A child has to belong to somewhere. from Hugo (2011)
A mechanical man drew it. from Hugo (2011)
A palace made of glass. from Hugo (2011)
A very gracious good evening to you. from Hugo (2011)
A very old and dear companion. from Hugo (2011)
Action! from Hugo (2011)
Action! from Hugo (2011)
Actors only on the set, please! Clear the set! from Hugo (2011)
After all, I am your only friend. from Hugo (2011)
Ah, Gourdon. from Hugo (2011)
Ah, Isabelle. from Hugo (2011)
Ahh! from Hugo (2011)
All I know is the notebook made him very upset. from Hugo (2011)
All right, all right. I know the rest. from Hugo (2011)
All right. from Hugo (2011)
All the way home from Hugo (2011)
And at the museum, hmm? You understand. from Hugo (2011)
And don't tell him we talked. from Hugo (2011)
And finding parts to fit will be very hard. from Hugo (2011)
And he and Mama Jeanne stayed up very late talking about it. from Hugo (2011)
And he isn't a thief. You're the thief. from Hugo (2011)
And how that message lit his way. from Hugo (2011)
And I do hope you'll forgive me for saying... from Hugo (2011)
And I think we should be very... from Hugo (2011)
And I'd better not see you in here again! from Hugo (2011)
And I'll teach you how to take care of them clocks. from Hugo (2011)
And I've never had one before... from Hugo (2011)
And in for the kill, knights. In for the kill! from Hugo (2011)
And it will be up to me to decide when... from Hugo (2011)
And not the one I thought it would. from Hugo (2011)
And now we have to figure it out. from Hugo (2011)
And now, my friends, from Hugo (2011)
And that means you have to be here for some reason, too. from Hugo (2011)
And the newest member of the Film Academy faculty, from Hugo (2011)
And they saw no future in it, or so they said. from Hugo (2011)
And this is a handbill from his stage act. from Hugo (2011)
And this is my cousin from the country, Hugo. from Hugo (2011)
And this... is one of his actual cameras. from Hugo (2011)
And tonight, their creator, from Hugo (2011)
And very much alive, thank you very much. from Hugo (2011)
And we couldn't have been happier. from Hugo (2011)
And you'll never get out, you'll never go to school, from Hugo (2011)
And... knights! from Hugo (2011)
Any study of the history of film must begin with the... from Hugo (2011)
Anyway, how are you? from Hugo (2011)
Anyway, how are you? from Hugo (2011)
Are they smelly flowers? from Hugo (2011)
Are you inebriated? from Hugo (2011)
Are you sure about this? from Hugo (2011)
Are you sure? from Hugo (2011)
Are you up there? from Hugo (2011)
Aren't you afraid someone will find out? from Hugo (2011)
As you were. from Hugo (2011)
Back from the dead. from Hugo (2011)
Barns and catacombs. from Hugo (2011)
Be brave. My brave soldier. from Hugo (2011)
Be quiet! from Hugo (2011)
Because it's true. from Hugo (2011)
Being enigmatic really doesn't suit you. from Hugo (2011)
Benny, speak to me. from Hugo (2011)
Benny? I'm gonna have a word from Hugo (2011)
Boxes of prints, and trunks full of decaying film, from Hugo (2011)
But do you remember several weeks ago when... from Hugo (2011)
But everybody's forgotten they're here. from Hugo (2011)
But I think it's the only way to... from Hugo (2011)
But I was always tinkering with machines. from Hugo (2011)
But if this is to be the only time we meet, from Hugo (2011)
But not here. We're too... from Hugo (2011)
But now I think it is intended... from Hugo (2011)
But only after I've finished my work at the shop from Hugo (2011)
But Papa Georges and Mama Jeanne, they're my godparents, from Hugo (2011)
But that's not possible. from Hugo (2011)
But the secret was always in the clockwork. from Hugo (2011)
But time hasn't been kind to old movies. from Hugo (2011)
But to my eyes, it was nothing short of... from Hugo (2011)
But we began a search. from Hugo (2011)
But we did have fun. from Hugo (2011)
But you'll have to prove there's more to you than being a thief. from Hugo (2011)
But... he's so fragile now. from Hugo (2011)
But... why did he stop? from Hugo (2011)
By the way, my name's Isabelle. Do you want a book? from Hugo (2011)
Calamity? Corruption? Go! from Hugo (2011)
Can we fix him? from Hugo (2011)
Can't say I'm surprised. from Hugo (2011)
Celebrating the life and work of Georges Méliès! from Hugo (2011)
Chateauxed, are we? Shicker? Are you drunk? from Hugo (2011)
Christina Rossetti's her name, after the poetess. from Hugo (2011)
Clear the set, please! Everybody except actors. from Hugo (2011)
Clocks tell the time and trains take you places. from Hugo (2011)
Come and dream with me. from Hugo (2011)
Come back! from Hugo (2011)
Come here. from Hugo (2011)
Come on, give me your best smile. from Hugo (2011)
Come on, then, attack! from Hugo (2011)
Come on! from Hugo (2011)
