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Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides (2011) "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" is an enthralling movie

Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides (2011)

"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" is an enthralling movie released in 2011. Directed by Rob Marshall, this swashbuckling adventure follows Captain Jack Sparrow, portrayed by the iconic Johnny Depp, as he embarks on a quest to find the legendary Fountain of Youth. This installment boasts a stellar cast featuring Penélope Cruz as Angelica, Ian McShane as the villainous Blackbeard, and Geoffrey Rush returning as Captain Barbossa. With its immersive storyline, stunning visuals, and Hans Zimmer's captivating score, this installment in the beloved franchise promises non-stop excitement. To dive into the world of "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides," you can play and download these sounds here.

A catholic, gain eternal life!
A coward, no matter how many you slay.
A fitting last sight for a doomed soul.
A gift not afforded to all.
A merchant's daughterfair
A mermaid, jack.
A missionary is his story.
About a day's march north, following that river,
About the fountain.
Admit it, jack.
After him!
Afternoon, sire.
Ah, you pretended to love her, then you left her and broke her heart.
Alive to the infinite mystery of it all.
All die, even you.
All hands on deck! set to the longboats!
All hands, more sail!
All hands! battle stations! get to windward!
All hands! ply to windward!
All on account of him wanting to kill him?
All part of the plan, yes?
All right, feelings, damn you.
All rise and attend, the right honorable justice smith!
Always going on about the lord almighty.
Always have. always will.
Always so charming.
Always wanted to do that.
Among the crew, as to our destination.
And a captain.
And a lady, at that.
And declare you to be my prisoner.
And do not deny what is clear to my eyes.
And drank away all his bonus money.
And every worthless seaman fears the name, and rightly so,
And he will kill you given the chance.
And here you are, running scared.
And how can i make sure to not?
And how will i get free of these bonds?
And i am in london.
And i am not inclined to stand by and watch.
And i am not inclined to stand by and watch.
And i see it revealed when in times of hardship and tragedy,
And i trust we managed a profit
And in need of a crew.
And in the king's name, we behave as such.
And mention was failed to be made of this uncanny crew.
And not a descendant of those dark creatures
And now we've fallen behind. all hands, make more sail!
And order that you be imprisoned for the remainder
And other assorted debaucheries.
And perpetually ill tempered.
And the one legged man, he is near. aye?
And the tear! follow!
And then the sailors are pulled to bottom and drowned and eaten.
And then the sea beneath the pearl began to roil.
And they could have lived, if fate had been kinder.
And two silver chalices.
And upon a sudden, i hear an ungodly row on deck.
And what fate befalls mutineers?
And what of you, the mighty blackbeard?
And who's to say i won't live forever, eh?
And wrapping around me leg.
And you are en route to getting yourself killed,
And you claim to be the one who corrupted her?
And you know who i am.
And you left her still. that's low.
Angelica. my beloved daughter,
Angelica... save me, my child.
Any luck?
Any of you sail with him before?
Anything at all?
Aqua... de vida.
Archtreasurer and prince elector of the holy roman empire,
Are you not? you protect.
As do i.
As may be, but first,
As mermaids be given to take the rest...
As we sail for the fountain of youth.
At the center of my palace? hardly.
At the hands of a one legged man.
Aye, and good riddance!
Aye, but he died searching for something, didn't he?
Aye, captain.
Aye, hurry!
Aye, it be proper. there's your proof.
Aye, mermaids are tough.
Aye, sir.
Aye, whitecap bay.
Aye! hands all off, and bear away!
Aye. but i always listened like a thief for news of the black pearl.
Aye. mermaids.
Aye. oi!
Aye. poison from the innards of poisonous toads.
Aye. regarding the fountain. waste of time, really...
Aye. that be the cold breath of fate i feel down my nape.
Aye. that is,
Aye. you can tell that by the smell of the sea?
Back to the ship. we head for a protected cove. now.
Back to work!
Back, back! we have to balance it out!
Be a gem and pour me a gulper.
Be nice to have a map about now.
