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Cold Mountain Cold Mountain is a captivating film based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Charles Frazier.

Cold Mountain

Cold Mountain is a captivating film based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Charles Frazier. Directed by Anthony Minghella, this epic romantic drama was released in 2003 and boasted a star-studded cast that perfectly brought the story to life.

Jude Law leads the cast as Inman, a Confederate soldier who deserts the army during the American Civil War in a bid to return to his true love, Ada Monroe, played by Nicole Kidman. Renowned for their exceptional performances, Law and Kidman deliver a heartfelt portrayal of two individuals separated by war, yet bound together by their unyielding love for one another.

The film also features an impressive supporting cast, including performances from the talented Renée Zellweger, who won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Ruby Thewes, a resourceful young woman who befriends Ada and aids her in her struggles. Zellweger's character provides a refreshing dose of humor and strength amidst the devastation of war.

Other notable cast members include Brendan Gleeson as the lovable Swimmer, Natalie Portman as Sarah, and Philip Seymour Hoffman as the unscrupulous Reverend Veasey. Their performances add depth and complexity to the narrative, shedding light on the diverse experiences and personalities encountered by the film's protagonists.

The music of Cold Mountain also deserves accolades, as it effortlessly transports viewers to the time and place of the story. Composed by the talented Gabriel Yared, the film's score beautifully captures the essence of the characters' emotions and the harsh realities faced during the Civil War. It expertly blends elements of folk, bluegrass, and traditional Appalachian music to create a hauntingly evocative soundtrack.

In addition to the original score, Cold Mountain features several iconic songs performed by renowned artists. Sting delivers a powerful rendition of "I Wish You Well," while Jack White's raw vocals shine in "Never Far Away." Alison Krauss and The Union Station grace the soundtrack with their signature bluegrass sound, with standout tracks such as "The Scarlet Tide" and "You Will Be My Ain True Love."

These incredible sounds from Cold Mountain can be enjoyed and downloaded here, allowing fans of the film to relive the emotions and experiences portrayed on screen. From the heart-wrenching performances to the soul-stirring music, Cold Mountain offers a cinematic experience that is both emotionally profound and visually stunning.

Whether you are a fan of historical dramas, epic love stories, or exceptional cinema, Cold Mountain is a must-watch. With a talented cast, captivating storytelling, and a stunning soundtrack, it is no wonder that this film has left a lasting impact on audiences since its release in 2003. So sit back, press play, and embark on an unforgettable journey through the unforgiving yet enchanting landscapes of Cold Mountain.
A goat gives you company,
A little bird did sing
A man by the name of Bartram.
A novel.
A reckonin'?
A slave woman.
A splendid idea.
A thousand moments.
A thousand terrible miles."
A tintype, with your musket and your courage on display.
A world of mountains piled upon mountains."
About maybe lookin' in on you at Black Cove. It's hard right now, but...
Ada Monroe and Ruby Thewes, look at you both.
Ada Monroe?
Ada Monroe.
Ada, I wanna marry you.
Ada! It's Sally!
Agh! Ohh...
Agh! Teague's probably took him.
Ain't you got a proper coat?
All I got.
All our blessings, O Lord, we thank thee.
All right, all right!
All right, Daddy.
All right, that's it.
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right.
All this while I've been packin' ice around my heart.
All we can do is make peace with the past
Always in my mind."
Am I gonna die?
Am I hard to hear? 'Cause you keep repeatin' everything.
Am I near the Cape Fear River?
And all of that is better'n "Ruby with the eyes that sparkle."
And as you walk through death's dark veil
And brokers who break everything
And cheese,
And comes back in spring with a whistle.
And don't lose it. Or sell it.
And he told us after some persuasion you were up here.
And he's here sniffin' out an advantage.
And I always killed him.
And I can pull this dress over my head.
And I care for her. That's the heartbreak of it.
And I don't expect to work whilst you sit around and watch, neither.
And I don't recommend that way.
And I hardly know her. I hardly know her!
And I just can't seem to get back to her.
And I love you too, Sally. I do.
And I'm ready to be washed clean of my dirt.
And is being lost twice over by those who stayed behind."
And is your father living, Mr. Inman?