Come to the booth every day. from Hugo (2011)
Come with me. from Hugo (2011)
Come. from Hugo (2011)
Consequently, he will no longer be employed here winding the clocks. from Hugo (2011)
Could we watch some of his movies? from Hugo (2011)
Could've hurt a child. from Hugo (2011)
Cruel. from Hugo (2011)
Deceased? Are you sure? from Hugo (2011)
Demitasse, like everything else, must happen at the opportune moment. from Hugo (2011)
Did you draw these pictures? from Hugo (2011)
Did you see that? from Hugo (2011)
Died? from Hugo (2011)
Do as I say! from Hugo (2011)
Do not leave my office from Hugo (2011)
Do you have him? from Hugo (2011)
Doltish? from Hugo (2011)
Don't hurt him! from Hugo (2011)
Don't say anything. from Hugo (2011)
Don't worry. I'm now a fully functioning man. Aren't I, dear? from Hugo (2011)
Eh? from Hugo (2011)
Empty your pockets, or I'll call the Station Inspector. from Hugo (2011)
Eventually I... I couldn't pay the actors... from Hugo (2011)
Everything was lost. from Hugo (2011)
Excellent, excellent, excellent. from Hugo (2011)
Excellent, excellent. Setting back. from Hugo (2011)
Excellent. from Hugo (2011)
Excuse me, excuse me! Move aside! from Hugo (2011)
Films had the power from Hugo (2011)
Fix it. from Hugo (2011)
For years, most of his films were thought to be lost. from Hugo (2011)
Freeze. Freeze, everybody. Wait for my action. from Hugo (2011)
Georges Méliès? from Hugo (2011)
Get out of my way! from Hugo (2011)
Get out of the way! from Hugo (2011)
Get out of the way! Move! Come on! from Hugo (2011)
Ghosts. from Hugo (2011)
Give me two minutes. It was good up to there. from Hugo (2011)
Go away. from Hugo (2011)
Go away. from Hugo (2011)
Go on, get in there! from Hugo (2011)
Good evening, ma'am. from Hugo (2011)
Good evening, mademoiselle. from Hugo (2011)
Good, good. Good, knights. Poised for the attack. from Hugo (2011)
Good. from Hugo (2011)
Got you at last! from Hugo (2011)
Got you! from Hugo (2011)
Happy endings only happen in the movies. from Hugo (2011)
Has been a busy week. from Hugo (2011)
He could've drunk the entire River Seine. [chuckles] from Hugo (2011)
He didn't burn it. That was all a trick. from Hugo (2011)
He is upset by your visage. from Hugo (2011)
He lived in a train station. from Hugo (2011)
He looks sad. from Hugo (2011)
He saw a rocket fly into the eye of the man in the moon. from Hugo (2011)
He told me about the first one he ever saw... from Hugo (2011)
He was a great filmmaker. from Hugo (2011)
He was an inebriant of the highest order. from Hugo (2011)
He was phenomenally popular in his day. from Hugo (2011)
He went into a dark room, and on a white screen, from Hugo (2011)
He worked perfectly. from Hugo (2011)
He's always doing that, sending books to a good home. from Hugo (2011)
He's badly rusted. from Hugo (2011)
He's got real... [sighs] from Hugo (2011)
He's my godfather, you see. from Hugo (2011)
He's passed out, isn't he? from Hugo (2011)
He's passed out. from Hugo (2011)
He's quite... simple minded. Doltish, really. from Hugo (2011)
Hello. from Hugo (2011)
Hello. How was your day? from Hugo (2011)
Help! Help! Assistance! from Hugo (2011)
Here he is at work in his studio. from Hugo (2011)
Hey! Move aside! from Hugo (2011)
Hmm, yes. from Hugo (2011)
Hmm. from Hugo (2011)
Hold on! from Hugo (2011)
Hold still. from Hugo (2011)
Hold the train! Whoa! from Hugo (2011)
How about letting me see your covert lair? from Hugo (2011)
How to follow orders. How to keep to yourself. from Hugo (2011)
How to survive without a family. from Hugo (2011)
Hugo, look, it doesn't have to be like this. from Hugo (2011)
Hugo, look! Look, it's not done. It's not done! from Hugo (2011)
Hugo, um... where do you live? from Hugo (2011)
Hugo, without me, you'd be in the orphanage. from Hugo (2011)
Hugo! from Hugo (2011)
Hugo. Hugo Cabret. from Hugo (2011)
Hugo... from Hugo (2011)
Huh, look at that. from Hugo (2011)
I address you all tonight as you truly are: from Hugo (2011)
I already searched it when I was looking for your notebook. from Hugo (2011)
I am standing before you tonight... from Hugo (2011)
I asked the Lumière brothers to sell me a camera, but they refused. from Hugo (2011)
I assure you, sir... from Hugo (2011)
I bet my parents would've let me. from Hugo (2011)
I can't tell you. from Hugo (2011)
I couldn't be an extra part from Hugo (2011)
I do. from Hugo (2011)
I don't have any! from Hugo (2011)
I don't know what to do. She's having a baby, you know. from Hugo (2011)
I don't know. from Hugo (2011)
I don't know. from Hugo (2011)
I don't know. from Hugo (2011)
I fell in love with their invention. How could I not be part of it? from Hugo (2011)
I fixed the gears and... from Hugo (2011)
I found him abandoned in the attic at the museum. from Hugo (2011)