Be that true, young cleric?
Be the stories true?
Because i will not be doing it again.
Because tears don't keep. we need them fresh.
Before i go just handing them over, i do have one or two conditions.
Beheaded they say. still, your body swam
Behold, gentlemen, a man formerly of faith.
Besides, this is a well traveled trade route.
Besides, this is a well traveled trade route.
Best you not know the exact whereabouts of my ship.
Bible thumper on this ship?
Blackbeard will meet his death within a fortnight
Blackbeard's doing. all the officers are the same.
Both get water. one gets a tear.
Boys! there ain't much been given to me
Bring forth a tear...
Bring her about!
Bring the creature. cover its head.
Bring us some more of those ones.
But better to not know which moment may be your last.
But cannot, in fact, hold a candle to,
But darkness enough to blind.
But for me, only you.
But for that, i may need a ship.
But i can also see where they'll most likely make camp.
But i'd give my left arm for a chance at blackbeard.
But i'll be keeping you company all the same.
But it costs me nothing to admit
But my jolly sailor bold
But my jolly sailor bold
But my jolly sailor bold
But my jolly sailor bold
But my jolly sailor bold
But my jolly sailor bold
But now, by the gods of sea and sky...
But tears ofjoy...
But there is something onboard you do want.
But when it comes time to churn butter, so to speak,
But why?
But, by god, i'll have it said
But... an impostor with a ship.
Butjust enough to make the dying slow.
By the authority granted me by his majesty the king...
Can he do that?
Can i trust you, jack?
Can you not hear your sisters scream?
Can you talk?
Captain barbossa, each second we tarry, the spanish outdistance us.
Captain teach, she's dying. you must save your daughter.
Captain, i wish to report a mutiny.
Chalices, if you please.
Chance to show the worth of your prayers.
Cheap theatrical facade.
Check the wounded!
Chief among them, i note how poorly i have treated mr. gibbs,
Come down!
Come on. get up there.
Come on. up you get.
Come, come.
Come, give a hand!
Course made!
Cowards! back in the water!
Cut out the tears from behind the eyes!
Daughter as in... beget by?
Dead end.
Dead end.
Dead. end.
Death lies before us
Definitely not.
Did everyone see that?
Discoverer of the fountain of youth.
Do i look like a man in charge?
Do not waste my tear.
Do tell.
Do you know not of kindness? compassion?
Do you not hear them?
Do you recall saint dominique?
Does this face look like it's been to the fountain of youth?
Don't be a fool! mermaids are all female, son,
Don't touch the map.
Don't worry, jack. i forgave you a long time ago.
Drink this. this one has the tear.
Edward teach!
Eight bells!
Either or.
Ever walk on the beach,
Every morsel of your entire being
Every plank, every rail,
Every route, every destination. all safe... in here.
Every soul can be saved.
Every spar, all at once, began to creak.
Except that wig.
Face is familiar. have i threatened you before?
Fact is, you're signing up men tonight.
Faith? in faith, there is light enough to see
Famously captained by ponce de leĂłn.
Father, i beg you.
Fight to the bitter end, you cack handed deck apes!
Filthy pirate.
Find him!
Find out every detail before you set sail.
Find the proper one and dispose of this impostor.
Fine, then.
First mate wouldn't let it happen
First of the summer.
Firstly, upon your word,
Five days underway, at least.
For crimes committed on the high seas,
For her existing abundance of natural talent.
Forcing a man to twist his own hanging rope.
Foreman, your finding. guilty?
Forgive me?
Fortune continues to favor us.
From the ponce de leĂłn ship. you'll need both.
Gentlemen, i shall not ask any more of any man than what
Gentlemen, sirs, fellow conscriptees...
Get cracking, ye blooming cockroaches!
Get off me!
Get up!
Get up! off your backside!
Get your elbows in!
Gets all the years of life from the other.
Gibbs, i was just on me way to break you out ofjail.
Gibbs, this is the woman from seville.
Gibbs, you filthy, besotted shellback, you made it!
Give her back, please. please.
Give her back...
