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Jumanji (1995) Jumanji, a thrilling adventure film released in 1995, takes viewers on an extraordinary ride through a

Jumanji (1995)

Jumanji, a thrilling adventure film released in 1995, takes viewers on an extraordinary ride through a mysterious board game. Directed by Joe Johnston, this cult classic stars the talented Robin Williams as Alan Parrish, a man who becomes trapped in the game for decades. Alongside Williams, the cast includes Bonnie Hunt as Sarah Whittle, Kirsten Dunst as Judy Shepherd, and Bradley Pierce as Peter Shepherd.

This captivating movie unravels the chaos that is unleashed when two curious siblings, Judy and Peter, begin playing Jumanji and inadvertently release Alan from his entrapment. As the living embodiment of the game, Alan must confront various challenges and dangers, transforming their quiet town into a wild jungle filled with menacing creatures. Together, Alan, Judy, Peter, and Sarah must find a way to finish the game and restore peace.

If you're eager to relive the magic of Jumanji, you can now play and download its thrilling sounds. Immerse yourself in the suspenseful atmosphere and embark on an unforgettable audio adventure by clicking here.
A game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind.
A guess. A guess, of course. They're your kids.
A hunter from the darkest wild...
A law of Jumanji having been broken...
A tiny bite can make you itch, make you sneeze, make you twitch.''
Act natural.
Adventurers beware. Do not begin unless you intend to finish.
Adventurers beware.''
After a while, he stopped comin' to work.
AIan, the top!
Alan wants his daddy now!
Alan, please. Last time I played this game, it ruined my life.
Alan, ready?
Alan, talk to him. Please?
Alan, there's something l've been wanting to do...
Alan. What is that?
All right.
Alligators don't have that Iittle fringe on their hind leg.
And a bar over here in the parlor.
And a bunch of bats surrounded me and chased me down the street.
And definitely stay away from the pods.
And find the memory of your old boyfriend.
And get up on the sidewalk.
And guess what? Your turn.
And I better do it before I feel too much like a kid.
And I had something I could've turned this whole town around.
And I think of all the energy I spent visuaIizing you as a radiant spirit.
And just for your information, that wasn't a lie.
And now we're all gonna sit down...
And since you took it like a man...
And the first pIayer to reach the end wins.'' You wanna play?
And then Peter twice 'cause he got doubles, and now it's my turn again.
And things happen, like ending up in the jungle. That was no accident.
And we're gonna finish it.
And you hope to God that you're not dessert.
And you'll have to...
Any last words?
Anybody up for iced tea? I'm gonna make some tea.
Are you AIan Parrish?
Are you my little sister?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
As long as we stay low, he can't get through there too far. Don't worry.
As the little girl who saw AIan Parrish murdered?
At his earliest convenience.
At night they fly, you better run...
Attributes that have exemplified the Brantford spirit...
Aunt Nora, it's me, Peter.
Back in 196 I mean, today in the factory...
Bats aren't what I'd worry about in this house anyways.
Because I won't stop playing.
Because I won't stop playing.
Because, you know
Beware the ground on which you stand...
Bring the game! Hurry!
But I'm not afraid.
But I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
But if we finish the game, it'lI alI go away.
But my father told me...
But now the ground begins to quake.''
But we don't get bats like that in New England.
But we're safe in here. See? We're fine.
But when the sheik's yacht went down, well...
Bye, Dad.
CaIl the cops!
Carl, you shouId know better than to let the boy pIay in here.
Christ is born in Bethlehem
Circumstances are never ever out of your control.
Come here. Now, l've been working on this for almost a year.
Come on in. Our house was your house.
Come on, Judy. He's not gonna heIp us. He's afraid.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. I found this weird game in the factory.
Coming, ready or not.
Convincing myself that that doesn't exist.
Crying never helped anybody do anything, okay?
Damn. I shall need a replacement weapon.
Despite the harshness of our native clime and the granite of our soil...
Did we hit her that hard?
Did you hear anything a littIe while ago?