I had my own workshop at the theater, where I could invent new illusions. from Hugo (2011)
I had to be here for some reason. from Hugo (2011)
I have a different job. But I'll come when I can. from Hugo (2011)
I have not heard any of those rumors. No, I was not aware of that. from Hugo (2011)
I have only the highest respect for you. Please. from Hugo (2011)
I I don't wish to impose on you, Madame Méliès, from Hugo (2011)
I just had to be a part of this new wonder. from Hugo (2011)
I just need it from Hugo (2011)
I know it's Rossetti. from Hugo (2011)
I know it's silly... from Hugo (2011)
I know you're there. from Hugo (2011)
I know you've been stealing parts from the shop. from Hugo (2011)
I lost my brother. from Hugo (2011)
I love poetry, just... not in the station. from Hugo (2011)
I love poetry, particularly that poem by Chris... tina. from Hugo (2011)
I loved to fix things from Hugo (2011)
I need my notebook. from Hugo (2011)
I need to know what this means. from Hugo (2011)
I need to talk to you. It's terribly important, but... from Hugo (2011)
I put my heart and soul into him from Hugo (2011)
I said, fix it from Hugo (2011)
I should get back. from Hugo (2011)
I should never have left the station to begin with. from Hugo (2011)
I started out as a magician. from Hugo (2011)
I think I'm halfway in love with David Copperfield. Photography? from Hugo (2011)
I thought I might see you today. from Hugo (2011)
I was forced to sell my movies to a company from Hugo (2011)
I will leave immediately and return upon your request. from Hugo (2011)
I wish you could. from Hugo (2011)
I wonder what my purpose is. from Hugo (2011)
I work with my Papa Georges at the toy booth. from Hugo (2011)
I would know from Hugo (2011)
I would recognize the sound of a movie projector anywhere. from Hugo (2011)
I would recognize the sound of a movie projector anywhere. from Hugo (2011)
I... I deeply apologize, madame. I thought you were expecting us. from Hugo (2011)
I... I tend not to plan that far ahead. from Hugo (2011)
I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. from Hugo (2011)
I'll be right back. from Hugo (2011)
I'll begin now. from Hugo (2011)
I'll bring Tabard tomorrow night at 7:00. from Hugo (2011)
I'll decide how long you must work for each item you stole. from Hugo (2011)
I'll get in trouble. from Hugo (2011)
I'll get it. from Hugo (2011)
I'll look again. You stand guard. from Hugo (2011)
I'll make sure he doesn't burn your notebook. from Hugo (2011)
I'll take these. from Hugo (2011)
I'm going home to burn your notebook. from Hugo (2011)
I'm not a thief. from Hugo (2011)
I'm so sorry. from Hugo (2011)
I'm sorry. He's broken. from Hugo (2011)
I've got to get it back before he burns it. from Hugo (2011)
I've never seen a movie. from Hugo (2011)
If he is deceased... from Hugo (2011)
If its clear, give me a clear from Hugo (2011)
If we only knew when that moment was. from Hugo (2011)
If you lose your purpose, it's like you're broken. from Hugo (2011)
If you pull down a little harder on the left hand rope, from Hugo (2011)
If you should see her, please... from Hugo (2011)
In hundreds of movies. from Hugo (2011)
In reality, this was to let in all the sunlight necessary for filming from Hugo (2011)
In the end, I built my own camera from Hugo (2011)
In the Seine? from Hugo (2011)
Indeed, Monsieur Méliès believed so himself. from Hugo (2011)
Is here to share them with you. from Hugo (2011)
Is it a secret? from Hugo (2011)
IS it? from Hugo (2011)
Is this your card? from Hugo (2011)
Isabelle... from Hugo (2011)
It is intended for... my godson. from Hugo (2011)
It is my notebook and I'll do with it what I like! Maybe I'll just burn it! from Hugo (2011)
It must've been made in London. from Hugo (2011)
It was a gift. from Hugo (2011)
It was a message from my father. from Hugo (2011)
It was another time. I, uh... I... from Hugo (2011)
It was like... It was like a new kind of magic. from Hugo (2011)
It was like... something out of a dream. from Hugo (2011)
It was the kindest magic trick... from Hugo (2011)
It will terrify you! from Hugo (2011)
It'll always be broken! from Hugo (2011)
It's a toile, though, right? [continues indistinctly] from Hugo (2011)
It's about how this singular young man from Hugo (2011)
It's all gone now. Everything I ever made. from Hugo (2011)
It's allowed. from Hugo (2011)
It's beautiful. from Hugo (2011)
It's been down there for many months, it seems. from Hugo (2011)
It's no longer your notebook! from Hugo (2011)
It's straight to the orphanage with you, isn't it? from Hugo (2011)
It's what my father did. from Hugo (2011)
Jules Verne. Yes, indeed. from Hugo (2011)
Just go home. from Hugo (2011)
Just keep on walking. Act natural. from Hugo (2011)
Just like you... from Hugo (2011)
Keep a grip onto your spanners you cack handed oaf! from Hugo (2011)