Giving lie to the claims you make of her.
Go on, then.
Go on, then.
Go! go!
Good news, gentlemen. this is not blackbeard's ship.
Guards! guards!
Guilty verdict means he'll hang.
Guns armed, awaiting orders, sir.
Halt! stop that carriage!
Hand it over.
Hand it over. the tear. there's a good lad.
Hand it over. there's a good lad.
Hang him! string him up!
Hang on! pull!
Hardly appropriate for a first mate.
Have i mentioned, sir, what a lovely daughter you have?
Have you a map?
Have you any idea who i am, mate?
Have you anything you can offer me, gibbs?
Have you been there?
He has foreseen my death, and so the fates have spoken.
He keeps each ship as a prize.
He must be manacled at once.
He must come out sometime.
He never so much as turned his head.
He will be dead.
He will help us. won't you, jack?
He's escaping! fan out! find him!
He's even more annoying in miniature.
He's getting away! after him! stop him!
He's getting away! stop him!
He's in the chart room. we'll have to be quick.
He's religious. i believe it's required.
Hell's teeth. now we're both headed for prison.
Hello, angelica.
Hello, dad.
Hello, jack. are you impressed?
Hello, jackie.
Help me! fight!
Her? first mate is a her?
Here's to revenge. sweet and clear.
Here's your chance to improvise.
Him? churchly fellow.
Hold here 'til i say!
Hold here, lieutenant commander. wait for my signal.
Hold your fire! i want him alive!
How can you say i used you?
How do you know?
How many years?
How much farther to the fountain?
How nice to see a fellow pirate make good of himself.
How soon can you sail?
How's that escape route working?
Hurry, papa, or we'll miss the hanging!
I actually have no interest in the fountain whatsoever,
I am a woman. so is she.
I am captain jack sparrow.
I am jack sparrow, but i'm not here to procure a crew.
I am just as bent as ever. hellishly so.
I am not with you, neither am i against you!
I am the master of me ship, not blackbeard.
I am the master of my fate, not blackbeard.
I am truly the daughter of blackbeard.
I am unhappy to report rumors, sir,
I am with child. yours.
I arrived in london town just this morning
I be placed in a bewilderment.
I be right honored to welcome you aboard
I can name fingers and point names.
I cannot save you both. one of you must sacrifice.
I cannot.
I care not for king george or tavern yarns
I could have swore it was somewhere right around here.
I could use a ship.
I defended her mightily enough, but she be sunk nonetheless.
I did not note any fear in the eyes of the spanish as they passed us by.
I disdain all glittering gold
I disdain all glittering gold
I disdain all glittering gold
I disdain all glittering gold
I disdain all glittering gold
I disdain all glittering gold
I disdain all glittering gold
I don't have it.
I don't like toads.
I don't like toads.
I don't recall that we ever had...
I don't recognize him.
I employed the selfsame maneuver we perfected in new guinea.
I figured that was the signal.
I find my desire for the fountain greatly lessened.
I got 'em. all of them.
I gotta go.
I hate that monkey.
I hate you.
I have every confidence you will prevail and be rewarded
I have given this man a chance to determine his fate,
I have no say in it, gibbs.
I hear tell you've been to the fountain.
I hear you be recruiting a crew.
I heard it said a kiss from a mermaid protects a sailor from drowning.
I heard where you're headed. the fountain.
I hereby commute your sentence,
I just... i just need to understand something.
I know, but how can you say it?
I know. as i mostly unwittingly set her on her wicked path.
I lost the pearl as i lost my leg.
I love you, father.
I love you.
I may have unintentionally slighted some king or other.
I might be able to get a hand loose.
I might have to kill you too, catechist.
I need those chalices.
I need years, jack.
I only helped blackbeard do what any father should have done.
I remember it well.
I say, let them fight each other while we lay back,
I shall have a look at that map. if it's what i fear...
I shall taste those waters, master gibbs. mark my words.
I survived.
I think i almost killed you once or twice there.
I think we've traveled down this road before, jack.
I thought i should give you fair warning, we're taking the ship.
