A future that my dad worked really hard for. from Wish Dragon
A giant chariot made of steel and glass! from Wish Dragon
A giant metal bird? from Wish Dragon
A giant pile of gold! from Wish Dragon
A girl? That's why you're acting crazy? from Wish Dragon
A lonely boy waits after school. Me. from Wish Dragon
A wish! Why didn't you just say so? from Wish Dragon
Actually, I no longer rep products that use animal testing. from Wish Dragon
Actually, Li Na, there's something I need to tell you. from Wish Dragon
Again. from Wish Dragon
Again. from Wish Dragon
Ah, a young man of means, I see. Reminds me of myself. from Wish Dragon
Ah, look at him, all grown up and working hard. from Wish Dragon
Ah, the spoils of war on display? from Wish Dragon
Ah, there it is! Down there. from Wish Dragon
Ah, well, where are my manners? Sit, sit, sit! from Wish Dragon
Ah, yeah, I can see you're busy. from Wish Dragon
Ah, you must be the conquering type. I see that killer instinct in your eyes. from Wish Dragon
Ah! from Wish Dragon
Ah! from Wish Dragon
Ah! from Wish Dragon
Ah! from Wish Dragon
Ah! from Wish Dragon
Ah! from Wish Dragon
Ah! from Wish Dragon
Ah! from Wish Dragon
Ah! My friend needs me. from Wish Dragon
Ah! Whoa! from Wish Dragon
Ah... from Wish Dragon
Aiya. from Wish Dragon
Aiya. She's late again. from Wish Dragon
All day? from Wish Dragon
All I ever wanted was my dad. from Wish Dragon
All I wanted was you. from Wish Dragon
All of them. from Wish Dragon
All right, Din. Here we go. from Wish Dragon
All right, here we go. Stand back and it shall be so! from Wish Dragon
All right, scales. Oh! Roller skates! from Wish Dragon
All these masters, from Wish Dragon
All these years, from Wish Dragon
All they talk about is their own business, how much money they make. from Wish Dragon
All this time worried you were drugged out in some internet cafe. It was a girl. from Wish Dragon
Allow me to get you a closer look, sir. from Wish Dragon
Am I sure? You've been telling me to make this wish since we met. from Wish Dragon
Am I... am I dead? from Wish Dragon
An army of terracotta warriors! Why are you wasting a wish on some girl? from Wish Dragon
And all 234. from Wish Dragon
And awaited a great procession to welcome me. from Wish Dragon
And besides, we haven't had guests in, well, a couple hours! from Wish Dragon
And finally return back to heaven, from Wish Dragon
And frankly you're not doing a good job. from Wish Dragon
And he's the one who took you to the Pearl Tower. from Wish Dragon
And I have chosen you! For you are pure of heart. from Wish Dragon
And I know my first wish. from Wish Dragon
And I still haven't ridden in one of those metal birds, from Wish Dragon
And I think I was able to make some really important... connections. from Wish Dragon
And I was the best human ever! from Wish Dragon
And I'm trying my best, trying to make everyone proud, from Wish Dragon
And I'm trying my best, trying to make everyone proud, from Wish Dragon
And it pains me to inform you, not really, I can't make people fall in love with you. from Wish Dragon
And leave this wretched world. from Wish Dragon
And let nothing stand in my way. from Wish Dragon
And more monuments than any lord who had come before me. from Wish Dragon
And more of this! from Wish Dragon
And Mrs. Chu would sell those roasted yams. from Wish Dragon
And my son, I sent off to win treasure. from Wish Dragon
And no air conditioning. No air conditioning in heaven! from Wish Dragon
And no amount of gold can ever buy that. from Wish Dragon
And now her father, Mr. Wang, come to the stage. from Wish Dragon
And now, everyone will bow to me. from Wish Dragon
And now, I've left you with nothing. from Wish Dragon
And shown us that you understand the meaning of life. from Wish Dragon
And the car. from Wish Dragon
And the personal assistant who has to do everything I ask for the next 24 hours. from Wish Dragon
And then she drove away and I never saw her again. from Wish Dragon
And to be honest, from Wish Dragon
And what's the family business? from Wish Dragon
And wish for the same thing as every other master, from Wish Dragon
And with scales, some grass, some clouds. from Wish Dragon
And yet, from Wish Dragon
And you are the last one. from Wish Dragon
And you waste it on a friend? from Wish Dragon
And you, sir, are my master! from Wish Dragon
And your stupid parade in the sky. from Wish Dragon
And, well, from Wish Dragon