Did your parents used to put you on the bus?
Do you feel that?
Do you have children? A boy and a girI?
Do you know what happened to this shoe factory?
Do you miss Mom and Dad?
Don't be fooled. lt isn't thunder.
Don't ever call me crazy, AIan.
Don't move or I'Il blow your blinking brains out!
Don't move!
Don't move. Don't move.
Don't struggle.
Don't touch the purple ones. They shoot poisonous barbs.
Don't worry. I've done this before once.
Don't worry. We're gonna have you turned back into your old self in no time flat.
Dr. Boorstein. Sarah Whittle calling.
Drop it.
Drop your gun and get your hands in the air!
Easy, girl.
Either one of you know how to drive? No? WeIl, that's no problem.
End of tape three.
End of the line, Sonny Jim.
Especially if he chopped it up first.
Even if AIan gets out of this, the same kind of thing's...
Even your Uncle Skylar went there.
Ever since I told the cops you were sucked into a board game.
Ever. 'Cause everyone in this town has caIled me crazy...
Everyone thought you were dead.
Everything about me he finds offensive. You think it'd be a waste of his time.
Excuse me.
Fill out these.
Fine! Take it!
Fine. There's nowhere to go in this stupid town anyway.
Five passengers set sail that day for a three hour four
For 26 years, Sarah.
Forgot my speech notes.
Game's up. Stop running.
Geez, that's over 50. What the hell's goin' on?
Get an extinguisher.
Get down off of my car, please.
Get it off me!
Get on the tabIe! Peter, get out of the water!
Get your coat!
Get your hands off me!
Gimme the dice!
Give me your hand.
Go ahead, Parrish. Run to Daddy. We'll be waiting.
Go ahead. Take it.
God and sinners reconciled
God and sinners reconciled
Gonna happen over and over again.
Good bye.
Good lad. You're finally acting like a man.
Good point.
Got ya, girIie.
Hard work, determination, a cheerfuI outlook
Hark, he herald angels sing
Has anybody seen Carl?
He and his wife passed away just last winter.
He did.
He doesn't know I'm here, so this isn't gonna work. I'm going.
He just quit carin'.
He kills things. Right now, he wants to hunt me and kill me.
He shouId be here any moment.
He's goin' to his dad's factory!
He's goin' to his dad's factory!
Here we go!
Hey, come on. We'Il be fine.
Hey, he can't get us in here. He can't get through the glass.
Hey, I gotta get going. I'm the guest of honor.
Hey, it's pretty cold out there. How 'bout some coffee?
Hey, Parrish, what's the rush?
Hey, up there! You kids don't wanna be Iate for your first day of school.
Hey, you !
Hey! Help me!
Hey! Hey What?
Hey. it's all right.
Holy smokes! Judy and Peter!
Hostage situation at Sir Sav a lot involving a woman and two children.
How 'bout Peter and I pIay, and you just sort of watch?
How about father to son?
How do you know that?
I always wanted to do this. Could you step back, please?
I bet those monkeys came from the game. The mosquitoes too.
I bet you miss him, huh? Me too.
I can't beIieve I have to see your principaI after the first day.
I can't beIieve you did that. That was so cool.
I can't stop 'em, Lorraine. You gotta gef the Nafional Guard down here now!
I could drop you off.
I did, sir.
I don't believe this. Every time there's trouble, I run into you.
I don't know. Pretty much take up where I left off.
I don't like the sound of that.
I don't see any guano.
I don't think anybody Ioved his boy more than Sam did.
I don't think so.
I feel like we know so much about them...
I got an appointment this afternoon with your father to show him this.
I got it.
I got ya! Get his arms!
I got you.
I got you.
I grew up in this. it's out there that scares me.
I guess I'm not ready for Cliffside then!
I hope you realize, with my parents gone, this home belongs to me.
I knew she still wouldn't live here.
I knew this was gonna be a bad day.
I know a lot more than that.
I know I'm gonna regret it.
I know it doesn't mean much after 26 years...
I know who's behind this. I'm headin' to the Parrish place. Gimme backup.
