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James Bond: Octopussy (1983) "Octopussy" is a thrilling action film from 1983 that is part of the iconic James Bond

James Bond: Octopussy (1983)

"Octopussy" is a thrilling action film from 1983 that is part of the iconic James Bond franchise. This exciting installment follows the legendary MI6 spy, James Bond, played by the charismatic Roger Moore. Directed by John Glen, the movie takes Bond on a perilous mission to uncover a dangerous plot involving an international jewelry smuggler and a rogue Soviet general. With its signature blend of espionage, stunning locations, and breathtaking stunts, "Octopussy" is a must-watch for any Bond fan.

The film features a talented cast including Maud Adams as the seductive title character Octopussy, Louis Jourdan as the enigmatic Kamal Khan, and Kabir Bedi as the menacing Indian smuggler Gobinda. With their exceptional performances, they add depth and intrigue to the story. The captivating soundtrack composed by John Barry heightens the suspense and action throughout the film.

If you're a fan of the Bond franchise or crave thrilling adventures, "Octopussy" is a must-see. You can immerse yourself in this world of espionage, action, and international intrigue. Play and download the sounds of "Octopussy" here and let the excitement unfold.
A common thief!
A superb green gold Imperial Easter egg by Carl Fabergé.
According to Fanning, this Kamal usually sells. Now he buys.
According to Lenkin's specifications.
Ach du Iieber Golf!
Achtung einsteigen...
Achtung, einsteigen. Tiiren schlieBen. Vorsicht bei der Abfahrt.
Against any possible defence scenario!
Against you, sir. No more than 450.
Ah, Q!
Ah, they missed you? What a pity!
Ah, where is Commander Bond?
Ah! One of our specialities.
All I wanted was a sweet distraction
All I wanted was a sweet distraction
Am I to be your target for tonight?
American and West German forces can field at most ten armoured divisions.
And 20 years later you were sent after him.
And 20?
And a highly concentrated mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid.
And another five in Czechoslovakia.
And by five more through Czechoslovakia,
And dice. Preferably loaded.
And enjoy yourselves.
And figures.
And find that a lightning thrust by ten armoured divisions from the north,
And gave him 24 hours to clear up his affairs before I took him back.
And he will tell us all he knows very quickly.
And now for the first time in this country, the death defying human cannonball!
And so are you
And that's for 009.
And this
And this
And twist the lever a quarter turn clockwise.
And unrealistic policies!
And use your lucky dice.
And what happens when the buyer discovers that?
And you are James Bond.
Anonymous seller, numbered Swiss bank account.
Any more?
Anyway, I have him as my guest at the Monsoon Palace.
Are you bidding, sir?
As a guest, you're automatically a member.
As a matter of fact, I've got a part time job as a pro at Kamal's club.
As you can see, each piece has been meticulously duplicated
At the risk of appearing to be making light dinner conversation,
Au revoir, dear lady.
Back to India.
Bargain away our advantage in disarmament talks!
Be at least 20 miles away when it goes off, hm?
Beautiful view, isn't it?
Before we give it away?
Better than letting a handful of old men in Moscow
Bond has escaped.
Both he and his native guide disappeared.
Bring him here.
Bring the canister!
But now I realise
But now I realise
But then we're two of a kind
But when I'm stared at I seem to lose my appetite.
But you're making a serious mistake.
By the way, I'd like you to meet my new house guest.
Captain, some nut went through in a stolen car. Wants the Base Commander.
Careful I
Charge it to, er... Room...
Charles Moreton, manufacturer's representative from Leeds.
Come in.
Come on, girls! In!
Come on, girls! In!
Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Control yourself, Lenkin!
Depends how much you tell me about jewellery smuggling.
Der Sondelzug des Zirkus Octopussy auf Gleis 2 féhrt in wenigen Minuten ab.
Dinner. 8 o'clock.
Doing so much more
Doing so much more
Doing so much more
Doing so much more
Don Piquillo tiene cinco afios.
Don't bother. We'll make yours a loving cup.
Don't let him get away!
Don't let him teach you any of his bad habits!
Don't worry, you will.
Double sixes.
Either way, we'd better find out what they're up to.
Enamelled in translucent green, enclosed by gold laurel leaf trellis.
Er, an old friend of the family, you might say.
Er, General Gogol is presumptuous.
Europe will insist on disarmament,
Everyone will assume incorrectly that it was a US bomb triggered accidentally.
Except it's a fake.
Excuse me.
