A common thief! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
A superb green gold Imperial Easter egg by Carl Fabergé. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Aaagghh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
According to Fanning, this Kamal usually sells. Now he buys. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
According to Lenkin's specifications. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ach du Iieber Golf! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Achtung einsteigen... from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Achtung, einsteigen. Tiiren schlieBen. Vorsicht bei der Abfahrt. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Against any possible defence scenario! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Against you, sir. No more than 450. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ah, Q! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ah, they missed you? What a pity! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ah, where is Commander Bond? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ah! One of our specialities. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
All I wanted was a sweet distraction from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
All I wanted was a sweet distraction from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Am I to be your target for tonight? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
American and West German forces can field at most ten armoured divisions. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And 20 years later you were sent after him. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And 20? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And a highly concentrated mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And another five in Czechoslovakia. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And by five more through Czechoslovakia, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And dice. Preferably loaded. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And enjoy yourselves. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And figures. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And find that a lightning thrust by ten armoured divisions from the north, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And gave him 24 hours to clear up his affairs before I took him back. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And he will tell us all he knows very quickly. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And now for the first time in this country, the death defying human cannonball! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And so are you from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And that's for 009. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And this from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And this from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And twist the lever a quarter turn clockwise. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And unrealistic policies! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And use your lucky dice. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And what happens when the buyer discovers that? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
And you are James Bond. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Anonymous seller, numbered Swiss bank account. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Any more? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Anyway, I have him as my guest at the Monsoon Palace. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Are you bidding, sir? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Argh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Argh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Argh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Argh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Argh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Argh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
As a guest, you're automatically a member. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
As a matter of fact, I've got a part time job as a pro at Kamal's club. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
As you can see, each piece has been meticulously duplicated from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
At the risk of appearing to be making light dinner conversation, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Au revoir, dear lady. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Back to India. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Bargain away our advantage in disarmament talks! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Be at least 20 miles away when it goes off, hm? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Beautiful view, isn't it? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Before we give it away? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Begin from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Begin from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Begin from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Begin from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Begin from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Better than letting a handful of old men in Moscow from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Blast! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Bond has escaped. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Bond. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Both he and his native guide disappeared. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Bring him here. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Bring the canister! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
But now I realise from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
But now I realise from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
But then we're two of a kind from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
But when I'm stared at I seem to lose my appetite. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
But you're making a serious mistake. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
By the way, I'd like you to meet my new house guest. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Captain, some nut went through in a stolen car. Wants the Base Commander. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Careful I from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Charge it to, er... Room... from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Charles Moreton, manufacturer's representative from Leeds. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Come in. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Come on, girls! In! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Come on, girls! In! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Come on! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Come on! Come on! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Control yourself, Lenkin! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Depends how much you tell me about jewellery smuggling. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Der Sondelzug des Zirkus Octopussy auf Gleis 2 féhrt in wenigen Minuten ab. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Dinner. 8 o'clock. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Doing so much more from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Doing so much more from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Doing so much more from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Doing so much more from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Don Piquillo tiene cinco afios. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Don't bother. We'll make yours a loving cup. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Don't let him get away! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Don't let him teach you any of his bad habits! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Don't worry, you will. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Double sixes. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Either way, we'd better find out what they're up to. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Enamelled in translucent green, enclosed by gold laurel leaf trellis. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Er, an old friend of the family, you might say. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Er, General Gogol is presumptuous. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Europe will insist on disarmament, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Everyone will assume incorrectly that it was a US bomb triggered accidentally. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Except it's a fake. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Excuse me. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Exiled Afghan prince. Sportsman polo, cricket, tennis. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Experimental model. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Fantastic! Fantastic! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Fill her up, please. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Follow that car! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
For an hour or two from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
For an hour or two from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
For covert operations abroad or for payoffs. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
For my brother. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
For you they're true from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Forgive my curiosity, but what is that? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Funny how it always goes with love from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Game, set and match! Hang on, James! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
General Gogol, would you continue? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
General, excuse me. I have some travel arrangements to make. Enjoy the show. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