Anyways, where are we going? from Wish Dragon
Apology accepted. from Wish Dragon
Are worth more than anything I ever possessed. from Wish Dragon
Are you gonna cry? Are we gonna see tears now? from Wish Dragon
Are you joking? from Wish Dragon
Are you okay? from Wish Dragon
Are you sure? from Wish Dragon
Are you telling me a teenage boy out fought two full grown men? from Wish Dragon
Are you... from Wish Dragon
As I laid on my deathbed, from Wish Dragon
As you wish, sir. from Wish Dragon
Back? from Wish Dragon
Back? To serve another ten masters? from Wish Dragon
Be honest. from Wish Dragon
Because the ghost of Clucky will always haunt you! from Wish Dragon
Because the minute Li Na finds out who you are, this will all fall apart. from Wish Dragon
Before they're free to enter the spirit world. from Wish Dragon
Believe me. from Wish Dragon
Besides, there are no shrimp chips there, from Wish Dragon
Blow your trumpet all you want. It won't make any difference at all! from Wish Dragon
Bon appetit! from Wish Dragon
But as a punishment. from Wish Dragon
But did you order the... from Wish Dragon
But first, there's something I need to show you. from Wish Dragon
But how about somewhere else? from Wish Dragon
But I fixed our kite. from Wish Dragon
But I have to go. from Wish Dragon
But it's been nice. Kind of like you were back. from Wish Dragon
But only under one condition. from Wish Dragon
But that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course she'll care. from Wish Dragon
But the boy did leave something behind. from Wish Dragon
But the truth is, I think we might be happier if... from Wish Dragon
But the whole time it feels like something is missing. from Wish Dragon
But there was none. from Wish Dragon
But you're older now. from Wish Dragon
But, Dad, don't you ever miss those days? from Wish Dragon
But, you know, giant and glowing, and super glamorous. from Wish Dragon
But, you've been waiting 1,000 years just to get through those gates. from Wish Dragon
But... no matter how hard I try, I just feel like... from Wish Dragon
But... why did you lie? from Wish Dragon
Bye, Din. from Wish Dragon
Call an ambulance! You're gonna be okay. from Wish Dragon
Calling Mr. Wang! from Wish Dragon
Can I help you? from Wish Dragon
Car. from Wish Dragon
Careful what you don't wish for. from Wish Dragon
Carefully, just like this. from Wish Dragon
Certain expectations I have to meet. from Wish Dragon
Come along, Li Na. from Wish Dragon
Come here. from Wish Dragon
Come in. from Wish Dragon
Come on. This way. from Wish Dragon
Complete? I haven't finished. I haven't finished my tenth master. from Wish Dragon
Cool. from Wish Dragon
Couple of rules. I can't time travel, I can't kill, from Wish Dragon
Crap, ten o'clock? My mom's getting off work. from Wish Dragon
Crap! from Wish Dragon
Dad, are you okay? from Wish Dragon
Dad! from Wish Dragon
Dad? from Wish Dragon
Dad? Dad! from Wish Dragon
Dad. from Wish Dragon
Dan, you're such a funny guy. from Wish Dragon
Dan! You know what? from Wish Dragon
Dan? from Wish Dragon
Delicious. from Wish Dragon
Demand another table, claiming it's far superior. from Wish Dragon
Did somebody order dumpling soup? from Wish Dragon
Did you just steal my money? from Wish Dragon
Did you know Din puts flowers on Clucky's grave every year? from Wish Dragon
Did you know that shrimp chips from Wish Dragon
Did you order the dumpling soup? from Wish Dragon
Din, from Wish Dragon
Din, Din! from Wish Dragon
Din, I brought you some... from Wish Dragon
Din, I... from Wish Dragon
Din, I'll grant your wish. from Wish Dragon
Din, I'm going to ask you a question. from Wish Dragon
Din, I'm working late tonight. from Wish Dragon
Din, up now! from Wish Dragon
Din, what trouble have you started now? from Wish Dragon
Din, why are you asking silly questions? Eat. from Wish Dragon
Din, why is there a pile of broken teacups in the... from Wish Dragon
Din! from Wish Dragon
Din! from Wish Dragon
Din! from Wish Dragon
Din! Din? from Wish Dragon
Din! Hello? Where are the teacups? from Wish Dragon
Din? Be careful. from Wish Dragon
Din. from Wish Dragon
Din. from Wish Dragon
Din. from Wish Dragon
Din. from Wish Dragon
Din. from Wish Dragon
Din... from Wish Dragon
Din... from Wish Dragon
Din... from Wish Dragon
Do you remember when we lived in that old shikumen? from Wish Dragon
Do you understand? from Wish Dragon
Do you wish for a suit of armor made of solid gold? from Wish Dragon