Exiled Afghan prince. Sportsman polo, cricket, tennis.
Experimental model.
Fantastic! Fantastic!
Fill her up, please.
Follow that car!
For an hour or two
For an hour or two
For covert operations abroad or for payoffs.
For my brother.
For you they're true
Forgive my curiosity, but what is that?
Funny how it always goes with love
Game, set and match! Hang on, James!
General Gogol, would you continue?
General, excuse me. I have some travel arrangements to make. Enjoy the show.
General, how long would I get in the brig if I stole your wallet?
Genus Hapalochlaena. Produces a venom that's invariably fatal in seconds.
Get Bond!
Get out, put your hands up!
Get to the station!
Give me the gun!
Give us a hand.
Go after that guy in the red shirt.
Go on, get along! I've got my work to do.
Gobinda will stay with the jewellery.
Good evening.
Good God!
Good luck.
Good morning!
Good morning. Name's Bond. I believe you have a reservation.
Good night, Mr Bond.
Good night.
Good! Have it put aboard the helicopter.
Good. Hold on to these, will you?
Good. It will keep the men occupied.
Gracias, querida.
Great, isn't it?
Guaranteed results.
Gwendoline, show Mr Bond to his room.
Hai ya!
Hardly! We're much more sophisticated than that.
Have you any smaller thread? Someone stuck a knife in my wallet.
Having problems keeping it up, Q?
He committed suicide rather than face the disgrace of a court martial.
He loved them. His pet name for me was Octopussy.
He must be eliminated at once!
He plays backgammon most evenings at the hotel casino.
He says the island is heavily guarded.
He speaks for himself and others
He suggests a trade.
He turned up dead in East Germany with that egg in his hand.
He was my father. I'd hoped fate would bring us together one day.
He won't go very far. We'll track him.
He, mein Auto!
He, mein Auto!
He'll be late and we'll be rid of him too!
He'll destroy the entire operation.
He'll kill us all! Go out and get him!
He's ducked behind the trailers.
He's obviously an adventurer with possible blackmail on his mind.
Head him off! Head him off!
Here! Catch!
Here! Rupees!
Here's the ID you'll need.
His mission was to recover a cache of Chinese gold, seized in North Korea.
His name is James Bond.
Hm, the Romanov Star.
Hm, very handy!
Hm. It certainly pays to advertise.
Hm. You must go there, too.
Hold it, buddy! You're coming with us.
How can I be expected to maintain the quality of my work?
How do I get to him?
However, we request Bond to return one of our most historic treasures,
I am more concerned about an atomic bomb exploding on a US Air Force base.
I assume you've all read General Gogol's report.
I assume, therefore, that the meeting is over.
I believe I express the opinion of everyone present
I believe that the fake will smoke him out.
I believe you and Miss Magda have met.
I can always print my own.
I can say a proper goodbye.
I can see you're going to fit in here very nicely.
I can't accept. Not with your luck.
I congratulate you on the quality of your workmanship, Prince Kamal Khan.
I didn't want to wake you. But since you're up,
I discovered I had a talent for it.
I don't have to apologise to you, a paid assassin, for what I am!
I don't suppose you'd care for a nightcap?
I don't want them to see me leave.
I don't want to sleep
I don't want to sleep
I don't want to waste a waking moment
I don't want to waste a waking moment
I feel lucky. Shall we double?
I get what I want, then you get the genuine jewellery.
I have 31 divisions, including 11 tank divisions
I have diversified into shipping, hotels, carnivals and circuses.
I have half a million pounds. All done?
I have just been informed of an unscheduled inventory in two days!
I have no country, I have no price on my head.
I have the pleasure in presenting to you Francisco the Fearless!
I hear that island's full of beautiful women. No men allowed.
I hope we can reach them in time.
I intend to, Kamal Khan.
I intend to, Kamal Khan.
I know he won't be disappointed.
I mean, after all, you do have the egg.
I must get to that train!
I must go.
I must go.
I must say, you become more beautiful every day.
I prefer cash.
I see no reason to risk war
I shall be a hero
I take it none of you will be late.
I think Commander Bond should accompany you to the sale.
I think you know Jim Fanning, our art expert.
I think you should stay. I'll only be gone a week.
I traced Smythe to Sri Lanka,
I train them. Give them a purpose, a sisterhood and a way of life.
I wish you weren't in such a weakened condition.
I wondered when you might arrive.
I would have claimed it was a fake, sir, and not paid.