Keep... Stop your sniffling, you little urchin, from Hugo (2011)
Knights in position, lobsters in position. from Hugo (2011)
Ladies and gentlemen... from Hugo (2011)
Like Monsieur Labisse. from Hugo (2011)
Like Papa Georges. from Hugo (2011)
Listen to me, please! Please, listen to me! from Hugo (2011)
Look at you, look at you! Love this shape, Mel. from Hugo (2011)
Look how happy he is. from Hugo (2011)
Look, there's nothing wrong with crying. from Hugo (2011)
Look. from Hugo (2011)
Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. from Hugo (2011)
Madame Méliès? from Hugo (2011)
Made by his mentor, Robert Houdin. from Hugo (2011)
Magicians used machines like this when I was a boy. from Hugo (2011)
Malediction! from Hugo (2011)
Mama Jeanne was my assistant. from Hugo (2011)
Mama, it's you! from Hugo (2011)
Mama? from Hugo (2011)
Maximilian, find him! from Hugo (2011)
Maximilian, he's gone the other way. Come on! from Hugo (2011)
Maximilian! from Hugo (2011)
May I present to you Monsieur Hugo Cabret, from Hugo (2011)
May we show you? from Hugo (2011)
Maybe he'll come back one day, but I doubt it. from Hugo (2011)
Maybe if I had known my parents... from Hugo (2011)
Maybe it's the same with people. from Hugo (2011)
Maybe it's time to try and remember. from Hugo (2011)
Maybe we can fix him. from Hugo (2011)
Mermaids in position. Action! from Hugo (2011)
Might I have another cup? from Hugo (2011)
Mmm. A keyhole in the shape of a heart. from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur Cabret. from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur Claude, was that you? from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur Claude? from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur Frick! from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur Labisse gave me a book the other night. from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur Labisse lets me borrow them, and I'm sure I could get one for you. from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur... from Hugo (2011)
Move aside! Gangway! from Hugo (2011)
Move aside! Get out of the way! from Hugo (2011)
Move back! Move aside! Move back! from Hugo (2011)
Move the bag! Move the bag! from Hugo (2011)
Move, move! from Hugo (2011)
Move, move! Ah! from Hugo (2011)
Move! from Hugo (2011)
My beautiful wife was my muse, my star. from Hugo (2011)
My brother worked as a carpenter building sets for Méliès. from Hugo (2011)
My father always took me for my birthday. from Hugo (2011)
My father and I used to read it together. from Hugo (2011)
My father and I used to read Jules Verne together. from Hugo (2011)
My father and I, we worked hard to fix this. from Hugo (2011)
My father was fixing it... before he died. from Hugo (2011)
My heart is like a singing bird from Hugo (2011)
My husband's sleeping. He hasn't been well since... from Hugo (2011)
New delivery. I'm sure you've got some excellent books there. from Hugo (2011)
No one had ever seen anything like it before. from Hugo (2011)
No one had ever seen anything like it before. from Hugo (2011)
No, but it needed my... from Hugo (2011)
No, he has no... no relatives. from Hugo (2011)
No, he's not. from Hugo (2011)
No, no, no. That was very, very bad. from Hugo (2011)
No, of course I wasn't talking to you. from Hugo (2011)
No, that was not a comment about your wife. from Hugo (2011)
No. from Hugo (2011)
No. I think it should be a surprise, like a magic trick. from Hugo (2011)
No. No, you take this away. Can't dredge up the past now. from Hugo (2011)
No... No, I do. from Hugo (2011)
Nobody wanted him. from Hugo (2011)
Not a noise from either of you. from Hugo (2011)
Not as long as the clocks keep on running and no one sees me. from Hugo (2011)
Not canine romance? from Hugo (2011)
Not on the stairs? Didn't you see her when you were going past? from Hugo (2011)
Not the first time you've stolen from me, is it, my little thief?! from Hugo (2011)
Not unless you tell me why. from Hugo (2011)
Not unless... from Hugo (2011)
Nothing but a penniless merchant! A broken windup toy. from Hugo (2011)
Nothing but ashes and fading strips of celluloid. from Hugo (2011)
Now go. from Hugo (2011)
Now just keep quiet I'll find a way to get him out of the apartment. from Hugo (2011)
Now, since I just saved your life, from Hugo (2011)
Of course it's yours. When's the last time you had relations with her? from Hugo (2011)
Of course we can fix him. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, Gustave, be intrepid. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, he... was a particular treasure. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, hello. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, I don't know, Hugo. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, Monsieur Frick, do I detect a pearl in your oyster? from Hugo (2011)
Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness me. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, oh! from Hugo (2011)
Oh, she came back? from Hugo (2011)
Oh, this is superlative. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, trespass, theft, pilfering, littering, pillorying, from Hugo (2011)
Oh, um... yes, a little. They're... Please. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, you look so cold. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, you think it's yours? Excellent. from Hugo (2011)
Oh! Hold it, hold the train! from Hugo (2011)
Oh! Monsieur Frick, I am undone! from Hugo (2011)
Oh! No! Stop the train! from Hugo (2011)
Oh! Sir, hold on! from Hugo (2011)
Oh. You sure you want her back? from Hugo (2011)
Oh... from Hugo (2011)
Ohhh! Oh! No! from Hugo (2011)
OK. from Hugo (2011)
OK. from Hugo (2011)
Once, I even built a working automaton. from Hugo (2011)
One day he took me to visit the studio. from Hugo (2011)
One night, in bitter despair, I... from Hugo (2011)
One of Georges' films? from Hugo (2011)
Only to the most wonderful place on earth. from Hugo (2011)
Or I'll drag you to the Station Inspector's office. from Hugo (2011)
Or work in different shops, is that clear? from Hugo (2011)
Our work was rewarded with old negatives, from Hugo (2011)
Out of hundreds, one. from Hugo (2011)
Pack your things, quickly. You're coming with me. from Hugo (2011)
Panache. from Hugo (2011)
Papa Georges isn't my grandfather. from Hugo (2011)
Papa Georges still has your notebook. from Hugo (2011)
Papa Georges won't let me. from Hugo (2011)
Perfect. from Hugo (2011)
Perfectly formed udders. from Hugo (2011)
Please be careful! You've stepped on him! from Hugo (2011)
Please come and pick him up. from Hugo (2011)
Please don't be mad, Mama. from Hugo (2011)
Please just go away. from Hugo (2011)
Please, let me express to you from Hugo (2011)
Please. from Hugo (2011)
Police headquarters, 7th arrondissement? from Hugo (2011)
Poor thing. from Hugo (2011)
Poppy? The cave pictographs at from Hugo (2011)
Professor Tabard, would you perhaps... from Hugo (2011)
Robust. from Hugo (2011)
Say hello to her. from Hugo (2011)
Schatzi, what's he got? What has he got? from Hugo (2011)
Scram! Shoo! from Hugo (2011)
Searched so hard to find a secret message from his father. from Hugo (2011)
Seems Maximilian doesn't like the cut of your jib, little man. from Hugo (2011)
She appeared in almost all his films from Hugo (2011)
She was from Coventry, but she... moved to London. from Hugo (2011)
She's one of my favorites. I know it's Rossetti. from Hugo (2011)
Shh. [mouthing silently] from Hugo (2011)
Shouldn't I tell Mama Jeanne? from Hugo (2011)
Sixty minutes in an hour. from Hugo (2011)
So I figured if the entire world was one big machine... from Hugo (2011)
So I gave him to a museum, hoping he would find a home. from Hugo (2011)
So I just keep on doing it. from Hugo (2011)
So they took me in. from Hugo (2011)
So we could build our own movie studio. from Hugo (2011)
Some walked, some danced, some sang. from Hugo (2011)
Something strange. Something wonderful. from Hugo (2011)
Sorry, I... from Hugo (2011)
Splendid country, that. from Hugo (2011)
Splendid. from Hugo (2011)
Stabbing, stabbing, and lunge! from Hugo (2011)
Stand aside! from Hugo (2011)
Stand aside. Careful. from Hugo (2011)
Stand back! He's just a small little dog. from Hugo (2011)
Stay away from me, Hugo Cabret. from Hugo (2011)
Still brewing. Soon. from Hugo (2011)
Stop that! No, no! Don't you frighten Monsieur Frick. from Hugo (2011)
Stop that! No, Schatzi! Stop it! from Hugo (2011)
Stop, stop, stop. I saw that. from Hugo (2011)
Stop. Stop, Georges. from Hugo (2011)
Surely you've seen me there before. from Hugo (2011)
Tap the deck. And it's up, it's up, it's up... It's there! from Hugo (2011)
Tastes had changed, but I had not changed with them. from Hugo (2011)
Thank you so much. from Hugo (2011)
Thank you, I'll... I will gather his belongings. from Hugo (2011)
Thank you. from Hugo (2011)
Thank you. from Hugo (2011)
Thank you... from Hugo (2011)
That felt good, that felt good. On the pulley? On the smoke? from Hugo (2011)
That makes you happy. from Hugo (2011)
That melted them down into chemicals. from Hugo (2011)
That young man is not welcome here. from Hugo (2011)
That's enough poetry for today. from Hugo (2011)
That's how you know it's an adventure. from Hugo (2011)
That's not possible. They're all gone. from Hugo (2011)
That's really what this book is going to be about. from Hugo (2011)
That's what he calls it. from Hugo (2011)
The choreography was really good up to there. Thank you, gentlemen. from Hugo (2011)