And milk,
And Pangle, he feels the cold like a thin man, but there ain't no coat'll fit him.
And ride me all the way to China.
And separates the widow from the bride
And separates the widow from the bride
And should be hunted down like a dog.
And that is a good thing in these troubled times.
And that's Gemini, and that is Orion's big dog.
And the water's so cool.
And then he had nothing to say.
And there's five of us. That's not a fair fight.
And there's no money.
And this time there was nothin' there to haunt me.
And this.
And those who hunt thee down will fail
And try to learn from it.
And what do you do?
And yet I cannot. I cannot."
And you will be my ain true love
And you will be my ain true love
And you will be my ain true love
And you will be my ain true love
And you're man and wife?
And you're sick of both.
And you're thirsty...
And you've got a job.
And your ribs are bruised thinking so hard on somebody.
And, when you need it,
Any man who takes in a deserter is likewise guilty of treason.
Any man whose age or infirmity prevents him from fightin' shall join us
Any soldier turned deserter is guilty of treason,
Are men so different in Charleston?
Are you the law all of a sudden, Mr. Teague?
As I have always done."
As if you were still walking home to me.
As you can see, with my baby.
Asleep inside the cannon's mouth
At one time the Teague family owned the whole of Cold Mountain.
Aw, darlin', I'm fine, you know. And you just say the word, I won't come back neither.
Because my doctors, they've been sayin' my chest is weak.
Bird flies somewhere, picks up a seed, shits the seed out, plant grows.
Bird's got a job, shit's got a job, seed's got a job.
Bishop's Creek.
Bless you both.
Blue Ridge? What's the hurry?
Break your heart?
Bring him here.
Bring home some Yankee scalps, Swimmer.
Broke my young heart.
Brought my woman home,
Buggery and shit!
But I deserved it.
But I think about him, Daddy, all the time.
But I'll be back before... before dark tomorrow.
But if I had... if I had goodness, I lost it.
But it's the view I think heals.
But nor am I goin' down this mountain lookin' over my shoulder for you.
But then I've tried countin' the number of words
But they made the weather, and then they stand in the rain and say "Shit, it's rainin'!"
But with no one left to work this place, nothing to buy, nothing left to buy it with...
But... necessary."
Butcher's down.
By order of Zebulon Vance,
Came... back.
Can you see that in this light? Black as a bucket of tar.
Can't be old enough to fight, can he?
Canis Major.
Captain Teague needs more volunteers.
Captain Teague!
Cavalry! Federal raiders!
Clear fields?
Close it up.
Close to the dawn of day
Clouds, and then... sun.
Cold Mountain must feel like the end of the world.
Cold Mountain?
Cold Mountain.
Cold... Mountain...
Come back to me is my request."
Come back to me is my request."
Come fly away.
Come inside before you drown.
Come on, boys!
Come on, boys!
Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, open up! We're hungry!
Come on, Walk on. Slowly.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on.
Come on. Back up.
Come on. They can't shoot. Come on.
Cover your face with your hat.
Cover yourself up!
Cut down a tree. Play music with it.
D'you mind if I warm myself by your fire?
Daddy, bring the tablecloth in.
Daddy? Daddy!
Damn fools dug their own grave.
Darlin', what?
Dear God.
Did you get my letters?
Did you make this coat?
Did you write to me?
Do you worry when there's no word from him? From Mr. Inman?
Don't matter if they're real or things I made up.
Don't say good night.
Don't shoot me, please.
Don't shoot. We just wanted food.
Don't smile.
Don't spread out. Why are they spreadin' out?
Don't turn your head! Tsk.
Don't wanna put you or your mistress here in any bother.
Don't you die on me again!
Enough powder here to blow a hole in the sky.
Esco and me.
Esco, you remember my daughter, Ada.
Evenin', Hank.
Evenin', missis.
Every blade, every gun.
Every day I was waiting.
Every piece of this is man's bullshit.
Every plate, every sheep, every little pellet of chickenshit.
Everybody else got their job.
Everybody to bed. Lila, you stay with them kids.
Everything fit?
Fair enough.
Fightin' for a rich man's slave, that's what.
Fine piano.
For $5 I wouldn't give a parched man a dipper of this river water.
For all your kindness, coffee... and a pie.