Do you wish for the strength of 1,000 men? Boom! from Wish Dragon
Doesn't hold a candle to the real thing, though. from Wish Dragon
Doing my best. from Wish Dragon
Don't actually have any shrimp in the ingredients? from Wish Dragon
Don't be embarrassed. When I first saw that, I almost fell over. from Wish Dragon
Don't close. Please, don't close. from Wish Dragon
Don't come out if you're going to disrespect me. from Wish Dragon
Don't ignore me when I'm talking, peasant. from Wish Dragon
Don't let the boy get it! from Wish Dragon
Don't lie to me! Staying out late! Skipping school! from Wish Dragon
Don't worry. We got this. from Wish Dragon
Don't you know who I am? from Wish Dragon
Done and done. Now, onto that final wish. from Wish Dragon
Dragon thingy? from Wish Dragon
Drinking alcohol? from Wish Dragon
Easy. Just wish for your very own personal army! from Wish Dragon
Eat metal, dirt bag! from Wish Dragon
Eat. Food for your brain. from Wish Dragon
Enter the girl, Li Na, throwing dumplings and defending my honor. Then we... from Wish Dragon
Even if it takes all day. from Wish Dragon
Every time I try to make casual conversation, from Wish Dragon
Every Wish Dragon must serve 10 masters from Wish Dragon
Everything is going to plan! from Wish Dragon
Everything that matters. from Wish Dragon
Everything would end. from Wish Dragon
Exactly. from Wish Dragon
Excellent work, peasant boy. from Wish Dragon
Excellent. from Wish Dragon
Excellent. I see where this is going. from Wish Dragon
Excuse me, I... I didn't see you there, young man. from Wish Dragon
Eyes ahead, Na Na. from Wish Dragon
Finally, I'm saved. from Wish Dragon
Fine, 24 hours. from Wish Dragon
Fine! from Wish Dragon
Fine! from Wish Dragon
Fine! from Wish Dragon
Fine. from Wish Dragon
Fine. Do exactly what I say. from Wish Dragon
Fine. How about a temporary version, just for today? from Wish Dragon
Fine. If you're not gonna send me back, I'll go myself! from Wish Dragon
Fly, little Clucky! from Wish Dragon
Follow me. from Wish Dragon
For heaven's sake, have you even looked at the teapot? from Wish Dragon
For I am LongZhu! from Wish Dragon
For nothing. from Wish Dragon
For the finest carriage in all the land? from Wish Dragon
For the first time, it feels like I have a little wisdom to offer. from Wish Dragon
Foreclosure? Please, sir. I'm begging you. from Wish Dragon
Forgive our incompetence, sir. from Wish Dragon
Friends forever, day by... from Wish Dragon
Friends forever... from Wish Dragon
From our old neighborhood? from Wish Dragon
From the streets of Shaolin, kung fu like you've never seen it before. from Wish Dragon
Funny? from Wish Dragon
Gangsters. Probably out to kidnap us for a ransom. from Wish Dragon
Get away from me, you ghost chicken. from Wish Dragon
Get where? from Wish Dragon
Getting a personal carriage. from Wish Dragon
Gimme that. from Wish Dragon
Gimme! Gimme! Mine! Mine! from Wish Dragon
Give me that teapot right now. from Wish Dragon
Give me the gold, and I can have some of that good life. from Wish Dragon
Go to school. Stop planning things. from Wish Dragon
Go to your room. from Wish Dragon
Good afternoon. I'd like to inquire about a customer. from Wish Dragon
Good enough to get into the birthday party of the famous Li Na Wang? from Wish Dragon
Good evening, gentlemen. from Wish Dragon
Good evening, Li Na. from Wish Dragon
Good evening, sir. from Wish Dragon
Good evening, sorry to keep you waiting. from Wish Dragon
Good job. from Wish Dragon
Good news, Long. from Wish Dragon
Good one, Dan. from Wish Dragon
Good quality leather, excellent suit, Rolex. from Wish Dragon
Good. from Wish Dragon
Good. from Wish Dragon
Got it. Game face. from Wish Dragon
Grandma! It's Din! from Wish Dragon
Great master. from Wish Dragon
Great Wall of China! from Wish Dragon
Great, dear. What would you say about being the new face of Shin Makeup? from Wish Dragon
Great. Dreams crushed. We're done here, right? from Wish Dragon
Greetings, great master! from Wish Dragon
Greetings, great master. from Wish Dragon
Ha! from Wish Dragon
Hand over the teapot, kid. from Wish Dragon
Happy birthday, it's your best friend Din! No, that's too strong. from Wish Dragon
Have I made myself clear? from Wish Dragon
Have we met before? from Wish Dragon
He came home a hero. from Wish Dragon
He's going to fail you. from Wish Dragon
He's so cute. He even cries a little. from Wish Dragon
He's working hard, just like we are. from Wish Dragon