I know you are, but what am I?
I know you used to work on the stamping line at Parrish Shoes.
I know, but he's a kid and he was trying to help.
I mean, Parrishes have been going to CIiffside ever since the 1 700s.
I mean, you faced them, even though you were outnumbered.
I predict there'lI be a pair of those in every closet in America.
I put the shoe on the conveyor belt.
I quit playing board games five years ago.
I should've been a fireman.
I suggest you all go home now.
I think a bed and breakfast is just what this town needs.
I think I need to have my dosage checked.
I thought I couId end the game. I was only ten spaces away.
I thought I lost you again.
I thought you told me you were never gonna talk to me again.
I told BiIly to stop picking on you.
I told your father what you told me this afternoon. It wasn't just Billy Jessup.
I warned you about this, Peter.
I was a littIe girl, Alan.
I was afraid.
I was that little boy, Sarah.
I was! But l've been in Jumanji.
I wish Mom and Dad were here.
I wonder if Mrs. Nedermeyer's still teaching sixth grade.
I'm back!
I'm back! Mom! Dad!
I'm glad you told me, son.
I'm gonna have to play.
I'm havin' an episode here with the little boy that didn't really disappear.
I'm home!
I'm home! I'm back.
I'm sittin' in his living room drinkin' lemonade.
I'm so glad you're back.
I'm sorry too. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Alan.
I'm sorry, dear. You have the wrong number.
I'm sorry.
If you don't cut that out, they're gonna send you to a shrink.
In the jungle you must wait, till the dice read five or eight.''
In your lagoon.''
Is gone now.
Is there a problem, ma'am?
Is, anytime you Iike.
It wasn't Carl Bentley's fault.
It's 1969.
It's for your own good. You just stay there.
It's gotta be microchips or something.
It's me! it's me, Alan, Mom and Dad!
It's not my turn.
It's okay.
It's okay. Come here. I'm sorry.
It's okay. We bareIy even knew our parents.
Jefferson Street. The oId Parrish place.
Join the triumph of the skies
Judy and Peter. Kids, say hi to Mr. and Mrs. Parrish.
Judy, if's Aunt Nora. Where have you been?
Judy, Peter, come look at this.
Judy, someone's in here.
Jumanji. A game for those who seek to find a way to leave their worId behind.
Just a second. You can't take him. He's
Just because you're a Parrish doesn't mean you can hang around my girlfriend.
Just gimme the dice and you can go home. You don't have to play.
Just hoId stilI.
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
Just wait till I'm living in a building named after me.
Keep goin'!
Keep that thing away from me!
Keep your chin up.
L'll have to get a locksmith out for this one.
L'll try it again.
L'll watch.
L've got it. Colonel Mustard in the library with a wrench.
L've only been gone five minutes.
L've toId you before. This factory isn't a pIayground. It's dangerous.
Larry, we need the wheels. Gimme a hand.
Leave a message and the docfor will call you back...
Let alone cut me into little pieces.
Let me introduce you to the rest of the folks you'll be working with.
Let's bring it over here.
Let's go set it up in the living room.
Let's go.
Let's just try to relax and finish our dinner and taIk about something else.
Let's talk it over tomorrow, man to man.
Lf you could caIl me back as soon as you can...
Lf you could call me, l'd really be interested in your interpretation.
Lgnore him, honey. He's a Libra.
Listen, Carl...
Listen, I know you're upset and aIl, but I kinda feel we should finish the game.
Little AIan Parrish. I say his father did it.
Ln the jungle you must wait '' What's that mean?
Lndonesia. He was in the Peace Corps.
Local resources have been strained to the breaking point.
Look, AIan, I was angry.
Look, if l'd known that, Alan, I wouldn't have
Look, if you're afraid of something, you've got to stand and face it.
Lorraine, this is Carl.
Ls Billy Jessup picking on you again?
Ls he the reason you didn't wanna play?
Lt ruined your life?
Lt seems like a lot longer to me.
Lt sounds like something out of the Twilight Zone, but it's true.
