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The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle is a beloved animated television show that first

The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle

The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle is a beloved animated television show that first aired in 1959. Created by Jay Ward, the series follows the thrilling escapades of a witty flying squirrel named Rocky and his dim-witted but lovable moose companion, Bullwinkle. This comedic masterpiece captivated audiences with its clever humor, pun-filled jokes, and memorable characters.

The show's enchanting voice cast brought the characters to life, with June Foray lending her voice to the feisty Rocky and Bill Scott delivering the endearing portrayal of Bullwinkle. Joined by the dastardly duo of Boris Badenov, voiced by Paul Frees, and Natasha Fatale, portrayed by June Foray, Rocky and Bullwinkle navigate through a series of hilarious and often absurd adventures.

The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle is an iconic blend of comedy, adventure, and satire. It transcends generations, with its witty dialogue appealing to both children and adults alike. The show cleverly parodies popular culture and frequently breaks the fourth wall, incorporating self-awareness and meta-narrative elements that keep audiences engaged and entertained.

One of the notable aspects of The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle is its ability to seamlessly combine various storylines and subplots. Alongside the main plot involving Rocky and Bullwinkle's constant pursuit of avoiding Boris and Natasha's evil plans, the show features interwoven narratives of other beloved characters. These include the fearless superspy Dudley Do-Right, the time-traveling canine Mr. Peabody and his companion Sherman, and the energetic squirrel siblings, The Flying Squirrel and The Ruffled Feather.

The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle has solidified its place as a classic in television animation. Its catchy theme song, composed by Frank Comstock, remains instantly recognizable and has become an enduring part of popular culture. The show has spawned numerous adaptations, including a live-action film in 2000 featuring a talented cast including Robert De Niro, Jason Alexander, and Rene Russo, attempting to bring the animated characters to life on the big screen.

Fortunately, fans can relive the magic of The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle through various platforms. With the advancements in digital media, it is now possible to enjoy the show's iconic sounds and themes. By visiting a dedicated website or using a mobile application, audiences can easily access and download these nostalgic sounds, relishing the delightful moments and humorous exchanges that made the show such a timeless treasure.

In conclusion, The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle is a legendary animated series that has captured the hearts of generations. Its humorous and satirical take on popular culture, perfectly complemented by a talented voice cast, ensures that its legacy endures. Whether you are a fan seeking a trip down memory lane or a newcomer curious to experience this animated gem, the show's sounds are readily available for play and download, allowing everyone to enjoy and relish in the timeless humor of Rocky, Bullwinkle, and their extraordinary adventures.
A barrel ofmoney
A cartoon villain from the old Rocky and Bullwinkle Show
A little late!
A lothas changed in 35 years.
A place where with the right special effects,
A plan that would take them to a strange new land
A stupid little dreamer
A ton?!
According to our sources, three days from now
Across great distances in the blink of an eye.
Across great distances in the blink of an eye.
After 30 years of waiting,
After all the letters I wrote him.
Afternoon, folks.
Agent Karen Sympathy, FBI.
Agent Sympathy,
Agent Sympathy,
Agent Sympathy,
Agent Sympathy, can I ask you something personal?
Agents Rocky, Bullwinkle.
Ah, America...
Ah, I love my RBTV.
Ahem... Good evening, America.
All right, Agent Sympathy.
All right, buckle up now, fellas.
All right, I want anyone in this room...
All right, I'm going, I'm going!
All right, I'm sorry I yelled.
All right, we need to get to New York
All the trees in Frostbite Falls are gone.
All this exposition is wearing me out.
All you have to do is believe in...
All you have to do is sign right here
Allow me to be Bullwinkle.
Although Boris and Natasha tried feverishly to complete
An dthank him for his help.
An econoclass Chevy Metro from the Cheapo Rent A Car Company
An honorary moosters degree.
An untruth.
And a cameraman from the hit TV show,
And a cameraman from the hit TV show,
And a flying squirrel who couldn't fly.
And a truck load full of really silly cartoon weaponry,
And a...
And after five scintillating years on the air...
And as Karen and Ole finally went to the movies,
And as luck would have it, a travelling mattress salesman
And back in Cow Tip, Oklahoma,
And beautiful FBI agent, Karen Sympathy,
And Boris and Natasha aren't?