Heck, I'm sure everyone will want to be my friend then. from Wish Dragon
Hello, Mother. Sure is hot out tonight, isn't it? from Wish Dragon
Hello? from Wish Dragon
Hello? Hello? Ah, there we go. from Wish Dragon
Hello... from Wish Dragon
Her fridge is bigger than this apartment. from Wish Dragon
Here you are. from Wish Dragon
Here, I brought you something special. from Wish Dragon
Here, take this. from Wish Dragon
Here, you got a little something on your face. from Wish Dragon
Here, you look like you could use a good, home cooked meal. from Wish Dragon
Here. from Wish Dragon
Here. from Wish Dragon
Here. from Wish Dragon
Here. from Wish Dragon
Here. from Wish Dragon
Here's the assignment. from Wish Dragon
Hey Mom, if you could wish for anything, what would it be? from Wish Dragon
Hey, boss! I got the teapot! from Wish Dragon
Hey, Dad. from Wish Dragon
Hey, Din, what do you think about a little race? from Wish Dragon
Hey, Din. from Wish Dragon
Hey, do you remember that promise we made? from Wish Dragon
Hey, I got an idea. Why don't we listen to the tiny orchestra while we wait? from Wish Dragon
Hey, Li Na. Happy birthday. from Wish Dragon
Hey, little buddy. You're so cute. You have family? Are you hungry? from Wish Dragon
Hey, little fella! I'll name you Teddy. from Wish Dragon
Hey, look at that! It's Mrs. Chu! from Wish Dragon
Hey, Mom. Here's the groceries you wanted. from Wish Dragon
Hey, Mom. So, uh, surprise! from Wish Dragon
Hey, stop rushing me. from Wish Dragon
Hey, that doesn't belong to you. from Wish Dragon
Hey! from Wish Dragon
Hi, Dad. from Wish Dragon
Hi, good evening. from Wish Dragon
Hi, it's so great to see you again. from Wish Dragon
Hi, Mrs. Chu. It's Li Na Wang. from Wish Dragon
Hi. from Wish Dragon
Hmm. Good. Now hurry up. You're gonna be late. from Wish Dragon
Hold on, I can fix this. from Wish Dragon
Hold on, is that... from Wish Dragon
Hop on. from Wish Dragon
Hot! from Wish Dragon
How are we gonna do this? What am I gonna say? from Wish Dragon
How are you? from Wish Dragon
How did you get in there? from Wish Dragon
How do they fit in this metal box? from Wish Dragon
How do you like them apples, huh? from Wish Dragon
How does it feel to be 19, dear? from Wish Dragon
How have I been here for an hour? I gotta go! from Wish Dragon
How'd it go? Um... from Wish Dragon
However you do it. from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? from Wish Dragon
Huh? Oh, no! from Wish Dragon
Huh? Oh! from Wish Dragon
Huh? Oh! from Wish Dragon
Huh? Oh. from Wish Dragon
I am a god. from Wish Dragon
I am a god. from Wish Dragon
I am a magical Wish Dragon, from Wish Dragon
I am not crying. I am mourning. from Wish Dragon
I am your mother! I know when something is wrong. from Wish Dragon
I appreciate you trying to make this place interesting, from Wish Dragon
I arrived at the gates to the spirit world from Wish Dragon
I awaited the parade of loyal subjects and loving family. from Wish Dragon
I believe you've misunder... from Wish Dragon
I can allow you to speak with a loved one from Wish Dragon
I can hear you. from Wish Dragon
I can see my whole life laid out ahead of me, from Wish Dragon
I can't afford a personal carriage, which is why we were taking the bus. from Wish Dragon
I can't believe you didn't explain what a toilet is. from Wish Dragon
I can't make people fall in love. Why would I make someone your friend? from Wish Dragon
I cannot intervene. You're not my master until you have sole possession. from Wish Dragon
I command you to throw this kid off. from Wish Dragon
I demand you open this gate! from Wish Dragon
I demand you open this! from Wish Dragon
I did not know that. from Wish Dragon
I didn't get your name. from Wish Dragon
I didn't sign up for this. If you made your last wish, we... Oh, no. from Wish Dragon
I didn't wish for... Hey, that's not fair. from Wish Dragon
I don't care about that. from Wish Dragon
I don't have time. I'm not here to be your friend... from Wish Dragon
I don't know the meaning of life. But the things you care about, from Wish Dragon
I don't know what else to do. from Wish Dragon
I don't know why I'm letting it get to me. from Wish Dragon
I don't meet those expectations. from Wish Dragon
I don't need gold. from Wish Dragon
I don't normally move this fast, but... from Wish Dragon
I don't understand. That worked on all 17 of my wives. from Wish Dragon