Lt sure is.
Lt was a crocodile.
Lt was reaI. Real.
Lt's all right. That's a traffic cop. He'll back us up.
Lt's always been the plan that you go to Cliffside when you were ready.
Lt's nice work. Come on, gimme the game. Let's go.
Lt's not that.
Lt's not working.
Lt's okay. it's okay. it's just a bug.
Lt's the law of the jungle, Sarah. You'll get used to it.
Makes you feeI just Iike a child.''
Man, I don't believe this.
May God have mercy on his souI.
Maybe I don't wanna be who you are. Maybe I don't wanna be a Parrish.
Me too.
Me? I don't know what you're talking about.
Merry Christmas. Want to try one of these?
Monsoon. Well, at least we're inside.
Mr. We Started Something 26 Years Ago And Now We Gotta Finish It?
My dad kept an ax in the woodshed. Get it.
My dad used to make shoes here.
My father could barely hug me...
My mistake.
Need a hand while you just wait...
Need you to get that marketing done on the new line pronto.
No more banana leaves.
No one believed me. I was alI alone.
No problem. I could probably start next week.
No quick movements.
No, Alan !
No, Benjamin, we have to finish this. Come on. Help me bury it.
No, Dad. it's a new cross trainer. it's doing fabulous.
No, don't worry about us. The bus'll be here any minute.
No, I don't go by that name anymore.
No, l've lived here my whole life.
No, look. Two of those pieces are yours, right?
No, no, no. It wasn't real.
No, we're just trying to find someone.
No, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.
No, you rolled doubIes. You get another turn.
No, you wanted to play the game.
No. I tried to drop the dice so they'd land on 12.
No. I'm Judy and he's Peter.
Not good enough, Sonny Jim.
Not the game!
Nothing. Just
Now how are we supposed to finish the game?
Now it's a Speedy Burger, or it was. I don't know what's left of it.
Now, anyone asks, you didn't get this here.
Now, run on, son.
Of course she'll know where Sarah went. She's a psychic.
Of taking a little skiing holiday up in the Canadian Rockies.
Oh, boy! I keep forgetting how big this pIace is.
Oh, dear.
Oh, God!
Oh, good!
Oh, great.
Oh, it is.
Oh, my God, there they are.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! How could you do that?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my. I'm so sorry. How terribly awful.
Oh, no. it's not your turn.
Oh, no. The game thinks I roIled.
Oh, okay, honey. WelI, that would be cheating.
Oh, thank you, Judy. Thank you.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, this is great. Kids are on my case here because I'm a Parrish.
Oh, wait a minute. What Wait.
Oh. Well, actualIy, they're my late brother's.
Okay, I got it.
Okay, it's my turn.
Okay, it's my turn.
Okay, think. What came out of the game before me?
Okay. Please be good today.
Okay. Ready?
On the chandelier!
OnIy when a player has reached Jumanji and calIed out its name.''
Or Judy and Peter.
Our dad was in advertising.
Our only chance is if we finish the game!
Our parents are dead too.
Pardon me.
People in this town are goin' loopy.
Peter hasn't spoken a word since it happened.
Peter, take this suitcase up to the attic.
Peter, that was very cooI.
Peter, your hands! Look at your hands!
Piece of cake.
Play the game.
Please. You gotta help me on this.
Plus, there's a lion in my aunt's bedroom. What should I do about that?
Prepare to die, Parrish!
Price check.
Probably married Billy Jessup and they're living in a trailer park.
PuIl !
Put the dice in your mouth
Ranging from fevers and rashes...
Ray, come in, this is Willie.
Remember what you told me? It's all right to be afraid.
Remember you said you'd never abandon your friends?
Roll !
Roll the dice!
Roll with the punches.
Run ! It's a stampede!
Run, Peter!
Run! Run!
Safariing in darkest Africa.
Sarah and I would like to get out of the floor...
Sarah WhittIe.
Sarah, come on. My dad did that?
School bus should be here any minute.
Sfafe health officials are asking anyone experiencing symptoms...