I thought you were employed elsewhere or otherwise engaged.
I told you, i need years. and now, yours will do.
I told you, the name's gibbs! joshamee gibbs!
I tried to kill you in saint dominique.
I trust you can tie a noose.
I understand everything.
I want a father, jack. i haven't had one.
I want one of those.
I was ready to take my vows. and you...
I was sure it would come to this.
I was wrong. not every soul can be saved. yours cannot.
I will be having me compass back.
I will be impersonated as captain. nothing less.
I will not have some melancholy spanish monarch,
I will not have that smile on your face as i strike you down.
I will reach the fountain. you will lead me.
I will tear every scale from her body one by one if i see fit.
I wonder why they left this behind.
I would be grateful.
I would like it noted here and now
I'd choose the dog.
I'd say it's all been very successful thus far.
I'll be having me compass back. no, no, that's secondly.
I'll have a wee look see at those charts straight away then, shall i?
I'll have me one or t'other, i don't care which.
I'll make no vows to the likes of you, sparrow.
I'll take it from here on account of your condition.
I'm captain jack sparrow. the original. the only.
I'm in love!
I'm jack sparrow, the one and only.
I'm not jack sparrow, who i would be happy to identify to the court
I'm not such the fool to take on blackbeard
I'm on a tight schedule, gibbs.
I'm running out of time.
I'm skeptical of predicting any future... which includes me.
I'm sorry about the chalices, jack, but i've an appointment to keep.
I'm sorry, could you repeat the question, please?
I'm touched at this most sincerest form of flattery.
I've heard of you.
If 40 pirates dreamt 40 nights of treasure,
If enough people keep saying it, it must be true.
If i do not make it to the fountain in time...
If i don't kill a man every now and then,
If i may be so bold, why is that man not in chains?
If not for me, you would never have been captured.
If she escapes, all is lost. quartermaster.
If that displeases you, go pray.
If that ship be sunk properly, you should be sunk with it.
If this is a dream, you can keep the sword and boots on.
If you do not care to watch it hanging here dead,
If you jump and die,
If you wanted the chalices,
If you're so keen on killing her,
Imminent danger. here, now, milady!
In body only.
In fact, it might have been the other way around.
In my brief, miserable life, there's the truth in it.
Incessant writhing.
Including the brutal theft of one used, twisted, hairy right leg.
Is that it?
Is that where jack be headed?
It appears we be not even worth the time it'd take to sink us.
It gained me an audience with you.
It is not the destination so much as the journey, they say.
It would be a sorry plight, mates.
It would not match the contents of this room.
It'd be foolish to battle fate, but i'd be tempted to cheat it.
It's a life sentence, not death. life!
It's a pirate's life for me.
It's like that, except the footsteps lie before me.
It's not a hanging, dear, it's a trial. the hanging comes this afternoon.
Jack sparrow be putting together a modest venture.
Jack sparrow is not my name.
Jack sparrow's in london with a ship and looking for a crew.
Jack, i have to ask...
Jack, i'm starting to think you don't know where you're going.
Jack, if it's all the same to you, i'd be just as...
Jack, our sands be all but run.
Joshamee gibbs, the crime ofwhich you've been found guilty of
Just as i thought. not this way!
Kill 'em all!
Kindness and compassion are shown to those in need.
King george. privateer. wig.
King of great britain and ireland, and of you.
La martinique.
Lads, i'm sailing with sparrow.
Last i heard, you were hell bent to find the fountain of youth.
Lay 'em out flat!
Left him to rot in jail, i did. didn't care.
Let her go? no.
Let's not get our hopes up.
Little drink?
Long lost. recently found.
Look back and see your footsteps in the sand?
Look, sparrow. as long as my sailors get their money,
Look. look!
Lord save me.
Make my toes curl, they do.
Makes 'em more compliant.
Man, look. look there.
Master gibbs, short we are a map.
Master scrum...
Maybe she'll have a change of heart when the sun rises.
Maybe to his own daughter?
Maybe you don't believe in the supernatural.