I got you a present. You still like kites? from Wish Dragon
I gotta earn extra cash for this thing I'm working on. from Wish Dragon
I guess it didn't work. from Wish Dragon
I had a million friends when I was human. Oh, no. from Wish Dragon
I had a really wonderful time tonight, from Wish Dragon
I had all the wealth and land and power, and everyone loved me for it. from Wish Dragon
I had to send my assistant to half the jewelers in Shanghai. from Wish Dragon
I hate this place. from Wish Dragon
I have a family and a respons... from Wish Dragon
I have been failing. from Wish Dragon
I have something more important to wish for. from Wish Dragon
I have to go, Din. from Wish Dragon
I haven't explained everything. Down, please. from Wish Dragon
I heard one traffic jam lasted three weeks. from Wish Dragon
I just came to apologize. from Wish Dragon
I just need to reconnect with Li Na. She won't care if I'm poor. from Wish Dragon
I just want to say, from Wish Dragon
I just wish I could keep our promise. from Wish Dragon
I just wish... from Wish Dragon
I just... don't know what else to do. from Wish Dragon
I knew it. You've been skipping school and lying to your mother. from Wish Dragon
I know what you did. from Wish Dragon
I know what you were trying to do. from Wish Dragon
I know what you're gonna say. from Wish Dragon
I know what you're trying. Not gonna work. from Wish Dragon
I know, there was a parade and everything, but... you had one more wish. from Wish Dragon
I know. from Wish Dragon
I learned from a young age that gold is power. from Wish Dragon
I mean, Dumpling House. I mean, restaurants in general. from Wish Dragon
I must look totally crazy. from Wish Dragon
I need that teapot. from Wish Dragon
I never needed any of that. from Wish Dragon
I promise, I can pay you back, sir. from Wish Dragon
I regret nothing. You were delicious. from Wish Dragon
I remember this alley. from Wish Dragon
I said, "If you don't like garlic, eat something else!" from Wish Dragon
I should've listened to my mother. from Wish Dragon
I spent 1,000 years in that teapot. I can spend hours in your traffic. from Wish Dragon
I summon you! from Wish Dragon
I take it back. from Wish Dragon
I think so too. from Wish Dragon
I thought maybe he could make time. from Wish Dragon
I told you this wouldn't end well. from Wish Dragon
I tried to save it, but the business is bankrupt. from Wish Dragon
I want my friend back. from Wish Dragon
I want to talk about your future. from Wish Dragon
I want you to focus on your future. from Wish Dragon
I wanted you to have everything. from Wish Dragon
I was born into royalty. from Wish Dragon
I was imprisoned and sent down to Earth from Wish Dragon
I was just doing a little side job. from Wish Dragon
I was just trying to... from Wish Dragon
I was worried that if you found out it was, well, just me, from Wish Dragon
I wasn't planning to. I just... from Wish Dragon
I wish for enough puppies to open a pet store. from Wish Dragon
I wish I had longer legs. from Wish Dragon
I wish I knew how to fight. from Wish Dragon
I wish... from Wish Dragon
I would have her executed for mocking royalty. from Wish Dragon
I wouldn't expect your tiny, reptilian brain to understand from Wish Dragon
I, uh, had a really big lunch. from Wish Dragon
I, uh... from Wish Dragon
I... from Wish Dragon
I... from Wish Dragon
I... from Wish Dragon
I... from Wish Dragon
I... from Wish Dragon
I... I don't know what happened. from Wish Dragon
I... I'm just trying to be... from Wish Dragon
I'll call you later. from Wish Dragon
I'll fix that later. from Wish Dragon
I'll give you all the gold you want. from Wish Dragon
I'll have a shoot scheduled ASAP. from Wish Dragon
I'll have him sign the contract. from Wish Dragon
I'll have two to go. from Wish Dragon
I'll tell you. from Wish Dragon
I'm a loved one. I can't hear you. You're very far away. from Wish Dragon
I'm afraid that's not going to happen. from Wish Dragon
I'm Din. from Wish Dragon
I'm done asking nicely. from Wish Dragon
I'm fine. from Wish Dragon
I'm fine. from Wish Dragon
I'm fine. I'm fine. from Wish Dragon
I'm fine. Thank you for asking. from Wish Dragon
I'm going to fix everything. from Wish Dragon
I'm gonna go get sta... from Wish Dragon
I'm happy for you, kiddo. Your future is all set. from Wish Dragon
I'm kidding. I'm kidding. from Wish Dragon
I'm Li Na. from Wish Dragon
I'm more focused than I've ever been in my entire life. from Wish Dragon