Since our forefathers first settled this town.
So are you gonna help us?
So do l.
So if you're not gonna help us, what are you gonna do?
So it's your turn, Peter.
So was I.
So what do ya think? Ya think he'Il like it?
Soleman. Yeah, that's right.
Some kid said she saw a bunch of those back in the '60s.
Somebody roIl a five or an eight?
Sometimes you must go back a turn.''
Son, you're gonna have to face him sooner or later.
Sorry if I scared you. Thank you.
Sorry, Angus.
Sorry, I can't talk right now. I'll explain later.
Sorry, sir.
Sounds like the armed perpetrator in the pith helmet and khakis you reported.
Stand up.
Stay away from the walIs. Don't touch anything.
Stay calm!
Staying put would be a blunder.''
Stop your cringing. I could have shot you at any moment.
Suddenly, I feel right at home.
Sure, honey.
Swim! Go! Go!
Take the game. Here you go.
Thank you so much. He'Il call me back ten minutes before the hour.
Thank you, AIan.
Thank you. Are the Parrishes stilI around?
Thank you. Come on.
Thank you. Sorry if I scared you.
Thanks, Bob. What are you doing here?
That event we've been discussing for a long time now...
That sounds Iovely. I'm sure you and your kids are gonna be very happy here.
That was found fIoating in a champagne bottle amongst the debris.
That'd be great.
That's gonna be the height of fashion.
That's just the beginning.
That's okay. As long as we don't forget each other.
That's reverse psychology. Dad used to pull it on me all the time.
The big yeIlow ones.
The elephant was mine.
The first player to reach the end wins.''
The floor is quicker than the sand.''
The instructions say if we finish the game, it'll all go away.
The mate was a mighty sailor man
The one that didn't realIy happen
The skipper brave and sure
Then one day, he just disappeared...
Then something screams. Then you hear them eat.
Then we can all have ice cream and bourbon.
Then why didn't you?
There are things that'll hunt you in the night.
There is a Iesson you wilI Iearn:
There is no ready.''
There is nothing to be afraid of in this house.
There. I let you go. Now what are we gonna do?
There'll be a monsoon...
There's a thousand and one places he couId have hid the body in this house.
There's a waiting period...
These winged things are not much fun.''
They cleaned out Larry's Hardware, and they're headed for Parrish Common.
They grow much faster than bamboo. Take care or they'lI come after you.''
They managed to write us a really beautiful good bye note...
They probably don't teach driver training in the sixth grade, huh?
They probably left the TV on too loud.
They used to calI you Soleman.
They were in the Middle East negotiating peace when
They were the best shoes in New England.
They were very devoted parents. It was a car crash in Canada.
They're over on Adams Street.
Things you can't even imagine.
Things you can't even see.
This house has been empty for years.
This is where she used to live.
This pIace gives me the creeps.
This will not be an easy mission...
To check a suspicious character.
To the Cliffside School for Boys.
To violent seizures.
Twenty six years ago, you played a game with a little boy down the street.
Twenty six years ago...
Twenty six years buried in the jungIe and I still became my father.
Uh, he suffered a head injury a few months ago.
Until the dice read five or eight.''
Wait a minute. How do you know my name is CarI?
Wait for me!
Wait here.
Wait, stop!
Wait, stop!
We We just
We better do it, or Aunt Nora's gonna pitch a fit.
We can't. We can't finish it without him.
We didn't even know if they loved us.
We got company.
We gotta get to that house.
We just have to keep our heads.
We should just get through it quickly. I mean, there's no skill involved.
We started playing a little game.
We used to play on this porch.
We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas
We? Why do you need me?
We'lI help you out, we each have eight.''
We're gonna sit down, we're gonna finish that game...
We're looking for someone who used to live here.
We're safe.
We're taking you there next Sunday! I don't wanna hear another word about it!
We've got a serious animal control situation.
We've gotta hurry. Our aunt's gonna be home soon.
WeIl, it's pretty hard to pass up, especially full of furniture.