For days,
For good friends, good food, good family,
For sirin' a bastard while servin' as their preacher. We're a strict congregation.
For your kind welcome and, most of all, such a fine chapel.
Friends, we are both very happy to have this opportunity tonight...
From a world of slaves and corsets and cotton?"
Gave it a try, to look at ya.
Get her neck!
Get in line. You fools fall for it every time.
Get off my land.
Get on back where you came from!
Get on up those stairs.
Get those horses under cover. If they see us, we're dead.
Get up!
Get up! Get out of here, quick! The Yankees are coming!
Get your paws off my rabbit! Get your paws off my rabbit!
Gets caught up in the mechanism
Gettin' better, soldier?
Give it to me.
Give me that saw.
Glad to know you both.
Go around.
Go away.
Go back where you came from!
Go back!
Go back! Go back!
Go, go! Go! Run!
God forgive me for doin' this.
God will judge you, you Judas.
God won't let it...
Gone, gone, gone, gone!
Gonna need it back on the farm.
Good day to you.
Good evenin'.
Good God in heaven.
Good God.
Good morning, I'm Ada Monroe.
Good morning, Sally.
Good night.
Got any shirts, son?
Got hisself shot dead at Petersburg.
Governor of this great state of North Carolina,
Grab their boots and rifles! Let's move on!
Grace Inman, nobody said "Eat."
Hallelujah! Oh, hallelujah! The Israelites!
Have we got $30?
Have we got a maul and frow?
He ain't comin' back, you know that.
He ain't here.
He always smiles. He don't mean nothin' by it.
He can milk the cows. I was worried about that.
He decided... better use for me
He don't... he don't know what he's sayin'.
He got a mind no bigger than a pickled walnut.
He left me once. Up in them mountains.
He left you?
He lived to rest. He was born tired.
He never killed me.
He was another man straight up and down.
He was happy.
He won't feed.
He wrote about his travels.
He's always gettin' lost.
He's been pressin' me since the day you arrived here.
He's got a shit comin'. It's overdue.
He's got hardly no blood left in him.
He's got nothin' inside him. He'll walk out of here and die in the snow.
He's just a baby!
He's Lucifer himself.
He's mine. You go rub yourself off on the preacher.
He's purty, ain't he?
He's right.
He's shaking!
He's still breathin'!
Hell's busted.
Help! Damn.
Helpin' a deserter that's treason.
Her nose is right in your butter!
Here I am.
Hey, Ada! You up?
Hey, come on. Leave some for the rest of us.
Hey, get your peanuts now, from the blind man,
Hey, Oakley. Don't worry, son. Them Yankee boys keep store hours.
Hey, Ruby. I got a new fiddle.
Hey, what do you call that cluster of stars right there?
Hey! Let's agree.
Him in particular.
Him? No, that's Teague.
Hip hip hurrah!
Hip hip hurrah!
Hip hip hurrah!
His eyes, they've gone.
Hold a smile.
Holler "Good job" every hour or so.
Home Guard for Haywood County. And I'm the law from today.
Home Guard!
Home Guard!
Home Guard! Get back there!
Hope that Georgia boy's been tendin' to the animals.
Hope we didn't disturb you.
Hope you can stomach a yard chock full of female.
How 'bout that? Inman speaks.
How about that?
How are you, son?
How could a name... not even a real name...
How could I write to you after what I done.
How did I keep you?
How do I make it melt?
How many of them are there?
How many would still lose a leg for the rich man's slave?
I ain't got nothin' else, I swear.
I ain't lookin' for money. I never cared for it and now it ain't worth nothin'.
I believe you need two people, one on either end.
I can arrange cut flowers but I can't grow them!
I can clear a field.
I can get you outta here.
I can give you $30 Confederate.
I can name the principal rivers in Europe.
I can spell it, too. Learned it the same place you did, in the schoolhouse.
I can talk about farming in Latin.
I can wait for you.
I can... I can embroider but I can't darn!
I can... I can read French.
I can't get much wetter.
I can't have people coming here and cooking for me.
I can't keep countin' on your kindness.
I can't. I can't, all right?
I carried them, I carried them in the book you gave me.
I come by... a few days.
I could be at killin'...
I could confiscate your old lady's asshole.