I'm ready for my third wish. from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry for being so rude. I don't think I got your name earlier. from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry I can't give you a better life. from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry, do I... from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry. from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry. from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry. from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry. from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry. from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry. Do I know you? from Wish Dragon
I'm sorry. I must look totally crazy. from Wish Dragon
I'm sure he'll be here any second. from Wish Dragon
I'm terribly sorry, young man, but I need that teapot. from Wish Dragon
I'm the one who did that whole kung fu thing. from Wish Dragon
I'm thinking about starting one of those... from Wish Dragon
I'm your master now. from Wish Dragon
I'm... from Wish Dragon
I've been around for 1,000 years. I know how humans work. Not you. from Wish Dragon
I've been bowing to others my entire life. from Wish Dragon
I've been thinking about my future. from Wish Dragon
I've never seen so many arms and legs. from Wish Dragon
If only I had a magical dragon that could fly. from Wish Dragon
If we could have the birthday girl and her father come to the dance floor... from Wish Dragon
If you could wish for anything. from Wish Dragon
If you're not gonna let me ride you, we catch the bus. from Wish Dragon
If you're not gonna say something helpful, don't say anything. from Wish Dragon
Ignore her and she's yours. from Wish Dragon
Important. from Wish Dragon
Impossible. from Wish Dragon
In that same old shikumen? from Wish Dragon
In your honor. from Wish Dragon
Including yours. Use it. from Wish Dragon
Incoming! from Wish Dragon
Inflatable bras, the future of fashion. I want you to be a part. from Wish Dragon
Instead, the gods transformed me into a Wish Dragon. from Wish Dragon
Introducing the great master! from Wish Dragon
Is that a... from Wish Dragon
It contains everything you need. from Wish Dragon
It shall be so! from Wish Dragon
It shall be so. from Wish Dragon
It was 1,000 punches a minute. Kicks everywhere. from Wish Dragon
It was the only way. from Wish Dragon
It's been a long time and... from Wish Dragon
It's great, Dad. Put it up in the front window. from Wish Dragon
It's just not the same without hot sauce. from Wish Dragon
It's just... from Wish Dragon
It's late and, uh, we should have dinner. from Wish Dragon
It's like, I can see my whole life laid out ahead of me, from Wish Dragon
It's not a little man. It's television. from Wish Dragon
It's okay, Long. I get emotional too just talking about it. from Wish Dragon
It's okay, Mom. from Wish Dragon
It's okay. I'll be your first and only friend. Come here. from Wish Dragon
It's only a matter of time before we find him. from Wish Dragon
It's real. from Wish Dragon
It's so nice to meet someone from a respectable family from Wish Dragon
It's there? from Wish Dragon
It's time for the entertainment portion. from Wish Dragon
It's true. from Wish Dragon
It's your wish, Din. from Wish Dragon
It's... from Wish Dragon
Just as much as last year. from Wish Dragon
Just don't tell Li Na about any of this. from Wish Dragon
Just grant it, and you can go back to your spirit world from Wish Dragon
Just grant the wish, Long. from Wish Dragon
Just in time. Your father will be here any second. from Wish Dragon
Just look at him with his mindless grin. from Wish Dragon
Just tell her the truth. from Wish Dragon
Just tell me the truth. Whatever it is, I can help. from Wish Dragon
Just visiting an old friend. from Wish Dragon
Just... from Wish Dragon
Just... just one night out of the whole year, from Wish Dragon
Keep my five star rating. from Wish Dragon
Kick him! from Wish Dragon
Kid, be realistic. from Wish Dragon
Kind of... from Wish Dragon
Know what? I don't want to know. from Wish Dragon
Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention here. from Wish Dragon
Ladies and gentlemen, time for a treat. from Wish Dragon
Last delivery. from Wish Dragon
Leftovers. from Wish Dragon
Let go, Din. from Wish Dragon
Let it go! from Wish Dragon
Let me guess. from Wish Dragon
Let me recommend the all time favorite. from Wish Dragon