Weird. They're stuck.
WelI, personaIly...
WelI, yeah, he's a vegetarian.
Well, good. You can inform her that she's the ex owner of this house.
Well, my dad used to let me back the car down the driveway once.
Well, then you must know Sarah WhittIe.
Well, we love children.
What big yelIow ones?
What did you say?
What do you mean, The game thinks''?
What do you think those monkeys are gonna do to the ecosystem around here?
What do you want? I've never shaved before.
What happened to you was so awfuI, I made up that whole thing.
What happened to you? You shave with a piece of glass?
What happened?
What if someone digs it up?
What is it?
What the devil
What was that?
What, are you crazy? The man has a gun.
What, are you crying? You don't cry, aIl right? You keep your chin up.
What? We don't have time for this, okay?
What's wrong?
Whatever I said, Dad...
Whatever it is, we'll handle it by ourselves. We don't need your help.
When AIan hears of your predicament, he'll come.
When are you gonna help us play?
When his kid ran away, Sam put all he had into trying to find him.
When you carry around so much anger, it attracts a lot of negative energy.
Where are you going?
Where at least 98 people have been hospitalized with symptoms...
Where do you think they're gonna send you if you don't start talking?
Where is he?
Who did this?
Whoa. Harvest time!
Whose are the other pieces?
Whose turn is it?
Why didn't you grab the game, Peter?
Why wouId they cIose Parrish Shoes?
Won't she be surprised. Hope she's not aIlergic to cats.
Yeah, but a lot could kilI you.
Yeah, it folded up, like everything eIse in this town.
Yeah. Who are you?
Yes, I do, but you wouldn't believe me even if I told you, CarI.
You all right?
You are not in the jungle anymore. Stop this! You don't treat people like this.
You didn't have to. I was going over to Billy's to get it myself.
You didn't roll the dice. Alan did.
You didn't wanna play either...
You don't even know what afraid is.
You don't go Waah!'' for nothing.
You ever thought about sitting down and talking about your differences?
You got some l.D.? Oh, let me guess. You left it in your other Tarzan outfit?
You gotta get Stan and Willy on it. I'm headin' to the old Parrish pIace...
You guys listening to me?
You guys stilI have your house keys?
You hear that?
You just saw three monkeys go by on a motorcycle, didn't you?
You kiIled her.
You know, they stopped making these in 1903.
You might have toId us there was a man in there with a rifle that hunts people.
You miserable coward! Come back and face me like a man.
You roll the dice to move your token. Doubles gets another turn.
You should aIways face what you're afraid of.
You shouldn't have wasted your breath. We'lI talk about this some other time.
You teIl that sniveling coward from me, if he wants
You think anybody showed up at my 14th birthday party?
You think monkeys, mosquitoes and lions are bad?
You tried to cheat?
You will slip back even more than your token.''
You won't be. Not till you start acting like one.
You won't. I'm never talking to you again!
You'll be the best Christmas gift of aIl. Bye bye.
You're afraid. it's okay to be afraid.
You're aIl right?
You're almost there with much at stake...
You're gonna freeze out there.
You're not a postal worker, are you?
You're playing the game I started in 1969.
You're right. These are our children.
Your father murdered you and chopped you up in little pieces.
Your mother and I have decided that you're ready to go...
Your party better move poste haste.''
There is a lesson '' All right.
A tale of a fateful trip Hello!
AIl right. Thank you.
AIl yours, Alan. Thanks, BilI.
Alan ! You'lI thank me someday.
All right. Let's go. Sam. We have to talk to Alan.
And neither wilI l. I won't either.
Aren't you afraid? I'm terrified.
But that's what he saw. Well, whatever it was...
Caleb, it's after me! Grab on!
Can I have a ride home? Where do you Iive?
Carl Bentley, the Soleman. Is this man reIated to you?
Carl here. Where have you been?
Carl? Come in, Carl. Lorraine, come in. Lorraine!
Come on, Sarah. Please?
Come on, Sarah. Please?
Dad, can I have a ride home? Look, Alan.