And bringing Karen and Rocky miraculously back to life.
And Bull...
And didn't you escape from prison...
And didn't you tell Rocky and me...
And faced the diffiicult question
And for impersonating FBI agent, Karen Sympathy.
And had flown instead to Washington, D. C.
And high above our unsuspecting heroes...
And hold hands with the other.
And how come Rocky and me are still cartoons...
And hung on for the ride of his life.
And I can't do it withoutyour help.
And I really...
And I'll park the truck?
And I'm still waiting!
And if it hadn't been fo ryou,
And if it hadn't been for you,
And immediately got stuck in traffic.
And in a little house at the top of a stump forest,
And into the real world,
And just as this sentimental moment
And just to think...
And make a little boy's dream come true.
And make the whole country vote for him as president.
And mashes the potatoes."
And my dreams ofglory?
And next time use the C.D.I. On them!
And no sooner had Bullwinkle emerged from the printer
And now that I've met you,
And onto the great plains.
And running low on gas.
And send him where all worthless cyberjunk ends up...
And she's all yours.
And shut down Fearless Leader's broadcast.
And signedthe contract.
And so it came to pass that the election
And so on they walked, two lone figures...
And so was Bullwinkle.
And squeezing into the scanner drive...
And stop Fearless Leader's broadcast within 40 hours.
And suddenly, his sharp little eyes
And sure enough, all across America,
And teach them how to lie, and cheat and be rotten.
And that's when Bullwinkle snapped into action.
And the C.D.I. 'll dismantle the digital image
And the ceremony is today!
And the healing can begin.
And the laughter never gets away...
And the moment the machine had been destroyed,
And The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show...
And the three villains walked out of the studio
And the unimaginable perils that lay on the road ahead.
And their fearless leader...
And then through the miracle of computer generated
And there is no one...
And there was Karen, toiling away
And they don't even know our names.
And they were immediately blockaded...
And those cute little bunnies...
And three dukes and seven earls!
And turned into a helpless...
And two rights don't make a wrong.
And vote for whoever they want.
And we've never even come close.
And what ifthey did? So what?
And whatever you're holding, drop it!
And when moose is at podium for acceptance speech,
And while Bullwinkle pondered the modern world,
And while Rocky and Bullwinkle were making their getaway,
And whoever wins the election,
And with a single voice, America will say...
And you are lying!
And you thought I couldn't drive.
And you will be turned intoahelpless,
And you, Mr. District Attorney,
And, Karen...
And, Sympathy, remember,
Andconsequently found nothing to object to.
Anddespite this inspiring vindication
Anditcertainly does seem cheap...
Andjustas Rockyand Bullwinkle got back on the road,
Andso the three villains were launchedup into the Internet,
Andso, armed with the C.D.I.,
Andso, racked with internal conflicts,
Andso, Rocky and Karen's onlyhope
Andusing his brain,
Andyour fiirst producing endeavor is as goodas gold.
Any recommendations?
Anybody home?
Are already total zombies!
Are in terrible danger.
Are you all right?
Are you familiar with The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show?
Are you sorry that you called her fat?
Are you talking to me?
Are you talking to me?
Are you talking to me?
Areyou sure we're going the right way?
Arizona, NewMexico,
As animated character witnesses!
As dawn broke over the City ofAngels,
As for Rocky and Bullwinkle,
As for this FBI agent, Karen Sympathy,
As for you, my friends, we have planned...
As our first witness, the defense calls...
As our heroes found themselves racing toward Chicago,
As soon as we g olive,
As the students vented their collective spleen at Bullwinkle,
As we speak,
Astonishing in a woman of her advancing years,
At Fearless Leader's headquarters,
At least one thing hasn't changed!
At least, I never heard a complaint
At the moment oftruth,
At the same time,
Aw, I'll never forget our trip to New York
Back at the RedBait Prison Farm,
Back in Frostbite Falls the president carried out
Back in Frostbite Falls,
Backwhen he posed a threat in the 1960s.
Badenov, proceed with test!
Badenov, proceed with the test!
Because I believe...
Because I'm going to run this country...