General, how long would I get in the brig if I stole your wallet? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Genus Hapalochlaena. Produces a venom that's invariably fatal in seconds. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Get Bond! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Get out, put your hands up! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Get to the station! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Give me the gun! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Give us a hand. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Go after that guy in the red shirt. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Go on, get along! I've got my work to do. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Gobinda will stay with the jewellery. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good evening. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good God! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good luck. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good morning! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good morning. Name's Bond. I believe you have a reservation. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good night, Mr Bond. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good night. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good! Have it put aboard the helicopter. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good. Hold on to these, will you? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good. It will keep the men occupied. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Gracias, querida. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Great, isn't it? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Guaranteed results. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Gwendoline, show Mr Bond to his room. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hai ya! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hardly! We're much more sophisticated than that. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Have you any smaller thread? Someone stuck a knife in my wallet. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Having problems keeping it up, Q? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He committed suicide rather than face the disgrace of a court martial. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He loved them. His pet name for me was Octopussy. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He must be eliminated at once! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He plays backgammon most evenings at the hotel casino. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He says the island is heavily guarded. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He speaks for himself and others from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He suggests a trade. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He turned up dead in East Germany with that egg in his hand. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He was my father. I'd hoped fate would bring us together one day. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He won't go very far. We'll track him. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He, mein Auto! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He, mein Auto! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He'll be late and we'll be rid of him too! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He'll destroy the entire operation. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He'll kill us all! Go out and get him! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He's ducked behind the trailers. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
He's obviously an adventurer with possible blackmail on his mind. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Head him off! Head him off! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Here! Catch! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Here! Rupees! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Here's the ID you'll need. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
His mission was to recover a cache of Chinese gold, seized in North Korea. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
His name is James Bond. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hm, the Romanov Star. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hm, very handy! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hm. It certainly pays to advertise. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hm. You must go there, too. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hold it, buddy! You're coming with us. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
How can I be expected to maintain the quality of my work? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
How do I get to him? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
However, we request Bond to return one of our most historic treasures, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I am more concerned about an atomic bomb exploding on a US Air Force base. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I assume you've all read General Gogol's report. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I assume, therefore, that the meeting is over. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I believe I express the opinion of everyone present from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I believe that the fake will smoke him out. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I believe you and Miss Magda have met. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I can always print my own. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I can say a proper goodbye. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I can see you're going to fit in here very nicely. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I can't accept. Not with your luck. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I congratulate you on the quality of your workmanship, Prince Kamal Khan. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I didn't want to wake you. But since you're up, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I discovered I had a talent for it. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I don't have to apologise to you, a paid assassin, for what I am! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I don't suppose you'd care for a nightcap? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I don't want them to see me leave. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I don't want to sleep from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I don't want to sleep from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I don't want to waste a waking moment from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I don't want to waste a waking moment from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I feel lucky. Shall we double? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I get what I want, then you get the genuine jewellery. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I have 31 divisions, including 11 tank divisions from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I have diversified into shipping, hotels, carnivals and circuses. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I have half a million pounds. All done? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I have just been informed of an unscheduled inventory in two days! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I have no country, I have no price on my head. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I have the pleasure in presenting to you Francisco the Fearless! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I hear that island's full of beautiful women. No men allowed. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I hope we can reach them in time. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I intend to, Kamal Khan. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I intend to, Kamal Khan. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I know he won't be disappointed. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I mean, after all, you do have the egg. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I must get to that train! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I must go. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I must go. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I must say, you become more beautiful every day. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I prefer cash. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I see no reason to risk war from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I shall be a hero from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I take it none of you will be late. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I think Commander Bond should accompany you to the sale. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I think you know Jim Fanning, our art expert. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I think you should stay. I'll only be gone a week. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I traced Smythe to Sri Lanka, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I train them. Give them a purpose, a sisterhood and a way of life. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I wish you weren't in such a weakened condition. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I wondered when you might arrive. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I would have claimed it was a fake, sir, and not paid. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'd heard the price of eggs was going up, but isn't that a little high? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'd like that. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'd say that the vendor was a Russian. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'll alert Sadruddin, our man in Station I, to keep him under surveillance. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'll definitely have to pay it a visit. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'll join you in a few minutes. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'll leave it at the desk. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'll see you in Miami. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'll tell our London people we must have the genuine egg back. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'm in so strong and so deep from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'm in so strong and so deep from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'm sure I will. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'm Vijay. Special expediter, Universal Exports. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I've also mislaid my PPK. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I've violated no British law. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ich hab' das Vergniigen, euch vorzustel/en die Zwillinge... from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