Did I hurt you? Oh, no.
Dig into your higher consciousness... Here, just rolI.
Gimme that description again. I said, red fur and long fail.
Good afternoon, Alan. Hey, Frank.
Good. Why don't you live in it? I did!
Grab my hand! I got it! No!
Grab on! Pull.
Hang on, boy. Grab him!
He fired you? Yeah, man.
He said it looked like that. That's an African bat.
Hear what? Get in the car.
HeIp me. Okay. Stay calm.
Hello? What?
Hello. I'm roIling now. BiIly who?
Her fiance. I thought he was your uncle.
Hey, Iook. lsn't that Mrs. Thomas? Who's that?
Hey! Hide the game.
Hi, Alan. Hi, Miss Magruder.
Hi, Carl. Hey, Alan, I gotta show you something.
Hi, Carl. Hey, Alan, I gotta show you something.
Hit the brakes! I'm hittin' 'em.
Hit the brakes! I'm hittin' the brakes!
I can't believe this. Start. Please. Carl, come in please.
I knew the damn thing this morning. You'll know the darn thing tonight.
I remember the porch being bigger. Hello?
I see 'em now and then. Yeah?
I see 'em now and then. Yeah?
I'll be right back. Oh, my God!
I'm gonna rolI. Are you an owl?
I'm taking you in for questioning. I'm not going anywhere.
it's okay, Dad. I want you to know I am proud of you.
Jim, glad you couId make it. Thanks.
Judy, are you okay? I'm fine. Help them.
Let's go. Maybe she'Il know where Sarah went.
Look at this. Parrish HalI. it's the main dormitory.
Maybe I should roll. You know what it's Iike to be known...
Merry Christmas. Cool !
Move over. Wait. Gently.
Murdered? Yep.
My handcuff keys. Wait. This is something I have to do.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
No, you're immature. You are.
No. Liar.
No. No. Are you sure?
Not a bat in sight, ma'am. Ya hear that?
Nothin'. Alan !
Now what? Stop!
Oh, great. Oh, God. Tell me this isn't happening.
Oh, my God! What happened? Get in. I'Il explain it on the way.
Oh, my. Peter!
Oh, no, no, no. AIl right.
Okay. Hurry! Go, go, go!
Peter, that was great. Are you okay?
Put it away, Alan! Okay.
Put it away. Wait!
Ready? Yeah.
Sam Don't!
Sam What?
Sarah, it was awful. lt really was. Am I crazy?
Sarah, please! I spent over 2,000 hours in therapy...
Sarah! No, no, no, no!
Shouldn't we play someplace else? No.
So what's the big deal? Buckle up.
So you'll send me those escrow papers? First thing tomorrow.
Sorry for what? It's me, Alan.
Stay calm. I'm calm.
That should do it, don't ya think? Oh, yeah.
The Episcopal church. No, it's not a church anymore.
The game is not over yet, Sarah. lt is for me.
The kid who stole your bicycIe? No, the kid who took you to movies.
The realtor. Quiet. Listen.
There are no accidents. Whose turn is it?
There was a Iion, a bunch of monkeys That!
There. Congratulations, sweetheart.
This is my wife, Martha. Hi, Martha. This is Sarah.
Turn the siren off. Right there! I got it.
Twenty six years. Are you from around here?
Uh, 1995, remember? '95.
Um, can you heIp us? Do you have an appointment?
Wait a minute! Where are you going? To find my parents!
we have Prospered.
We'll finish the game Iater. Later?
We're just friends. Not anymore. Get him!
WeIl, we're on our way. Okay.
What are you doing here? I brought your bike back.
What can I do for you? I want a gross of these.
What if I get stuck in the game? You won't.
What is it? Van PeIt.
What was that? I don't know.
What year is it? It was brand new.
What? it's your turn.
What's going on? Apparently there's a saIe happening.
What's Sir Sav a Iot? it's a discount store.
What's that? What is it? Nothing.
What's the deal with you and this guy? He's a hunter.
Where are you going? He'lI head for water!
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