I'd heard the price of eggs was going up, but isn't that a little high?
I'd like that.
I'd say that the vendor was a Russian.
I'll alert Sadruddin, our man in Station I, to keep him under surveillance.
I'll definitely have to pay it a visit.
I'll join you in a few minutes.
I'll leave it at the desk.
I'll see you in Miami.
I'll tell our London people we must have the genuine egg back.
I'm in so strong and so deep
I'm in so strong and so deep
I'm sure I will.
I'm Vijay. Special expediter, Universal Exports.
I've also mislaid my PPK.
I've violated no British law.
Ich hab' das Vergniigen, euch vorzustel/en die Zwillinge...
If I can be of further assistance...
If it is the Russians, it may be an effort to raise currency
If you haven't lost it.
In all, a 10 1 advantage.
In East Germany under my direct command,
In my time I've said these words before
In my time I've said these words before
In nauseating detail.
In support, on the Russian western border are 60 divisions,
In the interests of our Anglo Soviet relationships, that can be arranged.
In! Out!
In! Out! In! Out!
Including 22 tank divisions.
Is that understood, General Orlov?
Is the continuing mutual disarmament talks with NATO.
Is the homing device ready yet?
It doesn't matter a damn to you
It goes in there like that.
It has no stomach to risk our atomic reprisals.
It is now 11.45.
It seems very thorough.
It's a wonderful racket, this.
It's all in the wrist.
It's for me.
It's for my scrapbook. I collect memories.
It's from none of the usual sources.
It's not really in the wrist, you know.
It's odd,
James, over here! Come on!
Just a feeling.
Kamal and Orlov double crossed you. I saw them take the jewellery off the train!
Kamal Khan says we are to stay here until we cross the border.
Kamal Khan to see you.
Karen, see to that, will you?
Karl Marx Stadt is further east.
Keep searching, you guys. He's gotta be around here somewhere.
Keep you in curry for a few weeks, won't it?
Keep your head down!
Kill him!
Kommen Sie hier! Kommen Sie hier!
Lead to total victory in five days
Leave that. Let's go.
Leaving every border undefended for you to walk across at will.
Let him go!
Let me go, there's a bomb in there!
Let me guess.
Let the flight
Let the flight
Let the flight
Let the flight
Let the sport commence.
Let's go. All set?
Let's see how badly he wants it.
Let's stay. Sit on that box. Hands on your knees. Come on, move!
Likes eggs. Preferably Faberge.
Look under the trailer, you guys.
Look! I was bringing you this.
Ls something wrong?
Mani, como dfie, tiene muchas medallas ganadas en competiciones.
Marginal quality from dubious sources.
May I ask exactly why I am here?
May Uoin you?
May Uoin you?
Meine Damen und Herren, die menschliche Kanonenkugel...
Mischka und Grischka, mit ihrer Messen/vurfsensation!
Miss Smallbone.
Mm. Perfect image, Q.
Moneypenny, you know there never has been and never will be anybody but you.
Mr Bond is indeed a very rare breed.
Mr Bond, smuggling is no concern of the secret service.
Mr Bond, your table is ready.
Mr Bond.
Must I remind you, the committee,
My God. Of course.
My government categorically denies the incident ever occurred.
My heart was telling me lies
My security.
My security.
NATO will counterattack with nuclear weapons.
Naturally, you do it for Queen and country!
Nehmen Sie ein wenig Wurst.
No more problems.
No one knows her real name, but she's known as Octopussy.
No. To thank you for giving him an alternative.
Not at all.
Not necessarily.
Not only a homing device, but an extremely delicate microphone as well.
Not paid?
Not really.
Of course you do!
Of course you know Comrade Borchoi, the curator of the Hermitage.
Of course, sir.
Of course!
Of our oven/vheirning superiority over NATO forces
Offered me a commission to smuggle some diamonds.
Oh, 27. Along with the champagne, I suppose?
Oh, here. You may need this to play with your asp.
Oh, James!
Oh, James! We're two of a kind.
Oh, thank you for dinner.
Oh, that's a pity. I was just beginning to enjoy myself.
Oh, that's the latest liquid crystal TV.
Oh, then you can!
Oh. I'll get some more.
Oh. Thank God for hard currency!
On an all time high
On an all time high
On an all time high
On an all time high
On the roof. Trouble!
On your feet, General! You're going to stop that train.
Only gold sovereigns.
Ooh! Agh! Yieeehhh!
Oooh! Ya ha!
Operation Trove.