I cut off my hair once for money.
I daresay that's Home Guard followin' you.
I despise a floggin' rooster.
I do that, the members will lynch me
I do.
I don't know how to do that,
I don't know what music that is.
I don't know who would want a watch.
I don't know why.
I don't know you.
I don't know you.
I don't know, Ruby.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. Perhaps she was busy.
I don't pass by.
I don't wanna go.
I don't wanna let you go.
I don't want it.
I don't want you to.
I don't...
I dragged my poor daughter 400 miles from Charleston to Cold Mountain
I expect to board and eat, at the same table.
I find you in all of it.
I found you this book to take with you.
I gather I... I need permission from you, Ruby.
I give you my gun, you're gonna shoot me dead.
I go near him and he is at me with his spurs.
I got a few.
I got a hog!
I got a hog!
I got a vision in my mind of how Black Cove oughta be.
I got big plans for that farm.
I got it. He's here.
I got miles and miles and miles and miles ahead of me before I reach the Blue Ridge.
I got old man Roy to give me ten of them sheep,
I got three letters.
I had a special prayer you'd come visit.
I had curls.
I have a deal to thank you for.
I have no plans to preach war in my church, Mr. Inman.
I have so... I have so many buttons. Sorry.
I have some beans and corn pone.
I have to close my eyes.
I hope these boots can hold up for 400 miles,
I I'm sorry.
I imagine God is weary of being called down on both sides of an argument.
I imagine God is.
I just don't know how we're gonna get through another winter.
I just wanna stop, I tell you. Yeah.
I know how to lace up a corset. God knows.
I know where there's a ferry crossin'. Or you can stubborn yourself to death.
I know you have.
I know.
I like it.
I like that.
I looked once more down Sally's well,
I lost your mother after 22 months of marriage.
I love my coat!
I love someone.
I love you, darlin',
I love you, Ruby.
I love you.
I made up 50 tunes with you in mind.
I marry you, I marry you.
I marry you, I marry you.
I marry you.
I need shelter... and food.
I need to believe you mean no harm.
I need to try and feed this man.
I never saw a dickey bird.
I never seen a man work a field with a shotgun before.
I probably sent 103.
I said hold your fire! Hold your fire.
I see you.
I should be gettin' along.
I should have raised you less like a companion and more like a young woman.
I should have shot you when I had the chance.
I so regret...
I so...
I tell you, as soon as I finish this chapel,
I think even my father would recognize that.
I think he writes about these parts, the author, so...
I think I should go back up to my wife.
I think I'm ruined.
I think it's "l divorce you" three times and you're not married anymore.
I think there's five.
I thought I heard a black bell toll
I told Georgia he can stop here. I told him he can sleep in the barn.
I told him, there ain't nothin' in this world worth a smile!
I told you, you don't touch the money!
I used to hide up there when he'd get a temper goin'.
I was eight. He was gone over two and a half weeks.
I was going to take some root beer over to the n****es.
I was gonna do a grievous wrong.
I was like his goat.
I was talkin' to some of the other womenfolk
I was thinking of saying something in chapel.
I was vain about my hair.
I will not shoot you,
I wish I'd brung my fiddle.
I workwood.
I would have followed you anywhere.
I wouldn't give an lndian head cent.
I wouldn't hurry.
I... I need help but... I need... I do need help, but I need a laborer.
I... um...
I'd pay a dollar for an egg.
I'd say these days, the devil rules the roost.
I'll be all right. This coat's warm.
I'll be damned. He's a hard bastard to kill.
I'll be seein' you.
I'll be waiting for you.
I'll be with you by nightfall.
I'll do that.
I'll just shoot the horse out from under you.
I'll lead the horse at a pace your daddy can tolerate.
I'll say my goodbyes. I gotta go.
I'll say thank you when I've lost you and I've found some food.
I'll say thank you... for the cider.
I'm a Confederate soldier... on furlough.
I'm a deserter.
I'm afraid I can't read who it's from.
I'm changed. People change.
I'm full of music, Ruby.
I'm gettin' an idea.
I'm gettin' out of this.
I'm gonna go off and kill me some Yankees.
I'm gonna make him hug me till I grunt.
I'm headin' for that smokehouse.
I'm Inman, by the way. That's my name.