Means shall be arranged to transport this prisoner
Men before the mast,
Men, destroy this profane temple!
Mermaid waters, that be our path.
Mermaids be too tough for that.
Mermaids, captain.
Milady, i see unseamanlike fellows of an officious looking nature.
Mistook it for a brothel. honest mistake.
Move along, pirate.
Murder, torture of the most heinous sort,
Muster your courage! drive 'em to shore!
Mutineers hang!
Mutiny most foul.
My dear sir.
My god.
My heart is pierced by cupid
My heart is pierced by cupid
My heart is pierced by cupid
My heart is pierced by cupid
My heart is pierced by cupid
My heart is pierced by cupid
My heart is pierced by cupid
My heart is pierced by cupid
My mind is at peace... because of you.
My name is joshamee gibbs.
My name is maria
My trick's out, is that it?
Nay. we be privateers, not pirates, master gibbs.
Nets into the water! quickly!
No idea what, when, wherefore or why.
No memory of the night afore, whence he signed up
No need, mr. sparrow.
No one's seen him...
No provocation nor warning nor offer of parley.
No tangles. make 'em look pretty for our dainty guests.
No, he is my father.
No, it's not!
No, no, no. not quite all the way to feelings. more like...
No, no, no. you don't understand, mate.
No, no!
No, sir. the truth is it be much simpler than all that.
No, wait, wait, wait. hang on a minute.
No, wait. by god, that must be them right there.
No. you are different.
Nobody's seen where she might next make port.
Not for me. for my father.
Not necessary. you were saying?
Not really, no.
Not the big one, the four legged one.
Not to worry. i've paid off the driver.
Nothing personal.
Now appearing before the court,
Now what?
Of course i do. look at me.
Of course i will.
Of course, my love.
Of his majesty king george...
Of two silver chalices, circa ponce de leĂłn?
Of your miserable, moribund, mutton chopped life.
Oh god, you will not take her.
Oh, aye, she will burn, but i cannot wait for the sun.
Oh, no, no. i've seen a thing or two.
Oh, set sail. love to.
Oh, you care for her?
Oh, you got a knife. that's very good.
Oh, you now.
Oi! why do you get to look first?
Oi. what did that poor sod do?
On a sanctioned mission under the authority and protection of the crown.
On account of his premier standing with the lord.
On the off chance that this does not go well for me,
One of us must learn to play the trumpet whilst the other one goes like this...
Only god can grant eternal life, not this pagan water.
Only half in the water. not enough to live,
Only one person alive knows that move.
Open it!
Or a ship.
Or forever leave it to the wider fields of fancy.
Or him and you, not you and me.
Or off the deck of a ship, have their way,
Or should i say, captain pirate?
Or sometimes i just... improvise.
Or you can just bite the proverbial bullet, as it were.
Or, sometimes, the other way around.
Our laws allow the captain to show leniency.
Our own ship turned against us...
Our world renowned vessel of infamy, queen anne's revenge.
Out of the way!
Out upon it! it has begun!
Over here! lucky heather!
Peerect for hunting a mermaid's tear.
Perfect. lower the longboat!
Perhaps his soul is now redeemed, eh?
Perhaps we should build a fire.
Perhaps you should pray for him to be unharmed, yes?
Perhaps you'd be so kind as to provide us an heading.
Perhaps, if you don't mind, i could tag along with you folk for a...
Philip, i can save you.
Pirate swords! pirate swords!
Pirate? nay. privateer.
Pirate's execution today. watch him swing!
Please, they're not even loaded.
Please? i do deserve it.
Ponce de leĂłn died 200 years ago.
Ponce de leĂłn.
Pray he be delivered from... evil?
Pray tell.
Pub called the captain's daughter.
Pull! pull! pull!
Push on!
Put another way.
Put it back!
Put your arms around me.
Quartermaster, get me six more pistols,
Question is...
Quick, or the pig runs, and good luck getting those chalices.
Quiet! order!
Regarding discretion and valor.
Regarding your first mate,
Release the swine.
Remember, father. we need him.