Or anywhere else.
Our early warning system will rule out the bomb having come from Russia
Our tail followed him to Heathrow where he got a plane to Delhi.
Ow! Ooh, ooh, ooh!
Pay attention, 007!
Play, Mr Bond.
Please be careful.
Please! Please!
Property of a Lady.
Pull the top off the pen.
Put it in the car.
Quiet, everyone! Quiet!
Really? Sexual discrimination.
Remember, 007, you're on your own.
Remember: nothing must be changed.
Sent out here at a moment's notice!
Set the bomb to detonate at 3.45.
Set time for the explosion here.
Set with blue sapphires and four petalled gold flowers with diamonds.
She wouldn't have to be here in person. She could be represented by proxy.
Sign a chit for that egg before you go. It's government property now.
Six and one!
So does he have a proposition for me, or do you?
So hold on tight
So hold on tight
So hold on tight
So hold on tight
So hold on tight
So that if I depart this world suddenly
So you are the mysterious Octopussy.
So you went into business yourself?
So you've told me.
Some other time, perhaps?
Something like that.
Son of a gun!
Soon to be made extinct!
Sotheby's. Half a million pounds?
Spend the money quickly, Mr Bond.
Splendid! I could use an extra pair of eyes!
Stay here with her.
Stay here with the jewellery while they switch the car to the main track.
Stop that car!
Stuffed sheep's head.
Taxi! Please be comfortable.
Tell him I will be there as quickly as possible.
Tell him I will be there as quickly as possible.
Than falling in love
Than falling in love
Thank you, Comrade Chairman.
Thank you, Comrade Chairman. I will now turn to the specifics of my report...
Thank you, Fanning.
Thank you, General Orlov.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. Yes. Smythe, after a brilliant military career, joined our secret service.
Thank you. You did a great job.
Thank you. You'd better stick this back yourself.
That I've come across.
That thousands of innocent people will die in your accident!
That would be the most plausible explanation.
That's a charming tune. You do take English money?
That's it. Steady.
That's my little octopussy.
That's the name I heard at Kamal's.
That's what I intend to find out.
The barge had that sign.
The bid is 450. 475?
The British maintain only a token force.
The detonator. Now listen carefully. It is pre set for a four hour delay.
The effects are indistinguishable from the American medium yield bomb.
The egg for your life.
The Englishman has escaped.
The gold was never found.
The guide's body turned up with a bullet still in his skull from Smythe's revolver.
The homing device is compatible with
The license plate is General Orlov's.
The Monsoon Palace. It's heavily guarded.
The next lot is number 48.
The next subject on the agenda
The performance begins at 3. Allowing for delays,
The precise timing will be essential.
The reproduction has been stolen in transit.
The Romanov Star.
The Romanov Star.
The stake is 200,000 rupees. Do you have the cash?
The standard issue radio directional finder in your watch.
The suspect's wearing a clown suit. Over.
The thief was dealt with, but the egg was lost in the river.
The things we've done
The West is decadent and divided.
Then why don't you take over the Major's position? Mr...?
There are many of them all over Southeast Asia,
There are vast rewards for a man of your talents willing to take risks.
There he is! There he is!
There must be no further security breach.
There's not much to go on.
There's the real thing. It's being auctioned at Sotheby's this afternoon.
They usually turn up out of interest or perhaps just to bump up the price.
They're priceless and, uh... And very rare.
This fake has caused enough trouble.
This is absolute madness!
This is Miss Penelope Smallbone, my new assistant.
This is the fourth egg to turn up at auction this year.
This one contains a model of the imperial state coach.
This should shake 'em off!
This was the wrong cover. I hate snakes!
This way, James.
Throughout Europe, daily demonstrations demand unilateral nuclear disarmament.
Thumbscrews and hot coals.
Till the morning, then.
To activate, insert,
To avenge him?
To satisfy your personal paranoia and thirst for conquest.
Toro? Sounds like a load of bull.
True. But we don't have all the answers.
Twist the top,
Uno, dos. Vamos, vamos. Muévanse, muévanse, deprisa.
Until tomorrow, then.
Vijay! The money I gave you!
Visiting furniture factories in East Germany.
We are two of a kind.
We can make millions.
We could try and spot the seller.
We don't want to make enemies with the woman.
We have discovered this.
We have him! We have him!
We have played out a variety of attack strategies on the new Kutuzov computer
We know where it will end.
We move as one
We move as one
We must leave the base by 3.15.