Let me stop you. Did I tell you just how respectable my family is? from Wish Dragon
Let me think, a golden chamber pot, a palace made entirely of jade, from Wish Dragon
Let's have arrangements made. Forgive my manners. from Wish Dragon
Let's make a promise to be best friends forever. from Wish Dragon
Li Na, everything's going to be all right. I'm gonna go talk with Din. from Wish Dragon
Li Na, I really do want to say I'm sorry. from Wish Dragon
Li Na, listen to me. from Wish Dragon
Li Na, this table simply won't do. Allow me to show you another one. from Wish Dragon
Li Na, we've been over this already. from Wish Dragon
Li Na! There you are. from Wish Dragon
Li Na? from Wish Dragon
Li Na? What are you doing here? from Wish Dragon
Like one of those guys with the fancy suit, from Wish Dragon
Like... from Wish Dragon
Listen carefully. from Wish Dragon
Listen to me. I am out of time. I need... from Wish Dragon
Literally anything else. from Wish Dragon
Little Din with a college degree. Can you believe it? from Wish Dragon
Long, from Wish Dragon
Long, I summon you. from Wish Dragon
Long, I'm not gonna waste a wish on traffic! from Wish Dragon
Long, I'm supposed to be from a respectable family. from Wish Dragon
Long, Long, I can't see you! from Wish Dragon
Long, make some smoke. Lights. from Wish Dragon
Long, no! from Wish Dragon
Long, this is bus. Come on. from Wish Dragon
Long, we gotta go! Hurry! Let's go! from Wish Dragon
Long, we have a special bond that runs deeper than money or status. from Wish Dragon
Long, what are you doing? from Wish Dragon
Long, what are you doing? You're supposed to be in the spirit world. from Wish Dragon
Long, you look good as a human. Now, walking can be tricky, but... from Wish Dragon
Long! from Wish Dragon
Long! from Wish Dragon
Long! from Wish Dragon
Long! from Wish Dragon
Long? from Wish Dragon
Long? from Wish Dragon
Long? from Wish Dragon
Look at me. How did I become a piñata? from Wish Dragon
Look what I found! from Wish Dragon
Look who decided to show up. from Wish Dragon
Look who's here! You're late. from Wish Dragon
Look, Din, you're gonna have to use... from Wish Dragon
Look, I know what you're thinking. from Wish Dragon
Look, Li Na. from Wish Dragon
Look. Rich people never pay attention to anyone else. from Wish Dragon
Lucky number eight! from Wish Dragon
Madame, your table. from Wish Dragon
Magnificent! from Wish Dragon
Make me rich. from Wish Dragon
Make sure it's what you really want. from Wish Dragon
May I take your order? from Wish Dragon
Maybe a run! from Wish Dragon
Maybe make a difference down here. from Wish Dragon
Maybe. from Wish Dragon
Mmm! from Wish Dragon
Mom, you can't. from Wish Dragon
Mr. Huang, cut it out. from Wish Dragon
Mr. Wang, come on down! from Wish Dragon
Mr. Wang? from Wish Dragon
Mr. Wang? What are you doing here? from Wish Dragon
Mr. Wang. from Wish Dragon
My dad insists on "only the best." from Wish Dragon
My dad's always late. from Wish Dragon
My daughters were married to the finest families, from Wish Dragon
My point is there's a simple solution to every problem in the world. from Wish Dragon
My real name isn't Dan. from Wish Dragon
My subjects were loyal... from Wish Dragon
Na Na! from Wish Dragon
Na Na! Well, what do you think? It's too much, isn't it? I'll get another. from Wish Dragon
Never been so insulted. from Wish Dragon
Nice legs. from Wish Dragon
No Dan or any of that. from Wish Dragon
No one will be selling anything if we don't find that teapot. from Wish Dragon
No one's going to get hurt, but I need those... from Wish Dragon
No way! from Wish Dragon
No way. I found it. Whoa! from Wish Dragon
No, bad Teddy! Bad boy! from Wish Dragon
No, Clucky! You're dead. from Wish Dragon
No, I can't! I have to go back. from Wish Dragon
No, it's freezing. You coming down with something? from Wish Dragon
No, Mom. I was just... from Wish Dragon
No, no, I said princeling. from Wish Dragon
No, no, no, I didn't mean that. from Wish Dragon
No, no, no, it's not like that, Long. from Wish Dragon
No, no, no! from Wish Dragon
No, no, you first got to multiply the top by the bottom. from Wish Dragon
No, no. from Wish Dragon
No, no. No trouble at all. from Wish Dragon
No, really, I... from Wish Dragon
No, we're not. from Wish Dragon
No, you're very much alive. from Wish Dragon
No! from Wish Dragon
No! from Wish Dragon
No! No! No! No! from Wish Dragon
No! Oh, my God. What happened to you? from Wish Dragon