Because then it wouldn't be a road movie. Whee ee!
Because, Boris!
Boris and Natasha emerged from the student infiirmary,
Boris and Natasha set off to blast Rocky and Bullwinkle
Boris and Natasha were forced to rent...
Boris and Natasha were still high above the Chicago streets,
Boris and Natasha,
Boris and Natasha's rental agreement suddenly expired
Boris Badenov is now offiicial number one killer...
Boris Badenov!
Boris conceived a sinister plan.
Boris pushed the little Metro for all it was worth...
Boris, darling,
Boris, darling,
Boy, if I had a missile,
Brand new exciting shows of the highest fun!
Bravely made his way through the angry crowd.
Breaking outofjail... one count,.
Bring in the test subject!
Bullwinkle activated the 'print' icon...
Bullwinkle and I have never been apart in 35 years!
Bullwinkle found himself inside the presidential computer.
Bullwinkle found himself inside the RBTV computer...
Bullwinkle got a rare flash of inspiration.
Bullwinkle Moose here, saying...
Bullwinkle surfed the information super highway
Bullwinkle was a big football star at Wossamotta U.
Bullwinkle, allow me to be frank.
Bullwinkle, can you fly an airplane?
Bullwinkle, can you rappel?
Bullwinkle, cover up your nose!
Bullwinkle, finish the speech!
Bullwinkle, he means our situation.
Bullwinkle, hurry up! Click on something!
Bullwinkle, I don't think we're on television anymore.
Bullwinkle, look out!
Bullwinkle, look out! Is a trap!
Bullwinkle, no!
Bullwinkle, take the controls.
Bullwinkle, that joke just won't wash!
Bullwinkle, that's not what you mean.
Bullwinkle, these aren't fans.
Bullwinkle, they're listening!
Bullwinkle, we don't have time to go.
Bullwinkle, we have to go to New York.
Bullwinkle, we're not going to Chicago!
Bullwinkle, who are you talking to?
Bullwinkle, you're supposed to be the defense attorney.
Bullwinkle! Look out!
Bullwinkle! That's it!
Bullwinkle's head was so thick
BullwinkleJ. Moose, attorney at law.
But at that very moment,
But don't worry... it won'thurt.
But even though thepun was weak,
But Gorka,
But how would we eat our popcorn?
But I'd still like to know what kind ofmusic it is.
But I'm afraid that you and this flying rodent
But if there's one thing I learned in the FBI,
But is like talking to a wall.
But just then, Boris managed to turn on the C.D.I.
But Karen, why aren't you injail?
But little did theyknow they were driving...
But lookwhat happens when we switch to cable...
But no one wanted to take a chance...
But now is just always dirty.
But our heroine was already passing through Indiana...
But she really is with the FBI!
But that little girl doesn't exist anymore, Rocky.
But they had no way
But they say is just not the same.
But times were just as tough half way across the drawing
But unfortunately for her,
But was hein time?
But we all have our little foibles...
But we'll travel along
But we're supposed to be the heroes.
But we've never been in the real world before!
But what if I want a soda?
But when she tried to pull the contractout...
But with one small difference.
But you don't understand.
But, Bullwinkle, there aren't any woods anymore.
But, while the citizens of Pottsylvania
Butback atRBTV,
Butin the face of danger, our insipid hero...
Butit was just no use.
ButKaren, we can'tride to therescuein astolen truck.
ButKarenSympathy hadsucceededin making Ole,
ButRocky's voice couldn'tcarry
Butsince they were in themiddle of the desert,
By 8:00 PM in that little plane.
By 8:00 that night,
By telling that poor trusting prison guard
By the dedicated agents of the Cheapo Rent A Car Company.
By the fall of the Iron Curtain.
C'mon, Rock, time's a wastin'!
Call your first witness.
Called RBTV,
Can still be true when you grow up.
Can still be true when you grow up.
Can you believe we used to get paid for this routine?
Can't even find water fountain.
Can't the FBI do anything, Cappy?
Can't the Pentagon do something about this?
Cheerful, optimistic.
Clever Spies Crush the Enemy On Monday!
Cobs and shuckins, Rock!
Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma,
Come here!
Come on, Rock! Is a convertible!
