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Home > Soldier Sounds: Team Fortress 2
America wins again.
Are you all trying for a Section 8?
Beep Beep boop maggot.
Beep Beep Boop.
Beep beep. I am scared.
Beep boop maggot.
Beep boop son. Beep boop.
Beep boop.
Beep boop. I am terrified.
Beep. Bop boop.
Blah blah barf.
Bleep bloop maggot.
Bleep bloop.
Bon voyage Crouton.
Boo, yeah.
Boys, we have a traitor.
But I hate you.
Checkmate, Stalingrad.
Come here, pumpkin.
Come here, Sally.
Come here, sister.
Come home.
Come with me if you want to live with me in my apartment, I need a roommate.
Consider yourself dominated, you Scotch son of a bitch.
Crush, kill. Bleep.
Damn it, boys.
Damn it.
Didn't she?
Do not look at me, I did not ask you a question.
Dominated grease monkey.
Dominated hippie. Get a job.
Dominated short pants.
Dominated you skirt twirling drunk.
Dominated your red menace.
Dominated your rifle drop and coward.
Don't Worm has turned gentlemen.
Down and give me 20.
Each and everyone of you will be sent home to your Mama in a box.
EL 3
Everyone of you deserves a medal.
Felice Navidad.
Fire. Fire. Fire.
Fires for cooking smores, son, get a real gun.
Gear forward.
Get a haircut, hippie.
Get with the program.
Give them hell, boys.
Go back to Calgary, you coward and Canadian.
Go play your pinko chess game with the Devil Commie.
Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.
Good work.
Got anything funny to say about that? Funny man?
Got your hair, doctor?
Gotcha, Crouton.
Hasta La Vista.
Higher like that. All quiet on the Western Front.
Hit it doc.
Hit the showers, Frenchy.
How's that domination feel, city boy?
I am a robot bloop.
I am a robot from the future.
I am a robot.
I am a robot. I was built to scare you.
I am going to claw my way down your throat and tear out your very soul.
I am going to enjoy killing each and everyone of you. Sorry Sattar scum.
I am going to strangle you with your own frilly training bra.
I am here to take American jobs.
I am on fire.
I am programmed to be scary.
I am programmed to give you a sensible haircut.
I cannot be bargained with. I cannot be reasoned with. I do not know where I am. I am a robot. I don't understand anything.
I do not know where I am.
I don't understand anything.
I have turned into a robot again.
I joined this team just to kill maggots like you.
I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe.
I need a roommate.
I need some help.
I run on blood. I take jobs from American vampires.
I take jobs from American vampires.
I was built to scare you.
I will eat your ribs. I will eat them up.
I will find you. That's what I do. That's all I do.
I will find you. That's what I do. That's all I do. There you are shutting down.
I will never feel pity or remorse or fear or comfortable in this costume.
I will not tolerate failure on my team.
I will send my condolences to your kangaroo wife.
I'm going to mail my boot to the Kaiser with your ass around it.
Icky and I just kick your ass.
If God had wanted you to live, He would not have created me.
If I have to crack some skulls, I will.
It is a full moon I have turned into a robot again. Ohh. Ohh.
Kim is sweetheart.
Kind of ribbed.
Last one alive, lock the door.
Let's go, Doc.
Let's go.
Let's talk more fight.
Move out.
Move up, move up, move up.
My foot will transform into a foot with your ass wrapped around it.
Need some help here.
Never bring a bat to a battlefield. War is not a game.
Never send a boy to fight a man's war.
Nice shot.
Nice work.
No, Sir.
Now here this camper. You are not wanted on my beloved battlefield.
Now that is what I want to see.
Oh, oh, you're dominated.
Ohh my too violent for your cupcake?
Ohh no.
Ohh no. That robot is our ghost.
Ohh why?
Ohh yeah.
Outstanding shot.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Robot noises.
Roger that.
Scientists in the future have studied your ass for centuries and set me back in time to kick it.
Scotland is not a real country. You are an Englishman with a dress.
Scram and egos.
Short Laugh
Sir. Yes, Sir.
SL 3
Spy in our midst, men.
Stars and stripes beats hammer and sickle. Look it up.
Stop hiding me. Hide your little toys and fight like a man.
Surrender now maggots, and you will not be harmed.
Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkle toes.
Thanks Angie.
Thanks Doc.
Thanks soldier.
That demo man is a spy.
That engineer is a spy.
That heavy is a spy.
That medic is a spy.
That Pyro is a spy.
That scout is a spy.
That sniper is a spy.
That soldier is a spy.
That spy is not one of ours.
That was an amazing killing spree by the other team.
That's where books get your professor.
The burning, The burning.
The last word out of your sorry mouth will be, Sir, and it will be loud.
The natural enemy of the robot is hippies.
The next time you wanna kill a man, look him in the eyes.
They never like you.
This is my world. You are not welcome in my world.
This is not a camping trip, Sheila. This is war. And I love it.
Time to inform your next of kin.
Today is a good day.
Track it.
We failed men.
We have you surrounded, at least from this side.
Welcome to the United States of You just got dominated.
What is love?
What's the matter, Hippie hair? Get in your eyes.
Words cannot express how much I hate France right now.
Yes, Sir.
You are a coward and you've died like 1.
You are a maggot hatched from a mutant maggot egg.
You are all dishonorably discharged.
You are all maggots, you scum sucking fruit baskets.
You are all weak. You are all bleeders.
You are like the cyclops of Greek myth, except you are Scottish and I hate you.
You are now a conscientious objector to being dead happy.
You are scum. You are nothing but a bunch of cowards.
You are the sorriest excuses for soldiers I have ever seen.
You better hope there's Hacky Sack in hell, hippie.
You cannot burn me. I am already ablazed with passion for war.
You cannot burn me. I do not have time to combust.
You cannot burn me. I'm already on fire.
You cannot run from me. My gut is faster.
You fight like a girl.
You fight like a girl.
You have dishonored this entire unit.
You just got dominated babloo Brahmins.
You just got dominated baseball bibbins.
You just got dominated Bilbo Baggins.
You just got dominated Bilbo Baggins.
You just got dominated Bobo buttons.
You just got dominated Octoberfest.
You just got dominated, Barbell Beckins.
You just got dominated, comrade.
You just got dominated, Fritz.
You just got dominated, Toymaker.
You just got your frenchy ass dominated.
You kids today don't know how to dominate.
You run fast. My bullets run faster.
You scum sucking fruit baskets.
You were in a big fat hurry today, son.
You were loud and ugly, and now you're dead, he men.
You will help me capture my point.
You will help me defend my point.
You will not be missed.
You will not turn my battlefield into a campground.
You, sissified maggot scum, have just signed your death warrants.
You're a disgrace to the uniform.
You've done me proud, boys.
Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield.
Your death is sweet to me. Like love is sweet.
Your mouth wrote checks. My gun has cashed them.
Your white flag does not stop American bullets.
ああはあ。 ああ。
バー。 ああ。
やあ。 ああ。