimeter. Yeah. Do you see your dad? Knuckle Boo will ever forget each other? What's going to happen if they don't? Don't give up. No, no, no.
All right, here's the drill. Cats scratch like you've never scratched before. Dogs bite, but don't chew. And rats. See if you can get that pretty necklace around his neck. Canine, felines and Bermudas. Showtime.
All we have to do is duck and weave through traffic and make our way through town square while avoiding the death rate from those alien robots. Then we get to town hall, climb up to the highest point in the roof, and give the kid back to its parents. Yeah.
Always dark panic pants. Life ain't a movie. They're never coming back. Look, they're coming back. I hope you enjoyed your step. We did. Thanks. Let's move. In a minute, honey. OK, now climb on my shoulders. And then Jesse. Jesse. What is she doing? She's heading straight for the curtain. That's not part of the plan. Jesse.
Are you kidding me? Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea how this looks? This is the best sit down I've ever been to. What are you doing with this guy? He took out your own flesh and blood, Frankie. But, Pop, just listen. Nothing. You never take sides against a family. Ever. Hey, Don Leno, Sir. Listen. It's it's not his fault. This is between you and me. What did I ever do to you? Just took Frankie away and you turn Lenny into a dolphin. I'm going to get you. Oscar Lookout, Oscar, S...
Are you trying to get rid of me? Before I answer that, I'd like to know how much you heard. So that's how it's going to be, huh? Man, are you making me angry? And when I get angry, I do this. And I don't want to do that. I need this place. And if it's going to come down to you or me, it's going to be me.
Barky girls working, where are you? Porky. How'd you find me? I found him. I wait, it's an actual fork. But the dummies are gone. What? Where'd they go? OK, we could go now. No, I need to find my girl. Hello, Woody. Hi, Beau. Where are my sheep? Yeah, look. Woody found me. The Bunny. I'm too cute to die. Woody, I just want to talk. Yeah, with my voice box.
Cars 2 (2011) - (2012 Alternate Ending) (Audio Only) (Remaster)
Cars 2 (2011) - (2024 Alternate Ending) (Audio Only) (New Remake)
Cloudy With a Chance Of Meatballs 2 (2013) - (2016 Alternate Ending) (Audio Only)
Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy. I'm sorry. Tension makes me float. I. Come on guys. Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Donkey. Your wife. Oh. Hello. Is it me you're looking for? I can see it in your eyes.
Finally, Oh yes, the power of the Dragon Scroll is. Mine. It's nothing. It's OK, I didn't get it the first time either. What? There is no secret ingredient. It's just you. Yeah. Stop it, I'm going to pee.
Get it? Right, Milo? Stanley. Sorry. Don't worry Tina, it's all over now. I see Henley. I'm going to take you apart.
Got a block about two of us. Do you trust me, bud? We can do this. You and me. As one. That's it. Now let's try this one more time. Take them down. Go get him. Take control of it. Shut it down toothless. Stop them now.
Hear me, scary clown. A weed hacker. Show your little rat faces healthy creatures. You guys want to party, don't you? All right then, let's party. That's it. Burn. Get everybody out of here. I'll distract him. Are you crazy? He'll kill you. I'm the 1. He wants to take care of your family.
Here we go. Mr. Moon, what have you done, Mr. Crystal? I got some great news. Clay Calloway is on his way here right now. Everybody out. OK, I think I know this might be about and I. Never fired you. Calling her a liar. No, no, no, no. She just got it wrong, is all. I was only trying to help her do the best she could. And believe me, I I I just wanted to do the right thing. The right thing to do is what I tell you to do. But I did. I did. I did. I delivered a great show. And Kat Calloway, he'...
Hey, Otis Lookout.
Hey. I would die for Riley. I would die for Riley. 'S. Blue. That's it. My fault. Come on.
I am pussy boots, I am no one slap cat. That doctor is a quack and a crazy man. You should stick to cutting hair. Last goals and your boots. Another glass of cream. Make it your heaviest. Oh, I keep the heavy stuff in the back. Retire. You are too good looking to retire. Well, well, if it isn't pussy boots himself. And the flash. Hey, there's a famous hat, the feather, and of course, the boots. My compliment.
I have become so bad, Wolf, and there are more of us behind you. I'm sorry, what? My brothers. Danger isn't my maiden name. It's Mcgillicuddy. I know, Weird, right? No secret I could. Your help Right now I need a hero to save me. But you're saving me. I'm a grizzly bear. Yes.