We must turn our energies to pressing domestic problems.
We prefer curare with an effective psychedelic compound.
We should go, my dear.
We still have to cross the border.
We verified the Octopussy Circus was in East Berlin when we lost 009.
We won't see him till dawn.
We'll change all that's gone before
We'll change all that's gone before
We'll change all that's gone before
We'll change all that's gone before
We'll have to go ahead as planned anyway.
We'll take on the world and win
We'll take on the world and win
We'll take on the world and win
We'll take on the world and win
We'll take these also. Dollars, pounds, francs, marks.
We're an all time high
We're an all time high
We're an all time high
We're partners, we're friends. Octopussy, I would never do anything to hurt you.
Well rested?
Well, he... He complains. If he's legitimate.
Well, I can't guarantee that I'll be here when you return.
Well, I can't guarantee that I'll be here when you return.
Well, I have to go to a circus in Karl Marx Stadt.
Well, I think that this should be ample security.
Well, in that case, I'd better return it!
Well, it's a small world! You're a Toro, too!
Well, let's get on with making a few.
Well, let's put it this way.
Well, owing to the serious nature of his injuries, he's still not fit enough to travel.
Well, so far I can't complain about the valet service.
Well, supposing, for argument's sake, I don't feel like talking?
Well, then I shall use player's privilege,
Well, then. Where did you recruit all these lovelies?
Well, there are quite a few ladies here.
Well, we do have one lead, Minister.
What a good idea.
What are you doing? Cut it out! We haven't time for that!
What can I say, Moneypenny? Except that she is as attractive and as charming...
What can you tell me about Kamal Khan?
What happened to Vijay?
What is the time?
What would you have done if you'd got it?
What's that?
What's the connection?
When Father's gold ran out, the people in Hong Kong who'd disposed of it for him
When I come back we'll discuss the future.
When you don't look, you find
Where are you going? Look, don't be an idiot, 007. Come back!
Where was Kamal going?
Who cling to timid, outdated
Who is she?
Why don't we make it interesting, Major? Double to 100,000 rupees.
Why is that bomb on the train?
Why would General Orlov participate in a jewellery caper?
Why? Has Kamal forgotten what I look like already?
With a price on his head.
With this ultrasensitive earpiece, you can listen in on the bug.
Won't you come back to bed?
Yes, Excellence.
Yes. But tomorrow,
Yes. It belongs to a fabulously wealthy woman who lives on the floating palace.
You and your families are safe.
You are free to leave, but I'd much prefer if you stayed as my guest for a few days.
You are the least lethal and by far the prettiest of Kamal's friends
You can only win with a double six.
You can't be inviting a nuclear war! What happens when the US retaliates?
You changed your mind.
You don't mind if we start? The soufflé can't wait.
You don't mind?
You had no business bidding for that egg!
You have a good memory for faces.
You have a nasty habit of surviving.
You know what they say about the fittest.
You left me to be killed along with thousands of innocent people!
You need a great deal of luck to get out of this.
You remember Major Dexter Smythe?
You should be more concerned about getting out of here alive.
You should be pleased.
You stay, also.
You were sent out to arrest him, weren't you?
You will.
You win!
You'll be replacing O09.
You'll have something to remember me by?
You're right.
You're so right.
You're so right.
You're such a flatterer, James.
Your guests have arrived, Ambassador.
Your incompetence will destroy us all!
Your luck's got to run out some time.
Your luggage has been unpacked, sir.
Yours, sir, for ÂŁ500,000!
1' E I inglés escapé!
007 on an island populated exclusively by women?
007, licensed to kill.
20,000 rupees!
100 kiloton yield.
100,000 rupees, then.
150, 60.
170. 170.
180, 190.
200,000 rupees.
200. Against you, madam.
400,000! Any more?
450. 475?
(compére) Ladies and gentlemen... Hey! Is anyone else in there?
(door shuts, engine starts) Was machen Ste . Das ist mein Auto!
(gasps from spectators) Don't you?
(Q) I'll take her down. No! Up!
ÂŁ500,000. (gasping)
400 in the centre. Well, that should do it.
425! New bidder. (gasping)
Ah, good morning, 007. Morning, sir.
Ah. Later perhaps.
Always a double six when you need it! Always.
Any more? Now there is a lady.
Anything else? No, that's all.
Are the gold certificates on board? Yes, Excellence.
Are you with our group? No, ma'am. I'm with the economy tour.
As I used to be? I didn't say that.
Better signal M to meet me in Berlin. Why?