Come on, Rock! Wrap it all up!
Come on, you can do it! You old bird!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come, Natasha.
Coming toyour TV,
Committee for Animated Wildlife Preservation.
Completely zombifiied.
Computer generated animated characters
Could we hold hands in the movie theatre?
Couldn't fii nd the brakes.
Criminally bad punning:
Dawn brokeat 6... 00AM.
Dear Diary,
Did I watch your show? I lovedyour show!
Did you say celebrity?
Did you use the C.D. I?
Didn't they take our show off the air?
Didyou watch ourshow?
Digital technology...
Do you understand?
Don't forget to write, oldbuddy.
Don't look at the screen!
Don't look, Rocky, is a trick.
Don't say it!
Don't watch!
Don't worry, Fearless Leader.
Don't worry, Karen, you need the most faith
Don't worry, little buddy.
Don't worry, ma'am. They're animals.
Don't you guys know about faxes?
Don't you want to have little Boris? Hmmm?
Down on his luck and out of a job,
Down with the good guys,
Doyou, Karen Sympathy, swear to tell the truth,
Eastern standard time.
Eight, seven,
Er... 28?
Er... I was pardoned.
Er... this way!
Escaped from the cartoon world into the real world.
Even the Pottsylvanian spies rejoiced.
Ever since I was a kid I wanted to have adventures like you guys.
Ever since we first got drawn.
Every single hour of cable programming in this country,
Everything's in the same place, but...
Excellent, my faithful minions!
Excuse us!
Faced with the utter hopelessness of their predicament,
Faithfully waited for Karen to get back
Fall madly in love with her.
FBI material is what gets thejob done, Ms. Sympathy.
FBI! Freeze!
Fearless Leader and those other two
Fearless Leader hadreleasedRocky...
Fearless Leader plans to broadcast TV shows so terrible,
Fearless Leader was unimpressed.
Fearless Leader,
Fearless Leader!
Fearless Leader!
Fearless Leader!
Fearless Leader...
Fearless Leader's deadly countdown hadjustbegun.
Fearless Leader's speech starts in less than two minutes.
Fearless Leaderand his cohorts went underground,
Fearless Leaderwill have hypnotized enough viewers
Figure it out!
Finally, in a crisis of conscience,
Flying ahead to Wossamotta U...
Follow me to Fearless Leader.
Following ominously above them in the Midwestern sky,
For Bullwinkle hadmanaged to miss New York altogether
For everyone tosee.
For our intrepid heroes...
For signs of danger.
For taking over the world,
For the last six months,
For watching miserable people suffer in daytime,
Forced to migrate to the cities,
Forgetting as he did,
Forgot my line.
Forming asingle gigantic network
Four counts;
Freed at last from Fearless Leader's evil grasp,
Freeze! Freeze!
From parking his truck.
From reruns of their oldshow.
From the face of the Earth,
From the other vegetables.
From thegrip ofzombifiication sohe could...
Frostbite Falls, Minnesota,
Gee, Bullwinkle, I guess is true.
Gee, fellas, perhaps you've been looking too hard.
Gee, fellas, thanks.
Gee, it looks so different.
Gee, New York sure has changed a lot since my day.
Gee, what kind ofmusic is that?
General Admission?
General Foods?
General Store?
Get them!
Given all your bungled assignments in the past,
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Good morning, children!
Good morning, students.
Good work,
Good work.
Goodbye, sonny!
Goody! Goody!
Gosh, Karen!
Gosh! Another wild coincidence.
Got out somehow, didn't they?
Got to...
Great googly moogly!
Growing up in Pottsylvania,
Guess I should have figured.
Guys, I missed you so much.
Had absolutely no effect on him whatsoever.
Had been a thriving cartoon town.
Had broken out among the students that very morning
Had finally arrived.
Had mercifully come to a close,
Hail to the black and the blue!
Hail, hail, hail!
Hail, Pottsylvania!
Hail, Pottsylvania!
Hail, Pottsylvania!
Half of them are males and the other half are e males.
Hang on, Karen! Hang on!
Hang on, Rocky!
Hang on, Rocky!
Has a heavy Pottsylvanian accent.
Hasta la vista, baby!
Have reached the end of the road.
