A girl has no name #game of thrones #arya stark #girl #name #unknown #jane doe from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell #arya stark #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
A good act does not wash out a bad act #stannis baratheon #game of thrones #good #bad #act #right the wrong from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
A Lannister always pays his debts #debt #pay back #tyrion lannister #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep #tywin lannister #opinions #lion #sheep #haters #trolls #peons from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
A toast to the Lannister children from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Abertura Game of Thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Ah... Dick.. from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
All dwarves are bastards from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
All Men Must Hype #clegane #bowl #hype #confirmed #valar #bowluris from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Almost feels as if you are about to arrive at the point #arrive at the point #point #olenna tyrell #game of thrones #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
And now it begins #now it begins #start #begins #fight #sword fight #game of thrones #commence #arthur dayne from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Angry #daenerys #dragon queen #angry #mad #upset #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Arya gets to keep Needle #needle #sword #arya stark #ned stark #game of thrones #i can keep it from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Arya sailing away #arya #arya stark #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Arya vs from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Battle of the Bastards #perseverence #battle #brave #courage #resist #survive #jon snow #game of thrones #battle of the bastards from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Better to be a coward for a minute than dead for a life #davos #wisdom #coward #not worth the risk #dangerous #risky from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Blackfish likes wet shits more than Waldur Frey #blackfish #waldur frey #shit #insult #poop #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Bow Before Ye King, Bow ye Shits #game of thrones #bow down #bow to me #bow before me from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Bran Stark Stare #bran stark #staredown #watching #no chill #shade from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Bring me his head #game of thrones #bring me his head #geoffrey baratheon from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Burn Them All #mad king #game of thrones #burn them all #burn from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Burn them all! #burn them all #king aerys #torch them #punishment #fury #death sentence from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Cersei Slapped #slap #shutup #game of thrones #satisfying from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Chaos is a ladder #game of thrones #petyr baelish #littlefinger #varys #chaos #the game #climb the ladder #ascension #necessary evil from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Clever, but not half as you think you are. from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Crown for a King #crown #gold #burn #death #viserys targaryen #khal drogo #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Crypts of Winterfell Teaser #season 8 #trailer #season eight #jon snow #arya stark from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Daenerys eating horse heart #hungry #daenerys targaryen #game of thrones #mother of dragons from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Daenerys Riding Drogon #daenerys #game of thrones #got #dragon #mother of dragons #dragons #flying #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Daenerys Targaryen destroys Kings landing #dragon #fire #burn #kings landing #game of thrones #mother of dragons #drogon from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Daenerys with the Dragon Wings #daenerys #dany #dragon wings #dragon #mother of dragons #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Daenerys: An oath is an oath #oath #daenerys targaryen #queen #game of thrones #got #daenerys #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Daenerys: Faith #daenerys targaryen #daenerys #faith #game of thrones #got #emilia clarke #mother of dragons from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Daenerys: i have been sold #daenerys targaryen #sold #****d #betrayed #shamed #game of thrones #daenerys #got #tough life #uneasy past #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Daenerys: The Wheel #game of thrones #daenerys targaryen #wheel #baratheon #tyrell #stark #targaryen from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Dance Blooper #tyrion #peter dinklage #dancing #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Dany and Drogo sex #daenerys targaryen #game of thrones #daenerys #sex #sexy #sex scene #got #khal drogo #love #hot #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Dany and Drogo sex scene #daenerys targaryen #sex scene #love #hot #sex #sexy #game of thrones #got #khal drogo #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Do I have my facts wrong? #facts wrong #daenerys targaryen #game of thrones #daenerys #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Do you really think a crown gives you power? #game of thrones #tywin lannister #power #crown from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Do you understand? #game of thrones #tyrion lannister #joffrey baratheon #understand #comprehend #slap from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Do your duty #game of thrones #stannis baratheon #execute #task #duty #job from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Don't fucking say it #dont fucking say it #bronn #got #dont say it from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Dracarys #dracarys #dragon #burn #fire #roasted #got #daenerys targaryen #death #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Dracarys #roasted #death #dracarys #fire #dragon #daenerys targaryen #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Dracarys! #dracarys #missandei #burn #game of thrones #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Drogon destroys The Iron Throne #iron throne #melt #melting #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Ending Credit music choir #got #gameofthrones #gotseason8 #kinginthenorth from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Episode 4 Preview #game of thrones #got #hbo from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Episode 5 Preview #game of thrones #got #hbo from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Even Game of Thrones has an end #game of thrones #tormund #kristofer hivju #everything has an end #end from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Every Breath You Draw Annoys Me #annoyed #annoy #gtfo #cersei lannister #over it #game of thrones #eye roll #unimpressed from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Everyone is mine to torment #torment #torture #jerk #bully #everyone is mine to torment #joffrey baratheon #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