I'm just sayin' I'm real sorry you had to lose your piano.
I'm leavin' soon as I'm full. Y'all havin' too much fun for me.
I'm like the boy who goes for wood in winter
I'm not gettin' shot again for some cause I don't believe in.
I'm not nothin'.
I'm not Ruby's employer.
I'm not smiling in it.
I'm not sorry.
I'm not waitin' till tomorrow!
I'm reachin' Cold Mountain before you.
I'm ready.
I'm Sara.
I'm sendin' you to a better place.
I'm so plugged up.
I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting. She'll just be a few seconds.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, Ada. And for dragging you here.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm still livin'.
I'm the Reverend Veasey. Have I seen you in church?
I'm very grateful for the pork.
I've been meanin' to ask you. Where'd you take your wound?
I've gone to find my ain true love
I've gone to find my ain true love
I've got a little salt pork you can have.
I've got a rifle!
I've got no quarrel with you.
I've learned a person can pretty much survive off of a goat.
I've other men outside in the courtyard waitin' for beds,
If a thing has a function, if I might do something with it,
If I cry one tear for my daddy, I stole it off a crocodile.
If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.
If I had my way, they'd take metal altogether out of this world.
If I reckon on livin' at Black Cove.
If I'da known you were this heavy, I'da left you in those chains.
If it were enough just to stand, without the words...
If Ruby finds out we've spent the night, there'll be hell to pay.
If that letter ain't urgent, them cows is is what I'm sayin'.
If they find me here, things could be bad for you.
If they find you here, things'll go bad on all of us.
If they send us back to fight...
If they stay there, tomorrow mornin' they can shoot us down for sport.
If we're careful, now we'll get through winter.
If you could see my inside...
If you could see us now this Easter day at Black Cove,
If you look down our well with a mirror, you'll see the future. It's what they say.
If you never got them, I can summarize.
If you wanna get three feet up a bull's ass,
If you was to say a word to one of these fools, I could get my top field cleared.
If you were to take a glass of cider, your friends might stop staring.
If you'll have me.
If you're sayin' you might like him, why not go over and say good mornin'?
In case the sky falls on our head.
In Charleston, my congregation would still be disputing the size of the windows.
In fact, if y'all gonna wimble wimble all night, I'm gonna sleep in with him.
In Sally Swanger's well. A man like a black smudge in the snow.
In the well it was as if he were falling.
Inman'll get it.
Instead, I was seein' him come back to me.
Is "he" your wife?
Is everything all right?
Is she waitin' for ya, this Ada Monroe?
Is your baby sick?
Isn't there some religion where you just have to say "I marry you" three times,
It belonged to my father. No use to me.
It is more than three years, and I remember your name."
It is.
It is.
It started off bein' over in a month.
It was enough to fill a life.
It's a chapel.
It's a great day for North Carolina.
It's a Reb!
It's a turkey shoot. They've run themselves into a hole.
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's better you blow out my brains than return me to this place.
It's come a long way.
It's five hours' climb from here. He drew a map.
It's froze. How long it been there for?
It's got shelter, water.
It's hard to imagine a wedding.
It's havin' a thing and then the loss of it I'm talking about.
It's her.
It's mean food, but it's hot.
It's Mo Oakley's boy.
It's not mine.
It's not too recent.
It's pretty much what you'll get if you knock on any door of this war.
It's Ruby!
It's the heat. I'm sorry. They rot.
It's too damp out here. You should come inside.
It's us! It's us!
It's what people say we're fightin' for. To keep it that way.
It's written this past winter.
Just about.
Just clouds.
Just don't ask me to name one stream in this county!
Just listen to what sweethearts whisper to one another.
Just over that hill.
Just readin' the name of a place...
Just so's you know, I can eat while she's doin' this.
Just so's you know, you ain't eatin' inside.
Just tell us where the food is, we'll pick him up.
Keep goin'! Come on!
Keep your daddy's watch.
King of kings!
Kiss her for me.
Last time I checked, the South was a direction.
Layin' on my back, my fingers poked in my ears,
Leave him, leave him. He's gone. Let's go.
Leave him. Leave him.
Left tracks in the snow all the way up for the Home Guard to follow.
Let me just get your hat.