Have things changed a lot in the last 35 years?
Haveyou liquidated moose and squirrel?
He's a flying squirrel. He'll manage.
He's a huge moose!
Heavens to Betsy!
Hello oo!
Hello, Minnie.
Help us! Help!
Help! Help!
Here goes n nothing!
Here's the manual
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, I'm an FBI agent, remember?
Hey, listen, gol darn it!
Hey, look at that, Rock!
Hey, poopsie... whas happening?
Hey, Rock,
Hey, Rock, your face is all blurry.
Hey, Rock. They look kind offamiliar.
Hey, wait for me!
Hey, what network areyou from?
Hey, you lunatic!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! That guy's not a college student!
Hey! What about our faces?
Hey! You can'tdo that!
Hi. Um...
His antlers pick up everything.
Hokey smoke, Bullwinkle!
Hokey smoke! Areyou all right?
Hokey smoke! Look!
Hokeysmoke, Bullwinkle!
Hold her steady, poopsie.
Holy cow! What the?
Holy mackerel! Who areyou?
Horsefeathers! How bad could it be?
How can you be so rotten?
How could they stop us now?
How did that happen?
How do I do it? Volume!
How do I get Rocky and Bullwinkle out ofreruns?
How do you do?
How many times have they foiled my plans...
How many times in the past have they stood between me...
However, she couldn't help but wonder,
Hundreds of miles away, in RedBait, Oklahoma,
Hurry up, Rocky! Fly down!
Hurtling through thesky...
I ain't a cartoon no more.
I always thought two rights made a U turn.
I am FBI Agent Karen Sympathy!
I assumeyou're both computer literate?
I beg your pardon! I'm as trim as a young fawn!
I built them a stump house,
I can finally let him out.
I can't do that, Karen.
I can't fly again! I've lost the knack.
I can't mess up this time.
I can't sign a contract
I certainly am.
I could f fly if I had to!
I didn't mean to...
I do exist! I do exist! Let me out!
I do.
I don't kid around!
I don't know how much more of this I can take.
I don't know,
I don't know, Bullwinkle, it looks a little jammed.
I don't know! I didn't write the movie!
I don't know.
I don't like moose pictures.
I don't think so, Karen.
I don't want to be spy no more.
I dreamed of ruling the world.
I guess I've lost the knack.
I guess if is in the name of education...
I guess the world just doesn't need us anymore, Bullwinkle.
I guess we could always appear at your trial...
I guess you could call me a neat freak,
I have waited manyyears
I just can't.
I knew we shouldn't have lefthim.
I love, I loveyour show!
I mean, I'm clearly not FBI material.
I mean...
I mean... ahem...
I might as well talk to the president about the trees!
I must have my degree!
I never would have learned...
I never would have learned...
I said no one...
I should E mail that nice Frank
I suppose you were wondering
I think I'll fly ahead.
I think is...
I think we're gonna make a great team.
I think you degenerated wrong special effect.
I think your ecognize
I think.
I thinkwe have one left.
I thought the buildings looked a lot more realistic.
I thought this was New York.
I thought you said we were in Oklahoma.
I thoughtyou said your name was Frank.
I used to think our carwas really cool,
I want to be president again.
I want to thank you fellas for bringing unity back
I want you both beside my side for the big broadcast.
I want you to destroy them personally.
I was building up to it.
I was just trying to complete my mission!
I was only supposed to care about results!
I was so worried about you...
I will deal with her the same way I dealt...
I will vote for Fearless Leader.
I'd blow your buns right out of the sky!
I'd like to point something out to you in the penal code,
I'd love to. I love it.
I'd really like to say
I'd really like to say...
I'll address the nation at exactly 8:00 PM
I'll be on water tower with C.D.I.
I'll be the president.
I'll carry you down.
I'll never fly again.
I'll put it on the wall...
I'll straighten this out, and catch up with you later.
I'll turn you into a...
I'llbeback forhiatus, Ma!
I'm Cappy Von Trappment, FBI.
I'm coming!
I'm glad Cappy picked me for this mission.
I'm going for a walk in the woods.
I'm not from any network.
I'm only one of the characters!
I'm proud of you, Karen.