If I can be of further assistance... from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
If it is the Russians, it may be an effort to raise currency from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
If you haven't lost it. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In all, a 10 1 advantage. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In East Germany under my direct command, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In my time I've said these words before from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In my time I've said these words before from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In nauseating detail. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In support, on the Russian western border are 60 divisions, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In the interests of our Anglo Soviet relationships, that can be arranged. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In! Out! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
In! Out! In! Out! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Including 22 tank divisions. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Is that understood, General Orlov? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Is the continuing mutual disarmament talks with NATO. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Is the homing device ready yet? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It doesn't matter a damn to you from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It goes in there like that. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It has no stomach to risk our atomic reprisals. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It is now 11.45. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It seems very thorough. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It's a wonderful racket, this. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It's all in the wrist. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It's for me. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It's for my scrapbook. I collect memories. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It's from none of the usual sources. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It's not really in the wrist, you know. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It's odd, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
James, over here! Come on! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
James! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
James! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Just a feeling. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Kamal and Orlov double crossed you. I saw them take the jewellery off the train! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Kamal Khan says we are to stay here until we cross the border. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Kamal Khan to see you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Karen, see to that, will you? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Karl Marx Stadt is further east. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Keep searching, you guys. He's gotta be around here somewhere. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Keep you in curry for a few weeks, won't it? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Keep your head down! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Kill him! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Kommen Sie hier! Kommen Sie hier! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Lead to total victory in five days from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Leave that. Let's go. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Leaving every border undefended for you to walk across at will. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let him go! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let me go, there's a bomb in there! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let me guess. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let the flight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let the flight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let the flight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let the flight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let the sport commence. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let's go. All set? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let's see how badly he wants it. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Let's stay. Sit on that box. Hands on your knees. Come on, move! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Lift! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Likes eggs. Preferably Faberge. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Look under the trailer, you guys. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Look! I was bringing you this. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ls something wrong? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mani, como dfie, tiene muchas medallas ganadas en competiciones. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Marginal quality from dubious sources. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Marvellous! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
May I ask exactly why I am here? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
May Uoin you? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
May Uoin you? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Meine Damen und Herren, die menschliche Kanonenkugel... from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mischka und Grischka, mit ihrer Messen/vurfsensation! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mischka! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Miss Smallbone. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mm. Perfect image, Q. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mmmm! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Moneypenny, you know there never has been and never will be anybody but you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Morning. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mr Bond is indeed a very rare breed. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mr Bond, smuggling is no concern of the secret service. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mr Bond, your table is ready. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mr Bond. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Must I remind you, the committee, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
My God. Of course. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
My government categorically denies the incident ever occurred. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
My heart was telling me lies from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
My security. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
My security. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
NATO will counterattack with nuclear weapons. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Naturally, you do it for Queen and country! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Nehmen Sie ein wenig Wurst. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Never! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
No more problems. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
No one knows her real name, but she's known as Octopussy. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
No! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
No. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
No. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
No. To thank you for giving him an alternative. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Not at all. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Not necessarily. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Not only a homing device, but an extremely delicate microphone as well. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Not paid? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Not really. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
NOW! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Octopussy. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Octopussy. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Of course you do! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Of course you know Comrade Borchoi, the curator of the Hermitage. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Of course, sir. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Of course! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Of our oven/vheirning superiority over NATO forces from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Offered me a commission to smuggle some diamonds. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, 27. Along with the champagne, I suppose? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, here. You may need this to play with your asp. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, James! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, James! We're two of a kind. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, thank you for dinner. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, that's a pity. I was just beginning to enjoy myself. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, that's the latest liquid crystal TV. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, then you can! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh. I'll get some more. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh. Thank God for hard currency! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
On an all time high from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
On an all time high from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
On an all time high from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
On an all time high from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
On the roof. Trouble! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