Let's do this in chapters.
Let's get 'em!
Let's go!
Let's have a look and see what we can muster.
Let's put him in a pot.
Lie down.
Lie down.
Lie here next to me and not... need to go further?
Like a couple of scarecrows after a thunderstorm.
Like a girl's waiting for me.
Like every fool sent off to fight with a flag and a lie.
Like when you're at Bishop's Creek...
Like you would a butterfly.
Listen to her, Sal.
Listen up!
Longing to see your face.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at the state of this place.
Look at this!
Look at us both what?
Look out the window, ladies. See what these poor fools are dyin' for.
Look what's in it.
Look, give me your gun and ride on home. I'm done fightin', I'm sick of it!
Look. He's gone now.
Look. Look at the sky now. What color is it?
Lookin' for a sign my boys were comin' home.
Lookin' good, Butcher.
Looks if he's about to topple over.
Lord have mercy, look at that bonnet.
Make a move, make a noise...
Mama! Mama!
Mama's callin'!
Man dead, woman left.
Man goes beyond his own decision
Man has no choice
Matter of fact, I could set my watch by my bowels.
Men up here had a bearing on what they thought a woman was,
Merry Christmas, Georgia. Nice to meet you.
Might I speak with you, please?
Miss Lovey Dovey! Miss Lovey Dovey!
Miss Monroe, I was just thinkin' about you.
Mm hm hm hm
Mm hm hm hm
Mm hmm.
Most of these soldiers'll be dead by morning, or if they're stubborn, by nightfall.
Mostly work wood.
Move away from the baby!
Move back! Go back! Move back!
Mr. Inman is more comfortable outdoors.
Must I accept his fate
My awkward nature, the things left unsaid."
My baby's Ethan.
My daddy got $2 for it. Made a wig for some rich feller in Raleigh.
My daddy, he'd walk 40 miles for liquor and not 40 inches for kindness.
My daddy. He could play six tunes on a fiddle.
My dear daughter, Ada,
My farm, your farm, it all belonged to his grandpappy.
My father always wanted sheep on this farm.
My father had some bonds and investments.
My feet against the feet of my enemy.
My home brew sneaks up on you. It curdles your durdles.
My love...
My man's dead. Took his wound at Gettysburg and never saw his boy.
My name's Ruby Thewes. I know your name.
My old bull... wandered off... and died in this here creek.
My piano.
My saw's the remedy.
Nah, I could always name the stars, Ruby. That was never my problem.
Name me three herbs that grow wild on this farm.
Name's Teague.
Near home...
Never figured you for a Lincoln lover, JT.
Never mind him.
Never set eyes on a thing in this world.
Night, Miss Sally. Merry Christmas.
No cutler's horn will mark thy face
No harm done lettin' it go. Now we'll do well.
No plowman's blade will cut thee down
No, I will not.
No, ma'am, I'm... My fists are about to drop off.
No, right. No, no.
No, that's not the way I meant it.
No! Agh!
No. Not likely to, neither.
No. Play me somethin' sweet.
Nobody crosses these waters unless they're runnin' from someplace.
Nobody is.
North Carolina.
North? Uh...
Not a tree, a gun or a woman. Put my hand on all three, though.
Not at all.
Not lately.
Not that comes to me.
Not very long.
Now drink this. It eases the pain, and you'll sleep.
Now, come on. I'm makin' a stew.
Now, I know it's half horse and half reverend.
Now, if y'all will excuse me.
Now, whatever you wanna name it my spirit? That's what I fear.
Now, your father played the piano, did he?
Now, your friend Georgia here...
Number 15...
Number one,
Number one, I knowed that woman all my life, I never stood outside her house.
Number one, lay out a winter garden for cool season crops.
Number one, they hang people round here for takin' in deserters.
Number one, you got a horse? I can plow all day. I'm a worker.
Number three, clear and turn this field.
Number two, ain't no man better'n me,
Number two, even if they was givin' out prizes,
Number two, old man Swanger's inside that house. I could smell his pipe burnin'.
Number two, patch the shingles on the barn roof.
Number two, shut that door. It's freezin'.
Oakley, hand me the hammer, boy.
Of swindlers who act like kings
Oh, before I was born.
Oh, dear God.
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