I'm sick and tired of shopping for helicopters.
I'm sorry, Bullwinkle,
I'm sorry, Rocky, I've really done it this time.
I'm sure the president will send for us
I'm sure we can work this out.
I'm the chairman of the Frostbite Falls Society for Wildlife Conversation.
I'm tired of all this, Boris.
I've been inspiring for hours.
I've been tricked! Please, don't send me there.
I've heard of it.
I've never had so much fun
I've seen you on TV.
If anyone can stop him, they can.
If I could just...
If implausibly coincidental, reunion.
If only there were some way of transmitting
If only we had a helicopter.
If only we had an airplane.
If the input show is bad enough,
If there's one thing this plucky squirrel has shown me,
If you needed an agent to work with a cartoon
Ifhe would help her break out of jail.
Immediately resumed their human form.
Impugning the character of a prison guard...
In a thousand different beautiful manifestations.
In Bullwinkle's name...
In my whole life.
In order to resume the chase.
In other words, they didn'thave aprayer.
In the former Soviet satellite of Pottsylvania.
In the history of children's television.
In the whole wide world was BullwinkleJ. Moose.
Incapable of independent thought.
Incredibly handsome, Swedish American prison guard
Indiana and Ohio, versus KarenSympathy,
Interstate 1,
Into a mindless zombie,
Into the quality control current
Is a anti moose march.
Is a message from my mole at the White House!
Is almost as if there were a mole in the White House.
Is classic American cartoon from early '60s.
Is it a civil rights march?
Is it an anti war rally?
Is like there was always a little boy trapped...
Is like...
Is no use.
Is not right? What are you talking about?
Is okay, Officers, I'm with the FBI...
Is really you!
Is Rocky and Bullwinkle! Oh, my God!
Is some kind of demonstration.
Is still cancelled.
Is that life is not a cartoon.
Is that you have to be who you are,
Is The Jenny Spy Show.
Is the opening of moose season.
Is the opening of moose season.
Is time the court showed the world
Is time to say goodbye...
Is totally user friendly.
Is traditional!
Is true.
Is you.
Is yours.
Isjust not right.
Isn't it true that when our convertible
Isn't it true you have no respect for the law
Isn't it true you never meant to see a film at all?!
It is gettin' kinda hard to see.
It is kinda hot in here.
It is?
It might just be possible to break through...
It was a beautiful and smoggy day at Phony Pictures Studio,
It was a couple of fresh faced college students...
It was their first fight.
It was time for the prisoners' daily helping of disgusting slop.
It was too late.
It will enhance or degrade the quality
It works!
It would be awful!
It's Rocky and Bullwinkle!
It's your duty to get to New York by 8:00 PM tomorrow.
Judge Cameo presiding.
Just a couple ofhours ago.
Just be careful.
Just happened to be passing bybelow.
Just index the binary codes
Just kidding, Rock.
Just leave America alone!
Just like old times.
Just one minute, Officer!
Just outside Red Bait, Oklahoma, darling.
Just shut up and hold on!
Just tell 'em to turn off the TV
Just the way I planned it!
Just you waitandsee.
Just you waitandsee.
Karen and Rocky found the entire city of New York
Karen decided to tell...
Karen looked upon the brave little squirrel
Karen Sympathy!
Karen, we can't leave you now.
Karen's daring escape had not gone unnoticed.
Keep the change!
Keep your hands high above your head!
Kinda makes you feel discouraged.
Les faceit, darling, we suck.
Les get in the car.
Les go!
Les just hope this thing makes it all the way to New York.
Lesjust say I've made...
Let go of my paw. You broke my nail!
Let me see your hands!
Like a well oiled machine...
Like fun you are.
Listen to me, Rocky.
Listen, Fearless Leader:
Listen, Minnie...
Listen, you guys. I've been sent here because...
Little did they realize that only a few miles behind...
Little Natasha?
Look at all the red tape!
Look at me! I'm flying!
Look how well they drew that girl!
Look out for the sign!
Look out!
Look out!
Look out!
Look, all I want from you guys are results. Okay?
Look, Frank, solitaire.
Look, I can't blow this one.
Look, I'm hangin' four!
Look, is moose!
Look! There's the animated freak now!
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