The filmmaker Georges Méliès... from Hugo (2011)
The great pioneer of early filmmaking died during... from Hugo (2011)
The head will come up higher, which will be better... from Hugo (2011)
The Invention of Dreams... from Hugo (2011)
The Invention of Dreams... from Hugo (2011)
The movies were our special place... from Hugo (2011)
The only thing I couldn't bring myself to destroy from Hugo (2011)
The profound debt of gratitude I owe your husband. from Hugo (2011)
The returning soldiers, having seen so much of reality, from Hugo (2011)
The weather... the cows and such mooing. from Hugo (2011)
The whole building was made of glass. from Hugo (2011)
The world had no time for magic tricks and movie shows. from Hugo (2011)
The world of imagination. from Hugo (2011)
Then he'll see he's not forgotten. from Hugo (2011)
Then we will take our leave, madame. from Hugo (2011)
Then, one night, Mama Jeanne and I from Hugo (2011)
There has been a disquieting development. from Hugo (2011)
There was a fire. from Hugo (2011)
There was a lobster in front of a mermaid. from Hugo (2011)
There. from Hugo (2011)
There'll be no time for that when you're in them walls. from Hugo (2011)
There's a boy! Turn it off! There's a boy on the track! from Hugo (2011)
These apartments were built for them that run the station years ago. from Hugo (2011)
These chemicals were used to make shoe heels. from Hugo (2011)
They always come with the exact amount they need. from Hugo (2011)
They come in on the overnight train, so they're very fresh. from Hugo (2011)
They could use the new medium to tell stories. from Hugo (2011)
They died... when I was a baby. from Hugo (2011)
They do what they're meant to do. from Hugo (2011)
They found his corpse in the Seine. from Hugo (2011)
They inspired me. from Hugo (2011)
They're very nice about most everything, except the movies. from Hugo (2011)
This is how you thank me. from Hugo (2011)
This is Hugo Cabret. from Hugo (2011)
This is marvelous. I feel just like Jean Valjean. from Hugo (2011)
This is my only chance... from Hugo (2011)
This is the most complicated one I've ever seen... by far. from Hugo (2011)
This is the only one that we know of that survived. from Hugo (2011)
This is where they're made. from Hugo (2011)
Those are lovely posies, those. from Hugo (2011)
Three, two, one, action! from Hugo (2011)
Time is everything. from Hugo (2011)
To do what he's supposed to do. from Hugo (2011)
To fix him from Hugo (2011)
To help me... from Hugo (2011)
To take things that don't belong to them. from Hugo (2011)
To welcome you to this gala from Hugo (2011)
To work again. from Hugo (2011)
Uh... from Hugo (2011)
Um, trespass and theft this time. from Hugo (2011)
Uncle Claude. from Hugo (2011)
Unfortunately, we don't have the key. from Hugo (2011)
Up until today, I believed that he died in the war... from Hugo (2011)
Using leftover pieces from the automaton. from Hugo (2011)
Verdun. from Hugo (2011)
Very good evening, Mademoiselle Lisette. from Hugo (2011)
Very good manners... for a thief. from Hugo (2011)
Very good plates. from Hugo (2011)
W ' [gasps] as that your paper bag? from Hugo (2011)
Wait! Hey! from Hugo (2011)
Walking about, playing. It's irrelevant. from Hugo (2011)
Was a long time ago, children. It was... from Hugo (2011)
Was called A Train Arrives in the Station, from Hugo (2011)
Was my beloved automaton. [voice breaking] from Hugo (2011)
Was that your paper bag? It states clearly... from Hugo (2011)
Was that your... Was that your bottle?! from Hugo (2011)
We could get into trouble. from Hugo (2011)
We fixed it. from Hugo (2011)
We found out who Papa Georges is. from Hugo (2011)
We have a film. from Hugo (2011)
We have to investigate. from Hugo (2011)
We need to have some... panache. from Hugo (2011)
We now have over 80 films by Georges Méliès. from Hugo (2011)
We painted it by hand, frame by frame. from Hugo (2011)
We risked everything. And we sold the theater and everything we had from Hugo (2011)
We thought it would never end. from Hugo (2011)
We were walking past the sideshow tents when I noticed something. from Hugo (2011)
We weren't movie stars like they have today. from Hugo (2011)
We'll let the orphanage deal with you. from Hugo (2011)
We'll put this back in. Just steady it... from Hugo (2011)
We're clockmakers, aren't we? from Hugo (2011)
We're here to either get on trains or get off them. from Hugo (2011)
Well done! from Hugo (2011)
Well, I suppose you'll find out in seven months. from Hugo (2011)
Well, I'm sure she will return. from Hugo (2011)
Well, if you won't tell me, then you'll have to leave. from Hugo (2011)
Well, oh, that's very flattering. from Hugo (2011)
Well, what a surprise. Come in, come in. from Hugo (2011)
Well, which one? I've mastered three of them. from Hugo (2011)