Book yourself on the next flight out. Well, I've 55 minutes to catch it, sir.
But Kamal has won 200,000 rupees. You'll have a job beating that.
But with permanent brain damage. An unfortunate side effect.
C'mom, buddy, c'mon! Give him some room.
Coronel. [Continual
Damn it, man, it's urgent! (sirens)
Did he say anything? All he said was it was Kamal's men.
Did you recognise him? No.
Diese Eng/éinder sfnd ganz verniickt! Bitte, Fréiuleinf lst sehr wfchtfg..
Dissolves all metals. Wonderful for poison pen letters!
Do you know me? Miss Moneypenny described you.
Do you really think you can escape me? Orlov betrayed us.
Double. Of course!
Ein Bier? Danke schdn, sehr freundlich.
Er, Jim? The bid is ÂŁ450,000.
Everything taken care of? As you ordered, Excellence.
Exactly... (interference)
General Gogol, let me remind you... Comrades, sit down!
General, there's a bomb in that cannon. Sure! Where else would a bomb be?
Get it cashed for him. Yes, sir.
Good evening, Mr Bond. Good evening.
Great clown! I'm deadly serious! I'm a British agent!
Hello, Smithers. Commander.
Hey, you all right, buddy? I'm fine.
How are you? Most unhappy, 007, thanks to you.
How careless of you! I apologise.
How do you do it! It's all in the wrist.
How much should it fetch? ÂŁ250 300,000. Anything more'd be crazy.
How's he doing? The Major's no novice.
I am Sadruddin, Head of Section. How do you do?
I am trying to concentrate! (Orlov) Lenkin!
I booked you in at the Shivnivas Hotel. Good. My luggage?
I didn't reserve one. Your guest is waiting, sir.
I don't know how to say goodbye. Actions speak louder than words.
I doubt it. He had to buy it. But why?
I need refilling. Hm?
I play a bit myself. Really?
I trust you can handle this contraption. It goes by hot air.
I wish to tell you... Both of you!
I wish... What?
I'll give you a hand, Q. Thank you.
I'll relieve you at midnight. No problem!
I'm glad. Are you?
I'm not for hire. Oh! A man of principle!
Ilnterrogaciénl Si, coronel. Métalo al camién.
Is he still there? You must be joking!
It was a pleasure. You're too kind.
It's too late. You can stop it at the border.
James! Ooh!
Kamal has gone over the top. Your bid, sir. 400,000.
Karl Marx Stadt! Correct!
Karl will take you in. No problem.
Minister. Commander.
Mm. Kamal Khan. Usually a seller. ÂŁ340,000. 360.
Now? (riotous laughter)
Oh, Bond? Sir?
Out there? Go!
personally. I will take care of Mr Bond myself.
Schnellerl Ja, ja.
Should I be following them? Yes, but I think they'll be following this.
Smashing, Q. Come on. I have a few things for you.
So, you recovered it? From an accomplice of the thief.
Thank you. I'm sure he'll get a big blast out of this!
That's all you'll ever get from him. Thank you, Commander Bond.
That's interesting. You know him?
The man at the auction. Precisely.
The next lot is... We could have been stuck with it.
The plane is refuelled. We'll take off at sunrise.
Then let's meet there later. I'll change into something less casual.
There she is! She's in trouble! Get your hands off me!
This can't be a coincidence. No.
Top marks, 007 Thank you, sir.
Un, dos, un, dos... Apunten al objetivo.
Vijay, we have company! No problem. This is a company car.
We'll have a replacement made. There is no time, Comrade General!
Welcome to India, Commander Bond. Call me James.
Welcome to Universal Exports. Take it, dear.
Well, I'll say good night. I could come in for a nightcap.
Well? I don't think he will complain.
Well? Looks like the Major has got him.
What have you learned so far? My backhand's improved.
What is it? It's terrible news, Comrade General!
What is that? Girls selling themselves.
What will you have? Nothing, thank you.
What? For God's sake, tell him who I am!
Where is General Orlov now? Last reported heading for the border.
Where's Sadruddin? Over here, waiting in the taxi.
Where's the Base Commander? Let's see your circus pass.
Who are you? I'm British secret service.
Wurst, Bubi? Danke, Liebchen.
Wurst? Wir machen schon. /st gut!
Yes, Minister. Eyes only, 007.
Yes. Hello, Jim. James.
You didn't say there'd be such security. They moved the flight forward.
;Cierren Ia puerta!
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