F*ck Tradition #fuck tradition #new world order #modern society #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Figs help move the bowels #olenna tyrell #game of thrones #queen of thorns #bowels #poop #figs #laxative from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Fire and blood #game of thrones #varys #fire #blood from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
For the night is dark and full of terrors #got #game of thrones #dark #terrors #night #scared #melisandre from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Fuck 'em then #ser davos #melisandre #fuck all of them #savos seaworth #game of thrones #fuck em from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Game of Thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Game of Thrones music from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Game of Thrones Shade from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Game Of Thrones Theme #got #gameofthrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Game Over #game of thrones #dragon fire #fire #game over from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Gather the elders and let's talk #tormund giantsbane #game of thrones #talk #gather #council #committee #assembly #board meeting from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Get him out of my sight #out my sight #get away #digusted #daenerys #emilia clarke #mother of dragons from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Go #go #you can go #you can leave #feel free to leave #daenerys #dragon queen #emilia clarke #daenerys targaryen from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Go drink until it feels you did the right thing #bronn #right thing #go drink #game of thrones #advise #drink #do the right thing from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Go find the breastplate stretcher! #fat #fit #armor #robert baratheon #mark addy #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
GoT cast applouse #applause #we did it #celebrate #yes #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Happy Ending? #happy #ending #happyending #game of thrones #happy ending from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Happy Tormund #clapping #applause #happy #cheering #bravo #well done #ovation #tormund #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Hard truths cut both ways #stannis baratheon #game of thrones #truth #davos seaworth from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Have you ever considered learning how to lie every now and then #lie #how to lie #consider #tyrion lannister #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
He sounds like quite a man #quite a man #man #sounds like #daenerys targaryen #daenerys #game of thrones #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
He's a monster #game of thrones #sansa stark #joffrey baratheon #monster #cruel #bully #evil #enemy #hater #troll #asshole #jerk from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Hodor from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Hodor #hodor #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Hodor Simple from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Hold the door! #hold the door #hodor #got #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
How long do we have? #game of thrones #got #before sunrise #before sun comes up #hbo from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am a Godly man! #godly #brag #basterd #insult #craster #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am about to step into a room with a most murderous woman in the world #murderous woman #tyrion lannister #game of thrones #about to from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am an excellent judge of character #excellent judge #judge of character #tyrion lannister #tyrion #game of thrones #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am going to break the wheel #break the wheel #daenerys targaryen #daenerys #got #wheel #stop the wheel #game of thrones #break the system from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am not afraid #arya stark #not afraid #game of thrones #got #fearless from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am not gonna swear an oath I can't uphold #no promise #cant promise #oath #swear oath #uphold #jon snow #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am the gift #gift #present #tyrion from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am the god of tits and wine from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I am the king #king #rage #angry #tommen baratheon #game of thrones #demanding from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I beat you because I'm better than you #sandor clegane #game of thrones #beric dondarrion #im better than you #the red god #the lord of light from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I brought you a gift #gift #present #jorah mormont #iain glen from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I Choose Violence #violent #violence #i choose violence #fight #game of thrones #cersei #cersei lannister #lannister #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I choose you #choose you #lord varys #game of thrones #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I demand a trial by combat #demand #trial by combat #game of thrones #got #fair trial #tyrion lannister #dwarf from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I did not do it #game of thrones #tyrion lannister #innocent from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I didn't come here to argue grammar #argue #grammar #game of thrones #daenerys targaryen #grammar nazi from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I don't care about making the world a better place #cersei lannister #game of thrones #selfish #do not give a shit #do not care #making world better #indifferent from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I don't want it, I never have #iron throne #true heir #dont want it #jon snow from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I Drink and I Know Things #game of thrones #i drink and i know things #i drink #drunk from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I just want you all to myself #all to myself #want you #love #wedding night #first time #margaery tyrell #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I look forward to seeing this one #look forward to #cant wait #arya stark #game of thrones #got #stark #house stark #movie quote from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I miss him #miss you #arya stark #sansa stark #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I need to tell you something #secret #jon snow #intrigue #mystify #secretive #game of thrones #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I promise to fight for the living #fight for the living #keep promise #promise to fight #game of thrones #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I respect your wishes #lord varys #game of thrones #got #wishes #respect #respect wishes from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I swear it my queen #my queen #queen #swear #game of thrones #got #lord varys from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I want peace and quiet #leave me alone #piss off #kick rocks #scram #go away #shoo #game of thrones #peace and quiet #silence #sansa stark from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I want you to tell me the truth #olenna tyrell #truth #tell the truth #game of thrones #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I was born to rule the seven kingdoms and i will #born to rule #seven kingdoms #power #powerhungry #game of thrones #got #queen #daenerys targaryen #daenerys #emilia clarke #mother of dragons from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I Will Be Your Champion #game of thrones #obyren #tyrion #champion from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I will burn you alive #burn #alive #burn alive #daenerys #game of thrones #got #daenerys targaryen #mother of dragons from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I will not hear it #not hear #shut up #dont want to hear #do not say a word #silence #cersei lannister #not from you #angry #pissed from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I will take what is mine! #daenerys targaryen #game of thrones #i will take what is mine #daenerys #mother of dragons #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I wish i was the monster you think I am #tyrion lannister #monster #got #salty #innocent #accused #not guilty from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I Wish You Good Fortune in the Wars to Come #good fortune #good luck #now it begins #game of thrones #dayne #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I would do anything for you #cersei lannister #game of thrones #would do anything #love #mother #motherly love #true love from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I'm going to kill that #game of thrones #oberyn martell #ellaria sand #the red viper #fight #kill #battle from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I'm no king, but if I were, I'd knight you 10x over #tormund #knight you 10x #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I'm not tired #not tired #tired #sleepy #bedtime #game of thrones #joffrey baratheon #got from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I'm sure your men will line up behind you #game of thrones #tyrion lannister #lead #sarcasm #battle #fight #bad leader #bad manager #no faith from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I’m Going to Light the Biggest Fire the North Has Ever Seen #fire #bonfire #mance rayder #wildlings #burn #celebrate #torch #camping from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
I’ve been sitting here for days! #waiting #impatient #taking too long #marathon #taking forever #sitting here for days #robert baratheon #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Ice Dragon attacks the Wall #game of thrones #got #night king #ice dragon #the wall #white walker #blue eyes from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Ice Dragon Viserion #ice dragon #viserion #game of thrones #blue eyes #white walker from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
If I want jokes I will get myself a proper fool #talking serious #be serious #get serious #no jokes #proper fool #daenerys #got #game of thrones #daenerys targaryen #mother of dragons from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
If you think this has a happy ending.. from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
If you think this has a happy ending.. from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
It is known #game of thrones #it is known #a song of ice and fire #asoiaf #kalisee #khaleesi #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
It is known #it is known #fact #truth #awareness #game of thrones #everyone knows #i know from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
It is time I ate some of this food I paid for #feast #olenna tyrell #game of thrones #pay for food #it is time from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
It was so beautiful, and you were so beautiful #game of thrones #beautiful #snow #wedding #winter #bran #stark #creepy #3 eyed raven from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
It would be my honor #honor #my honor #with pleasure #my pleasure #daenerys targaryen #daenerys #game of thrones #mother of dragons #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Its better to be cruel than weak from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Jon Snow prepares for battle #jon snow #draw sword #ready to fight #battle ready #ready for war #battle of bastards #game of thrones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Jon the king of the Free Folk #jon snow #game of thrones #free folk from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Kill me! #reek #theon greyjoy #mercy #helpless #misery #miserable #powerless #shoot me from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
King of the ashes #game of thrones #varys #destruction #necessary evil #king of the ashes from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
King's Landing #tommen baratheon #game of thrones #king #the good die young #fml from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Lannisters pay their debts #game of thrones #tywin lannister #debt #pay debts #payback #loan #bills #payments #allimony from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Lyanna Mormont: He is my king #king in the north #lyanna mormont #my king #king #game of thrones #got #the north #momont from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Make peace to save your people #jon snow #wildlings #peace #safety #game of thones from Game Of Thrones Soundboard
Man who fights for gold can't afford to lose to a girl #daenerys targaryen #daenerys #mother of dragons #game of thrones #emilia clarke from Game Of Thrones Soundboard