Well, you see, I think he was crying. from Hugo (2011)
Went to visit a traveling circus. from Hugo (2011)
Were bored by my films from Hugo (2011)
What am I? from Hugo (2011)
What an idiot, to think I could fix it from Hugo (2011)
What are you doing with all these? from Hugo (2011)
What do you mean? from Hugo (2011)
What do you think I should do about her? from Hugo (2011)
What happened to him? from Hugo (2011)
What happened to them? from Hugo (2011)
What happens when you wind him up? from Hugo (2011)
What have you done? Where did you get this? from Hugo (2011)
What is that? from Hugo (2011)
What? Why? from Hugo (2011)
What's going on, Isabelle? from Hugo (2011)
What's the matter? from Hugo (2011)
Whatever happens, you don't let Papa Georges see it. from Hugo (2011)
When I was a boy, I saw all his films. from Hugo (2011)
When the first filmmakers discovered from Hugo (2011)
Where are your designated adults? Answer me! from Hugo (2011)
Where Mother was from. from Hugo (2011)
Where? from Hugo (2011)
Where's the Station Inspector?! from Hugo (2011)
Which had nothing more than a train coming into the station. from Hugo (2011)
Which we were able to save. from Hugo (2011)
Who are you? from Hugo (2011)
Whoa! from Hugo (2011)
Whose boughs are bent with thick set... from Hugo (2011)
Whose nest is in a water'd shoot from Hugo (2011)
Why are you helping me? from Hugo (2011)
Why are you still here? from Hugo (2011)
Why do you need it so badly? from Hugo (2011)
Why do you need it so badly? from Hugo (2011)
Why I'm alone. from Hugo (2011)
Why should I believe you? from Hugo (2011)
Why we doing this again? from Hugo (2011)
Why would he not like your face? from Hugo (2011)
Why would my key fit into your father's machine? from Hugo (2011)
Why would your father's machine sign Papa Georges' name? from Hugo (2011)
With Douglas Fairbanks. Did you see that? from Hugo (2011)
With the little money I had from selling my films, I bought the toy booth... from Hugo (2011)
Wizards, mermaids... from Hugo (2011)
Would you like me to recite? from Hugo (2011)
Would you like to meet her again? from Hugo (2011)
Yes, he's employed here. Large, uncouth man. from Hugo (2011)
Yes, it's me again. Another orphan. from Hugo (2011)
Yes, they're from Gourdon. from Hugo (2011)
Yes, you can start with the thaumatrope, the zoetrope, the praxinoscope. from Hugo (2011)
You begin tomorrow. Go away. from Hugo (2011)
You bloated buffoon! from Hugo (2011)
You can hold onto a bottle well enough, can't you? from Hugo (2011)
You can't escape me! from Hugo (2011)
You don't understand, I've got to go. from Hugo (2011)
You don't understand. from Hugo (2011)
You don't understand. You have to let me go. from Hugo (2011)
You know this volume? from Hugo (2011)
You might as well use those you haven't stolen yet. from Hugo (2011)
You must both forget this. from Hugo (2011)
You remember my husband's films with such fondness. from Hugo (2011)
You see this? Another complication. from Hugo (2011)
You see, they were convinced that movies were only a passing fad from Hugo (2011)
You see, this one... from Hugo (2011)
You should not yet know such sadness. from Hugo (2011)
You should understand! from Hugo (2011)
You think about him a lot, don't you? from Hugo (2011)
You two, halt! from Hugo (2011)
You want to know? from Hugo (2011)
You were beautiful. from Hugo (2011)
You will never get married and have children of your own from Hugo (2011)
You! from Hugo (2011)
You'll be my apprentice, and you'll live with me at the station. from Hugo (2011)
You'll call me a liar. from Hugo (2011)
You'll find all you need to know about movies there from Hugo (2011)
You'll go nowhere until your parents are found. from Hugo (2011)
You'll learn a thing or two there. I certainly did. from Hugo (2011)
You're cruel. from Hugo (2011)
You're not my only friend. from Hugo (2011)
You've got a bit of talent. from Hugo (2011)
You've got a little friend. Look! from Hugo (2011)
You've never seen a movie? Not ever? from Hugo (2011)
You've seen my house. Isn't it about time that I saw yours? from Hugo (2011)
You've seen my house. Isn't it about time that I saw yours? from Hugo (2011)
Your bed is in the corner, over there. from Hugo (2011)
Your best smile. from Hugo (2011)
Your father's dead. from Hugo (2011)
Your godfather is a passion of mine. from Hugo (2011)
Your grandfather stole my notebook. from Hugo (2011)
Your husband is a very great artist. from Hugo (2011)
...I... from Hugo (2011)
[98803] [brace squeaks] from Hugo (2011)
[barking echoes] [gasps] from Hugo (2011)
[bombs booming] And youth and hope were at an end. from Hugo (2011)
[Cracking] [grunts] from Hugo (2011)
[gasps] ' [Whip cracks] from Hugo (2011)
[girls giggle] Perfect. from Hugo (2011)
[grunts] Oof! from Hugo (2011)