On your feet, General! You're going to stop that train. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Only gold sovereigns. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ooh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ooh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ooh! Agh! Yieeehhh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oooh! Ya ha! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Operation Trove. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Or anywhere else. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Our early warning system will rule out the bomb having come from Russia from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Our tail followed him to Heathrow where he got a plane to Delhi. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Out! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ow! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ow! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ow! Ooh, ooh, ooh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Pay attention, 007! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Play, Mr Bond. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Please be careful. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Please! Please! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Please. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Property of a Lady. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Pull the top off the pen. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Put it in the car. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Quiet, everyone! Quiet! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Really? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Really? Sexual discrimination. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Remember, 007, you're on your own. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Remember: nothing must be changed. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Sent out here at a moment's notice! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Set the bomb to detonate at 3.45. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Set time for the explosion here. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Set with blue sapphires and four petalled gold flowers with diamonds. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
She wouldn't have to be here in person. She could be represented by proxy. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Si. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Sign a chit for that egg before you go. It's government property now. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Sit! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Six and one! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So does he have a proposition for me, or do you? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So hold on tight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So hold on tight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So hold on tight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So hold on tight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So hold on tight from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So that if I depart this world suddenly from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So you are the mysterious Octopussy. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So you went into business yourself? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So you've told me. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Some other time, perhaps? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Something like that. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Son of a gun! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Soon to be made extinct! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Sotheby's. Half a million pounds? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Spend the money quickly, Mr Bond. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Splendid! I could use an extra pair of eyes! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Stay here with her. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Stay here with the jewellery while they switch the car to the main track. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Stop that car! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Stop! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Stop! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Stuffed sheep's head. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Taxi! Please be comfortable. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Tell him I will be there as quickly as possible. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Tell him I will be there as quickly as possible. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Than falling in love from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Than falling in love from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you, Comrade Chairman. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you, Comrade Chairman. I will now turn to the specifics of my report... from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you, Fanning. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you, General Orlov. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you, sir. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. Yes. Smythe, after a brilliant military career, joined our secret service. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. You did a great job. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. You'd better stick this back yourself. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That I've come across. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That thousands of innocent people will die in your accident! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That would be the most plausible explanation. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That's a charming tune. You do take English money? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That's it. Steady. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That's my little octopussy. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That's the name I heard at Kamal's. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That's what I intend to find out. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The barge had that sign. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The bid is 450. 475? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The British maintain only a token force. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The detonator. Now listen carefully. It is pre set for a four hour delay. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The effects are indistinguishable from the American medium yield bomb. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The egg for your life. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The Englishman has escaped. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The gold was never found. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The guide's body turned up with a bullet still in his skull from Smythe's revolver. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The homing device is compatible with from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The license plate is General Orlov's. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The Monsoon Palace. It's heavily guarded. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The next lot is number 48. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The next subject on the agenda from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The performance begins at 3. Allowing for delays, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The precise timing will be essential. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The reproduction has been stolen in transit. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The Romanov Star. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The Romanov Star. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The stake is 200,000 rupees. Do you have the cash? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The standard issue radio directional finder in your watch. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The suspect's wearing a clown suit. Over. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The thief was dealt with, but the egg was lost in the river. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The things we've done from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The West is decadent and divided. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Then why don't you take over the Major's position? Mr...? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
There are many of them all over Southeast Asia, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
There are vast rewards for a man of your talents willing to take risks. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
There he is! There he is! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
There must be no further security breach. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
There's not much to go on. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
There's the real thing. It's being auctioned at Sotheby's this afternoon. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
They usually turn up out of interest or perhaps just to bump up the price. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
They're priceless and, uh... And very rare. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This fake has caused enough trouble. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This is absolute madness! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This is Miss Penelope Smallbone, my new assistant. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This is the fourth egg to turn up at auction this year. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This one contains a model of the imperial state coach. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This should shake 'em off! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This was the wrong cover. I hate snakes! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This way, James. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Throughout Europe, daily demonstrations demand unilateral nuclear disarmament. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thumbscrews and hot coals. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Till the morning, then. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
To activate, insert, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
To avenge him? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
To satisfy your personal paranoia and thirst for conquest. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Toro? Sounds like a load of bull. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