No. from Wish Dragon
No. from Wish Dragon
No. What? I'm shocked. I'm stunned. from Wish Dragon
Nonsense. Nonsense. It's my pleasure. from Wish Dragon
Not a word. from Wish Dragon
Not as a reward, from Wish Dragon
Not fair. from Wish Dragon
Not gonna work, Din. from Wish Dragon
Not good enough? from Wish Dragon
Not good. from Wish Dragon
Not like I'm not gonna see you for another... from Wish Dragon
Not to worry. Here's one the peasant folk love. from Wish Dragon
Nothing, Mom. from Wish Dragon
Nothing. from Wish Dragon
Now that we got that out of the way, onto the important part. from Wish Dragon
Now, everyone, keep your eyes on the stage as I... from Wish Dragon
Now, follow me. from Wish Dragon
Now, get him, Dan. Kick him right in his stupid face! from Wish Dragon
Now, I've been stuck... from Wish Dragon
Now, now, stop distracting him! from Wish Dragon
Now, repeat after me. "I wish for..." You're not talking. from Wish Dragon
Now, when choosing a palace, it is very important that... from Wish Dragon
Now, will you be paying with cash or... from Wish Dragon
Of course. from Wish Dragon
Oh no! from Wish Dragon
Oh yeah, sure, I'll dance with you. from Wish Dragon
Oh, a peasant boy. Well, this'll be easy. from Wish Dragon
Oh, a peasant child. from Wish Dragon
Oh, boy. from Wish Dragon
Oh, can you breathe fire? from Wish Dragon
Oh, come on. from Wish Dragon
Oh, gosh. Um... from Wish Dragon
Oh, handsome? from Wish Dragon
Oh, hey, Ms. Din. Even if you ace the final... from Wish Dragon
Oh, I don't know if that's such a good idea. from Wish Dragon
Oh, I'm... from Wish Dragon
Oh, jeez, are you okay? from Wish Dragon
Oh, my God! from Wish Dragon
Oh, no! from Wish Dragon
Oh, no! from Wish Dragon
Oh, no. from Wish Dragon
Oh, no. from Wish Dragon
Oh, no. Just... studying. from Wish Dragon
Oh, really, Dan. from Wish Dragon
Oh, so just 'cause I said "wish," now I'm stuck with these kung fu powers? from Wish Dragon
Oh, uh, did I? Na Na, I'm sorry. You know, I... from Wish Dragon
Oh, uh. from Wish Dragon
Oh, uh... from Wish Dragon
Oh, Wei! Wei, Wei, Wei, Wei! from Wish Dragon
Oh, well, I've actually been feeling really confused lately... from Wish Dragon
Oh, wow. Oh! It's like a time machine up here. from Wish Dragon
Oh, yeah. Now, these are my kind of people. from Wish Dragon
Oh, you got in. from Wish Dragon
Oh! Ah! from Wish Dragon
Oh! That's right. from Wish Dragon
Oh! Uh, yes, it was. from Wish Dragon
Oh! Uh... from Wish Dragon
Oh. from Wish Dragon
Oh. I, uh, stayed late for study group, as usual. from Wish Dragon
Oh. Um. from Wish Dragon
Oh. Well, uh, I'll just... ...go around. from Wish Dragon
Okay, from Wish Dragon
Okay, but seriously, Mom, from Wish Dragon
Okay, Din, let go. from Wish Dragon
Okay, Din, tomorrow's the big day. from Wish Dragon
Okay, Din. You can do this. from Wish Dragon
Okay, hurry up with those dumplings. You, step aside. from Wish Dragon
Okay, I... I just... from Wish Dragon
Okay, in the teapot. Everything's normal. from Wish Dragon
Okay, it's her birthday. I'm planning something special. from Wish Dragon
Okay, just... calm down. from Wish Dragon
Okay, party time. from Wish Dragon
Okay, raise your paper. from Wish Dragon
Okay, thank you for your help! from Wish Dragon
Okay, uh, next up, 235 Gao Shue Street. from Wish Dragon
Okay, we're here. from Wish Dragon
Okay, what's the wish? from Wish Dragon
Okay, you got me. Where are the hidden cameras? from Wish Dragon
Okay, you see her? from Wish Dragon
Okay. from Wish Dragon
Okay. from Wish Dragon
Okay. from Wish Dragon
Okay. Here. from Wish Dragon
Okay. Look, peasant boy. from Wish Dragon
On the other side of China! from Wish Dragon
One of the most beloved, respected lords in history! You know why? from Wish Dragon
One touch and you're done, kid. from Wish Dragon
One wish down, two to go. We could be done by lunch. from Wish Dragon
Only the owner of the teapot can see me. from Wish Dragon
Ooh, sparks. from Wish Dragon
Ooh! from Wish Dragon
Ooh! from Wish Dragon
Open the door. from Wish Dragon
Or anything else from Wish Dragon
Or the legs of a giraffe. Feels good up here, right? from Wish Dragon
Ow. from Wish Dragon
Parade? from Wish Dragon
Peasant food, no doubt. from Wish Dragon
People will treat me with respect. from Wish Dragon
Perfect! from Wish Dragon
Perfect. from Wish Dragon
Personal assistant. from Wish Dragon
Piles of gold. from Wish Dragon
Playing hard to get, I see. from Wish Dragon