Remove the shot from all but two,
Rest of the ship got killed, but not 'im.
Retreat, all, to land! for your lives!
Retreat, i say!
Ride hard between wind and tide!
Right, so, you will fight against them,
Right, then.
Right. best be started.
Sadness, yes,
Sailors abandon their posts
Save yourselves!
Say what robs you of your staunch heart, gibbs,
Says he found ponce de leĂłn's ship.
Scrum, and the pleasure's all mine. now, keep moving.
Scrum, the chalices!
Sea ghouls, devil fish, dreadful in hunger for flesh of man.
Seagulls... nesting.
Secondly then, priorly firstly,
Secure her bonds. we leave her with her own.
See if you can find one mermaid still alive!
Seemed a shame to leave an entire fleet behind.
Shame indeed.
She has a name!
She is not your daughter.
She is syrena.
She'll go.
Shoot. save me the bother of the fall.
Short trip.
Show a leg, sailor!
Shut up!
Sir, the woman is consummate in the art of deception.
Sir, what she is is pure evil.
Sir. orders, sir?
Sire, he's been telling stories. stories that...
Smell of the crew.
Smell that? whale oil. stuff burns like a miracle from god.
So beautiful.
So confiscate the map, and to the gallows with him!
So i did what needed done.
So that i may be welcomed into that place
So, if your heart is set,
So, one with a tear and water in both?
So, the pearl... any idea how to get her out?
So, will you not give up this quest?
Someone else named jack sparrow.
Someone make a note of that man's bravery.
Something i wanted to say from the moment we first met.
Sparrow will go. find the ship, retrieve the chalices.
Sparrow, i'll be the first to taste those waters.
Sparrow? what makes you think he will come back?
Speak for yourself. unlike some who pretend to be,
Staked out to die, to dry in the sun.
Stand back.
Stave on ahead to whitecap bay!
Stays to his cabin, no one sailed with him,
Steady! steady, men! find your courage,
Stealth over force.
Still don't. but, point being, you must let him go free.
Still, i pray for every unfortunate soul on this hell bound vessel.
Stop doing that.
Stop that man!
Stop! hold very still.
Stop. give that man a chance. give yourself a...
Such beauty.
Such beauty...
Such crimes do include, but are not limited to, piracy, treason,
Sudden urge to jump?
Surely you're one of god's own creations,
Syrena, if you could manage a tear,
Syrena, on my word, i had no part in this.
Syrena, won't you cry?
Take a gander, edward teach.
Take him, men. tie him down tight!
Take me with you. any point of the compass...
Take that, you!
Take you where, gibbs? the fountain? aye?
Taking the ship for themselves.
Tears of sorrow, never.
Tell me something.
Tell me the rules.
Ten minutes, we'll be outside london town, horses waiting.
Thank you.
Thank you. and thirdly, mr. beard,
Thanks very much.
That give hope for a healed limb.
That i am fully prepared to believe in whatever i must,
That is not a compliment.
That is... someone else.
That knife will serve you no better than the mutiny you devised.
That man can deliver, but i do ask this: are we not king's men?
That scrum had himself a kiss from a proper mermaid!
That she was never in harm's way.
That vile creature, as you call her, is worth a hundred of you.
That you don't see.
That's a hard thing,
That's right, mostly to his cabin.
That's why he needs the fountain, jack.
The black pearl in a bottle?
The bloke who saved your life?
The chalices.
The compass led me straight and true.
The cook.
The crown served me well.
The doll.
The fountain does test you, gibbs.
The fountain is the prize.
The fountain of youth, like you always wanted.
The fountain of youth.
The fountain will test you. mark my words.
The fountain!
The hms providence sets sail at first light.
The lies i told you were not lies.
The limits on redemption?
The lot of them.
The notorious and infamous pirate, pillager,
The old moon in the arms of the new one.
The one legged man.
The pearlwas pitching and yawing violently.
The person who drinks the water with the tear
The prisoner claims of being innocent
The prophecy is this:
The revenge is mine.
The rigging had come to life.