True. But we don't have all the answers. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Twist the top, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ugh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Uno, dos. Vamos, vamos. Muévanse, muévanse, deprisa. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Until tomorrow, then. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Vijay! The money I gave you! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Visiting furniture factories in East Germany. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We are two of a kind. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We can make millions. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We could try and spot the seller. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We don't want to make enemies with the woman. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We have discovered this. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We have him! We have him! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We have played out a variety of attack strategies on the new Kutuzov computer from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We know where it will end. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We move as one from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We move as one from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We must leave the base by 3.15. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We must turn our energies to pressing domestic problems. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We prefer curare with an effective psychedelic compound. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We should go, my dear. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We still have to cross the border. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We verified the Octopussy Circus was in East Berlin when we lost 009. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We won't see him till dawn. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll change all that's gone before from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll change all that's gone before from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll change all that's gone before from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll change all that's gone before from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll have to go ahead as planned anyway. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll take on the world and win from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll take on the world and win from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll take on the world and win from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll take on the world and win from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll take these also. Dollars, pounds, francs, marks. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We're an all time high from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We're an all time high from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We're an all time high from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We're partners, we're friends. Octopussy, I would never do anything to hurt you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well rested? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, he... He complains. If he's legitimate. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, I can't guarantee that I'll be here when you return. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, I can't guarantee that I'll be here when you return. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, I have to go to a circus in Karl Marx Stadt. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, I think that this should be ample security. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, in that case, I'd better return it! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, it's a small world! You're a Toro, too! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, let's get on with making a few. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, let's put it this way. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, owing to the serious nature of his injuries, he's still not fit enough to travel. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, so far I can't complain about the valet service. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, supposing, for argument's sake, I don't feel like talking? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, then I shall use player's privilege, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, then. Where did you recruit all these lovelies? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, there are quite a few ladies here. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, we do have one lead, Minister. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well... from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What a good idea. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What are you doing? Cut it out! We haven't time for that! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What can I say, Moneypenny? Except that she is as attractive and as charming... from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What can you tell me about Kamal Khan? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What happened to Vijay? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What is the time? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What would you have done if you'd got it? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What's that? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What's the connection? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
When Father's gold ran out, the people in Hong Kong who'd disposed of it for him from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
When I come back we'll discuss the future. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
When you don't look, you find from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Where are you going? Look, don't be an idiot, 007. Come back! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Where was Kamal going? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Who cling to timid, outdated from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Who is she? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Why don't we make it interesting, Major? Double to 100,000 rupees. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Why is that bomb on the train? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Why would General Orlov participate in a jewellery caper? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Why? Has Kamal forgotten what I look like already? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
With a price on his head. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
With this ultrasensitive earpiece, you can listen in on the bug. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Won't you come back to bed? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Yes, Excellence. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Yes. But tomorrow, from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Yes. It belongs to a fabulously wealthy woman who lives on the floating palace. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You and your families are safe. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You are free to leave, but I'd much prefer if you stayed as my guest for a few days. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You are the least lethal and by far the prettiest of Kamal's friends from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You can only win with a double six. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You can't be inviting a nuclear war! What happens when the US retaliates? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You changed your mind. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You don't mind if we start? The soufflé can't wait. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You don't mind? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You had no business bidding for that egg! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You have a good memory for faces. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You have a nasty habit of surviving. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You know what they say about the fittest. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You left me to be killed along with thousands of innocent people! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You need a great deal of luck to get out of this. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You remember Major Dexter Smythe? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You should be more concerned about getting out of here alive. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You should be pleased. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You stay, also. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You were sent out to arrest him, weren't you? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You will. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You win! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You'll be replacing O09. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You'll have something to remember me by? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You're right. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You're so right. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You're so right. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You're such a flatterer, James. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Your guests have arrived, Ambassador. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Your incompetence will destroy us all! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Your luck's got to run out some time. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Your luggage has been unpacked, sir. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Yours, sir, for ÂŁ500,000! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
1' E I inglés escapé! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
007 on an island populated exclusively by women? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
007, licensed to kill. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
20,000 rupees! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
100 kiloton yield. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
100,000 rupees, then. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
150, 60. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
170. 170. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
180, 190. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
200,000 rupees. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
200. Against you, madam. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
240. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
280! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
400,000! Any more? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
450? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
450. 475? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
(compére) Ladies and gentlemen... Hey! Is anyone else in there? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
(door shuts, engine starts) Was machen Ste . Das ist mein Auto! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
(gasps from spectators) Don't you? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
(Q) I'll take her down. No! Up! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
ÂŁ500,000. (gasping) from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
400 in the centre. Well, that should do it. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
425! New bidder. (gasping) from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ah, good morning, 007. Morning, sir. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ah. Later perhaps. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Always a double six when you need it! Always. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Any more? Now there is a lady. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Anything else? No, that's all. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Are the gold certificates on board? Yes, Excellence. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Are you with our group? No, ma'am. I'm with the economy tour. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
As I used to be? I didn't say that. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Better signal M to meet me in Berlin. Why? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Book yourself on the next flight out. Well, I've 55 minutes to catch it, sir. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
But Kamal has won 200,000 rupees. You'll have a job beating that. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
But with permanent brain damage. An unfortunate side effect. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
C'mom, buddy, c'mon! Give him some room. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Coronel. [Continual from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Damn it, man, it's urgent! (sirens) from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Did he say anything? All he said was it was Kamal's men. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Did you recognise him? No. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Diese Eng/éinder sfnd ganz verniickt! Bitte, Fréiuleinf lst sehr wfchtfg.. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Dissolves all metals. Wonderful for poison pen letters! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Do you know me? Miss Moneypenny described you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Do you really think you can escape me? Orlov betrayed us. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Double. Of course! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ein Bier? Danke schdn, sehr freundlich. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Er, Jim? The bid is ÂŁ450,000. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Everything taken care of? As you ordered, Excellence. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Exactly... (interference) from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
General Gogol, let me remind you... Comrades, sit down! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
General, there's a bomb in that cannon. Sure! Where else would a bomb be? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Get it cashed for him. Yes, sir. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Good evening, Mr Bond. Good evening. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Great clown! I'm deadly serious! I'm a British agent! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hello, Smithers. Commander. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Hey, you all right, buddy? I'm fine. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
How are you? Most unhappy, 007, thanks to you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
How careless of you! I apologise. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
How do you do it! It's all in the wrist. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
How much should it fetch? ÂŁ250 300,000. Anything more'd be crazy. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
How's he doing? The Major's no novice. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I am Sadruddin, Head of Section. How do you do? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I am trying to concentrate! (Orlov) Lenkin! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I booked you in at the Shivnivas Hotel. Good. My luggage? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I didn't reserve one. Your guest is waiting, sir. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I don't know how to say goodbye. Actions speak louder than words. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I doubt it. He had to buy it. But why? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I need refilling. Hm? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I play a bit myself. Really? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I trust you can handle this contraption. It goes by hot air. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I wish to tell you... Both of you! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I wish... What? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'll give you a hand, Q. Thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'll relieve you at midnight. No problem! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'm glad. Are you? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
I'm not for hire. Oh! A man of principle! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Ilnterrogaciénl Si, coronel. Métalo al camién. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Is he still there? You must be joking! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It was a pleasure. You're too kind. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
It's too late. You can stop it at the border. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
James! Ooh! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Kamal has gone over the top. Your bid, sir. 400,000. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Karl Marx Stadt! Correct! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Karl will take you in. No problem. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Minister. Commander. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Mm. Kamal Khan. Usually a seller. ÂŁ340,000. 360. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Now? (riotous laughter) from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Oh, Bond? Sir? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Out there? Go! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
personally. I will take care of Mr Bond myself. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Schnellerl Ja, ja. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Should I be following them? Yes, but I think they'll be following this. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Smashing, Q. Come on. I have a few things for you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
So, you recovered it? From an accomplice of the thief. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Thank you. I'm sure he'll get a big blast out of this! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That's all you'll ever get from him. Thank you, Commander Bond. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
That's interesting. You know him? from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The man at the auction. Precisely. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The next lot is... We could have been stuck with it. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
The plane is refuelled. We'll take off at sunrise. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Then let's meet there later. I'll change into something less casual. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
There she is! She's in trouble! Get your hands off me! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
This can't be a coincidence. No. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Top marks, 007 Thank you, sir. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Un, dos, un, dos... Apunten al objetivo. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Vijay, we have company! No problem. This is a company car. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
We'll have a replacement made. There is no time, Comrade General! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Welcome to India, Commander Bond. Call me James. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Welcome to Universal Exports. Take it, dear. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well, I'll say good night. I could come in for a nightcap. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well? I don't think he will complain. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Well? Looks like the Major has got him. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What have you learned so far? My backhand's improved. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What is it? It's terrible news, Comrade General! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What is that? Girls selling themselves. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What will you have? Nothing, thank you. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
What? For God's sake, tell him who I am! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Where is General Orlov now? Last reported heading for the border. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Where's Sadruddin? Over here, waiting in the taxi. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Where's the Base Commander? Let's see your circus pass. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Who are you? I'm British secret service. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Wurst, Bubi? Danke, Liebchen. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Wurst? Wir machen schon. /st gut! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Yes, Minister. Eyes only, 007. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
Yes. Hello, Jim. James. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
You didn't say there'd be such security. They moved the flight forward. from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)
;Cierren Ia puerta! from James Bond: Octopussy (1983)