I. Will never. Hey, it's over, cyclist the sinister. Your Majesty. What is with you guys? Family borough of staff. We really need it and we don't have much time left. Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will return it to you, I promise. Be careful out there guys. Like Crystal super chip, it belongs to me, then come and get it.
I'm trying to find another wormhole but they only back to the present. Failed time travel. There is after them. I know you're in there. Time travel fail.
Is everyone OK? I got this. You're already a.
It's over, Skipper, over. That's weird. Then why is Rico throwing me a fresh pair of AA? Rico Devil, Me.
Jaws (1975) - Alternate Ending (Audio Only) (RE UPLOADED) by @Cartoon vv9lv
Let's begin this. Do you see him? Yes, Chicken Little is on Pistons Boat. Let's get him.
Let's get you out of those roles. Elliot, you take care of these guys and I'll draw all these other guys away. We gotta get these off. My friends. Weenies in trouble, I gotta go. Careful. Breakers mud flap. Can you read me over? This is mud flaps over. Leave it, Mr. Whitney just ran by him in poolside. Mr. Weenie, hurry. Hey, where's the fire, huh? Oh boy, there it is. Mr. Weenie, mama's coming. Baby mama's coming. Hey, Chet, lock up, would you? I'm calling it a day, huh?
Listen, it's it's not his fault. This is between you and me. What did I ever do to you? Just took Frankie away and you turned Lenny into a dolphin. I'm going to get you. You're gonna regret. The day you became the shark Slayer. Look who's stuck in the porthole. You're still hungry. Big guy will say hello to my little friends. Try it again, wheel wash. You get a wheel of A washing the price. Oh my gosh. All right, you got it right. They've got it right. Move everybody out of the way.
Mexico. I've been told that before. Mario. Mario the Star. No, that's mine.
Minions The Rise Of Gru (2022) - (2023 Alternate Ending) (Audio Only)
Mr. Carp, Uncle. Well, it's just this all feels like a mistake. I'm not a performer. I'm. I'm a postman. I should talk to Mr. Brown. Oh, no, you're not ruining this. Now I finally got that fool of ACEO where I want him. If it were up to him, SDS would stay. A quaint little delivery service dedicated to customer service and the human. Touch Blair. But I I thought that's what all this was for, to help keep SDS the way it's always been. Your publicity was to make people love Postman Pat. Now I c...
Oh hey, I finally finished that coloring book I told you about. The only scary thing is living with regrets. This is what I want, Mom. I, I, I dreamed of being a scarer my whole life and now I'm finally doing it. You can't escape who you are, so just embrace it. What'd you say? What's wrong? Just embrace it. Tyler. Stop.
Oh no, he's got a walking stick. What are you going to do? Stroll me to death? This stick is not for the strolling, it's the Staff of Wisdom. The Dragon Warrior is going to be mad when he finds out you took his sticker. I'm just gonna say nothing about you, says dragon or warrior.
Oh no, the machine has a virus and Pato is stuck inside. We've got to help him get out. Caterpillar, we need to bail Panto out as soon as Pocoyo signals us. We need to push this button and bring our friends back.
One Bush of this button and I send that rocket straight into the same volcano where I faked my dad. Only this time is for real, no? We could have ruled the world together, grew, but now you're going to die.
Pocoyo And Friends (2014) - (2017 Alternate Ending) (Audio Only)
Rapunzel. Rapunzel, let down your hair. Rapunzel, I thought I'd never see you again. Now look what you've done, Rapunzel. Oh don't worry dear, our secret will die with him. And As for us? We are going where no one will ever find you again.
She'll see us. Come on. Look, I was just trying to show you how to do it right. You don't know how to do it right. I got to stay on the hill, didn't I? You crashed. Into the sea. It's fine. Nothing's fine. My parents just saw me. Luca, your parents aren't here. You don't know what you're talking about. Look, this town is making you crazy. We just need to win that Vespa and get out of here. It's not going to be any different. I don't want to. I want to go to school that again. We can't go to s...
Sonic, I want some ice cream. No, Tails, you finish your food. Tales. Tales. Where are you going? Tales. You come back here right now, Mr. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Tails, No ice cream. Put it back in the kitchen right now. Tails. I mean it. I mean it. You better put that ice cream back right now. Ha ha, Tails, I'm swear to God, if you put the ice cream in your mouth, you're in big trouble, young man. Tails, I swear to God, stop. Take the ice cream away right now. Tails, I'm not going to sa...
Thank you. Ellie, hold on to me.