[Hugo] Please. Oh, yes, please, Mama. Please. from Hugo (2011)
[Isabelle] Good day, monsieur. Where are your parents? from Hugo (2011)
[Isabelle] Mama? You were in the movies? from Hugo (2011)
[man 2] Get the louvers opened. [man 1] Open the louver, please! More! from Hugo (2011)
[Maximilian barking] [gasping] from Hugo (2011)
[projector whirring] [instrumental soundtrack playing] from Hugo (2011)
[rock clanks] [woman speaks indistinctly] from Hugo (2011)
[Schatzi barks, whines] [indistinct arguing] from Hugo (2011)
[Schatzi growling] [chuckles] from Hugo (2011)
[shrieks] [barking] from Hugo (2011)
[slaps] Oh, my God! I'm so sorry from Hugo (2011)
[Tabard] Good evening. This way, sir. from Hugo (2011)
[vans] Ah! A wolf! from Hugo (2011)
[whispers] Come on. [woman] Isabelle? from Hugo (2011)
[woman] Good morning! [man] Morning, sweetheart. from Hugo (2011)
[woman] Please. No. from Hugo (2011)
Act natural. What? from Hugo (2011)
Ah, ah, ah! [chuckles] from Hugo (2011)
Ain't got none. [panting] Do you have any parents? from Hugo (2011)
And the other one. There's nothing in it. from Hugo (2011)
Are you crying? No. from Hugo (2011)
Back corner, left, top shelf. Thank you. from Hugo (2011)
Cat? Yes. from Hugo (2011)
Come on, you little vermin. [boy sobs] from Hugo (2011)
Come on. Where are we going? from Hugo (2011)
Do you think it's mine? What? from Hugo (2011)
First positions! Back, first positions! from Hugo (2011)
Get out of here. Give me my notebook! from Hugo (2011)
Go! [echoes] Maximilian, do you hear an atrocity? from Hugo (2011)
Good evening. Ah, hello. from Hugo (2011)
Good morning. Good morning, madame. from Hugo (2011)
Good morning. Hello. from Hugo (2011)
Gustave, have a heart! Please, help me! from Hugo (2011)
He was a magician? Yes. He began on the stage. from Hugo (2011)
He's very strict about it. I love the movies. from Hugo (2011)
Hey! Come on! Nice try. from Hugo (2011)
Hm? Quick, empty your pockets. You're hurting me! from Hugo (2011)
Hold it! [gasps] from Hugo (2011)
How did you two rats get in here?! [yelps] from Hugo (2011)
I already have a job. Thief is not a job, boy. from Hugo (2011)
I already have a job. Thief is not a job, boy. from Hugo (2011)
I didn't steal it. You're a thief and a liar. from Hugo (2011)
I just thought... [indistinct] [dog growling] from Hugo (2011)
I need it. What for? from Hugo (2011)
In books, they're crying all the time. I can do it. from Hugo (2011)
Is this your card? [man] That is my card. from Hugo (2011)
It went straight in. Really? from Hugo (2011)
It's impossibly romantic, Mama. It wasn't like that. from Hugo (2011)
Knock on it. OK. from Hugo (2011)
Let me go! Let me go! Did you think you'd escape me? from Hugo (2011)
Little man. [gasps] from Hugo (2011)
Mm hmm. He's been found deceased. from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur Claude is dead. [98898] from Hugo (2011)
Monsieur Inspector. Hmm, yes. from Hugo (2011)
Move! [shrieks] from Hugo (2011)
Move! Whoa! from Hugo (2011)
My time is... 60 seconds in a minute. [watch ticking] from Hugo (2011)
My what? Where you live, in the walls. from Hugo (2011)
Niaux. Niaux. from Hugo (2011)
No, I don't belong there! Where do you belong? from Hugo (2011)
No, I don't think so. Very suspicious, then. from Hugo (2011)
No! Excellent. from Hugo (2011)
No! Then tell me who did the drawings! from Hugo (2011)
No. No? Well, um... from Hugo (2011)
Not unknown in France. One of our finest. from Hugo (2011)
Not without my notebook! Shh! from Hugo (2011)
of removing its contents. [boy sobbing] from Hugo (2011)
Oh, hello. Hello. from Hugo (2011)
Oh, I wouldn't say that. Yes, he was a drunk! from Hugo (2011)
Oh. Mademoiselle Lisette. from Hugo (2011)
Pardon me! [grunts] from Hugo (2011)
Please tell us what's going on. Out! None of your business. from Hugo (2011)
Quick! [gasps] from Hugo (2011)
Rossetti. She's... yeah. from Hugo (2011)
Sir, move! [grunts] from Hugo (2011)
Sorry, I... I saw. from Hugo (2011)
Stop it! This is your work! My work?! from Hugo (2011)
Tell me this instant. No. from Hugo (2011)
That's absurd. [sniffing] from Hugo (2011)
The key I gave you. No, no, Mama, he... from Hugo (2011)
This is the one. Who's a little strudel thief then? from Hugo (2011)
Turn it off! [low rumbling] from Hugo (2011)
Uh... Any time in the last year? from Hugo (2011)
Under the belly! I see it. from Hugo (2011)
Well, yes, he was a drunk. Shoo. from Hugo (2011)
What about school? You've finished with school! from Hugo (2011)
What are you up to? I've got to go. from Hugo (2011)
What is it? You know Monsieur Claude? from Hugo (2011)
What? Isn't it appalling? from Hugo (2011)
What? About what? Leaving me. from Hugo (2011)
What's the boy done? Let me go! from Hugo (2011)
Where did you get this? None of your business. from Hugo (2011)