The Little Mole In Dream (1984) - (2007 Alternate Ending) (Audio Only) creste by @Cartoon vv9lv
The Secret Life Of Pets 2 (2019) - Alternate Ending (Audio Only) by @Upgraded titan ciman
This is a joke, right? I mean, you can't really eat us, right? Oh, but I can. You see, in the wild, wolf Trump's deer. And unlike your bear friend, I'm the big bad monster in this equation, Huh. I'm coming for you, Wolf. It's cute you think you got me, Corner Bear. What was it your friend said? You're a scary as a Pussycat, ain't ya? No.
Toy Story That Time Forgot (2015) - (2024 Alternate Ending) (Audio Only) @braneyyeckley948
We go, What did I tell you? It's gone now. It is kind of a shame that Cool Rhinoceros is gone already. Well, I think it's creepy. Let's draw another one, Topper. I don't want to. We could draw an even bigger 1. I don't think I have time to play anymore. Come on Vigo, we have to find out where it goes to alter the drawing on you. I.
Well, that explains a lot. EW, it's disgusting. Guards, guards, guards. All this pocus pocus, altars, nothing. This marriage is binding. And that makes me king. See. As for you, my wife, I have you locked back in that tower for the rest of your days. You won't. What are you doing, you insolent beast? I'll see you drunken. I am king.
Well, that explains a lot. It's disgusting. Gorge, Gorge. I order you to get them out of my sight. No, get them, get them. Nothing of this marriage is binding, and that makes me king. No stand. There you go. And As for you, my wife Fiona, how have you locked back in that tower for the rest? I will have order, I will have protection, I will have.
Well. That explains a lot. It's disgusting. Gorge, Gorge. I order you to get them out of my sight. No, get them, get them. Nothing of this marriage is binding, and that makes me king. No. Stand. There you go. No. And As for you, my wife Fiona, how have you looked back in the tower for the rest of your days? I will order. I don't have protection. I will hurt.
Well. That explains a lot. It's disgusting. Gorgeous. I order you to get them out of my sight. No, get them. Get them. Nothing of this marriage is binding, and that makes me king. No, There you go. See you. And As for you, my wife Fiona, how have you locked back in that tower for the rest of your days? I will have order. I don't have protection. I will hurt.
Well. That explains a lot. It's disgusting. Guards. Guards. I order you to get them out of my sight now. Get them. Get them both. This hook is shred. This marriage is binding. And that makes me change. See. See. Just stand there you moron, the owner. Get out of my way. Forget the sake of that's for you must like builder. I'll have you locked back in that tower for the rest of your days. I'm paying. I will have honor. I will have perfection. I will now.
What do you mean we have a problem? Empty. No. Would you look at this? 3 misguided stray pets trying to steal a chunk of milk. Never a dull moment at this dairy, is there, Margie? What? You're looking for these aren't you. Fuck here, you hold on. The house is going to play out for us the easy way or the hard way. Well, just so you know, I'm not for either. Follow my lead. Who's next? Security guard has the truck keys. Crazy eyes, tragic sense of fashion. Yeah. How did you know Marge Malone? S...
What do you want?
Whatever I got. Drew, hold on. I'm coming. You ruined everything and now it's time to die. Any last words grew. You know what I got 2 words for you. Dance. Fight. Oh, it is unlike Donkey Kong, I am going to enjoy this. Come on, come on, come on.
Whatever. Blaming the little human critter for his father's death, Arlo stumbles his way into the river, getting swept far away from home. Freed by the critter, soon to be named Spot, Arlo befriends him and the boy and his dog. Adventure begins. We've got Thunder clap. I may eat you, Butch, not going to eat you. And good old forest wood Bush. I think I ate something strange. As we demonstrate for kids in a Pixar movie, the psychotropic effects of bad fermented berries. Drug jokes. They find t...
Woody, look, I can see daylight. We're gonna be OK. I don't think that's daylight.
You got me in enough trouble. Hey, I You saved my life. That means that you're responsible for me. What? Stop messing up my life. You needed to get out. You should thank me. Thank you. You're welcome, buddy. Stop calling me that now. Get out. Oh no, you don't. You're leaving now. Out of the coat? No. Take it off? No. Take off the coat? No means no. He's gonna eat us all. You know he's still out there.
You have to get away from me. I'm the 1 he wants. We're not going anywhere. We're family. Family stick together. No matter what. I love you guys.
You think it's over? All your little stunt did was buy them. Please, please offer. I'll get more grasshoppers and be back next season but. You want. Well, what's this? Another one of your little bird tricks? Are there a bunch of little girls in this one too? Hello girl.
あでもいいとこ行ってました。うん、うんうん。 うん、ほら。
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